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A.分类由3个部分组成。1.工业:01 to 54 包括产品专门的制造商和贸易商。也包括一些行业相关的服务。2.贸易: 61 to 68 这个部分只刊登贸易商。贸易商将不会出现在这里。3.服务:69 to 89 这个部分只刊登服务商。




01 Live animals 活动物 0110 Cattle 牛

0112 Sheep, goats and pigs 绵羊、山羊和猪 0120 Poultry 家禽 0124 Birds 鸟 0126 Eggs 蛋

0130 Horses, mules and donkeys 马,骡子和驴

0134 Animals for laboratory research 动物,实验室研究用 0136 Animals, domestic and for zoos 动物,家用和动物园用的 0138 Reptiles and amphibians 爬行动物和两栖动物 0140 Fur animals 毛皮动物

0150 Game and game birds 猎物和猎用鸟 0160 Bees and bee products 蜜蜂和蜂制品 0170 Silkworms and silkworm cocoons 蚕和蚕茧 0180 Insects and worms 昆虫和蠕虫

02 Agricultural, horticultural and floricultural products 农产品,园艺品和花艺产品

0210 Grass, hay and straw 草,干草和稻草 0220 Cereals 谷物

0221 Vegetables, root, tuberous and rhizome 蔬菜,根和块茎类的 0223 Pulses and legumes 豆和豆荚 0225 Green vegetables 绿色蔬菜

0228 Herb and spice plants 草药植物和香辛料植物 0230 Mushrooms and other fungi 蘑菇和其它真菌 0240 Fruit and berries 水果和浆果 0244 Citrus fruit 柑桔类水果 0252 Nuts, edible 坚果,食用的

0254 Fruit, tropical and subtropical 热带和亚热带水果 0259 Plantation products 种植产品

0266 Bushes, trees and shrubs, ornamental 灌木,树和灌木丛,观赏植物 0269 Fruit trees and fruit bushes 果树和水果灌木 0271 Plants, ornamental 植物,观赏性的 0274 Flowers, cut 切花

0277 Seeds, agricultural, horticultural and floricultural 种子,农业用,园艺用和花艺用

0279 Seedlings, agricultural, horticultural and floricultural 农,园艺,花艺用苗

0281 Flower bulbs, sets 植物球茎组

0285 Flower and vegetable roots, rhizomes and tubers for propagation 花的根、根茎、块茎

0291 Plants, micropropagation 植物,组织培养 07 Agricultural and animal services 农业和畜业服务

0710 Agricultural, horticultural and floricultural services 农艺,园艺和花艺服务

0715 Plantation agents 种植代理人

0750 Veterinary and specialised animal services 兽医和专门的动物服务 0790 Landscaping and garden maintenance services 景观美化服务 08 Forestry 林业

0810 Forestry products.Timber/logs 林业产品。木材

0820 Forestry seeds and saplings.Forest nurseries 林业种子和树苗。林业苗圃 0840 Forestry services 森林服务

09 Fish and other marine and freshwater products 鱼类和其它海水与淡水水产 0910 Fish, saltwater 海产鱼, 咸水鱼(续)0915 Fish, freshwater 淡水鱼 0920 Crustaceans 甲壳类动物 0922 Molluscs 软体动物 0925 Ornamental fish 水族馆鱼

0930 Marine algae and plankton 海藻和浮游生物

935 Pearls, coral and natural sponges 珍珠,珊瑚和天然海绵 11 Coal and peat 煤与泥炭 1110 Coal 煤

1114 Peat and moss 泥炭 12 Ores 矿石(金属的)1210 Ores, iron 矿石,铁的

1220 Ores, alloying element 矿石,合金元素的 1225 Ores, heavy metal 矿石和矿物,重金属的 1230 Ores, light metal 矿石,轻金属的 1240 Ores, precious metal 矿石,贵金属的

1245 Ores, radioactive element 矿石,放射性元素的 Crude oil(petroleum)and natural gases 原油(石油)与天然气 1310 Crude oil(petroleum)原油(石油)1320 Natural gases 天然气 14 Quarried stone 采石场石料

1410 Plutonic rocks 深成岩(火成岩)1420 Sandstone and quartzite 砂岩和石英岩 1430 Marble and travertine 大理石和石灰华 1440 Calcareous stone 石灰石 1450 Volcanic rocks 火山岩 1460 Slate 板石

1470 Gravel, sand and earth 砾石,沙子和泥土 1480 Clays and alumina 粘土和矾土(铝氧土)16 Rough precious stones 粗宝石

1620 Precious stones, rough 宝石,粗加工的

1640 Crystals and petrographic samples 水晶样本和岩片样品 17 Minerals, non-metallic 矿物,非金属的 1710 Salt 盐矿

1722 Spar minerals 晶石矿

1724 Raw gypsum and anhydrite 生石膏和硬石膏 1730 Magnesium minerals 镁矿

1732 Steatite and pyrophyllite 滑石和叶蜡石 1750 Silica minerals 硅矿物

1764 Graphite, natural 石墨,天然的 1770 Asphalt, natural 石油沥青,天然的 1790 Minerals, miscellaneous 矿石,其它各种的 18 Electricity, gas and water 电力,燃气和水

1810 Electricity production and distribution 发电和输电 1820 Water supply services 供水服务

1830 Gas production and distribution 燃气的生产和输送

1840 District heating, cooling, steam and compressed air supply services 地区供热,供给和蒸气压服务 Food and tobacco 食品和烟草 2010 Abattoir products 屠宰产品

2012 Gut, natural and artificial.Sausage casings 肠线,天然和人造的。肠衣 2013 Meat and game, processed and preserved 肉类和野味,保藏加工过的 20131 Meat and game, processed and preserved(cont'd)2015 Meat, dried 肉,干制的

2016 Poultry and birds, processed and preserved 家禽和鸟类,保藏加工过的 2020 Milk and milk products.Cream 奶和奶制品,奶油 2021 Ice cream and sorbet 冰淇淋和果汁露 2022 Milk, condensed and dried 炼乳和奶粉 2024 Cheese 干酪 20241 Cheese(cont'd)2026 Egg products 蛋制品

2030 Fruit and vegetables, processed 水果和蔬菜,加工过的 2031 Fruit and vegetables, dried 水果和蔬菜,干制的

2032 Fruit and vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged 水果和蔬菜,罐装(听装),瓶装或其它方法包装的

20321 Fruit and vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged(cont'd)

2036 Soup and extracts 汤羹和提炼品 2038 Desserts, non-dairy 甜点,非奶制品的 2040 Fish, processed 鱼,加工过的

2041 Shellfish and seaweed, processed 贝类和海藻,加工过的 2042 Fish, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged 鱼,罐装的,瓶装和其它方法包装的

2044 Shellfish and seaweed, canned and bottled 甲壳类鱼和海藻,罐装和瓶装的 2045 Fish roes 鱼子

2046 Fish and shellfish by-products, edible 鱼和贝的副产品,可食用的 2047 Food products, chilled 食品,冷冻的

2048 Food products, frozen and deep frozen 食品,冷藏,冷冻和深度冷冻的(续)20481 Food products, frozen and deep frozen(cont'd)

2049 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried 食品,脱水的和冻干的 2050 Flour and flakes, cereal 面粉和麦片,谷类的 2051 Flour and flakes, non-cereal 面粉和片,非谷物的 2052 Rice, processed 大米,加工过的 2053 Malt 麦芽 2054 Pasta 面食

2055 Pasta products, canned 面制品,罐装的

2056 Bread, cakes and pastry 面包,蛋糕和酥皮点心 20561 Bread, cakes and pastry(cont'd)

2058 Biscuits, crackers, crisps and savoury snacks 饼干,脆饼干,脆酥和风味小吃

20581 Biscuits, crackers, crisps and savoury snacks(cont'd)2059 Breakfast cereals 谷物类早餐

2060 Health and diet products 保健和减肥食品 20601 Health and diet products(cont'd)2061 Baby foods 婴儿食品 2062 Sugar 食糖

2064 Sugar confectionery 糖果 2068 Fruit, candied 果脯 2070 Tea 茶叶

2071 Herbal and fruit teas 草药茶和含水果的茶叶 2072 Coffee and coffee substitutes 咖啡和咖啡替代品 2074 Cocoa and chocolate products 可可和巧克力制品 2078 Spices and herbs, processed 香辛料和香草,加工过的 2080 Vinegar, condiments and sauces 醋,调味品和酱油 20801 Vinegar, condiments and sauces(cont'd)2083 Palm fruit products 棕榈果肉制品 2084 Nuts, processed 果仁,加工过的

2085 Coconut products, edible 椰子制品,可食用的 2086 Oils and fats, edible 油和脂,可食用的 20861 Oils and fats, edible(cont'd)2088 Animal feed 饲料

20881 Animal feed(cont'd)

2089 Natural and chemically derived additives for food and beverages.Yeast 天然和化学衍生添加剂,用于食品和饮料业。酵母

2095 Food processing and packaging services 食品加工和包装服务 2098 Tobacco products 烟草产品 21 Beverages 饮料

2110 Alcoholic spirits 烈酒

2112 Whisky and bourbon 威士忌酒,波旁威士忌酒 2114 Liqueurs 利口酒(甜露酒)

2115 Aperitifs and cocktails 开胃酒和鸡尾酒 2120 Wine, grape 葡萄酒

21201 Wine, grape(cont'd)2126 Wine, sparkling 发泡葡萄酒 2128 Wine, fortified 强化葡萄酒

2129 Wine, non-grape 果酒,无葡萄成分的 2130 Beers 啤酒 2131 Ice 冰

2138 Cider 苹果酒

2140 Juices, fruit and vegetable 果汁和蔬菜汁

2148 Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks 柠檬汁,苏打水和软饮料 2150 Mineral waters 矿泉水

2199 Drink processing, bottling and canning services 饮水处理,装瓶和装罐服务 22 Leathers, skins, furs and their products.Travel goods.Footwear 皮革,皮毛和毛皮和其制品.旅行用品.鞋

2210 Skins, hides and leathers, bovine(cattle)and equine(horse)小皮,大(原料)皮和皮革,牛和马的

22101 Skins, hides and leathers, bovine(cattle)and equine(horse)(cont'd)

2212 Skins, hides and leathers, ovine(sheep), caprine(goat)and deer 小皮,大(原料)皮和皮革,绵羊,山羊和鹿的

2213 Skins, hides and leathers, swine 小皮,大(原料)皮和皮革,猪的 2214 Skins, hides and leathers NES 小皮,大(原料)皮和皮革(未做特殊定义的)2220 Reconstituted leathers and their products 再生皮革和其产品 2230 Furskins 毛皮 2235 Leather, processed 皮革,加工过的

2240 Fancy goods, leather, textile leather and plastic 小工艺品,纺织工业用革的和塑料的

22401 Fancy goods, leather, textile leather and plastic(cont'd)

2244 Travel goods, handbags and similar articles 旅行用具,手提包及类似物品 22441 Travel goods, handbags and similar articles(cont'd)

2250 Saddlery, belts and straps, leather 马具、腰带和皮带,皮革的 2255 Leather goods for industrial use 皮制品,工业用 2280 Footwear, standard 鞋,标准的

2282 Footwear, industrial, protective and special purpose 鞋,工业用的,防护和特殊用途的

2284 Footwear, sports 运动鞋

2285 Footwear, wooden 鞋类,木制的 2288 Footwear components 鞋类部件 23 Textiles 纺织品

2302 Raw wool and other animal textile fibres 原毛和其它动物的纺织纤维 23021 Raw wool and other animal textile fibres(cont'd)

2303 Pre-processed cotton and other vegetable textile fibres 预加工过的棉花和其他植物纺织纤维

23031 Pre-processed cotton and other vegetable textile fibres(cont'd)2304 Textile fibres, man-made 纺织纤维,人造的(续)23041 Textile fibres, man-made(cont'd)

2306 Yarns and twists, man-made fibres 纱和经纱,人造纤维的 23061 Yarns and twists, man-made fibres(cont'd)2311 Yarns and twists, silk 纱和经纱,丝的

2312 Yarns and twists, wool and hair 纱和经纱,羊毛的和(动物)毛的 23121 Yarns and twists, wool and hair(cont'd)23122 Yarns and twists, wool and hair(cont'd)2313 Yarns and twists, cotton 纱和经纱,棉的 23131 Yarns and twists, cotton(cont'd)23132 Yarns and twists, cotton(cont'd)

2315 Yarns and twists, vegetable fibres 纱和经纱,植物纤维的 23151 Yarns and twists, vegetable fibres(cont'd)2316 Threads, sewing and embroidery 线,缝纫和刺绣用

2317 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables 合股线、绳索和线缆 2320 Fabrics, man-made fibres 布,人造纤维的 23201 Fabrics, man-made fibres(cont'd)23202 Fabrics, man-made fibres(cont'd)2321 Fabrics, silk 布,丝的

2323 Fabrics, wool and hair 布,羊毛的和(其它动物)毛的 23231 Fabrics, wool and hair(cont'd)23232 Fabrics, wool and hair(cont'd)2325 Fabrics, cotton, for clothing and household linen 棉布,用于服装和家用布 23251 Fabrics, cotton, for clothing and household linen(cont'd)23252 Fabrics, cotton, for clothing and household linen(cont'd)2326 Fabrics, cotton, for soft furnishings and upholstery 棉布,用于室内装饰和装璜

2329 Fabrics, linen 亚麻布 23291 Fabrics, linen(cont'd)2331 Fabrics, hemp, jute and paper 布,大麻的、黄麻的和纸 2333 Net and tulle 网眼纱和薄纱

2335 Bolting and filter cloths.Gauze 筛网和滤网.纱布 2337 Canvas and duck 帆布和轻帆布

2339 Fabrics for industrial use 工业用布 23391 Fabrics for industrial use(cont'd)2341 Belts, hoses and webbing, textile 带子,管状的和带状的,纺织的 2343 Yarns and fabrics, elastic 纱和布,弹性的 2345 Fabrics, knitted 布,针织的 23451 Fabrics, knitted(cont'd)

2347 Nets and netting, textile 打结的编织网和网状织物 2350 Ribbons and tapes, textile 缎带和带子,纺织品的 23501 Ribbons and tapes, textile(cont'd)2354 Trimmings, cording, braids and fringes 饰带、绳、编带和边饰 23541 Trimmings, cording, braids and fringes(cont'd)2356 Embroidery, machine-made 刺绣品,机制的 2360 Embroidery, handmade 刺绣品,手工的 2362 Lace, machine-made 花边,机绣的 2364 Lace, handmade 花边(蕾丝),手工的

2365 Embroidery and lace mending, clipping and cutting services 刺绣和花边缝补,裁剪服务

2366 Tapestries 挂毯

2368 Carpets, rugs and mats 地毯、垫子和席子 23681 Carpets, rugs and mats(cont'd)2370 Wadding and flocks, textile, and their products 填料和填塞物,纺织品和其制品

2372 Felt, felted fabrics and their products 毡,毡布和其制品 23721 Felt, felted fabrics and their products(cont'd)2374 Fabrics, non-woven 无纺布

2376 Textile waste processing 纺织品废料加工

2380 Dyeing and finishing for textile fibres and yarns 染色和整理,用于纺织纤维和纱

23801 Dyeing and finishing for textile fibres and yarns(cont'd)

2382 Dyeing and finishing for fabrics and ready-made textile goods 染色和整理,用于布和纺织成品

23821 Dyeing and finishing for fabrics and ready-made textile goods(cont'd)

23822 Dyeing and finishing for fabrics and ready-made textile goods(cont'd)

2384 Textile printing 纺织品印花服务 2385 Textile coating 纺织品的涂层(涂覆)

2386 Fabrics, coated, oilcloth, oiled silk, leathercloth 涂油织物、油布、油绸、漆布

23861 Fabrics, coated, oilcloth, oiled silk, leathercloth(cont'd)2390 Dry-cleaning and dyeing services, domestic 干洗和家用印染服务 2392 Laundry services 洗衣服务 Clothing and textile products 服装和纺织品 2401 Fashion houses 时装店(流行服饰)

2410 Clothes, ready-made, for ladies and girls 成衣,女式的 2414 Clothes, ready-made, for men and boys 成衣,男式的

2418 Clothes, ready-made for babies and children 成衣,成衣,婴儿和儿童穿 2420 Swimwear and beachwear 泳装和海滩装 2422 Knitwear 针织服装

2426 Sportswear, leisurewear and unisex garments 运动服、休闲服和男女皆宜的服装

2428 Costumes, traditional and theatrical 传统服装和戏装 2430 Clothing, weatherproof and waterproof 防雨服装

2431 Clothing and accessories, rubber 衣服和附件,橡胶制 2432 Professional and work clothing, uniforms 职业服装,制服 2434 Protective work clothing 防护性工作服装 24341 Protective work clothing(cont'd)2436 Leather clothing 皮制服装

2438 Fur clothing and products 裘皮服装和裘皮制品 2440 Blouses 罩衣

2442 Dressing gowns 晨衣

2444 Lingerie, corsetry and nightwear 女式内衣、紧身衣和睡衣 2446 Shirts 衬衫

2448 Underwear and nightwear for men 内衣和睡衣,男式的 2450 Underwear, knitted 内衣,针织的 2451 Hosiery 针织袜类 2452 Handkerchiefs 手帕

2454 Neckties, cravats, scarves and shawls 领带、领节、头巾和围巾 2460 Gloves 手套 2462 Headgear 帽子

2464 Umbrellas and walking sticks 伞,拐杖,降落伞 2466 Parachutes

2470 Elastomeric textile products 弹性纤维织物

2474 Canvas and duck products.Tents and covers 帆布制品。帐篷和罩 2476 Bags and sacks, textile 袋子,编织的

2478 Feathers.Feather products and feather filled products 羽毛(羽绒),羽绒制品和羽绒填充制品

2480 Textile articles for medical and surgical use 纺织品,医用和外科用 2482 Sanitary towels, tampons, baby napkins and incontinence wear 卫生巾(月经带)、卫生棉条、婴儿尿布和防失禁用品

2490 Household linen and soft furnishings 家用布和软装饰物 24901 Household linen and soft furnishings(cont'd)

2499 Machining services for clothing and textile goods 加工服务,服装和纺织品的 Wood and cork products 木制品和软木制品

2510 Sawn, planed, peeled, cut and treated wood 锯、刨、削、切和浸渍加工的木制品

25101 Sawn, planed, peeled, cut and treated wood(cont'd)2511 Wood preservation services.Non-mechanical wood treatment 木材贮存服务.非机械方法处理形式的

2512 Composite wood, plywood 复合板,胶合板

2514 Wood chips, wood wool and fibres, sawdust 木屑,刨花,木纤维和锯末 2518 Structural woodwork, carpentry, builders' joinery 木制结构件,木匠或建筑工人用细木工制品

2520 Doors and windows, wooden 木工制品,建筑工程细木制品.木制门窗 2522 Ladders, wooden 木梯

2524 Flooring, wooden.Parquet 地板,木制的.镶木地板

2530 Buildings, wooden, prefabricated 建筑物,木制的,预制的

2540 Cases, boxes and crates, wooden, for packaging, storage and transportation 箱,盒和板,木制的,用于包装、贮藏、和运输

2542 Cases and boxes, wooden, fitted, decorative and for display 木制箱和盒,装饰和展览用

2546 Barrels, casks, tubs and vats, wooden 木桶,木盆,大木桶 2550 Mouldings and frames, wooden 木模和木框架 2552 Household articles, wooden 家用品,木制的

2554 Wooden articles, miscellaneous 木制品,各种各样的 2562 Wooden products for industrial use 木制品,工业用的 25621 Wooden products for industrial use(cont'd)2570 Carvings, pyrography and marquetry, wooden 木雕刻,木烫和木镶嵌物 2580 Cork and cork products 软木和软木制品 25801 Cork and cork products(cont'd)2590 Cane, wicker, straw, rush and bamboo products 藤、柳条、稻草、灯芯草和竹制品

25901 Cane, wicker, straw, rush and bamboo products(cont'd)26 Furniture 家具

2610 Furniture, domestic 家具,家用的 26101 Furniture, domestic(cont'd)26102 Furniture, domestic(cont'd)

2615 Furniture, children's 家具,用于儿童 2617 Cots, cradles and prams 童床、婴儿车、摇篮

2620 Furniture, kitchen, domestic 家具,厨房的,家用的 2625 Furniture, garden and outdoor 家具, 庭院和户外的 2630 Furniture, cane and wicker 家具,藤和柳条编制的

2640 Furniture, hotel, restaurant, canteen and bar 家具,宾馆、餐馆、食屋和酒吧用的

2642 Furniture, school 家具,学校的

2643 Furniture, dormitory 家具,集体宿舍用的

2644 Furniture, hospital and medical 家具,医院用和医用 26441 Furniture, hospital and medical(cont'd)

2646 Furniture, theatre, sports complex, passenger terminal and religious building 家具,剧院,运动场,客运站和宗教建筑物用 2648 Furniture, ship 家具,船用

2650 Furniture, office and drawing office 家具,用于办公室和绘图室

2654 Furniture, bank, library, archive, museum and council chamber 储藏柜,用于银行,图书馆,档案室,博物馆和会议室

2655 Furniture and racking, industrial and laboratory 储藏柜和托架,用于工业和实验室

26551 Furniture and racking, industrial and laboratory(cont'd)

2664 Furniture and fittings for shops, stores, salons and exhibitions 家具和配件,用于商店,沙龙和陈列室

2670 Furniture for manufactured products 陈列柜,用于工业产品 2680 Furniture, upholstered 家具,装有软垫的

2684 Mattresses, cushions and pillows 床垫,座垫(靠垫)和枕头 2690 Services to the furniture industry 服务,家具工业用 Cellulose, paper, board and their products 纤维素,纸,纸板及其产品 2710 Pulp, groundwood/mechanical and chemical 纸浆,机械和化学制 2714 Base and backing paper 原纸和背纸

2720 Printing, drawing and writing paper and board 纸和板,用于印刷,绘画和书写板

27201 Printing, drawing and writing paper and board(cont'd)

2724 Coated and laminated paper and board 涂覆过的和压层过的纸和纸板

2727 Photographic paper, board, film, cloth and plates.Diazo/dyeline paper 摄影纸、纸板、胶卷、图版;图版重氮纸

2730 Wrapping, cr阷e and impregnated paper 包装纸,绉纱和树脂浸渍的 2732 Tissue paper and cellulose wadding 薄棉纸,纤维素填料 2734 Parchment paper 羊皮纸

2740 Paper and paper rolls for technical use 纸张和纸卷,技术用途的

2742 Paper and paper rolls for writing, drawing and technical use, printed 纸张和纸卷,用于书写,绘画技术的,印刷的

2744 Adhesive and self-adhesive paper and foil 粘性、自粘性纸和箔纸 2746 Adhesive and self-adhesive tapes and rolls 粘性和自粘性胶带和胶卷 27461 Adhesive and self-adhesive tapes and rolls(cont'd)2754 Wallpaper and paper backed wall coverings 壁纸和墙纸 2760 Cardboard 厚纸板 27601 Cardboard(cont'd)

2762 Corrugated paper and board 瓦楞纸和瓦楞纸板 2770 Stationery and greetings cards 纸制文具和贺卡

2772 Paper packagings, bags and sacks 纸制包装材料,纸袋 27721 Paper packagings, bags and sacks(cont'd)

2774 Paper articles, die-cut and embossed 纸制物品,冲切的和压花的 2778 Paper and cardboard tubes 纸筒和纸板筒

2780 Cardboard articles, die-cut, embossed, pressed and printed 纸板制品,冲切的,压花的,压制的和印刷过的

2784 Cardboard and corrugated cardboard packagings, glued, die-cut and wire-stitched 厚纸板和瓦棱纸板包装物,胶粘的,冲切的和线缝合的

27841 Cardboard and corrugated cardboard packagings, glued, die-cut and wire-stitched(cont'd)

2790 Reinforced cardboard and vulcanised fibre semi-finished products 容器,纤维板制的,根据客户要求

2794 Reinforced cardboard and vulcanised fibre products 加强纤维板和硬化(硫化)纤维制品

2799 Paper and cardboard processing services 纸和厚纸板加工服务 28 Printing and publishing 印刷与出版

2810 Typesetting and phototypesetting/photocomposition 排字,照相排版

2814 Reprography and colour separation, photo-engraving.Printing blocks and plates 复印和分色,照相凸版印刷.印刷块和印刷板 2820 Rotary printing 轮转印刷

2830 Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography平版印刷:凸版印刷,胶版-照相平版印刷

2832 Letterpress and offset specialities 特殊的凸版印刷和胶印 2836 Laser and ink jet printing 激光印刷和喷墨印刷 2838 Lithography 石版印刷服务

2840 Steel and copperplate printing, die-stamping and embossing.Security and banknote printing.Three-dimensional, flock printing and thermography.Cartography 钢和铜雕版(凹版)印刷,压凸印刷和压花.债券和纸币印刷.立体绒毛粘印和热敏印刷.制图

2850 Silk-screen, transfer and carbon printing 丝网印刷,贴花(转印法)印刷和碳纸晒印

2854 Collotype printing and zincography.Blueprints 珂罗版和锌版印刷.蓝图 2856 Photocopying services 复印(影印)服务

2857 Bookbinding and paper laminating 装订和纸的迭合 2858 Albums and files 影集和文件夹

2860 Publishing: Newspapers and magazines 出版社:报纸和杂志 2862 Publishing: Trade and professional publications, directories and reference books 出版业,贸易和专业期刊,名录和说明书

2864 Publishing: Technical material, colour cards, screens and patterns 出版业:技术资料,染色样本,彩屏,彩色测试图 2866 Publishing: Books 出版社:出版书籍的

2868 Publishing: School books and educational materials 出版社:教科书和教学材料 28681 Publishing: School books and educational materials(cont'd)2870 Publishing: Art 出版社:艺术

2872 Publishing: Printed music and drama 出版社:印刷的乐谱和剧本

2873 Publishing: Compact discs, records, audio and video cassettes 出版业:激光盘,唱片,盒式录音带和录像带

2874 Publishing: Diaries and calendars 出版业:记事册和日历

2890 Book, compact disc(CD), record, audio and video cassette clubs 书,激光盘,录音带,盒式录像带俱乐部 社团 Rubber and synthetic rubber products 橡胶制品和合成橡胶制品

2910 Processed rubber, rubber solutions and adhesives 加工过的橡胶,橡胶溶剂和胶粘剂

2912 Tyre repair materials 轮胎修补材料

2920 Vehicle tyres and inner tubes 交通工具的轮胎和内胎 2924 Tyres, remoulded 轮胎,翻新的

2930 Rubber and rubber proofed sheet and fabrics 橡胶和涂胶片和织物, 橡胶和涂橡胶片和布(续)

2932 Rubber threads, cords, ribbons, straps and transmission belts 橡胶线、绳、带、条和传递带

2934 Rubber tubes and flexible hoses 橡胶管和伸缩软管 29341 Rubber tubes and flexible hoses(cont'd)

2936 Rubber products for industrial use 橡胶制品,工业用的 29361 Rubber products for industrial use(cont'd)2938 Profiles, blocks, rollers and bearings, rubber 剖面、块、辊和轴承,橡胶的

2940 Valves, diaphragms, rings and washers, rubber 阀门,隔膜,垫圈,橡胶制 2942 Rubber-to-metal bonded products, anti-vibration mountings 橡胶与金属的粘合产品,用于防震装置

2944 Bags and sacks, rubber 袋子, 橡胶的

2946 Rubber flooring and floor coverings 橡胶地板和地板装饰 2950 Rubber products for domestic use 橡胶制品,家用的

2956 Rubber products for medical, veterinary and laboratory use 橡胶制品,用于医疗,兽医和实验室

2960 Rubber products, miscellaneous 橡胶制品,各种各样的 29601 Rubber products, miscellaneous(cont'd)2970 Inflatable structures and goods, rubber and synthetic rubber 充气结构制品, 橡胶与合成橡胶的

2975 Cellular/foam rubber products 泡沫橡胶制品

2980 Ebonite and gutta-percha products 硬橡胶制品和杜仲胶制品 29801 Ebonite and gutta-percha products(cont'd)2990 Rubber processing services 橡胶加工服务 3 Plastic products 塑料制品

Recycling of plastics 回收塑料服务

Pre-processing of plastics 预加工塑料服务

3010 Plastic semi-finished products: Bars, rods, sections and shapes 塑料半成品: 条,棒,型材和成型制品

30101 Plastic semi-finished products: Bars, rods, sections and shapes(cont'd)

3012 Plastic semi-finished products: Plates, sheet, film and tapes 塑料半成品:板材,片材,薄膜和带状产品

30121 Plastic semi-finished products: Plates, sheet, film and tapes(cont'd)

30122 Plastic semi-finished products: Plates, sheet, film and tapes(cont'd)

3016 Plastic laminated sheets 塑料层压板

3018 Glass fibre reinforced plastic(GRP)products 玻璃纤维增强塑料(GRP)制品

30181 Glass fibre reinforced plastic(GRP)products(cont'd)

3020 Pipes, tubes, ducts and hoses, plastic 管,软管和水龙带,塑料制 30201 Pipes, tubes, ducts and hoses, plastic(cont'd)30202 Pipes, tubes, ducts and hoses, plastic(cont'd)3022 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, plastic 阀门,截止阀, 水龙头和连接件,塑料制

3024 Jointings, packings and gaskets, plastic 连接件,密封件和垫片,塑料制 3030 Plastic products for transport infrastructure 塑料制品,运输基础设施用 3032 Plastic products for the building industry 塑料制品,用于建筑工业 30321 Plastic products for the building industry(cont'd)3034 Doors, windows and skylights, plastic 窗户,门和天窗,塑料制

3036 Shutters, blinds and awnings, plastic 窗板,百叶窗和格栅,塑料制的 3038 Tanks and vats, plastic 罐和槽,塑料制的

3040 Packagings, plastic, classified by material 包装材料,塑料的,按材料分类的

3042 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, plastic.Containers for packaging, storage and transport 桶,鼓形桶,罐和盒子,塑料的。容器用于包装,储存和运输

30421 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, plastic.Containers for packaging, storage and transport(cont'd)

3044 Bottles and packaging tubes, plastic 瓶和包装管,塑料的 3046 Bags and sacks, plastic 袋子, 塑料的 30461 Bags and sacks, plastic(cont'd)

3048 Seals, closures and caps, plastic 密封件,塞子和盖,塑料的 3050 Sanitary ware, plastic 卫生洁具装置,塑料制的

3052 Sanitary and bathroom accessories, plastic 卫生和浴室配件,塑料的 3053 Hairdressing and beauty care products, plastic 美发和美容用具,塑料制的 3054 Household articles, plastic 家用物品, 塑料的

3055 Baby care articles, plastic 婴儿看护用品,塑料制的

3056 Kitchen articles and tableware, plastic 厨房用具和餐具,塑料制的 30561 Kitchen articles and tableware, plastic(cont'd)3057 Haberdashery articles, plastic 缝纫用品,塑料制的 3058 Plastic articles for decoration 塑料物品, 用于装饰 3059 Plastic products, miscellaneous 塑料制品,各种各样的 30591 Plastic products, miscellaneous(cont'd)30592 Plastic products, miscellaneous(cont'd)30593 Plastic products, miscellaneous(cont'd)

3060 Plastic products for agriculture and animal husbandry 塑料制品,用于农业和畜牧业

3062 Plastic products for the food and beverage industry 塑料制品,用于食品和饮料工业

3064 Plastic products for textile machinery 塑料制品,用于纺织机械 3067 Plastic products for the furniture industry 塑料制品,用于家具工业

3068 Plastic products for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries 塑料制品,用于化学,制药和化妆品业

3070 Plastic products for the mechanical engineering industry 塑料制品,用于机械工程业

3072 Plastic products for the electrical and electronics industries 塑料制品,用于电子和电器工业

30721 Plastic products for the electrical and electronics industries(cont'd)

3074 Plastic products for laboratories 塑料制品,用于实验室

3080 Plastic products for measuring apparatus 塑料制品,用于计量器 3082 Plastic products for the optical, photographic and cinematographic industry 塑料制品,用于光学业,摄影业和电影业

3084 Plastic articles for shops and supermarkets 塑料制品,用于商店和超级市场 3085 Plastic articles for office use 塑料制品,办公室用的

3087 Plastic products for hospital and medical use 塑料制品,用于医院

3088 Plastic products for surgical, orthopaedic and dental use 塑料制品, 用于外科,眼科,牙科

3089 Plastic products for veterinary use 塑料制品,用于兽医 3090 Thermoplastics processing contractors 热塑加工承包商 30901 Thermoplastics processing contractors(cont'd)

3095 Thermosetting plastic contractors 热塑性塑料加工承包商

Acids, alkalis, chemical base materials, alcohols, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, resins 酸、碱、化学基础材料、醇类、石油制品,药品以及树脂 3101 Inorganic acids and anhydrides 无机酸和酸酐 3103 Inorganic alkalis, hydroxides 无机碱,氢氧化物 3106 Sodium compounds 钠化合物 31061 Sodium compounds(cont'd)

3108 Calcium, strontium and thallium compounds 钙、锶和铊化合物 31081 Calcium, strontium and thallium compounds(cont'd)3110 Potassium and ammonium compounds 钾和铵的化合物(续)31101 Potassium and ammonium compounds(cont'd)31102 Potassium and ammonium compounds(cont'd)

3112 Iron and steel alloy compounds 钢铁合金化合物(续)31121 Iron and steel alloy compounds(cont'd)31122 Iron and steel alloy compounds(cont'd)3114 Non-ferrous heavy metal compounds 有色重金属化合物 31141 Non-ferrous heavy metal compounds(cont'd)31142 Non-ferrous heavy metal compounds(cont'd)3116 Light metal compounds 轻金属化合物(续)31161 Light metal compounds(cont'd)31162 Light metal compounds(cont'd)

3118 High-melting point and noble metal compounds 高熔点金属和贵重金属化合物

31181 High-melting point and noble metal compounds(cont'd)3120 Metal compounds NES 金属化合物(未做特殊定义的)31201 Metal compounds NES(cont'd)31202 Metal compounds NES(cont'd)

3122 Barium, boron, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine and selenium compounds 钡、硼、溴、氯、氟、碘和硒化合物

31221 Barium, boron, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine and selenium compounds(cont'd)

3124 Inorganic phosphorus, sulphur, carbon, silicon and caesium compounds 磷、硫、碳、硅和铯的无机化合物

3125 Inorganic chemicals NES 无机化合物(未做特殊定义的)

3126 Compressed and liquefied gases.Chemicals for refrigeration 压缩气和液化气。化学品用于冷却剂

3127 Rocket propellants 火箭推进剂

3131 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides 有机酸和其酐类和酰基卤类

31311 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides(cont'd)31312 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides(cont'd)31313 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides(cont'd)31314 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides(cont'd)31315 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides(cont'd)3133 Hydrocarbons and halocarbons 碳氢化合物和卤碳化合物 31331 Hydrocarbons and halocarbons(cont'd)3136 Alcohols and epoxides 醇和环氧醇 31361 Alcohols and epoxides(cont'd)

3138 Phenols, polyphenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, quinones(苯)酚类,多酚类,醚类,醛类,酮类和醌类

31381 Phenols, polyphenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, quinones(cont'd)31382 Phenols, polyphenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, quinones(cont'd)3140 Amines, including salts, amides and other organic nitrogen compounds NES 胺类,包括盐类,氨基化合物类和其他有机氮化合物,未做特殊定义的

31401 Amines, including salts, amides and other organic nitrogen compounds NES(cont'd)

31402 Amines, including salts, amides and other organic nitrogen compounds NES(cont'd)3142 Esters and salts of organic acids 酯类和有机酸盐类 31421 Esters and salts of organic acids(cont'd)31422 Esters and salts of organic acids(cont'd)3144 Catalysts 催化剂

3145 Miscellaneous organic chemicals.Mineral and organo-metallic compounds 各种有机化合物.矿物和有机金属化合物

3150 Chemicals for laboratories and microbiology 化工品,用于试验室和微生物研究的

3151 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals 原料,用于制药 31511 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals(cont'd)31512 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals(cont'd)31513 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals(cont'd)

3152 Chemicals for cosmetics, perfumery, detergents and soaps 化学品,用于化妆品,香料,清洁剂和肥皂

31521 Chemicals for cosmetics, perfumery, detergents and soaps(cont'd)31522 Chemicals for cosmetics, perfumery, detergents and soaps(cont'd)3159 Aroma compounds, essential oils 香料化合物,芳香油类(续)31591 Aroma compounds, essential oils(cont'd)

3161 Carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes 碳水化合物类,蛋白质类和酶类 31611 Carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes(cont'd)3162 Vitamins, hormones and organ extracts 维生素,荷尔蒙以和其他有机提取物 31621 Vitamins, hormones and organ extracts(cont'd)

3163 Barbiturates, sulphonamides, glycosides, alkaloids and antibiotics 巴比妥酸盐,磺胺类药物,糖苷, 抗菌素和杀菌剂 31631 Barbiturates, sulphonamides, glycosides, alkaloids and antibiotics(cont'd)

31632 Barbiturates, sulphonamides, glycosides, alkaloids and antibiotics(cont'd)

3164 Pharmaceutical preparations for the cardiovascular system, central and autonomic nervous system.Anaesthetics 心脏血管系统,中枢神经系统和麻醉用药剂 3165 Pharmaceutical preparations for ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat(ENT)and dentistry 眼,耳,鼻,喉咙,牙科用药剂 3166 Pharmaceutical preparations for metabolism, nutrition, alimentary systems.Pharmaceutical preparations for urology, dermatology, gynaecology and obstetrics 新陈代谢营养用药剂和泌尿生殖系统,产科及其它用途药剂 3167 Pharmaceutical preparations NES 常用药剂

3168 Pharmaceutical veterinary preparations 兽用药剂

3169 Chemotherapeutic agents, endocrines, antiseptics, immunological preparations 化疗制剂,内分泌免疫防毒剂

31691 Chemotherapeutic agents, endocrines, antiseptics, immunological preparations(cont'd)

3171 Parapharmaceutical preparations 辅助性药剂

3172 Medical preparations, oriental 药剂,东方国家的

3173 Culture media, fresh cell culture solutions.Bacteria 细菌培养基,新鲜细胞培养液

3175 Packaging, filling and sterilisation services for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries 包装材料,填装和杀菌服务,用于药品和化妆品

3177 Aerosol and pressurised container filling services 杀虫剂填装服务

3181 Petroleum based fuels, fluids, industrial oils, lubricants, greases and gases 石油基的燃料,流体,工业油,润滑剂,油脂和气体

31811 Petroleum based fuels, fluids, industrial oils, lubricants, greases and gases(cont'd)

3185 Mineral oils and greases 矿物油脂

3188 Coal, wood and resin distillation products 煤,木材和树脂的蒸馏制品 3189 Asphalt, tar and bituminous products 焦油和沥青制品 31891 Asphalt, tar and bituminous products(cont'd)3191 Natural resins and pitch 天然树脂和沥青

3192 Natural oils and grease for industrial use 工业用天然油脂 31921 Natural oils and grease for industrial use(cont'd)3194 Synthetic rubbers, resins, latices and other precursors 合成橡胶,树脂,胶乳的和其他初级粒子

31941 Synthetic rubbers, resins, latices and other precursors(cont'd)31942 Synthetic rubbers, resins, latices and other precursors(cont'd)31943 Synthetic rubbers, resins, latices and other precursors(cont'd)32 Agricultural chemicals, insecticides.Detergents, soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, waxes and polishes.Dyes, colourants, paints and inks.Adhesives, sealants, starch, gelatine, explosives and other chemicals 农用化学品,杀虫剂.清洁剂和肥皂,香水和化妆品,蜡,上光剂.染料,着色剂 3202 Fertilisers 肥料

32021 Fertilisers(cont'd)

3204 Fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, vermin destroyers 杀真菌剂,杀虫剂,杀菌剂和驱虫剂

32041 Fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, vermin destroyers(cont'd)32042 Fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, vermin destroyers(cont'd)3206 Herbicides, plant growth control substances, chemical spray products, fumigants 各种除草剂,植物生长素,化学 喷雾剂,烟雾剂

3208 Disinfectants and indoor deodorants 消毒剂和室内除臭剂

3213 Detergents, cleansers, bleaching agents 洗涤剂,清洁剂,漂白剂 32131 Detergents, cleansers, bleaching agents(cont'd)

3215 Soaps and detergents, fatty acid based 脂酸基质肥皂和去油污剂 32151 Soaps and detergents, fatty acid based(cont'd)3218 Perfumes and perfumery products 香水和能散发香味的产品 3220 Cosmetic, hair, skin and dental products 用于头发,皮肤和牙齿的各种化妆品

32201 Cosmetic, hair, skin and dental products(cont'd)3225 Waxes and wax products 蜡和蜡制品 3227 Candles 蜡烛

3228 Polishes 抛光剂 3231 Pigments, natural 颜料,天然的 32311 Pigments, natural(cont'd)3233 Pigments, synthetic 颜料,合成的 3235 Dyes 染料

3240 Colourants for food and beverages 色素,用于食品和饮料

3241 Colourants for leather, rubber, plastics and cosmetics 颜料, 用于皮革,橡胶,塑料和化妆品

3242 Inks.Colours for artists 墨水.颜料,用于艺术品 32421 Inks.Colours for artists(cont'd)3244 Paints and primers 油漆和底漆 32441 Paints and primers(cont'd)3246 Varnishes, lacquers, stains, distempers 清漆,油漆,涂料和水浆涂料 32461 Varnishes, lacquers, stains, distempers(cont'd)

3248 Vitreous colours, enamels and glazes 玻璃颜料,搪瓷,釉料

3250 Anti-corrosion, anti-foaming, antioxidant, antistatic and antifreeze products 防腐,防泡沫,防氧化,抗静电和防冻制品 3251 Adhesives, synthetic 粘合剂,合成的 32511 Adhesives, synthetic(cont'd)

3253 Starch, gelatine and natural adhesives 淀粉,凝胶和天然粘合剂 3256 Mastics, putties and sealing compounds 胶粘剂,油灰和密封剂化合物 32561 Mastics, putties and sealing compounds(cont'd)3261 Explosives, gunpowders and detonators 炸药,火药和雷管 32611 Explosives, gunpowders and detonators(cont'd)3264 Pyrotechnical products 烟火制品 3266 Matches 火柴

3271 Chemical additives for food and beverages 添加剂,用于食品和饮料 3273 Chemicals for textiles 化工制品,用于纺织品

3275 Chemicals for leather and fur.Tanning extracts 化学制剂,用于皮革和毛皮。单宁萃

3277 Chemicals for papermaking, printing and photography 化工品,用于造纸,印刷,照相的

3279 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the ceramics and glass industries 化学制剂和辅助剂,用于陶瓷和玻璃制造业

3280 Chemicals and auxiliaries for rubber and plastics 化学制剂和辅助剂,用于橡胶和塑料

32801 Chemicals and auxiliaries for rubber and plastics(cont'd)3281 Chemicals for lubricants and waxes 化学品,用于润滑剂和蜡 3282 Chemicals for paint, lacquer and varnish making 化学剂,用于油漆,清漆和罩光漆制造

3283 Chemicals for water treatment 化学制品,水处理的 3285 Chemicals for the basic metal industries 化工制品,用于基础金属工业的 3286 Chemicals for metal welding and soldering.Fluxes 化学品,用于金属焊接和硬焊。熔剂

3287 Chemicals for metal surface treatment 化学制品,用于金属表面处理 3289 Chemicals for fire-fighting and fire protection 化工品,用于消防和防火的 3291 Chemicals for building materials 化学制品,用于建筑材料

3292 Chemicals for the electrical and electronics industries 电器和电子工业用化学产品

3294 Chemicals for mining and oil extraction 化学原料,采矿和抽油用

3297 Chemicals for various uses NES 化工产品,各种用途的,未作特殊说明的 32971 Chemicals for various uses NES(cont'd)3298 Recycling of chemicals 回收(再生)服务,化工品的

3299 Subcontractors for the chemical industry 转包商,化学工业的 33 Non-metallic mineral products 非金属矿产品 3301 Coking plant products 炼焦厂产品 3303 Slate products 板石制品

3305 Mineral and ore mixing and crushing 矿物和矿石混合和粉碎 3307 Stone products 石制品 33071 Stone products(cont'd)3309 Mica and micanite products 云母和云母制品

3311 Carbon based materials and products 碳素材料和碳素制品 33111 Carbon based materials and products(cont'd)3312 Carbon fibre products 碳纤维制品

3313 Graphite and clay-bonded graphite products 石墨制品和粘土粘结的石墨制品

3315 Mineral fibre products, NES 矿物纤维,未做特殊定义的

3319 Mineral insulating materials NES 矿物绝缘材料,未做特殊定义的 3321 Cement 水泥

3323 Gypsum, plaster and lime 石膏,灰泥和石灰

3325 Gypsum, plaster and stucco products 石膏制品和粉刷灰泥制品 3326 Mortar 砂浆

3327 Concrete products 混凝土制品 33271 Concrete products(cont'd)

3331 Concrete prefabricated buildings and building components 混凝土预制建筑物和建筑构件

3333 Fibre cement products 纤维水泥制品

3334 Artificial and reconstituted stone products 人造石制品 3340 Flat glass 玻璃板

3342 Glass beads, rods, tubes and bulbs 玻璃珠,玻璃棒,玻璃管和玻璃炮 3344 Shaped glass products NES 成形玻璃制品,未做特殊定义的

3346 Glass fibres.Glass fibre and waste glass products 玻璃纤维。玻璃纤维制品和废玻璃制品

3347 Glass insulators 玻璃绝缘子

3350 Glass containers and bottles 玻璃容器和玻璃瓶

3352 Glassware for domestic and catering use.Crystal glassware 中空玻璃器具,家用和餐用。水晶玻璃器皿

33521 Glassware for domestic and catering use.Crystal glassware(cont'd)3354 Glass and mineral seals 玻璃封接件和矿物封接件 3356 Laboratory glassware 实验室用玻璃器具 3358 Medical glassware 医用玻璃器具 3360 Optical blank glass 光学透镜

3362 Glassware, handmade 玻璃器具,手工的 3363 Glass products, NES 玻璃制品,(其它)未特指的 3364 Glass decorating services 玻璃装饰服务 3365 Mirrors 镜子

3366 Quartz and silica electrothermal products 石英电热制品和二氧化硅电热制品

3368 Pottery, porcelain and chinaware for domestic and catering use 陶器,瓷器和陶瓷,家用和配餐用

33681 Pottery, porcelain and chinaware for domestic and catering use(cont'd)

3370 Porcelain and ceramic products, commercial and industrial.Ceramic pastes 陶瓷制品,用于商业和工业.陶瓷坯泥的

3372 Sanitary ware, earthenware, fireclay and vitreous china 卫生器具和浴室附件,陶土制,火泥制和玻化瓷制

3374 Sanitary and bathroom accessories in earthenware, fireclay and vitreous china 卫生和浴室配件,陶土,火泥和玻璃瓷制

3376 Ceramic products for the electrical industry 陶瓷制品,用于电气工业 3378 Silicon carbide products 碳化硅制品

3381 Ceramic and clinker building products 瓷制和烧结建筑制品 33811 Ceramic and clinker building products(cont'd)3382 Stoneware products 陶具

3384 Refractory materials and their non-shaped products 耐火材料和其未成形制品

3386 Refractory shaped products 成形耐火制品 33861 Refractory shaped products(cont'd)3388 Ceramic fibre products 陶瓷纤维制品 3390 Abrasive media 磨料

3392 Abrasive coated products 磨料产品,有涂层的 3395 Abrasive tools 磨具

Basic metal products 初级金属制品 3401 Raw pig-iron and steel 生铁和生钢 3404 Ferro-alloys 铁合金

3405 Refined, special and tool steels and their semi-finished products 精制钢,特种钢和工具钢及其半成品

34051 Refined, special and tool steels and their semi-finished products(cont'd)

3407 Iron and steel ingots and billets, hot rolled iron and steel strip 铁锭和钢锭,热轧铁和钢带的

3409 Iron and steel rods, bars, sections, rails, tyres, rolled steel sections, piling steel 铁和钢制品(棒、条、型材、轨、轮),轧制钢型材和钢桩

34091 Iron and steel rods, bars, sections, rails, tyres, rolled steel sections, piling steel(cont'd)

3412 Iron and steel, drawn, compressed and turned.Tube rounds and squares 抽制,压缩和转制的铁和钢.圆管和方管

3414 Iron and steel wire rod.Drawn steel wire, reinforcing steel 铁盘条和钢盘条。抽制钢丝和钢筋

3417 Sheet iron and steel, coated or magnetic 铁板和钢板,涂过层或带磁性的 3418 Black and bright steel 碳钢和冷拉钢 34181 Black and bright steel(cont'd)3419 Cold rolled steel flats, plates and strips 冷轧的扁钢,钢板和钢条 34191 Cold rolled steel flats, plates and strips(cont'd)3421 Light metals and alloys 轻金属和轻金属合金

3422 Light metal semi-manufactured products 轻金属半成品 34221 Light metal semi-manufactured products(cont'd)3425 Precious and rare metals and their alloys 贵重金属,稀有金属,和它们的合金

3426 Precious and rare metal semi-manufactured products 贵重金属和稀有金属半成品

3429 Pure metals 纯金属

3431 Non-ferrous metals and alloys NES 有色金属及其合金,未做特殊定义的 34311 Non-ferrous metals and alloys NES(cont'd)34312 Non-ferrous metals and alloys NES(cont'd)

3432 Metals and semi-finished products for electronic and electrical use 金属和其半成品,电子和电器用的

3433 Radioactive heavy metals and alloys and semi-manufactured products 放射性重金属和合金和半成品

3434 Non-ferrous metal semi-manufactured products 有色金属半成品 34341 Non-ferrous metal semi-manufactured products(cont'd)34342 Non-ferrous metal semi-manufactured products(cont'd)

3435 Solders, brazing and fusible alloys 焊料,铜料制和易熔合金制

3437 Metal grains, flakes, granules, shot, powders and fibres 金属颗粒,片,砾,珠,粉末和纤维

34371 Metal grains, flakes, granules, shot, powders and fibres(cont'd)3440 Sintered metals and products 烧结金属和烧结金属制品 3450 Iron castings 铸铁件 34501 Iron castings(cont'd)3452 Steel castings 铸钢件

3460 Non-ferrous metal castings 有色金属铸件 34601 Non-ferrous metal castings(cont'd)34602 Non-ferrous metal castings(cont'd)3465 Metal foams 泡沫金属 3490 Metal recycling 还原金属 35 Metal constructions for the building industry.Metal tanks, containers, cables, ropes, wires and fabrics.Wire goods.Filters and strainers.Chains, screws, bolts, nuts and rivets.Fasteners and springs.Metal turned articles.Bearings, pulleys, coupling 金属构件, 用于建筑业.金属槽,容器,线缆,绳索,导线和线制品.过滤器和筛网.链,螺钉,螺栓,螺母和铆钉.紧固件和弹簧.金属车制件.轴承,滑轮,联轴节和齿轮.工业动力传送设备.3502 Structural metal fabrications for civil and marine engineering, hydroelectric works and power transmission lines 金属构件,民用和造船工程用,液压-电动零件和动力传送设备

3504 Structural metal fabrications for building work 结构性的金属构件,建筑工程用

3506 Prefabricated metal buildings, greenhouses, glazed metal structures, verandas 预制的金属建筑物,温室,镶有玻璃的金属构件,走廊

3508 Non-structural metal fabrications for building work 非结构性的金属构件,建筑业用

35081 Non-structural metal fabrications for building work(cont'd)35082 Non-structural metal fabrications for building work(cont'd)3510 Scaffolding and ladders, metal 脚手架和梯子,金属制

3512 Barriers, grilles, railings, fences and gates, metal 栅栏,格栅, 栏杆,栅栏和门, 金属的

35121 Barriers, grilles, railings, fences and gates, metal(cont'd)3514 Doors, windows and skylights, metal 门(建筑物的),窗和天窗,金属制 35141 Doors, windows and skylights, metal(cont'd)

3516 Shutters, blinds and awnings, metal 百叶窗,遮帘和遮蓬,金属制 3520 Tanks and vats, metal, for liquids 槽罐和大桶,金属制,用于装液体 3522 Tanks, metal, for gases 槽罐,金属制,用于装气体

3524 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, metal, for packaging, transport and storage 桶,鼓形圆桶,铁罐和箱,金属的,用于包装,运输和 存储

35241 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, metal, for packaging, transport and storage(cont'd)

35242 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, metal, for packaging, transport and storage(cont'd)

3525 Metal fittings for casks, drums, cans and boxes 金属配件,桶,圆桶,罐和箱用

3526 Caps, closures and packaging tubes, metal 盖,塞和包装管,金属的 3535 Ferrous wires 黑色金属丝(线材)35351 Ferrous wires(cont'd)

3539 Non-ferrous metal wires 有色金属丝 35391 Non-ferrous metal wires(cont'd)

3544 Cables, cords and ropes, plaited bands and stranded wire slings, metal 钢丝绳,钢丝带和吊索,金属制

35441 Cables, cords and ropes, plaited bands and stranded wire slings, metal(cont'd)

3546 Wire fencing and barbed wire, fencing net, metal 围栏和带刺围栏,围栏网,金属的

3548 Wire goods, metal 金属线制品 3550 Electrodes, metal 焊条,金属制 35501 Electrodes, metal(cont'd)

3552 Shavings, wool, wadding, pads and sponges, metal 金属屑,金属棉,金属填料和金属垫片

3554 Gauze, cloth and netting, metal 纱布和纱网,金属制 3556 Filters and strainers, metal 过滤器和滤网,金属制

3558 Chains, chain slings and chain grips, metal 链条,吊链和抓链,金属制 35581 Chains, chain slings and chain grips, metal(cont'd)

3560 Nails, tacks, spikes and staples, metal 钉,圆头钉,道钉和U形钉,金属制 3562 Haberdashery metalware 缝纫用金属制品

3563 Pins, needles and thimbles, metal 大头针,缝衣针和顶针,金属的 3564 Screws, non-turned, metal 螺丝钉,非车制的,金属的 3566 Nuts, bolts and washers, metal, non-turned 螺母(螺帽),螺栓和垫圈,金属的,非车削的

35661 Nuts, bolts and washers, metal, non-turned(cont'd)3568 Rivets, metal, non-turned 铆钉,金属制,非车制

3570 Fasteners and fixing devices, metal, industrial 紧固件和固定设备,金属制,工业用

35701 Fasteners and fixing devices, metal, industrial(cont'd)3572 Springs, mechanical shock absorbers and dampers 弹簧,用于机械缓冲器和减震器

35721 Springs, mechanical shock absorbers and dampers(cont'd)3574 Air springs and hydraulic shock absorbers 气弹簧和液压减震器 3576 Turned products, metal 车削制品, 金属的

3578 Screws, bolts, nuts, washers and rivets, turned, metal 螺钉,螺栓,螺母和铆,车削的,金属制

35781 Screws, bolts, nuts, washers and rivets, turned, metal(cont'd)3580 Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings 滑动轴承,轴承,轴台的基座和衬套

35801 Plain bearings, plummer and pillow blocks, seats and bushings(cont'd)

3582 Ball, needle and roller bearings 滚珠轴承,滚针轴承,滚柱轴承 35821 Ball, needle and roller bearings(cont'd)

3584 Pulleys, cable wheels, rondles and windlass drums 滑轮,电缆轮,系索柱和绞盘滚 筒

3586 Couplings, clutches and brakes for industrial use 连接器,离合器和制动器闸,用于工业

35861 Couplings, clutches and brakes for industrial use(cont'd)3588 Gears 齿轮

3590 Variable speed equipment for industrial power transmission 变速设备,工业传动用

3592 Drive shafts, belts and chains for industrial power transmission 传动轴,传动带和传动链条,工业传动用

3594 Metal smallwares.Ironmongery NES 五金制品, 铁器, 未作特殊说明的 35941 Metal smallwares.Ironmongery NES(cont'd)35942 Metal smallwares.Ironmongery NES(cont'd)35943 Metal smallwares.Ironmongery NES(cont'd)

Metal pipes, tubes, hoses, taps, valves, cocks, packings and gaskets.Metal sanitary and household articles.Knives, scissors, shears and blades.Hand tools.Ironmongery and hardware.Arms and weapons 金属管道,管件,软管,龙头,阀门,旋塞,填片和垫片.金属卫生器具和家用制品.刀,剪,大剪刀和刀片.手用工具.铁制品和五 金件.军械和武器

3601 Pipes and tubes, ferrous metals 管材,铁的 36011 Pipes and tubes, ferrous metals(cont'd)36012 Pipes and tubes, ferrous metals(cont'd)

3602 Pipes and tubes, non-ferrous metals 管,有色金属制 36021 Pipes and tubes, non-ferrous metals(cont'd)

3604 Pipe, tube and hose fittings and joints, metal 管道,管件和配件及接头,金属的

36041 Pipe, tube and hose fittings and joints, metal(cont'd)36042 Pipe, tube and hose fittings and joints, metal(cont'd)36043 Pipe, tube and hose fittings and joints, metal(cont'd)3605 Hoses and tubes, flexible, metal 软管,金属制

3606 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal 阀门,旋塞(龙头)和附件,金属制 36061 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal(cont'd)36062 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal(cont'd)36063 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal(cont'd)36064 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal(cont'd)36065 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal(cont'd)

3608 Jointings, packings and gaskets, metal 接头,填片和垫片, 金属的 3610 Sanitary ware, metal 卫生器具,金属制

3611 Sanitary and bathroom accessories, metal 卫生和浴室配件,金属的 3612 Household articles, metal 家用用具, 金属制 36121 Household articles, metal(cont'd)

3614 Kitchen articles and tableware, metal 厨具和餐具,金属制 36141 Kitchen articles and tableware, metal(cont'd)3616 Household cutlery, metal 家用刀具,金属的 3618 Knives 刀具 36181 Knives(cont'd)3620 Scissors, shears, razors and blades 剪刀,大剪刀,剃刀和刀片 36201 Scissors, shears, razors and blades(cont'd)

3622 Tools, diamond and hard metal 手动工具,硬金属和金刚石的 3624 Cutting, cutting-off and sawing tools 切割工具,切断工具和锯 3625 Hammers, mallets and similar tools 锤子,棒槌和类似工具 3626 Pliers, clamps and similar tools 钳子,夹钳和类似工具 3627 Screwdrivers, spanners and similar tools 螺丝刀(改锥),扳子和类似工具

3628 Files, rasps and similar tools 锉刀,粗锉刀和类似产品

3629 Chisels, taps, dies, threaders, manual reamers, drills and similar tools 凿子,冲模,螺丝车床,刨刀,手动钻孔机和类似工具

3630 Workbenches, anvils, vices and similar equipment 工作台,用于砧子,台钳和相关设备

3631 Woodworking tools 木工工具

3632 Roofers', glaziers' and decorators' tools 屋顶工,玻璃工和装饰工用工具 3633 Masons' and miners' tools 泥瓦匠和矿工用工具 3634 Builders' tools 建筑工人用工具

3636 Power line maintenance tools and equipment 输电线维修用工具与设备 3637 Lubricating and oil purification equipment 机械润滑和油净化提纯设备 3640 Ironmongery and hardware for furniture and coachwork 五金器具, 用于家具和车身制造

3641 Metal components and fittings for gates, doors, windows, skylights, shutters, blinds and awnings 金属零配件,用于门,窗,天窗,百叶窗和遮阳篷 3644 Locksmiths' articles, safes and security installations 锁类产品,用于保险箱和安全装置

36441 Locksmiths' articles, safes and security installations(cont'd)36442 Locksmiths' articles, safes and security installations(cont'd)3646 Lighting appliances, non-electric 照明装置,不用电的 3650 Metal products, miscellaneous 金属产品,各种各样的 3690 Individual arms and accessories 单兵武器及附件 36901 Individual arms and accessories(cont'd)

3692 Heavy weapons, armoured vehicles 重武器,用于装甲车 3694 Heavy weapon components 重武器

3696 Ammunition, mines, cartridges 弹药,地雷和炸药包 36961 Ammunition, mines, cartridges(cont'd)

3698 Control systems for military applications 控制系统, 用于军用设备 3699 Airborne military equipment 军用机载设备

Electrical, electronic and nuclear equipment 电气,电子和核设备 3701 Electric generator sets 发电机组

3702 Electric rotary machines, alternators, dynamos and converters 旋转式电动机械,交流发电机,直流发电机和变换器

3703 Electric motors over 1 kW 电动机,大于1千瓦的 3704 Electric motors up to 1 kW 电动机, 小于一千瓦的

3705 Spare parts and accessories for electric rotary machines, generators, converters and motors 部件和附件, 旋转机械,发电机,电动机等的 3706 Transformers and auto-transformers 变压器和自耦变压器 37061 Transformers and auto-transformers(cont'd)3707 Rectifiers, reactance and induction coils 整流器,电抗和感应线圈 3708 Permanent magnets, electromagnets and solenoids 永磁材料,电磁铁和螺线管 37081 Permanent magnets, electromagnets and solenoids(cont'd)3709 Magnetic cards and smart cards 磁卡和智能卡

3710 Accumulators, batteries, primary cells 蓄电池,电池和原电池 37101 Accumulators, batteries, primary cells(cont'd)3713 Power distribution equipment for various uses 配电(输电,电力输送)设备,各种用途的

3714 Switchboards 开关板

3715 Power line cable and wire fittings 电力缆线零配件

3716 Electrical protection systems.Fuses 电力保护系统,保险丝 3717 Connectors, plugs, sockets and terminals 连接件,插头,插座和接线端子 37171 Connectors, plugs, sockets and terminals(cont'd)3718 Electric switches 电气开关 37181 Electric switches(cont'd)37182 Electric switches(cont'd)

3719 Electric controllers, starters and regulators 电气的控制器,起动器和调节器

37191 Electric controllers, starters and regulators(cont'd)3720 Electrical equipment NES 电气设备, 未作特殊说明的

3722 Heating elements and accessories for electrothermal appliances 电热器材中的热元件和配件

3723 Electric and electromagnetic tools 电动和电磁式工具 37231 Electric and electromagnetic tools(cont'd)3724 Earthing equipment and components 地线,接线避雷装置和零配件 3725 Electric lamps 电灯 37251 Electric lamps(cont'd)3726 Electric lamp components and accessories 电灯配件和附件 3727 Electric lighting equipment, indoor 电力照明设备,室内用的 3728 Electric lighting equipment, outdoor 电力照明设备,室外用的 3729 Portable electric lamps and accessories 便携电灯和其附件

3730 Telecommunication system exchanges and network equipment 电信系统交换机和网络设备

3731 Telecommunication transmission and reception equipment 电信收发设备, 电信传输和接收设备

37311 Telecommunication transmission and reception equipment(cont'd)3732 Telecommunication equipment accessories 电信设备附件

3735 Remote controls, electric and electronic 遥控系统,电力或电子式 3736 Radar systems and equipment 雷达系统和设备 37361 Radar systems and equipment(cont'd)

3739 Radio equipment, professional 无线电设备,专用的 37391 Radio equipment, professional(cont'd)

3740 Television and video equipment, professional 电视设备和电视广播设备,专业的

37401 Television and video equipment, professional(cont'd)3741 Radios, tape recorders, compact disc(CD)players and high fidelity(hi-fi)equipment 收音机,磁带录音机,CD机和高保真(hi-fi)设备

3742 Television receivers, video recorders and camcorders 电视机,录像机和摄像机

3743 Audio-visual(AV)and simultaneous interpreting equipment 音像和同声翻译设备 3744 Loudspeakers and headphones 扬声器和耳机

3745 Radio, television and audio-visual(AV)equipment components and accessories 收音机,电视机和视听的零配件附件

3746 Aerials, wave radiators and collectors 天线,电波辐射器和集波器 3748 Microphones 麦克风

3749 Recording equipment for industrial use 记录设备,用于工业 3750 Automation systems and servomechanisms 自动化系统和伺服系统 3751 Electronic equipment and components, industrial 电子设备和部件,用于工业 37511 Electronic equipment and components, industrial(cont'd)

3753 Ultrasonic, ultraviolet(UV), infrared and radiological equipment for industrial and scientific use 超声波,紫外线(UV),红外线,放射线设备,工业和科学用

3754 Ultrasonic, ultraviolet(UV), infrared and radiological equipment for biological and medical applications 超声波,紫外线(UV),红外线和放射设备, 用于生物和医学设备

3755 Electro-medical and electro-biological equipment 电子-医学和电子生物学设备

3756 Hearing aids 助听器

3760 Capacitors and power factor correction systems 电容器和功率因数校正系统

37601 Capacitors and power factor correction systems(cont'd)3761 Resistors and rheostats 电阻器和变阻器

3762 Passive electronic components: coils, chokes and power transformers 无源电子元件: 线圈,振流圈和动力变压器

3763 Optoelectronic systems and equipment 光电子系统和设备

3765 Complex electronic components.Passive microstructures 综合电子元件.无源微型的

3766 Tubes and valves, electronic 电子管和整流管, 电子的 37661 Tubes and valves, electronic(cont'd)3769 Semiconductors 半导体管

3770 Transistors, thyristors and metal rectifiers 晶体管,半导体闸流管和金属整流器

3771 Integrated circuits(ICs)and printed circuits 集成电路(ICs)和印刷电路

3772 Components for semiconductor devices and micro-electric circuits 半导体装置,微型电子线路

3773 Electric and electronic relays, classified by type 电子继电器,按类型分类的

37731 Electric and electronic relays, classified by type(cont'd)3774 Electric and electronic relays, classified by use 按用途分类的各种电气和电子继电器

3775 Amplifiers 放大器 37751 Amplifiers(cont'd)3776 Oscillators 振荡器 3777 Microwave systems 微波系统

3778 Electrical and electronics industries contractors 电气和电子工业承包商

3779 Electric conductors, wires and busbars, non-insulated 电线和导线,裸电线和导线

3780 Electric wires and cables, insulated 电源线和电缆线, 绝缘的 37801 Electric wires and cables, insulated(cont'd)

3781 Wires and cables for telecommunications and electronics 缆线,用于电信和电子

3782 Fibre optic cables, systems and equipment 光纤电缆,光纤系统和光纤设备 3783 Electrical insulators 电绝缘体

3784 Electrical insulating and dielectric materials 电绝缘材料和介质材料 3785 Lasers and masers 激光器和微波激射器

3786 Electrical and electronic equipment for military use 电气和电子设备,军用

3789 Nuclear engineering plant, installations and equipment 核工程设备和装置

3790 Nuclear fuels, isotopes, compounds and related equipment 核燃料,同位素,化合物和相关设备

3791 Measuring and control instruments for nuclear installations 核测量和控制仪器,用于核设备

3792 Nuclear engineering contractors 核工程承包商

3795 Solar energy systems and equipment 太阳能系统和设备

3796 Alternative energy equipment NES 替代能源设备(未做特殊定义的)3798 Renewable energy equipment, parts and accessories 零部件, 用于再生能源设备

Measuring and testing equipment.Optical, photographic and cinematographic equipment.Medical, surgical, dental and veterinary equipment 测量和测试仪器.光学,照相和 摄影设备.内科,外科,牙科和兽医用设备

3801 Electrical and electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring electrical quantities 电力和电子装置,用于测量电学品质

3803 Electrical and electronic test equipment 电力和电子测试设备

3804 Electrical measuring and control instruments for electric circuits and networks 电路和电网的测控仪器 3806 Electrical, electromechanical, electrochemical, electrophysical measuring equipment for non-electric values 电的,机电的, 电化的,电物理的测量装置, 用于非电值测量

3810 Electrical and electronic measuring and controlling instruments for nuclear engineering 电力和电子测量和控制仪器,用于核工业

3812 Electronic measuring instruments and meters for laboratory and research.Oscilloscopes, wavemeters 电测量仪器,用于实验室,研究室。示波器,波长计 3813 Electronic measuring, testing and controlling instruments for vibration and electro-acoustics.Filters, signal generators 电子测量,检测和控制仪器,用于振动,电声。滤波器,信号发生 3815 Electrical and electronic measuring, monitoring and controlling instruments for various applications 电力和电子测量, 监视,控制仪器, 用于各种用途

38151 Electrical and electronic measuring, monitoring and controlling instruments for various applications(cont'd)

3816 Magnetic and electromagnetic measuring instruments 磁性和电磁测量设备 3817 Test equipment for the electrical and electronics industries 测试设备,用于电力和电子业

38171 Test equipment for the electrical and electronics industries(cont'd)

3818 Static and tensile testing equipment 静态和拉力测试设备 3819 Dynamic testing equipment 动力测试装置 3820 Structural testing equipment 结构试验装置

3821 Industrial testing equipment for internal combustion engines and motor vehicles 工业测试设备, 用于内燃机和汽车

3822 Hydraulic and thermal test equipment 液压和热测试装置 3823 Testing equipment for building materials 测试设备, 建材的

3824 Testing equipment for paper and paper pulp 测试设备, 用于纸和纸浆 3825 Testing equipment for the rubber, plastic and leather industries 测试设备,用于橡胶,塑料和皮革工业的

3826 Testing equipment for textiles 测试设备, 用于纺织品

3827 Testing equipment for colours, paints and varnishes 测试设备,用于颜料,涂料,油漆的

3828 Testing equipment for precious stones 测试设备,宝石的

3829 Testing equipment for materials and products NES 测试设备,用于未做特殊说明的材料和产品

38291 Testing equipment for materials and products NES(cont'd)3830 Testing equipment for metals 测试设备, 金属的

3831 Testing and analysing equipment for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries 测试和分析设备,用于化学,制药和化妆品业

38311 Testing and analysing equipment for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries(cont'd)

3832 Physical measuring equipment, chromatographic analysers, X-ray and gamma-ray spectrographs 物质测试装置,色谱分析仪X射线和γ射线摄谱仪

3833 Mechanical measuring instruments for laboratories 机械测量仪,实验室的 3835 Instrument recorders for research and industry 仪器记录仪,研究和工业的 3837 Optical lenses and glasses.Optical mirrors 光学透镜和目镜,光学镜 38371 Optical lenses and glasses.Optical mirrors(cont'd)3838 Spectacles and spectacle frames 眼镜和眼镜框

3839 Magnifiers, eyepieces and objectives 放大镜,目镜和物镜

3840 Binoculars, telescopes and periscopes 双筒望远镜,单筒望远镜和潜望镜 3841 Microscopes 显微镜

3842 Optical projectors 光学投影仪

3843 Spectrophotometric and photometric instruments 分光光度仪和光度计 38431 Spectrophotometric and photometric instruments(cont'd)3844 Refractometers and other optical instruments 折射仪和其它光学仪器 3845 Astronomy equipment 天文设备

3846 Optical instruments for military use 军用光学测量仪器 3850 Compasses 指南针

3851 Cameras, photographic equipment and projectors 照相机,摄影设备和放映机 38511 Cameras, photographic equipment and projectors(cont'd)3853 Cine-cameras, cine projectors and related equipment 电影摄影机,电影投影机和相关设备

3855 Photographic processing equipment 摄影照片冲洗设备 3856 Cine film processing equipment 电影胶片处理设备 3857 Microfilm equipment 缩微胶片设备

3858 Meteorological equipment 气象仪表设备

3859 Surveying and geodetic instruments 测绘和测地学仪器

3860 Underwater testing and measuring instruments 水下测试和测量仪器 3863 Drawing and mathematical instruments 绘图仪和数学仪器 3865 Length, surface and volume measuring instruments 长度,表面和容量的测量仪器

3866 Measuring instruments, mechanical and optical NES 测量仪器, 机械的和光学的(未做特殊定义的)3867 Checking instruments, mechanical 检查仪器,机械式

3868 Mechanical measuring and controlling instruments for pressure.Manometers 机械测量和控制仪器, 用于压力.压力计

38681 Mechanical measuring and controlling instruments for pressure.Manometers(cont'd)

3869 Mechanical counters and tachometers, industrial 机械式计数器和转速表, 用于工业

3872 Mechanical scales, weigh batching and dosing equipment 机械秤,重量配料和计量设备

3873 Automatic scales, weigh batching and dosing equipment 自动秤,称量配料和剂量设备

38731 Automatic scales, weigh batching and dosing equipment(cont'd)

3875 Optoelectronic, electronic and special scales, weigh batching and dosing equipment 电-光,电子和专用秤,用于配料称重设备和剂量设备

3876 Accessories and weights for scales 配件和砝码, 用于天平3878 Temperature measuring instruments 温度测量仪器 38781 Temperature measuring instruments(cont'd)

3879 Flow measuring and control equipment 流量测量和控制设备 38791 Flow measuring and control equipment(cont'd)

3880 Level measuring and control equipment for liquids 液位测量和控制设备 3881 Moisture, specific gravity, pH, fluid conductivity and viscosity measuring instruments 湿度,比重,酸碱值(PH值),液体传导性和粘度测量仪器

38811 Moisture, specific gravity, pH, fluid conductivity and viscosity measuring instruments(cont'd)3882 Temperature regulating and control equipment 温度调整装置和控制装置 3883 Telecommunication measuring and testing equipment 通信系统的测量和测试设备

3884 Measuring and testing instruments, electric and electronic NES 测量和测试仪器,电力和电子的(根据顾客规格的)

3885 Photoelectric control systems and devices 光电控制系统和装置

3886 Regulating and control systems and equipment NES 调节和控制系统和设备(未做特殊定义的)

38861 Regulating and control systems and equipment NES(cont'd)38862 Regulating and control systems and equipment NES(cont'd)

3887 Components and accessories for regulating and controlling systems and equipment 元件和附件, 用于调控系统

3888 Precision measuring instrument components and accessories 精密的测量装置零件和附件

3889 Medical and surgical instruments 医疗和外科仪器 38891 Medical and surgical instruments(cont'd)

3890 Equipment and instruments for medical laboratories 器械和设备, 用于医学实验室

3891 Medical and surgical equipment 医疗和外科仪器 38911 Medical and surgical equipment(cont'd)38912 Medical and surgical equipment(cont'd)38913 Medical and surgical equipment(cont'd)38914 Medical and surgical equipment(cont'd)38915 Medical and surgical equipment(cont'd)3892 Ophthalmic equipment 眼科设备 3893 Orthopaedic equipment 矫形术器械 3894 Prostheses 假体

3895 Physiotherapy and spa equipment 物理疗法和矿泉疗用设备 3896 Dental equipment and instruments 牙科设备和仪器

3897 Dental laboratory equipment and supplies 牙科实验室设备和备件 3898 Dental prostheses 牙科修补物,假牙

3899 Medical and surgical equipment, veterinary 医疗和外科设备,兽医医用 39 Means of transport.Transport infrastructure equipment 运输方式, 运输基建设备

3901 Ocean-going ships 远洋轮船

3903 Lake, river, canal, harbour and coastal vessels 湖泊,河流,运河,港口和海岸海船

3904 Ship repair and maintenance services 海轮修理和维护服务 3905 Yachts and pleasure craft 游艇和娱乐船

3906 Submersible vessels and equipment 潜水艇和潜水设备

3912 Marine propulsion, transmission and steering units.Boilers 海船推进传动装置和操纵装置。锅炉

3914 Components, equipment and signals for ships and boats 设备和信号机的元件,用于轮船和艇 39141 Components, equipment and signals for ships and boats(cont'd)39142 Components, equipment and signals for ships and boats(cont'd)3918 Control and navigational instruments for ships 导航控制仪器, 船用 3921 Locomotives, railcars, and trams 机车,有轨车和有轨电车

3925 Railway and tram carriages and wagons 火车,电车,客车和货车车厢 3927 Rolling stock components and accessories 铁路车辆零件和附件 39271 Rolling stock components and accessories(cont'd)

3929 Cableways, ropeways, chairlifts, ski lifts and similar equipment 空中索道, 空中缆索, 椅式提升机, 上山缆索吊椅和相似设备 3931 Motor cars and vans 汽车和大蓬车

3933 Buses and motor coaches 公共汽车和大客车

3934 Lorries/trucks and tractor units 货车/卡车和拖拉机装置 3935 Motor vehicles, special purpose 机动车辆,有特殊用途的 3936 Truck/lorry trailers 卡车/货车挂车

3937 Tracked and amphibious vehicles 履带式和水陆两用车辆 3939 Motorised caravans and campers 机动大蓬车和野营车 3940 Light trailers, caravans and mobile homes 轻型挂车,大蓬车和活动住房车 3942 Motor vehicle maintenance and repair services 汽车保养和修理服务 3943 Coachbuilders 车身制造商

3944 Motor vehicle body components and spare parts 汽车车身部件和备件 39441 Motor vehicle body components and spare parts(cont'd)

3946 Light trailer, caravan and mobile home components and accessories 轻型挂车,大蓬车和带住宿设备汽车的部件和附件

3949 Motor vehicle transmission parts and spare parts 汽车传动零配件

3951 Motor vehicle steering and suspension parts and spare parts 汽车转向和悬挂零件及备件

3952 Motor vehicle brake parts and spare parts 汽车刹车零件和备件 3953 Wheels and castors 车轮和脚轮

3954 Motor vehicle ventilation, heating and air conditioning(HVAC)systems 汽车的通风,供暖和空调(HVAC)系统

3955 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment 机动车电气设备和电子设备

39551 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment(cont'd)

3957 Motor vehicle control instruments and panels 机动车控制仪表和仪表板 3959 Motor vehicle accessories 机动车附件 39591 Motor vehicle accessories(cont'd)

3961 Motorcycles, mopeds and go-karts 摩托车,机动自行车和卡丁车 3962 Motorcycle parts and accessories 摩托车零配件 39621 Motorcycle parts and accessories(cont'd)3963 Bicycles 自行车

3965 Bicycle parts and accessories 自行车零配件(续)3967 Animal drawn vehicles 畜力车

3968 Wheelchairs and vehicles for the disabled 轮椅和运输工具,用于残疾人 3970 Aircraft 飞机 3971 Missiles, rockets and satellites.Launching platforms 导弹,火箭和卫星的发射台

3973 Aircraft engines and components 飞机引擎和配件

3974 Aircraft structural equipment and components 飞机建造设备及其元件 39741 Aircraft structural equipment and components(cont'd)3975 Aircraft cockpit equipment 飞机驾驶室设备

3978 Aircraft cabin equipment and appliances 飞机舱设备和装置 3979 Aircraft electrical equipment 飞机电气设备

3981 Aircraft control and navigational equipment 飞机控制设备和导航设备 39811 Aircraft control and navigational equipment(cont'd)

3982 Aircraft overhaul, maintenance, upgrading and repair services 飞机检修,维修,升级和修理服务

3983 Flight training equipment 飞行训练设备 3984 Harbour equipment 港口设备

3985 Cargo handling equipment and towing equipment for harbours, rivers and canals 船货处理设备和牵引设备, 用于港口, 河流和运河

3986 Lighthouse equipment.Beacons and buoys 灯塔设备,信号台和浮标 3987 Railway track and overhead line equipment 铁路轨道和高架线路装置

3988 Railway shunting and goods handling equipment 铁路分路装置和货物搬运装置

3989 Electrical signalling and safety equipment for railways and tramways 电力信号设备和安全设备, 用于铁路和电车轨道

3990 Road traffic regulating and controlling equipment 道路交通管制设备和控制设备

3991 Service station equipment.Vehicle washing and parking area equipment 加油站设备.机车清洗和停车场设备

3993 Motor vehicle servicing and repair equipment 机动车的维修设备 39931 Motor vehicle servicing and repair equipment(cont'd)

3994 Motor vehicle testing equipment for garages 汽车测试设备, 用于修理厂 3995 Airport equipment 机场设备

3996 Aircraft maintenance and repair equipment 飞机维护和修理设备 Turbines, engines, steam machines, pumps, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, boilers, ovens, kilns, furnaces and burners.Heating, ventilation, air conditioning(HVAC), cleaning, catering, cooking and refrigeration equipment.Fire-fighting, protection an 涡轮机,发动机,蒸汽机,泵,气动和液压设备,锅炉,窑炉,冶金用炉和燃烧器。加热,通风,空调,清洗,餐饮,烹调和冷冻设备。消防和保安设备 41 Water turbines and engines 水轮机和发动机

Steam and gas turbines and engines 蒸汽,燃气涡轮机和发动机 45 Internal combustion engines 内燃机

Internal combustion engine components and spare parts 内燃机组件和备用零件

471 Internal combustion engine components and spare parts(cont'd)4011 Pumps classified by type 泵, 按类型分的 40111 Pumps classified by type(cont'd)4012 Pumps classified by use 泵, 按用途分类的 40121 Pumps classified by use(cont'd)

4015 Pumps for air and gas, vacuum pumps 空气和燃气泵,真空泵 4017 High vacuum pumps and equipment 高真空泵和设备 4019 Pump components and accessories 泵配件和附件 4021 Compressors 压缩机

40211 Compressors(cont'd)

4025 Pneumatic tools and machines 气风动工具和机器

4030 Pneumatic and hydro-pneumatic equipment 气动和液压-气动设备

4032 Pneumatic and hydro-pneumatic parts and accessories 气动和液压气动零配件

40321 Pneumatic and hydro-pneumatic parts and accessories(cont'd)4034 Hydraulic and oil hydraulic equipment 液压和油液压设备 40341 Hydraulic and oil hydraulic equipment(cont'd)

4036 Hydraulic and oil hydraulic parts and accessories 液压,油压零件和附件 40361 Hydraulic and oil hydraulic parts and accessories(cont'd)4040 Boilers and accessories 锅炉和附件 40401 Boilers and accessories(cont'd)

4042 Industrial steam boilers and accessories 工业蒸汽锅炉和附件

4044 Heat exchangers, cooling towers, water condensers and radiators 换热器,冷却塔,水冷凝器和散热器

40441 Heat exchangers, cooling towers, water condensers and radiators(cont'd)

4046 Central heating systems, hot air generators 中央供暖系统,热空气发生器 4048 Central heating system components and accessories 中央供暖系统部件和其附件

4050 Ovens, kilns and furnaces for industrial use 炉,干燥炉和熔炉,用于工业

40501 Ovens, kilns and furnaces for industrial use(cont'd)4052 Hearths, oil and gas burners and accessories 炉床,燃油和燃气炉心(灶头)和附件

40521 Hearths, oil and gas burners and accessories(cont'd)

4054 Driers and drying plant, industrial, non-electric 干燥机和干燥设备,工业用,非电力的

4056 Driers and drying plant, industrial, electric 干燥机和干燥设备,工业用,电的

4058 Heating equipment, industrial, electric 加热设备,工业用,电的

4060 Space heating, air conditioning, ventilation and humidifying plant 空间加热设备,空调设备,通风设备和湿度调节器 40601 Space heating, air conditioning, ventilation and humidifying plant(cont'd)

4062 Air filtration, dust and fume collection and extraction equipment 空气过滤设备,烟尘收集设备,抽取设备

40621 Air filtration, dust and fume collection and extraction equipment(cont'd)

4064 Fans, blowers and ventilators 风扇,送风机和通风设备 40641 Fans, blowers and ventilators(cont'd)

4066 Floor cleaning machinery.Vacuum cleaners 地面吸尘设备,真空吸尘器 4067 Washing, drying and ironing machines, domestic 洗涤机,干燥机和熨平机,家用的

4068 Laundry and dry-cleaning machinery and equipment 洗衣店用设备和干洗机和设备

40681 Laundry and dry-cleaning machinery and equipment(cont'd)4070 Catering machinery and equipment 配餐机械和设备 40701 Catering machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4072 Kitchen small appliances, electric, domestic 小型厨房用具,电动的,家用

4073 Electrical appliances NES 其它电子设备

4074 Cooking and heating appliances, domestic, gas 燃气烹饪和加热器具,家用 4076 Cooking and heating appliances, domestic, solid and liquid fuel 家用固体,液体燃料烹饪,加热器具

4078 Cooking and heating appliances, domestic, electric 炊具和加热器具,家用,电的

4080 Refrigeration plant and equipment, industrial, freeze drying plant 冷冻设备和冷冻烘干设备,工业的

4082 Refrigerators and freezers 制冷器和冷冻机

4084 Refrigeration equipment parts and accessories 冷冻设备的零件和附件 4086 Ice making plant and equipment 制冰装置和设备 4088 Sound reduction equipment 消音设备 4090 Fire-fighting equipment 消防设备 40901 Fire-fighting equipment(cont'd)

4092 Accident prevention devices and equipment, industrial 保险装置和设备, 工业的

4093 Protective and life saving equipment, personal 保护和救生设备, 个人的 4095 Signalling and alarm equipment 信号和警报设备 40951 Signalling and alarm equipment(cont'd)4097 Intruder detection and access control systems 闯入侦测系统

Agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment.Food, drink and tobacco industry machinery and equipment 农业和林业机械和设备,食品,饮料和烟草工业用机械设备

4101 Agricultural tractors and power cultivators 农用动力耕种机和拖拉机 4102 Soil preparation equipment.Ploughs 土地平整设备,犁 4103 Soil dressing equipment.Harrows 土地修整设备,耙等

4106 Sowing and planting equipment, manure and fertiliser spreaders 播种和种植机械,厩肥和肥料播撒机

4107 Irrigation and watering equipment 灌溉和浇灌设备 4108 Crop protection equipment 农作物保护设备

4109 Cereal harvesting and processing machinery and equipment, farm use 谷物收割和加工的农机和设备, 农场使用

4110 Forage harvesting and processing machinery and equipment, farm use 饲料收割和加工的农机和设备

4111 Balers, agricultural 打捆机, 农用的 4112 Vegetable and fruit harvesting and processing machinery and equipment, farm use 蔬菜和水果收割和加工农机和设备

4113 Machinery and equipment for crop processing NES, farm use 农机和设备, 用于作物加工(未作特殊说明的), 农场使用

4114 Cattle and horse breeding and farming equipment 牛和马饲养设备 4115 Pig and sheep breeding and farming equipment 猪和羊饲养设备 4116 Poultry breeding and farming equipment 家禽饲养设备 4117 Bee-keeping and sericulture equipment 养密蜂和养蚕设备 4118 Fish, mollusc and crustacean farming equipment 鱼,软体动物,甲壳类动物饲养设备

4119 Fur animal breeding and farming equipment 毛皮类动物饲养设备 4120 Kennel and cattery equipment 养狗场,养猫场设备 4121 Dairy farm equipment 牛奶场设备

4122 Agricultural handling and storage equipment 农场粮仓和输送设备 4123 Agricultural trailers 农用拖挂车

4124 Agricultural equipment;parts and accessories 农用设备零,配件 4125 Agricultural and horticultural tools 农业工具和园艺工具 4126 Mushroom farm equipment 蘑菇种植场设备 4127 Vineyard equipment 葡萄园设备

4128 Plantation machinery and equipment 种植机械和设备 4129 Forestry machinery and equipment 林业机械与设备

4131 Sugar beet processing machinery and equipment, industrial 糖用甜菜加工机械和设备, 工业的

4132 Sugar cane processing machinery and equipment, industrial 加工机械和设备,用于甘蔗, 工业的

4133 Sugar refinery machinery and equipment 提炼设备, 用于食糖

4134 Grain and maize/corn pre-processing machinery and equipment, industrial 谷物和玉米预处理设备, 工业的

4135 Flour, semolina and rice milling and processing machinery and equipment 面粉,粗粒面粉和稻米研磨加工设备

4136 Animal feed processing machinery and equipment, industrial 饲料加工机械设备,工业的

4137 Starch, glucose/dextrose and dextrin production machinery and equipment 淀粉,葡萄糖/右旋糖和糊精生产机械和设备

4138 Pasta manufacturing machinery and equipment 面食生产设备 4140 Bakery machinery and equipment 面包制作机械和设备 41401 Bakery machinery and equipment(cont'd)4144 Sugar confectionery making plant and equipment 糖果制造设备 4145 Syrup, candied fruit and jam making plant and equipment 糖浆,蜜饯和果酱制作设备 4146 Cocoa bean processing and chocolate making plant and equipment 可可豆加工设备和巧克力制作设备

4148 Coffee, tea and chicory processing plant and equipment 咖啡,茶和菊苣加工设备

4151 Edible vegetable oil and fat processing plant and equipment 食用植物油脂加工设备

4152 Edible animal oil and fat processing plant and equipment 食用动物油脂加工设备

4153 Abattoir plant and equipment 屠宰场设备

4155 Meat and offal processing and sausage making machinery and equipment 肉和杂碎的加工设备,香肠制作设备

4158 Butchery machinery and equipment 肉店用机械设备

4161 Vegetable and fruit processing machinery and equipment, industrial 蔬菜和水果加工机械和设备, 工业的

4163 Fish, shellfish and seaweed processing machinery and equipment, industrial 鱼,贝类和海藻加工机械和设备,工业的

4170 Casein and lactose plant and equipment 酪蛋白和乳糖生产设备

4171 Dairy industry machinery and equipment 奶品制造业机械和设备,全套的 4172 Condensed and powdered milk manufacturing plant and equipment 炼乳和奶粉制造设备

4173 Cream, butter and yogurt making machinery and equipment 奶油,黄油和酸干酪制造机械和设备

4174 Cheese making machinery and equipment 干酪制造机械和设备 4175 Egg industry machinery and equipment 鸡蛋加工业设备

4177 Ice cream making and dispensing machinery and equipment 冰淇淋制造设备和分配设备

4180 Drinks industry machinery and equipment NES 饮料加工机械和设备,未做特殊定义的

4182 Distillery machinery and equipment 酿酒厂机械和设备 4184 Wine production plant and equipment 葡萄酒加工设备 4186 Cider production plant and equipment 苹果酒制造设备

4187 Soft drink and fruit juice production plant and equipment 软饮料和果汁制造设备

4188 Mineral water processing and carbonating plant and equipment 矿泉水加工和充二氧化碳设备

4190 Malting plant and equipment 麦芽生产设备 4191 Brewery plant and equipment 酿酒设备

4193 Vinegar, condiment and mustard making plant and equipment 醋,调味品和芥茉生产设备

4195 Food industry plant and equipment NES 食品工业设备(未做特殊定义的)41951 Food industry plant and equipment NES(cont'd)41952 Food industry plant and equipment NES(cont'd)

4197 Tobacco leaf processing and cigar production plant and equipment 烟叶加工设备和雪茄生产设备 4198 Cigarette production plant and equipment 香烟生产设备 42 Plant, machinery and equipment for chemicals, rubber, plastic, refuse and water.Packaging machinery and equipment 设备,用于化学制品,橡胶,塑料,废料和水处理.包装机械和设备

4201 Inorganic chemical production plant and equipment 无机化工生产设备 4202 Organic chemical production plant and equipment 有机化学生产设备

4203 Chemical plant and equipment for miscellaneous processes 化工设备, 用于杂项处理

42031 Chemical plant and equipment for miscellaneous processes(cont'd)4204 Tanning extract production plant and equipment 单宁萃取加工设备 4210 Acid production plant and equipment 酸生产厂和设备

4211 Alkali, phosphate, superphosphate production plant and equipment 强碱,磷酸盐和过磷酸盐加工设备

4213 Metalloid production and processing plant and equipment 非金属类产品加工设备

4215 Fertiliser production plant and equipment 化肥的生产设备 4217 Crushers, mills and pulverisers 破碎机和粉碎机 42171 Crushers, mills and pulverisers(cont'd)

4218 Screeners, mixers, blenders, granulators and centrifuges 筛网机,混合机,搅拌机,造粒机和离心机

4219 Driers, concentrators, evaporators, crystallisers for the chemical and allied industries 干燥,浓缩,蒸发和结晶设备, 用于化工业

4221 Heaters, sterilisers and distillation equipment 加热,消毒和蒸馏设备 4223 Filters and strainers 过滤器和粗滤器 42231 Filters and strainers(cont'd)42232 Filters and strainers(cont'd)

4225 Ancillary equipment for the chemical and allied industries 辅助设备, 用于化学和配套工业

4227 Electrochemical and electrolytic plant and equipment 电化设备和电解设备

4235 Industrial alcohol and wort production plant and equipment 工业酒精和麦芽汁生产设备

4237 Essence and perfume production plant and equipment 香精和香料生产设备 4239 Natural gas processing plant and equipment 天然气生产设备和装置 4240 Technical gas production plant and equipment 工业气体生产装置 4241 Coking plant and equipment 焦化厂设备

4243 Coal gas production plant and equipment 煤气生产设备

4245 Coal and tar processing plant and equipment 煤和焦油加工设备 4246 Petroleum refinery plant and equipment 炼油厂设备

4247 Petroleum gas production plant and equipment 石油气生产设备 4249 Liquid petroleum bulk storage installations 液体石油大量存贮装置

4251 Industrial oil and grease production plant and equipment 工业油和油脂加工设备

4253 Soap and glycerol/glycerine production plant and equipment 皂和甘油制造设备

4254 Stearin and candle production plant and equipment 硬脂酸和蜡烛制造设备

4256 Glue, gelatine and floor wax production plant and equipment 胶水,胶和地板蜡的加工设备

4258 Explosives, pyrotechnics and match production plant and equipment 炸药,烟火制品和火柴生产设备

4260 Paint, varnish, enamel and ink production plant and equipment 染料,清漆,瓷漆和油墨生产设备

4262 Laboratory equipment, general 实验室设备, 一般的 42621 Laboratory equipment, general(cont'd)42622 Laboratory equipment, general(cont'd)

4265 Laboratory equipment, microbiological 实验室设备, 用于微生物学

4266 Laboratory equipment, pharmaceutical and cosmetic 实验室设备, 用于药品和化妆品

4267 Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics production plant and equipment 药品和化妆品生产设备

4270 Water, sewage and industrial effluent treatment plant and equipment 水,污水和工业废水处理设备 42701 Water, sewage and industrial effluent treatment plant and equipment(cont'd)

4273 Domestic refuse and industrial waste collection and disposal plant and equipment 生活垃圾和工业垃圾收集和处理设备

4280 Raw rubber processing and vulcanising machinery and equipment 生橡胶的加工和硫化机械和设备

4281 Rubber product and tyre making machinery and equipment 橡胶制品和轮胎生产设备

42811 Rubber product and tyre making machinery and equipment(cont'd)4285 Plastic processing machinery and equipment 塑料加工机械和设备 42851 Plastic processing machinery and equipment(cont'd)42852 Plastic processing machinery and equipment(cont'd)4287 High precision plastic processing machinery and equipment 高精度塑料制造加工设备

4288 Canning plant and equipment 罐头制造设备和装置 4289 Bottling plant and equipment 装瓶设备

4290 Packaging, filling and dosing machinery for liquids, pastes, viscous and semi-solid products 包装,装填和计量机械, 用于液体, 膏体, 胶粘体和半固态产品 4291 Packaging, filling and dosing machinery for solid, granular and fragmented materials 包裹,装填和剂量机,用于固体,颗粒或成碎片的产品

42911 Packaging, filling and dosing machinery for solid, granular and fragmented materials(cont'd)

4293 Wrapping and banding machinery and equipment 包装,捆扎机械和设备 4294 Boxing and crating machinery and equipment 纸盒和板条箱制造设备 4296 Packaging and bottling machinery accessories 包装和灌瓶机械附件 4298 Labelling and marking machinery and equipment 贴标签和标记机

Textile, clothing, leather and shoemaking machinery and equipment 纺织,服装,皮革与制鞋机械和设备

4301 Cotton preparation machinery and equipment 棉花加工机械和设备

4302 Silk and schappe preparation machinery and equipment 丝和绢丝制造加工设备

4303 Fellmongery, wool preparation machinery and equipment 退毛机, 毛的预备机和设备

4304 Wool carding and combing machinery and equipment 毛纺粗梳和精梳机械及设备

43041 Wool carding and combing machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4305 Hemp, flax and other vegetable fibre preparation machinery and equipment 大麻,亚麻和其它植物纤维预备机械和设备

4306 Man-made fibre production and processing plant 人造纤维制造和加工机械 4308 Textile waste processing machinery and equipment 纺织废料加工设备 4310 Textile spinning and twisting machinery 纺织业纺纱和捻线设备 4312 Textile winding and reeling machinery for yarns 纺织工业用卷纱机

4314 Textile spinning, twisting, winding and reeling machinery components and accessories 纺纱,捻纱,络纱,卷绕机零部件和附件

43141 Textile spinning, twisting, winding and reeling machinery components and accessories(cont'd)

4318 Cordage, rope, twine and braid production machinery 索具,绳索,编带制造机械

4319 Yarn preparation machinery and equipment 纺纱预制机械和设备 4320 Textile weaving machinery.Looms 纺织用织布机, 织机

4322 Textile weaving machinery components and accessories 纺织织造机零件和附件

43221 Textile weaving machinery components and accessories(cont'd)4330 Knitting machinery and attachments 针织机械和附件

4332 Weaving machinery for metal and inorganic threads 织机, 用于金属丝和无机丝线

4334 Carpet and tapestry making machinery and equipment 地毯和挂毯制造机械和设备

4337 Ribbon and trimming making machinery 绸带和边饰制造机

4340 Embroidery, lace, net and tulle making machinery 刺绣,花边,网绣,珠罗纱加工机械 4350 Textile carbonising, scouring, fulling, washing, teasing, singeing/gassing, bleaching and mercerising machinery and equipment 纺织品碳化,冲刷,缩绒,洗涤, 拉绒,烧毛,漂白和丝光处理设备 43501 Textile carbonising, scouring, fulling, washing, teasing, singeing/gassing, bleaching and mercerising machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4352 Textile finishing machinery and equipment 纺织品整理设备 43521 Textile finishing machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4354 Textile dyeing and boiling machinery and equipment 纺织品染色和煮沸设备

4355 Textile calendering machinery and equipment 织物轧光设备

4356 Textile printing machinery and equipment 纺织品印花机械和设备 4357 Textile coating machinery and equipment 纺织品涂层设备

4358 Textile steaming, decatising, conditioning, measuring, fabric winding, folding, shearing and selvedging machinery and equipment 纺织品蒸烘,汽蒸,调节,液压,冷却,褶皱,处理设备等

4365 Cotton wool and surgical dressing making machinery and equipment 原棉和外科包扎用品制造设备

4370 Felt and non-woven fabric making machinery 毛毡和无纺布制造机 4375 Sewing machines and attachments 缝纫机及其附件

4380 Machinery and equipment for the clothing industry NES 机械设备,用于服装业,未做特殊定义的

4382 Hat, glove and umbrella making machinery and equipment 帽子,手套和雨伞制造设备

4385 Tent, awning, cover and canvas bag making machinery 帐篷,雨篷,覆盖物和帆布袋制造机械

4391 Tannery machinery and equipment 鞣革设备

4392 Leather working and saddlery machinery and equipment 皮革加工和马具生产机械设备

4393 Fur working machinery and equipment 毛皮加工设备

4394 Boot and shoemaking machinery and equipment 靴子和制鞋设备 43941 Boot and shoemaking machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4396 Upholstering and mattress production machinery and equipment 垫子和室内装饰品的生产设备

Pulp, paper and board making machinery and equipment.Printing and office machinery and equipment.Electronic data processing(EDP)equipment 纸浆,纸和纸板的制造设备.用于印刷和办公机械设备.电子数据加工设备

4402 Pulp and cellulose production plant and equipment 纸浆和纤维素生产设备

44021 Pulp and cellulose production plant and equipment(cont'd)4404 Papermaking plant and equipment 造纸设备 44041 Papermaking plant and equipment(cont'd)

4406 Cardboard making machinery and equipment 纸板制造机械和设备

4408 Paper finishing and converting machinery and equipment 纸张修整和加工设备

44081 Paper finishing and converting machinery and equipment(cont'd)4410 Cardboard finishing, forming, cutting and perforating machinery and equipment 厚纸板修整,成形,切割和打孔的设备

4414 Printing machinery and equipment 印刷设备 44141 Printing machinery and equipment(cont'd)

4416 Printing machinery and equipment, special purpose 印刷机械设备, 特殊的

4418 Typesetting and phototypesetting/photocomposing machinery and equipment 排版,照相排版机械和设备

4420 Lithographic, offset and photolithographic machinery and equipment 石版,胶版和照像凹版印刷机械和设备

4422 Colour separation and scanning equipment 色彩分离和扫描机 4424 Screen printing equipment 丝网印刷设备

4426 Laser and ink jet printing machinery 激光打印机和喷墨打印机 4430 Block making and stereotyping equipment 铸字块和铅版制版机 4432 Type and typesetting supplies 活字和排版用品

4434 Printers' ancillary equipment and supplies 印厂用辅助设备和备件 44341 Printers' ancillary equipment and supplies(cont'd)4436 Bookbinding and folding machinery and equipment 装订设备和折页设备 4440 Typewriters 打字机

4442 Calculating machines 计算器

4444 Accounting and invoicing machines.Cash registers 记帐和发票机.现金出纳机

4446 Duplicators and addressing machines 复印机,地址复写机 4448 Photocopiers 拷贝机

4450 Office machinery and equipment NES 办公设备(未做特殊定义的)44501 Office machinery and equipment NES(cont'd)4452 Mailing and postal machinery and equipment 邮政机械和设备 4456 Servers and large scale computers 服务器和大型计算机

4458 Desktop computers, portable computers and related devices 台式电脑, 手提电脑和相关设备

4462 Industrial computers.Special purpose computers NES 工业计算机.专业计算机(未做特殊定义的)4464 Simulators 模拟器

4466 Data storage devices for computing 硬盘, 驱动器,内置或外置

4468 Circuit boards and microprocessors for computers 线路板和微处理器, 用于计算机

4472 Terminals, monitors/display screens 终端,监视器/显示屏

4474 Network equipment, switches and terminators 网络设备,交换器和终端

4476 Computer keyboards and other input devices NES 计算机键盘和其它输入设备(未做特殊定义的)4478 Printers, plotters 打印机, 绘图器

4480 Document scanners, bar code scanners/readers 文件扫描仪,条型码扫描仪/阅读机

4482 Local area network(LAN)equipment NES 局域网络(LAN)设备, 未做特殊定义的

4483 Computer cable assemblies and connectors 计算机附件和连接器

4484 Computer consumables and accessories.Components for computers NES 计算机耗费品和附件.电脑元件,根据顾客规格的 44841 Computer consumables and accessories.Components for computers NES(cont'd)

4486 Integrated computer systems 综合计算机系统 4488 Operating systems.System and development software 操作系统.系统和应用软件

4489 Software, database management system(DBMS)软件,用于数据库管理系统(DBMS)

4490 Application software packages, business, office, professional and financial 应用软件包,用于办公室业务,金融专业

44901 Application software packages, business, office, professional and financial(cont'd)

4492 Application software packages, industrial, technical and scientific 应用软件包,用于工业,科技和科学

4493 Software NES 软件,未做特殊定义的 4494 Software, multimedia 软件,多媒体的

4495 Software to customer specification, software houses 软件,根据客户要求的,用于软件服务站

44951 Software to customer specification, software houses(cont'd)44952 Software to customer specification, software houses(cont'd)

4496 Computer and computer peripheral maintenance services 计算机和计算机外部设备维护服务

4497 Computer maintenance accessories 计算机维护附件

4498 Electronic data processing(EDP)and data input services 电子数据处理(EDP)和录入服务

4499 Computer and Internet related services NES 计算机和互联网相关服务, 未做特殊定义的

Machinery and equipment for mining, quarrying and stoneworking, oil and gas extraction, cement, clay, ceramics and glass industries machinery and equipment.Road making, building, offshore and underwater machinery and equipment.Mechanical handling machi 机械和设备, 用于采矿, 采石和石料加工,石油和天然气提取,水泥,粘土,陶瓷陶器和玻璃业机器和设备.修路, 建筑.海上和水下机械和设备.机械处理设备.工业机器人

4501 Underground mining machinery and equipment 地下采矿机械和设备 45011 Underground mining machinery and equipment(cont'd)4507 Opencast mining machinery and equipment 露天采矿机器和设备 4509 Coal, ore and mineral dressing machinery and equipment 煤,矿石和矿料分选机械和设备

4511 Quarrying and stoneworking machinery and equipment 采石和石料加工机械和设备

4513 Sand and gravel extracting, washing, crushing and grading machinery and equipment 砂石和砾石回采,清洗粉碎和分级机械和设备

4518 Drilling, boring and sinking machinery and equipment for civil engineering 钻孔和开凿机械和设备,用于民用工程

4520 Drilling rig machinery and equipment for water wells 钻探机械和设备, 用于水井

4521 Drilling machinery and equipment for oil and gas rigs 钻井机械和设备, 用于石油和燃气钻塔 4526 Drilling rig machinery and equipment, offshore 油气钻井机械和设备, 海上的

4528 Oil, gas and water extraction machinery and equipment 提取油,气和的水机械和设备

4530 Cement and plaster making, chalk and lime processing plant and equipment 水泥和石膏制造,白垩和石灰加工装置和设备

4532 Cement, sandlime and plaster product making plant and equipment 水泥,砂石灰和石膏产品制造装置和设备

4534 Concrete product manufacturing plant and equipment 混凝土生产加工设备 4536 Clay tile and brick production plant and equipment 制粘土瓦和砖生产机械和设备

4538 Porcelain, bone china, earthenware, stoneware and other ceramic production plant and equipment 生产瓷料,骨灰瓷,陶器,粗陶瓷器和电镀陶瓷装置和设备

4540 Abrasive product manufacturing plant and equipment 研磨料产品制造装置和设备

4542 Glass-making and glass-working plant and equipment 玻璃制造和玻璃加工装置和设备

45421 Glass-making and glass-working plant and equipment(cont'd)4544 Mineral fibre and fibre cement processing plant and equipment 矿纤维和矿纤维水泥加工机械和设备

4546 Building machinery and equipment NES 建筑机械和设备(未做特殊定义的)4548 Concrete mixing and placing machinery and equipment 混凝土搅拌和置放机械和设备

4550 Earth-moving and road making machinery and equipment 运土和筑路机器和设备

45501 Earth-moving and road making machinery and equipment(cont'd)4552 Road maintenance machinery and equipment 道路维修机械和设备

4554 Railway track construction and maintenance machinery and equipment 铁路建设与维修用机器和设备

4556 Bridge and tunnel construction machinery and equipment 桥梁修建机械和开凿隧道设备

4558 Harbour, river and canal construction and maintenance machinery and equipment 码头,河道,运河的施工和维护设备

4560 Cranes, hoists and winches, hand operated 起重装置,卷扬机和绞车, 手动的

4562 Heavy mechanical handling equipment, winches and cranes 重型机械起重设备,卷扬机和起重机

45621 Heavy mechanical handling equipment, winches and cranes(cont'd)4564 Lifts and elevators 升降梯和电梯

4566 Lift and elevator components and accessories 电梯元件及附件

4568 Continuous mechanical handling and storage equipment for bulk 连续式机械起重和贮存设备,用于散装货

45681 Continuous mechanical handling and storage equipment for bulk(cont'd)4570 Continuous mechanical handling and storage equipment for unit loads 连续式机械起重设备和贮存设备,用于单元物料 45701 Continuous mechanical handling and storage equipment for unit loads(cont'd)

4572 Pneumatic handling equipment 气动处理设备 4574 Barrows, trolleys and carts 手推车,滑轨车和拖车 45741 Barrows, trolleys and carts(cont'd)

4576 Tractors, trucks and trailers, industrial 牵引车,货车和挂车,用于工业 45761 Tractors, trucks and trailers, industrial(cont'd)4578 Mobile cranes 移动吊车

4580 Automated handling and storage plant and installations 自动搬运和储存设备

4582 Handling equipment parts and accessories 输送设备构件和附件 45821 Handling equipment parts and accessories(cont'd)

4584 Tractor, truck and trailer components and accessories, industrial 拖拉机,卡车,拖车元件, 工业的

4586 Pallets and freight containers 托盘(托板)和集装箱 4590 Robots, industrial 机器人,工业的

4592 Industrial robot components, automated equipment accessories 工业机器人部件,自动设备部件

Plant, machinery and equipment for metalworking 机械和设备, 用于金属加工 4601 Blast furnaces 鼓风炉

4603 Ore pre-processing machinery and equipment for blast furnaces 矿石预加工机械设备, 鼓风炉的

4604 Blast furnace charging machinery and equipment 鼓风炉加料机械设备

4605 Blast furnace clinker and slag processing equipment 鼓风炉熟料和炉渣处理设备

4606 Blast furnace gas and hot wind treatment equipment 高炉煤气和热风处理设备

4607 Steel production plant and machinery 炼钢设备和机械

4608 Furnaces, kilns, ovens and ancillary equipment for metal smelting and melting 炼钢炉,窑,辅助炉,金属熔炼用 4611 Rolling mill plant 轧钢设备

4612 Rolling mill components and ancillary equipment 轧机部件和辅助设备 4613 Metal sheet and strip production machinery 金属板材和带材加工设备 4614 Metal tube and pipe production machinery 金属管生产设备 4615 Wire drawing machinery 拉丝机械

4616 Metal extrusion machinery 金属挤压设备

4618 Non-ferrous metal production plant, machinery and equipment 有色金属加工机械和设备

4619 Electrometallurgy production plant, machinery and equipment 电冶炼设备和机械

4621 Foundry machinery and equipment for gravity die-casting 压铸铸造机械和设备,用于金属型铸造 4622 Die-casting, continuous and injection casting machinery and equipment 铸造(续)和压铸机械设备

4626 Foundry mould and core preparation machinery and equipment 铸模设备和型芯机械和设备

4627 Castings finishing machinery and equipment 铸件精加工机械设备 4631 Heat treatment furnaces for metal 金属热处理炉

4633 Metal surface finishing plant and equipment 金属表面精加工设备机械 4634 Metal surface treatment plant and equipment 金属表面处理设备和机械

4635 Metal surface treatment machinery ancillary equipment 金属表面处理机械辅助设备

4637 Metal sand-blasting and shot-blasting plant and machinery 金属抛光机械,喷砂和喷丸设备

4638 Metal painting, lacquering, enamelling, varnishing and powder coating machinery and equipment 金属上漆,上釉,修饰和粉末涂层机械和设备

4641 Flame welding and cutting machinery and equipment for metal 火焰焊接和切割机械设备,金属的

4643 Arc welding machinery and equipment 弧焊接机械设备

4644 Spot and resistance welding machinery and equipment 电阻点焊机

4645 Electronic welding machinery and equipment for metals 金属电子焊接机械设备

4646 Impact and explosion welding machinery and equipment 冲击和爆炸式焊机

4647 Soldering and brazing machinery and equipment 熔焊机械设备 4649 Welding, soldering and brazing ancillary equipment 焊接,烙焊和钎焊辅助设备

4651 Metal turning machines, lathes 金属切削机,车床

4652 Metal turning machines, lathes, special purpose 金属车削机械,车床,专用的

4653 Metal threading machines 金属螺纹加工机床

4654 Metal drilling, centring, tapping and boring machines 金属钻孔,定心,开口和镗孔机

4656 Metal milling machines 金属铣床 4657 Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机床

4659 Machine tools, multifunctional, for metalworking 机床,多功能的,用于金属加工

4661 Metal shaping, slotting, broaching and planing machines 成形机,铣槽机,拉削机和刨削机,用于金属

4662 Metal grinding machines 金属磨削机床

4664 Grinding and sharpening machines for tools 磨床和修磨机,用于工具

4666 Metal polishing, honing and lapping machines 抛光机,珩磨机和研磨机,用于金属

4667 Metal sawing and cutting-off machines 金属锯割和切割机床 4671 Metal presses, mechanical 金属压床, 机械的

4672 Metal presses, hydraulic and pneumatic 金属压床,液压的和气动的 46721 Metal presses, hydraulic and pneumatic(cont'd)4673 Presses for impact extrusion and metal sintering 压床, 用于冷挤压和金属烧结

4675 Metal forging machinery 金属锻造机械

4676 Metal sheet, plate, bar, section and tube working machines 金属薄板,盘,棒,型材和管生产

4677 Metal shearing and cutting machines, chipless.Guillotines 剪切和切削机, 无碎片式的.截切机

4678 Spark erosion machines 电火花蚀刻机

4681 Special purpose metalworking machines, chip removing 特殊用途的金属加工机, 可去除碎片的

4682 Special purpose metalworking machines, chipless 特殊用途的无屑金属加工机

4683 Special purpose precision engineering machine tools 特殊用途精密工件机床

4684 Boilermaking machinery 锅炉制造机械

4685 Metal smallwares production machinery 金属部件制造机械 46851 Metal smallwares production machinery(cont'd)4686 Metal wire product making machinery 金属线材制造机械

4687 Metal rope and cable making machines 金属绳和电缆制造机 4688 Transfer machine lines and work centres 自动生产线和加工中心

4691 Tools for chip removing machine tools, metalworking 工具,用于去毛刺机床,金属加工的

46911 Tools for chip removing machine tools, metalworking(cont'd)

4692 Tools for chipless metal forming machine tools 工具, 用于无碎屑金属成型机床

4693 Tools for precision machine tools 工具,用于精密机床

4694 Control and transmission units for machine tools 控制装置和传送装置,用于机床

4695 Metalworking machine tool ancillary equipment and accessories 金属加工机床辅助设备和附件

46951 Metalworking machine tool ancillary equipment and accessories(cont'd)

46952 Metalworking machine tool ancillary equipment and accessories(cont'd)

46953 Metalworking machine tool ancillary equipment and accessories(cont'd)

Plant, machinery and equipment for wood and cork.Machinery and equipment for the precious stone, optical and watchmaking industries.Assembly plant, machinery and equipment 机械和设备,用于木材和软木.机械和设备, 用于宝石,光学工业和钟表 4710 Timber preparation machinery and equipment 木料整理机器和设备 4712 Wood sawing machines 锯木机 4714 Wood planing machines 木刨机

4716 Wood milling and moulding machines 木铣和成形机 4718 Wood boring and mortising machines 木头钻床和开榫机 4720 Wood turning machines, lathes 木工车床 4722 Sanding machines, wood 砂光机,用于木材 4726 Wood deforming machines 木材变形加工机

4728 Wood joining, bonding and coating machines 木材联接,捆扎和涂层机

4730 Wood conditioning and surface treatment equipment 木材调整和表面处理设备

4732 Multi-operational woodworking machines 多功能木材加工机 4734 Special purpose woodworking machines 专用木材加工机械 4736 Ancillary equipment for woodworking machines 辅助设备,用于木材加工机 4738 Woodworking machines, portable 木工机床, 便携实的

4740 Tools, jigs and fixtures for woodworking machinery 工具,夹具和卡具, 用于木材加工机

4745 Machinery and equipment for the cork industry 机械和设备, 用于软木工业

4750 Machinery and equipment for the precious stone industry 贵重石料工业机械和设备

4755 Machinery and equipment for the jewellery industry 机床机械, 珠宝业 4760 Machinery and equipment for the watch industry 手表工业用机械和设备, 用于制表业

47601 Machinery and equipment for the watch industry(cont'd)4770 Machinery and equipment for the optical industry and for opticians 机械和设备, 用于光学工业和光学仪器

4774 Machinery and equipment for the electrical industry 机械和设备, 用于电气工业

4776 Machinery and equipment for the electronics industry 机械和设备, 用于电子工业

4780 Machinery and equipment, industrial, NES 机械和设备, 工业的, 未做特殊定义的

4785 Machine tools for materials other than metal and wood 机床,用于非金属材料和木材

4790 Assembly plant, machinery and equipment 装配设备

Forging, stamping, hot pressing, surface treatment and machining contractors.Mechanical construction and assembly contractors.Industrial packaging contractors.Mould, foundry core and pattern making contractors.Reconditioning, repair and maintenance s 锻造,冲压和热压,表面处理和机加工承包商。机械结构和装配承包商。工业包装承包商。铸模,制模和制芯承包商.翻新,修理和保养服务。售后服务 4810 Metal forging, stamping and hot pressing contractors 金属锻造,冲压和热压承包商

48101 Metal forging, stamping and hot pressing contractors(cont'd)48102 Metal forging, stamping and hot pressing contractors(cont'd)4815 Boilerwork and plate work contractors 锅炉和金属板材加工承包商 48151 Boilerwork and plate work contractors(cont'd)4820 Metal machining contractors 金属机械加工承包商 48201 Metal machining contractors(cont'd)48202 Metal machining contractors(cont'd)

4825 Metal precision machining contractors 金属精密机加工承包商 4830 Metal heat treatment contractors 金属热处理承包商

4835 Metal surface coating and metallising contractors 金属表面涂层和金属化承包商

48351 Metal surface coating and metallising contractors(cont'd)

4840 Metal surface chemical treatment contractors 金属表面化学处理承包商 4845 Precious metal refining contractors 贵重金属精炼承包商

4847 Precious metal surface treatment and machining contractors 贵重金属表面处理和加工承包商

4849 Metal surface treatment and machining contractors for the clock and watch industry 金属表面处理和加工承包商,用于钟表业

4850 Machining contractors for plastic and rubber materials 机械承包商,用于塑料和橡胶材料的

4855 Precision machining contractors for plastic and rubber materials 精密机械加工承包商,用于塑料和橡胶材料 4857 Coating, metallising and chemical surface treatment contractors for plastic and rubber materials 涂层, 金属化加工, 表面化学处理承包商, 用于塑料和橡胶工业

4860 Machining of materials other than metals, plastics and rubber 机械加工设备, 除金属和橡胶外的

4865 Precision machining of materials other than metals, plastics and rubber 精密机械加工材料,非金属的,用于塑料和橡胶 4867 Coating, metallising and chemical surface treatment of materials other than metals, plastics and rubber 覆膜,金属化和化学表面处理材料,除金属,塑料和橡胶外的

4870 Prototype and mechanical construction contractors 仿型和机械结构承包商

4875 Mechanical assembly contractors 机械装配承包商(续)4880 Industrial packaging contractors 工业包装承包商

4885 Mould, foundry core and industrial pattern making contractors 模型,铸芯和工业模型制造承包商

48851 Mould, foundry core and industrial pattern making contractors(cont'd)

4890 Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services 重整,修理和维护服务 48901 Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services(cont'd)48902 Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services(cont'd)48903 Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services(cont'd)48904 Reconditioning, repair and maintenance services(cont'd)4895 After sales services 售后服务

Watches, clocks and jewellery.Costume jewellery.Smokers' requisites.Models for trade.Souvenirs and religious articles.Wigs and brushes.Advertising and display articles.Games, toys and musical instruments.Vending machines.Office requisites.Sport 手表,钟表和珠宝.服装用珠宝饰品.烟具.商业模型.纪念品和宗教用品.4901 Clocks 时钟

4903 Wrist and pocket watches.Chronographs 腕表和怀表.记时器 4905 Timing mechanisms 定时装置

4907 Blank movements for watches 空摆, 用于表

4909 Jewels for watches and instruments 宝石,钟表和仪器仪表用 4911 Watch, clock and instrument parts 表,时钟和仪表零部件 4913 Clock, watch and instrument springs 钟表和仪表发条 4915 Watch bracelets and straps 表链和表带

4920 Coloured precious stones, polished 有色贵重宝石,抛光过的 4921 Diamonds, polished 钻石,抛光过的

4922 Diamonds, industrial, bort, grit and powder 钻石(金刚石),工业用的,粗粒状,小粒状和粉状

4924 Jewellery 首饰

4926 Gold and silverware 金器和银器

4928 Gold plated, silver plated and pewter ware 镀金制品,镀银制品和白腊制品(锡合金的)

4930 Costume jewellery 服饰珠宝

4931 Souvenirs, non-promotional giftware and novelties 纪念品,非促销性礼品和新奇制品

4932 Ivory, bone, horn, meerschaum, coral and mother-of-pearl articles 象牙制品、骨制品、角制品、海泡石制品、珊瑚制品、珍珠母制品 4934 Smokers' requisites 烟具

49341 Smokers' requisites(cont'd)

4935 Models for trade and architecture 模型,用于商业和建筑 4936 Mosaics, artistic 马赛克,艺术性的

4938 Bronze, copper, brass and wrought iron products, artistic 青铜器,紫铜器,黄铜器和熟铁制品,艺术性的

4940 Religious articles, Christian 宗教用品,基督教的 4941 Religious articles, Islamic 宗教用品,伊斯兰教的

4942 Religious articles, Buddhist and Hindu 宗教用品,佛教和印度教的 4943 Religious articles, Jewish 宗教用品,犹太教的 4944 Funeral and coffin furnishings 葬礼和棺材的陈设品

4947 Display stands, signs and articles 陈列架、标牌和相关用品 49471 Display stands, signs and articles(cont'd)4948 Promotional articles and corporate giftware 促销用品合作礼品 4950 Coins, medals, decorations and badges 硬币,奖章(奖牌),装饰品和徽章 4951 Trophies, ceremonial plate, regalia and nameplates 奖品,纪念牌,标记和名牌

4952 Festival articles and decorations, flags and amusement novelties 节日用品和装饰品、旗子和新奇的娱乐用品

4953 Artificial and dried flowers, florists' sundries 人造花和干花,鲜花店的杂品









产品推荐信-英文版 dear sorry to disturb you for more details you can contact me as following cell phone 010-xxxxxx i am looking farward to your next email thanks regards xxxx dear xxx this is *** from *** co., ltd.of china writting to you, hope this mail finds you in your best time.our ******(产品名)is specially designed for the people whom with little or no art experience can still create their own materpieces themself!(一句话概括新产品是什么)

products features(简要列出产品特点): * brand new and creative concept for diy crafts;* easy to handle, amazing decor effects & exciting user experience;* great gifts for christmas, birthday and valentines day, anniversaries„„ * multi-propose available: scratchboard art could also be used as a clock and photo frame...„ * affordable high quality and museum class scratchboard , no toxic and environmentally friendly;once again i thank you for taking the time to consider our new product and i look forward to hearing from you soon.dear sir/madam i look forward to hearing from you soon.篇三:产品推荐信


推 荐 信

尊敬的 王晋伟 您好!








联系人: 张云平联系电话:*** 2011年 8月 10 日篇四:经典外贸开发信范文 we are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of textiles.in order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our export list covering the main items sup pliable at present.should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know.we shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.in our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.it is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.we look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.yours faithfully, encl.2.dear mr smith wish you enjoy a great day!as a professional manufacturer, i would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote.we have passed through iso9001:2000;iso14001:2004;ecological textile certification.it would be our pleasure to begin a business relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,.sincerely yours, 3.dear mr.steven hans, as a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, if you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.best regards, 4.dears : good day!this is mickel from china.we are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.we will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.we look forward to receiving your enquires soon.sincerely, mickel liu add: contact: tel: fax: url: 5 dear sir, this is xx from a manufacturer specializing in producing xxx in china.we have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:xxx,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.any inquiries on the xxx please do not hesitate to contact us.we are looking forward to establish win-win business relations with you.many thanks & best regards 首先是一封来自澳大利亚客户对开发信的建议和意见,然后是几封经典开发信














但在实际操作中,市场总监会遇到一些观念对抗,有些甚至来自老板。在国内,越小的企业做事越急躁,新品一面市就面向全国订货,哪有耐心等着试销成功后再大规模推向市场,更不要说让市场总监和部 门经理天天蹲在终端卖货了。











正如传统的营销理论所说的那样,市场总监必须提炼一个强有力的产品卖点,使之成为目标顾客的买点。这就回到了一切交易的原点,想让别人买自己的产品,你必须确认他买得起,并给他一个足够有力的 购买理由。找到买得起自己产品的人并不太难,但同样是燕窝,让他们买燕之屋燕窝而不是买集品堂燕窝,你给出的理由必须足够清晰、有力。










《青年报》 2010-8-20











































5、对广告平台有浓厚的兴趣 【活动运营】



















A:Good morning.Anything particular you are interested in this time?We have wide varietiesfor you to choose from.They are all our best selling lines from our joint venture manufacturing company.早晨好。您有什么特别感兴趣的商品吗?我们的产品种类齐全。都是我公司最畅销的商品。这是我们合资生产公司生产的新型产品。

B:Well,I’m interested in this ,soybean milk machine


A:Good, you’re got to the right booth.We specialize in producing this kind of machine.好的,您找对地方了,我们专业生产这种机器。

B:how many different models do you offer?


A:Our product are available in various models and sizes.Here is our latest cataloge, which shows most of our products.To improve the working efficiency ,we have improve our design to conform to the world market.This is the one we newly developed.我们的产品拥有不同的款式和尺寸。这是最新的目录,上面有产品介绍。为了提高工作效率,我们改进了设计,达到了世界标准。这是我们最新开发的型号。

B:Good.Is here any superiority of your products?


A:Yes, compared with competing products,ours is smaller and lighter yet it is most advanced, reliable and user-friendly.The company executes ISO9000 in management and quality control of the products,so the quality is guaranteed.What’s more,if you use this machine, it not only Safety guaranteed but also saves time.与同类产品相比,我们的产品体积小,重量轻,设计先进,质量可靠,又易于操作。公司在管理和质量方面已经通过了ISO9000认证,质量是可以保证的。而且,使用这款机器,不仅安全得到保证,又能节省时间。

B:That’s impressive.The product gives our an edge over you competitors,Iguess.太好了。我认为你们的产品可以使我们胜过竞争对手。

A:Yes,our products is more quality functions than any others.是的,它的高品质功能是其他豆浆机无法比拟的。

B:well,I’m not sure how this works.这个怎么操作?

A:OK our Products consultant will Explain the operation flow to you.好的,我们的产品顾问会为您讲解产品的操作流程。

B:Thanks.C:Sir,I’m the product consultant.Now I will tell you the operation.Used the machine first step is ,In the beginning is energized the key operate, machinery issued “du” the voice, and panel switch on the corresponding instructions Light, “full nutrition soya-bean milk” du 1, “whole doug oar” du two voice, “mung bean soya-bean milk” du three.And then soybean milk machine work process, choose other key operation doesn't work.1、在开始通电状态下按键操作时,机器发出“嘟”的声音,同时面板开关上相应指示灯亮,“全营养豆浆”嘟一声,“全豆豆浆”嘟二声,“绿豆豆浆”嘟三声。


B:How about the producsts the main function?


C:This machine with three water level, 900-1100-1300, such soya-bean milk of concentration and taste can adjust, more convenient.The machine has a “heat” and “easy cleaning” button, facilitate everybody operation


B:It’ great.Andhow about the performance-price ratio?


C:This machine is a new listed products, function relatively complete, the current market price is higher, cost-effective 639 yuan, suitable for soya-bean milk tastes with special requirements or member more home use.本机作为新上市的产品,功能比较齐全,目前的市场售价是639元,性价比较高,适合对豆浆的口味有特殊要求或者成员较多的家庭使用。

B:How about the making effect?

C:This machine is in the manufacture process shows good performance, first noise are small, will not affect the household life


B:Well , I think your products can let us have more competitive advantage in the market.嗯,我想你们的产品让我们在市场上更有竞争优势。

C:Thanks for the vote of confidence,Mr Tan.This is my business card.谭先生,谢谢你的信任.这是我的名片。

B:This is my business card.Thank you for your introduction.这是我的名片。谢谢你的介绍。

C:You’re welcome.I’m look forward to hearing form you.B:Ok,Thanks.



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