
时间:2019-05-14 21:14:10下载本文作者:会员上传


1、A Happy Day

2、A Little Wish

3、A Pen and a Pencil

4、Fly Kites

5、Four Seasons

6、Have a fun holiday

7、I Like My Village

8、My Bedroom

9、My Best Friend

10、My Best Friends

11、My Dog

12、My Dream

13、My English Teacher

14、My Family 1

15、My Family 2

16、My Family 3

17、My Favourite Sport

18、My Favourite stamp

19、My Good Friend 1 20、My Good Friend 2

21、My Grandfather's Garden

22、My Hometown.23、My Little Cat

24、My Lovely Home

25、My School

26、My Uncle

27、My Winter Holiday



A Happy Day The weather is getting hotter and hotter.The summer holiday is coming.What a happy day!Birds are singing in the trees.Butterflies are dancing in the garden.Children are playing in the park.Some boys are playing on the slide(滑梯).Some boys are listening to music.Other boys are reading under the big tree.Some girls are drawing pictures.Other girls are playing on the swings(秋千).I like roller-skating(滑旱冰)in the square.And my classmates are playing football.We are very happy!


A Little Wish Look!What's that? It is our homeland's spaceship.The spaceship is as bright as the stars.It can move.I am proud of our astronaut because I have a wish.I want to be an astronaut.In space, there are many materials.If I were an astronaut, I will be able to know more about space.I think the scene will be very great.On the one hand, I am going to enjoy the scene of the earth.On the other hand, I am going to see some stars.This is my wish.I hope my wish will come true!


A Pen and a Pencil

I have a pen and a pencil.The pen is very nice, but the pencil is so dirty.One day, the pen met the pencil.The pen said to the pencil:“ What a dirty pencil!” The pencil said :“Yes.I'm dirty.But I can write words.” “I can write words,too.Now,let's see who can write more words.”

They began to write.They wrote and wrote.The pen wrote lots of words on the paper.The pencil wrote lots of words on the paper, too.After a long time ,the pen hadn't any ink(钢笔水)left(剩下).The pencil became short, but he could still write.At last ,the pencil won.The pencil said :“Ha ha...ha ha...Who won, you or me ?”The pen drooped(低下)his head.Then he said to the pencil :“I shouldn't laught at(嘲笑)you.You are good, too.”


Fly Kites Today is a shining day, the sky is blue, the wind is strong.My grandfather and I are going to the park to fly kites.My grandfather takes me to the People's Park.We fly my “Rocket”.“The wind is too strong, the kite can't fly!” I say.My grandfather looks and says, “Let me try!” “Sure!” So my grandfather catches the string and I hold the kite.“Follow me, one, two, three, run!” I run with my grandfather quickly.Oh!It's so wonderful!The kite is flying up with the wind.I am so happy and ask my grandfather, “Why can't I fly it up, but you can?” My grandfather says with a smile on his face, “Because you fly the kite against the wind.” “Oh, I see.” I nod my head happily.We play in the park until late.We enjoy ourselves.点评中心:小作者用平实的语言描述了风筝从飞不上天到飞上天的过程,特别生动、形象,同时又结合小作者与爷爷的对话,让人看完以后有种身临其境的感觉,仿佛放风筝的活动历历在目。

Four Seasons

Spring is green.Do you know why? It is because when spring is here, the plants and the trees sprout new leaves and turn green.The flowers start to blossom.It is so beautiful and green everywhere.Summer is bright.Can you guess the reason? It is because when summer arrives, the sun is shining.For the very strong sunlight, everything is bright.How beautiful and bright it is!Autumn is golden.Why is this? It's because when autumn comes, the wind blows through the golden trees and carries the golden leaves away, flowing slowly down to the ground one after another and thickly covering the ground.It is golden everywhere.Winter is white.Why? It's because when winter reaches us, the white snowflakes fly slowly down, so pure and white.The wide fields and the great high mountains all wear white coats.Oh!The four seasons are all beautiful and charming.I like spring, summer, autumn and winter, but spring, the best!For spring is full of life.点评中心:小作者以“四季”为题目,开篇直接切入四个季节,以阐述四季的不同为主线,分别进行描述.文章用词准确,语言丰富、生动,语法基本正确.希望继续努力,成为未来的作家。

Have a fun holiday!Come to Shenzhen and have a fun holiday.Shenzhen is a new and modern city.The weather here is very pleasant.The trees and grass are green every season.In spring, the weather is warm.You can go hiking.In summer, the weather is hot, but you can go to the beautiful beach.You can swim there.You can make a sandcastle(沙堆城堡), too.In autumn.the weather is cool, but not dry.You can fly kites in the parks.In winter, it's not cold.You don't need to put on more clothes.You can play sports then.There is lots of delicious food here.You can drink morning tea and afternoon tea.You can eat seafood(海鲜), too.In Shenzhen there are many famous places.You can go to the Window of the World.You can go to Happy Valley, too.Don't wait.Come to Shenzhen and have fun, fun and fun!点评中心:通过对深圳四季的描写,给我们展现出了一幅四季如春的美丽画面。在深圳,可以到海边堆沙堡, 可以吃海鲜, 还可以去美丽的世界之窗游玩…… 所有这些都深深地吸引着小读者们,不愧为一篇成功的小作文。

I Like My Village Hello,dear friends!Welcome to my village.It's big and beautiful!I like it very much.Look!There are many houses in the village.They are small.There are many high and beautiful mountains near the houses.There is a big forest behind the houses.There are many big trees in it.There are many rivers in front of the houses.The water is clean.There are many fish in the rivers.There are many bridges over the rivers.There are many big trees on the river banks.And there is grass and flowers on it.The grass is green.The flowers are colourful and beautiful.There is a lake in the village.There are many ducks in the lake.The sky is blue.The rivers flow.The air is fresh and clean.My village is very beautiful!I like it very much!

点评中心:I Like My Village。本篇文章采用生动、细致的描写方法,勾勒出一幅美丽、和谐的乡村图画。文章在用词方面比较准确,多处采用There be句型。但有些地方可用连词连接,无需再重复使用There be句型。

My Bedroom My name is Mike.I have a comfortable bedroom.There is a desk, a bookshelf and a bed in my bedroom.I do my homework in my bedroom every evening.The desk is in front of the bookshelf.There are many textbooks, English books and story books on the shelf.My bed is near the windows.There are some flowers on the windowsill.The curtain and the sheets of my bedroom are blue.Because my favourite colour is blue, too.Dear friend, do you like my bedroom? 点评中心:My Bedroom针对自己卧室里的几件物品进行了介绍,为同学们展示了一个干净舒适的小天地,值得一提的是文中使用了一些生词,使文章增色不少。在这里建议其他同学学习,努力多掌握些单词,从而写出更加精彩的英语作文。“Very Good!”。

My Best Friend Ma Qi is my best friend.She is a girl.she is ten years old.She has short black hair and big eyes.she likes to sing.Ma Qi and I are in the same class.We always study, draw pictures and play ping-pong together.After the school, we often go to the park.We often play a game of Hide And Seek there.We have a good time.点评台: My Best Friend语言流畅,叙述清楚,描述了自己与好朋友一起学习、生活的快乐时光,如果小作者能够运用已学过的知识再对好朋友的外貌特征和衣着作一番细致地描写的话,相信文章内容就会更加充实。“Good!”。千万不要骄傲呀,还要继续练习写作,使自己能够写出更好的文章。

My Best Friends

Jim and Kim are my best friends.Jim is short, thin and quiet.But Kim is tall and strong ,but not fat.After class, Jim is different from Kim and I.Kim and I like to play soccer.We often kick the ball on the playground.But Jim doesn't play with us.He likes to read books in the library.Sometimes he likes to listen to music.In the evening, Jim often helps Kim and me with our English.We talk a lot and laugh a lot.We are best friends.点评台:向大家介绍了自己的两个好朋友。语言流畅,用词准确,没有语法错误,字里行间能体会到小作者与两位好朋友之间的深厚友情。另外,从整篇文章中也可以看出小作者的英语基础知识掌握得很牢。希望今后的学习中写出更多,更好的文章。文章级别:A。

My Dog Hello, everyone!I am Wang Ze.My English name is Mike.I have a cat and a dog.I like my cat, but I like my dog better than my cat.My dog is two years old.It has two black eyes, a black nose and a small mouth.Its body is white.It is as white as snow.My dog is very lovely.I like my dog very much.点评台:文章My Dog首先向读者问候,并简单介绍了自己,随后通过简略的描写使一只可爱的小狗形象跃然纸上,能够吸引读者的注意力。对于初学者而言,能写出这样的习作确实不容易,值得大家学习。“Good!”,继续加油啊!

My Dream I am a handsome boyl.My name is Mike.I like drawing.My dream is to have a white house with a white wall, a white roof, a white floor.I can draw a red car on the wall, and I can drive the car around the world.I can draw a plane on the roof, and I want to take the plane to the sky.i can draw a sailing-boat on the floor, and I want to take the sailing-boat across the sea.点评台:这篇作文“My Dream”,形式新颖,风格独特,用词得当,语句通顺。此文章充分地体现了小作者丰富的想象力和较强的写作能力,是一篇成功的文章。同时,希望张灿小朋友能坚持练习英文写作,相信你一定会写出更好的英语作文。“Very good!”。

My English Teacher Miss Shan is my English teacher.She has two big eyes.She is thin and short.Her hair is very long.She is very beautiful.Her English is very good.She always play games with us in English class.So her class is very interesting and shi is kind to us.She like us and we like her too.I like my English teacher.How about you? 点评中心: 文章写得比较简单,词语使用准确, 语言朴实无华,字里行间表达了小作者对英语老师的喜爱之情, 但不够具体, 如果能指出老师的爱好、习惯等,文章会更加充实,希望你继续努力,写出更加优秀的文章来。

My Family I have a happy family.There are six people in my family.They are grandpa, grandma, father, mother, elder sister and I.My name is Yang Yuan.I am a pupil, I'm in Grade 5.I like English very much, I read them every morning.I often listen to the English tape.My grandpa is an accountant(会计).He is very busy.My grandma is a farmer.She does the housework.My mother is a farmer, too.She cooks every day.My father is a worker.In the evening he likes watching TV.While he is watching TV, he often tells us not to talk.My elder sister is a middle school student, she isn't good at English, but she likes maths very much.All of them love me, and I love them, too.I have a happy family.I love my family.点评中心:这篇文章主要描写了家庭成员的职业,My Family更适合做这篇文章的标题,整篇文章条理清楚,语言简练,用词准确,没有语法错误,可见小作者的英语语言基本功很好,希望杨园同学在今后的学习中继续发扬这个优点,不要骄傲,写出更多的好文章。文章级别:B。

My Family Hello, everyone!Today I am going to talk about my family.My name is Mike.I am in Class 1, Grade 4.l like English very much.I like hamburgers.I have a happy family.There are three people in my family.Look, this is my father.He has two brown eyes, a big nose and a small mouth.He is an engineer.He is very handsome.Look, that is my mother.She has two big eyes.She is an engineer too.She is very pretty and kind.My family is not big, but we have many friends.We are happy.I love them very much and they love me too.讲评中心:文章写得比较简炼,词语使用准确,语言生动,字里行间表达了小作者对家人的爱。但不要骄傲,继续努力啊!文章级别:A。

My Family There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.My father is a driver.He is 37 years old.He like eating oranges.My mother is a worker.She like eating apples.My name is Mike.I am 9 years old.I am in Class 3, Grade 3.l like eating hamburgers.I am good at English.I study hard every day.点评中心:My Family 语言流畅,描写得当,用平实的语言向读者介绍了家庭中的每一位成员的基本情况,美中不足之处就是缺乏对家人之间和睦关系的描述,使文章略显平淡了一些。“Good!”,还要继续努力啊

My Favourite Sport My favourite sport is swimming.I often swim in the pool.I swim twice a week.When I am swimming in the pool, I am very happy.I look like a lovely fish in the pond.I enjoy swimming, because swimming can make me strong and healthy.It can also bring me a lot of happiness.Of course, I like watching this sport.I hope I will become a swimmer in the future.点评中心:这篇小文章语言精炼、准确,短短几句便勾画出了一幅生动、活泼的画面。

My Favourite stamp I have a lot of stamps and my favourite stamp is an animal stamp.Look, there is a chick in this stamp.The chick has a red cockscomb, two bright eyes, a long neck and a short tail.Its feathers are yellow and brown.This stamp is very beautiful.I like this stamp very much.Miss Wang点评台集邮不仅可以增长我们的见识,同时也可以陶冶我们的情操。本文的小作者就是一个集邮爱好者,看小作者所描述的小鸡邮票多么可爱呀!感兴趣的小朋友可以试着收集邮票啊!Miss Wang要奖给姚晗小朋友一个“Very Good!”,继续加油啊!

My Good Friend Hello!My name is Maggie.I have a good friend.Her Chinese name is Wang Qi.Her English name is Mary.She likes fruit very much.Her favourite color is blue.She is very beautiful.She has small eyes and wears a pair of glasses.She has two small ears, a small nose and a lovely mouse.She is very tall.She likes swimming and playing football.She is a good student.We are in the same school and the same class.But we are not in the same row.I like her very much.We always play together.讲评中心:文章比较详尽、完整地描述了她的好朋友的特征,包括了好朋友的外貌、喜好等,文章词语使用准确、语法正确、主题突出,“Good!”,不要骄傲,继续努力啊!

My Good Friend I have a good friend.Her name is Zhang Hong.She is 9 years old.She is a pretty girl.She has long hair and big beautiful eyes.They look like stars.Her favourite colour is pink.Her favourite animals are cats and rabbits.She likes to play badminton very much.Her favourite class is English.She studies very hard.She is a good student.I love her very much.I will learn from her.本文围绕My Good Friend这一主题,运用所学英语知识,针对好朋友的外貌、爱好进行介绍,为读者展示了一个活泼、可爱的小女孩形象。Miss Wang要奖给孟婷婷同学一个“Very Good!”。同时,孟婷婷同学也要继续努力练习英文写作呀!My Grandfather's Garden

My grandfather has a small garden.There are many flowers in it.I think all the flowers are beautiful.My grandfather gets up early every mor-ning.First, he goes to his garden to have a look at the flowers.Then, he waters them.When he waters the flowers, he feels very happy.My sister and I like the garden very much.We often play in it.Sometimes we water the flowers and catch worms for them.One day, my brother picked a flower.My grandfather was very angry and sad.He said to my brother, “My child, don't pick the flowers.That's not a good deed(行为).” My brother felt very sorry for that.And we all didn't pick flowers from then on.The flowers in my grandfather's garden are more and more beautiful now.I like my grandfather's garden.点评台:向大家描写了爷爷的花园,虽没有太多华丽的词语,但能使读者感受到花园的美丽和花儿的芳香。通过描写爷爷对花园的精心料理以及对弟弟的教育,能看出本篇文章不仅仅是写爷爷的花园,也从字里行间中看出了小作者对爷爷的敬佩之情。文章条理清楚、意思连贯,没有语法错误,是一篇很成功的文章,希望再接再励!文章级别:A。

My Hometown My hometown-Kaiping is a very beautiful city.It is located(座落)in the southwest(西南)part of Guangdong Province(省).My hometown is famous for Diaolous.Ruishi Tower is one of the Diaolous(Please look at the picture.).It was built in 1923.The top of the tower looks like the Italy stronghold(堡垒).It is tall and magnificent(雄伟的).People praise(赞扬)it for “the No.1 Tower” of Kaiping.I like my hometown.点评台:小作者的My Hometown主要描写了家乡著名的碉楼,其中重点向大家介绍了“开平第一楼”--瑞石楼,抒发了自己对家乡的热爱之情。整篇文章语句连贯,没有语法错误。文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心查字典了,希望小作者继续发扬这个好习惯,并写出更多的好文章与大家分享。文章级别:A。

My Little Cat Hello!I'm Becky.This is my little cat.I like it very much.Its name is Do Re Mi.It's very beautiful.It's gray.It has triangular(三角形的)ears, round eyes,a black nose and a small mouth.My mother calls it “Little Baby”.When I'm at home,it often follows me in and out.My little cat loves to eat fish and sleep a lot.It's very fat,but it's nimble(机敏的).One day,I saw it run fast in the sitting room.I thought it might find a mouse.It was running after the mouse.They looked like playing hide-and-seek.About three minutes later,it brought me the mouse.I was happy.So I touched it with a smile.“You have done a good job,Little Baby.” I said.Then it jumped up and down and ran away.Do you like my little cat?Tell me, please.点评中心:向大家介绍了小猫的外貌,还主要描写了小猫在某一天捉老鼠的情景。整篇文章主次分明,语言简炼、生动,没有语法错误。同时,字里行间能使读者感受到小作者对小猫的喜爱之情。

My Lovely Home I live in a small village named Fengyi.I live in an old building.It was built in 1999.It has three floors.On the first floor, there is a big living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.On the second floor, there are altogether three bedrooms.One for my grandma, one for my parents, another for me.On the third floor, there is an attic.It's my study, it's quiet.I like to study there.When I am tired, I can rest in the balcony.There is some beautiful old furniture, it's tidy.My parents clean it every day.I can also do some housework.My friends, do you love my home?

点评中心:My Lovely Home开篇直接切入本文主题,首先从房子的结构开始介绍,句子简洁、通顺,接着又重点描述了与自己有关的几个房间,语言生动、贴切,最后又抒发了自己对家的热爱。

My School Hello, friends!Welcome to my school.My school is beautiful and very big.There are many rooms in the school building.My classroom is on the sixth floor.There are sixty-nine students in my class.You can see many desks, chairs, a blackboard, three fans, two windows, four lights and a teacher's desk.My seat is near the door.The computer room is on the third floor.There are many computers in it.I like playing computer games very much!The canteen(食堂)is on the first floor.We have lunch there.Look!This is the playground.We often play games on it.There are many flowers in the garden, some are red, some are yellow...I have a good time every day in my school.I like my school very much.点评台:文章向大家描述了他学校的教室,食堂,微机室以及操场,其中重点描写了自己的班级,主次分明,层次清晰,正确地运用了There be句型和一般现在时时态,是一篇很成功的文章,文章级别:A。

My Uncle My uncle is a professor.His name is Chen Hao.He teaches Chinese in a university.He is tall and thin.He wears a pair of glasses.He likes reading.He has a big study at home.It's very bright.There are many books in his study.He often reads and writes in his study.He is kind to his students, so his students like him very much.He is very kind to me, too.He often sends me books.I like him, too.点评中心:本篇小文章描写的是小作者的叔叔,首先从她叔叔的职业、外貌开始描写,接着又描写了她叔叔的爱好--读书与写作。表达了小作者对其叔叔的崇拜与敬仰之情。文章条理清晰,用词准确,无语法错误,是一篇较优秀的文章。

My Winter Holiday This winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family.Kunming is a very beautiful city, I think.The sky is blue and the air is clean.You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere.The weather there is great.It's never too hot or too cold all the year round, so people always call it “Spring City”.Kunming is surrounded(围绕)by beautiful scenery.And one of the most famous views is “The Stone Forest”.It is really scenic(自然风景的).We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I felt very happy, and I like Kunming very much.点评中心:寒假虽然已经过去一个多月了,但是在这个假期所发生的事大家是否还都铭记在心呢?作者就把她的这份心情用笔记录了下来。小作者通过在寒假期间去美丽的春城--昆明游玩,抒发了对美好自然风光的热爱。文章生动、形象,用词准确。

Myself Look at this photo.A little boy is climbing a tree.Who is the boy? Guess, please!Yes, it's me.My name is Zhu Shaoyu.I'm ten years old.I'm very naughty and smart.I have big eyes and short black hair.I'm thin and tall.I'm a student.I'm in Xia Zhuang Primary School, Qing Zhou City.I'm in Class One, Grade Five.My favourite subject is English.I study English very hard.I think nothing is difficult, if I put my heart into it.Now I can speak English well.I obtained the First Award in the 2003 National English Competition for Primary School Students.I will study harder in future.My favourite master of ceremonies is Li Yong, because he is very funny.My favourite newspaper is English Coaching Paper, because it gives me a lot of knowledge.It makes me learn English better.My favourite food is hamburger, because it is very delicious.I like its taste.Do you like me? Would you like to make friends with me?


Spring I like spring because spring is beautiful.Many flowers are very lovely.Some grass and trees turn green.Look!A little girl is flying a kite with her father.She likes to fly kites.Her father is smiling.It's very warm today.So there're a lot of birds flying in the sky.They're playing together.They look very happy.A breeze is blowing over the land.The sunlight is soft.A clear river is flowing.How beautiful the spring is!点评台:这篇文章篇幅虽短却写出了春天的生机与活力.特别是小作者着重描写了春天里的某一天,使整篇文章的中心更加明确.用词准确、生动,没有语法错误也是这篇文章的另一优点.文章级别:A.29




一、辞职信 Dear(),I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as a(n)().I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other collages.The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life.However, as a young man whose primary interest is in()rather than(), I find my present job does not fall in with my previous training and strength.I therefor decide to quite my former preparation.Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my leaving may incur.Yours truly,Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam,I am a(n)().I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me essential information about().I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.Also I would appreciate it if you could send me()at your earliest conveniences.By the way, as the Chinese New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my best wishes to you for 2014.I sincerely look forward to continued friendly ties with you.With best wishes!Yours truly,Li Ming

抢新东方在线学习金卡 免费听课 还赠下载券





Dear Sir or Madam,I am a(n)().I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you;however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.To begin with, will you please(极其简要说一点).Moreover,(再简要说一点).If you are so kind as to adopt my suggestions, I would be greatly pleased.I hope you will find my these suggestions practical.Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.Yours truly,Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam,I regret to inform you that I am really disappointed with().It was somewhat irritating to find that the()you send to me was really unacceptable.The()was a great disappointment, for when it arrived, it was far behind the date you promised to send it to me.Besides, it is not practical.I would greatly appreciate your doing whatever you can to send me a replacement and refund my postage(1 yuan).I also hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned.I am looking forward to an early reply.Yours truly,Li Ming

五、祝贺信 Dear(),I am much grateful to learn the good news that you(说明一下他获得了什么奖励).I know all along that you have a real talent to achieve this, but this proves that it is more than just talent.You have worked really hard in the past years and devoted most of your time and energy to your work.I join with all your friends in offering you my heartiest congratulations.Your achievement is an example to us all.I also believe this will be a new beginning and a chance for you.Yours truly,Li Ming

六、邀请信 Dear(),It is with great pleasure that I invite you to attend()as we think is would be a good idea if you can join us.It is simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!The()will start at 8:30 p.m.and we hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we are looking forward to your visit and I know your friends are looking forward to seeing you again, too.Be sure to let us know which bus you are taking so that I can meet you at the station.Yours truly,Li Ming

七、致歉信 Dear(),I am writing this letter to inform you that I wish to express my sincere apology to you for I(说明致歉的具体事由).To solve it,(写一个简洁解决方法).If there are any other solutions you like, please let me know.I am awfully sorry for this terrible mistake and any possible inconveniences incurred by it.And I will not hesitate to guarantee that such mistake will never happen again in the further.Yours truly,Li Ming

八、感谢信 Dear(),I am told by Tom that you were the good-hearted soul who(说明我为什么感谢他).If it had not been for your timely assistance, I feat that I can not().However, with the help of yours, everything is OK.I am most appreciative of everything you did for me.I do not know if this is a compliment or not, but you did things just as I would have done.Do call on me if I can ever return the favor.Yours truly,Li Ming

九、求职信 Dear(),I have learned from the newspaper that you are employing a(n)().I am very interested in this position.I graduated from Nanjing University, holding a bachelor’s degree.To begin with, I have obtained certificates of CET-4 and CET-6, I find myself fluent in both spoken and written English.In addition, I have worked as a()for a big company in Nanjing for many years, so I have some understanding of this position and its routines and duties.Your prompt attention to me would be highly appreciated.Yours truly,Li Ming

十、慰问信 Dear(),I am so sorry to learn of the unfortunate news that(具体不幸的事情).I hope you won’t feel too discouraged by it.On the one hand, you have so many friends who love you so much.On the other hand, sunshine is behind the rain, tomorrow is another day.Therefore , everything will be OK soon.I do hope that you will soon recover completely.By the way, as the Chinese New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my best wishes to you for 2014.I sincerely look forward to continued friendly ties with you.With best wishes!Yours truly,Li Ming

说明,这十篇小作文中有2篇小作文的结尾是这一句:“By the way, as the Chinese New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my best wishes to you for 2014.I sincerely look forward to continued friendly ties with you.With best wishes!”这一句可以用于任何一篇小作文的结尾。灵活使用。


What is your favorite job? Reasons?

Different people have different choice to job.My favorite job is to be a teacher.because I think they are great and I love children very much.Nowadays, teachers become more and more important to the national education and the development of children.Without teacher there won't be future of education.So teacher is the most glorious career under the sun.Working with the children is an interesting thing, so I will be happy every day.If I become a teacher, I will make my best to teach my students and make contributions to the development of education.不同的人有不同的选择到另一种工作。我最喜欢的工作是一名老师,因为我认为他们是伟大的,我爱孩子们很开心。如今,教师成为越来越重要的国家教育和孩子的成长。要是没有老师不会有未来的教育。所以老师是最光荣的职业在太阳下。孩子们一起工作是一件有趣的事,所以我要开心快乐每一天。


1.Do guns protect people or harm people? Reasons? [选一种写]

With the recent school shooting in many places, questions about gun have begun to circulate.People have started to point out all of the incidents in the last decade that have caused many innocent lives lost due to a gun being in the wrong hands.But people need to realize that it is not the fault of the gun that causes countless deaths and injuries, but the fault of those who abuse the use of guns.Guns have the reputation of taking lives, and this reputation may correspond with the severity of the crimes that have been committed in our society.However, it needs to be known that there is a better chance of a gun saving a life than a gun taking the life of an innocent.Guns, when used correctly, can stop a criminal from killing a room full of hostages, save the lives of a family when their house is invaded, or provide a substantial part of our food and nutrition through hunting.So I am not agreeing with the opinion that guns harm people.近期校园枪击事件在许多地方,关于枪已经开始流通。人们已经开始指出所有的事件在过去十年中,引起了许多无辜的生命损失掉一把枪在错误的手里。但是人们需要意识到这不是故障导致无数的枪死亡和受伤,但那些滥用的过错使用枪支。枪有杀害生命的声誉,这可能与名誉罪行的严重性已经发生在我们的社会。然而,它需要知道有一个更好的机会拯救一个生命的枪比枪以一个无辜的生命。枪支,如果操作正确,可以阻止一个罪犯杀死这个满屋子的人质,拯救生命的一个家庭在他们家被侵入,或提供的相当一部分我们的食物和营养通过打猎。所以我不赞同的危害人们认为枪支。

3.How can people become more creative? Reasons

Being a creative person can help you to be a better employee, a better problem solver and an all around more effective person in anything you choose to do.Creativity can be expressed in many different ways.Plus, there are many techniques you can use to

develop and nurture your natural creativity.If you long to be more creative, first, think of yourselfas creative.We all have the spark of creativity inside us;Then, Put your new ideas into action.Don't worry what other people will think.By trying out your creative ideas, even if you don't succeed at first, you'll learn something and give your creativity a chance to flourish.The last but not the least, Take a break!If you're stuck for ideas, don't sit there in your workspace staring at the walls.Even the most creative people need to take some time off.This can allow a blocked well of creativity to flow again.作为一个有创造力的人能帮助你成为一个更好的(和更高的支付)的人,一个更好的问题解决者和一个更有效的人周围任何你如何选择。创造力可以用很多不同的方式。另外,有许多的技术,你可以用它来培养和发展你自然的创造力。如果你渴望的是更有创意,首先,把你自己当成有创造力。我们都有创造力的火花在我们里面.然后,把你的新想法付诸行动。别担心别人的想法。当孩子们尝试着自己创造性的想法,即使你不成功,首先,你会学到一些东西,给你的创造力有机会兴盛。最后但不可忽略的是,休息一下吧!如果你困扰,不要坐在那里盯着墙上你的工作场所。即使最具创意的人需要请假。这可以让一个封锁的创造力再次流动。如果你渴望的是更有创意,首先,把你自己当成有创造力。



Dear Manager Wang, I am writing this letter to extend my rough decision for quitting the job.I really hope that you could take into account my grieving situation as losing orientation in the work.Honestly speaking, my salary appears remarkably low compared with other same-level co-workers’.After all, I have got a Bachelor’s degree so that I should have earned a little bit more.However, a merelyhumble position was given to me here.It is a great pity that I have difficulties(in)finding anyopportunity to get self-promotion.Actually, it takes me a lot of time to make up my mind for departure.Thank you a lot for granting me chances to share many brilliant experiences here in such a long time.Wish our corporation a moresplendid-shining future.sincerely yours, Li Ming Case:

1、quit job(辞职)practical 生活化

I、migrate to another city to fight for the common ideal with my girlfriend.II、find it difficult to get along with my immediate manager/ immediate superior.III、need more challenge, I’m a person who is full of passion, personality and endurance.一、感谢信 范文(背): Dear _______,I’m writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your kindness in taking care of me after that unfortunate accidentthe other day when I was knocked down by a cab.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aidand taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.The doctor says my broken leg is healing well.Additionally, the insurance company has agreed topay my hospital bills.Everyone surrounding maintains that it was your quick-witted response in this emergency that has contributed to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish, we witness few people practicing what they are preaching.However, you demonstrated by your actions that you are an exception.yours, Li Ming 道歉信


I am writing this letter to express my apology for having no time to pick up you this Friday when you are supposed to be in _NC______.2、结尾套话:

Once again, I would apologize for my malpractice in V+ing.Wish you forgive any inconvenience(which is)caused by me.四, 建议信


(1)回复建议: I’m writing this letter in reply to your question about(此处说明是什么问题,用陈述句)

eg,.Whether to study abroad or pursue knowledge in domestic atmosphere.(2)自建信: As a warm-hearted and responsible reader/would-be graduate/citizen, I have paid a lot of attention to … so that I feel liable to pose some constructive suggestions to optimize / promote / rectify… as follows.2、中间:

(1)It would be beneficial if you could …(2)For the sake of...may I suggest you...Eg: For the sake of courtesy may we suggest you urinate into the lavatory.3、结尾:

I’m sure you will take my suggestions into account./ I hope that you will find my proposals/ suggestions practical/ reliable/ helpful.If there is any confusion found, please with no hesitation to contact me for discussing further details.五、倡议信


I am writing this letter to call on people in every walk of life to perk up and make efforts/dedication for the coming ….Shanghai Expo.Non-smoking era era of every elder’s virtual dependence to the adult child


先写具体建议(参考建议信)再写过渡句: Actually, we will not be making preparation merely for preparation’s sake.After ________, I have all the reasons to be optimistic that 句子.3、结尾:

Please join us in the action and switch our excitement into a sense of spirit that dares any possible difficulties!Thank you for your attention!NOTICE

1、失物招领(Lost and Found)C:你捡到了一个电子词典)time and place(尽量写成一句)2)特点: the feature of this electronic dictionary ★ 3)your information for contact Lost and Found To whom it may concern,On the evening of Nov.4th, 2008, I found an ED(Electronic Dictionary)in the English—reading room on the 3rd floor of the new library in the East district of our university.The ED can be generally described as follows.First, it is brand new and metallic gray/ chocolate black in color.Furthermore, this portable ED is as big as a piece of Moon Cake and as thin as a regular magazine.What’s more, there is a well-known cartoon image adhered to/ attached to its back.Here is the question, could you pleasetell me who it is? If you could, definitely, you must be the person who it belongs to.The owner of this ED may contact me via the phone number xxx.Please make an appointment in advance through short message.Sincerely yours, Li Ming


⑴、make a self-introduction(介绍自己)⑵、introduce your reference books(参考书)⑶、your way for contact(n.)A Notice of Sales To whom it may concern, I am a senior in the Computer Science Department of...university.I will graduate next summer so that I write this notice to sell some of my old but classic reference books.Being sold at an incredibly low discount, my valuable reference books cover several scientific fields including biology, astronomy, mathematics and many of my major books, some of which are written by world famous scientists or philosophers like Dr.Hawkin.What’s more, English books concerning CET6, BEC and TOEFL are also available.Most of them contain the latest genuine test papers, with a lot of notes(that is)written down in some English training classes.Anyone who is interested in my books may contact me through mobile phone number...and QQ number...respectively.Li Ming


你参加了一个公司的面试,结果在面试过程中考官把你批的颜面全无,根本不顾及你的感受,请写信 给这个公司的领导投诉。

1.说明来信目的---explaining the aim of your letter 2.具体阐述投诉理由----extending the causes of your dissatisfaction 3.期待的解决方式----your anticipation for handling this issue 点评:这是一封典型的 integration(合体式)作文,它既涉及找工作面试用语,又涉及投诉信,代表了 考研应用文命题的典型思路。MODEL ESSAY: Dear Sir or Madam, I, the undersigned, am a job applicant who had participated in the interview held by your company lastWednesday.I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about this job-striving experience.The reason for my dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the outcome but the tone of your interviewer, Mr.Wang.First, when I was about illuminating my deep thought, he began to blame on my so-called nonsense according to his “noble” perspective.Additionally, his cynical eyesight always made me feel that I am a reject.After all, I am a novice who has stepped into this ruthless career field for the first time.I appreciate it very much if you could take my letter into consideration.What I really want is just an apology delivered by him, and I would like to have this matter settled by this Friday.Yours,Li Ming




I will not use your temporary staff any more for their disastrous performance.Dear Sir, In response to your letter of complaint about our temporary administration assistant you received from my organization, I would like to apologize.We really care about our clients and that is why we will try to give some explanation about what happened.Actually, every candidate would obtain his or her qualification only if passing our strict and systematic training.I promise the person you received last week was not an exception.Unfortunately, his family coincided with some catastrophic affairs these days so that he has made a lot of misunderstandings due to absence of mind.It is very irrational that we still send him to work for you.Knowing that this case is exceptional, I would like to give you some kind of compensation.Next week, ifyou please, I will send you another skilled free of charge.Really hope you reconsider this recommendation.Li Ming The Director of Department


To whom it may concern, Last year, we achieved a 115% increase in the sales of our.We believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes.First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs to our majestic clients.Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our new season’s are, if anything, more persuasive than last year’s and our prices will compare very favorably with those of any of our competitors.We believe you will agree that our samples prove the truth of our claims.We look forward for you to favoring us an order.订 购

 Could you give us some idea about your price?  Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be highly appreciated. It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. However, we find that we can obtain a price 30% lower than yours with local firm.(二)申请信 application 学校组织社团评优,要写申请。你是学校创新社(Innovation Agency)的 founder,请代表你们社参与评优,写一封申请信。Dear Sir, I am the Director of Innovation Agency who writes this letter to apply for the prize —— “Most Improved Organization Award”.The reasons for which we consider our group as a qualified candidate are as follows.Firstly, we specialize in private tools’ rebuilding and spare no efforts to enhance the living standard of our schoolmates who are physically challenged.For example, we rebuilt the building to make it accessible /easy /friendly to wheelchairs.Furthermore, there is a whole-new positive motivation as well as atmosphere inside the organization that every member enjoys not only the process of innovative undertakings but the exalted experiences to change our lifestyle.Really hope your majesty be touched by the efforts we have made.If you have any requirement or need any further narration, please do not hesitate to call me via ×××.Yours faithfully,Li Ming(邀请信


开头:正式邀请(参会的时间和会议主题)主体:介绍会议安排 结尾:希望得到正式答复,并确认


Dear Professor Liu,I am writing this letter to send a sincere invitation to ask if it is possible for you to attend an academic forum held on Jan.1 in The Nation’s Theater, which focuses on the topic of Chinese traditional culture.The schedule is as follows.Firstly, at 8 a.m.will start the opening of the forum, which involves a brief presentation with regard to the prospects as well as plights that the promotion of Chinese culture may encounter.Afterwards, there will be another arrangement concerning a micro-movie of the cultural relic exhibition, At around half past ten, it is expected to be your personal speech lasting about one and a half hours, which could be the most critical part of this conference I really hope you can accept our invitation.If you are available at that time and willing to come with us, please reply before next Monday.Zhang Wei


 You have just spent a weekend staying at the St.Rogers Hotel in Beijing.When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel.Write to the manager of the hotel to  inquire whether the bag has been found,  give any relevant information about the bag and its contents, and  ask the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and tell him/ her how the bag can be sent to you.Dear Manager,I am sorry to disturb you but I am afraid that I have to ask you for some help.I stayed in Room 608 in your hotel on the10th of August.Could you please check your Lost and Found Department and see if my bag is there? The bag is a small black, leather document case.Inside it, you will find several business cards and a photo of Miss Hu Luwa.These things are not very valuable in money terms, but they have a lot of personal value.I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible.If you could send the bag to me by EMS, I would be most grateful.Thank you for your help.Yours sincerely

Li Ming



Dear Sir:

I would like to inquire about some information on(主旨),I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning(主旨)available.we would be grateful for many further information you may be able to give us about the(主旨).Would you please tell me ….I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear ….:

I am pleased to invite you to participate in(活动名称)to be held from 时间to 时间 in 地点.You are welcome to the party.The party will hold a lot of wonderful surprise for you ,so make sure you join us then.It will also be an opportunity for all of us to step out of our professional roles and really connect as people.活动名称 is served at 6pm,and there are games afterwards.We hope you can conce, and look forward to seeing you by then.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I am extremely glad to hear that you 成就in your ….I congratulate you on this achievement.It is excellment of you to 成就.as we all know, you are always intelligence, which is essential to 成就.Moreover, your diligence enable you to 成就.I think that is 主题句.There is no doubt that 成就.Having you as a friend , I really feel both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from you.I am sure, you will continue to challenge your self to ever greater success in your future career.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I have read your advertisement in 地点of 时间for 职位, and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.Keenly interested I am in the post of 职位 you have advertised on the job market because I think my major ,right personality and my practical experience particularly matches your requirements of the post.For one thing, ….For another, …

I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience.If my application were taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming



I am writing to apply for 干什么.My teacher prof, 人 strongly recommended that 去干什么,telling me that it would benefit me in many years to come.I have been….Ever since I was in elementary school.I hope I can grow up into a good … in your team, I will surely become more creative and enthusiastic.If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful, I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that you will be kind to help me.I have been longing to … for a long time because I want to ….Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard.At this moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you with the request, whether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance.I promise to be a diligent student, If you agree, I will come to your house once a week at a time most convenient to you.Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your considerate and warm treatment when I was in ….What a good time I had in ….My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words, I wish I could repay it someday.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,I must apologize to you for 主旨.It was very kind of you to give me such a good change.But now, much to my regret that I may not be able to continue to do it, because ….If you should find our activities bothersome, please do not hesitate to let us know.It is due to my negligence, for which I can exceedingly sorry.The reason for my decision is that ….Please accept my sincere apology for 主旨once more.I can very sorry for that and really regret that I would miss such an excellent chance of ….Besides, please give my regards to eberyone.Sincerely yours,Li ming


Dear …,Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce 人, from university of 学校.I would be grateful for anything you could do for him to 干什么.人is an extremely enthusiastic and enterprising person.He has various practical experience for more than three years.I am sure that his participation will do a lot of help to your team.人 will be arriving here on … and he will soon go to visit you after arrival.You can introduce the overall development of 单位/组织 to him, and then explore the details of cooperation.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words.Yours sincerely, Li ming


Dear…,I am afraid that I won’t be … tonight because … and I plan to ….I had wanted to tell you that in person but you are not back yet.So I have to leave this note for you.Besides I have ….So I won’t be ….Would you do me a favor by …in my … to the teacher? Thanks.Take care of yourself.Yours sincerely,Li ming



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