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The Analysis of the Tragic Life of Tess

The story happened in the late 19th century, the cruel capitalist exploitation has ruined the English countryside severely and Wessex is not immune from the destruction;the capitalism brings great harm to the agriculture life;all the self-supporting peasants are all live in a rather miserable life.Tess of the D‟Urbervilles is one of the Hardy‟s Wessex novels.The agricultural region of the southern countries England is the novel’s setting.The social conventions and the moral level Angel Clare, a man of liberal mind, is the son of a clergyman.In this novel, he is the direct opposite of Alec.He has broken with the traditions of his family to seek the ideal in a quiet rural life.He looks down upon the material distinction of rank and wealth.He wants to have own farm with Tess.In his eyes, Tess is lovely and pure.He treats Tess“equally”.all the above mentioned make Tess fall in love with him and is engaged to him.To some extent he is different form other man, for his mind is opening.To our surprised after Tess tells him her past story, although he is a sinner for he had some affair with a bad woman, he refuses to forgive Tess just like Tess forgives him.We can find the weakness and flaws of his personality.In his eyes, the judge of purity still depends on the social conventions and the moral level.We can find that he is the slave of the custom and conventionality.He tells Tess that his lover is not Tess but another woman in her shape.He brings great harm to Tess and play an important role in the tragic life.Tess is seduced by Alec, so Tess is scandalized by the narrow-minded people.When her son who is regarded as a bastard is to die, his father refuses to asked preacher to give the baptism of the child, for her father feels ashamed with Tess and he is afraid of people‟s laughing and discussion.No one care about Tess and every one think she is guilty.Tess suffers a lot while the arch-criminal Alec has become the preacher.No one think he is guilty.The unequal treatment makes her life tragic.Self –sacrifice and responsibility

Without doubt, Tess is rather obedient girl.when the death of the old horse destroy her family‟s business, Tess thinks it is her fault.Then Durbeyfield began to shovel in the earth and the children cried anew.Tess does not cry.Her face is dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.Tess thinks that she has dragged her parents into this quagmire, so she wonders what she could do help her family get out of trouble.She accepts her mother‟s advice and goes to work on Alec‟s farm, and later she is seduced by Alec.The second time, Tess„s father dies and her family have no food and have no place to live in.Tess is driven to accept Alec‟s advice and live with Alec to support her family.Tess, a member of the family, thinks that she has responsibility for her family, so she must try her best to change her family‟s situation.Every time it is at the cost of her happiness that her family can continue to live.When Tess tells Angel her past story, Angel refuses to forgive her and leave Tess alone.Tess does not show her anger to him, although she has enough reasons to do that.Angel is also a sinner, because he has affair with a bad woman.Tess can forgive her fault while he can not forgive Tess, which is unfair for Tess.Tess does not hate Angel and she just hope for his forgive.We can find that Tess just think of others.She never just thinks of herself.Her Self –sacrifice and responsibility impress the reader strongly.Braveness and Innocence It is hard for people to think that a young girl seduced by others does not marry the man, but Tess does;under the suffering of losing her baby, without hesitation, Tess goes to a farm as a milkmaid at Talbot hays;all show that she is brave.Because of her braveness she refuses to marry Alec and becomes a baby‟s mother who doesn‟t marry;because of braveness, when Angel came back, in order to shows her love and

live with Angel, Tess kills Alec and hides with Angel in a forest;even when she wakes up only to find the arrest, Tess deals with it calmly and she is not sad.What we can not deny is that braveness and innocence is the good quality that everyone shall have, however, the function of this good quality is the guide to the pure girl‟s tragedy.Because of her innocence, she does not accept her mother‟s advice, she tells her past story to Clare, and Angel does not understand her and refused to forgive her.Tess is abandoned by Angel.Then she begins anther tragedy.In fact, if she does not tell Angel her seduction by Alec, Angel has no choice to know about her past, if Angel does not learn about her past story, Angel does not think her is not pure and abandon her.Innocence and braveness is good personality, while Tess she pays her young and gold life for the cost.Braveness makes people think her is not pure;innocence makes her lose her husband.In this sentence, Tess asked Angel to marry her sister who is a simple and pure woman.From this we can find that the traditional morality and Fatalism is in the blood of Tess and Tess is affected by it deeply.It becomes one part of her body.so although Tess fights with all the unfair treatment, she comes to terms with the society and evil at last.Conclusion

In the novel Tess of the D‟Urbervilles, Tess is a poor country girl.In the beginning of the novel, the poor girl goes to work on Alec‟s farm, and then she is seduced by Alec.She is the victim in this case, but People all think she is guilt, even her husband, for people judge “purity” depend on the social conventions and the moral level.So at last, Tess is arrested and hangs, which means that Tess fails to fight with the sociality.The cruel capitalist exploitation is the reason why Tess is in poverty.Because of the struggle to live, Tess force to work under the capitalist exploitation.So in a word ,the bourgeois society is responsible for Tess‟s miseries and sufferings ,and Tess‟s personalities become her own weakness.


1.Research Intention

Tess of the D’urbervilles, the greatest novel of British famous writer Thomas Hardy(1840-1928), describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess.In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, suffer setbacks again and again, till to be destroyed.We can not help but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.At the same time we deeply feel that her tragedy is inevitable.The cause of her tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin.What leads to her tragic destiny? What killed her? This paper will try to make a detailed analysis on the novel, to show the various causes of the heroine’s tragedy.2.Literary Review

From the later nineteenth century until now,Thomas Hardy and his works have been the important topics of the criticism for a long time.After the Second World War, with the development of modern literary criticism, different critics interpret Tess of the D’urbervilles and Thomas Hardy’s other novels from various perspectives.For instance, Professor Webster begins with a discussion of Hardy’s intentions in writing Tess.According to his views, Tess of the D’urbervilles is a contribution to Hardy’s war against man’s inhumanity.Arnold Kettle takes a different point of view.For him the subject of Tess of the D’urbervilles is not the tragedy of a “pure woman”, but rather the destruction of the English peasantry.Mr.Kettle sees it as complete as a social novel.In China, Prof.Zhang and Wu have published their own books on Hardy’s novels and other works.There are

3.Research Process

This paper comprises three parts dealing respectively with several main factors that lead to Tess’s final tragedy, including the background, the social environment, two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate and finally the weakness of the central character’s personalities.Besides, Tess’s sufferings were the result of some mysterious and incidental factors.The following is the outline of the paper.Part 1.Introduction

This part is a brief introduction to the author and his masterpiece.1.1Thomas Hardy and his works

1.2Tess of the D’urbervilles

Part 2.Causes for the tragedy of Tess

The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin.What leads to her tragic destiny? What killed her? In this paper, I try to make a detailed analysis on the novel, to show the various causes of heroine’s tragedy.2.1 The impoverishment and decay of small farmers

This novel has for its setting the agricultural region of the southern countries of England.The writer truthfully depicts the impoverishment and decay of small farmers who become hired field hands and roam the country in search of seasonal job.These laborers are mercilessly exploited by the rich landowners.In this novel, we can see clearly that one of the real reasons that lead to her extermination is her impoverishment.2.2Alec and Clare

In this novel, Hardy describes how Tess was killed by the times she lived in clearly.There are two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate.She, a daughter of poor peasants had been reduced to a wage laborer, so Alec---the vicious capitalist power of the Victorian Times and Clare---the representative of liberal bourgeoisie killed her cruelly and without mercy.It seemed that Alec was the prime culprit of Tess, but in fact, it was Clare who killed Tees more cruelly.2.3 The weakness of her character

Apart from fierce Alec and hypocritical Clare, it is the weakness of her character that leads to her sad fate.Tess was able to fight against the unfairness of the society.She could face various difficulties in life bravely, yet she couldn’t extricate herself from traditional moral principles.She was aware that she was the victim of social violence and moral principles.On the other hand, though she dared to beat back the unjustness, she couldn’t break with traditional morality completely.2.4 Some mysterious and incidental factors

The last but not the least, Tess’s sufferings were the result of some mysterious

and incidental factors.Examples of the fateful incidents abound in the novel.Part 3.Conclusion

It is the times she lived in and the weakness of her nature put her in such a poor situation.Cruel Alec and his peers are the direct reason for her death, but it is Angel who killed her indirectly but more cruelly.Facing such a serious situation, the weakness of her character became the accomplice.The tragic fate is not only that of Tess herself, but also the tragedy of the times she lived in.4.Conclusion

Through studying the representative workTess of the D’urbervilles, we will be able to have a better appreciation of the great achievements of Thomas Hardy.It seemed that if there were no unexpected happenings, she might have a happy life;maybe she would finish her life peacefully.It appeared there were unexpected factors in her every important life stage, those factors lead to her tragedy.But in fact, just as we infer from our previous discussion, it is the times she lived in and the weakness of her nature put her in such a poor situation.Cruel Alec and his peers are the direct reason for her death, but it is Angel who killed her indirectly but more cruelly.Facing such a serious situation, the weakness of her character became the accomplice.The tragic fate is not only that of Tess herself, but also the tragedy of the times she lived in.Bibliography

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如何实施目标教学, 优化教学过程, 推进素质教育并在课堂教学中融进素质教育,就农村的中学英语教学而言, 我认为最好的方法就是让课堂教学活起来。那么, 在中学英语教学中, 怎样才能让课堂教学活起来呢?

一、利用各种教学媒体, 激活教科书, 让学生更易理解接受。

.在教学中, 我们应想方设法, 利用电教器材如TV、VCD、电脑、收音机等, 让教科书活起来、动起来、形象起来、发出声来, 让活的教科书震撼学生的心灵、开发学生的智力, 培养学生的创新能力。如我在讲Shopping 这一课时, 就利用共享中的教学软件, 将各种商品的图片展现在电脑上,让学生充当购物者, 运用所学过的句型进行现场模拟练习, 使课堂变得有声有色、生动有趣。学生则充满激情, 很好地理解和掌握了教学内容, 并能模仿自编自演对话, 达到了活学活用的效果。

二、重视学生的主体地位, 发扬教学民主, 创设和谐气氛, 增强学生的参与意识, 让学生在课堂中活起来

2.树立学生的自信心与勇气, 增强学生的参与意识。英语学科的教学特色是充分发挥其语言功能, 讲究对话的艺术。这就要求教师引导学生全体主动参与, 使其克服羞于开口的毛病, 积极参与语言交际活动。在英语教学中, 我常常用表扬和鼓励的话语激励学生, 让学生能够大胆地表现自己, 每一课都尽量创设大量情境并提供广泛的语言材料, 让学生进行听说读写训练。如Unit 8 My family 和Unit 9 A birthday party 的教学, 我先让学生看图听录音跟读, 然后口述,并运用句型进行家庭及人物的介绍, 再自编自演对话。这样, 本来只有几句话的内容, 经过处理, 就成为一个生动有趣的说话练习了。长期的训练, 使学生由克服了说英语的胆怯心理, 变得自然大方, 而且不时有出色的表现。

三、教师转变观念, 让教学方法与教学手段活起来

一、呆板的教学方法与手段, 只能让课堂变得枯燥乏味。新课程背景下的英语课堂教学应是快节奏的、灵活多样的、丰富多彩的, 而不是黑白无声的。教师上课节奏要快, 以训练学生的反应、思维。学生的有意注意时间大多不超过20 分钟, 注意力易分散, 一旦教学方法呆板、节奏慢, 就会出现学生做小动作或小声讲话等不良习惯。因此, 教师应抓住学生注意力集中的短暂时刻, 用学生能接受的节奏组织形式多样的课堂活动, 如游戏、唱歌、做动作、抢答竞赛等, 使学生既紧张又活泼, 在轻松愉快而又紧张刺激的氛围中学习。这样, 学生的学习积极性高, 不会感到厌倦, 对知识记忆得也特别牢固, 教学效果自然较好。



五、发扬民主, 营造和谐气氛, 注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生形成学习动机让学生动起来

(1)诱发学习动机、激发学习兴趣。学生的学习活动总是由一定的学习动机引起的, 只有当学生喜欢学、要求学, 有迫切的学习愿望时, 他们才能自觉积极地投入到学习活动中去。那么, 学生的这种学习动机从何而来呢? 这就要靠教师的教学艺术, 要靠教师组织富有成效的学习活动去诱发学生的学习动机、激发学习兴趣、活跃学生的思维, 如设置悬念、创设情境等, 将学生置于心求通而未达, 口欲言而不能的心理状态。如组织课前活动时, 我通常以听说训练为重点,利用课前的几分钟, 开展Free talk 活动, 其中内容包括日常生活中常用的问候句型、自我介绍句型, 以及日期、天气的正确表达方法, 让学生以轻松、愉快的心情迎来即将开始的英语课。

(2).心理学家告诉我们, 爱动是孩子的天性。在英语教学中, 教师应将“动中学、学中动”有机结合, 使学生动脑、动口、动眼、动耳、动手, 以最佳心理状态投入到学习中去。如在教学Unit 3 In my schoolbag 时, 我一边教学新单词、一边让学生运用句型猜测老师的提包和笔盒中分别有什么。这样, 学生学得趣味盎然, 教师也教得轻松自如。兴趣是一种学习的动力,学习英语的兴趣越浓,学习的积极性就越高,学习的效果就越好。课堂教学是教师激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生参与行为的重要场所之一,教师应尽力使自己的课生动有趣。学生在课堂教学过程中发挥出的主体作用反过来又促进了教师的课堂教学质量的提高,教与学真正进人良性循环。著名心理学家布鲁纳说过“学习最好的刺激是对所学教材的兴趣”,对学生来说,“兴趣”将直接影响学习效果。新教材内容贴近学生的生活,在教学的过程中,应充分挖掘其趣味性,唤起情感共鸣,引起学生兴趣。教师应做到备学生、备教材,设计每一节课,都使其有趣味性。创造和谐的课堂气氛,充分调动学生的主动性和积极性,应尽量多扬少抑,哪怕这个学生仅仅取得一点进步。孔子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”激活学生学习动机,增强他们的学习积极性,变被动应付为主动探求知识,使之成为乐之者

























特定的细节问题,帮助学生快速地锁定跳读目标。比如,阅读Teens Junior 3Arm strong passes away一文时,我给学生设计了如下提示性问题:

1)When did Armstrong become the firstman to walk on the moon? 2)What did Armstrong do on the moon?.3)Who did he walk with on the moon? 2.略读也是一种选择性阅读,但其侧重点是对整体内容的把握。当我们要确定文章的主题、作者的观点、作者的风格或明确文章的结构时,就应选择略读的方式。略读时,应引导学生抓住文章的一些标志性词句,如文章的标题、段首与段尾、主题句以及文章结尾带有观点性的陈述句。比如,阅读TeensJunior 3中的Thereal United Stated一文时,我出示了以下两个问题引导学生略读:


结合学生的需求、兴趣和语言程度选择阅读材料后,应先要求学生限时阅读,随后教师对文章重点(如体裁、中心思想、背景知识和写作意图等)作适当讲解,帮助学生更深刻地理解和领悟文章内容。比如,2014年青奥会将在南京举办,体育明星是学生追捧的对象,我们便集中一节课介绍了青奥会的相关知识,还有一些常见体育项目的英文名(如swimming,boxing,weightlifting,tennls等)以及这些项目的比赛规则等;“汶川”地震后,我向学生介绍了一些国际和国内的慈善机构,为加深对9A Unit 6Reading Earthquake in Taiwan一课内容的理解,我还请学生摘录并在课堂上朗诵了这样一首诗:





Noticing in SLA(小二号Times New Roman加粗居中顶页眉)

(空一行)Abstract: This article focuses on the role of “noticing” and “noticing the gap” in second language acquisition.It is argued that this notion has gained wide support on the basis of intuition and assumption rather than on the findings of appropriate and exhaustive empirical research.The aim of this paper is twofold: a)to consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b)to assess the validity of the assumption that noticing enhances language acquisition.This paper concludes that 1)empirical research has yet to validate the role of noticing in language acquisition, 2)an alternative view offered by Truscott(1998), which suggests that noticing is merely tied to the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge, is worthy of investigation, and 3)future research into the relationship between training learners to notice linguistic forms and the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge may enhance our understanding of noticing in second language acquisition.(小四;不分段;顶格)

(空一行)Key words: noticing;metalinguistic knowledge;linguistic forms(小四)(空三行)(摘要、文章、参考文献均先在默认状态下输入,然后第二稿时再按照要求进行字体、字符大小、加粗等的编辑。如果中、英文摘要在一页里放不下,则将中文摘要另换页。)



摘要:本文着重研究了“注意”和“注意差距” 的作用,指出这一概念受到广泛重视是出于直觉和假设,而不是基于广泛的实证研究.本文旨在:1)探讨“注意”这一概念的理论构建;2)评估“注意”强化语言习得假设的有效性。本文得出结论如下:1)通过实证研究,证明了“注意”在语言习得中的作用;2)特拉斯科特在1998年提出的新观点是值得研究的,他认为“注意”只同元语言知识的习得有联系;3)如果能对学习者所受的注意语言形式训练和元语言知识的习得之间的关系作进一步研究,会帮助我们更好的理解二语习得中的“注意”。(五号)







1.Introduction..............................................................................................................................I 2.The theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing...................................................I 2.1 Consciousness raising and noticing...................................................................................I 2.2 Noticing and language acquisition.....................................................................................I 3.Influences on noticing..............................................................................................................I 3.1 Task demands....................................................................................................................II 3.2 Frequency..........................................................................................................................II 3.3 Perceptual salience................................................................................................................................................II 4.Conclusion.............................................................................................................................II References................................................................................................................................iii Acknowledgments..........................................................................................................................................................iv







Noticing in SLA(小二加粗居中顶页眉,每个实词首字母大写)



The significance of the role of conscious and unconscious processes and the notion of interface in second language(L2)development has been the focus of much debate in the general field of cognitive psychology.One proposal is that put forward by Burka(1996), who offers a hypothesis related to conscious learning that focuses on what Skehan argues is “the crucial concept of noticing”(Deleuze, 1986,p.48)(这是参考文献出处文中注的格式,p用小写).The purpose of this paper is to a)consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b)assess the validity of the assumption that noticing enhances language acquisition.[一级标题与一级标题之间空一行,一级标题和二、三级标题之间都不空行。所有标题均顶格、并只有第一个单词首字母大写(除专有名词外)。]

2.The theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing(一级标题)

2.1 Consciousness raising and noticing(二级标题,小四加粗)

The term “consciousness raising” refers to the drawing of learners' attention to the formal properties of language(Fee and Fox., 1988).However, a key difference between noticing and consciousness raising is that noticing has supposed implications for language processing and the actual acquisition of linguistic features.(每段第一行退进4个空格)2.2 Noticing and language acquisition

Geertz(1973)identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge.Johnstone(1993)states that a)whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake.To help clarify Schmidt’s hypothesis and the place of noticing in L2 acquisition the following model, proposed by Ellis, is useful.(一级标题与一级标题之间空一行,一级标题和二、三级标题之间都不空行)3.Influences on noticing Jones(1978), in harmony with Schmidt's discussion of memory processing above, comments that it is inside short-term memory that noticing must in reality take place, since the “spotlight consciousness”(Magistrale, 1992, p.142)provided by short-term memory is



triggered by different influences on noticing.Schmidt(1990)claims that the following factors influence noticing in the input: 3.1 Task demands

Instruction provides structured, differentiated input that assists noticing by focusing attention on and enhancing awareness of language features(Pikarsky and Christensen, 1976).3.2 Frequency

A language feature may become frequent due to repeated instruction or by way of teacher talk.As such, when the item does appear more frequently in the input, the likelihood 3.3 Perceptual salience

The more prominent a language form at input, the greater the chance it will be noticed(Skehan, 1998).It stands to reason, therefore, that the less salient a form, the less likely it is to


It can be seen that there are various views regarding the role of conscious and unconscious processes in L2 acquisition.An important contribution to this debate has been Schmidt's “noticing hypothesis” and its claims about how input becomes intake, and this




(空一行)Burka, Lauren P.A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions.Retrieved August 18, 2009, from http://www.xiexiebang.com/talent/ lpb/muddex/essay..Deleuze, Giles.Foucault.(Sean Hand, Trans.& Ed.).Minneapolis: U M P, 1986.Fee, Elizabeth & Daniel M.Fox.(Eds.).AIDS: The Burdens of History.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.Geertz, Clifford.The Interpretation of Cultures.New York: Basic Books.1973.Johnstone, Sue.Feminism and Pornography: Policing the Boundary between Art and Popular Culture.Doctoral Dissertation.Rutgers University, New Jersey, 1993.Jones, James.Daydreaming.In Lorence Smith(Ed.), Fictions.New York: Yale UP, 1978: 127-35.Magistrale, Tony.Wild Child: Jim Morrison’s Poetic Journeys.Journal of Popular Culture, 1992, 3: 133-44.Pikarsky, M.& Christensen, D.Urban Transportation Policy and Management.Boston: D.C.Heath, 1976.盖淑华.英语专业学生词汇附带习得实证研究.外语教学与研究, 2003, 4: 282-286.梁正溜.英语教学.上海: 外语教育出版社, 1999.(注意事项:

1.英语为小四,中文为五号;行距1.5倍,条目先列英语后列中文, 英文作者先写姓氏,加逗号后,再写名字,名字后用句点, 英文和中文条目分别按作者姓氏英语首字母和汉语拼音首字母顺序排列;中英文书名均不用书名号且英语书名为斜体;网址要需标注网上查阅资料日期;每一个条目如需占用两行,第二行则退进四个空格;条目中的每项不同内容(包括结尾)均用句点分隔,出版社前有地点就标注地点,并用冒号隔开,出版社与年代之间用句点。相关内容参考“论文格式要求”中实例部分 2.文章中参考文献文中注的引用出处格式:(作者姓,年代,页码)或(作者姓,年代)如:(Magistrale, 1992, p.142)(Pikarsky & Christensen, 1976))




(空一行)I would like to thank my supervisor BBBB for her invaluable guidance, enthusiasm and support throughout the course of this work.I am also very grateful to CCCC for his helpful comments and insightful suggestions during the research and writing of this thesis.I would also like to thank DDDD for taking the time to be my external examiner.Many other people have helped and contributed their time to the research of this thesis.My thanks to EEEE, and FFFF for their invaluable comments and suggestions.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude toward everyone in the English Department of AAA University, especially GGGG, HHHH, for their valuable suggestions and help in these two years of study as well as their friendship.Thanks to all the other friends I have made at AAA University for making my stay at AAA an enjoyable period of time.I will always be indebted to my family, especially my parents IIII and JJJJ.I would like to thank them for their support and confidence in me.My gratitude goes to everyone at home.This thesis would not have been possible without all their kindness and encouragement.(注意: 此文本仅供参考,各位同学应该依据实际情况写出致谢!!如果仿写,请注意红色字体部分).iv


Noticing in SLA(小二号Times New Roman加粗居中顶页眉)

(空一行)Abstract: This article focuses on the role of “noticing” and “noticing the gap” in second language acquisition.It is argued that this notion has gained wide support on the basis of intuition and assumption rather than on the findings of appropriate and exhaustive empirical research.The aim of this paper is twofold: a)to consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b)to assess the validity of the assumption that noticing enhances language acquisition.This paper concludes that 1)empirical research has yet to validate the role of noticing in language acquisition, 2)an alternative view offered by Truscott(1998), which suggests that noticing is merely tied to the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge, is worthy of investigation, and 3)future research into the relationship between training learners to notice linguistic forms and the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge may enhance our understanding of noticing in second language acquisition.(小四;不分段;顶格)

(空一行)Key words: noticing;metalinguistic knowledge;linguistic forms(小四)(空三行)(摘要、文章、参考文献均先在默认状态下输入,然后第二稿时再按照要求进行字体、字符大小、加粗等的编辑。如果中、英文摘要在一页里放不下,则将中文摘要另换页。)



摘要:本文着重研究了“注意”和“注意差距” 的作用,指出这一概念受到广泛重视是出于直觉和假设,而不是基于广泛的实证研究.本文旨在:1)探讨“注意”这一概念的理论构建;2)评估“注意”强化语言习得假设的有效性。本文得出结论如下:1)通过实证研究,证明了“注意”在语言习得中的作用;2)特拉斯科特在1998年提出的新观点是值得研究的,他认为“注意”只同元语言知识的习得有联系;3)如果能对学习者所受的注意语言形式训练和元语言知识的习得之间的关系作进一步研究,会帮助我们更好的理解二语习得中的“注意”。(五号)









1.Introduction..............................................................................................................................I 2.The theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing...................................................I 2.1 Consciousness raising and noticing...................................................................................I 2.2 Noticing and language acquisition.....................................................................................I 3.Influences on noticing..............................................................................................................I 3.1 Task demands....................................................................................................................II 3.2 Frequency..........................................................................................................................II 3.3 Perceptual salience................................................................................................................................................II 4.Conclusion.............................................................................................................................II References................................................................................................................................iii Acknowledgments..........................................................................................................................................................iv







Noticing in SLA(小二加粗居中顶页眉,每个实词首字母大写)



The significance of the role of conscious and unconscious processes and the notion of interface in second language(L2)development has been the focus of much debate in the general field of cognitive psychology.One proposal is that put forward by Burka(1996), who offers a hypothesis related to conscious learning that focuses on what Skehan argues is “the crucial concept of noticing”(Deleuze, 1986,p.48)(这是参考文献出处文中注的格式,p用小写).The purpose of this paper is to a)consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b)assess the validity of the assumption that noticing enhances language acquisition.[一级标题与一级标题之间空一行,一级标题和二、三级标题之间都不空行。所有标题均顶格、并只有第一个单词首字母大写(除专有名词外)。]

2.The theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing(一级标题)

2.1 Consciousness raising and noticing(二级标题,小四加粗)

The term “consciousness raising” refers to the drawing of learners' attention to the formal properties of language(Fee and Fox., 1988).However, a key difference between noticing and consciousness raising is that noticing has supposed implications for language processing and the actual acquisition of linguistic features.(每段第一行退进4个空格)2.2 Noticing and language acquisition

Geertz(1973)identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge.Johnstone(1993)states that a)whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake.To help clarify Schmidt’s hypothesis and the place of noticing in L2 acquisition the following model, proposed by Ellis, is useful.(一级标题与一级标题之间空一行,一级标题和二、三级标题之间都不空行)3.Influences on noticing Jones(1978), in harmony with Schmidt's discussion of memory processing above, comments that it is inside short-term memory that noticing must in reality take place, since the “spotlight consciousness”(Magistrale, 1992, p.142)provided by short-term memory is


triggered by different influences on noticing.Schmidt(1990)claims that the following factors influence noticing in the input: 3.1 Task demands

Instruction provides structured, differentiated input that assists noticing by focusing attention on and enhancing awareness of language features(Pikarsky and Christensen, 1976).3.2 Frequency

A language feature may become frequent due to repeated instruction or by way of teacher talk.As such, when the item does appear more frequently in the input, the likelihood 3.3 Perceptual salience

The more prominent a language form at input, the greater the chance it will be noticed(Skehan, 1998).It stands to reason, therefore, that the less salient a form, the less likely it is to


It can be seen that there are various views regarding the role of conscious and unconscious processes in L2 acquisition.An important contribution to this debate has been Schmidt's “noticing hypothesis” and its claims about how input becomes intake, and this



(空一行)Burka, Lauren P.A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions.Retrieved August 18, 2009, from http://www.xiexiebang.com/talent/ lpb/muddex/essay..Deleuze, Giles.Foucault.(Sean Hand, Trans.& Ed.).Minneapolis: U M P, 1986.Fee, Elizabeth & Daniel M.Fox.(Eds.).AIDS: The Burdens of History.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.Geertz, Clifford.The Interpretation of Cultures.New York: Basic Books.1973.Johnstone, Sue.Feminism and Pornography: Policing the Boundary between Art and Popular Culture.Doctoral Dissertation.Rutgers University, New Jersey, 1993.Jones, James.Daydreaming.In Lorence Smith(Ed.), Fictions.New York: Yale UP, 1978: 127-35.Magistrale, Tony.Wild Child: Jim Morrison’s Poetic Journeys.Journal of Popular Culture, 1992, 3: 133-44.Pikarsky, M.& Christensen, D.Urban Transportation Policy and Management.Boston: D.C.Heath, 1976.盖淑华.英语专业学生词汇附带习得实证研究.外语教学与研究, 2003, 4: 282-286.梁正溜.英语教学.上海: 外语教育出版社, 1999.(注意事项:

1.英语为小四,中文为五号;行距1.5倍,条目先列英语后列中文, 英文作者先写姓氏,加逗号后,再写名字,名字后用句点, 英文和中文条目分别按作者姓氏英语首字母和汉语拼音首字母顺序排列;中英文书名均不用书名号且英语书名为斜体;网址要需标注网上查阅资料日期;每一个条目如需占用两行,第二行则退进四个空格;条目中的每项不同内容(包括结尾)均用句点分隔,出版社前有地点就标注地点,并用冒号隔开,出版社与年代之间用句点。相关内容参考“论文格式要求”中实例部分 2.文章中参考文献文中注的引用出处格式:(作者姓,年代,页码)或(作者姓,年代)如:(Magistrale, 1992, p.142)(Pikarsky & Christensen, 1976))



(空一行)I would like to thank my supervisor BBBB for her invaluable guidance, enthusiasm and support throughout the course of this work.I am also very grateful to CCCC for his helpful comments and insightful suggestions during the research and writing of this thesis.I would also like to thank DDDD for taking the time to be my external examiner.Many other people have helped and contributed their time to the research of this thesis.My thanks to EEEE, and FFFF for their invaluable comments and suggestions.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude toward everyone in the English Department of AAA University, especially GGGG, HHHH, for their valuable suggestions and help in these two years of study as well as their friendship.Thanks to all the other friends I have made at AAA University for making my stay at AAA an enjoyable period of time.I will always be indebted to my family, especially my parents IIII and JJJJ.I would like to thank them for their support and confidence in me.My gratitude goes to everyone at home.This thesis would not have been possible without all their kindness and encouragement.(注意: 此文本仅供参考,各位同学应该依据实际情况写出致谢!!如果仿写,请注意红色字体部分).



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