
时间:2019-05-14 20:59:12下载本文作者:会员上传



1、音乐起,三个农民边唱边跳出场歌词:We are farmers, we are farmers, happy happy happy!三个农民在地里劳动

farmer A: Let’s have a rest, OK? Farmer B C:OK!(农民下)旁白:Long long ago, in a distent country, a little boy took care a lot of sheep on the mountain every day.Nobody played with him.He felt very lonely.He thought his work is not interesting at all.Scene Two:

A boy was shepherding(第二场:一个小孩在放牧)(男孩上,赶着一群羊,然后走到树下休息)

Boy:(挥舞着他手中的鞭子)Hmn, I feel so bored.There is nobody here to talk with me.How board!(嗯,太无聊了。这儿一个说话的人也没有。真没意思!)Sheep: Baa…(咩咩……)Boy: Um, I have a good idea.I am sure people will come soon.(大声喊)a wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Come and help.I see a wolf.A big wolf.(狼来了。狼来了。)

Some farmers Are Working(第二场:几个农民在干活)(山下,有几名农民在干活。他们听到了男孩的声音。)旁白:Some farmers are working under the hill.They have heard the voice of the boy.Boy: wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!)Farmer A: Hi, do you hear anyone crying?(嗨。你听见有人在喊叫吗?)Farmer B 听)Yes.It’s the shepherd’s voice.(是啊,是那牧童的声音。)Farmer C:(放下手中的活。)Yes.Let’s go and help him.Let’s kill the wolf.(是的,咱们去帮他。快去打狼吧。)(越来越多的农民停下手中的活儿,拿着棍棒和农具上山了。)旁白:The farmers go quickly and they want to save the child as quickly as possible.Scene Three: The Farmers Are Fooled(第三场:农民被愚弄了)(农民们拿着棍棒和农具爬上山。)Farmer A: Where’s the wolf? Where is it? Can you see it?(狼呢?它在哪儿?你看见了吗?)Farmer C: Hi!Little boy!Are you all right? We are coming to kill the wolf.Where is it going?(嗨!小孩。你没事吧?我们是来打狼的。狼在哪儿?)Boy: Hahaha!Sorry.There’s no wolf here.I’m joking.Haha…(哈哈哈!对不起,这儿没有狼,我开玩笑呢。哈哈哈……)Farmer C: No wolf?

Farmer A: You cheat us.Famer B: It is not good to d o this.Boy: Hahaha!What fools!Hahaha……(哈!真傻!哈哈……)(农民们很生气,下台)

旁白:All of the villagers go back to the village.All of them are quite angry.The boy laughs.He thinks it is so funny that so many adults are cheated.The next day, the boy was board again.He wanted to do that another time.Boy: A wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Help!Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!救命啊!)

Farmer B(对 Farmer C说): Maybe the wolf is really coming.(或许这一次狼真的来了。)Boy: Help!Help!Wolf is coming.The wolf is coming.(救命啊!救命啊!狼来了…….)Farmer A: The boy is fooling us.Farmer C: If the wolf really coming.Let’s go to the hill and kill the wolf.(咱们上山打狼去。)(他们向山顶爬,有人都累得爬不到山顶了。可是当他们爬到山顶时,却发现根本没有狼。)旁白:So, all the villagers trusted the boy once time.They climbed the hill, tired and tired.But, they saw nothing.Farmer A: Where is the wolf? Boy: Hahaha!Don’t angry with me, uncles.Why not sit down and have a chat?(哈哈哈!大叔大伯,你们别生气。坐下来跟我聊会天,好吗?)Farmer A: You naughty boy!You should not cheat anyone.If not, no one will trust with you.(你这顽皮的孩子!你可不应该再骗人啊!下次再也没有人相信你了。)Farmer B: The boy fool us again.Let’s go!(这孩子又骗人,咱们走!)

Farmer C: What a bad boy!Don’t believe him.(这孩子真不象话!别在理了。)(男孩笑弯了腰。农民们气愤地离开了。)旁白:The farmers left with fully anger.They promise not to help him next time if he doesn’t correct.But the boy laughed.In a sunny morning, the boy looked after sheep in the hill.Suddenly, a wolf was really coming.The boy was so scared.(音乐响)

Scene Four: A wolf Is Really Coming(第四场:狼真的来了)Boy:(他怕极了。)Wolf!Wolf!The wolf is really coming.Help!Help!Help!(狼!狼!狼真的来了。快救命啊!)Wolf: Hello, I’m a wolf.I’m from the north.Come on baby.So many fat sheep.I can have a good lunch.(这么多肥羊。我能吃顿丰盛的午餐了。)Boy: The wolf is coming.Help!The wolf is coming.Help!(狼咬死了所有的羊,追男孩,男孩滚下山被救)

Boy hhhh, no one believe me.旁白:The moral of this story is: lying is a bad behavior, it is not respect other people, other people will lose their trust.We should cultivate good quality and sincere.(这个故事的寓意是:说谎是一种不好的行为,这是不尊重别人,其他人将失去对他的信任。我们应该培养良好和真诚的品质。)



Character: a boy;a wolf;some farmers, a group of sheep, a storyteller 道具:鞭子、一棵大树、一座小山、三顶草帽、三根扁担、三把锄头、Scene One: farmers working in the field(第一场:三个农民在地里劳动)


歌词:We are farmers, we are farmers, happy happy happy!


farmer A:Let’s have a rest, OK? Farmer B C:OK!(农民下)

Scene Two: A boy is shepherding(第二场:一个小孩在放牧)(男孩上,赶着一群羊,然后走到树下休息)Boy:(挥舞着他手中的鞭子)Hmn, I feel very humdrum.There is nobody here to talk with me.How humdrum!(嗯,太无聊了。这儿一个说话的人也没有。真没意思!)Sheep:Baa…(咩咩……)

Boy:Um, I have a good idea.I am sure people will come soon.(嗯,我有了一个好主意.我相信人们很快就会来了。)(大声喊)a wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.(狼来了。狼来了。)

Scene Two: Some Farmers Are Working(第二场:几个农民在干活)(山下,有几名农民在干活。他们听到了男孩的声音。)Boy:wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!)Farmer A:Hi, do you hear anyone crying?(嗨。你听见有人在喊叫吗?)Farmer B :(听)Yes.It’s the shepherd’s voice.(是啊,是那牧童的声音。)Farmer C:(放下手中的活。)Yes.Let’s go and help him.Let’s kill the wolf.(是的,咱们去帮他。快去打狼吧。)(越来越多的农民停下手中的活儿,拿着棍棒和农具上山了。)

Scene Three: The Farmers Are Fooled(第三场:农民被愚弄了)(农民们拿着棍棒和农具爬上山。)Farmer A:Where’s the wolf? Where is it? Can you see it?(狼呢?它在哪儿?你看见了吗?)Farmer C:Hi!Little boy!Are you all right? We are coming to kill the wolf.Where is it going?(嗨!小孩。你没事吧?我们是来打狼的。狼在哪儿?)Boy:Hahaha!Sorry.There’s no wolf here.I’m joking.Haha…(哈哈哈!对不起,这儿没有狼,我开玩笑呢。哈哈哈……)

Farmer C:No wolf? You cheat us.It is not good to do this.(没有狼?你骗我们。这样做不好。)Boy:Hahaha!What fools!Hahaha……(哈!真傻!哈哈……)(农民们很生气,他们下山继续干活了。)

(不久,农民们又听到来之山上的同样的叫喊声。)Boy:A wolf is coming.A wolf is coming.Help!Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!救命啊!)Farmer B(对Farmer C说): Maybe the wolf is really coming.(或许这一次狼真的来了。)Boy:Help!Help!Wolf …(救命啊!救命啊!狼来了…….)

Farmer C: Let’s go to the hill and kill the wolf.(咱们上山打狼去。)(他们向山顶爬,有人都累得爬不到山顶了。可是当他们爬到山顶时,却 发现根本没有狼。)Boy:Hahaha!Don’t angry with me, uncles.Why not sit down and have a chat?(哈哈哈!大叔大伯,你们别生气。坐下来跟我聊会天,好吗?)Farmer A:You naughty boy!(你这顽皮的孩子!你可不应该再骗人啊!下次再也没有人相信你了。)Farmer B:The boy fool us again.Let’s go!(这孩子又骗人,咱们走!)

Farmer C:What a bad boy!Don’t believe him.(这孩子真不象话!别在理了。)(男孩笑弯了腰。农民们气愤地离开了。)

Scene Four: A wolf Is Really Coming(第四场:狼真的来了)

(一个晴朗的早上,小孩在山顶上放羊。突然,他听到一阵怪叫声。狼真的来了。)Boy:(他怕极了。)Wolf!Wolf!The wolf is really coming.Help!Help!(狼!狼!狼真的来了。快救命啊!)Wolf:So many fat sheep.I can have a good lunch.(这么多肥羊。我能吃顿丰盛的午餐了。)Boy:The wolf is coming.Help!The wolf is coming.Help!(狼来了。救命!)(可是这一次没有人来。狼咬死一只羊,又去追那孩子。小孩摔下山坡。他被救了。打那以后,他再也不敢撒谎了。)


《The wolf is coming》

There is a boy who lives in a small village.He has many sheep.He looks after them every day.“It’s boring.ok, I have a good idea(注意动作).”He climbs up to the hill.“Help!Help!The wolf is coming!The wolf is coming!” 注意动作语气

“Oh, my god!The wolf is coming.Let’s go and help him.”one farmer say, then they run to the boy.“where is the wolf?”

“Ha!Ha!Ha!There is no wolf.You are fooled.”(动作 语气)“How can you tell such a lie!(谎言)” They are very angry!

The next day, the boy calls again.“Help!Help!The wolf is coming!The wolf is coming!”

“where is the wolf?”The farmers are very angry.We will never believe(相信)you.”(动作

Suddenly,(突然)a big wolf jumps out.(动作 语气)

“Help!Help!” But this time,no one came.“You are a bad boy.Nobody will help you.Ha!Ha!Ha!”

In the end, all the sheep are eaten by the wolf.(语气)

This story tells us: we can’t tell lies.


beard is looking good there,A…..1(女)

Don‟t thank me,thank the dice.,they told me what percentage of my face to shave.….2

Why are you still doing this?.....3

Because it‟s working,…in the past few weeks ,not be bothered by trivialities,so and I‟m about

to figuring out why 1+1=2…..2

You forgot,got chafed testicles because you no longer wear underpants…..4

When give,also lost.…..2

Is 5 out with 6 again?...1

Yeah,every night …4

Wow, can‟t believe that he has a girlfriend….1

摇色子 me neither…2

Here‟s some other fun new on the 5 and 6,…..,he gave her a pair of diamond earrings anda car…3

You‟re kidding…..1

You think she‟s taking advantage of him?.....4

Oh ,of course not.She wouldn‟t do something like that…she is deaf….1

无奈的表情 deaf??....deaf woman can‟t be gold diggers?..4,Everyone knows that …..they are nice….1

Yeah, I actually have information about 5 that would be helpful with this discussion…2(不相信的眼神)Could you tell us?…4

Let‟s see 摇色子..(说出多少点).sorry,bud….2

Wait, hang on , two together.roll again…..1

摇色子okay ,listening to me.(都很无奈)…it doesn‟t matter if he buy lots of gifts ,because his families are vastly wealthy….2

What do you mean “vastly wealthy”?...1

Well, “wealthy” means a lot of money……”vastly” means even more…I „m not sure what you

don‟t understand…(都很无奈)...2

OK,I know they have money.i don‟t think it‟s that much….4

No,you‟re wrong…..through my survey in a few decades, his familiers are‟t just rich ,they‟re Richie Rich rich….2

Well,so how much is that?..1

About halfway between xietingfeng and zhangbozhi….2

what?? The last time we went to the zoo….,that son made me buy him ice cream…3

4走出教室(哼着歌)listen,guys, I need to go call 5‟s sister ,who I love so much…..so vastly much….4

OK….,so he is very rich …1

And he pay off all her credit cards…3

What??.damn it ,I could have date 5 for a coulp months….but I „m not that kind of girl….we should really talk to 5….1

He‟s not going to listen…he is in love….3

Can‟t know what to do?.?.....now,excuse me,…I have to….摇色子….stay right here…..2


I used to have my dream!

我有过梦想 旁白(谢秋霞):

Now I am a freshman.These days I suddenly find how I cherish the memory of my previous life!In those days my classmates and I worked hard for our dreams!We even do not know what was tired.Therefore,we could study at night with our own hand lights and we could get up so early as the sky was still dark.What we only know was that we have our own dreams and we would not be ordinary people.However it seemd that everything is changing!I am beginning not to know who I am and what I am doing and where my ambitions are!Scene one: 闹铃响起

No.1(尹思阳): Oh, my lady gaga!It is already 7:60!Get up!Quickly!Quickly!Get up!Get up!Get up!We are late!No.2(肖翠平): What classes will have this morning? No.1: Let me see!Uh。。。English and RS!No.2: Oh, English? It’s so cool.I won’t go to the classroom!No.3(孙川): Are you sure that we will have English at our first class? No.1: Uh……Yes!No.3: he he a o, he he a o ,he he he he(啄木鸟叫声),I just made a hard decision that I won’t go to the classroom too!No.4(陆坤):I am three!No.1: Ok, as your good brother.I want to be four!No.2、No.3and No.4 together shout to No.1: No!As our respected and handsome and strong brother, you must go there in case of the teachers’ calling!No.1: Uh…… Ok, you know that When I smile like this :he he, in fact I am thinking that you are all fools in my heart!No.2、No.3 and No.4 together smile to No.1:He he……

Scene two:(No.1 has just gone!)No.2: Get up!Get up!It’s time to keep on playing our game!We have no time because of the coming examinations!Therefore we must speed up!No.3: Oh, yeah!No.2 is right!Come on No.4!No.4: Uh…….O…….K!At this time, a man break into the room!No.2、No.3 and No.4 feel puzzled!No.2 : Who are you?(并仔细的开始观察他)好一会过后No.2如梦初醒!

No.2: No.feiwu? Are you No.feiwu? Oh, my dear feiwu.Long time no see!No.3 and No.4: Feiwu? He is feiwu? Oh, my god!Am I still sleeping?(掐对方)Er……I can’t feel any pain.No.4: A……

No.feiwu(李缘): Do you have any money to borrow me? No.2、No.3 and No.4: No, it’s not the thing that we don’t

have t money to borrow to you!It is because that we don’t want you to keep on going to the net bar and we don’t want you to go on corrupt.(堕落的)No.feiwu: All of you are so stingy!(小声的)No.2、No.3 and No.4 all keep quite, and begin to play their games!No.feiwu climb his own bed and begin to sleep.Scene three:(当


No.4: Hello!My baby!How do you know that I am not in class? Girlfriend: Uh? Don’ t you forget about our appointment that you accompany with me to buy that lovely skirt by skipping our English class? No.4: How can it be possible!Girlfriend: Wuwuwu

…….you are lying!You just don’t love me!Wuwuwuw

…….No.4: Oh, my baby, I love you.I really love you!I was just preparing to see you!Wait me!I will go there in two minutes!

No.4:Feiwu, Lend me 100 yuan!No.feiwu: What?

Scene Four:

旁白:The time is so fast!It’s already 7:30 at p.m.No.4 was just coming from the supermarket with her girlfriend.No.4: How long do you play the game? No.3: Uh, all the time since you go.And we have only one barrier to pass now!How is your appointment?

No.4: Uh…..Don’t speak that!I In the supermarke ,She seemd like everything, but she only just have try at every store!Yeah , every store!Oh, my god!I nearly can’t put up with it!笑声,近乎疯狂但又深表同情的笑声!

No.1、No.2 and No.3 together : Our girlfriends are the same!No.2: Oh, yeah!I pass it!No.1、No.3 and No.4:Really? No.2: Yes!四人开始跳舞庆祝!

No1: Now shouldn’t we celebrate it by drinking something? No.2、No.3 and No.4: Of course!We should!No.1: No.feiwu? would you join us to drink? No.feiwu: Uh…...Ok.But please be quite!I will call my mother for some money.全场肃静!

Mum: Hello, my dear!Your money has used up, isn’t it? No.feiwu: Uh……

Mum:Ok.This time I will post 1000 yuan to you for the reason that I will go to Beijing to build houses in next two month!My son,you should eat well!Don’t think about the money!Your mother is still strong ,therefore, though without your father, I believe that I can help you finish your dream!Ok, that’s all!Now I go to post the money to you!电话挂断后长长的尾音!《老男孩》歌曲响起!旁白:

Dream? What are our dreams? We used to tell ourselves that we can let our life become better and better!We can feed all of our family!We should have our own businesses!We won’t be ordinary people and so on!However, what are we doing? Playing computer games, skipping classes, drinking ……….That’s the way that we accomplish our dreams?Don’t we want to think that have we realize our previous dreams when we become old? Or we just let our own dreams accomplish by our children?



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