第一篇:Love Is An Open Door-献给艾米丽的玫瑰A Rose for Emily读后感英文版
Clouds Are Beautiful Only When They’re Floating Free
——79k临床药学二班 郭崇真125010202 “Love is like quicksilver in the hand.Leave the fingers open and it stays.Clutch it, and it darts away.”
After reading the novel A Rose for Emily, there are many thoughts wandering in my head.I believe that love needs freedom.If you keep the door of your heart open when you put someone in it, he or she will be able to choose whether be with you to love you back or not.However, once you make it closed, your love will be like a cage that makes the one you love imprisoned.Emily’s father loves Emily too much to let her have normal life as others.He separated her from the men with which she may fall in love.Therefore, she had no one but her father to communicate with, which is a pretty strange thing for a young lady in her age.In this condition, Emily was extremely difficult to form a healthy personality.It’s obvious that Emily’s father failed in teaching her how to love in a proper way.Emily was just fettered.Then she did the same thing as her father.She refused to accept the fact that her father had already died.What’s more terrible, she made Barrow, the man she loves, be with her together forever in a creepy way.Did Barrow love Emily? Perhaps he did.I don’t know whether he had a crush on Emily for a time or not.But I’m sure he was not willing to die especially when he was young and capable.Being loved by such a crazy lady can’t be more tragic, can it?
Did Emily’s servant become dumb by accident? Perhaps he did.I guess his dumbness had something to do with Miss Emily.She may be afraid of being revealed by the servant and make him dumb.However, she lost the only person she can talk with.Emily was shackled by chains of her father’s love.Barrow was shackled by chains of Emily’s love.They are all victims.Does God punish or reward us with love?
Love is supposed to be the fire that will warm your house and brighten your
room.Unfortunately, Emily’s love is a kind of fire that can burn your house down and leave no room for you to sleep in.From my perspective, love is a thing that belongs to two persons.To love is not to let him or her do the things you want him or her to do, but to do the things you two both like to make you feel happy to be with each other.To love is not to limit his or her movements or life, but to let him or her live free.Love is not only a will to possess but a will to present with all respect.“The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.And the best way to keep love is to give it wings to fly free.”
Clouds are beautiful only when they are floating free.So is love.If Miss Emily had learned that, she would leave a sweet love story about a romantic rose to us.
第二篇:英美经典文学 献给艾米丽的玫瑰悲剧分析 论文 名著5000字读后感 读书笔记
专业:2013级环境工程 姓名:熊梦琪
英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的性格分析功能对等理论在法律英语翻译中的应用浅析华兹华斯诗歌中的美——人性、语言、意象英汉颜色词的文化对比及其翻译策略对杰克伦敦作品《海狼》男主角海狼拉森的人物分析《格列佛游记》和《镜花缘》中的理想国比较不屈的反抗,悲剧的结局——蓓基和嘉莉妹妹的命运对比浅析电影《当幸福来敲门》中“美国梦”的圆梦模式论《嘉莉妹妹》中的女性主义[毕业论文](英语系经贸英语)企业家个人品牌在企业营销中的作用薇拉•凯瑟《我的安东妮亚》中的成长主题黑人女性身份的建构 —《宠儿》的后殖民主义解读罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的人生哲学研究从祥林嫂和苔丝比较中西悲剧女性形象论凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中艾德娜的觉醒过程哈代小说中的宗教观——以《苔丝》为研究中心艾米莉迪金森对宗教的矛盾态度阐释广告翻译的目的性原则—以汽车广告为例艾米莉狄金森诗歌中的死亡和永生马丁路德金《我有一个梦想》的语言学特征从跨文化交际的角度关于中英酒文化的解析体态语在中学英语教学中的应用奥斯卡最佳英语电影片名汉译的价值取向研究夏洛特•柏金斯•吉尔曼《黄色墙纸》中的象征手法《喜福会》中女性地位与形象的解读“立足文化兼顾考试导向”的词汇教学模式英汉空间隐喻对比分析——以英语“up-down”和汉语的“上-下”为例语境在英语听力理解中的作用与分析论《嘉莉妹妹》中美国梦的追寻与迷失《推销员之死》中主人公威利洛曼之死的研究
隐忍 反抗 顺从 自立:《出狱》中女主人公的救赎之路 对《永别了,武器》的分析 浅析《纯真年代》中服饰的象征意义 《飘》中女主人公的女性意识分析 中美电影中的跨文化现象分析 英汉政治演讲语篇中人称指称对比分析 任务型教学法在初中英语阅读教学中的运用 汉语中的间接言语行为研究 浅析商务谈判中的语用失误及策略 从伦理学角度分析狄更斯作品中的女性形象 浅析托妮•莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的生态女性主义 从电影《饥饿游戏》看美国人的竞争与合作意识 简奥斯汀作品中的女性主义分析 从美国节日文化对中国青年的影响看全球化下中国青年对中国传统节日文化的缺失 十二生肖的翻译及相关动物成语 商标翻译的重要性中西方葬礼文化的对比 酒神与日神的对话--哈姆雷特性格分析 话语理论在林纾《黑奴吁天录》中的运用 《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿的转变分析 从需求层次理论解析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的人生观 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦的破灭及原因 《麦田里的守望者》的成长主题分析 西方吸血鬼文化与中国僵尸文化的异同比较 从语用学的角度分析美国情景喜剧《老友记》中的言语幽默 论商务谈判中的语言沟通技巧 “三美”理论视角下杨译《红楼梦》中金陵判词的翻译研究 中英餐桌礼仪的比较 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特式恶棍形象分析 社会的讽刺--从奥斯卡•王尔德《认真的重要性》中阿尔杰农•芒克瑞福的眼看 诗歌翻译中不可译现象研究 《等待戈多》和《禁闭》的比较研究 《名利场》中语言偏离现象的语用分析 奥斯卡•王尔德《道连•格雷的画像》中人物间的相互影响 政治与商业演讲中概念隐喻语言特色的比较分析 从美国医保改革浅析美国政治博弈 浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽爱情观的形成和发展 马丁伊登的理想与现实的矛盾 论商标翻译中的翻译原则 电影字幕翻译研究 英语广告的语言特色分析及其翻译 文化因素对商标翻译的影响 英文电影片名的翻译原则和策略
Review of a Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily is a very popular short story because of its style, climax, and plot.The author, William Faulkner, was a Southern writer from Oxford, Mississippi.Faulkner bases this story on the tale of Oxford's aristocracy Miss Mary Neilson.She married Captain Jack Hume, the charming Yankee foreman of a street-paving crew, over her family's shocked protests.The style of this story is false romance.Miss Emily's father, before his death, would run off every man that tried to court her.Because of this, she felt any man she loved would leave her.After falling in love with Homer Baron, she feared he would run off like the others.To keep this from happening, she poisoned him and kept his body upstairs in the bedroom.The climax focuses on the room where the corpse was found.After Miss Emily's death, the town people were cleaning up the house and found a room that was locked.They had to break down the door.To their surprise, they found Homer Baron's corpse lying in the bed dressed in a night shirt.As the story progresses there is no indication that he had died.When they found the toilet things sitting on the dresser with initials H.B., it was well known that the corpse was Homer Baron.I first thought it was her father in the bed, but I realized that her father was
already buried.I then knew it had to be her lover.I cringed on the thought of what she did while she was lying next to the corpse.Finally, the end of this story surrounds a woman's life from her mid twenties until her death at the age of seventy-four.It describes a prominent lady of a town who led a private life.I learned, while reading this story that this woman is crazy and had the mind of a child.She seemed to lose everything she loved.But I still have a question.The question is “Where is the rose in the A Rose for Emily?” Emily was never given a rose, even when she died there was no mention of a rose.In the story the only time a scented thing was mentioned was lime to cover a smell.Emily like the insinuated rose is never present in the story.Even when Emily has a line of dialog it is spoken thought the filter of the narrator’s perspective.The narrator or the town is concerned with what role Emily is playing, although since Emily is not present in the story, but through hearsay, the reader has to decipher between the roll assigned to her by the narrator and actuality of the role Emily fulfills.Everyone went to Emily’s funeral.No one went to the funeral out of respect for the dead.Emily became a person known only though hearsay between town folk.No one knew Emily.“Women went out of curiosity to see the inside of her house.” The women went to the funeral to fill a gap.In a time where entertainment wasn’t prevalent, Emily became the late night drama and sole topic of conversation for the town.The town did not morn, the person, Emily they mourned the personified topic of conversation.The town paid respect to the topic that took up time in their conversations.The town saw Emily as inseparable from what she was.The town saw Emily as, “…a small, fat woman in black…” as opposed to a woman with a small skeleton.The town could not separate the Emily they knew from the Emily that was present.The juxtaposition was fused into the town’s notion of Emily.The druggist must have seen a hint of Emily’s shift in personality.The druggist either did not care about Emily or wanted her dead.The druggist gave her the poison thinking the probability that she was going to kill herself was likely.The druggist didn’t even consider another possibility before spreading the rumor to the town.The druggist would not have given up the poison to Emily before her father died, but now Emily was the same one the town sighed, “…Poor Emily…” for.Emily was a lady when her father was alive.Emily is only a lady, because of who her father was.She is a lady out of only legacy.The narrator knows what Emily did, yet the narrator sympathies with Emily up till the end trick the reader into sympathizing along with the story.In the end the reader and the narrator know Emily is a lady no longer, not
only because she is now dead but because she killed and kept a corpse for cuddling.Ladies don’t cuddle with corpses, but up until the discovery of the corpse Emily remained a lady in the eyes of the town.“They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before…” the town opened the door to the room Emily was keeping her corpse.The town waited because they knew they were going to find something off kilter in that room.Something which could and eventually force change on their opinion of Emily, the town did not wanted to keep what they knew about Emily while she was alive separate from what they knew about her when she was dead.Upon the discovery of the body the fused juxtaposition the town carried with them was removed from their notion of Emily.Neither, the reader or the narrator can relate the Emily at the end of the story to the Emily that existed to hinted ideas of who Emily was before events of the story.There is no reconciliation between the two Emily’s.They share different traits.The first, being the lady, the father’s daughter.The second Emily being an off kilter person struggling with craziness the only way she knows how.But because the story is not written from Emily’s perspective the reader cannot see the shift into craziness directly until the end and is left wondering with the narrator what caused Emily to defy my notion of what a lady is supposed to be?
In the end the “Rose” for Emily is just as absent from the story as Emily herself.Emily is portrayed in flickers between the town folk’s skewed options about her, about her house, about her life style and about her choice in bed room arrangements.The lady Emily reveals two things about herself though out the story, she doesn’t like to pay taxes, and she is willing to kill and keep a corpse around.Creating an option based upon what Emily reveals about herself, it’s safe to say Emily was never a lady, and never thought of herself as a lady.Reference Brooks, Cleanth and Roert Penn Warren.Understanding Fiction, 2nd ed.New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc, 1959:351 Roberts, Diane.Faulkner and Southern womanhood, Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 1994:158 Olga W.Vicky.The Novels of William Faulkner: A Critical Appraisal [M].Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964
Review of the Cask of Amontillado
The Cask of Amontillado is a daring story by the ever-famous Edgar Allen Poe that shows the pain of hate and desire for revenge.Remember always though to not forget the Golden Rule and that prideful reaping will only bring about to you a large and painful fall.Many people have wanted to gain revenge but for a man to say that he is to conduct his action of revenge with full intention of making justice in one’s own mind is an accusation of pure madness.But what could one possibly do to receive such hate from another? The question is a mystery but you can’t tell me you aren’t interested about Poe’s story so please sit back and let me tell you about why it is so good.Poe makes his point clear in the Cask of Amontillado by his amazing use of literary elements such as plot, setting, and foreshadowing.Poe uses one the very planning parts of a story to tell his tail in an amazing way through the literary element of plot.Stories can have very strong, light, and any combination of types of plots.The Cask of Amontillado has a strong plot.The Story lines up in the plot perfectly.There is an explanation of why the character is wanting to get revenge fills strongly to act upon the other character.Montresor the narrator is seeking revenge after Fortunato who is the other large character in the story.His introduction starts saying,“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.” The intention of your main character is clearly stated although reason is not;you have no doubt from the vocabulary that he is greatly offended.Then actions that follow bring about ability to carry out, but can he struggle past himself in morality, and can he struggle against his adversary to achieve his objectives? Poe uses the knowledge he possesses to carry his idea to the max and then fall into the next part of the story giving succession and strong plot to follow.He doesn’t introduce you with a setting but in the actions and the climax he uses foreshadowing and setting to assist the conducting of his plot properly.With the use of his plot he also teaches you the theme of the story, that you ultimately reap what you sow.For a story to really teach a life lesson in the theme of the story the author has to stay focused on his message and the idea while he is carrying out the actual actions of the story.It takes the entire story working together for it to be a success, and to me a successful story cannot be written unless you have to pay attention to every aspect to fully understand it.The characters are realistic and there is a proven sense of seriousness throughout the story and Poe’s extensive understanding of plot and use of it proves all of this.If you are to see the revenge in a story you have to have a serious
mood, that of hate, at the beginning and on into the conflict.Then you see the madness created and the climax will show if the revenge is truly a success or a failure that all results of over flooded hatred.“Nemo me impune lacessit”, or in English no one attacks me with impunity could be a statement of assurance or a statement of ignorant pride.When you read The Cask of Amontillado remember to first look at the plot that is used Edgar Allen Poe.You can’t very well carry out a nursery rhythm in a dark mansion or a horror story in the sunny beautiful place that one would enjoy frolicking because setting is another vital part of an author’s success in his/her story.Poe is an author that fully understood this element and used it also wisely.If you think of revenge you think of dark sinister thoughts.A story of revenge has a setting of scary eeriness and one that would cause fear because revenge is not a warm cuddly area and in composing a short story Poe knew that where the story took place was a vital piece of the puzzle and you can see that from these quotes I would like to pull out of the story: ·
“..., bowed him through several suites of rooms to the archway that led into the vaults.I passed down a long and winding staircase, requesting him to be cautious as he followed.We came at length to the foot of the descent, and stood together upon the damp ground of the catacombs of the Montresors.”
“Its walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris...From the fourth side the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size...It seemed to have been constructed for no especial use within itself, but formed merely the interval between two of the colossal supports of the roof of the catacombs, and was back by one of their circumscribing walls of solid granite.”
Setting pulls you in the story, and make inferences, and gives you a sign of foreshadowing on the events to follow.Symbolism is a big element that lies right within the barriers of setting and gives symbolism of things to come.The settings presented in these two quotes of the story show you signs of death and evil by describing objects surrounding, colors, and even the setup of the setting itself.You can’t tell your story and have it make any sense if you don’t have the proper setting.Poe also uses foreshadowing along with his uses of plot and setting to bring across his message and to make this story one that you will read and enjoy.A well-written horror story has to have suspense or it just doesn’t give you that jumpy or that scared feeling.Poe brings to you in this story foreshadowing and that creepy suspenseful feeling.This is hard for a writer to do but Poe does it anyway with such a way that just makes his story much better.Look again at the setting quotes that I brought out of
the story and you can see the coming of death and misery but you aren’t able to see the result of the conflict because while he gives you sign of the defiant success of the main character Poe doesn’t let you know quite yet because he throws in shadows of doubt and questioning.In Poe’s use of foreshadowing he also used the plot to aid the device by letting some of the major rising action be direct foreshadowing events to use the two device as one and enlighten ideas of mystery.You read the story trying to break it apart because you want to know if Montressor will succeed in quest of receiving revenge, but you just can’t see for it to happen or to not happen.You can see how just in these three elements I mentioned that Poe molded together and let each literary device hold up the other.But why would an author feel so strongly to write a story of revenge and it was just an act of justice? Edgar Allen Poe lived a very short and tragic life that was compiled by attributes of dislike, loneliness, and death of the few people that he allowed himself to get close to and love.Poe had to experience a lot of self-conflict that defiantly pushed him to his all and all.He had a list problems compelled that consisted of gambling, drugs, alcohol, and constant depression because he could not take revenge on the thing that caused him the most pain and that was fait itself.Everyone he loved was taken by the incurable(at the time)disease of tuberculosis.I believe that this story was Poe’s way of saying he didn’t know how to
deal with the inability to take revenge on his opposing force, which was fait.He seemed to hurt himself to an unreal level by taking into his life things like gambling(which he probably might have at a time was what he compared to life), drinking(to probably forget his pain), and maybe drugs(because he would probably seek a realm that had to be better than the reality that he lived in).He begins this story, “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.” I don’t know the approximate time that Edgar Allen Poe wrote this story but it was probably a time that he may had thought of suicide or even before he was found dead with alcohol in his system on a street corner.It seems that Poe could obviously not take revenge on fate and had no one to blame so he took out the bubbling hurt and made himself his own source of source of pain which would be his life itself and his own identity his outlet because he felt shut out from others because everyone he had loved left him in death.Some authors seek an inspiration for their writings but I believe that Poe just expressed his life and experiences and that is why he is notorious for his horror stories, scary isn’t it.I have given and supported my opinion to you as best to my ability and I know that when you read this story you will enjoy.Remember when you read to get the message that something is trying to teach you and after you enjoy a piece break it down in your mind.Poe used his ability to
express himself in this story through the use of the literary element devices of setting, plot, and foreshadowing made it the story for me.I give The Cask of Amontillado my ballot and would venture to say that it is an example of how a short story should be written.Reference Benton, Richard P.“Poe's 'The Cask of Amontillado': Its Cultural and Historical Backgrounds.” Poe Studies 29.1(June 1996): 19-27.Bonaparte, Marie.The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe: A Psycho-Analytic Interpretation.London: Hogarth, 1971.Davidson, Edward Hutchins.Poe, A Critical Study.Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957.
纪念艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花 教学目标: [知识与能力]
1、学生阅读小说,注意小说人物活动的社会背景 了解故事发生的社会环境。
学生注意把握小说通过环境描写塑造人物形象,营造气氛推动情节发展的基本手法。[过程与方法] 阅读感悟、小组探讨 [情感态度与价值观] 通过对艾米丽形象的理解,引导学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。[教学重点与难点] 了解环境对人物思想性格的形成和发展所起的作用,了解环境与主题的关系。
课时安排:2课时 教学过程: 第一课时 导入:
2、爱米丽是作者笔下的典型人物 ,既是旧南方的象征 ,也是旧南方传统观念的牺牲品。怪异的举止 ,孤傲的性格 ,近乎隐居的生活 ,历来为传统的评论家们批评的对象。他们普遍认为 ,爱米丽拒绝接受代表现代化的邮箱 ,拒绝交税 ,即是拒绝接受社会的进步 ,接受时间的流逝 ,是她主动将自己和小镇上的人们隔离 ,和社会分隔开来 ,也正是造成她悲剧的主要原因。但是 ,如果我们仔细地阅读这篇小说 ,我们会发现其实不然。福克纳对他笔下这位没落贵族家庭的小姐充满了同情 ,爱米丽小姐的悲剧并不全是她自己的过错。
3、在小说当中,其最大的情节设置特色就是: A、时序颠倒的
第二课时 回顾复习
第一节:妇女们······这幢房子-------神秘 第二节:房子虽已破败······庄严不可侵犯的形象-------------拟人、象征、房子更是人的命运和某种腐朽了的时代氛围的象征。第五节:(细节描写)借参议员代表团拜访艾米丽的机会展现了大木屋内部的情况----------没落、寂寥、顽固、保守、沉重、压抑
第五十一:不订门牌号,不设邮箱------于世隔绝 第57—61节:(细节描写)大木屋的最后一个秘密房间------阴惨、专横、冷酷、坚守一种陈腐的生活方式和价值观念 B、艾米丽生活的南方小镇 思考:
1、文中提到的小镇为什说是美国南方的呢?试着找些依据 第2节----南北战争无名军人墓第3节-----对黑人妇女下的令 第31、32节-----北方佬
2、小说对小镇客观环境的描写极少,但我们能感受到浓郁的 风情,这种风情是通过什么传达出来的呢?
是通过描写小镇上的人传达出来的。而在小说中对人物的描写始终 围绕着中心人物---艾米丽,所以小镇上的人对待艾米丽小姐的态度和方式以及小镇的舆论构成了一个艾米丽生活其中的大环境。
3、小镇人对待艾米丽小姐的态度有没有随着时间和事件的推移而变化?这种变或者不变又意味着什么呢? 主要体现在三件事:纳税事件、气味事件、艾米丽的婚事 主要事件
对待艾米丽的态度 纳税事件
1、第26----29节,以小镇人的口吻叙述了艾米丽和她父亲之间发生的一些事情,从这些叙述中,你能猜测出其父亲的性格特征吗?他父亲的性格和对待她的方式对艾米丽一生有什么影响?文中两次提到艾米丽父亲的炭笔画像,有什么特殊的意义吗? 明确:小镇人把格尔里森一家看做一幅画中的人物:“身段苗条„„嵌住了他们俩的身影”也许人们认为:她父亲的性格仿佛太恶毒、太狂暴,使她一生都平添波折。父亲的专横庇护使年轻的艾米丽失去了正常的情感生活,逐渐成长为孤傲专制的南方贵族传统的标准继承者。