
时间:2019-05-14 19:12:52下载本文作者:会员上传


Is Euthanasia Acceptable?

When deciding whether to let our relatives suffer from torture of incurable disease or to help them end their lives by using euthanasia, we find ourselves are in a dilemma.Therefore, it is true that euthanasia is under discussion.Opinions about is are varied from people to people.Some people think that it is cruel to end the life of our relative even if using euthanasia.However, others believe that rather than let our relative suffer so much from the torture of incurable, it is better to end such sufferings by using euthanasia.When asked about this topic, i am in favor of the latter view for the following reasons.First of all, it is often said that compared with the length of one’s life, the quality of it matters more.If one unluckily develops incurable disease which lead him/her to a state that living is no better than dying, or in other words, even he/she could be taken care of by others, he/she still cannot bear the torture of disease, dying peacefully may be a good choice.On the one hand, euthanasia can make the terminally ill person get relief from anguish of disease.We all know that viewing who we love suffering pain brings more sorrows to us.Therefore, on the other hand, as the wish of the ill person, euthanasia will also be a relief for his/her relatives.In addition, from the perspective of social resources, euthanasia can save our social resources.Because social resources used to maintain the meaningless extension of terminally ill people can be better used to cure other people who have more hope of recovery.Finally, I believe observing the willingness of those terminally ill people for using euthanasia is a kind of respect for them, because in their minds, only in this way can they die with dignity.Therefore, the best we can do to those terminally ill people is to obey their wish.In brief, after the detailed analysis of the above, I can draw a safe conclusion that euthanasia is acceptable.Certainly, we should not remember that while we allow euthanasia, it is necessary for us to strictly stipulate the operation of euthanasia by laws.


The protagonist of the “Death doctor” is a very special doctor, his work is send these people who are suffering pain and incurable patients calm into heaven, rather than to save the dying patients.However, his practice is contrary to the traditional values of the United States, therefore, it’s controversial and criticized.The furore was over when jack has been sentenced to prison.However, the debate on euthanasia is still continuing.This is a film that deals with medical reform and euthanasia.The biggest argument in the film is the right to life and death, especially death.According to customary law, suicide is indeed a crime.Jack argues that this is a chaotic medieval darkness, should be completely abandoned, the process of law is too slow, euthanasia in many countries such as Europe have been supported, why in the United States which claims to be dominated by democracy and freedom, is still subject to those stupid medieval customary law, subject to people backward thinking.Everyone has the freedom to pursue a better life, and everyone has the power to choose the end of life.From the humanitarian point of view, I can not deny the correctness of euthanasia.The ultimate pain of the body will completely deprive all the meaning and pleasure of a person's life, which is not the same as the spiritual distortions.It's hard to imagine that you're still trying to accuse her of violating ethics by calling her immoral.The health of the disease before and after the twisted shape formed a very sharp contrast.In any case are not cured, linger to live, it is better to leave as soon as possible calm.As a doctor, he knows how to respect life.And the young athlete, because after the injury can not continue his beloved movement, which into a severe depression, that life is meaningless, he asked to be euthanized, but the application was rejected by Jack.As a doctor, he still knows how precious his life is.Now, there are many Chinese who need Jack's death doctor to “save” the people, but how many relatives agree with the patient as early as heaven? I think life is not how long can be happy, is whether to do their own responsibility, only their own responsibility to do so before they can be worthy of the day, overlooking ashamed.I do not want euthanasia to get the support of the majority, but if that day really comes, I have nothing to complain about, because everyone has their own choice, and I will respect what they think is the right choice.





Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine.As the picture given above depicts, a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill, asking the doctors for mercy killing.But the doctors look deeply embarrassed, feeling helpless because they are at a loss what to do about it.The picture really sets me thinking.It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing.Some people think that physician-assisted suicide can relieve dying patients of unbearable pain and suffering.They maintain that as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, he has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death.Others are strongly opposed to physician-assisted suicide.They contend that a doctor has no right to give a patient sufficie nt medication to control his pain if that may hasten death.They conclude that

it is illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.As far as I’m concerned, doctors have a duty to help dying patients to alleviate their pain and suffering.I also agree that doctors deserve to be punished if they prolong the needless suffering of their terminally-ill patients.In short, I am in favor of mercy killing.(207 words)






雅思大作文——关于电视的利弊国课班 张颖杰romy

Television as an indispensable household electrical appliances which make human beings far-reaching effects in our daily life.Nowadays,both positive aspects and negative aspects in television become more and more popular topic.Different people hold different views on it.Some people insist that the television act as an important role in all of the medium,it is a best way to broaden people’s horizon.Others argue that lots of people addict to the televison and forget do nothing.For my part, I take the former side for the following reasons.Firstly,television can enrich our daily life.Its one of the important mode of the civilian entertainment.Television also offer people a various of performs and programmes which can release person mentality and physical effective,as well as active human beings’s thought.people can watch television in anywhere if they could.As for them,television possess magic powder to impulse them in front of it.Especially in cleck ,they will become a brand new person who ownfull of energic to get down to work after watching television.Secondly,televison is an educational tool that the person who thisty seek an efficiently method in learing.The learner don’t need to attending a lecture or go to school ,they can study a curriculum by watching

television.This way may save learner a large amount of money andtheir precious time.So the television is the best way to choose.Last but not least,televison is an offer a good platform to make human beings acquaint themselves with the whole world directly.Television give the lalest news to the person who concerned about the issues around the global from different angles.These angle including current hot spots ,the critical artcles and ground report in each country.As the old saying goes,television make our earth more and more smaller than before.From mentioned above, there are obviously more positive aspects of television than negative aspects.Television bring more benefits in mainly three aspects as following: an pathway of entertainment,an educational tool to learner and a good platform which make people know the world.Television make person’s life become more and more colourful than few years ago.


Should countries undertake space research?

Recently, there is a growing tendency that more and more countries give priority to space research, such as exploring the universe with space shuttle, satellite and space station.As far as I am concerned, this trend may bring both advantages and disadvantages.First of all, it is universally acknowledged that aerospace technology promotes the pace of space research.In addition, the development of aerospace technology makes contribution to the progress of fundamental science fields, for instance, materials engineering, nuclear physics, engineering mechanics and so forth.As a consequence, the modern industry will gradually improve, which is beneficial to the whole society.What is more, doing space research such as exploring new planets, universe space analysis and observing the black holes, will give us a opportunity to get knowledge of more information about the universe.The moment found we a new planet which is similar with the earth, maybe we would solve the problems about inadequate resouces.However, space research also has some unfavorable effects.So large is the cost in that researching which is invested by the government that the budgeting in other aspects, education and public welfare for instance, will be decreased relatively.Provided these money were spent into public welfare, the life standard of people would more or less increase.Further more, to explore the universe, we need to send a variety of

satellites and space shuttles constantly.And yet, all those machines have certain working lives.Consequently, they will fall into the seas or float in the outer pace after they finish their missions, which leads to sea and outer space pollution.In conclusion, we should think about both the merits and the demerits of space research and make this technology been applied correctly and reasonably.Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people.We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love.We also often see pictures of them in private situations.Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people?

Nowadays, there are a increasing number of celebrities in all walk of life.They are the top runners in their specialized fields and most of them own outstanding characters and personalities.And thus, the mass media give priority on all their details of life.Some paparazzi follow the famous people and take photos in special ways to yield the curiosity of the public.Personally, I would state my objection to this issue after analyzing the following three reasons.First of all, everyone owns the right to enjoy their spare time and private time even if they are famous people.After finishing their work, they could spend their time with their family and friends, go shopping, travel and do sports for instance.People need private space to deal with personal stuffs which do not want to be disturbed.So numerous are contributes the celebrities have made to our society that they deserve to be respected but not try to expose their details of personal lives.What is more, the growing curiosity to privacies of famous people leads to a phenomenon that a new kind of journalist which is named Paparazzi comes into being.All those people need to do is track the celebrities stealthily using whatever ways.As far as I am concerned, they lose the main spirit of a journalist that is to report the event and significant things to public.To some extent, they infringe the privacy right of famous people, which can not be acceptable.In conclusion, I maintain that it is not appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to report the private information of celebrities.We fans should support them via normal ways.Unlike other countries the police in the UK do not carry guns.Some think this leaves citizens unprotected, while others consider it reduces the overall level of violence in society.Give reasons for both sides of argument and state your own opinion.Recently, it becomes a controversial issue that whether or not the police in the UK should carry guns.Some people assert that the police could protect the residents better with taking guns.Nevertheless, others hold the view that it may avoid the violence accidents without bringing guns, to some extent.Generally speaking, I prefer to the former side.On one hand, despite of the fact that the crime rate is on the decrease these years, it does not mean entire disappearance of crimes.The police should take the responsibility to deal with them, such as murder, rape and robbery cases.Provided they had guns on hand, it could be relatively successful to arrest the criminals.For instance, if the criminal takes a hostage and he is extremely aggressive, the sniper who takes a special gun within a certain distance could shoot him to death.So that the police are able to protect the citizens effectively.On the other hand, some people insist that carrying no guns contributes to the decrease of violence in society.For one thing, when criminals see the policeman putting a gun to them, they may become desperate and out

of mind, and even do anything without considering the result, which may result in unexpected innocent hurts.This would not happen if policeman does not carry a gun.For another, no one can guarantee that a policeman does not shoot the passerby by mistake when he is hurriedly chasing a criminal.As far as I am concerned, in the condition of no abuse or misuse of guns, policeman should be well trained and carry guns so that they could do their best to protect the residents efficiently and successfully.Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.Others, however, argue that the circumstance of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Recently, it becomes a controversial issue that whether or not the uniform punishments should be applied for every sort of crime.Some people insist that it is wise to fulfill this policy, whereas others maintain that considering the circumstance of a certain crime and its motivation before making a decision of punishment is more reasonable.As far as I

am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter one.For one thing, the initiating and surroundings of a crime, which have a variety of types, usually lead to different levels of crimes.And thus taking each factor into consideration is necessary and helpful to establish and ensure justice and equity.Provided that we treated every crime with the same punishment, there would be a large of number of innocent people involved.For instance, if a hobo steals bread in a shopping center due to hunger, it would be sorrowful that he is forced into serious punishment.For another, if we handle individual crime with considering each aspect, it is significant to establish complete relative laws and regulations, which has rules and example cases we can obey, so that each crime could be treated fairly and equitably.In addition, our society will be beneficial from that and will make a progress steadily.Nevertheless, to some extent, fixed punishments may also have positive effects on the security of the society.For example, if individuals get knowledge of that they will receive a certain severe punishment, they may think over before they commit a crime, which maybe contributes to decrease the crime rate.In conclusion, fixed punishments own some merits indeed, while it is fairly more appreciate to give criminals the punishments they deserve with taking every factor into account and obeying the laws and regulations.



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