
时间:2019-05-14 21:21:47下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Personal information 个人情况(5-Ⅰ,1、2-Ⅳ,1-Ⅴ,1-Ⅶ,3-Ⅶ)

2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人(4-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ,2-Ⅶ,1-Ⅷ)3.Personal environment 周围的环境(5-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ)4.Daily routines日常活动

5.School life 学校生活(4-Ⅶ)6.Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 7.Emotions 个人情感

8.Interpersonal relationships 人际关系(1-Ⅰ,4-Ⅶ)9.Plans and intentions 计划与愿望(3-Ⅴ)

10.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(1-Ⅲ,4-Ⅶ)11.Shopping 购物

12.Food and drink饮食(2-Ⅲ)13.Health 健康(5-Ⅴ,3-Ⅵ)14.Weather 天气(4-Ⅵ)

15.Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育(2-Ⅱ,4-Ⅴ)

16.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(3-Ⅰ,5-Ⅳ,2-Ⅴ,5-Ⅶ,1-Ⅲ)17.Language learning 语言学习(2-Ⅰ,3、4-Ⅳ)18.Nature 自然(4-Ⅰ,4-Ⅱ,5-Ⅵ,3-Ⅶ)

19.The world and the environment 世界与环境(4-Ⅰ, 3-Ⅶ)

20.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(3-Ⅱ,4-Ⅲ,2-Ⅶ,2-Ⅷ)21.Topical Issues 热点话题(4-Ⅶ)

22.History and geography 历史与地理(1-Ⅱ,5-Ⅲ,2-Ⅴ,4-Ⅶ,,5-Ⅷ)23.Society 社会(4-Ⅴ)

24.Literature and art 文学与艺术(5-Ⅱ,3-Ⅲ,,2-Ⅵ,4-Ⅷ)整合版:

1.Personal information 个人情况(即人物介绍类)

2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人 + Interpersonal relationships 人际关系 3.Personal environment 周围的环境 + Weather 天气 + Nature 自然 + The world and the environment 世界与环境(即包含环境、水资源、野生动物的现状和解决措施,自然灾害的描述)4.Daily routines日常活动(即活动描写类,包含“日记,通知”等)

5.School life 学校生活 + Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 + Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育(即包含寄宿学校的好与坏,课外活动,课外辅导,压力,独立性,业余工作)6.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(端午,中秋,元宵,反思西方文化的入侵)7.Shopping 购物(网上购物,投诉类信件)

8.Food and drink饮食 + Health 健康(食品安全:危害和措施)

9.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(旅行的好处,醉驾的危害和措施,交通的问题和解决措施)10.Language learning 语言学习(学习方法的介绍,学习困难提出与解决)

11.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(网络运用,网络安全,微博,个人信息泄露)

12.History and geography 历史与地理(地点介绍类)13.看图作文(单图和多图组合)

14.Topical Issues 热点话题(好人好事,道德观念,慈善事业)





























完成“成功” 提示:根据刚才对选材、审题、立筛选,确定自己熟悉的一个角完成整篇文章,当然成文时还要注重布局某篇板书设计(略)

附:话题作文材料 高中英语有位老师对一名学习成绩优秀的同学说:你在小学考第一名,这不算什么,还有中学呢;你在中学考了第一名,这不算什么,还有大学呢;你大学考了第一名,这不算什么,你还没








warm-hearted(热心的), outgoing(开朗的), easy-going(随和的), selfless(无私的),honest(诚实的), generous(善良的), optimistic(乐观的)hard-working=diligent(勤奋的),thoughtful=considerate(为人着想的),responsible(尽责的),动词短语:

Share happiness and sadness(分享幸福与悲伤),share the same interest(分享相同的兴趣),accompany us through hard times(陪我们度过艰难的时刻),forgive each other(彼此原谅),listen to her/him ,cherish/treasure(珍惜)the precious friendship(珍贵的友谊),经典句子:

1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(谚语:患难之中的朋友才是真正的朋友)

2.A faithful friend is hard to find.益友难得。

3.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳

4.A real friend is one who stands beside you through ups and downs.一个真正的朋友是站在你身边走过风风雨雨


Dear peter,I hope you will find these ideas useful.Yours,Mary

2.English study(英语学习)


oral English=spoken English(口语),written English(书面语),word spelling(词汇拼写),grammar rules(语法规则),pronunciation(发音),idiom(习惯用语),words and expressions(单词和短语),poor basis(基础差),solid foundation(扎实的基础),complicated(复杂的),confusing(莫名其妙的),动词短语:

Improve my English=make progress in English(提高英语),memorize new words(记新单词),recite texts(背诵课文),enlarge vocabulary(扩大词汇量),master English(掌握英语),practice listening/writing(练习听力/写),keep an English diary(坚持写英语日记)


1.Practice makes perfect.实践使完善

2.There is no shortcut in learning English except practice.学习英语没有捷径除了练习

3.With the development of international trade, English is becoming more and more important.随着国际贸易的发展,英语变得越来越重要


Dear Peter,memorize English new words to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Englishyou’ll learn and remember words more easily.I hope all these advice will really help you.Best wishes,Li Hua



airport,flight(航班),entrance/admission ticket(门票),guide(导游),tourist=visitor(游客),tour agency(旅行社),route(路线),journey(行程),destination(目的地),natural scenery(天然景色),scenery sports/sites(景点),places of interest(风景名胜),historic sites(历史古迹),accommodation(住宿),tourism(旅游业)


make a trip to(到……旅行),take a taxi(乘出租车),go by plane/train(乘飞机/火车),go sightseeing(去观光),go traveling(去旅行),attract many people(吸引很多人)

Some of traveling:

1.By traveling, we can also relax ourselves, and do our work better.2.We can broaden our horizon.(开阔视野)

3.We can know the custom and living habits of the local people.Some of traveling:

1.It may cause some traffic problems, for more people use their personal cars during the journey.2.Some tourists throw waste things here and there, which does harm to the environment.3.Too many tourists may also do harm to the historic sites.Some advantages of:

1.It provides chances of employment.2.It can promote(促进)the developing of the local economy and bring economic profits.经典句子:

1.As the life is becoming better and better, more and more like to travel.2.Different people have different opinions towards/to developing tourism.=Views about tourism vary /differ from people to people.3.Developing tourism has its own advantages and disadvantages.4.People should develop tourism in a proper way, keeping a balance between developing and protecting environment.4.自然灾害


natural disaster(自然灾害),victim(受害者),survivor(幸存者),volunteer(志愿者),rescue/save(营救),hill slide(山体滑坡),rock and mud slide(泥石流),destroy(破坏),damage(损毁),be trapped(陷入困境),donate/give away(捐赠),give a helping hand to(伸出援助之手),devote to(致力于…),take an active part in(积极参加),be deeply moved/touched(深受感动),take measures/actions(采取措施)


Mary houses and buildings were 通讯


介绍歌手Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson,this an American singer, dancer and songwriterpersonal style of singing and dancing, Jackson`s greatest music success, the 1992 album Thriller(同位语)


reduce our risk of developing diseases.7.Computer(电脑)

Computer/online games(网络游戏)

it is a way of relaxing after a day's study, they so they enjoy playing Computer games.them.playing

Making friends on line/ chatting on line(网上交友、网上聊天)

Shopping on line(网上购物)

shopping for shoppers.convenience.You can shop whenever you like just at home.goods you can choose.things online is much cheaper than in the shop.You can't actually see the credit cards by paying for goods online.8.Wildlife protection(保护野生动植物)

rapidly disappearing from the globe human activities, pollution and changes in climate.Animals are treasure of nature.They can keep nature's balance and make the earth more , skin, horns, and meat.human beings and animals lice peacefully and happily in the world.9.Health& eating(健康&饮食)


No Breakfast, No Good

The safety of food(食品安全)

the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products, particularly the


our life and achieve what we hope gor in our careernothing.Health and wealth(健康与财富)

the topic Health and Wealth they ca buy happiness which they like.foundation for a successful careerwealth.10.Festivals(节目)

The mid-autumn day falls/is on august 15th of It is

11.Introduction to a place(地方介绍)





A "High School Students' Tst.musical instrument playing and so on.One 1st prize, three 2nd prizes and five 3rd prizes will th

The students' Union



1.Personal information 个人情况(5-Ⅰ,1、2-Ⅳ,1-Ⅴ,1-Ⅶ,3-Ⅶ)

2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人(4-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ,2-Ⅶ,1-Ⅷ)

3.Personal environment 周围的环境(5-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ)

4.Daily routines日常活动

5.School life 学校生活(4-Ⅶ)

6.Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好

7.Emotions 个人情感

8.Interpersonal relationships 人际关系(1-Ⅰ,4-Ⅶ)

9.Plans and intentions 计划与愿望(3-Ⅴ)

10.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(1-Ⅲ,4-Ⅶ)

11.Shopping 购物

12.Food and drink饮食(2-Ⅲ)

13.Health 健康(5-Ⅴ,3-Ⅵ)

14.Weather 天气(4-Ⅵ)

15.Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育(2-Ⅱ,4-Ⅴ)

16.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(3-Ⅰ,5-Ⅳ,2-Ⅴ,5-Ⅶ,1-Ⅲ)

17.Language learning 语言学习(2-Ⅰ,3、4-Ⅳ)

18.Nature 自然(4-Ⅰ,4-Ⅱ,5-Ⅵ,3-Ⅶ)

19.The world and the environment 世界与环境(4-Ⅰ, 3-Ⅶ)

20.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(3-Ⅱ,4-Ⅲ,2-Ⅶ,2-Ⅷ)

21.Topical Issues 热点话题(4-Ⅶ)

22.History and geography 历史与地理(1-Ⅱ,5-Ⅲ,2-Ⅴ,4-Ⅶ,,5-Ⅷ)

23.Society 社会(4-Ⅴ)

24.Literature and art 文学与艺术(5-Ⅱ,3-Ⅲ,,2-Ⅵ,4-Ⅷ)


1.Personal information 个人情况(即人物介绍类)

2.Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人 + Interpersonal relationships 人


3.Personal environment 周围的环境 + Weather 天气 + Nature 自然 + The world and the

environment 世界与环境(即包含环境、水资源、野生动物的现状和解决措施,自然灾害的描述)

4.Daily routines日常活动(即活动描写类,包含“日记,通知”等)

5.School life 学校生活 + Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 + Entertainment and sports 文娱


6.Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动(端午,中秋,元宵,反思西方文化的入


7.Shopping 购物(网上购物,投诉类信件)

8.Food and drink饮食 + Health 健康(食品安全:危害和措施)

9.Travel and transport 旅游与交通(旅行的好处,醉驾的危害和措施,交通的问题和解决


10.Language learning 语言学习(学习方法的介绍,学习困难提出与解决)

11.Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(网络运用,网络安全,微


12.History and geography 历史与地理(地点介绍类)


14.Topical Issues 热点话题(好人好事,道德观念,慈善事业)




Teachers and students should live in harmony with each other.Firstly, teachers respect the personalities and characteristics of their students.Secondly, teachers should love their students attentively and treat each student fairly.On the other hand, students should respect their teachers and admit their work and achievements although they have different opinions from their teachers.Only in this way can teachers and students trust each other and get along well.作文练习:Friendship


Recently, to improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities, the English teacher in Class 3 conducted a survey among the whole class on whether they should have a three-minute speech in English at the beginning of a period.According to the survey, 65% of the students firmly support the idea, for they think this method will be helpful to their English learning and it is a good chance for them to practise their listening ability as well as speaking ability.However, 35% of the students are strongly against it, saying that it costs the limited time in class.What’s worse, if they can not make sense of the speeches, they will lose confidence in learning English.As for me, I think it is a good idea to have a three minutes’ speech at the beginning of a period because I believe practice makes perfect.作文练习:How I Learn English 写作提示:学好英语重要;过去学不好英语的原因;现在的方法(听、读、写);结论。旅游交通

Guangzhou, with a history of 2,200 years, is known as “the flower city”, which is the starting place of “the silk road on sea” in ancient China.It has a population of 10 million and an area of 7,434.4 square kilometers.Guangzhou lies on the south China sea, with Hong Kong to the southeast and Macao to the south.It is rich in traveling resources, such as the famous “eight scenery of Yangcheng”.Tourists from home and abroad are attracted by its beautiful scenery.作文练习1:Bikes—an Important Means of Transport


作文练习2:A Happy Journey 写作提示:旅行前;旅行中;旅行结束及感受。自然灾害

Earthquakes now happen more frequently than before, so it is necessary for us to know how to protect ourselves.If you are inside a building when an earthquake strikes, you mustn’t rush out without order but hide yourself under some hard furniture with your head and neck protected by your arms or bag, avoiding things that hang above your head, like ceiling, lamps, fans and so on.Besides, when you run for safe shelters, don’t forget to cover your head with something hard.What’s more, you should put out fire, turn off the gas and electricity and stop using the lift.Once you are outdoors, try to get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, signs and power lines.作文练习:A Thunderstorm


Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping studied hard, showing great interest in agriculture.As a matter of fact, since his graduation from university in 1953, Yuan has done research on rice for over half a century, devoting all his time and energy to the study of agriculture.Because of his research, China’s rice production is increasing rapidly, solving the problem of the lack of food for many countries.As a result, he is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” and was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world.Though he is famous, he lives a simple life and cares little money and fame.作文练习:The Person I Admire Most 写作提示:最崇敬的人是英语老师;外貌描写;老师耐心、课精彩有趣、教学安排好;结论。历史文化

The Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, is one of the greatest architectures in ancient China.The structure which was built in a time when countries were at war, once served as a barrier to keep out invading enemies.It remains a mystery how people built the Great Wall without the help of any high technology two thousand years ago.But there is no doubt that the Great Wall, with rich history and magnificent appearance, attracts a great number of tourists, scientists and historians every year.All visitors think highly of the wisdom of ancient Chinese.作文练习:Protect the Cultural Heritage


Dear editor,I am Li Hua, a reader of your paper.I am writing to tell you some suggestions on how to make the best of the stadiums after the 29 Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing.First of all, the stadiums can be opened to the public, where they can strengthen their bodies conveniently.Secondly, the stadiums can be rented to sports companies which organize matches, thus bringing in much more profits.Last but not least, they can be used as tourist attractions, because many of them are so well designed with strong Chinese features that they will surely be attractions for visitors from all over the world.thFrom my point of view, we should do what we can to make full use of the sadiums and only when we take action can we bring a bright future to their value.I would appreciate it very much if you would take my advice into deep consideration.Yours,Li Hua

作文练习:The Benefits of Sports and Games


Nowadays the Internet is more and more popular among middle school students and I think it’s a good way of studying.Through a computer, we can download all kinds of information we need, discuss questions with teachers and share our learning experience with classmates.However, some middle school students have formed some bad habits on the Internet.For example, they spend a lot of time playing computer games and chatting online, which is a waste of time and ernergy.In my opinion, we should kick off bad habits and make good use of the Internet.作文练习:My View on the Internet Shopping


At the back of my village, there is a wild zone, covering about one square kilometre.Ten years ago, many little animals, such as hares, wildcats and many kinds of snakes, lived here in peace.However, many of the little animals have been hunted for food recently, and as a result, the number of them is decreasing.Therefore, if this situation isn’t paid attention to or some measures aren’t taken, these litle animals will die out soon.Fortunately, in order to protect the remaining little animals from being hunted, many villagers suggest that the public awareness of protecting animals should be raised and a reserve should be built in the zone.作文练习:Save the Wild Animal

写作提示:城市化、杀虫剂、污染、猎杀使野生动物面临灭绝的危险;提出解决问题的方法;结论。文娱活动 Notice

The Students’ Union has decided to organize a music week, which will be held at the school meeting hall in the second week of July.The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music.Bring your own musical instruments and a music contest will be included, too.The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes from.If you would like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before June 20.The Students’ Union

作文练习:School Activities



The Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on lunar May 5, has a long history of more than 2,000 years.The Dragon Festival is held in memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan during the Warring States period.He drowned himself on the day when hearing his country had been conquered.This festival is celebrated by eating rice dumplings and racing dragon boats.Originally, rice dumplings were thrown into the river to feed the fishes and dragon boat races were meant to scare the fishes away, both of which were used to protect Qu Yuan’s body.作文练习:Spring Festival 写作提示:春节是团聚和娱乐的节日;描述团聚;描述娱乐;结尾。健康饮食

Dear friends,As we all know, we are what we eat.Therefore, it’s important for us to form healthy eating habits.However, some students have formed a variety of bad eating habits, such as not having breakfast, eating snacks, being particular about food, eating and drinking too much and so on, which will surely do harm to their health.thTo keep healthy, we should have healthy diets.Not only should we have various foods, like fish, meat, vegetables, fruits as well as rice, noodles but also we should have the foods regularly and properly.Personallly, I think it is important to keep a healthy diet, which contributes to building up a strong body.作文练习:On Dieting


Last Monday, our class had a discussion about “which is more important, health or wealth?”, the results of which are as follows.Some students think that health is more important than wealth for the reason that money cant’t buy a healthy body.If people are not healthy, they can’t work or study well, so health is the most important thing in the world.However, others believe wealth means everything because they think that wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do.What’s more, they even have the idea that they can buy happiness with money.作文练习:Fashion 写作提示:时尚给人以美感;时尚天天在变;追求时尚是否值得;结论。航天科技

Dear Tom,How is everything? I’m writing to let you know about an English Evening and invite you to join us.The English Evening will start at 7:30 p.m.on April 21th and will be held in the English club.By that time, we will have a face-to-face talk in English with our spaceman—Zhai Zhigang, who would like to share his space experience with us.What’s more, we can have pictures taken with him and exchange small gifts.We will be providing some fruits and drinks for the evening, but we suggest you bring some food with you if you like.I believe everyone will have a wonderful time at the English Evening.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li Hua

作文练习:Hail China’s First Manned Space Flight


Canada is the second biggest country in the world, with an area of 9,976,000 square kilometers and a population of slightly over 30 million.It is located in the north part of the North American continent, with the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific on the west, and borders the US on the south.English and French are official languages spoken in Canada.Ottawa is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world.And it is a good place for people to settle down.作文练习:The Beautiful Undersea World

写作提示:这是一位小学生对海底的描述,请你参照该文用英语描述美丽的海底世界——海底好漂亮啊!海水清澈见底,好像进入了传说中的 “龙宫”,那博大的海底世界真让我陶醉。看,这里生长着千姿百态、五颜六色的各种珊瑚,它们被水流冲得摇摇摆摆,好像在伸展自己的腰,又好像在欢迎我们来到海底世界!还有许多五颜六色的热带鱼成群结队地游来游去,瞧,那披着红白相间外衣的漂亮小鱼儿,尾巴一摆一摆的,正在以那美丽而娇艳的身躯跳着精彩舞蹈!又瞧!那些绿色的小鱼,排着整齐的人字形队列,动作一致,尾巴也随着水流摆动着,真像一支强劲的军队在操炼!海底里还躺着许多贝壳,有大有小,它们的“嘴巴”一张一张的,好像在喝水。这里海底植物也真多,有海草、有海棠……那海草的“身体”摇来摇去,好像一条长蛇在爬动;那海棠缓缓地抖动着,好可爱哦!海底世界真是美丽极了。巾帼英雄

Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province on Feb 26, 1982, Li Na is China’ No.1 woman teenis player.As early as she was just 7, she started practising playing tennis, and became a professional tennis player in 1999.She once gave up tennis in 2002 and went to a university to study, but she came back to the sport two years later.The year 2011 has seen her achieve great success: she got the second place in the Austalian Open in January and won the championship in the French Open in June, and now ranks fourth in women tennis playes in the world.She is very popular as an easy-gong, humorous and confident sportswoman.作文练习:My Mother


With the development of science and technology, more and more farmers prefer natural waste from animals to chemical fertilizers.They argue that putting natural waste from animals in their fields makes the soil richer in minerals and more fertile and it is good for the crops.When farmers use this kind of natural fertilizer, they keep air, soil and water as well as the food supply free from chemical.However, using chemical fertilizer will make the soil exhausted.In the meantime, chemical fertilizer will kill both helpful and harmful bacteria and pests and it will also pollute the environment.作文练习:Organic Farming or Chemical Farming? 写作提示:化肥种植的食物危害多(举例说明);有机食物味道好营养丰富(举例说明);你的看法。语言幽默

In our daily life, we can cultivate our sense of humour in the following ways: firstly, it is a good idea if we regain our smile so that we are not overcome by stress.Besides, when offended, it would be better if we respond with humor rather than hostility.Moreover, we are supposed to develop a silly plan to break a dard mood.What’s more, it is suggested that we create a humorous environment by posting funny sayings or signs.In addition, we’d better learn one simple joke each week and spread it around.作文练习:Humour


Recently, a survey has been carried out on the levels of controlling different emotions across different cultures.As is shown in the survey, it’s not only the type of expression we display but also the way these expressions are interpreted that differs across cultures.Besides, it is Russians who most tightly control the display of their emotions, closely followed by the Japanese and South Koreans.What’s more, Americans displayed the least control over their facial expressions.Moreover, men are more likely to hide surprise and fear while women control disgust, contempt and anger and many other emotions.作文练习:Body Language


The Window of the World is a theme park located in the western part of the city of Shenzhen, China.You can see vivid reproductions of the world’s wonders, historical heritages and famous scenic sites there.In all, it has about 130 reproductions of some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.The 108-meter-tall Eiffel Tower dominates the skyline and the sight of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal are all part of the appeal of this theme park.Since late 2004, when the Shenzhen Metro was opened, tourists have been able to reach the Window of the World conveniently by subway.作文练习:Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain


With the development of science and technology, people depend more and more heavily on technology, especially mobile phones and network, which are the main inventions of modern technology.They are completely parts of our daily life, which unavoidably leads to the human beings isolation.Then how do they affect our life?

Personally, on the one hand, they can be very helpful and convenient to people in need.They can not only broaden our knowledge about the world, but also reduce the distance between people around the world.Besides, they can also help us learn more about many fields of studies quickly on the Internet.They are very convenient to people who are busy with their jobs, and have brought about many positive changes in our lives.On the other hand, both network and mobile phones may bring about some negative changes.For example, many children become so addicted to computer games that they stay up late frequently.Worse still, some students may look through some erotic webpages, which will affect them physically and mentally.Last but not least, the radiation is harmful to people’s eyes, especially to children’s.In conclusion, both the network and mobile phones have advantages and disadvantages.I think that only if we students use them correctly in our study can we bring it into full play.作文练习:Mobile Phones and Network 写作提示:网络与手机的好处(举例说明);网络与手机的弊端(举例说明);如何利用好手机和网络为学习服务。国家地理

Australia and New Zealand have much in common and are alike in many ways.Located in the South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand both consist of two islands, where English is the official language.Besides, both the two countries are possession of a large sheep population and a major wool industry, from which people can benefit a lot.However, Australia has a population of twenty million, much larger than that of New Zealand, which is only four and a half million.What’s more, Australia’s land area is also much greater than that of New Zealand.作文练习:National Geographic Magazine

写作提示:美国国家地理学会的官方杂志;1888年创刊;月刊;现任首席主编是著名的摄影记者克里斯•约翰斯(Chris Johns);内容包括地理、科普文章、历史、文化,、实事和照片;每个月以各种不同的语言出版9 百万册,拥有超过5百万的读者;世界上最广为人知的一本杂志。计划愿望

The saying “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst” is really a philosophy of life.In my opinion, hope is just like a bright light shining all through the life and it provides us with full confidence, which is the key to success.However, hope alone means nothing when we make no efforts.We have to make full preparations to meet the coming challenge.Having prepared for the worst, we’ll never feel regretful.As for myself, after the college entrance examination, I hope that I can be admitted into Sun Yat-sen University to major in finance.Moreover, I look forward to spending the coming summer holiday taking a part-time job in my sister’s company so as to enrich my life experiences and learn to be independent.Of course, I have to make some plans and preparations.If I am admitted to my ideal university, I will certainly devote myself to reading books or watching the TV programmes on finance.On the other hand, if I am not admitted, I will stick to my favorite dream and look for another university to continue my study.作文练习:My Study Plan


Huawen Middle School in Foshan City received a group of students from Britain last week.During their one-week stay in Foshan, the students experienced the campus life of Chinese students.They also visited some places of interest in Foshan and learned about the local culture.The British students were impressed by the kindness of Chinese students, cleanness of the city and delicious food here.At the invitation of a British school, 38 students in Huawen Middle School are to be sent Britain for an exchange visit next March.作文练习:My Favourite Program—News


It is important for eveyone to learn some knowledge of first aid in our daily life.If a person is unlucky to suffer from an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found with three things paid attention to while first aid is given.First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the back of his/her mouth.Second, if a person cannot breathe, do your best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth-to-mouth way.Third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding and then take him/her to a doctor.Losing one third of his/her blood, he/she may also lose his/her life soon.作文练习:The Importance of Medical Knowledge


Hello, everyone.Now please allow me to introduce the wonderful architectures to you all.The Opera House in Sydney makes people think of seashells.The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing looks like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.These buildings convince people that if architects had not had special mind about the art, we would not have the chance to enjoy the beauty of art works.They seem so warm and friendly that I would like to visit them in person now.I dream some day I can design a building that would draw the attention of people all over the world.作文练习:My View on the Art of Chinese Calligraphy


Sinclair Lewis, born in American, was a novelist and playwright.In 1930 he became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in literature.The films, Main Street《大街》 and Babbitt《巴比特》, which were adapted from his novels, were very popular all over the world.People who are familiar with his works know his writing style very well, which is at times funny, ironic, yet sympathetic.He is a realistic and romantic optimist.作文练习:Reading


In order to arouse people’s attention of senior students’ sleeping problems, our school made a survey on it when the International Sleeping Day is coming.According to the survey, there are about 60% of senior students who sleep less than 7 hours a day on weekdays, among whom 34% often study deep into the night.81% of the students consider that the amount of homework has an influence on their sleeping.In addition, 77% of the students think that sleeping problem has some effect on study.Besides, 55% of the students think the problem will cause some physical diseases.To our delight, more and more parents and teachers are paying more attention to the students’ sleeping problem now.作文练习:How to Keep Healthy? 写作提示:身体健康的重要性;保持健康的三种方法;结论。坏境保护

Dear friends,Do you want to live in a beautiful world? It is our obligation to maintain the ecological balance.To fulfill this task, we should bear the following ecological codes in mind.First, while sticking to the habit of walking to school, we should eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day.It’s also important to recycle everything recyclable and cherish our school environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and lights.Let’ all take action now and contribute to the prosperity of our mother—the earth.Thank you.作文练习:Which Is More Important, Develop Economy or Protect the Environment? 写作提示:引入议题;赞成发展经济优先;赞成保护环境优先;我的观点。个人情感

Born in one-child family in 90s, I think we have more advantages than disadvantages.First we are so confident, quick-minded and creative that it’s easy for us to learn to use different kinds of new science technological tools.Additionally, to some extent, being an only child means that parents spend more money on my education, such as different kinds of interest classes, studying abroad etc, which can be helpful in the long term.Nevertheless, we feel lonely and isolated as we are not able to have a sibling to play with regularly and share our thoughts and memories with.Worse still, we get used to having everything done, taken care of by our parents;That is to say, whatever we do, we take it for granted that we can depend on our parents.When we have to live in the real world and face real problems, we might not cope with them without determination and a strong will.作文练习:No Pains, No Gains



Dear Tom,How is everything? I’m writing to recommend an inspiring film—Front of The Class to you.The film is adapted from a real story, whose hero is Brad Cohen, a person suffering from Tourette Syndrome(妥瑞氏症).Because of the disease, Mr Cohen was always making funny noises and his schoolmates would make fun of him and he was always punished by teachers.Thanks to a nice principal who gave encouragement to him in his middle school, he became confident and made up his mind to be a teacher after graduating from college.Having been interviewed by about 25 schools, he was asked to teach in an elementary school at last.Through his hard work, he was awarded Sallie Mae’s First Year Teacher of the Year(沙利美优秀新晋教师).I hope you will enjoy it.Yours,Wang Qiang

作文练习:Social Activities and Our Study



Hello, I’m Tom, a newly-designed robot and I was invented on 26, February in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province by Tony Brown, who is very handsome.Well, I’m very beautiful too, with big eyes and long hair as most young girls do.I can do all kinds of housework for you, which will make you relaxed after work.What’s more, I have been programmed with a special chip which enables me to dance and sing like you human beings, so you will not feel bored when you are alone.The most important thing is that I’m powered by solar energy and environmentally friendly so please don’t hesitate, just take me home and let me make your life more comfortable.作文练习:The Use of Computers


海洋资源 Dolphin

In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphin is one of those great creatures, whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors.Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures.It is not strength or speed but the size of their brain.Dolphins use sound just like their eyes and mouths to help them find their way, to look for their food and to talk with each other.作文练习:Protect the Ocean Environment


学会分享 Volunteer Wanted

Some volunteers, no younger than 18, are needed to serve the Guangzhou Railway Station.Anyone who wants to become one of them should be healthy, devoted and good at spoken-English besides having enough free time.Preference will be given to those who have voluntary working experience.If accepted, you will have to work 3 or 4 times a week, with 60 to 120 minutes every time.For more details, please go to www.xiexiebang.communicating with them so that we can get our country to open to the world faster.For the advantages I mentioned above, you had bettter study abroad if possible.作文练习:Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards



The first stage of the Great Immigration in American was from approximately 1830 to 1860, during which time the majority of imigrants came from Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland.The second stage was from 1860 to 1890, during which time another 10,000,000 people arrived.The third stage, which lasted from 1890 to 1930, achieved the highest in the process of immigration.Between the years 1830 and 1930, a great number of immigrants came to what is today the United States, most of whom moved to the USA for a wide range of reasons, including economic and political as well as religious factors.One can not but admit that natural disasters also made an immense contribution to it.作文练习:My View on a Diversity of Culture



Lincoln and Jordan as well as millions of residents live in a tightly controlled high-tech building.They, together with other residents, are monitored, and it is said that it is intended to keep them physically and mentally healthy.However, recently Lincoln has been making the same dream and has some doubt about the building where he lives.His curiosity drives him to find out a fact that everything around him is a lie, and in the end everyone living in the place will not escape from death because all of them are human cloning.Lincoln and Jordan are determined to get out of this place, and then they can come to a real world that they have never known.作文练习:My View on Cloning



These eBook texbooks, electronic textbooks, take in a variety of subjects, including math, history and geography and so on.With the eBook textbooks, you can play videos, examine geometrical problems in 3D, listen to music, make notes, and share information with your classmates on the Internet.In addition, you don’t need to carry heavy backpacks full of the expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or give away.But on the other hand, you need to own an iPad which, as you know, is not cheap and you also need to buy digital textbooks.So only time will tell if eBook textbooks will bring about a new revolution to classroom teaching.作文练习:Transport During the Spring Festival Period 写作提示:春运的状况(用亲身经历说明);到车站购票的困难;网上购票的好处;人们对网上购票的不满;提出解决网上购票问题的合理化建议。


It was on a Friday afternoon that Tom was on his way home without an umbralla.As it was pouring with rain, he rode a bike so hurriedly that an old man was knocked down in the street suddenly.At once, Tom looked at the man in amazement when he found it was his headmaster of primary school.Not only did the headmaster not blame him, but he also encouraged him to be ambitious to improve himself.What the headmaster said made a great influence on Tom, and he was determined to study hard to be a useful man in the future.作文练习:Students Doing Part-time Jobs



Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to my hometown—Suizhou, Hubei.Today, I’d like to introduce world famous Marquis Yi of Zeng bells(曾侯乙墓编钟)to you.The chime bells were dug out in 1978, which was buried in Tomb of Zeng Houyi during the Warring States Period.They were made of bronze, with each one delicately designed.The bells were the largest musical instrument we have found in history, which consisted of 64 bells altogether and they were ordered in three layers according to their size and weight, of which the top layer is the smallest and lightest.When knocked, the ancient chime bells can produce beautiful melody.It’s marvelous that our ancestors could make such wonderful musical instruments so long ago and we are very proud of them!

作文练习:A Gift for My Teacher




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