
时间:2019-05-14 03:19:09下载本文作者:会员上传



Aabandoned oil & gas 报废油气井

abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力 above ground equipment 地面设备 abscissa 横坐标

absorbent formation 渗透地层

absorption well 漏失井 armoured cable 铠装电缆

accessory , accessories, accessary附件,辅助的 acceptance criteria 验收标准

acceptance of risks 承担风险 acceptance of the bid 中标

accident analysis 事故分析 accident free 无事故

accident potential 事故隐患 accident prevention 事故预防 acid fracturing 酸化压裂 acid job 酸化作业

acid-frac process 酸化压裂工艺 acid stimulation酸化增产

actual data 实测资料 actual data plot 实测曲线 actuating system 传动系统 assistant driller 副司钻

adapter substitute 转换接头,大小头 addendum 附录

additional well 补充井 adjacent well 邻井 adjustment well 调整井 adjust to zero 调零 adjuster sub 调整短节 adapter 适配器,接头

automatic fine tuning 自动微调

after-sale service 售后服务,后续服务

after-treatment profile log 油井(增产)措施后生产剖面测井 hole azimuth 井斜方向

AL(acoustic logging)声波测井

acoustic amplitude log,amplitude log声幅测井 adjacent bed 围岩

apparent resistivity视电阻率

ACBL(acoustic cement bond log)声波水泥胶结测井 activation logging活化测井

ASC(after survey calibration)测后刻度

amplitude type cement bond log声幅水泥胶结测井 annular space log环空测井 array sonic tool阵列声波测井仪

acoustic wavetrain logging声波全波列测井 alemite gun 黄油枪 alligator wrench 活动管钳 alternator 交流发电机 A-mast A形井架 amplifier 放大器

amplitude 振幅,声波幅度


analog cable signal 模拟电缆信号 anchor packer 卡瓦封隔器 annual survey 年检

annular blowout preventer环形防喷器 annular pressure 环空压力

annular pressure operated test valve环空压力控制测试阀 annular reversing valve环空加压反循环阀 annular space 环形空间

annular water detector环空找水仪 annular water injection反注,环空注入 annulus blow out 环空井喷

annulus completion fluid 环空完井液 annulus(flow)line 环空(出油)管 annulus fluid环空液体 annulus logging环空测试 annulus pack off环空封隔装置

annulus pressure firing system环空压力起爆器

annulus pressure response tool APR工具,(哈里伯顿)环空加压式测试阀 annulus sample catcher环空取样器 anticline背斜

antiknock agent 防爆剂 antivibration防震,抗震

API pup joint API标准油管短节

apparent wellbore radius有效井筒半径 appraisal well 评价井

aqueous saturation 含水饱和度

APR(annulus pressure respondent)环空压力控制式测试工具 area operations superintendent 地区作业监督 armoured(electric)cable 铠装电缆 artificial bottom hole 人工井底

artificial fracture 人造裂缝

artificial lift 机械采油 assessment of bids 评标 assessment well评价井

assistant driller 副司钻 assistant engineer助理工程师 associated gas 伴生气 assurance factor安全系数 atmospheric service常压作业 autocartograph 自动绘图仪 autoignition自动点火

AVL(acoustic velocity log)声速测井 azimuth 井斜方位

Bbit 钻头,刀片

box 母扣,母接头

block区块,滑轮车,断快 back flow反循环洗井 backup arm 推靠臂 backup copy 副本 bad earth 接地不良 bail 提环,提捞 back off 倒扣,解卡 bailer捞砂筒 bailing 提捞作业 bailing bucket 提捞筒 bar drop投棒

bar drop sub 投杆接头,撞击接头 barefoot completion 裸眼完井 barefoot interval 裸眼井段

barefoot well(bare hole)裸眼井 bar fishing 打捞点火棒

bar hydrostatic firing head 投棒压力起爆器

basement rock基岩

bastard connection 不合格的丝扣(接头)bastard thread不合格的丝扣

behind completion date没有按期完工 bit diameter钻头直径

breakdown pressure 临界压力 bailed dry(把井)掏空

beam pumping unit 游梁式抽油机 beam well(深井泵)抽油井

bean up 放喷 bed of interest 目的层 bellmouth喇叭口,锥形孔 belly band 安全带 bell nipple喇叭口短节

bottom hole fluid sampler井底流体取样器 bottom hole assembly 底部管柱结构

BHC(borehole compensated sonic log)井眼补偿声波测井 background radiation放射性本底植 banana plug香蕉插头 before calibration测前刻度

BHTV(borehole televiewer)井下(声波)电视 borehole fluid sampler井眼流体取样器 bridle马笼头

bradenhead flange 井口法兰 bottom hole 井底,井下

big hole perforator大孔眼射孔器 borehole status井眼状况

bottom-hole pressure,closed井底关井压力

bottom-hole pressure,flowing井底流动压力 bottom-hole sample 井底取样,井下取样

bottom hole sampler井底取样器 bid bond投标保证金,投标保证书

bidder 投标者 bidding投标

bidding documents投标文件,招标文件 bidding procedure 投标程序 bid opening开标


big-frac treatment(多层段)大型压裂 big repair大修

bill of materials材料清单 bit hook打捞工具

blank footage枪接头盲区 blank off 油层封住,封堵 blank tubing空油管,盲枪 blasting cap 起爆雷管 bleeding off pressure 放压

block and tackle arrangement起下用滑车系统

block diagram方框图,结构图 block-squeeze分段挤水泥 blowdown放压,衰竭式开采 blowing out井喷 blowing well自喷井

blowout capping 控制井喷

blowout hookup(井口)防喷装置 blowout preventer 防喷器 blank plug 丝堵,堵头 blowout-prevention equipment防喷设备 blowout-prevention procedure防喷措施 bullets射孔弹

blue sky exploratory well预探井 bumper减震器

back out(break out)卸开,松扣 bobtail packer裸眼井测试封隔器 bonding cable 接地电缆,地线 booster传爆管

bore diameter孔径,井眼直径 bore frame井身结构

borehole correction井眼校正 borehole deviation井斜 borehole effect井眼效应 borehole face井壁

borehole log 测井曲线,录井图 borehole operation井下作业 borehole pressure井筒压力 borehole survey井下测量 borehole wall井壁 boring casing套管 borings岩屑 boring tower井架

bottom hole turbine flowmeter井下涡轮流量计 bottom nose(下井仪)尾端,(射孔)枪尾 bottom-up firing枪尾起爆器 box and pin公母接头 box coupling接箍 bridge plug桥塞 by-pass旁通

brake handle刹把 breakdown 故障,事故

break off pin type circulating sub断销式反循环阀 breaking out pipe卸扣

bridge plugging(打)桥塞封堵 bridge the hole(在井中)打桥塞 bring in a well完井投产

bring out production投产,进行开采 broken down 解堵 brought in well投产井 button switch按钮开关

bushing 套筒 basket 打捞篮,水泥伞

bottomed 下到井底

borehole televiewer井下电视 buffer减震器 build up压力恢复 bubble 气泡,水泡 bubble head泡泡头

bubble point pressure饱和压力 bucket rod抽油杆 buck up紧扣

build up of fluid液面恢复 build the pressure打压

build up of pressure压力恢复 bull dog wrench管钳 bullet gun射孔枪 bullet hole射孔孔眼

bumper spring 减震器弹簧 burr毛刺,去毛刺 by-pass pipe旁通管


C&F(cost and freight)成本加运费价,到岸价 cement in place注水泥完毕


cable armour电缆外皮 cable bond(joint)电缆接头 cable conductor缆芯

cable configuration电缆规格 cable continuity电缆通断情况 cable core缆芯

cable drum(reel)电缆滚筒 cable duct 电缆槽

cable fishing tool顿钻打捞工具 cable formation test电缆地层测试 cable head电缆头 cable kinking电缆扭结 cable-laid rope钢丝绳 cable loop绳扣 cable oil电缆油

cable ringing电缆打结 cable slack电缆松弛

cable winch(work)电缆绞车

contract award date合同签定日期 cake泥饼 caliper井径仪

calibration标定,调试,刻度 calibrated标定过的 calibrating jig刻度架 caliper logging井径测量 calling of bids招标 callow表层

camp equipment野外作业设备 camp site施工现场 cap rock盖层 cap 雷管

capping bed,cap formation盖层 carbonate rock碳酸盐岩 cased hole套管井

cased hole completion 下套管完井

cased hole formation tester套管井地层测试器 case in 下套管

cased well下套管井 casing(case pipe)套管

casing/cementation report套管固井报告 casing cementing套管注水泥 casing collar(coupling)套管接箍

CCL(casing collar locator)套管接箍测井 casing grade套管钢级

casing gun 电缆输送套管射孔枪 casing head spool套管头四通 casingless completion 无套管完井 casing list 套管记录

casing over pressure套管加压,环空加压 casing packer套管封隔器 casing perforation(套管)射孔

casing perforation operator射孔作业工 casing perforation service射孔作业 casing perforation tool射孔器材 casing perforation type射孔方式 casing point下套管深度 casing program套管程序

casing setting depth套管下入深度 casing shoe套管鞋

casing top spacing套补距

casing-tubing annulus油套环空 casing wear套管损坏 caution sign警告标志 cave-in井壁坍塌 core barrel取芯筒

CBL(cement bond logging)水泥胶结测井 carbon/oxygen logging碳氧比测井

carbon/oxygen spectral logging 碳氧比能谱测井 casing caliper log 套管内径测井 casing inspection log套管探伤测井

CBIL(circumferential borehole imaging logging system)环形井眼成象测井系统 CET(cement evaluation tool)水泥评价测井 channelling窜槽

channelling detection找窜 check shots检验地震测井 completion date 完井日期 cellar井口

cellar connection(钻井)井口装置 cemented to水泥返至

cementing documentation固井设计 cementing truck水泥车 cement job quality固井质量 cement sheath水泥环 cement squeeze挤水泥 cement top水泥返高 centering device扶正器

casing fluid level套管液面深度 channel(射孔)孔道,管道,途径 change over变扣接头 change over sub大小头 charge射孔弹,费用

charge penetration射孔弹穿透深度 charge strip(射孔)弹架 charge type(射孔)弹型 chief operator主操 Chinese side中方 christmas tree采油树

christmas tree gauge井口压力表 contract item合同条款

casing inside diameter套管内径 cement in place固井作业结束 closed-in pressure关井压力

circuit tester万用表 clay 粘土

caliper log井径测井 claim 索赔 claimer索赔人

claim for breaking an agreement 违约赔偿 claim for payment 要求付款 claim indemnity索赔 claim rejection拒赔 claystone粘土岩,泥岩 clean out(清砂、清蜡)修井 clean-out of well 洗井

clean-out operation(service)洗井作业 clean-out report修井报告

clear working place安全工作区 clip绳卡 closed-in关井

closed-in well关闭井,停产井

closed-in casing pressure关井套管压力 closed-in tubing pressure关井油管压力 cementer固井公司,固井队工人


coarse adjustment(control)粗调

coarse-thread joint 粗扣接头 change of contract合同变更

casing outside diameter套管外径 coiled rod 连续抽油杆

coiled tubing连续油管,小油管 coiled tubing service连续油管作业 coiled tubing unit连续油管作业机 coiled tubing operation小油管作业 collar接箍,法兰盘,井口,钻铤 collared hole下了表层套管的井

combination collar(coupling)转换接箍 combination tool组合下井仪

commercial accumulation(deposit)有开采价值的油气藏 commercial bed有开采价值的油气层 commercial field有开采价值的油气田 commingling production多层合采 commissioning trial试用投产


communication between zones窜层 compensated density log补偿密度测井

CDNT(compensated density-neutron tool)补偿地层密度中子测井仪 compensated formation densilog补偿地层密度测井 CNL(compensated neutron log)补偿中子测井 compensated sonic log补偿声波测井 conductivity log电导率测井 conglomerate砾岩

completion damage完井污染 completion date完井日期

completion evaluation完井评价 completion fluid完井液

completion operation 完井作业 completion perforating完井射孔 completion well test完井测试 completion factor完井指数 completion interval完井层段 completion string完井管柱 condensate field凝析气田 condensate pool凝析油藏 condensate well凝析油气井 conductor line 导线 conductor wire缆芯线 connection end接头

consent 插座 console面板 constant maintenance定期保养 consumable material消耗材料 consumable accessories耗损件 contact probe探头

contact sonde(井下仪器的)探头

container horizon(rock)含油层,储集层 contamination污染 continental shelf大陆架


contingency plan(procedures)应急措施 contract area合同区

contract award date 合同签定日期 contract duration合同期限 contracted block合同区

contracted construction承包施工 contract life合同有效期限

contract(or)employee施工人员 contract item合同条款 contributing zone生产层 control fluid压井液

controlled directional well定向井

control of well kick and blowout井涌井喷控制 control panel remote遥控面板 conventional DST常规地层测试 conventional gun普通射孔器 conventional operation常规作业

conventional overbalanced perforating 常规正压射孔 conventional pumping unit普通抽油机 conventional well常规井

conventional workover rig常规修井作业 core barrel岩心筒 core bit取心钻头 CST(core sample taker)井壁取心器 cored well取心井

coupled tubing油管立柱

coupling tubing connection油管接箍连接

cement plug水泥塞

casing pressure-closed关井套压 casing pressure-flowing开井套压

combination production logging组合测井 crystal quartz gauge石英晶体压力 crab(winch,crane)吊车,起重机 crown block天车

crooked stem 弯曲的管柱

cross over短节,变扣接头 cross over circulation 反循环

cross over sub(joint)变扣接头,转换接头 crowbar 撬杠

crown platform天车平台

CST(chronological sample taker,chronological sidewall core tool)井壁取心器 cartage运费

complete trip in hole 完成(仪器)下井作业 cable telemetry system电缆遥测系统 cable transmission system电缆传输系统 current maintenance 日常维修 cushion 液垫,测试垫 customs海关,关税 cut-off date截止日期

Ddrilling and production platform钻井采油平台 drift angle(定向井)倾角

data acquisition equipment数据采集装置

daily capacity(output,production,rate)日产量 daily servicing日常维护

damaged formation受污染地层 damaged well污染井

damaged well productivity污染井产能 damaged zone污染带 damaged factor污染系数 damage skin 损害表皮 damper减震器

damping spring减震弹簧 data readback数据回放

day to day operation日常业务 drill collar钻铤 dead time 停工时间 dead well停产井

dead work 准备工作,非生产性工作 decenter 偏心

decentralized casing 偏心套管 decentralized gun偏心射孔器 decentralized wellhead偏心井口 decentralizing device偏心装置 decline factor递减系数 decline rate 递减速度

decline exponent递减系数

deep penetrating gun深穿透射孔枪 deep penetration charge 深穿透射孔弹 deep penetrator深井射孔弹

ILD(deep induction log),deep investigation induction log深感应测井 LLD(deep laterolog)深侧向测井 depth mark of cable电缆深度记号

Dewar flask,Dewar thermos bottle测井保温瓶 default clause违约条款

defective casing/liner cementation固井不合格 defective insulation绝缘不良 deficient well低效井

deflected hole(well)斜井,定向井 degree of damage污染程度 degree of dip倾角

degree of reserve recovery采出程度 degree of saturation饱和度 dehydrated crude脱水原油 deliverability产能,产油 delivery point供应点 demodulator检波器 demobilization复员,遣散 demobilization cost遣散费

demonstrated reserves探明储量 demurrage charge(fee)延迟费 density log密度测井 deparaffin清蜡

depleted field枯竭油田 depleted oil sand枯竭油层 depth in下入深度

depreciation charge折旧费 depth correction校深

depth discrepancy深度误差

depth of bottom hole measurement井底测量深度,测量仪器下入深度 depth of plunger泵挂深度 depth of setting下入深度 depth out 起出深度

depth sounding测液面深度 derrick井架,钻塔 derrick apples井架落物 derrick floor钻台

derrick guy(wire)井架绷绳 derrick lowering放倒井架 derrick raising立井架

desanding device除砂装置

description of reservoir油藏描述 design pressure 设计压力 desired flow rate 预期产量 desired location 预定位置

desired setting position预定坐封位置 detector检波器,引爆器,雷管 detail design施工设计

detailed rules and regulations细则 detail specifications详细说明书 detecting head 探头,探针 detention time 停留时间 deterioration老化,磨损

determining depth of fluid探测液面深度 detonating cord导爆索 detonation爆燃,爆炸 detonator 雷管 deviation井斜

development program开发方案 development well开发井

deviated hole(well)斜井,定向井

direct hydrocarbon indication直接油气显示 down hole power supply井下供电

DAL(digital acoustic log)数字阵列声波

difference between reservoir pressure and injection pressure 注水压差 differential pressure压差

differential pressure firing head压差起爆器 digital multimeter数字万用表

digital integrated circuit数字集成电路

DCBIL(digitally circumferential borehole imaging log)数字井周成像 diminishing pressure递减压力 diphase双相

diphasic flow 双相流动 dipper捞砂筒

diplog地层倾角测井 diplog tool-4 arm四臂地层倾角测井仪 dipmeter地层倾角测井仪 dip倾角 DDL(direct digital logging)数控测井 distance of ―zone‖mark零长 dipping rod量油杆 dipping tub量油管

direct-current generator直流发电机 direct flushing正循环洗井 direct grounding直接接地 directional drilling定向钻井

directives for construction施工指令 director general 总裁,总监 disabling accident严重伤害事故 displaced well生产井

disruptive test击穿实验,耐压实验

distance between wells井距

distance between rotary table and wellhead联入 distance between tubing and bushing油补距 distance measurement遥测 distance of zero mark零长 distillate field凝析气田 distinguishability分辨率 division 刻度,分公司

dividing range(油水,油气)分界面 dog-leg狗腿

depth logger测井深度

dual lower casing 下部双层套管 DDL(dual laterolog)双侧向测井

dual induction focused log双感应聚焦测井 dual induction-laterolog双感应—侧向测井 dual induction-laterolog 8双感应—八侧向测井 DIL(dual induction log)双感应测井

dual laterolog-microspherically focused log双感应—微球形聚焦测井 dual-spaced density log双源距密度测井

DSN(dual-spaced neutron log)双源距中子测井

dual-spacing thermal decay time log双源距中子寿命测井 dual lower tubing下部双层油管 drilling mud钻井液 depth offset深度补偿

drilled out钻出,钻碎(水泥塞)dolomite(dolostone)白云岩 date of availability有效期限

drilling-out cement(plug)钻水泥塞 drilling-out depth钻水泥塞深度 dog house井口值班房

double O-ring seal双O形圈密封

double drum drawworks(hoist),double drum rope winch双滚筒绞车 dog shift夜班

double-shift work两班倒 downflow well注水井

downhole blow-out preventer井下防喷器 downhole calibration井下标定,现场调试 downhole completion equipment井下完井装置 down hole completion fluid 井下完井液

down hole equipment井下工具

downhole instrument,downhole probe,downhole tool下井仪器

downhole operation井下作业

downhole instrument cable井下电缆 down hole sampling井底取样 downhole string井下管柱 downhole television井下电视 downhole testing井下测试

downhole test string井下测试管柱

downhole water flow regulator井下配水器

downhole test tool,downhole well test equipment井下测试工具 downhole remedial operation井下大修作业,修井作业 down hole tools installation井下工具连接

down setting packer stroke封隔器坐封下滑距离


down time(downtime)停工时间 deepen加深

draft agreement协议草案 draft contract合同草本 drawworks unit绞车

drillable bridge plug可钻式桥塞

drift diameter gauge,drift size gauge tool通井规 drillable packer可钻式封隔器 drill collar stand钻铤立柱

drilled proved reserves钻井探明储量 driller司钻

driller's log 司钻记录,钻井记录

drilling completion program钻井完井方案 drilling crew 钻井队

drilling foreman钻井队长

drilling induced damage钻井引起的损害 drilling returns钻井返出流体 drilling rig,drill unit钻机 drilling supervisor钻井监督 drill pipe frozen卡钻

DST(drill stem test)钻杆测试 drowned well水淹井 drum spool绞车滚筒 dry well干井 dry pipe空油管

drillsite井场,钻井工地 daily service report日报

DST interval(地层)测试井段 DST personnel测试人员

DST/TCP(drillstem test/tubing conveyed perforating)油管传输射孔与地层测射联作 DST string(地层)测试管串

DSTT(drillstem test tool)中途测试工具,地层测试器 duration of test测试周期

duration of the contract合同期限 duty cycle作业周期

dynamic log动态测井,生产测井

Eearly field life 油田开发初期 earth bar接地棒 earthing wire地线

eccentric annulus偏心环空

eccentric injection mandrel偏心配水器

edge water flood边缘注水 edge water incursion边水侵入 edge well边缘井

evacuation,escape and rescue 人员撤离,逃生和救护 engineering flow diagram工艺流程图 effluent pressure井口流体压力 efflux射流,流出

egress pressure出口压力

external-internal upset内外加厚的(管子)electrical logging电测 electrical detonator电雷管 electrical line unit电缆试井装置 electric line operation电缆作业

electric line set packer电缆坐封封隔器 electric monoconductor单芯电缆

electric wireline unit operation电缆绞车操作 EL(electric log)电法测井

ES(electric survey)电法勘探 electrode电极 electrode pad电极极板

electromagnetic flowmeter电磁流量计 electronic cartridge电子线路短节 elevator plug提升短节 elevator吊卡 emergency decree 安全技术规程 emergency measures应急措施 emergency escape应急出口

emergency shutdown紧急关井,紧急停工 employment contract雇用合同

employment dismissal解雇 endless tubing连续油管

enhanced oil recovery强化采油,提高采收率 enhanced recovery scheme强化采油方案 enhanced water injection强化注水 environmental pollution环境污染 environmental conservation环境保护 environmental regulations环保规定 end of date截止日期

equipment component list设备元件明细表 equipment list设备清单

equipment maintenance设备维修保养 equipment malfunction设备故障

equipment operating instructions设备操作说明 equipment out设备发运

equipment specification manual设备技术手册 erected cost安装费用 erection of derrick立井架 erection schedule安装进程 error band误差范围 error correction误差校正 estimated reserves控制储量 external upset外加厚

evaluation criterion评价标准 evaluation of bid评标

evaluation reservoir油藏评价 evaluation well评价井 exploration well探井

examination and acception验收 exceptional well特殊井 excessive load超载 excessive pressure超压 executive cost施工费用 exhibit 展示,附加条款

expanded packer膨胀式封隔器 expected reserves预计储量 expendable gun一次性射孔器 expendable plug一次性桥塞

expiration of the contract合同期满

expendable through-tubing perforator一次性过油管射孔器 exploitable reserve可采储量 exploitation plan开采方案 exploitation velocity开采速度 exploitation well开发井 exploitation drilling 勘探钻井 exploratory well探井

exploitation of oil and gas field油气田勘探 exploitation targets勘探目的层 explored reserves探明储量 explosive炸药

explosive charge射孔弹,炸药 explosive deterioration炸药失效 extinguisher灭火器

extension coupling加长短节

extension mechanical firing head机械点火头 extension well扩边井

extent of formation damage地层损害程度 external thread 公扣

external upset tubing外加厚油管 extra security额外保险

extreme over balance超正压(射孔)eye diameter孔眼直径 eyehole孔眼

Ffirst aid 急救face of the wellbore井壁 facsimile传真 factor of porosity孔隙度 factor of saturation 饱和度

failure-free operation正常运行,安全操作 fault block断块

fault block hydrocarbon reservoir断块油藏 faulty operation误操作

flowing casing pressure 开井时套压

FBS(full-bore spinner flowmeter)全径涡轮流量计 fracture conductivity裂缝导流能力 fire control equipment消防设备

FDL(fluid density log)流体密度测井

FDT(fluid density tool)流体密度测井仪 flushed zone冲洗带 FIL(fluid identification log)流体识别测井,含水率测井 flow diagram 流程图

field development plan油田开发方案 feasibility study可行性研究 felt油毛毡

formation evaluation measurement-while-drilling随钻测试与地层评价 formation evaluation while drilling随钻地层评价 formation fluid sampler地层流体取样器 formation fluid test地层流体测试 field acquisition现场采集 field adjustment现场调试 field analysis现场解释 field conduct现场实施 field connection现场连接 field environment野外条件 field lighting工地照明

field job design现场作业设计 field maintenance现场维护 field office值班室

field operation现场作业 field process现场施工

field record(notes)现场记录 field staff现场施工人员 field situation油气田位置 field type facility现场设施 field well生产井 field work野外作业

FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井 filling in well加密井 final work收尾工作 find bottom探井底

fine adjustment,fine turning微调 finish barefooted裸眼完井 finishing drilling完钻

fire escape,fire exit安全出口 fire extinction灭火

fire foam producing machine泡沫灭火器 fire protection防火 firing head点火装置 firing pin点火撞针 first aid急救

first-hand information第一手资料 first party甲方

fish落鱼,井下落物 fishing 打捞

fishing basket打捞篮

fishing job(operation)打捞作业 fishing tool打捞工具 fishing grab打捞爪 fishing rod打捞棒

fishing service打捞作业队 fishing up打捞出 fissure 裂缝

fissured formation裂缝性地层 fissured oil field裂缝性油田 fissured reservoir裂缝性油气藏 fissure fault裂缝断层 fixed pulley定滑轮

flame damper(snuffer)灭火器 flame igniter点火装置 flange法兰盘

flank water drive边水驱动 flank waterflooding边缘注水 flank well油田边缘井 flare opening喇叭口

flexible connection揉性连接 flood development注水开发 flood effectiveness注水效果 flooding network注采井网 flooding well network注水井网 floodout水淹 floorman钻工

flow capacity地层系数,产能系数 flow head井口装置,测试井口 flow column油管柱

flowing bean(nipple)油嘴 flowing tubing pressure开井油压 flowing well自喷井 flow rate log流量测井

flow well开井测试,开井放喷

fluid column cushion测试液垫,水垫 fluid column pressure液柱压力 fluid level液面深度 flush collar平口接箍

flushing fluid洗井液,钻井液 flowmeter流量计

field operation handbook,field operating manual现场操作手册 force outage事故停机 foreign side外方 foreman工头,领班

formation caving井壁坍塌

formation contaminant地层污染 formation evaluation地层评价

formation fluid pressure地层流体压力 formation fluid sampling地层流体取样 formation fracturing 地层压裂 formation of interest目的层 formation sand flow地层出砂 formation solid control防砂

formation stimulation油层增产措施 formation tester地层测试器

FAL(formation-analysis log)地层分析测井

FDC(formation density compensated)补偿地层密度测井仪 formation density log地层密度测井

FDT(formation density tool)地层密度测井仪 formation to be tested测试层段,测试井段

formation water resistivity地层水电阻率 formation water salinity地层水矿化度

fountain well自喷井

four-arm caliper四臂井径仪 four-way piece四通 fire plug消防栓

formation pressure gradient地层压力梯度 fracture fluid 压裂液

fracture job压裂作业 fracture裂缝,压裂

fracture acidizing压裂酸化

fractured hydrocarbon reservoir裂缝油藏 fractured distribution裂缝分布 fractured well裂缝井,压裂井 fracture fluid压裂液

fracture permeability裂缝渗透率 fracture porosity裂缝孔隙度

FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井

fracture log裂缝测井

fracturing technology压裂工艺 fracturing tool压裂工具

fracturing truck(unit)压裂车 freeze in卡钻,卡死

full bore(flow,opening,port)全通径 fullbore tool全通径工具

GGeiger counter盖革计数管

gas condensate凝析油,凝析气

gamma ray spectrum log 自然伽马能谱测井 gas condensate field 凝析气田

gas condensate reservoir凝析油储量 gas condensate well凝析气井 gaseous well气井

gas injection(input)well注气井 gas lift气举

gas lift equipment气举设备 gas lift installation气举装置 gas lift production气举采油 gas lift string气举管柱 gas lift well气举井 gas mask防毒面具

gas/oil horizon(interface,surface)油气界面 gas-oil separation油气分离 gas prospecting天然气勘探 gauge cock压力表 gauge reading仪表读数 gauge ring通井规,通径规 gauging nipple测量短节 gun azimuth射孔枪方位 ground equipment地面设备 general purpose常用的,通用的 general safety hazard一般事故 general sketch(drawing)示意图 geological base map井位图 geological exploration地质勘探 geological information地质资料 geologic anomaly地质异常 geologic condition地质条件 geologic description地质描述 geologic feature地质特征

geologic framework(structure)地质构造 geologic interpretation地质解释 geologic profile(section)地质剖面 geologic reserve地质储量 geologic trap地质圈闭

geophysical exploration地球物理勘探 geopressured well高压井 geophone检波器

geophysical prospecting,geophysical survey地球物理勘探,物探 general field engineer现场总工程师 go in the hole下入井内

go dead(油气井)停止自喷 gun offset射孔枪偏位 go fishing 进行打捞

general operating specification一般操作规程 gun perforation射孔 gun perforator射孔枪 gradient survey梯度测量 gin滑车

gradient sonde梯度电极系 gradiomanometer压差密度仪 grand slam大满贯测井解释方法 gravity logging重力测井 graph plotter绘图仪

graveyard shift夜班 grease gun黄油枪

grease oil润滑油

gamma ray log自然伽马测井 gross record原始记录 gross thickness总厚度 ground protection接地保护

ground support aquipment地面辅助设备

good show of oil and gas油气显示良好

guard electrode logging屏蔽电极测井,聚焦电阻率测井,侧向测井 gun射孔枪

gun carrier弹架,枪身

gun perforated casing 射孔套管 gun perforated completion射孔完井 gun positioning射孔器定位 gun stand-off枪身扶正 gun system射孔设备

gusher well自喷井,失控井


Halliburton turbine(flow)meter哈里伯顿涡轮流量计 hard-boiled hat,hard hat,hardhat helmet安全帽 hard disk硬盘

handling sub提升短节

hazard identification危险标志

hazardous area(location)危险区域 hazardous operation有害作业

hazardous situation report事故报告 hazardous substance有害物质 hydrocarbon油气

horizontal displacement水平位移 headquaters总部 headman组长,队长

head space间距,安全距离 head well puller修井队长


heavy crude oil,heavy oil重油,稠油 heavy oil recovery稠油开采 heavy weight tubing加厚油管

heavy weight drilling pipe加厚钻杆

HEGF(high energy gas fracturing)高能气体压裂 helical shot pattern螺旋布孔格式 helper副司钻


hermetic seal,hermetization密封 heterogeneous非均质的,多相的 high-angle大斜度

high definition,high resolution高分辨率 high density pattern perforation高孔密射孔

high-inclination well,high-deviated well,high angle deviated hole大斜度井 high pressure gas well高压气井

high productivity well,high rate producing well高产井 HDT(high-resolution dipmeter tool)高分辨率地层倾角仪 HDIL(high definition induction logging)高分辨率阵列感应 high risk industry高危险行业 high service高技术服务

high-temperature service高温作业 high water-cut layer高含水油层

high-water-cut oil-producing well高含水产油井 high-water-cut producer高含水油井 high water-cut stage(油田)高含水期 high water-cut well高含水井 high wax content oil高含蜡原油 historical well analysis老井分析

hydraulically operated equipment液压驱动设备 hoist提升,起钻 hoistman绞车司机

hole anomaly井眼不规则 hole blow井喷 hole caliper井径仪 hole cleaning井眼清洗 hole condition井眼条件

hole deflection(deviation)井斜 hole gauge通井规 hole section井段 hole pattern井网 hole spacing井距

hole structure井身结构 hole toe 井底 hole top井口

hollow carrier射孔器枪身

hollow carrier gun有枪身射孔器 hook wrench钩头扳手

hoot-owl shift(tour)大夜班 horizontal deviation水平位移

horizontal drainhole,horizontal well 水平井

horizontal hole section水平井段 horizontal well test水平井测试 horsestone夹层

horizontal drilling水平钻井

hot work operational guideline火工作业操作规程 hot work permitting procedure火工许可程序

high pressure high temperature well test高温高压井测试 hookwall packer卡瓦封隔器

hydra-cushion shock tool液压减震工具 hydraulically-powered winch液压绞车 hydrocarbon release油气泄漏

hydrocarbon resources油气资源 hydrocarbon show油气显示 hydrocarbon trap油气圈闭 hydroseal液压密封

Iinspection & acceptance record验收记录

initial depth起始深度 idle cost停工损失

idle equipment(unit)闲置设备

instrument engineer仪修工程师

ignition voltage点火电压

induction electrical log,induction electrical survey,induction log感应测井 immediate vicinity of wellbore近井地带 invitation for bid招标 igneous rock火成岩 igniter(ignitor)引爆装置

igniter system,ignition system点火系统,点火装置 impact damper减震器 imperforated未射孔的 imperfect earth接地不良 impermeable rock不渗透岩石 imprest预付款

improvised installation临时设施 inclination drilling定向钻井

incorporated company股份有限公司 increment tax增值税

indemnification赔偿,补偿费 indemnity赔偿,保险 index bed标准层 index well基准井

indication of oil and gas油气显示 indirect cost间接损失

indirect flushing反循环洗井

individual-well producing rate单井产量 inclinometer倾角仪,井斜仪

IGRS(induced gamma ray spectralog)感应伽马能谱测井 IL(induction log)感应测井 industrial accident生产事故 industrial reserves可采储量 infill drilling加密钻井 infiller,infill well加密井 infill wellsite加密井位 infiltrate渗透

infinite-acting decline自然递减 inflatable packer膨胀式封隔器 in-hole fluid井内液体

initial fluid column cushion测试液垫 injection into an aquifer边外注水 injection into an oil zone边内注水 injection life注水期

injection-production pattern注采井网 injection-production strategy注采方案

injection profile,injectivity profile,input profile,intake profile吸水剖面 injection well注水井 in one trip一次下井 inside drill侧钻

installation charge安装费用 installation cost安装成本 installation phase施工阶段 instruction book说明书 instrument cab仪器车 instrument cable仪器电缆 insulated绝缘的

insurance amount保险金额 insurance cheater安全带 insurance claim保险索赔 insurance clause保险条款 insurance expense保险费 insurance indemnity保险赔偿 intercalating夹层

integral joint casing无接箍套管

integrated development program of oil field油田开发总体规划 integrated exploration综合勘探 intended interval目的层段 intercalated bed目的层

interborehole measurement井间测量 interfacial tension表面张力 interference of wells井间干扰 interfering signal干扰信号 intermediate belt过度带 intermediate casing技术套管 intermediate layer夹层 intermediate head中间接头 international arbitration国际仲裁 international conventions国际惯例 interpretater解释员

interpretation method解释方法 interpretation software解释软件

interpretation workstation解释工作站 interspaced well加密井 interspacing井距

interstitial-oil saturation残余油饱和度 interval of interest目的层段

interwell tracer test井间示踪剂测试 in triplicate一式三份 invoice发票

invaded zone(area)侵入带 invalid contract无效合同

inverse water injection反注,环空注入 invitation for bid招标 invitation for tender招标 invitation to bid招标

invoice of withdrawals领料单 initial oil in place原油地质储量

ipso jure termination of a contract依法终止合同 Irish touchstone玄武岩 index of performance性能指标 isolated test分层测试

isolation of individual zones分层,封层 issue voucher发货单 item项目,条款,作业

instruction to proceed操作规程 injection-withdrawal ratio注采比

Jjack rabbit通径规 jack well抽油井

jagged hole有毛刺(射孔)孔眼 junk catcher打捞爪 job description 作业说明 job document作业资料 jet charge 聚能射孔弹 jet flow射流

jet gun聚能射孔器 jet perforating聚能射孔

jet perforator 聚能射孔器

jet perforator penetration聚能射孔穿透深度 jig下井仪刻度架 junk joint打捞接头 job design施工设计 job execution作业施工

job location(site)施工现场 job management作业管理 job note工作单 job order派工单

job planning作业规划 job preparation施工准备

job specifications施工规范,操作规程 job specific questionnaire作业特别要求 job title职称

joint bidding 联合投标

joint capital,joint investment合资 joint length单根长度 joint operation联合作业 joint venture 合资经营 junk basket打捞篮 junked报废的


keep out切勿入内

KB(kelly bushings)补心高度 key post关键岗位 key project关键项目 key sample标准样品

kick-killing,kill,kill well压井 kill fluid(mud)压井液

kill job(operation)压井作业

kind of DST(drillstem test)地层测试类型 kink 打结,扭结


letter of advice通知单 letter of authoyity授权书 lab house值班房

labour contract劳务合同 labour cost劳务费用

labour distribution chart工人出勤表 labour insurance劳动保险 ladder belt安全带

landing depth下入深度

landing nipple定位短节,提升短节 landing string下井管柱 land operation陆上作业 large producer高产井

laser-beam plotter激光绘图仪 laser printer激光打印机 last casing完井套管 lateral侧面的 lateral axis横坐标

lateral core 井壁取心

lateral drilling 水平钻井,侧向钻井 lateral segment水平井段 lateral well水平井,侧钻井 laterolog侧向测井 lead pig铅罐 lay tongs管钳

lost circulation洗井液漏失,井漏

LDL(litho-density log)leakage漏失 leak detection检漏,查漏 lease rent租赁费 lease term租赁期 leasing of equipment设备出租 legal person法人

legal personality法人资格 legitimate right合法权利 length overall总长

less permeable layer低渗透层 less waxy crude低含蜡原油 letter of guarantee担保书 letter of intent意向书

letter of introduction介绍信

level 1 maintenance一级维修保养 limestone石灰岩


liability for breach of contract违约责任 liability of damage损坏赔偿责任 license许可证,执照 lift sub(nipple)提升短节 limitation of liability责任范围 liquid nitrogen液氮

lined-cavity charge聚能射孔弹 line the hole下套管

liquid damping液压减震器 liquid level test液面测试

liquefied petroleum gas液化石油气 lithic fragment 岩屑

lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir岩性油气藏 laterolog deep深侧向测井 laterolog shallow浅侧向测井

LDL(litho-density log)岩性密度测井 litho-porosity log岩性孔隙度测井 little slam小满贯测井法

LSS(long-spaced sonic log)长源距声波测井 log measured from测井起始深度 log测井,测井仪,测井曲线,录井 logging cabin测井房,录井房 logging cable测井电缆 logging gauge测井仪 logging interval测井井段

logging-while-drilling tool随钻测井仪 logging interpretation测井解释

long horizontal traverse well,high-angle deviated well大斜度井 look for bottom探井底 loosen a connection松扣 loss泥浆漏失,井漏 loss of gauge不合标准,不合规格 loss of well control井失控 lost item(井底)落物 lower sheave地滑轮

low-permeability低渗透率 low productivity well低产井 low-water-cut well低含水井 letter report书面报告

lump sum contract总包合同 lump sum fee 一揽子费用 lump work包干作业

logging while drilling随钻测井

Mmulti-arm caliper多臂井径仪 magnifier放大器

maiden field未开发的油气田 main layer主力油层 main office总公司

main producing horizon主力生产层 maintenance center维修基地 maintenance cost维修费用 maintenance crew维修队 maintenance gang维修班 maintenance man维修工

maintenance manual维修手册 maintenance overhaul日常维修 maintenance report维修保养记录 maintenance supply维修器材 major overhaul 大修 major reservoir主力油层 major terms常用术语 make a pull起钻 make a trip起下钻 male thread公扣

malfunction故障,性能不良 maloperation无操作

male and female joint公母扣接头 man –made fracture人造裂缝 man-made recovery人工开采 manual of operations操作手册 magnetic mark磁记号

maximum allowable operating pressure最大允许工作压力 marginal field边缘油田 marginal flood边缘注水

marine drilling platform海上钻井平台 marine operation海上作业

marine petroleum exploitation海上石油开采 master map原始资料图 master plan总体规划 maturing field老油田

maximum deviation最大井斜

maximum design pressure最高设计压力 maximum flow(rate)最大流量 maximum penetration最大穿透深度

maximum wellhead pressure最高井口压力 mudstone泥岩

measurement depth实测井深 measured error测量误差 measured signal被测信号 measured value实测值

measurement precision测量精度 measurement range 测量范围 measurement well测试井

MWD(measurements while drilling)随钻测井


MSFL(microspherically focused log)微球形聚焦测井 mechanical fault(failure)机械故障 mechanical performance机械性能 mechanical work机械作业 memorandum备忘录 microlaterolog微侧向测井

micro-resistivity log微电阻率测井 ministerial standard部颁标准

moving in pulling unit起油管作业机运进井场 moving in rig钻机运进井场 miscalibration标定错误 miscible phase混相 misfire未引爆,未发射 mishap意外事故,机械事故 misinterpretation解释错误

moving in service rig修井机运进井场 moving in tools仪器设备运进井场 magnetic mark depth磁记号深度 money order汇票

MOA(memorandum of agreement)协议备忘录

mobile drilling rig车载钻机 mobile house 活动房

mobile operation流动作业

mobilization and demobilization fees动复员费 mobilization charge动员费 model contract标准合同 model machine样机 model number型号

moving out equipment设备运出井场

modern perforating practice现代射孔技术 monitor well监测井


monocable,monoconductor,monoconductor cable,monoconductor line单芯电缆 monkey wrench管钳,活动扳手 monophase单相 monthly report月报 morning shift早班

mothballed plant封存装置 movable pulley动滑轮

maintenance prevention安全设施 master repair schedule大修日程安排 margin of safety安全系数

material specifications材料规格

maximum surface pressure最高井口压力 minimum shooting interval最小射孔井段 mud cake泥饼

mud damage泥浆对地层的损害 mud filtrate泥浆滤液 mud fluid泥浆

mud logging泥浆录井

mud lubrication泥浆压井 mud pit泥浆池 mud socket捞砂筒

mud resistivity log 泥浆电阻率测井 mudstone泥岩

multi-cable,multi conductor,multicore cable多芯电缆 multimeter万用电表

multiple completion多层完井 multiple fracturing多次压裂 multiple runs多次起下作业 multizone –flooding多层注水 multizone reservoir多层油气藏 multi-finger caliper多臂井径仪

XMAC(multipole array acoustic log)数字交叉偶极子阵列声波

Nnative pressure原始地层压力 natural completion 正常完井

natural decline(depletion)自然递减 natural gamma ray log自然伽马测井

NGS(natural gamma ray spectrometry log)自然伽马能谱测井 natural potential自然电位 natural production decline 产量自然递减 neutron –gamma spectrum logging 中子伽马能谱测井 NLL(neutron-lifetime logging)中子寿命测井 neutron tub中子管

NML(nuclear magnetism log)核磁测井

NMRI(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging)核磁共振成象 nuclear magnetic resonance log核磁共振测井 numerical control数控 no cost item无价值项目

non-conventional well非常规井 nipple-down tree拆卸井口装置 near-surface layer表层

negative pressure perforation负压射孔 near gauge hole井径规则的井

near wellbore formation damage近井地层损害 negotiated bidding协商招标 negotiated price协商价格

negotiation of contract terms合同条款的协商 net cost成本价

net porosity有效孔隙度 night operation 夜间作业 night shift夜班 nipple接头,短节

nitrogen cushion氮气垫 nitrogen displacement替氮 nitrogen service液氮作业 notice of change更改通知单 no-go guide扶正套 nominal power额定功率 nominal voltage额定电压

non-commercial pool无开采价值的油藏 non-conducting绝缘的

non-damaging drilling无损害钻井 non-essential stipulation非主要条款 non-fractured reservoir非裂缝性油藏 nonoperator party非作业方 non-paraffinous oil不含蜡石油 nonpay zone非产油层

non-perforated interval非射孔井段 nonproducing reserves未动用储量

nonproductive petroleum reservoir无开采价值的油藏 non-recurring repair临时修理 nonreservoir非储集层

nonreusable gun一次性射孔枪 non-routine procedure非常规方法 non-routine sampling非常规取样 nonupset tubing平式油管 normal inspection正常检查 normal maintenance日常维修

normal production test常规生产测试 none run未下井,未测

near surface completion表层测井 normal shutdown正常停产 no show oil and gas无油气显示 nipple up tree安装采油树 nipple up wellhead安装井口

Oobligation责任,义务,契约,债务 occupational injury工伤 oil base mud油基泥浆 objective interval目的层段

overall development program总体开发方案 off-angle drilling钻斜井 off-gas废气

office operation室内作业 official copy正本

off-job accident岗位外事故

offset data 邻井资料

offset information对比资料

offsetting injector(与生产井)对应的注水井 offsetting well补偿井,邻井

offshore activities(operation)海上作业 offshore boring近海钻探 offshore completion海上完井 offshore drilling海上钻井

offshore drilling platform海上钻井平台 offset log补测的测井曲线 offshore shelf近海大陆架

offshore oil exploration海上石油勘探 offsite surveillance现场外监督 off-take rate开采速度 off-take well 生产井


oil and gas bearing basin含油盆地 oil-gas contact油气界面

OH&S(Occupational Health and Safety)职业健康与安全 operation instructions操作说明书 oil initially in place原始石油地质储量 oil gas accumulation油气聚集 oil-base drilling fluid油基钻井液 oil-bearing basin含油盆地 oil-bearing block含油区块

oil-bearing horizon(zone)含油层 oil-bearing reservoir储油层 oil-bearing sand含油砂岩 oil-bearing structure含油构造 oil column thickness含油层厚度 oil damper液压减震器 oil detection石油勘查

oil-displacement mechanism驱油机理 oilfield experience现场经验

oil field production capacity油田产能 oil-filled cable oil电缆绝缘油 oil finder石油勘探工作者

oil-gas-water three-phase separator油气水三相分离器 oil recovery technique采油工艺 oil reservoir engineering油藏工程 oil potential潜在储量

oil producing region采油区 oil property原油性质

oil productivity index采油指数 oil saturation含油饱和度 oil seepage油苗 oil shale油页岩 oil ship油轮

oil source rock生油岩 oil truck油罐车

oil viscosity油的粘度 oil well casing油井套管

oil well paraffin removal equipment油井清蜡设备 oil well performance data 油井动态资料 oil well pump抽油泵 oil well testing油井测试

offshore installation manager平台经理 old-well deeper drilling老井加深钻井 old well worked over老井大修 one trip run起下一次管柱作业 on-site calibration现场调试 on-site interpretation现场解释 on-site maintenance现场维修 on-site validation现场验收

on-stream maintenance不停工维修 on-the-job training在职培训 on-the-job accident操作事故 open bidding公开招标 open fire明火

open-flange flow cross法兰四通 open-front tower A形井架 open hole bridge plug裸眼桥塞 open hole caliper井径仪

open hole completion裸眼完井

open hole DST,open hole test裸眼井地层测试 open hole fishing裸眼打捞

open hole formation(section)裸眼井段 opening of tender开标

open tender公开招标,公开投标 operating agreement作业协议 operating charges操作费用

operating company甲方,作业公司 operating cost作业费用

operating crew施工队,作业班 operating efficiency作业效率 operating failure操作失误 operating license操作许可证 operating personnel操作员 operating platform操作平台 operating program作业程序 operating repair小修 operating risk作业风险

operating tool string施工管柱 operating well测试井,作业井 operational base工作基地 operational contract作业合同 operation license营业执照 operation room操作室 operation study操作培训

operation through tubing过油管作业 operator party作业方 operator's license操作证

optimal field development program最佳油田开发方案 optimizing fracturing treatment design优化压裂设计 optimum completion design完井优化设计 optimum feasible program最佳可行方案 oral agreement口头协定

oral contract口头协议 organic rock有机岩

orientation spool定位短节 orientation well定向井

orientation well survey定向井测量 original drawing原图

original field recording现场原始记录 O ring O形圈,密封圈

oriented perforating定向射孔 oscillometer示波器 over time加班 outbid落标

outer armour(电缆)外缆皮

out-of-round oversized hole大肚子井 out of order有故障 output well生产井

overall development plan(program)总体开发方案 overall injection-withdrawal ratio综合注采比 overalls工作服

overbalanced perforation正压射孔 overexploitation过度开采 overhaul charge 修理费

overhead charge 管理费,杂项开支 overtime pay加班费 overtonging上扣过紧

old well plugged back老井封堵 old well sidetracked老井侧钻 old well worked over老井大修


package bid一揽子投标

package of equipment成套设备 package of service总承包服务 packer封隔器

packer setting depth封隔器坐封深度 packer sealing element封隔器胶筒 packer inflation封隔器膨胀 packer location封隔器位置 packer rubber封隔器胶皮筒 packer setting封隔器坐封

packer setting pressure封隔器坐封压力 packer setting tool封隔器坐封工具 packer unsetting封隔器解封 packer slip封隔器卡瓦

PAL(pipe analysis log)套管分析测井 pump and flow抽汲和自喷

porosity and permeability孔隙度和渗透率 paraffin cutting刮蜡 paraffin deposit结蜡

paraffin removal(treatment)清蜡 paraffin-troubled well结蜡井 paraffin plugging蜡堵 parameter well参数井

partial completed well部分射孔井 partially penetrated well部分射开井 partial penetration部分射开油层 party in breach 违约方 party in default未履约方 party responsible责任方 party manager队长,经理 pattern modification井网调整

pay bed(formation,horizon)产油层,生产层 paying well高产井 pay string油层套管

plugged back total depth人工井底深度

production logging combination tool生产测井组合下井仪 production engineering采油工程 pelite粘土岩

pumping equipment抽油机 penetrating charge射孔弹 penetration depth穿透深度 perforate,perforating射孔 perforator射孔枪

perforation射孔,炮眼 perforated casing射孔套管 perforation diameter射孔孔径 perforation length射孔段长度 perfect combustion完全燃烧

perforated casing completion,perforated completion,perforation completion射孔完井 perforated interval(zone)射孔段 perforated joint筛管 perforated string射孔管柱 perforated tubing筛管

perforating application射孔操作 perforating damage射孔损害 perforating debris射孔碎屑

perforating density,perforation density孔密 perforating depth,perforation depth射孔深度 perforating fluid,perforation fluid射孔液 perforating gun,perforation gun射孔枪 perforating gun designation射孔器标记

perforating job,perforation job(operation)射孔作业 perforating nipple射孔短节

perforating overbalance正压射孔 perforating parameter射孔参数 perforating quality射孔质量 perforation channel射孔孔道 perforation design射孔设计 perforation efficiency射孔效率 perforation pattern孔眼排列方式 perforation penetration射孔穿透深度 perforation adding补孔

perforation spacing孔眼间距 perforation cable射孔电缆

perforation coring device射孔取心器 perforation truck射孔车

performance evaluation动态评价,动态分析 performance index性能指标

peripheral water flooding,perimeter flood边缘注水 periodic maintenance定期维修保养 period of depreciation折旧年限 permanent repair日常修理 permeability渗透率 permit card许可证

perpendicular hole垂直井

personal accidental death and injury insurance人身意外伤害保险 personal protective equipment人身防护设备 per-well production单井产量

petroleum accumulation zone油气聚集带

petroleum and gas geology and exploration油气地质勘探 petroleum composition石油成分 petroleum deposit(pool)油藏 petroleum fraction石油馏分 petroleum-in-place石油地质储量

petroleum prospecting石油勘探 petroleum reserves石油储量

petroleum reservoir engineering油藏工程

petroleum reservoir performance油藏动态 petroleum trap石油圈闭

petroliferous basin含油气盆地 process flow diagram工艺流程图 plug桥塞,水泥塞 phase相位

photoelectric electron-multiplier tube,photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管 pick up sub提升短节 pin销钉,管脚

pick up wireline lubricator system起下电缆防喷管装置 PAL(pipe analysis log)套管分析测井 pipe elevator油管吊卡

pipe grip管钳 pipe in pipe casing双层组合套管结构 pipe nipple(wrench)短节 piston活塞

piston travel 活塞冲程 production log生产测井 parts list零部件明细表 plain tubing普通油管

planned well depth设计井深 plotter绘图仪

plugged perforation堵塞孔眼

plugging with cement注水泥,打水泥塞

production logging stack生产测井组合下井仪 project management tem项目管理组 project number工程项目编号 pull out of the hole起钻 pool description油藏描述 pool evaluation油藏评价 poor-boy job一揽子承包作业 poor combustion不完全燃烧 poor well 低产井 porosity孔隙度

positioning arm推靠臂 positioning dowel定位销 positive anomaly正异常

positive pressure perforation正压射孔 postfracture response压裂效果 posthole well 浅井,干井 post-job作业后的

post-test packer套管井测试封隔器 postwaterflood注水后,水淹后 potential disaster潜在事故

potential safety hazard安全隐患 potential test产能测试 power well(hole)干井

powered caliper device 带推靠器的井径仪 producing oil well pumping抽油井 predicted cost预计成本

prefracture production test压裂前生产测试 pre-job preparation施工准备 preliminary acceptance初步验收 preliminary work准备工作 preliminary design初步设计 premature setting提前坐封 premium service优质服务 potential electrode测量电极

pressure build-up well testing,pressure build-up survey压力恢复测试 pressure control equipment井控设备

pressure maintenance by water flooding注水保持压力 pressure measurement 压力测量 pressure relief卸压 pressure up加压,打压 preventer防喷器

pressure up annulus,pressurize at the annular space环空加压 pre-test safety meeting测试前安全会 preventer equipment防喷设备 preventive safety预防性安全措施

primary cement evaluation固井质量评价 primary cement job固井作业 Primacord导爆索

primary depletion(exploitation,oil recovery)一次采油,一次开发 primer雷管

principal of operation工作原理

principal producing formation主力产层 probe探头

probe handle探针,探测电极 producing casing生产套管 producing well生产井 producing sand出砂

producing water cut产液含水量

PLT(production logging tool)生产测井仪 production log service生产测井作业

PCT(production combination tool)生产测井组合仪 production profile产出剖面 production reduction减产 production report生产报表 production rig修井作业机

production surveillance生产监测

profile-log of water injection注水井吸水剖面 production tree采油树

production packer油层封隔器 project evaluation项目评价 project feasibility项目可行性

prospecting borehole,prospecting well探井 prospective reserves远景储量

protection casing(string)技术套管 protective clothing工作服 protective footwear工鞋 protector platform井口平台 proved reserves探明储量

pump revolutions per minute泵每分钟冲数 pump stroke泵的冲程

public tender,public bidding公开招投标 pulley滑轮,滑车 pulley blocks滑车

pulling tool打捞工具,起出工具 pulling unit作业机


pumper,pumping well抽油井 pumping rod抽油杆 pumping unit抽油机

push button按钮 pump inspection检泵

pump setting depth泵挂深度 punch core井壁取心 put on production投产 pyrogenetic rock火成岩


quartz crystal石英晶体 quadded cable四芯电缆 quadruplicates一式四份 qualitative analysis定性分析 qualitative interpretation定性解释

quality assurance provision质量保证措施 quality standard质量标准 quality supervision质量监督

quantitative analysis定量分析 quarterly account季度报表 quartz crystal pressure gauge石英晶体压力计 quartzite石英岩 quotation of prices报价单 quota配额,限额

Rresistivity电阻率 rod抽油杆

rack earth机架接地

radioactive pup放射性校深短节

radioactive tracer 放射性示踪剂

radioactive-tracer flowmeter放射性示踪流量计 radioactive tracer log放射性示踪测井 radioisotope log放射性同位素测井

radioactive tracers logging放射性同位素示踪测井 radioactivity log,radioactivity well logging放射性测井 rated power额定功率

rat hole(rathole)井底口袋 raw log data 原始测井数据

recoverable reserves可采储量,工业储量

retrievable bridge plug,recoverable bridge plug可回收桥塞 running casing下套管 rigged down拆卸 round trip一次起下

real-time interpretation现场解释 reassignment clause转让条款 recalibration重新标定,重新刻度 recipro-set上提下放式坐封 recomplete二次完井

recorder carrier压力计托筒 redevelopment二次开发 red lead 铅油,丝扣油

reduction or exemption of tax减免税 reeled tubing连续油管 reel truck电缆绞车

referendum agreement 草签协议 regional evaluation区域评价 regional exploration区域勘探 released position丢手深度 release of pressure放压,卸压 releasing tool解卡工具,丢手工具 remaining oil saturation剩余油饱和度 remaining reserves剩余储量 remedial 修井作业

remedial acid job补救性酸化作业 remedial action补救措施 remedial cementing挤水泥 release丢手

remedial well treatment修井 remote control 遥控 rent租金

repeated test重复测试


RFT(repeat formation tester)重复式地层测试器 replicate run重复作业

requested time 要求到达井场时间 reserve forecasting储量预测 reservoir储集层,油层

reservoir monitoring油藏监测 reservoir rock储集岩

reservoir description油藏描述 reservoir evaluation油藏评价 reservoir fracturing地层压裂 reservoir lithology储集层岩性

reservoir performance analysis油藏动态分析 reservoir performance assessment油藏动态评价 reservoir test地层测试 reservoir trap储集层圈闭 reshooting补射孔

responsibility contract包干合同 responsibility contracting承包 responsible official负责人

retractable backup arm可复位推靠臂

retrievable hook wall packer可回收卡瓦封隔器

retrievable hydraulic set packer可回收液压坐封封隔器 retrievable mechanical set packer可回收机械坐封封隔器 retrievable perforator可回收射孔器

retrievable wire perforator可回收电缆射孔器

retrievable through-tubing perforator可回收过油管射孔器 reverse circulation valve,reversing valve反循环阀 reverse-pressure perforating负压射孔 resistivity log 电阻率测井

reversing tool 倒扣(打捞)工具 revolutions转数

RFT(repeat formation test)重复地层测试 rig floor钻台

right hand thread正扣 rig crew钻井队

rig helper(hands)钻工 rig钻机

rig personnel井队人员 rig site钻井现场

rig supervisor井场监督

rig toolpusher钻井队长

run in hole(将仪器)下入井中

rotary kelly bushing补心海拔 road tanker油罐车 rock cap盖层


rotameter转子流量计 rotation bases倒班 roundtrip一次起下作业

routine inspection例行检查 routine job日常作业

routine of work工作制度

reserve-production ratio储采比

run bridge plug下桥塞

run gauge cutter通井

running against pressure强行下钻 running and pulling tubing起下油管 running casing 下套管 rework返工



safeguard clause保护条款 safe operation 安全作业 s afe practice安全规章 safety audits安全检查 safety awareness安全意识 safety cap安全帽 safety code安全规程 safety detonator安全雷管 safety education安全教育 safety equipment安全设施 safety footwear劳保鞋 safety harness安全带

safety in production安全生产

safety measure(practice)安全措施 safety meeting安全会

safety notice(precaution)安全注意事项 safety operation area安全工作区 safety personnel安全员 safety training安全培训 sand bailer捞砂筒

sand control application防砂作业 sand control liner(screen)防砂筛管 sand control result防砂效果 sand face(sandface)井底

sand up,sand fill,sand plug砂堵

sand problem well completion出砂井完井 sand production(油井)出砂

sand well出砂油井 stand by等待费 saturation 饱和度

scalloped steel carrier带有凹坑的钢制射孔枪枪身 schedule of payment付款清单 schedule of prices价格清单 schedule of quantities数量清单

schematic diagram(drawing,figure)原理图,示意图 scope of project项目范围 scope of work工作范围 screen pipe筛管 screen sub筛管短节 screw bolt螺栓 screw cap螺帽 screw thread丝扣

service contract服务合同 search head探测头

secondary depletion(exploitation)二次采油 secondary flood注水二次开采 secondary units二级单位

secrecy and confidentiality clause保密条款 sediment沉积

sedimentary basin沉积盆地 sedimentary rock沉积岩

segregation test分层测试,检验层间窜流测试 seismic section地震剖面

segregated completion分层完井 self aging自然老化 self-ignition自动点火 self potential自然电位

self-checking equipment自检设备 sensor传感器

separated-layer stimulation分层增产作业 separated layer water-flooding分层注水 separated-layer fracturing分层压裂 separated zone water plugging分层堵水 separated zone production分层开采 sequence of events作业顺序,施工记录 service charge(fee)服务费 service agreement服务协议 service centre维修基地 service contract服务合同

service equipment(facility)服务设施 serviceman井口工

service machine(rig)修井机 service market劳务市场 service table服务项目表 set down 下放

set packer封隔器坐封 set position坐封位置

settlement of loss损失处理 settlement price结算价格 settlement term支付条款 severance pay遣散费

SFT(sample formation tester)取样地层测试器

SGR(spectral natural gamma ray log)自然伽马能谱测井 slim hole小井眼 shale页岩

shale content泥质含量 shallow well浅井

shallow layer浅层,薄层 shaped charge聚能射孔弹

shaped charge perforator聚能射孔器 shaped-charge shooting聚能射孔 shearing pressure剪切压力 shear pin剪切销钉 shift change 倒班 shipper发货人

shipping data装船日期 shipping list发货清单 shipping tag货运标签

shock absorber(damper,reducer)减震器 shock sub震击器

shock attenuation device减震装置

shoot-and-test TCP(tubing conveyed perforation)油管传输射孔和测射联作 shooter油井射孔工 shoot射孔,放炮

shooting density射孔密度,孔密 shop order工作单,派工单 short casing joint套管短节 short notice临时通知 short-time forecasting短期预测 shot density射孔密度 shot depth射孔深度

shot-depth correction射孔深度校正 shotfiring放炮,点火 shot gun射孔枪

shot phasing射孔相位分布 shut-down inspection停工检查

shut down time 停工时间 shut-in well停产井,关闭井 siltstone,siltrock,siltite粉砂岩 sample interval采样间隔 side entry sub旁通接头 sidetrack drilling侧钻

sidetracked hole侧钻井 sidetrack(ing)侧钻,套管开窗 side-tracking bit侧钻钻头 side tracking point侧钻点 side-tub旁通管 sidewall contact device推靠器 SWC(sidewall coring(sampling))井壁取心

sidewall acoustic log井壁声波测井 sinker bar加重杆 sidewall neutron log井壁中子测井 signal amplification信号放大 signal attenuation信号衰减 signal distortion信号失真 signalling信号传输 signal man现场指挥 signatory签约方

significant depth有效深度

single conductor cable(line),single core cable单芯电缆 single-interval test单层测试 single joint单根

sinker bar加重杆

site acceptance现场验收

site emergency plan现场应急计划 site of work工地 site work现场作业

size of the hole井眼尺寸 skin damage井壁污染 slack-off下放遇阻

slant section of hole井眼的斜井段 slickline service钢丝测试服务 slick line operation钢丝作业 slick line unit钢丝绞车 sliding ring滑环

slimhole completion小井眼完井 slim-hole core barrel小井眼取心筒 slim hole drilling小井眼钻井 slimhole tool小井眼下井仪 slip卡瓦

slipper-actuated firing equipment活塞撞击激发点火装置 slip-type packer卡瓦封隔器

slit-side solid sampler井壁取样器 special list of equipment设备清单 slope angle倾角

sluffing,slump in井壁坍塌 slush泥浆

slush pit泥浆池

snubbing in强行下入(钻杆或油管等)snubbing out强行起出(钻杆或油管等)

snubbing service强行起下钻作业,不压井修井作业 state of the art目前工艺水平sonde探头

standard operating procedure标准施工步骤

suspension of production暂停生产 speed of rotation转速

sound out artificial bottom hole探人工井底 spare part 备件

spare production capacity闲置生产能力 spud开钻 special clause特殊条款 specified criterion技术规范 specific items具体项目

specialist equipment特种设备 spring弹簧

sonic porosity声波孔隙度 splicing,splice(电缆)拼接

spinner flow meter,spinner-type flowmeter转子流量计 SP(spontaneous potential)自然电位 spooler,spooler device盘绳器 spot check抽样检查 stake定井位,标桩

surface pressure read-out地面压力直读装置

surface pressure read-out wireline地面直读试井绞车 spud data 开钻日期 spud in开钻 squad班,小队

squeeze cement job挤水泥作业 squeeze cementing挤水泥 slip ring滑环

source rock生油岩

supplementary requirement补充要求

supplementary regulations补充规定 sieve residue log岩屑录井


石 油 钻 井 工 程


第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇 第1 节 石油钻井工程基础词汇 钻井:drill 定向斜井:directional drilling 欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 海上钻井:off-shore drilling 陆地钻井:on-shore drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头:rock bit(镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit)金刚石钻头:diamond bit 取心钻头:coring bit 钻头浮阀:float valve 钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out 钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包:bit is balling 钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull.I suggest to POOH now 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China

钻铤:DC(drill collar)光钻铤slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 钻杆:DP(drill pipe)方钻杆:kelly 公扣:pin end 母扣:box end 内平式连接:IF(internal flash)正规式连接:REG(regular)贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆 heavy weight drill pipe 短钻杆 pop joint 井下马达:downhole motor 涡轮钻具:turbine 震击器:drilling jar 减震器:absorber 下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly)

钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机:drill rig 钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil 原油:crude oil 天然气:nature gas 煤层气:coal-bed gas 石油:petroleum 中国石油(简称):CNPC(China National Petroleum Corporation)长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油:oil production 产油层(目的层):reservoir(or pay zone)钻进:drilling 调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:

play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP 起钻:POOH(pull out of hole)下钻:RIH(run in hole)下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing)短起下钻:wiper trip 循环泥浆:circulate 泥浆:reverse circulate 中途循环泥浆:break circulation 分段下钻:RIH in stages 通井:control trip 划眼:reaming 倒划眼:back reaming 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 接单根:make connection 滑、割大绳:slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile 保养设备:maintain the equipment 修理设备: repair(or fix)the equipment 保养顶驱:service TDS 保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe 待工日费:standby rate 今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today)我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解

I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge)you.Please give me full understanding.不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你

It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss.I will let you know as soon as I get news.大鼠洞:rat hole 小鼠洞:mouse hole 钻具错扣:the connections are crossed 钻具粘扣:thread is galled 丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged 起钻错扣:alternate the connections 新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint 新钻头磨合:break in the new bit PDC 钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit 跳钻:rough drilling(vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing)蹩钻:rough drilling(drilling torque is abnormally high)缩径:tight hole 起钻遇卡:get overpull 下钻遇阻:set weight 部分漏失:partially lost circulation 全部漏失:totally lost circulation 盲钻:blind drilling 堵水眼:bit jets are blocked 掉水眼:bit jets are lost 憋压:the pressure is built up 卸压:release pressure 试压:pressure test 功能测试:function test 双方独自检查:double check 地质:geology 地质专业人员:geologist 物理:physics 地球物理勘探: geo-physical exploration.测井:logging 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 电测井作业:wireline logging operation 泥浆测井:mud logging 井(副词“好”含意):well 拓展记忆:

井眼:bore hole 油气井:oil&gas well 试井:well test 井下:down-hole 井下作业:down-hole operation 第2 节 石油钻井方法基础词汇

钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井:rotary drilling 大位移井:big distance(or extended)well 侧钻井:sidetracking drilling 水平井:horizontal well 探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井:deep well 浅井:shallow well 老井:maturing well 丛式钻井:cluster well drilling 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well 生产井:production well 报废井:abandoned well 停产井:none-production well 井下情况:downhole condition 第3 节 石油钻井技术基础词汇

技术规范,技术指标,技术性能: specification 拉伸:tension 拉伸强度:tensile strength 弯曲强度:bending srength 最小屈服强度: minimum torsional strength 应力:stress 压力:pressure 应力点:stress point 压力降:pressure drop 压力梯度:pressure gradient 回压:back pressure 大气压:atmosphere 压差: pressure difference 静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure 地层压力:formation pressure 坍塌压力:collapse pressure 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 破裂压力:fractured pressure 液体:liquid 固体:solid 气体:gas,air 正的:positive 负的:negative 水平的:horizontal 垂直的:vertical 第4 节 石油钻井参数基础词汇 钻压:WOB(weight on bit)

转盘转速:RPM(rotation per minute)泵压:SPP(slurry pump pressure)泵冲:SPM(stroke per minute)排量:FR(flow rate)大钩负荷:hook load 扭矩:torque 反扭矩:reactive torque 钻速:ROP(rate of penetration)顶驱:TDS(top drive system)钻井周期:drilling period 钻井成本:drilling costs 井眼尺寸:hole size 垂深: TVD(total vertical depth)井深:MDD(measured depth)水平位移:horizontal displacement 井斜角:angle(or hole inclination)方位角:azimuth 井眼环空:annulus 第5 节 石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称 甲方:oil company(operator)钻井承包商:drilling contractor 第三方(分包商)the third party(sub-contractor)钻井经理:drilling manager 监督:supervisor 钻井监督:DSV(drilling supervisor)or Companyman 地质监督:geologist 泥浆工程师:mud engineer 固井工程师:cementing engineer 泥浆录井工:mud logger 钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻井1 班:drilling shift one 总经理:general manager 总工程师:chief engineer 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 项目经理:project manager(country manager)作业经理:operation manager 财务经理:financial manger 会计:accountant平台经理:rig manager 带班队长:tool pusher HSE 监督:HSE officer 司钻:driller 副司钻:assistant driller 井架工:derrick man 钻工:roughneck(or floorman)场地工:roustabout 泥浆工:mudman 发动机工:motorman 机械师: mechanic 电工:electrician 电焊工:welder 司机:driver 吊车司机:crane operator 铲车司机:forklift operator 营房经理:camp boss 医生:doctor 材料员:material man(storekeeper)炊事员:cook 翻译:interpreter 洗衣工:laundry man 厨房服务生:waiter 保安:watchman(or security)机械工程师:mechanic engineer 第6 节 石油作业现场常用工具 扳手:wrench 螺丝起子:screwdriver 多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver(cross-headed screwdriver)撬杠:bar 加长撬杠:cheater bar 活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench 钳子:pliers 钩子:hook 台钳:bench vice 钢挫:file 榔头:hammer 锤击扳手:hammer wrench 搬手:spanner 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 内六角扳手:Allen key 钢锯:hacksaw 砂纸:sandpaper 管钳:pipe tongs(pipe wrench)链钳:chain tong 千斤顶:jack 黄油枪:grease gun 吊车:crane 牵引绳:tag line 电焊条:welding rod 拖拉机:tractor 推土机:bulldozer 硬尺:ruler 游标卡尺:Vernier slide 油漆:paint 铅油:dope 油漆刷:paint brush 铅油刷:dope brush 绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire 插头:plug 电插座:outlet(receptacle or switchboard)开关:switch 螺栓:bolt 螺帽:nut 垫片:washer 钉子:nail 手电钻:hand drill 钻头:bit 工作台:workbench 工具箱:toolbox 胶水:glue 胶棒:glue bar 护丝:thread protector 手轮:hand wheel 脚轰油门:throttle 联接法兰:coupling flange(or adaptor flange)安全带:safety belt 安全帽:helmet 工作靴:safety boot 工衣:coverall 棉袄:coat 防护眼镜:safety goggle 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 手套:gloves 口罩:mouth mask 围裙:apron 洗眼台:eye washing station 灭火机:fire extinguisher 消防栓:fire-hydrant 水龙头:water tap 消防斧:fire fighting axe 铲子:shovel 手砂轮:emery wheel 左转: turn left 右转: turn right 手势:gesture 信号:signal 垃圾:waste garbage 拖把:mop 接头:sub 配合接头:X-over,cross-over 提升短节:lifting sub 卡瓦:slips 放卡瓦:set slips 母锥:box tap 公锥:taper tap 打捞矛:fishing spear 安全接头:safety sub 柔性短节:flexible joint 井口盖子:wellhead cover 防喷盒:mud box BOP 吊装:BOP trolley(BOP hoist)吊卡:elevator 吊环:elevator links 安全卡瓦:safety clamp(dog collar)钻杆架:pipe rack 水龙头提环:swivel bail 材料房:warehouse 绳卡:bullnose clamp(guy anchor)绳套:sling 吊带:soft sling(belt)卸扣:shackle 吊装工具:lifting gear 维护保养:maintenance 内钳:make-up tong 外钳:break-out tong 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 液压大钳:power tong 液压猫头:E-zy tong 兜绳:mule line 四通阀:four-way valve 三通:Tee 软管:hose 球阀:ball valve 闸板阀:gate valve 单流阀:back valve 灌注泵:supercharge pump 第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语 第1 节 钻井设备部分 井架:Derrick(or mast)起(放)井架:erect(lay down)Derrick 底座大梁:sill 钢木基础:mat 铅锤:plumb 水平仪:level 架,台:rack 立根盒:setback area 坡道:V door(or ramp)猫道:catwalk 二层台:monkey-board 圆井盖:cellar cover 天车:crown block 防碰天车:crown-o-matic 天车梁:crown block beam 天车台:water table 游动滑车:traveling block 钻井大绳:drilling line 引绳:guide line 穿大绳:string-in drilling line 金属线,电线:wire,cable 钢丝绳股:strand 截断:cutoff 滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley(hoist)手拉葫芦:hand pulley 吊耳:lifting eye 顶驱:top drive 大钩:hook 大钩弹簧:hook spring 大钩销子:hook pin 大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 大钩悬挂高度:hook height 水龙头:swivel 鹅颈管:gooseneck 冲管:wash pipe 水龙头盘根:swivel packing 钻井水龙带: rotary hose(kelly hose)立管:stand pipe 立管管汇:stand pipe manifold 高压管线:high pressure line 由壬:union 低压管线:low pressure line 传感器:sensor 放压管线:relief line 转盘:Rotary Table 转盘方瓦:master bushing 方补心取出装置:bushing handling tool 方补心:kelly drive bushing 方孔: square opening 小鼠洞:mouse hole 大鼠洞:rat hole 绞车:Drawworks 挂合(摘开)绞车:engage(disengage)drawworks 液压绞车:hydraulic winch 气动绞车:air tugger(air hoist)滚筒: drum(reel)滚筒高速气离合器: high speed clutch 滚筒低速气离合器: low speed clutch 锚头:cathead 液压猫头:E-zy tong 上扣猫头:make up cathead 卸扣猫头:make out cathead 牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch 涡磁刹车:eddy current brake(electromagnetic brake)猫头轴:cathead shaft 猫头绳:cathead line 死绳:dead line 死绳固定器:dead line anchor 间隙:gap 死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm 上扣:make up 上扭矩:torque sth 卸扣,卸开:break out 上紧,固定:tighten(fasten)


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 松开,松扣:loosen 加载:load 卸载:unload 盘式刹车:disc brake 刹车总成:brake assembly 刹车轴: brake shaft 刹车带:brake band 刹车片:brake block 液压油箱:hydraulic power unit 液动试压泵 :hydraulic test pump 液压大钳:hydraulic(power)tong 倒档齿轮:reverse gear 动力扳手:power wrench 吊钳钳头:hinged jaw 钳牙:die 大钳锁销:latch 大钳悬臂:suspension bar平衡重:counterbalance weight 吊钳钳臂:tong arm 第2 节 钻井泵类及相关设备 泥浆泵:mud pump 活塞:piston 活塞杆:piston rod 活塞皮碗:piston cup 缸套:liner 凡尔体:valve body 凡尔座:valve seat 凡尔箱:pump module 阀弹簧:valve spring 阀杆:valve lever 阀面:valve face 阀帽:valve bonnet 空气包:pulsation damper 充氮气:refill with nitrogen 泥浆泵安全阀:pop-off valve 卸压管线:release line 排出阀:discharge valve 吸入阀:suction valve 上水滤子:screen 油尺:oil-level dipstick 灌注泵:supercharge pump 冷却水泵:cooling pump 潜水泵:submersible pump 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 盘根盒:stuffing box 叶轮:impeller 单向阀:check valve(single-pass valve)安全阀:safety valve 手动阀:manual valve 液动阀:hydraulic valve 拉杆:tie rod,tension bar 压力表:pressure gauge 冲数:strokes 排量:flow rate 80 冲(次)/分:eighty strokes per minute 泥浆罐:mud tank 倒泥浆:transfer mud 循环罐:active tank 储备罐:reserve tank 起下钻罐:trip tank 溢流检查:flow check 沉砂罐:satteling tank 锥形罐:sand trap 震动筛:sahle shaker 筛布:screen 目数:mash 除砂器: desander 除泥器: desilter 离心机: centrifuge 泥浆分配槽:spider box 缓冲罐buffer tank 第3 节 与泵操作有关的实用短语 没有压力:No pressure 压力过高:The pressure is too high 返回太少:Mud return is too few 水太少:Water is not adequate.抢修:Rush to repair 请看记录:Please check the record 没作记录:No record available 加化学药品:add chemicals 测定比重:measure mud weight(specific gravity)测定失水:measure water loss 泥饼:mud cake 测定切力:measure gel strength 停泵:stop pump 请打手势:Please make a gesture 转动一周:turn round a circle 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 垫高一些:put something under it to raise 抓紧:firmly grasp 抬高:lift it up 拿稳:hold firm 打一下: hit once 往外拉:pull outward 站稳:stand firm 小端:small end 大端:large end 光滑:smooth 粗糙:coarse,rough平面:flat 弯曲:bending 放松:loosen 绷直:stretch tight,draw tight 冷却:cooling 润滑:lubricate 过载:overload 功率不足:power is not enough.第4 节 钻台与底座 钻台:drilling floor 钻井班组记录:drilling tour record 司钻监视器:driller's monitor 司钻控制台:driller's console 指重表:weight indicator 底座:substructure 井队活动房:trailer 钻台上值班房:doghouse 梯子:ladder 第5 节 井控操作与防喷器 溢流: kick 溢流征兆: kick sign 气侵:gas cut 井喷: blow-out 1 次井控 the primary well control 2 次井控 the secondary well control 3 次井控 the tertiary well control平衡 balance 超平衡over-balance 欠平衡under balance 漏失试验leak-off test 破裂压力fracture pressure 额定压力 rated pressure 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 工作压力 working pressure 防喷器组BOP stack 安装(甩下)防喷器组:nipple up(nipple down)BOP stack 分流器diverter 万能防喷器:annular preventer,bag preventer 单闸板防喷器:single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器:double ram preventer(防喷器)闸板:pipe ram 变芯闸板防喷器variable bore ram 全封式防喷器:blind ram 剪切防喷器:shear ram 内防喷器 Inside BOP 投入式单流阀DIBPV(Drop in blowout preventer valve)分流关线diverter line 节流管汇choke manifold 节流阀choke valve 旁通阀standby valve 调压阀: Pressure regulator 手动节流阀manual choke 远程节流阀remote choke 井口四通 drilling spool 变径法兰:adapter flange 液压控制阀 HCR(hydraulic controller)远程控制系统:koomey unit 蓄能器: accmulator 压井管线:kill line 入口:inlet 出口:outlet 简易除气器:poor-boy degasser 真空除气器:vaccum degasser 泥浆池液面纪录仪Pit volume recorder(totallizer)泥浆流动传感仪mud flow sensor 泥浆增量 Pit gains 硫化氢侵入H2S influx 加重材料Weighted material 氮气Nitrogen 乙炔:acetylene 氧气:oxygen 预冲氮气压力Pre-charge nitrogen pressure 地脚螺栓连接Studded connection 法兰连接 Flange connection 箍盘连接 Hub connection 演习:drill 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 急救演习:first aid drill 消防演习:fire drill 防喷演习:kick drill 泄压: bleed off pressure 带刻度压力表: calibrated pressure gauge 带刻度容(体)积表: calibrated volume gauge 套管鞋: casing shoe 上部井眼段top hole section 快速钻进地层fast drilling formation 压实地层:consolidated formation 风化地层:weathered formation 钻屑携带能力cuttings carrying capacity 浅层气藏shallow gas 地层破裂formation to break down 压力梯度pressure gradient 地层压力formation pressure 井口压力wellhead pressure 漏失压力leak-off pressure 破裂压力fractured pressure 井底压力BHP(bottom hole pressure)正常压力normal pressure 异常压力abnormal pressure 静液压力hydrostatic pressure 动态压力 dynamic pressure 环空压力annular pressure 关井钻杆压力SIDPP(shut in drill pipe pressure)关井套管压力SICP(shut in casing pressure)最大关井套管压力maximum allowable surface pressure, MAASP 最初循环压力 ICP(Initial circulating pressure)循环结束压力FCP(Final circulating pressure)U 形管原理U-tube principle 压井操作killing operation 补救措施remedial actions 关井后循环circulation under well closed in condition cl 离子含量chloride content Dc 指数 Dc exponent 软关井soft shut in 硬关井hard shut in 第1 次循环first circulation 第2 次循环second circulation 压井泥浆比重kill mud weight 抽吸swab 激动surge 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 含气地层gas bearing formation 含气页岩gas bearing shale 安全增量safety margin 记录卡片trip sheet 低循环泵速SCR(slow circulation rate)当量泥浆密度EQD(equivalent mud density)当量循环密度ECD(equivalent circulating density)司钻压井法driller’s method

等待压井法wait & weight method 体(容)积法volumetric method 下推压井法bull-heading method 不压井下钻:snub in 第三章:钻井工程作业部分 第1 节 钻井事故 井喷:blow out 井涌:kick 井漏:lost circulation 坍塌,井壁坍塌:cave in(collapse)出砂:sand production 砂桥:sand bridge 台阶:ledge 键槽:keyseat 椭圆井眼:oval shaped hole 卡钻:sticking 填井:pack-hole 封井:packed drilling 井下落物:fish 大幅度活动钻具试图解卡:work the string and try to free it 活动钻具以避免卡钻:move(reciprocate)the string to avoid being stuck.打捞:fishing 鱼头:top of fish 打捞工作:fishing job 侧钻:side-tracking 侧钻井眼:sidetracking hole 水泥窜槽:cement channeling 固井失败:cement failure 防砂:sand control 缓慢开泵并仔细观察返浆情况:

slowly start pumping and closely watch the return on the shale shaker 第2 节 钻头

牙轮钻头:rock bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 金钢石钻头:diamond bit 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 镶齿钻头: insert bit 铣齿钻头:milled tooth bit 喷射钻头:jet bit 牙轮:cone 钻头装卸器:bit breaker 钻头直径:bit diameter 钻头寿命:bit life 钻头磨损:bit wear 钻头型号:bit type 水眼尺寸:nozzle size 水眼效率:nozzle efficiency 钻头接头:bit sub 第3 节 钻具 方钻杆:kelly 方钻杆旋扣器:kelly spinner 方钻杆旋塞:kelly cock 钻具:drilling string 钻杆:drill pipe 油管:tube 钻具组合:drilling assembly 扶正器:stabilizer 扩眼器:reamer(hole opener)钻铤:drill collar 无磁钻铤:NMDC(non-magnetic drill collar)加重钻杆:HWDP(heavy weight drill pipe)近钻头扶正器:near-bit stabilizer 震击器:jar 减震器:shock absorber 螺旋钻铤:spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器:key seat reamer 安全接头:safety joint 钻杆刮泥器:drill pipe wiper 泥浆动力钻具:mud motor 钻柱:drill string 涡轮:turbine 涡轮钻具:turbo-drill stem 立根:stand 加厚:upset 内加厚:IU(internal upset)外加厚:EU(external upset)内外加厚:internal-external upset 丝扣:thread 打捞颈:fishing neck 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 母扣:box 公扣:pin 左旋螺纹:left-hand thread 右旋螺纹:right-hand thread 正规接头:regular joint 贯眼接头:full hole joint 内平接头:internal flush joint 护丝:thread protector 快速护丝:easy protector 打捞工具:fishing tool 打捞作业:fishing operation 打捞篮:junk basket 卡瓦打捞筒:overshot 打捞杯:junk sub 牙轮打捞器:cone fisher 套管打捞矛:casing spear 打捞矛:fishing spear 打捞公锥:male tap(fishing nipple)打捞母锥:female tap(fishing socket)倒扣工具:reversing tool(backing-up tool)铣鞋:milling shoe 铣具:milling tool平底铣鞋:flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具:magnetic fishing tool 打捞钩:fish hook 气动工具:pneumatic tool 减摩短节:friction reduction sub 下套管漂浮接箍:casing floating coupling 轴向加压器:hydraulic axial thruster 第4 节 钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语 方入:kelly-in 方余:kelly-up 开钻:spud in 作业指令:instruction 钻井设计:drilling program 井身结构:well schematic 岩性:lithology 迟到时间:lag time(bottom up)换钻头:change bit 甩钻具:laydown drill pipe 发生故障:break down 安装(拆卸):rig up(rig down)接头:sub adapter 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 机械手:mechanical arm 铁钻工:iron roughneck 有故障:It fucked up(something is wrong with it)已修好:it has been fixed 马上去:Go there at once 请下去:Please go down 请上来:Please come up 躲开,危险:keep away,danger.请翻译来:Ask interpretor come here,冲洗:wash down 井口:well-head 一根钻杆(单根):single 三根钻杆组合(立根):thribble 吊蓝:cage(basket)换班: shift change 第5 节 钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语 喇叭口:bell nipple 出水管:mud return line(flow line)试压杯:cup tester 小心滑倒:wet floor, be careful 不要往井眼内掉东西:never fall down anything inside hole 我来做:Let me do it 带把板手来:Bring a spanner,please 带点密封剂:Bring a little sealant(Teflon),please 很快就好了:lt will be finshed right away 抬一下:Let's lift it 把绳子给我:Give me the rope,please 不漏:no leakage 电焊: welding 气焊:gas welding 气割:gas cut 栏杆:handrail,gangway rail,railing 蒸汽:vapour 压缩空气:pressurized(compressed)air 注意安全:pay attention to safety 别动:Don't move,Don't touch.对准:point out exactly.校正:align 裸眼:open hole 第四章:钻井液及相关设备 第1节 钻井液名称 泥浆:mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 完井液:completion fluid 修井液:work-over fluid 压井液:killing fluid 射孔液:perforating fluid 隔离液:spacer fluid 泥浆处理:mud treatment 泥浆处理设备:mud treating equipment 饱和盐水泥浆:saturated salt-water mud 油基泥浆:oil-base mud 高粘度泥浆:heavy viscous mud 重泥浆:weighted mud 重泥浆压钻杆:slug drill pipe 起钻倒返泥浆:we have wet pipeduring POOH 重晶石:barite 纯碱:soda ash 高岭土粉:koaline powder 云母片: mica sheet 增粘剂: viscosifier 稀释剂: diluent(thinner)稳定剂: stabilizer(stabilizing agent)烧碱: caustic soda 稀释dilution, thinning 水泥凝固cement setting 第2 节 钻井液设备

离心泵:centrifugal pump 振动筛跑泥浆:mud overflow shale shaker 筛出:shake out 混合泵:mixing pump 混合漏斗:mixing hopper 搅拌器:mud agitator 泥浆抢:mud gun 岩屑:cuttings 沉淀:settle 沉积物:deposit 吸入:suction 吸入罐:suction pit 泥浆天平:mud balance 游码:slide weight 支点:fulcrum 刀口:edge 调整,校正:adjust 粘度计:viscometer 第3 节 钻井液处理剂


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 包,袋:sack 粘土:clay 膨润土,般土:bentonite 钠:sodium 钙:calcium 氯:chloride 氯化钙:calcium chloride 石棉:asbestos 分散:dispersal 表面活性剂:surface-active material 铁络盐:lignite 单宁:tannin 羧甲基纤维素:carboxymethyl celluose CMC 木纤维:xylogen 石灰:lime 二氧化钙:calcium oxide 粉末:powder 薄片:flake 溶解:dissolve 延迟,妨碍:retard 处理剂,添加剂:additives 缓凝剂:retarder 支撑剂:proppant 乳化剂:emulsifier 润湿剂:wetting agent 稳定剂:stabilizing agent 除钙剂:calcium remover 降失水剂:filtration-reducing agent PH 值控制剂:PH control additive 润滑剂:lubricant 消泡剂:defoamer agent 破乳剂:emulsion breaker 洗涤剂:detergent 防膨胀剂:anti-swelling agent 粘土稳定剂:clay stable agent 稀释剂:thinner 封堵剂:plugging agent 抑制剂:inhibition agent 暂堵剂:temporary plugging agent 解堵剂:plugging removal 堵漏剂:LCM(lost circulation material)水敏地层:water-sensitive formation 分散:dispersal 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 水泥浆:cement slurry 流变性:rheological characteristics 稳定性:stability 稠化时间:thickening-time 低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry 油气层保护:reservoir protection 高渗透性:high-permeability 砾石:gravity 悬浮:suspension 固化:solidification.防膨胀:anti-swelling 高凝高粘度:high condensation and viscosity 无毒的:non-poisonous 无荧光:non-fluorescence 钻井液性能参数 Specificaitons of Drilling Fluid 含水:water content 密度:density 厚度:thickness 粘度:viscosity 塑性粘度:plastic viscosity 含砂量:sand content 屈服:yield 屈服点:yield point 屈服强度:yield strength 剪切速率:shear rate 剪切强度:shear strength 剪切应力:shear stress 稀释: dilute 适用温度:safe temperature 初始切力:initial gel strength 终切力:ten-min gel strength 触变性:thixotropy 剪切稀释:shear thining 液体浓度:concentration 泥浆柱:mud column 层流:laminar flow 涡流:turbulent flow 气泡:bubble 第五章:钻井相关作业 第1节 取芯部分 岩心:core 取心钻头:core bit 取心筒:core barrel 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 内岩心筒:inner barrel 外岩心筒:outer barrel 岩心爪:core catcher 取心工具:corehandling tools 取心收获率:core recovery rate 取样器:sample blob 取样盒:sample box 样品筒:sample chamber 取样工:sample catcher 取样间隔:sample interval 井壁取心:side-wall coring 井壁取心枪:side-wall coring gun 取芯失败:coring failure 第2 节 固井部分 固井:cementing 完井:well completion 水泥:cement 井口:wellhead 井口压力:well head pressure 井口回压:back pressure on the well head 套压:casing pressure 导管:conductor 表层套管:surface casing 技术套管:protective casing(intermediatecasing)油层套管:production casing 尾管:liner 尾管悬挂器:liner hanger 通径轨:rabbit 封隔器:packer 联顶节:landing joint 套管柱casing string 套管下部结构(含套管鞋、浮箍):

casing track(including casing shoe, float collar)套管扶正器:centralizer 止退环:stop collar 口袋:pocket(rat hole)环空注水泥作业:top cement job 碰压:bump plug 隔离液:spacer 分级箍:stage collar 水泥粘结强度 strength of cement bond 套管钳:casing tongs 套管接箍:casing coupling 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 套管头:casing head 散装水泥:bulk-cement 水泥浆:cement slurry 插管注水泥:stab in cementing 插入密封接头:stab in adapter 分级注水泥:stage cementing 先行水泥浆:lead cement slurry 末端水泥浆:tail cement slurry 促凝剂:accelerator 替浆 :displace with mud 水泥面:top of cement 固井管线 :chicksan line(cementing line)灰罐:silo(bulk tank)候凝:WOC(wait-on-cement)挤水泥:squeeze cement 水泥塞:plug 第3 节 固井水泥浆名称和参数 超细水泥浆:ultrafine slurry 普通水泥浆:normal slurry 纤维水泥浆:fiber-reinforced cement slurry 膨胀水泥浆:expanding cement slurry 低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry 水泥体积收缩:cement volume contraction 水泥浆水化期间:cement slurry hydrating period 水泥胶结质量:cement sheath bonding quantity 失水率:the rate of water loss 析水:liberate water 稠化时间:thickening time 凝固强度:cementation strength 渗透性:permeability,膨胀率:expansion rate 压缩强度:compression strength 流动性:mobility 第4 节 测井部分

电测:wireline logging 测井解释:logging interpretation 随钻测井:LWD(logging while drilling)测井电缆:logging cable 测井工具:logging tool 自然电位测井:spontaneous potential log 感应电测井:induction electrical survey 双感应测井:dual induction-laerolog 中感应测井:medium induction log 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 数字记录:digital record 照相记录:photographic recording 放射性测井:radioactivity log 声波技术:acoustic wave technology 仪器耐温:the temperature resistance of the instrument 仪器耐压:pressure resistance of instrument 油气比:GOR(gas oil ratio)第六章:井下作业常用短语 修井:work-over 修井工具:work-over tool 井下操作: down-hole operations.产层污染: pollution of pay zone 增产措施:stimulations 压裂和酸化:fracturing or acidizing 酸化处理:acid treatment 人工压裂: artificial fracturing 重复压裂过程: repetition presses for fracturing,压裂车: fracturing truck sets 压裂后反映: post-fracture response 固体和液体添加泵: solid and liquid additive pump 泵交联: pumping cross link 交联剂: cross-linking agent 排量: discharging 三维压裂: three-dimension fracturing 对压裂参数的监控、分析和解释:

real time monitoring,analyzing and interpreting for fracturing operation parameters 压裂操作:fracturing operation 压裂规模:fracturing scale 化学吞吐:chemical disposal 乳化降粘:emulsification declining viscosity 增注:augmented injection.注水:water-injection 裸眼砾石填充完井:bore hole gravel packer completion.开窗铣锥:open-window mill prick,开窗斜向器:open-window inclined implement 碳酸盐岩:carbonate reservoir 第七章:海上钻井作业¨

海上钻井:offshore drilling 陆地钻井:on-land drilling 海滩:sea beach 浅海:shallow sea 海底管线:sea-bottom pipe 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 海底电缆铺设:setting cable under sea-bottom平台安装:platform installation 钻井平台:drilling platform 顺风:tail wind 逆风:against the wind 摄氏零下…度:below…degree centigrade 启锚:weigh anchor 抛锚:drop anchor 拖航:drag 对讲机:intercom,walkie-talkie 上吊茏:Please get on the liftbasket 救生衣:life jacket 晕船:sea sick 控制速度:Control the speed 货已送抵:The goods has arrived 货物验收:Please check and accept the goods 在不远处:Not far from here 不方便:lt's not convenient 有危险:lt's dangerous 防污染:prevent pollution 没情况:Nothing happened.第八章:定向井部分

定向井:directional well 造斜点:KOP(kick off point)

最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination 增斜段:building up section 稳斜段:holding section 降斜段:drop off section 井眼尺寸:hole size 长、中、段半径:long,medium and short radius 裸井段:the open hole section 水平段:horizontal section 固井段:cementing section 井斜角测量点:angle point 水平位移:horizontal departure(displacement)井眼轨迹:wellbore trajectory 优化控制:optimum control 筛管:screen pipe 长封固段固井:long intervals cementing 丛式井:cluster well 斜向器:whipstock 第九章:石油现场机械传动与机械设备 第1 节:动力与传动


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 柴油机:diesel 发电机:generator 直流(交流)电动机:DC(AC)motor 交流电:A.C(alternating current)直流电:D.C(direct current)变压器:transformer 传动轴:driving shaft 从动轴:driven shaft 空调机:air conditioner 空气压缩机:air compressor 应急发电机组:emergency generator 消防水泵:fire pump 配电间:distrubution room 电动潜水泵:ESP(electrical submersible pump)锅炉:boiler 蒸汽:vapour 气压不足:The airpressure is poor 操作有问题:Operation is not good 电压正常:Voltage is all right 绝缘不好:The insulation is bad 触电:electric shock 温度太高:The tempreture is too high 接地:ground 短路:short circuit 按红色钮:Please push the red button 打开:open,turn on,switch on 关闭:close,turn off,switch off 风扇:fan 爬上去:climd up 跳下来:jump down 接住:catch it 拿稳:hold tight平方米:square meter 立方米:cubic meter 加工:process 三项交流电:three-phase AC 气罐:air tank 偶合器,联轴节:coupling 链轮:sprocket 链条:chain 皮带:belt 链条驱动:chain drive 皮带驱动:belt drive 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 第2 节 机械加工与设备 对准,使…成一线:align 周围的,环境的:ambient 模糊,含糊,不明确:ambiguity 退火的:annealed 淬火:quench 回火:temper 阳极:anode 阴极:cathode 含水的,水的:aqueous 装配:assembly 增大,增加,增益:augment 侧向间隙:back-lash 电木,(绝缘)胶木:Bakelite 批量生产:bulk production 轴承:bearing 锥齿轮,伞齿轮:bevel gear(刮刀,刃,叶片:blade 坯料:blank 吹风,爆炸,喷砂机:blast 滑轮组:block and tackle 浮子,摆锤:bob 镗床,镗孔刀具:borer 内孔加工,镗孔:boring 瓶颈,薄弱环节:bottleneck平衡点,盈亏临界点:breakeven point 型坯:briquette 拉床,铰孔机:broacher 拉削,扩孔:broaching 大齿轮:bull gear 碰撞,曲折,拐点:bump 缓冲器,减震器:bumper 擦亮,光亮:burnish 去毛刺:burring 凸轮,偏心轮:cam 凸轮轴:camshaft 铸造:cast 触媒,催化剂:catalyst 空化作用:cavitation 内腔,空穴,(铸造)型腔:cavity 陶瓷的,陶器的,陶瓷制品:ceramic 铁屑,金属屑:chip 凿子,扁铲:chisel 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 钳:clamp 障碍(物),阻塞(物):clog 离合器:clutch 罗盘,指南针:compass 凸型的:convex 凹型的:concave 外形,轮廓;结构,构造:configuration 锥形的,锥状的,锥体:conical 传送装置,运输机,传送带:conveyor 波纹;使成波状:corrugation 曲柄,曲拐:crank 曲轴:crankshaft 蠕动,蠕变:creep 圆筒,圆柱体;液缸:cylinder 仪表盘,控制板:dashboard 静载:dead load 碎片:debris 模具,钢型,冲模:die 模锻:die forge 压铸的,模铸的:die-cast 不导电的,电解质(的):dielectric 差动齿轮,差速齿轮:differential gear 扩散,弥漫:diffusion 修饰,打磨,使表面光洁:dress 钻床:drill press 染色,着色;染料:dye 电解质:electrolyte 椭圆,椭圆体:ellipse 金刚砂:emery 侵蚀,冲蚀:erosion 蚀刻:etch 排出,排气;废气:exhaust 消音器:muffler 爆炸物,炸药;爆炸(性)的:explosive 挤压(成形);挤出,压出:extrude平面加工:facing 测隙规:feeler gauge 膜:film 精加工:finish 柔性的,能变形的,灵活的,适应性强的:flexible 软盘:floppy disc 硬盘:hard disk 车床: lathe 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 流程图:flow chart 起伏,波动:fluctuation 开槽,切槽:fluting 飞轮:flywheel 锻造:forge 支点,支轴:fulcrum(龙门)起重机:gantry 几何学:geometry 花岗岩,花岗石:granite 石墨:graphite 润滑脂:grease 磨碎,研磨,磨削加工:grinding 槽,沟,企口:groove 陀螺仪,回转仪:gyroscope 主轴箱:headstock 螺旋形的,螺线:helical 螺旋齿轮,斜齿轮:helical gear 六角形(的):hex 万向接头,万向联轴节:hooke(cardan)joint,flexible joint 削弱,损害:impair 冲击,脉冲:impulse 测斜仪:inclinometer(刻度盘上的)指针,(铣床)分度头:index 铸模,锭:ingot 间歇的,断续的:intermittent 内在的,固有的:intrinsic 离子:ion 夹具,夹紧装置,钻模:jig 铰链,关节,肘关节,转向节:knuckle 搭接,重叠;研磨,精研,抛光:lapping 心轴,紧轴,芯棒:mandrel 铣削加工:milling 铣刀:milling cutter 铣床:milling machine 混合,混合物,混合气:mixtrue 小孔,注油孔,喷嘴:orifice 坑,池,孔:pit 枢轴,旋转中心,支点:pivot 气动的,气体的,风力的:pneumatic 泊松比:Poisson’s ratio 抛光:polish 细孔,微孔,空隙:pore 多孔性,空隙度,气孔,砂眼:porosity 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 石英,水晶:quartz 棘轮机构,棘轮(爪):ratchet 凹口,凹槽,凹座:recess 铆钉;用铆钉铆接:rivet 铆接:riveted joint 不平的,粗壮的:rugged 剪刀:scissors 刻线,划线:scribe line 沉淀:sediment 锯齿(状),成锯齿形:serration 端面,台肩:shoulder 收缩,缩进:shrink 烧结,熔结,热压结:sinter 花键;用花键连接:spline 弹簧:spring 停车,出故障,失速,熄火:stall 定子:stator 转子:rotor 双头螺栓:stud 增压器:supercharger 同步的:synchronous 综合,合成:synthesis 串联(的):tandem 并联:parallel 歪,倾斜:tilt 公差:tolerance 通用的,万能的;易变的:versatile 弯翘(曲):warp 楔(形物):wedge 熟铁,锻铁:wrought iron 第3 节 油品名称 柴油:diesel oil 机油:engine oil 汽油:gasoline 液压油:hydraulic oil 齿轮油:gear oil 润滑油脂:grease 液化石油气:LPG(liquefied petroleum gas)沥青:bitumen 石蜡:paraffin 第十章:地质 地层与油藏工程 第1 节 地质及地层 地质:geology 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 矿物:mineral 矿泉水:mineral water 地质断块:faults and blocks 地层:formation 软地层:soft formation 硬地层:hard formaton 研磨性地层:abrasive formaton 沉积岩:sedimentary rock 砂岩:sandstone 石灰岩:limestone 泥岩:shale,mudstone 花岗岩:granite 火成岩:igneous rook 油砂:oil sand 变质岩:matamorphic rock 石英岩:quartzite 页岩:shale 碳酸盐岩:carbonate rock 白云岩:dolomite 含水地层:water content formation 碳酸储层:carbonate reservoir 砾石:grave 地质参数:geologic parameters 地层圈闭:stratigraphic trap 不整合:discordance 尖灭:pinch out 第2 节 油藏工程和采油工程

数值模拟:numerical simulation 动态模型:dynamic model 储量评价:reserve estimation 油藏地质:reservoir geology 油藏模拟:reservoir simulation 未动用储量:non-producing reservoirs 圈闭研究:trap study 地层评价:formation evaluation 储量估计:reserve estimation 毛细管:capillary 诊断:diagnosis 处理:treatment 评价: evaluation 地层损害:formation damages 油层保护:reservoir protection 潜在储量研究:potential analysis 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 调剖:profile modification 堵水:water plugging and broking down.投入产出比:input-output ratio 地面集输:surface transmission.凝析气体:condense gas 凝析油:condense oil 采收率:recovery.低压低渗透油田:low pressure and low permeability oilfields 滑动摩擦:sliding friction 滚动摩擦:rolling friction 界面:interfaces 自锁功能:self-locking function;兼容,可溶:compatible 抗热:heat-resistance 水敏:water sensitive 结垢:scale forming;地面集输:surface transmission 地层压力预测:formation pressure prediction 井径扩大率:ratio of the hole’s extending diameter 第十一章:石油工程作业现场生活用词 第1 节 身体各部分名称 脸:face 嘴:mouth 下巴:chin 脖子:neck 肩膀:shoulder 手臂:arm 肘:elbow 背:back 胸:chest 腰:waist 腹:belly(abdomen)臀部:bottom(buttocks)腿:leg 膝:knee 手腕: wrist 指甲:fingernail 拇指:thumb 食指:(index)finger 中指:middle finger 无名指:ring finger 小指:little finger 手掌:palm 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 头 Head 头发:hair 额:forhead 耳朵:ear 脸颊:cheek 鼻子:nose 鼻孔:nostril 下颚:jaw 胡子:beard 舌:tongue 牙:tooth 唇:lip 眼 Eye 眉毛:eyebrow 眼皮:eyelid 睫毛:eyelashes 瞳孔:pupil 脚 Foot 踝:ankle 脚跟:heel 脚趾:toe 脑:brain 脊椎:spinal cord 喉:throat 肌肉:muscle 肺:lung 心脏:heart 肝:liver 胃:stomach 静脉:vern 动脉:artery 肾:kidney 胰:pancreas 膀胱:bladder 第2 节 服装

手套:gloves(mittens)帽子:cap(hat)防风衣:windbreaker 牛仔裤:(blue)jeans 毛衣:sweater 紧身衣:tights 茄克:jacket 围巾:scarf 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 长大衣:overcoat 靴子:boots 外套:coat 雨靴:rain boots 雨衣:rain coat 纽扣:button 休闲裤:slacks 皮夹:wallet 背心:vest 皮带:belt 凉鞋:sandal 领子:collar 雨伞:umbrella T 恤衫:T-shirt 午餐盒:lunch box 裙子:skirt 公事包:briefcase 口袋:pocket 眼镜:glasses 制服:uniform 领带:tie 报纸:newspaper 皮鞋:leather shoe 内衣:undershirt 短袜:socks 拖鞋:slippers 睡衣:pajamas 短:short 长:long 紧:tight 松:loose 脏:dirty 干净:clean 小:small 大:big 浅:light 深:dark 高:high 低:low 新:new 旧:old 第3 节 描述天气 下雨:rainy 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 多云:cloudy 下雪:snowy 晴:sunny 温度计:thermometer 温度:temperature 热:hot 温和:warm 凉爽:cool 寒冷:cold 多雾:foggy 刮风:windy 干燥:dry 潮湿:wet 第4 节 常见蔬菜名称 黄瓜:cucumber 胡萝卜:carrots 葱头:onion 茄子:eggplant 西红柿:tomato 土豆:petato 碗豆:pea 豆角:bean 芹菜:celery 蘑菇:mushroom 咸菜:pickles 辣椒:chilli,hot pepper,red pepper 玉米:corn 生菜:escarole 菠菜:spinach 南瓜:pumpkin 第5 节 常见水果名称 桔子:orange 苹果:apple 香蕉:banana 葡萄:grape 西瓜:water melon 橙子:orange 柠檬:lemon 樱桃:cherries 葡萄干:raisin 花生:peanut 核桃:walnut 桃子:peach 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 第6 节 味道和调味品调味品 芥茉:mustard 胡椒:pepper 咖喱:curry 薄荷:mint 蒜:garlic 姜:ginger 葱:chinese green onion 果酱:jam 蜜:honey 糖:sugar 盐:salt 冰块:ice cube 酸味:sour 甜味:sweet 苦味:bitter 辣味:hot 烤的:roast 炸的:fried 煮的:cook 蒸的:steam 第7 节 酒类和祝酒 酒:wine 酒杯:wineglass 啤酒:beer 喝多(醉):drunk 淡水:fresh water 茶:tea 桔汁:orange juice 葡萄汁:grape juice 干杯:cheer 第8 节 食品 早餐:breakfast 午餐:lunch 晚餐:supper 饭:meal 米饭:rice 面条:noodle 饼:pancake 面包:bread 饺子:dumpling 汤:soup 鲜的:delicious 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 鸡蛋:egg 饿:hungry 饱:enough 渴:thirsty 蛋糕:cake 饼干:biscuit 热狗:hot dog 三明治:sandwich 番薯片:potato chips 糖浆:syrup 汉堡:hamburger 通心粉:spaghetti 牛排:steak 咖啡:coffee 冰淇淋:ice cream 餐刀:knife 叉子:fork 匙(勺子):spoon 盘子:dish 餐巾:napkin 牙签:toothpick 抹布:rag 第9 节 超级市场 称:scale 支票:check 杂货:groceries 袋子:bag 牛奶:milk 饮料:beverages 点心:snacks 收据:receipt 出纳员、收银员:cashier 冷藏室:freezer 熟食柜台:deli counter 冷冻柜台:frozen food 罐装食品:canned goods 第10 节 容器、单位及钱币 条、盒:carton(box)瓶:bottle 盒、盆:tub 袋:bag 罐:jar(can)卷:roll 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 管:tube 包:pack 本:book 杯:cup 玻璃杯:glass 片:slice 块:piece 碗:bowl 硬币:coins 第11 节 肉类 牛肉:beef 猪肉:pork 鸡肉:chicken 羊肉:lamb,mutton 兔肉:rabbit meat 香肠:sausage 大排:chops 火腿:ham 第12 节 海鲜,鱼类 海鲜:seafood 虾 :shrimp 对虾:prawn 龙虾:lobster 蟹:crab 海螺:conch 海带:tangle,seaweed 鱼:fish 第13 节 救火及救援 梯子:ladder 救护车:ambulance 水管:hose 消防龙头:fire hydrant 消防队员:fire fighter 灭火器:fire extinguisher 斧头:ax 烟:smoke 水:water 喷嘴:nozzle 第14 节 日常生活用品 衣架:hanger 镜子:mirror 梳子:comb 闹钟:alarm clock 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 枕头:pillow 抽屉:drawer 枕头套:pillowcase 床垫:mattress 床单:sheet 床:bed 被子:comforter 电话:tellphone 地板:floor 天花板:celling 窗帘:curtain 茶几:coffee table 沙发:sofa 灯:lamp 遥控器:remote controler 第15 节 星期与月份 星期日:Sunday 星期一:Monday 星期二:Tuesday 星期三:Wednesday 星期四:Thursday 星期五:Friday 星期六:Saturday 一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December 第16 节 数字 零:zero 一:one 二:two 三:three 四:four 五:five 六:six 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 七:seven 八:eight 九:nine 十:ten 十一:eleven 十二:twelve 十三:thirteen 十四:fourteen 十五:fifteen 十六:sixteen 十七:seventeen 十八:eighteen 十九:nineteen 二十:twenty 二十一:twenty-one 三十:thirty 四十:forty 五十:fifty 六十:sixty 七十:seventy 八十:eighty 九十:ninety 一百:one hundred 五百:five hundred 六百二十一:six hundred and twenty-one 一千:one thousand 一百万:one million 第17 节 颜色 红:red 蓝:blue 黄:yellow 白:white 黑:black 灰:gray 绿:green 粉:pink 紫:purple 褐:brown 橘:orange 第十二章:常用缩略语与换算

Abbreviation and The Metroc-U.S.System 第1 节 常用缩略语 Abbreviation 空调 A.C 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 桶 bbl 井底压力 BHP 防喷器 BOP 厘米 cm 内径 ID 外径 OD 加仑/分 gpm 高压 HP 高温 HT 高电压 h.v 国际钻井承包商协会

IADC(international association of drilling company)英寸 in.国际标准化组织 ISO ACS Anti-Collision System 防碰系统

API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会 APL Annulus Pressure Loss 环空压力损失

AR Automated Roughneck 自动送钻装置,自动化的钻工 BHA Bottom Hole Assembly 井底钻具组合

BHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating Temperature 井底循环温度 BHP Bottom-Hole Pressure 井底压力

BHST Bottom-Hole Static Temperature 井底静止温度 BOP Blow Out Preventer 防喷器 CBBL Core Barrels 岩心筒

CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe Pressure 循环钻杆压力或循环立压 CP Conductor Pipe, Casing Pressure 导管或套压 CSO Complete Shut Off 全关

CSES Cable Sidedoor Entry Sub 电缆侧门入口的接头 CSG Casing 套管 DC Drill Collar 钻铤

DD Directional Driller 定向钻井司钻 DLS Dogleg Severity 狗腿度

DM Driller's Method 司钻压井方法 DP Drill Pipe 钻杆

DPP, Pdp Drill-Pipe Pressure 钻杆压力或立压 DSA Double Studded Adapter 双头栽丝法兰 DST Drill Stem Test 钻杆测试

DTU Double-Tilt Units 双倾斜装置

ECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度 EMW Equivalent Mud Weight 当量泥浆比重 EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery 提高采收率法采油 ERD Extended Reach Drilling 大位移钻井 FCP Final Circulating Pressure 最终循环压力


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China FIT Formation Integrity Test 地层破裂试验 FPI Free Point Indicator 卡点指示器,测卡仪 Q Flow rate 排量

GWDC Great Wall Drilling Company 长城钻井公司 HCR Hydraulic Controlled Remote 液控阀 HDHO Heavy Duty Hole Opener 深井扩眼器 HP High Pressure 高压

HPHT High Pressure High Temperature高温高压

HSE Health, Safety And Environment健康、安全和环境 HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆

IBOP Inside BOP, Gray Valves 防喷器内部,Gray 阀 ICP Initial Circulating Pressure 初始循环压力 ID Inside Diameter 内径

IPS Improved Plow Steel 改良犁钢

IWCF International Well Control Forum 世界井控学会 IWRC Independent Wire Rope Core 中性麻心钢丝绳 KOP Kick Off Point 造斜点 L/D Lay Down 放下,拆卸

LTA Lost Time Accident 损失时间事故 LCM Lost Circulation Material 堵漏剂 LOT Leak-Off Test 地层漏失试验 LPM Liters Per Minute 升/分

LPR Lower Pipe Ram 下半封闸板

MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure 最大允许环空压力 MD Measured Depth 斜深

MEMW Maximum Equivalent Mud Weight最大当量泥浆比重

MPHS Max.Expected Pressure in Next Hole Section 下一井段最大预测压力 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 MUT Make-Up Torque 上紧力矩

MWD Measuring While Drilling 随钻测量

MWDP Max.Well Design Pressure 井最大设计压力 NBS Near Bit Stabilizer近钻头稳定器

NMDC Non Magnetic Drill Collars 无磁钻铤 NSTK Number Of Pump Strokes 泵冲数 OBM Oil Based Mud 油基泥浆 OD Outside Diameter 外径 OE Open Ended 水眼开启的 OH Openhole 裸眼

P&A Plug and Abandon 注塞和弃井 P/U,PU Pick Up 提升,拉起,上提

PBR Polished Bore Receptacle 抛光孔座

PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact 聚晶金刚石复合片 PDM Positive Displacement Motor 容积式马达


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China PM Preventive Maintenance 预防性检修

POAF Pack-Off Adapter Flange 变径/转换法兰的密封 POOH Pull Out Of Hole 起钻

PPE Personal Protective Equipment个人防护装备 PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度

PVT Pit Volume Totalizer 泥浆液面计 R/D Rig Down 拆卸 R/U Rig Up 安装

RCD Residual Current Device 漏电保护器

RFT Repeated Formation Tester 多次地层测试器 RIH Run In Hole 下钻

RKB Rotary Kelly Bushings 方钻杆补心 ROP Rate Of Penetration 机械钻速 RPM Rotation Per Minute 转速,转/分

RPSP Reduced Pump Strokes Pressure低泵冲压力 S.G.Specific Gravity 比重

SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 增压式呼吸面具 SCR Slow Circulating Pump Pressure 低泵冲循环泵压 SD Specific Density 密度

SHUT-IN Wellhead Or Shut-In Pressure 关井井口压力 SICP Shut-In Casing Pressure 关井套管压力 SIDPP Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure 关井立管压力 SJ Single Joint 单根

SJA Safe Job Analysis 安全工作分析 SO Slack-Off 下放

SPM Stroke Per Minute 泵冲

SPP Stand Pipe Pressure 立管压力

SRG Surface Recording Gyro 表面记录陀螺 SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve 井下安全阀 SWL Safe Working Load 安全工作荷载

TCP Tubing Convoyed Perforation 油管输送射孔 TD Total Depth 总井深

TDS Top Drive System 顶部驱动装置 TIP Tie In Point 连接点

TOC Top Of Cement 水泥顶部 TVD Total Vertical Depth 总垂深 UPR Upper Pipe Ram 上半封闸板

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator通用墨卡托式投影图法 VM Volumetric Method 体积法压井

VSIDPP Virtual Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure 实际的关井立管压力 W&W Wait And Weight Method 等待加重法 WBM Water Based Mud 水基泥浆 WL Wireline 测井电缆,钢丝绳


邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China WLL Working Load Limit 工作极限负荷 WOB Weight On Bit 钻压

WOC Wait On Cementing 候凝 WOM Weight On Mill 磨铣钻压 WP Working Pressure 工作压力 X/O Cross Over Sub 配合接头 YP Yield Point 屈服点

第2 节.钻井现场常用公英制(美国用法)换算 长度 英里(mile,mi.)=1.609 公里(km.)1 米=3.28 英尺 码(yard,yd.)=3 英尺=0.914 米(m.)1 英尺(foot)=12 英寸= 30.48 厘米(cm)1 英寸(inch,in.)= 2.54 厘米(cm)面积平方英尺(square foot,sq.ft.)=929平方厘米(sq.cm.)重量 吨=10 千牛=2.2504 千磅 磅(pound,lb.=0.454 公斤(kg.)1 盎司(ounce,oz.)=28.35 克(g.)体积容量(液量)桶=42 加仑=158.98 升 加仑(gallon,gal.)=3.785 公升(cubic cm.)密度

1g/cm3=8.33ppg 温度 t°C=5/9(°F-32)__ 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601

邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China


account number 帐目编号

depositor 存户

pay-in slip 存款单

a deposit form 存款单

a banding machine 自动存取机

to deposit 存款

deposit receipt 存款收据

private deposits 私人存款

certificate of deposit 存单

deposit book, passbook 存折

credit card 信用卡

principal 本金

overdraft, overdraw 透支

to counter sign 双签

to endorse 背书

endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现

to honor a cheque 兑付

to dishonor a cheque 拒付

to suspend payment 止付

cheque,check 支票

cheque book 支票本

order cheque 记名支票

bearer cheque 不记名支票

crossed cheque 横线支票

blank cheque 空白支票

rubber cheque 空头支票

cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

cash cheque 现金支票

traveler s cheque 旅行支票

cheque for transfer 转帐支票

outstanding cheque 未付支票

canceled cheque 已付支票

forged cheque 伪支票

Bandar s note 庄票,银票

balance sheet 资产负债表 cash flow 现金流转 glossary 术语表

money order 汇款单,汇票

letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证 charge for 想...收费 overdraw v.透支

overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项

endorse [In5dC:s] v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署 liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, [负债], 与assets相对 asset n.[资产], 有用的东西

solvent adj.有偿付能力的 n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法 securities n.有价证券

time hull insurance 船舶定期保险 marine insurance 海损保险

maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险 fire insurance 火险

cargo insurance 货物保险

来源:Internet 作者:不详 发布时间:2007-06-13 阅读次数: 118

account number 帐目编号

depositor 存户

pay-in slip 存款单

a deposit form 存款单

a banding machine 自动存取机

to deposit 存款

deposit receipt 存款收据

private deposits 私人存款

certificate of deposit 存单

deposit book, passbook 存折

credit card 信用卡

principal 本金

overdraft, overdraw 透支

to counter sign 双签

to endorse 背书

endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现

to honor a cheque 兑付

to dishonor a cheque 拒付

to suspend payment 止付

cheque,check 支票

cheque book 支票本

order cheque 记名支票

bearer cheque 不记名支票

crossed cheque 横线支票

blank cheque 空白支票

rubber cheque 空头支票

cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

cash cheque 现金支票

traveler's cheque 旅行支票

cheque for transfer 转帐支票

outstanding cheque 未付支票

canceled cheque 已付支票

forged cheque 伪支票

Bandar's note 庄票,银票

banker 银行家 president 行长 savings bank 储蓄银行

Chase Bank 大通银行

National City Bank of New York 花旗银行

Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行

Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行

Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行

central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行

bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行

commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行

member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行

discount bank 贴现银行

exchange bank 汇兑银行

requesting bank 委托开证银行 issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行

advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行

negotiation bank 议付银行

confirming bank 保兑银行

paying bank 付款银行

associate banker of collection 代收银行

consigned banker of collection 委托银行

clearing bank 清算银行

local bank 本地银行

domestic bank 国内银行

overseas bank 国外银行

unincorporated bank 钱庄

branch bank 银行分行

trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行

trust company 信托公司

financial trust 金融信托公司

unit trust 信托投资公司

trust institution 银行的信托部

credit department 银行的信用部

commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)

neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所

credit union 合作银行

credit bureau 商业兴信所

self-service bank 无人银行

land bank 土地银行 construction bank 建设银行

industrial and commercial bank 工商银行

bank of communications 交通银行

mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行

post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行

mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行

industrial bank 实业银行

home loan bank 家宅贷款银行

reserve bank 准备银行

chartered bank 特许银行

corresponding bank 往来银行

merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行

investment bank 投资银行

import and export bank(EXIMBANK)进出口银行

joint venture bank 合资银行

money shop, native bank 钱庄

credit cooperatives 信用社

clearing house 票据交换所

public accounting 公共会计

business accounting 商业会计

cost accounting 成本会计

depreciation accounting 折旧会计

computerized accounting 电脑化会计

general ledger 总帐

subsidiary ledger 分户帐

cash book 现金出纳帐

cash account 现金帐

journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐

bad debts 坏帐

investment 投资

surplus 结余

idle capital 游资

economic cycle 经济周期

economic boom 经济繁荣

economic recession 经济衰退

economic depression 经济萧条

economic crisis 经济危机

economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀

deflation 通货收缩

devaluation 货币贬值

revaluation 货币增值

international balance of payment 国际收支

favourable balance 顺差

adverse balance 逆差

hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货

international monetary system 国际货币制度

the purchasing power of money 货币购买力

money in circulation 货币流通量

note issue 纸币发行量

national budget 国家预算

national gross product 国民生产总值

public bond 公债

stock, share 股票

debenture 债券

treasury bill 国库券

debt chain 债务链

direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇

indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇

cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率

foreign currency(exchange)reserve 外汇储备

foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动

foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机

discount 贴现

discount rate, bank rate 贴现率

gold reserve 黄金储备

money(financial)market 金融市场

stock exchange 股票交易所

broker 经纪人

commission 佣金

bookkeeping 簿记

bookkeeper 簿记员

an application form 申请单

bank statement 对帐单

letter of credit 信用证 strong room, vault 保险库

equitable tax system 等价税则

specimen signature 签字式样

banking hours, business hours 营业时间

Board of Directors 董事会 President 行长

Executive Office 经理办公室

Personnel Dept.人事部 General Affairs Dept.总务部

Co-ordination & Planning Dept.综合计划部

International Dept.国际业务部 Overseas Branches Dept.海外部

Foreign Exchange Dept.外汇资金部

First Credit Dept.信贷一部 Second Credit Dept.信贷二部 Accounting Dept.财会部 International Clearing Dept 国际清算部 Banking Dept.营业部

Credit Card Dept.信用卡部 General Auditing Dept.总稽核室 Computer Center 电脑部 Training Management Dept.教育部

Institute of International Finance 国际金融研究所

Trust and Consultation Co.信托咨询公司


pragmatic务实 surgery手术 close call 千钧一发surgeon 医生veterinarian兽医 split 分裂clap 拍手pitch 间距democrat民主主义 mature 成熟的moan呻吟 screw up搞砸了 hothead 性急的bait诱饵drew猛推 chock笨人patronize赞助,光顾

clockwise 顺时针balsamic香醋 drizzle细雨 hyperactive活跃的 fidgety烦躁 sweat汗水 homicide 杀人 heritage遗产 ballistic弹道导弹 porn色情 sherlock 福尔摩斯sore 疮 subtle 微妙的indeed 确实punchline 点睛之笔ridicule嘲笑 wack 调侃peachy桃色 diverse各种 obligation义务 benign良性 resist抵御 insist坚持 persist坚持, crawls,爬

quitter懒人 armpit腋窝diaper尿布respiration呼吸cellular 蜂窝sponger寄生虫sponge海绵 numb麻木puke呕吐circumstance情况,环境;情势prsto瞬间语法标注解释 curiosity好奇心nipple奶嘴乳头chump木头片,木瓜呆瓜trash垃圾decompose腐烂skeleton骷髅clue线索clueless无知的horn角 触须,paw爪子mascot吉祥物rhyme [ra?m]n.1.韵,韵脚,押韵crowd人群 拥挤hindsight事后诸葛亮 elbow手肘snout鼻孔prank开玩笑,恶作剧,戏谑

clown小丑buck美元 combination结合联盟 对号密码密码锁mink貂皮shoplifter偷窃商店货物的扒手perpendicular垂直的,成直角的, yell 叫嚷fraternize亲近



negotiator 磋商者;交涉者 2.出售者;交易者;转让者stink发臭


feud [fjud]n.1.(部落或家属间的)世仇 2.(个人或团体间的)仇恨;长期不和;争吵

clench捏紧loophole漏洞barfbag呕吐袋子tentacle 触须触手dabble嬉水,涉足浅尝,quail鹌鹑hilarious可笑的anchor主播burp打嗝[corruption 贪污pollute污染



1.脆的,易碎的;娇贵的Take care with these delicate flowers.当心这些娇嫩的鲜花。

2.纤弱的,娇弱的She is in delicate health.她身体虚弱。

3.精美的,雅致的4.需要小心处理的;微妙的;棘手的In such a delicate situation I have to weigh my words.在这样微妙的情形下,我必须权衡一下我的话。

dummy 假人 木偶ventriloquistic腹语术eliminate淘汰

sneaky狡猾鬼祟 volcano 火山 floss牙线,线thread线cobweb蜘蛛网concede承认,认输

buffet自助 打人detour绕路

get even报复flirt调情lice虱子frame陷害

ticklish 痒痒

mellow极好的令人愉快的autograph签名intern拘禁 实习bribe行贿bail保释escort护送护卫unless除非lunatic疯子awkward笨拙的尴尬的catchphrase广告语,scissors剪刀decapitation断头,辞职gizzard鸡胗,胃snap摔打,生气limo房车strut炫耀卖弄,趾高气扬phase阶段 land on my feet自己谋生摆脱困境territory领地地盘freckle雀斑curse诅咒coward胆小鬼jellyfish水母remind提醒hpscotch跳房子dedicate献上emphsis强调avalanche雪崩squeeze挤压,挤coincidence巧合nausea恶心





info-highway 信息高速公路

in-service training 在职训练

inspector-general 总监

interim government 过渡政府


invitation meet 邀请赛

judo 柔道

karate 空手道

kiosk 小卖部

knock-out system 淘汰制

knowledge economy 知识经济

ksei 棋圣

laid-off 下岗

leading actor 男主角

lease 租约,租期

man of mark 名人,要人

manuscript 原稿,脚本

marriage lines 结婚证书

master key 万能钥匙

medium 媒体,媒介


mercy killing 安乐死

moped 助力车

moslem 穆斯林

multimedia 多媒体

music cafe 音乐茶座

national anthem 国歌

negative vote 反对票转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com

nest egg 私房钱

news agency 通讯社

news briefing 新闻发布会

news conference 记者招待会

news flash 短讯,快讯

nominee 候选人

notions 小商品

null and void 无效的


off-hour hobby 业余爱好

off-the-job training 脱产培训

on standby 待命

on-the-job training 在职培训

on-the-spot broadcasting 现场直播

opinion poll 民意测验


overseas student 留学生

overture 序曲

overwhelming majority 压倒性多数

palm phone 大哥大

parliament 国会

passerby 过路人

pay-to-the-driver bus 无人售票车

peaceful co-existence 和平共处


peace-keeping force 维和部队转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com

peak viewing time 黄金时间

pedestrian 行人

pension insurance 养老保险

pentagon 五角大楼

perk 外快

pm = prime minister 首相,总理

politburo 政治局

poor box 济贫箱

pope 教皇

pose for a group photo 集体合影留念

poverty-stricken area 贫困地区

power failure 断电,停电

premiere 首映,初次公演

press briefing 新闻发布会


press corps 记者团

press spokesman 新闻发言人

prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式

professional escort “三陪”服务

profiteer 投机倒把者

protocol 草案,协议

puberty 青春期

public servant 公务员

questionnaire 调查表

quick-frozen food 速冻食品

quiz game 智力竞赛

racial discrimination 种族歧视

rapport 默契

reciprocal visits 互访

recital 独唱会,独奏会


red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎

red-hot news 最新消息

red-letter day 大喜之日

redundant 下岗人员

re-employment 再就业

rep = representative 代表

rip off 宰客

senate 参议院

tenure of office 任职期

the other man / woman 第三者

top news 头条新闻

tornado 龙卷风

tour de force 代表作

township enterprises 乡镇企业

township head 乡长


traffic tie-up 交通瘫痪

truce 停火,休战

trustee 董事

two-day dayoffs 双休日

tycoon 巨富

umpire 裁判

v.d.= venereal disease 性病

vaccine 疫苗

vehicle-free promenade 步行街

vote down 否决

well-off level 小康水平

well-to-do level 小康水平

who's who 名人录

working couple 双职工

hawk 主战派


heroin 海洛因

highlights and sidelights 要闻与花絮

his-and-hers watches 情侣表

hit parade 流行歌曲排行榜

hit product 拳头产品

hit-and-runner 肇事后逃走者

hong kong compatriot 香港同胞

honor guard 仪仗队

hostage 人质

housing reform 住房改革

hypermedia 多媒体

ideology 意识形态

idle money 闲散资金

in another related development 另据报道

incumbent mayor 现任市长转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com


info-highway 信息高速公路

in-service training 在职训练

inspector-general 总监

interim government 过渡政府

invitation meet 邀请赛

judo 柔道

karate 空手道

kiosk 小卖部

knock-out system 淘汰制

knowledge economy 知识经济

ksei 棋圣

laid-off 下岗

leading actor 男主角

lease 租约,租期

man of mark 名人,要人


manuscript 原稿,脚本

marriage lines 结婚证书

master key 万能钥匙

medium 媒体,媒介

mercy killing 安乐死

moped 助力车

moslem 穆斯林

multimedia 多媒体

music cafe 音乐茶座

national anthem 国歌

negative vote 反对票转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com

nest egg 私房钱

news agency 通讯社

news briefing 新闻发布会

news conference 记者招待会


news flash 短讯,快讯

nominee 候选人

notions 小商品

null and void 无效的 off-hour hobby 业余爱好

off-the-job training 脱产培训

on standby 待命

on-the-job training 在职培训

on-the-spot broadcasting 现场直播

opinion poll 民意测验


overseas student 留学生

overture 序曲

overwhelming majority 压倒性多数

palm phone 大哥大


parliament 国会

passerby 过路人

pay-to-the-driver bus 无人售票车

peaceful co-existence 和平共处

peace-keeping force 维和部队转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com

peak viewing time 黄金时间

pedestrian 行人

pension insurance 养老保险

pentagon 五角大楼

perk 外快

pm = prime minister 首相,总理

politburo 政治局

poor box 济贫箱

pope 教皇

pose for a group photo 集体合影留念


poverty-stricken area 贫困地区

power failure 断电,停电

premiere 首映,初次公演

press briefing 新闻发布会

press corps 记者团

press spokesman 新闻发言人

prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式

professional escort “三陪”服务

profiteer 投机倒把者

protocol 草案,协议

puberty 青春期

public servant 公务员

questionnaire 调查表

quick-frozen food 速冻食品

quiz game 智力竞赛


racial discrimination 种族歧视

rapport 默契

reciprocal visits 互访

recital 独唱会,独奏会

red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎

red-hot news 最新消息

red-letter day 大喜之日

redundant 下岗人员

re-employment 再就业

rep = representative 代表

rip off 宰客

senate 参议院

tenure of office 任职期

the other man / woman 第三者

top news 头条新闻


tornado 龙卷风

tour de force 代表作

township enterprises 乡镇企业

township head 乡长

traffic tie-up 交通瘫痪

truce 停火,休战

trustee 董事

two-day dayoffs 双休日

tycoon 巨富

umpire 裁判

v.d.= venereal disease 性病

vaccine 疫苗

vehicle-free promenade 步行街

vote down 否决

well-off level 小康水平


well-to-do level 小康水平

who's who 名人录

working couple 双职工



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