专科 第二版 新视野英文翻译

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第一篇:专科 第二版 新视野英文翻译

Unit 1


What do you think one can do to be a happy person?


Since she left shanghai and resumed her life in the country last year, a void has found its way into my heart.3、我甚至没想过他会中头奖。

It didn’t even cross my mind that he would win the first prize.4、我是在大城市长大的,忙忙碌碌的生活对我不再新鲜了。

I grew up in a big city, so the rat race is no longer new to me.1、Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness.慢慢的,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福。

2、My father wasn’t too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that.我父亲对回到那种忙忙碌碌的生活不怎么感兴趣,但我向他保证,这一次绝对会有所不同。

3、As fate would have it , my life would soon change again, and in a very big way.像是命运的安排,我的生活很快又发生了变化,而且变化很大。

4、While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun..我的环境不一样了,它既很陌生,但同时又激动人心,很有趣。Unit 2


Teaching is an important profession-a fascinating one, filled with challenges and excitement.2、如果这位科学伟人还活着的话,毫无疑问他会扩充他的定义,把最新的研究成果包括进来。

If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings.3、解决国与国之间争端的最好的办法是通过联合国。

The best way to solve disputes between countries is through the United Nations.4、大工厂生产的产品正在替代小工场生产的产品。

Goods produced by big factories are taking the place of the goods produced by small workshops.1、Advertising is part literature, part art, and part show business.广告业是宣传印刷,是艺术,也是娱乐。

2、Advertising can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece-who, for a fee, shouted out messages about a company’s products to one and all.广告业可以追溯到古希腊街头巷尾叫卖的小贩们-他们大声喊叫,吧公司的产品信息传递给每个人,并因此获得一定的报酬。

3、If the definition of advertising as “salesmanship in print” were expanded to include radio and television it would still stand today.如果把“印在纸上的销售艺术”这一广告定义涵盖到广播和电视,那么这个定义至今仍然成立。

4、From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highly specialized and profitable business.从这些平凡的开端,广告业发展成了高度专业化和高利润的行业。

Unit 3 1.这事件可能产生的后果(consequence)应予以认真考虑。The likely consequences of the incident need to be reflected on/upon.2.他差点解决了这个问题。(within an inch of„He was within an inch of solving the problem.3.假如你要把财产转让给他人,须使他成为合法产权人(legal owner)。(transfer„ to)If you want to transfer your property to someone, you should first make him the legal owner of it.4.自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有数十台电脑被盗,公司决定采取措施制止盗窃。(take action)More than ten computers have been stolen since the company moved to this area, so the company decided to take action to stop it.B.Translate the following into Chinese.1.Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy.He is always happy and always has something positive to say.迈克尔决非等闲之辈,他总是那么乐观,总能看到事物积极的一面。

2.If an employee had a bad day, Michael would tell him/her how to look on the positive side of the situation lest they'd continue feeling down.假如某个员工哪一天遇到不顺心的事,迈克尔总是告诉他们如何看待事物积极的一面,以免他们继续感到沮丧。

3.Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to see it as a type of learning.每当不幸降临时,我可以甘当受害者,也可以把它当成一种学习。

4.I simply yelled: “I'm choosing to live.Work on me as if I am alive, not headed to the grave.”我索性吼道:“我要活下去!快救我,把我当活人医治,别把我当成快要死的人!”

Unit 4

1.形势要求政府立即作出反应,否则,重大损失将不可避免。(call for)The situation calls for quick response from the government;otherwise, heavy loss cannot be avoided.2.帕特(Pat)与家人在一起感到很不自在,他不知道是否应该把这个消息公布出来。(whether or not;announce)Pat felt uneasy with his family, wondering whether or not to announce the news.3.目前,他们正展开全面调查,以弄清这次事故的原因。(conduct;investigation)Currently, they are conducting a full investigation to work(find)out what caused the accident.(Or: At present, they are conducting a full investigation into the cause of the accident.)4.我们需要查证他所说的是否属实。如果真是如此,我们要采取必要措施,防止考试作弊行为的发生。(check out)We need to check out what he said.If that is the case, we should take necessary measures to prevent cheating at exam from happening.B.Translate the following into Chinese.1.Although “gas investigations” rarely turn out to be anything, we're in the business of safety.尽管“煤气检查”最后很少是什么大问题,但是我们毕竟在从事安全工作。

2.I figured it would be the normal “nothing call” and we drove to the area, noses alert for the smell of natural gas.我猜这大概又是那种司空见惯的“无事电话”。我们驱车赶到那个区域,拼命用鼻子搜寻天然气的气味。

3.The chief took the suggestion, and under his command, the evacuation went as smoothly as could be expected.局长采纳了这个建议,在他的指挥下,撤离工作进展得非常顺利。

4.Many of the neighboring buildings suffered major damage from the explosive force, including some nearby homes that were moved off their foundations.爆炸力使临近的很多大楼遭受严重的破坏,附近的住房有些被整个掀掉,只剩下了地基。UNIT 5A.Translate the following into English.Unit 5


Life is not always like a fairy tale, and you have to live with it.2、他们是德国最精明能干的年亲人,是他们这一代人的精华。

They were the smartest young people in Germany—the cream of the crop of their generation.3、这件事已经够复杂的,你最好不要再插手了。

The thing has already been very complex, so you had better not step in again.4、多亏你的建议,没用多长时间就解决了困难。

Thanks to your suggestion, it didn’t take long to iron out the difficulties.1、People believe a suitable name can serve as an outline for a child’s future, helping to determine if the child will be a famous painter or a piano , a lawyer or a landlord.人们相信一个合适的名字能够大致勾勒出一个孩子的前程,有助于确定这个孩子将来是一位有名的画家还是出色的钢琴演奏家,是一位律师还是个旅馆老板。

2、All the boys in one generation of a family, the brothers and male cousins, will have the same first part to their name.同一个家族的同一代人中的所有男孩,无论是亲兄弟还是堂兄弟,他们的名字的第一部分将是相同的。

3、Finally, some people name their children after famous rulers or public figures, like George Washington Carver, for example , or even after their favorite soap opera actors on television.最后,一些人以有名的统治者或社会名人的名字来作为孩子的名字,比如像乔治.华盛顿.卡弗这样的名字,还有人以他们最喜欢的电视肥皂剧的演员名字来给孩子取名。

4、This is also an issue in Japan, where the government feels children should not be given names that other children will make fun of.命名在日本也是一个问题,日本政府认为人们应该避免给孩子们取一些会被其他孩子取笑的名字。Unit 6


Eventually your daughter will leave home to lead her own life, but in the meantime she has to rely on your support.2、虽然她面临金钱问题,但她知道如何解决他们。

Though she is confronted with money problems, she knows how to solve them.3、由于你有了电脑和手机,我们交流就更容易了。

Now that you have a computer and a cell phone, we can communicate more easily.4、这事的实际含义是:一旦你作弊,你就输了。

What this means in practical terms is that once you cheat, you lose.1、But much less widely reported has been the prospect that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the breakup of society by isolating its individual users.但是却很少报道可能存在这样一个前景:因特网可能孤立其用户而促进社会分崩离析。

2、And when we fast-forward to today we see an almost cruel irony in that people can and often do develop online relationships with folks on the other side of the globe, without leaving their homes.当我们越过一些阶段看现在,我们看到了一个近乎残酷的讽刺:人们不必离开家就能够而且经常在网上与另一个半球的人们建立关系。

3、Depending on how a “ real place” is defined, the virtual world created on the Internet might very well be a real place.因特网或许是个真实的地方,这取决于如何定义“真实的地方”。

4、On all this being said, I believe that the key to realizing the potential of the Internet lies in achieving balance in our lives.尽管这么说,我仍认为开发因特网潜力的关键是要在我们的生活中取得平衡。



This is to certify that Mr.Zhaog Fan, born on April 3, 1988, has studied in Computer Application Technology under the Schoolof Software Vocational Technology in Hangzhou Dianzi University from September 2004 to June 2006.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 2-year diploma program, he is granted graduation.Xue Anke

President of Hangzhou Dianzi University

Registration No.:***093

Date Issued: June 12, 2006


Unit 1 International Clock Talk

Warming Up

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to “International Clock Talk”, our weekly radio program about cultural differences.Today we are honored to have invited a number of people from different countries to give us their views.You may be interested to know that some of our guests arrived at the studio very early, while others turned up at the last minute!

Time, and how different cultures deal with it, is what we are going to talk about first.Please stay with us and hear more about the different views of time.Keys: 1.T 2.F3.NG

Understanding Ten Short Conversations

1.W: It’s time for “International Clock Talk”!Time to discuss how you feel about time!

M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar.Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views?

2.W: It annoys me the way my foreign friends treat time.M: I just read a book about this problem!It’s entitled International Clock Talk.Q: Which problem is the book about?

3.M: Australians are so relaxed about time!It drives me mad!

W: That’s the way they are.While you’re here, you’ll have to get used to it.Q: What advice does the woman give the man?

4.M: Have you noticed differences between our cultures?

W: Sure.In my country, people don’t care about time very much.Here, you take it seriously.Q: How do people in the woman’s country feel about time?

5.W: Can you explain why you’re always five minutes late for conferences?

M: Oh, I’m sorry.In my country, people are often late.Q: Why is the man late for conferences?

6.W: What do you appreciate most about life in Germany?

M: German people are rarely late for meetings.I never have to deal with latecomers.Q: What does the man like best about life in Germany?

7.M: I’ve heard that Chinese people are very relaxed about time.W: That used to be true.Nowadays, people are increasingly bothered by lateness.Q: According to the woman, how have Chinese people changed?

8.M: Why did you walk out of the restaurant abruptly? We had just started talking.W: Just started? We were there for two hours!In my country, meals take 15 minutes!

Q: Why did the woman walk out of the restaurant so abruptly?

9.W: What did Mom think about her trip to Russia? I’m so looking forward to hearing about it.M: She didn’t say much.When I picked her up at the airport this morning, she was just eager to get home to see Dad.She just said the food was great there.Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?

10.M: It’s only 6:30, and you’re done!I don’t finish work till 10.You’re very efficient.W: Well, Tim finished two hours earlier than me.That’s a sign of efficiency in my country.Q: How many hours earlier did the woman finish her work than the man?

1—5 B D C D C 6—10 C B B A C

Understanding a Long Conversation

M: You travel a lot.Which people do you think are the most time-conscious?

W: I think it’s probably the Swedes.M: Really, what makes you say that?

W: Well, on my last trip to Sweden, I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am.I got to the street at 6:27, but the taxi had already left.M: That’s a little hard to believe.Is it true?

W: Absolutely, everything runs on time there.There’s no room for mistakes.Everyone is very time-conscious!

M: They must seem very stiff and serious!

W: Sure, but once you get to know them, you find kind, caring people behind their serious faces.M: This is very different from my experiences traveling in South America.Of course, people there are very kind, but they don’t care much about time.W: I agree.South Americans don’t put very much stress on time.They’re always late for everything, but no one seems to mind.Qs: 1.What does the woman think about Swedish people? D

2.How long did the taxi driver wait for the woman? D

3.Why does the woman say ‘there’s no room for mistakes’ in Sweden? A

4.According to the woman, what are Swedes usually like? B

5.What do the man and the woman say about people in South America? C

Understanding a Passage

The biggest problem in my company has to do with culture, in particular our different ways of looking of time.People from some countries think it is OK to show up late for a meeting and some people even don’t think they need to come at all!As president of the company, however, it is my responsibility to tell them that this is not acceptable.Whereas in some other countries attending meetings is not considered very important, in this country, and especially in this country, meetings must be attended on time.Not being on time causes inefficiency.I spent all night thinking about the exact words that I would use to explain my feelings.I even wrote my words down.I planned to discuss this problem at the meeting today, and entitled my speech “International Clock Talk”.Unfortunately, I have a problem—no one came to the meeting!

Qs: 1.What is the company’s greatest problem?C

2.Which of the following does the speaker consider is his duty as president of the company? D

3.Why does lateness cause a decrease in efficiency? B

4.What did the company president do the previous night? C

5.Why couldn’t the president to what he had planned?B

Understanding a Movie Dialogue

Keys: 1.upset 2.sick 3.law 4.harmless 5.break 6.replaced 7.memories 8.natural 9.birthday 10.appreciate


It was not until his third day of class that the professor realized no one understood what he was saying.1)In his home country, the U.K., would speak up.He soon found out that Japanese students could be very different.2)In his third day of classes, he asked a student a question.The student just gave the professor student didn’t understand the question, so he ’t answered, he asked a completely different question.When the student still didn’t understand, he asked another student.And when she didn’t understand, the professor asked a third, a fourth and a fifth.4)Later that day, after talking to other people at the school, he discovered that often Japanese students don’they don’t understand something.Homework task 1: Culture Shock

W: I always thought that culture shock was something that would happen to other people, not to me.M: Actually, I’m nit totally certain what the words “culture shock” refer to.W: Culture shock is the anxiety that occurs when a person moves to completely new surroundings.M: Does it include a lack of direction and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate?

W: It sure does.And, it generally sets in a few weeks after arriving in a new place.M: Is it a physical or mental discomfort?

W: It’s both.Most people suffer stress in their body and mind.It can result in feeling very tired, getting sick, becoming depressed and doing

things you might otherwise think are wrong.M: I think I’ve experienced all of those symptoms.W: It’s only natural.When you first arrive, you don’t speak the language, don’t know how to use banking machines, don’t know how to use the

telephone and so forth.M: At the same time it can also be an opportunity.W: I agree.It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and encourage a sense of creativity.Qs: 1.What did the woman first think about culture shock? D

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true about people experiencing culture shock? C

3.How may culture shock affect people’s lives? B

4.When the woman talks about the newcomer’s inability, which of the following is NOT mentioned? D

5.How can culture shock also be an opportunity? B

Task 2 Solutions for Culture Shock

Even though you may not be able to eliminate culture shock, there are ways to ease the stress.The following are some activities that can help:

Get out of your room or apartment, so you are able to experience first-hand what Americans are doing.Make friends so you can talk to them and ask about what you don’t understand.Read to learn about the culture of the country you’re in.Find an activity that you can enjoy so you will be able to reduce stress and depression.Americans like to jog and they also like to play sports.Find out from your host family or other Americans about community activities, religious services, or volunteer opportunities.Make the most of this opportunity to become a member of their community.Improve you English.Ask about anything you don’t understand.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.Someone will be happy to put you right.Qs: 1.Why is it advised to get out of your room or apartment? C

2.To whom can you talk when you want to understand the American culture? A

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce your stress and depression? B

4.How might you become a member of the community? A

5.What should you do if you are NOT sure about how to say something? C

Task 3 VOA

1.the age, size and future 2.Seventy years ago 3.increase with distance 4.Late last month 5.A light year 6.distances in space 7.other measurements 8.support the idea 9.slow down and break up 10.or possibly even older



3-6 Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “How to prepare ourselves well for a big earthquake?”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.为了预防地震,我们应该掌握哪些知识。(备用的东西,躲藏的地方,怎样与外界联系„„)

2.地震发生后我们应该怎么做。(如果在户外,„„;如果在家里,„„;如果在开车,„„)Useful words and expressions:

a survival kit, first aid kit, be clear about the safe as well as danger spots in your home, get your family reunited, overpasses and power lines, aftershocks, secondary disasters, landslide


Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “Bill Gates”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.简述盖茨(chairman, CEO, businessman, Microsoft)

2.盖茨成功的原因。(traits, Brilliance, competitiveness, workaholic)

3.他与众不同的风格:把握时间的技能,“多任务操作”能力。(skill, multitasks)

4.结束语。(modernize, change, impact, dominate, computing revolution)


Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “Premarital Agreements”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.婚前协议的内容一般是什么?签婚前协议的主要原因是什么?(确定自己婚后的权力,如谁做家务活;以防离婚时产生经济纠纷,„„)



Useful words:

Financial, divorce, assets, inherit, remarry


1.听力20’ 课外, 没有听写,每题1’



4.词汇选择5’(15选10),选自课文, 每题0.5’

5.翻译 10’(汉译英2句,选自课后翻译题; 英译汉3句,课文中句子,都是翻译半句)









6.Liberty is more important than life.(英译汉)



She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.4.去年我一天洗两次澡,早晚各一次。

I used to take a bath twice a day last year,morning and night.5.坦白地说,面试后我一直认为这个职位不适合我。

Frankly speaking,I have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the

interview.6.Some people assert that nothing is impossible.Such people should get a grip on

reality and understand it‘s impossible to create another Universe.In more down-to-earth

terms,it’s impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow.(英译汉)

一些人断言没有什么事是不可能的。这些人应该把握现实,知道再造一个宇宙是不可能的。更现实的 说法是不可能明确地知道明天你会活着还是会死。

get a grip on抓住,控制,管束


Most probably he isn,t coming.2.他巴不得立刻见到你。

He is very anxious to meet you immediately.3.这刀不会留下任何疤痕。转载自:考试大-[Examda.Com]

The cut will not leave any scar.4.孩子成了他唯一的安慰。

The child became her only consolation.5.非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝这份工作。

I really appreciate your offer,but I must decline it.6.Things aren’t even starting to take shape yet.(英译汉)


It is clear you were wrong.2.仔细看看信的地址是否写对了。

Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.3.现在全厂上上下下都普遍认为工厂必须进行改革。

It is now generally accepted that reform is necessary in the factory.4.这儿是头两卷,第三卷下个月出版。

Here are the first two volumes,the third one to come out next month.5.我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。公园就在人行桥那边,桥下很深的地方,汹涌的河水滚滚流过。Somehow our path took us toward the park across the footbridge high above the rolling

waters of the river.6.The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.(英译汉)



In my long seeking for lodging,I often met with a snub.2.树是那样高,笔直,而又整齐的特别可爱!因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的。Standing tall and erect before me in neat array was a forest of evergreen pines and


While walking in the shade of the trees,I preferred not to focus my attention

exclusively on the scenery.4.最有意思的是自己慢慢地在后面走,看着人家一个个地从树荫下经过。

I found it most interesting to watch,by slowing down my pace,other people walking

ahead of me one after another.6.We‘ve all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of,some of us have fallen

for the wrong man,some have let go of the right women,there’re those who have

humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children.Yes,we‘ve all made

mistakes that diminish us and those we love.But there is redemption if we try to learn from

those mistakes and grow。(英译汉)

我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母丢脸,也 有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错,使自己和爱人蒙羞。但如果我们试着从s这些错误中吸取教 训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。

A: Bill Mcphee。我会尽快带他来见你。

Bill Mcphee.I’ll bring him around to see you soon.B: 我们会怀念和你一起共事的时光。

We’ll miss doing business with you.A: Bill Mcphee是个好人。你们会和他相处得很好的。

Bill Mcphee is a good man.You’ll get along with him very well.6.With the rapid development of Taiwan’s economy,a lot of social problems have come

to pass.(英译汉)



Is the plane on schedule?


Let’s get our tickets and boarding pass ready.3.如果有退票的,请通知我。

Please notify me if there is any cancellation.4.请于起飞前一小进到达机场。

Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure?

You’ll be late if you don’t arrive in one hour before leaving.5.我需要提前多少天付款订票?

How long in advance of the flight must I pay to confirm the booking?

6.Promises are often like the butterfly,which disappear after beautiful hover。(英译




We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.2.在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。

Before you build a personal site,ask yourself why you want one,and what you want to

accomplish.3.在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给 你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。

When you visit the site of a Web host,you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much

space and so much network traffic for so much money.4.典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内 容。

Web site typically contain graphics,texts and pictures,while more elaborate ones

include animation,video,audio and other extras.5.关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。

There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain

frustrating.6.Pizza came to the U.S.with Italian immigrants;the first U.S.pizzeria opened in

1905,and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。It is now

popular worldwide.(英译汉)

比萨随着意大利移民引进美国;1905年第一家美国比萨店开业了,第二次世界大战后比萨成为全美国 最喜爱的食物之一。现在比萨畅销全世界。


Is it within walking distance?


My son rode pickaback on me to watch the parade.3.其实我一点都不喜欢我现在的工作。

The fact of the matter is I’m not enjoying my new job at all.4.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。

He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.5.如果我今早没忘了把油箱加满,我们不会没油的。

If I hadn’t forgotten to fill up the tank this morning,we wouldn’t be out of gas.6.Are there any charter flights?(英译汉)



Is there anything I can help you with?

B:是的,我想知道你是否可以帮我找到一些这个城市的旅游指南,或许也要一张公路地图。Yes,I was wondering if you could help me find some travel guides for this city.And

maybe also a rode map,too.A:我们有各种不同的那个题材的书。有些相当概扣,而其他的则比较专业化。

We have a variety of books on that subject.Some are quite general while others are more

specialized and specific,B:我想概括性的就可以了。我只是要在这儿停留几天。但我想要那种多多少少能使我感觉到这个城 市的东西。

I think the generalized ones would do.I’m only staying here for a couple of days.But

I want something that can give me more or less the feel of the city.A:那样的话,也许这本书可以。它有很多图片,而且容易阅读,里头也有公路地图。

In that case,maybe this book will do.It has a lot of pictures and is easy to read.There are also road maps in it.B:太好了!我买这一本。

That’s perfect.I’ll buy this one.(英译汉)

2、At Christmas the air is filled with carols.圣诞节的时候到处都可以听到圣诞颂歌。


I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions.2.由于奥运会规模越来越大,为了大多数的城市将没有能力举办。来源:考试大

The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in

future.3.当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。Currently,once the Games are finished,all the gathered expertise vanishes and the

next city has to begin from scratch.4.除了一般大学程度的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。

The Ecole du Louvre,in addition to its regular university-level curricula,offers

free public evening classes in art history.5.你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗?

Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative


6.The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time,watching

the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red,blue,gold,and a near blinding

white.On the way out,someone coughs,and the sound goes on and on—acoustics in this

chapel are remarkable.(英译汉)



I am deeply offended by her conduct.2.稳定性带来的好处有可能被夸大。

It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.3.这事若是事实,它将给我们造成许多麻烦。

If true,this will cause us a lot of trouble.If it is true,this will cause us a lot of trouble.4.任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。

Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.5.许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to

spend much more time waiting for a bus,which is usually crowded with a large number of

passengers.6.Love is the greatest refreshment in life。



You‘d better form the habit of studying.2.别把这两个近义词混淆了。

Don’t mix up this pair of synonyms.3.给出这个词的同义词和反义词。

Give the synonym and antonym of this word.4.他脸皮厚,从来不在乎别人讲什么。

He is thick-skinned and never cares what others say.5.面试时,有些面试者会有夸大的倾向。

During the interview,some interviewees tend to exaggerate.6.You’re really too good for me.(英语)



An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward


I recently spent time asking effective professionals about their most memorable and

effective learning experiences.3.我的目的,是要找出成人教育的最佳方式。{来源:考{试大}

My goal was to find out what works best when it comes to adult education.4.那么为什么在适合成人的训练方式与公司的训练部门实际所提供的训练之间会有如此的断层呢?So why is there such a disconnect between what works for adults and is offered by

corporate training departments?

5.在世界各地,极少数的训练人员在从事他们的工作时,具备有充分的学习方面的知识。Very few trainers,in world over,come to their work with much knowledge about

learning.6.What I discovered is that adults are remarkably similar in how they learn best: The

most unforgettable and transformative learning occurs through personal experience,group

support and/or mentoring.(英译汉)

我发现,成人学习最有效的方式其实非常类似:最难忘、带来最深远改变的学习经验,均是通过个人 的体会、小组支持或者良师的启发。

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