
时间:2019-05-14 18:37:13下载本文作者:会员上传



Topic Area: Information Technology Topic: Surfing the Net

Questions:(Warm-up questions)

It is easy for you to access the Internet?([If yes] How often? [If not] Why not?)

People often say we are now living in a small world.What’s your opinion?

What do you think is the most convenient means of communication?(Please give your reasons.)

Mobile phones are popular with teenagers.Do you think it’s a good thing?(Why or why not?)

More and more people are using mobile phones.What do you think about that

How do you usually communicate with your family and friends?


Whether student access to certain Internet sites should be controlled.Please talk about surfing the Net with respect to the advantages and disadvantages listed on your card:

C1: useful information / harmful information

C2: communication via the Internet / junk email, computer viruses, etc.C3: e-learning / overindulging in computer games

C4: e-shopping / computer crimes

Last questions:

What’s your advice to classmates and friends who spend too much time surfing the Net?

It’s said that students who major in information technology are likely to get a good job.What’s your opinion?

Do you think e-learning is an efficient way of learning?(Why or why not?)

What websites do you often visit?(Why?)

What do you think is the future of e-business?


Topic Area: University Life Topic: Coping with Stress

Questions:(Warm-up questions)

What do you think of campus life?

How’s the food in your school dining hall?

How often do you have tests? What if you don’t do well on the tests?

How do you usually spend your weekends?

What would you do if you feel lonely on campus?


How to cope with the stress students may experience while studying at school

Please talk about the kind of pressure college students may experience as specified on your card:

C1: Academic pressure.C2: Financial pressure.C3: Job-hunting pressure.C4: Emotional pressure.Last questions:

Why is it important for college students to learn to cope with stress?

Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination?(Why or why not?)

Do you think pressure is always a bad thing?(Why or why not?)

Do you thing school authorities are paying enough attention to students’ psychological health?(Please explain.)

Do you think psychological counseling can help students relieve their stress?(Why or why



Topic Area: Elderly People Topic: Life After Retirement

Questions:(Warm-up questions)

Can you say something about your grandparents?

What do you think elderly people need most?(Please give your reasons.)

Some people find a new job after they retire.What do you think about that?

What kind of jobs do you think are available for elderly people? Why?

What can elderly people do to stay healthy?

What should we do to show our concern for elderly people?


Whether early retirement should be encouraged in China.Please describe people’s life after retirement as shown in your pictures and comment on them.C1: Traveling C2: Learning something new.C3: Taking care of grandchildren.C4: Having a good time.Last questions:

Why do some people prefer late retirement to early retirement?

Do you think elderly people would like to live in homes for the elderly?(Please explain.)

Do you think jogging is good exercise for elderly people?(Please explain.)

What can people do for their community after they retire?

Do elderly people like living with their children or grandchildren?(Why or why not?)

Topic area: Modern Cities Topic: Improvement of Housing

Part I.Warm-up questions

1.How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable?

2.What are the advantages of living in the city?

3.What are the disadvantages of living in the city?

4.What do you think of people’s living conditions in your hometown?

5.What are the major industries in your hometown?

6.Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?

7.What do you think is special about your hometown?

Part II.Discussion and cards

Discussion: What impact these changes have on people’s life?

Pictures of improvement and changes in housing.Talk about the improvement of housing with regard to …….as shown in the pictures on your card.(Before China carried out reforms and started opening up.)

(After China carried out reforms and started opening up.)

Card 1 : living space 高低床,餐桌,锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子vs 宽敞客厅,复式楼

Card 2: furniture and facilities 高低床,简陋餐桌,煤炉,锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子v s沙发,冰箱,电视,HI FI, 柜式空调

Card 3: the surroundings and public services 满街挂满晾晒衣服,早餐摊点,垃圾堆,拥

挤的弄堂,公厕,当街洗衣VS 干净整洁的生活小区,健身区,喷泉,停车库

Card 4: the variety of architecture平房,职工大院,街道狭窄,低于6层的楼房VS 高楼,别墅,喷泉,宽敞的生活小区

Part III.Last questions:

1.Are you satisfied with the living conditions in your dormitory? Why or why not?

2.Why shouldn’t students be encouraged t live off campus?

3.Do you think public transportation in this city is convenient?(please give your reasons)

4.Do you think technology make our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so?

5.Can you say something about the changes in home ownership over the years


Topic area: University Life

Topic: Planning for the Summer vacation

Part I.Warm-up questions

1.Do you find your life on campus enjoyable?(please explain)

2.How do you spend the last winter vacation?

3.How do you usually spend your weekends?

4.What optional courses do you take?(why do you choose them?)

5.Did it take you long to get adapted to campus life?(please explain)

Part II.Discussion and cards

Discussion: in what way summer vacations benefit students?

Cards: Suppose you are going to spend your summer vacation ….Say something about your plans.Card 1 : traveling

Card 2: taking a summer job

Card 3: taking summer courses

Card 4: working as a volunteer

Part III.Last questions:

1.Is it advisable for students to travel to remote areas during the summer vacation?(why or why not?)

2.What are the possible risks involved in traveling?

3.Have you ever thought of doing something for your family during the summer vacation?(please elaborate)

4.Do you think most students make good use of their summer vacation?(why do you think so?)

5.What precautions should college students take while traveling during the summer vacation?

6.During the discussion, why did you say that ….?

talking about your faverite sport(what is it ? where did you begin playing it ? why do you like it ?)6


 Please describe a city you love or interested in, explain why? 

 How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable? 

 As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport? 

 Describe a person who influences you most in your life.

 Please describe one of the happiest things in your childhood.

 Do you like pets? Why do people have pets? 

 Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth? Why? 

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city? 

 Describe a person you respect or admire.And tell me why? 

 If you were given a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

 Green food is now becoming more and more popular.Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 

 Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside? 

 “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty.

 How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner.

 Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 

 Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 

 Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not? 

 If you got 5,000,000 Yuan by winning lottery ticket, what will you do? Share your opinion with your partner.

 Do you often judge people by appearances? How do you think about it? 

 Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the reasons? If not, what’s your opinion on cheating on exams? 

 Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life 

 What is your favorite holiday?(Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Qingming Festival, Christmas, etc.)

 Do you love traveling? What places have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner? 

 How do you feel about students who are often late for class? 

 How do you get along with your roommates? What’s your advice for those who don’t get along well with each other in the same dorm? 

 Do you think it’s always wrong to tell a lie? 

 Please comment on Cheating in exams 

 Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it.If not, how did you avoid being cheated? 

 What would you do if you find somebody cheating in exams? 

 Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say something about our travels.If not, have you any plans to do so? 

 Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.

 What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at college? 

 Do you think there can ever be absolute equality between men and women? 

 Can you say something about your grandparent? What do you think elderly people need most? 

 What do you think of campus life?What would you do if you feel lonely on campus?


1.Is part-time job good for university students? Why? 2.What does health food mean? In your opinion, what is the relationship between food and health? 3.Many people like to follow the fashion.Do you think it’s wise? What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the fashion? 4.What damage could an earthquake cause and what can human beings do to deal with it? 5.After finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? Why? 6.Ways to success: do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity ? why? 7.Talk about your experience of studying English.(When;how;what;favorite activities;difficulty;plan;goal;etc.)8.Internet for shopping: Have computers improved our lives? 9.Advertising: should people buy things according to what ads say? Why? 10.Share your traveling experience 11..Introduction to your family 12.Talk about your college life 13.Discussing your future job: what kind of work do you enjoy? 14.The relation between sports and health


1.家庭教育好不好 2.环保


4.延迟退休年龄问题 5.现代科技

6.黑客与非法软件/音乐 7.议价交易 8.你喜欢的运动 9.素食主义 10.阅读好不好 11.回收利用 12.在海外学习13.太空探索 14.学生贷款 15.网络 16.国际援助 17.园艺

18.在电影院看电影好不好 19.付出与收获 20.团队合作

21.中国的成长与发展 22.电子书 23.网课

24.在家做饭好不好 25.团队运动

分类 优缺点类

在家做饭好不好 阅读好不好 家庭教育好不好


学生贷款 电子书 网课 网络



Q1: Talk about several problems you find most serious on campus.Please explain in detail.•Playing computer games •Cheating in exams •Not getting along well with others Q2: Traveling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world.Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons to support your answer.Both are very important •Reading books benefits us a lot, but it’s not enough.•Traveling gives us first-hand knowledge •Traveling allows us check the knowledge on books.Q3: What healthful and unhealthful habits do you have? Why do you say so? •Healthful habits •A well-balanced diet •Regular exercises •Early to bed and early to rise •Unhealthful habits •Not having breakfasts •Doing sports immediately after meals •Sometimes playing computer games for long time Q4: Would you please tell me something about the people in your family? •There are…people in my family.•My father… •My mother… •My…

•I think I get most love and help from…(examples)Q5: Which season do you like best?why?

•There are clear four seasons in…

•In spring…/In summer…/In autumn…/In winter… •I like spring/summer/autumn/winter the most.•Because I can do lots of things, such as…

Q6: If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? •My photo albums, because I will never get them again if I lose them.•My computer, because I have important files in it.•My bankbook, because I have worked hard to get the money.Q7: Does television play a negative or positive role in modern society? Both positive and negative 1.Positive •We get news and information •We get the pictures of places where we can not go •We are happy when watching entertainment shows •Negative •We spend too much time in watching TV.•Children copy the bad behavior on TV.•We are misled by the advertisement.Q8: Is it good for a student to have a part-time job? •We practice what we learn in classroom •We get the experience of how to work and communicate with others •We get some money for ourselves Q9: Can you say something about the entertainment available in your college?

•There are many entertainment activities.•We can do sports like basketball, volleyball, baseball, ping pong, football and so on.•There is a café in our campus.We go there to have a drink or just talk.•Kinds of parties are held by kinds of organizations.Some organizations may hold film festivals or advertisement festivals.Q10: How do you like the food in your college canteen?

•Because I come from…, I couldn’t adapt myself to the food at first.•As I get accustomed to the things, the food became fit with me.Now I like the food.•But there are still some shortcomings.the food in our canteen are always the same every day, so the nutrition in them is limited.•I think if the variety of the food can be increased, we will be healthier and happier.Q11: What do you think of Western-style fast food? What is your suggestion to a healthy breakfast habit? •Western-style fast food •The Western-style fast food is somewhat delicious.2)

However, the Western-style fast food is a kind of junk food.They contain too many calories.•Healthy breakfast habit •A healthy breakfast habit means you have it regularly.•You should have certain amount of something containing a great variety of nutrition.Q12: Do you have a computer? What do you normally do with your computer(or what do you expect to do with your computer?)•I usually study with my computer.•I can also have some entertainment with it.Q13: What is your aim of life?

My aim of life can be divided into two parts.•The first part is for the present.That is, I’ll make efforts to do well in all the courses I have selected.•The second part is for the time when I leave the university.That is, I’ll do my best to contribute to the society with the knowledge I have learned.Q14: Where is your hometown? Why do you like/dislike your hometown? X is my hometown and I like it.•It has beautiful natural sceneries.•It has lots of historical interests.•The food there is delicious.4)The people there are kind.Q15: Describe your best friend.Explain why he/she is your best friend.My best friend is X.•S/he is very kind.•S/he is always ready to help.•S/he is very cooperative in the teamwork.Q16: Would you like to eat in a restaurant or at home on occasions like Spring Festival? Why? It depends 1.If there are only three or four people in my family, I will choose to eat at home •Food is clean •It is more comfortable to be at home •We can chat and laugh without offending others.•If there are many people in my family, I will choose to eat at restaurant.•We don’t cook and wash

•We can enjoy more kinds of dishes •The restaurant has room large enough for us

Q17: What do you think of One-Child Policy in China? Advantages: •It is good for economic development •It releases the pressure of resource-consuming •It lightens the family's burden Disadvantages: •Children are lonely.•Children are self-centered

Q18: What would you do if your next-door neighbor were noisy nearly all the time? •Talk with him/her first •Get help from the officers of the community •Call the police.Q19: How do you spend your weekends? •Go out with friends •Have a good rest •Study and read •See parents/grandparents Q20: What housework do you often do at home? Should children do housework? •I do lots of housework at home 1)Help cooking and washing dishes 2)Wash clothes •Clean rooms •Yes, I think so.•Learn to do things •Learn to help 3)

Learn to keep clean and tide Q21: Is it necessary to develop the public transportation? Why? •Reduce traffic jams •Protect environment •Provide convenient ways of transportation to people who can not drive or afford a car.Q22: What kind of weather do you like? •Sunny •Rainy •Snowy Q23: What is creativity?

•An Ability.Creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new.•An Attitude.Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it.•A Process.Creative people work hard and continually improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their works.very few works of creative excellence are produced with a single stroke of brilliance

Q24: Have you ever received any gifts? •Gifts from my parents at Spring festival •Gifts from friends on birthday •Gifts got by consuming Q25: Can we learn something from the clothes a person wears? •His/her personalities/characteristics •His/her likes/dislikes •His /her family backgrounds •His/her job Q26: Do you think it is necessary to have a park in city? A park benefits us a lot •We breath fresh air and relax ourselves there •Children can play there •Elderly people can exercise there Q27: What do you think is the most helpful invention? I think computer is the most helpful invention.•It is used in scientific researches •It is used in all walks of life •It changes our lifestyle Q28: What kind of volunteer work do you want to do? •To help homeless children •To help childless elderly people •To help protect the environment Q29: Who’s your idol? Why? My idol is X.•Because s/he is very handsome/beautiful/smart/knowledgeable •Because s/he makes great achievements in… •Because s/he sets a good example for us to… Q30: What animal do you like best? I like dogs the best.•Because they can understand your words sometimes and play with you •Because they are loyal to their owners •Because they are not so dirty Q31: What will you do if you have a lot of money? •I will buy my parents large house •I will help the poor people •I will go travelling around the world Q32: People often say we are now living in a small world.What’s your opinion?

Yes, I think so.•It is easy for you to go around the world now •It is convenient for you to communicate others through Internet •It is common for you to buy sth.from other countries Q33: Do you think it is a good habit to stay up late before an examination?

No, I don’t think so.•They actually do not understand the knowledge •They should study hard all the time •Passing examinations is not the aim of our study Q34: Do you know the way of making a good impression? •Wear suitable clothes •Speak in a polite way •Behave properly Q35: Do you think young people should give up seats to old people on bus?

Yes, I think so.•Because they can not keep their balance on a bus.•Because they have made contributions to the society.We should respect them.•Because we will also be old one day.Q36: Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth? It depends.•Generally speaking, we should always be honesty •But sometimes, it is necessary to say a white lie Q37: Which one do you prefer? Live alone or with roommates? I would like to live with roommates.•I can learn how to communicate with others •I can learn from others and exchange ideas with others •I can make more friends Q38: Novel, magazine or poem, which one do you prefer? I like reading magazines the best •I can get useful information from them •I like the beautiful pictures on them •I can write letters to the editors to join in activities •Q9: Can you say something about the entertainment available in your college? •Yes, in my eyes, there are many entertainment activities available in our college.And there are some interesting things to do, like basketball, volleyball, baseball, ping pong, football and so on.Besides, there is a café in our campus.And sometimes we go there to have a drink or just talk.In spite of these, kinds of parties are also usually held by kinds of organizations.Some organizations may hold film festivals or advertisement festivals.•Q10: How do you like the food in your college canteen? •Because I come from North China, I couldn’t even adapt myself to the food in our college canteen at first.But as I gradually get accustomed to the things in South China, the food became fit with me.And till now I have even liked the food in our college canteen, and the food even seems to be delicious.But there are still some shortcomings I have to direct your attention to.It’s about the variety of the food.It seems the food in our canteen are always the same every day, so the nutrition in them is limited.And I think if the variety of the food can be increased, we will be healthier and happier.•Q11: What do you think of Western-style fast food? What is your suggestion to a healthy breakfast habit? •Although the Western-style fast food is somewhat delicious, as far as I’m concerned, however, the Western-style fast food is a kind of junk food.They contain too many calories.This is a reason why more and more of the westerners are getting fatter and fatter.As to this, I think a healthy breakfast habit means that, first of all, you must have it regularly.And then, you should have certain amount of something containing a great variety of nutrition, like milk, egg, bread, pork and so on.•Q12: Do you have a computer? What do you normally do with your computer(or what do you expect to do with your computer?)

•Yes, I do.I usually study with my computer because it can be of great help and make me work with efficiency and then I can also have some entertainment with it since it is connected to the internet and then I can get a lot of mp3.•Q13: What is your aim of life? •My aim of life can be divided into two parts.The first part is for the present.That is, I’ll make efforts to do well in all the courses I have selected.The second part is for the time when I leave the university.That is, I’ll do my best to contribute to the society with the knowledge I have learned.In a word, I’ll be a person of use to the society instead of being a burden.•Q14: Where is your hometown? Why do you like/dislike your hometown? •Nanchang is my hometown and I like it because great changes have taken place since the great reform guided by Den Xiaoping.Compared with other cities in East China, Nanchang is underdeveloped, but there is great hope of prosperousness.We realized the local government is doing its best to make Nanchang the favorite place for the entrepreneurs to invest here...•Q15: Describe your best friend.Explain why he/she is your best friend.•My best friend is my classmate and roommate, Xiao Li.He is from North China, so he is very frank, but I sometimes can not make myself accept the way he carries on.As time goes by, I realize he means no harm and I am used to it.He is always ready to help and very cooperative in the teamwork, which I really appreciate.•What is creativity? •An Ability.A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new.As we will see below, creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing but the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas.Some creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, while others are just simple, good, practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of yet.Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability.Just look at how creative children are.In adults, creativity has too often been suppressed through education, but it is still there and can be reawakened.Often all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity and to take the time for it.An Attitude.Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it.We are socialized into accepting only a small number of permitted or normal things, like chocolate-covered strawberries, for example.The creative person realizes that there are other possibilities, like peanut butter and banana sandwiches, or chocolate-covered prunes.A Process.Creative people work hard and continually improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their works.Contrary to the mythology surrounding creativity, very, very few works of creative excellence are produced with a single stroke of brilliance or in a frenzy of rapid activity.Much closer to the real truth are the stories of companies who had to take the invention away from the inventor in order to market it because the inventor would have kept on tweaking it and fiddling with it, always trying to make it a little better.The creative person knows that there is always room for improvement.



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