2014年英语专八真题作文答案(网友回忆版)作文题目:my views on working from home 作文范文:仅供参考,作文自己写
按照专八写作的套路我们思路可以如下写作思路提示:文章可分为三部分,第一部分,提出问题,有些公司给员工提出方便,在家任务,在家任务视乎很温馨,自己自由支配时间,但实际上在家任务远没有想象的那么好,第二部分,剖析在家任务的弊病。容易懒散,需求自控才能较强,第三部分指出在单位任务的优点,我们需求与人沟通,协作,需求提升,自己的任务得到别人的认可第四部分总结一下。working from home
certain companies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as a working base for at least part of the week nowadays.some offer some form of remote working support to their workforces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers.this work pattem is popular because it’s clear that there are a number of benefits for these companies.first, it helps retain employees, especially highly-qualified working parents with childcare responsibilities.second, it brings higher productivity because the employees have fewer interruptions and less commuting time.last but not least, it offers savings on premises and other facilities.however, there are some potential drawbacks.for one thing, there is difficulty of managing home workers and monitoring their performance, and difficulty of maintaining staff development and upgrading skills.for another, it may create a sense of isolation among home workers and it can be harder to maintain team spirit.therefore, enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before permitting their employees to work at home.
So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say.It may or may not be appropriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another matter.Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice or the engraving of Benares brass.But this is not the fault of their language.The Eskimos can speak about snow with a great deal more precision and subtlety than we can in English, but this is not because the Eskimo language(one of those sometimes miscalled ’primitive’)is inherently more precise and subtle than English.This example does not bring to light a defect in English, a show of unexpected ’primitiveness’.The position is simply and obviously that the Eskimos and the English live in different environments.The English language would be just as rich in terms for different kinds of snow, presumably, if the environments in which English was habitually used made such distinction important.Similarly, we have no reason to doubt that the Eskimo language could be as precise and subtle on the subject of motor manufacture or cricket if these topics formed part of the Eskimos’ life.For obvious historical reasons, Englishmen in the nineteenth century could not talk about motorcars with the minute discrimination which is possible today: cars were not a part of their culture.But they had a host of terms for horse-drawn vehicles which send us, puzzled, to a historical dictionary when we are reading Scott or Dickens.How many of us could distinguish between a chaise, a landau, a victoria, a brougham, a coupe, a gig, a diligence, a whisky, a calash, a tilbury, a carriole, a phaeton, and a clarence ?
be后插入 as;their改为its;There改为It;Whereas改为But;further 改为muchcome改为bring;similar改为different;will改为would;as important去掉as;the part去掉the
对于没把握的同学,可以考虑一下捷径θθ,954565870 很不错,记得用联通3G手机或4G,大部分都有信号。
2.把possessed 改成 attracted,3.把a改成 the
4.在 facts 和adults之间加个that,5.把第二个the 去掉。
6.把第二个of 改成in
8.把or 改成 and
9.what改成 how
1.relocation2.convenient3.there are few4.whenshe5.she was given6.she left7.she needed8.itis9.price10.a rangefinder11.the curtain12.aflat area13.between two14.when he was15.inthe Arab world16.learned classical17.thetrip18.9 meters
19.the farm causes20.local support21.themain22.9(23).French forces have24.to protectthe town25.the reform26.thirteenyears27.arranging for28.hercilents29.foregin investment30.wealthierNigerians
31.A。increasingly 32.D.conceived33.B.it 34.B.marked 35.D.which 36.A.with37.A.possible
38.C.gone 39.D.dictataed 40Dto41.Bcontrolled 42C.onvented 43.A.some44.B.hut 45D.secure
46.A.seek.47C.custom48.B.compensate 49.B.until 50.A.rise
51D examine
52D I‘m hoping
53D he seemed
54B the niagara
55B you
55B you
56C the school
57D the enemy
58C me to disturb
59C few people
60A spoke
61D whatever
62C do it
63D the house had beenmade a mess
64A as
65B he offered
66B quality
67C embraced
68A prolong
69D light
70D drowsy
71A tolerate
72A seniority
73B ignored
74C break up
75A flapped
76D because
77A suspension
78B imaginable
79D consideration 阅读理解
Reading comprehension 81A some pupils 82A the thought 83D he could
84Bthey stopped 85Che was really 86C stress continues 87A social
88D focusing
89D you preference 90 D stress
91A introduction 92A unimprove
93C redesign of 94avoid
95A texing
96C doing things before 97D are given opportunities 98A the way of
B more parents
100A the apprentiesship
Some people think that financial disparity affects friendship.They may believe that there can be no friendship between the rich and the poor.Their major evidence might be that a rich person and a poor one have different life styles and different tastes for things.At first sight, this argument seems reasonable.However, a careful inspection at it reveals how flimsy it is.In its true sense, friend is not grounded on money.First, let¡¯s see what true friendship is.True friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another's personality.Friends often share likes and dislikes, interests, pursuits, and passion.True friendship also involves a shared sense of caring and concern, a desire to see one another grow and develop, and a hope for each other to succeed in all aspects of life.Besides, true friendship involves action: doing something for someone else while expecting nothing in return;sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative criticism.Last but not least, true friendship demands mutual trust and respect.All these attributes have little or nothing to do with money.Actually, we can find numerous examples of friendship immune to financial disparity.That between Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels is a case in point.Though differing a lot in financial statuses, they formed firm friendship during their common pursuit of communism.While Marx was leading a miserable life due to lack of money, it was Engels who gave him a hand.It was common belief and ideal that bound them together.An equally convincing example is the friendship among the numerous revolutionaries in China before the liberation of the country.Though they came from different families and financial backgrounds, they became constant friends and comrades during the fight for the nation¡¯s independence and freedom.Truly, it often occurs that two friends break up because of changes in their financial status.When one of them suddenly makes a fortune or gets a promotion, he or she may cut off traffic with his or her former friend.The same thing might happen when one of them suddenly falls upon dark days.Such people, however, cannot be called friends in its true sense.To sum up, financial disparity does not necessarily affect friendship;much less can it affect true friendship.True friendship can stand the test of time and adversity.