One of the newest television dramas in China, In the Name of People debuted in China on March 28 on Hunan Satellite Television.The show portrays officials at various levels carrying out anti-corruption actions against high-ranking officials(“tigers”)as well as low-level ones(“flies”).3月28日,中国新剧之一《人民的名义》在湖南卫视播出。该剧描述了各级政府官员针对高层官员(“老虎”)和基层官员(“苍蝇”)的反腐行动。
Adapted from a novel of the same name, In the Name of People tells its story through the fictional character of Hou Liangping, who is the Procuratorate’s
anti-graft department director in the show, which focuses on the investigation of a string of corrupt officials who are involved in real-estate allotment in Jingzhou city of Handong province.《人民的名义》根据同名小说改编,主人公是虚构人物——最高人民检察院反贪总局侦查处处长侯亮平,他正在调查卷入汉东省京州市地产分配案的贪官污吏。
Zhou Meisen, a renowned writer of political novels and dramas, was chosen to write the script.著名政治小说家、剧作家周梅森为该剧撰写剧本。
Zhou Meihen has some familiarity with officialdom.He was a deputy secretary-general in the city government of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, in the
mid-1990s.He said friends still in that world have helped him write about it.周梅森对官场有一定的了解。上世纪90年代中期,他曾在江苏省徐州市政府担任副秘书长。他表示,还在官场的朋友对他创作这个剧本给予了帮助。
“As a writer, you should dare to delve into rarely touched sides(of anti-corruption campaigns).Otherwise, you lose the trust of your readers and audience,” Zhou said.周梅森说:“作为一名作家,应该敢于钻研平时很少触及的领域(反腐败运动)。不然,会失去读者和观众的信任。”
According to Zhou, there are various reasons for the corruption of an official, weakness of character, lures in an official career, traps set by other people, etc.“But actually, the ultimate reason is the unchecked development of human greed, with the power being not supervised effectively,” he says.周梅森表示,一个官员腐败的原因有很多种,比如性格弱点、仕途的诱惑、他人设置的陷阱等。“但说白了,腐败就是人性的贪念在权力缺乏有效监督时发展到了极端。”
“I've never considered corrupt officials as demons.They are human.I try to explore their inner conflicts after they fall from high positions,” Zhou told Beijing News.“我不愿把贪官简单粗暴地描写成魔鬼,没有人生来就是贪的。我更想展示他们是怎么走到这一步的。”
一部《人民的名义》掀起了一股正能量追剧之风,引燃了反腐话题,也折射出我国在新时期将反腐进行到底的决心和信心。那么,反腐的相关话题该如何用英文来表达?一起来看看吧!腐败 corruption 腐败(corruption)是描述国家工作人员以权谋私、贪污受贿、生活腐化等的统称。它有多种形式,包括: 贿赂(bribery)勒索(extortion)任人唯亲(cronyism)裙带关系(nepotism)庇护(patronage)
以权谋私(influence peddling)贪污(graft)
In the Name of People shows a deep reflection on the fight against corruption, such
as the complicated relationship between combating corruption and fostering economic development as well as the traditional code of conduct.《人民的名义》展现了对打击腐败的深刻思考,比如惩治腐败现象和推动经济发展以及人情世故之间的复杂关系。反贪剧
anti-graft drama In the Name of People is just the first of five anti-graft dramas the Procuratorate's broadcast department has been producing.The center received instructions in 2015 from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to produce more corruption-themed films and dramas.《人民的名义》只是最高人民检察院影视中心出品的5部反贪剧之一。2015年中央纪律检查委员会要求该中心制作更多反腐题材的影视剧。贪官
corrupt official 这部戏中,最令人惊艳的表演之一就是侯勇饰演的贪官赵德汉,这位老戏骨用神演技还原了“小官巨贪”的嘴脸。
It has become a pattern for corrupt officials to send their family members overseas.腐败官员将家人送往海外已经成为他们的惯用手段。行贿受贿 bribery 剧中,京州市副市长丁义珍就是一个既行贿又受贿的主。他掌管光明峰项目,从投资商手里拿贿赂,再向国家部委专管项目审批的赵德汉行贿。
向某人行贿,可以用bribe的动词形式,bribe sb to do sth;或名词形式offer/pay/give bribes to sb。
Bribe是可数名词,a bribe指一笔贿赂,bribes是多笔贿赂。
受贿可以用take/accept/receive bribes,或被动形式be bribed来表示。廉洁 clean
Xi Jinping demands military officials stay clean to set an example for the soldiers.习近平要求军官清廉自律,为官兵做表率。
The fight against corruption is still very difficult and the campaign of building a clean-fingered Party and government should be firmly pushed forward.反腐仍举步维艰,我们必须坚定不移地继续树立党和政府的廉洁之风。潜逃 abscond 电视剧一开始就是一场惊心动魄的贪官潜逃的大戏。
此外,flee、escape、run away都可以表示逃跑。红色通缉令 Interpol red notice 丁义珍乘飞机逃往美国后,警察厅祁厅长亡羊补牢,让检察院准备丁义珍的犯罪资料,发红色通缉令。
红色通缉令,即红色通报,相当于国际逮捕令(international arrest warrant),由经办国国际刑警中心局和国际刑警组织共同签发,是对所通缉的人员实施拘捕并进行引渡(extradition)的通报。
红色通缉令的英文是Interpol red notice,简称red notice。Interpol即the International Criminal Police Organization,国际刑警组织。
Since China launched a campaign to hunt down fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes in October 2014, 164 suspects, including 27 listed in an Interpol red notice, have been repatriated or persuaded to return to China from 37 countries and regions.自2014年10月开展职务犯罪国际追逃追赃专项行动以来,我国已从37个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人164人,其中包括“百名红通人员”中的27人。
片中,丁义珍逃往美国,让领导们非常头疼,因为中国和美国没有签引渡条约(the two countries have no extradition agreement)。双规
subject to questioning at an appointed time and place 在讨论如何处理丁义珍的会议上,几位领导各怀心事,发生了分歧。市委书记李达康和公安厅厅长祁同伟主张“规起来”。
用英语表达就是:subject someone to questioning at an appointed time and place 或者:someone is under investigation at appointed duration and place “拘起来”,则是拘捕,走的是司法程序,说明这位官员已有违法证据,等待审判。被拘捕就是being arrested and jailed 美联英语:www.xiexiebang.com
Dario: Don't open that umbrella inside, Brian!
Brian: Why not? It's wet and needs to dry out.Dario: You will have seven years' bad luck if you open an umbrella inside.Brian: No wayit has nothing to do with the umbrella.Dario: I am just very superstitious, that's all.Brian: You are a modern guy, not some old fashioned fossil!
Dario: I just don't want any more bad luck in my life.Brian: OK, I won't open the umbrella if you promise to stop believing in all this superstition stuff.Dario: I will when my luck changes and I win the lottery!
Brian: I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.戴瑞奥:别在屋里打开伞布莱恩!
1)Wild: fun and exciting
The rides at the amusement park are always wild and make my stomach flip.在游乐园里坐车永远是那么刺激,我的胃都要翻倒了。
2)Action packed: very busy, lots of things to do
I love visiting big cities because they are always action packed!
3)Dullsville: very boring, nothing to do
I grew up in a small town with no cinema and no bowlingthat the singer just wants to make money.Jessie: I agree with that.Music has lost its honesty.Tina: Let's see if we can remember a wild 1970s song about feeling the wind in your hair?
Jessie: Oh, I know a great song just like that by Steppenwolf.Tina: Sing it out loud!
New Words
1)Flat-out: very busy
I prefer to be flat-out at work because I get bored when it's quiet.我喜欢工作时忙一点儿,因为太安静了我会觉得很无聊。
2)Mall: large building with many small shops
Whenever I go to the mall, I always spend too much money.我每次去购物中心都会花很多钱。
3)Second home: a place that you spend a lot of time
The coffee shop close to my house is my second home!
4)Gift: present
Gifts are a nice way of showing how much you like or appreciate someone.送礼物是向别人表示好感和感谢的好方式。
5)Jive: empty talk
Brian is some full of jive talk, but he never takes any action.布莱恩是个光说不做的人。
Anniversaries are the celebration of an important event, such as your first date, first kiss or wedding.If you were married on June 1, every year after that, your wedding anniversary is June 1.周年纪念是指庆祝某个重要事件,比如你的第一次约会,初吻或婚礼。如果你的结婚日期是六月一日,以后每年你的结婚周年纪念就是六月一日。
Birthdays are the anniversary of your birth, but most people just call them birthdays instead of anniversaries.生日是你出生日的周年纪念,可大多数人都称它为生日而不是周年纪念。
When you are married, it is very important to remember the important anniversaries.If you forget your wedding anniversary, your husband or wife could get very upset and not talk to you for weeks!
Anniversaries are usually celebrated with a romantic dinner and gifts such as flowers, chocolates and jewellery.Some people think that the more expensive the gift, the more you love the person while others say that it is the thought that counts.周年纪念的时候通常都以浪漫晚餐的形式来庆祝,并送一些诸如鲜花、巧克力和珠宝之类的礼物。有人说礼物越贵就表示你爱对方越深,但有的人认为心意最重要。
There are some many types of anniversaries including personal and national.Get a diary and out all of the important anniversaries in it so that you will never
Past Tense Dialogue:过去时对话
Jeff: Did your husband like the tie that you gave him for your wedding anniversary?
Joan: He loved the tie but we are not married yet.Jeff: So what was the anniversary for?
Joan: It was the anniversary of our first ever date.Jeff: You must be a very romantic person to remember your first date.Joan: I think that my boyfriend would be upset if I forgot.Jeff: I can never remember the important anniversaries-I even forgot my girlfriend's birthday!
Joan: Was she upset or angry?
Jeff: Both!She made me buy her gifts and flowers for two weeks after I forgot.Joan: It's easier to remember in the first place Jeff.Jeff: I'll be sure never to forget again.杰夫:你丈夫喜欢你结婚纪念日送他的领带吗?
其实大部分说看美剧看英剧来锻炼英语这基本就是一个幌子,因为只要是有中文字幕大脑会优先去读取中文,尤其是看美女如云剧情紧凑的美剧更是对语言的关注随着剧情的走势越来越小 但是也不是不可能
比如以下几种方法:反反复复的看一集,看到你已经知道剧情是什么啊,XXX和XXX什么时候kiss,XXX什么时候死,XXX和XXX什么时候滚床单这些对你都已经没什么影响了,这个时候你差不多就可以把注意力放在语言上面了,看native speaker都是怎么表达的,和你平时说的那些絮絮叨叨的中式英语的差距,反复看,然后才能记住只听不看,带着耳机,把电脑合上,听里面人都说什么,这样不会受中文字幕的干扰,想要了解剧情你只有认认真真的去听她叽里呱啦都讲了些啥,对听力和理解都很有帮助模仿,模仿你喜欢的角色的说话,模仿其语音语调(我一度迷恋夏洛克,对夏洛克夸张而用贱兮兮的英式发音不可自拔)反复看反复练习,对你的口语能力会有很大提升
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http://m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:青少年看的英语励志故事-唇亡齿寒
During the Spring and Autumn Period(707sighted and covets small advantages.If we give him priceless precious stones and fine horses, it is not unlikely that he will allow our army to pass through his country.“ Seeing that Duke Xian of the State of Jin was a little bit grudging, Xun Xi continued to say, ”The State of Yu and the State of Guo are neighbor stated as closely related as lips and teeth.The State of Yu cannot exist independently if the state of Guo is destroyed.Your precious stones and fime hores are just left in the care of the monarch of the State of Yu.“ So Duke Xian of the State of Jin accepted Xun Xi's plan.When the monarch of Yu saw the precious gifts, he was elated,and
readily promised to let the Jin army pass through his state.Hearing the news, Gong Zhiqi, one of the ministers as the State of Yu, hastened to admonish the monarch, saying,” That won't do.For the State of Yu and the State of Guo are neighbor states as closely related as lips and teeth.Our two small states are interdependent, and can help cach other when problems crop up.If the State of Guo were destroyed, it would be difficult for our State of Yu to continue to exist.As the common saying goes, if the lips are gone ,the teeth will be cold, The teeth can hardly be kept if the lips are gone.So it won't do at all to allow the Jin army pass our state.“ The monarch of the State of Yu said,” The State of Jin is a big state.Now they here specially to present gifts to us with the intention of being on friendly terms with us.Under suchcircumstances, how can we refuse to allow them to pass through our state?“ Hearing this, Gong Zhiqi sighed repeatedly.Knowing that the State of Yu would soon be destroyed, Gong Zhiqi left the State of Yu together with his whole family.As expected, the troops of the State of Jin, allowed to pass through the State of Yu, destroyed the State of Guo and on their return trip captured the monarch of the State of Yu who went out personally to meet them, htus destroying the State of Yu as Well.This story appears in the chapter ” The Fifth Year of Duke Xi “ in Zuo zhuan,the famous commentary by Zuo Qiuming on The Spring and Autumn Annals.The set phrase ” if the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold " is used to mean that two persons or things share a common lot and that is one fails ,the other is in danger.春秋时候,晋献公想要扩充自己的实力和地盘,就找借口说邻近的虢(guó)国经常侵犯
Brian: I think there is something wrong with my washing machine.Dario: Are your clothes dirty even after you have washed them?
Brian: No.I would never wear dirty clothes.Dario: Well, why do you think that your washing machine is broken?
Brian: Because all of my favorite clothes have shrunk.Dario: Hah!There is nothing wrong with your machine Brian.Brian: Well, what is the problem then?
Dario: You are getting fat!That's why your clothes don't fit anymore.Brian: What sort of good friend are you? You are so mean to say that I'm getting fat.Dario: Sometimes the truth hurts, my pal!
1)Duffer: a foolish old person
My dad is a real old duffer with such out-dated ideas, but I love him anyway.我老爸可真是个老笨蛋,有这么过时的想法,不过不管怎样我都爱他。
2)Top Ten hit: a song that is among the ten most popular songs
Your career is off to a good start if you can have a top ten hit with your first song.如果你的第一首歌曲能获得十佳的一席之地,那你的事业就开始有起色了。
3)Video clip: short movie made to promote a song
MTV, or Music Television, just plays video clips and weird cartoons 24 hours a day.MTV、音乐电视一天24小时尽播发音乐短片和怪诞的卡通片。
Jessie: What do you do when a boy you don't really like has a crush on you?
Tina: I always say that honesty is the best policy.Jessie: So what should I do?
Tina: Tell him that you are flattered that he is interested in you, but that you don't like him.Jessie: But I do like him, just not in a boyfriend way.Tina: Well tell him that.Say that you want to be friends with him, but that you don't want to be his GF.Jessie: It will hurt his feelings to hear that.Tina: I knowLong thought to have a vein going directly to the heart, the third finger of the left hand has been universally adopted as the ideal place for the wedding
ring.The actual origin of the ring itself is thought to have
originated in ancient Egypt.戒指-长期以来人们认为左手的无名指有一根血管与心脏直接相通,人们普遍认为它是佩带结婚戒指最理想的地方。戒指本身的真正来历被认为是起源于古埃及。
Initially made of hemp or vine, the ring could be replaced whenever it wore out.The Romans later adopted the custom and began the tradition that continues today.Iron was used to symbolize the strength of the couples bond.In the fifteenth century, the British elevated the symbol by replacing iron with gold.Its lasting qualities of strength, beauty and purity have resulted in a custom that has remained unchanged for centuries.最初的戒指是用大麻或者藤蔓来做成的,当它戴破了之后人们就会换另一个。后来罗马人采用了这种习俗并开始了沿袭至今日的传统。过去铁被用来象征着夫妇间坚韧的纽带。在十五世纪,英国人用金子取代铁,使其象征意义更为珍贵。金子的硬度、美丽与纯度经久不衰,使之成为数世纪以来保持不变的习俗。
CakeYou don't have to dig very deeply to recognize this custom as a symbol of male dominance.In ancient Greece and Rome, women were considered as the property of their husbands like their houses or livestock!
Usually covered from head to foot, it was accepted that only her husband had the right to see her unveiled.The lifting of the veil by the groom makes it clear that he is in the position of authority.It's amazing that this custom has been accepted by the liberal generation of today.More recently, it is often considered unlucky for the groom to see the bride prior the ceremony and the veil was considered the means of avoiding bad luck.通常妇女要从头遮到脚,只有她的丈夫有权利看到她揭开面纱之后的样子。新郎掀开盖
Jeff: I love going to weddings Joan.Joan: So do I.They are always so romantic.Jeff: I didn't mean that I like the romance and happiness.Joan: Well, what do you like about weddings?
Jeff: The free food, of course.Joan: But if you take a gift, the food is not really free, is it?
Jeff: I never take a gift to a wedding.I always say that it is against my culture to give gifts.Joan: Well, remind me not to invite you to my wedding!