Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen!Today, with such great joy, on behalf of Anhui Travel Agency.I'd like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the Pacific.Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Li Xin and I work for Anhui Travel Agency.During your short stay in Huangshan, I'll be your local guide.It's my honor to be of your service.If you have any request, go ahead!I'll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!
Ok, now, we're heading for Qiyun Mount.It's about 30 minutes' bus ride.On the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and I'd like to give you a brief introduction about Mt.Qiyun.Mt.Qiyun is situated in Xiuning County of southern Anhui, formerly known as “White Mountain”.It's now called “Qi Yun”, which means “as much high as the clouds” with a peak poking into the sky.Mt.Qiyun, together with the Yellow Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain, has always enjoyed the reputation of “Three Famous Mountains in Southern Anhui”.Over about 500 years ago, one emperor in Chinese history praised it as the first mountain in south of Yangtze River.And since 1,300 years ago, it has been chosen as one of the “Four Taoism Holy Lands” in China.Mt.Qiyun covers a scenic area of 110 square kilometers.It is the rising part of the Yellow Mountain extending southwest to the edge of Southern Anhui Basin.The mountain ranges from northeast to southwest, with highest peak of 585 meters above sea level.Composed by purplish and erinaceous rock and grit, the mountain has been shaped into the unique “Red Cloud Land Form” by long-time weathering and erosion.At present, there has been 300 scenic spots in Qiyun Mount, among which are 50 wonderful peaks, 49 odd rocks, 16 deep caves, 46 nice stream and 25 places of ridges, stairs and terraces.All these go into the making of the natural beauty here.The three major scenic areas are: Yuehua Street, Yunyan Lake and Longshang Lou.Ok, I have said too much about Mt.Qiyun.I expect you have got a general idea about it.Seeing is believing.Let's get off the bus and brings your camera, I will show you around the mountain!
Look!The first sight that comes to us is Dengfeng Bridge, which leads to the mountain passage.Come on!Let's close it!Do you know why it called “Dengfeng” Bridge, and “Dengfeng” which means “being promoted”.It is said that the bridge can bring people gook luck and longevity.Today you came here and you can have good luck and longevity.Long long ago, there is a local governor, who would build bridges for the good of the people, has won their respect and love.Just as the bridge was going to be named, the imperial edict came announcing the promotion of the governor.Thus, the crowed congratulated the governor and gave the bridge the name “Dengfeng”.Ok!Let's go on visiting!Then we will pass six pavilions one by one on our way up the mountain.Each has its names and different pictures painting on the ceilings.They are Buyun Pavilions, Denggao Pavilions, Yingfeng Pavilions, Songyue Pavilions, Haitianyiwang Pavilions and Wangxian Pavilions.Now, here is Wangxian Terrace which means expecting the fairy is the leading scenic spot of the Fairy Pass with Feiyun Pavilion on it.You see this bridge called Mengzhen Bridge means dream comes true.Let's pass it and maybe our dreams will come true!Now, this is Shouzi Cliff, and that huge character “Shou” means longevity is engraved.You can take a picture!It's 230cm in diameter.Are you ok? A few steps ahead are the first heaven gate.You see the peak is in the shape of an elephant, and the cave looks just like the huge trunk of it.Thus, it is also called Trunk hill.Come on!Eyes front!A tremendous stone inscription high up on the cliffs!Stone carving is a distinctive feature of Qiyun Mountain.Here, you see four Chinese charactors “Tian Kai Shen Xiu” which means heaven created the beauty is the Fairy's Caves, which is one of the best spots of the mountain.And you can see so many carved figures here!We can take a short rest here and then we'll get up to the second heaven gate and the third heaven gate, then we'll arrive at the hinterland of Qiyun Mount—Yuehua Street.The Street used to be place for Taoists to practice martial art and make immortality pills.There had been a number of magnificent Taoist Shines and buildings, but most of them were damaged as the time passes by only 8 temples have been well-preserved, and several others have been rebuilt.Such as Yuxu Temple and Zhenxu Hall.Also we'll visit Fangla Zhai ahead of Yuehua Street, and the highest peak of Qiyun Mount,--Guoyan, which is another wonderful spot with its stone inscription.
道教圣地 齐云山是中国四大道教名山之一,因与武当山均供奉真武大帝,故又有'江南小武当'之称。山上道观错落,宫庙相映,钟鼓磬鸣,岚烟缥缈。1984年6月恢复了齐云山道教协会,有畸形的宗教典礼运动,可供游客参观。
摩崖石刻 齐云山吸引着历代名人雅士,紫霄崖下的《紫霄宫玄帝碑铭》为明代佳人唐撰、戴炼书,碑高7.34米,宽1.40米,为江南见。数以千计碑碣石刻,其清丽的词句,遒劲的书法,匠心的镌刻,形成了壮观的艺术珍品长廊,使齐云山成为览景访古的圣地。
洞府楼阁 齐云黑虎崖,也称真仙洞府,危崖相连如垣,崖间洞窟累累,有八仙、圆通、罗汉、雨君、文昌、珠帘等,内供神像;崖顶清流飘洒而落,如珍珠垂帘,下有碧莲池承接,长年晶莹碧透,不竭不溢。明嘉庆年间修筑的'楼上楼',构造奇妙,由两层自然石窟组成,虽饱经风霜,仍风景苍幽。
齐云群峰 齐云山景区有9座重要山峰,最顶峰廊岩,高百余米,峻峭如削,上覆下陷,呈60°倾斜,仰望巍峨入云而又势若压顶,峭拔雄奇,有'一石插天,与云并齐'之称,齐云山也由此得名。此外,还有'山作香炉云作烟'的香炉峰、相映成趣的三姑峰与五老峰、宛如采药仙子的仙女峰等。此外,齐云山景区还保留有一片天然楠木林,总面积约3000平方米,深处林隐蔽日,涧水潺潺,'深谷常有烟云锁,楠树毒草千万朵',亦具欣赏价值。
难 忘 齐 云
齐云山,中国四大道教名山之一,与江西龙虎山、湖北武当山、四川鹤鸣山并称中国四大道教圣地,古称白岳。位于徽州休宁县城西十五公里处。海拔585 米,方圆一百平方公里。境内有三十六奇峰,七十二怪崖,间以幽洞、曲涧、碧池、青泉,汇成胜境。更有道教的宫、殿、院、坛、阁等108处,摩崖石刻和碑刻537处。历史上有“黄山白岳甲江南”之称„„
1.张家界地貌是石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌(quartz sand stone forest peak gorges)
2.江南3大名楼:yueyang tower/yellow crane tower/kingteng pavillion
3.岳阳楼以先天下之忧,后天下之乐而乐(a leader should plan and worry ahead of people,and enjoy the fruits after the people.)闻名。
4.我国10大风景名胜:北京故宫(the palace museum)苏州园林(suzhou classical gardens)桂林山水(mountain and water in guilin)杭州西湖(west lake)安徽黄山(huangshan mountain)秦兵马俑(emperor qinshihuang's mausoleum and terra-cotta warriors and horses)长江三峡(three gorges)台湾日月潭(sun and moon pool in taiwan)避暑山庄(chengde summer resort and surrounding temples)万里长城(great wall)
5.张家界珍稀动植物(rare wild animals and plants):猕猴(rhesus)穿山甲(pangolin)大鲵(giant salamander)龙虾花(lobster flower)珙桐(dore tree)银杏(ginkgo)云杉(spruce)杜鹃花(azalea)
7.中国工艺美术3长是指:湘绣(xiang embroidery)景德镇瓷器(china)北京雕漆(carved lacquer)
8.湘绣的基本画稿(basic picture)是国画(chinese painting)
9.mawangdui the female corpse has been kept very well, why? key: buried very
deeply/sealed up/constant temperture and constant humidity/short of oxygen under the condition of no bacferia
10.the five classics and the four books:classic of changes(易经),classic of history(书经),classic of poetry(诗经),classic of rites(礼)spring and autumn annals(春秋)analects of confucious(孔子)the great learning(大学)the doctrine of the mean(中庸)book of mencius(孟子)
11.major religions in china:buddhism/daoism /islamism /christinanity
12.eight distinct regional cuisine:sichuan/shandong/guangdong/jiangsu/zhejiang/fujiang/hunan and anhui
13.chinese garden:the summer palace.chengde summer resort.lingering garden(留园).the humble administrator's garden(拙政园)
14.the four treasures of the study:writing brush, ink stick(墨),ink slab(砚),paper
15.the four buddhist sacred mountains in china:wutai,e'mei,jiuhua,putuo
16.china's five sacred peaks:taishan, henshan, henshan in hunan, huashan, songshan
17.4 important chinese classical novels:a pilgrimage to the west, romance of the three kingdoms, a dream of red mansion, the outlaws of the marsh(水浒)
18.4 chinese traditional festivals:spring festival, lantern festival, dragon-boat festival, mid-autumn festival
19.welcome speech:1.to express your welcome on behalf of the local reception service and driver.2.self-introduction 3.introduce the driver.4.to express your hope to offer the good service for the guests.and expect the understanding and cooperation from the guests.5.hope the guests have a nice stay here.20.farewell speech.21.游金鞭溪解说可利用的讲解法有:分段讲解法(a section-by-section explanatory introduction)虚实结合法(combination of factual information with abstract reasoning)画龙点睛法(the giving of a crucial touch to a picture)
22.作为全陪(national guide)在入境站(china entry station)接团时应提前多少时间与地陪一起到入境点,并在入境点的什么地方迎候客人(how many minutes……in advance and where should they sit to greet the guests)?
30minutes 海关出口(the exit of custom)
23.全陪在餐车(dining carriage)、机场可否与旅游团共餐(dine together)?
可以 标准与旅游者同(the same standard as that of the tourists)
24.旅游者的护照在不用于申办旅行及其他手续时,由谁保存(declare and go through other procedures who will keep them)?
旅游者各自保存(the tourists themselves)
25.作为全陪在离境站(exit station)应做好那些准备工作(preparatory work)?1.落实飞机、火车或轮船票(confirm the tickets)2.帮助有困难的客人捆扎行礼、行李过称(ready guests wrap the luggage and weigh)3.提醒旅游者带好护照、海关申报表、购物发票,特别是文物和贵重药材购物发票和证明,准备好换汇水单。(remind the tourists of taking custom declaration form.shopping receipts,cultural relics,valuable medicine herbs ,receipts and confirmation exchange memo)4.帮助旅游者结清各种帐单(pay off all the bills)5.提前2小时到达机场(get to the airport ahead of 2 hours)26.作为地陪,每天早上客人上车后出发时必须做的事情有那些(what necessary things that local guide should do on departure)?
1.清点人数count 2.向客人问早say hello to the guests 3.报告天气情况和简短新闻the weather report and brief news 4.重申当天日程,午餐安排及返回饭店时间decalare the schedule, lunch arrangement and the returning time to hotel
27.作为地陪旅游团全天活动日程结束后,返回饭店时,要向旅游团宣布哪些事情?1.次日行程或当晚活动安排the schedule of next day or the evening activities 2.次日出发时间,集合地点the departure time and gathering place 3.当天晚餐时间,地点the time and place for having dinner 4.应注意的有关事情some attentions
28.导游员与散客商定日程(dicuss the intinerary)时必须遵循什么原则?
主随客便原则(respect the gueats)合理而客能的原则(reasonal but possible)
29.怎样搞好与领队的关系?尊重领队respect 支持领队工作support 避免正面冲突avoid a conflict with leader
30.导游语言有哪4种类型?口头语言oral language 表情语言gesture language形体语言body language 服装语言或非口头语言uniform language
31.商定日程的方法有哪几种:1.以我为主take yourself as the host 2.以客为主
32.商定日程的一般原则:1.宾客至上原则put guests above everything else 2.服务至上top quality service 3.主随客便take the interests of the whole into account 4.合理而可能reasonable and possible 5.平等协商equal negotiation 6.以合同或协议为准则take the contract and negotiation as the regulation
33.游客丢失身份证需乘机怎办?补办临时身份证take a complementary temporary ID card
34.what`s ok ticket? ok ticket is a kind of ticket which has confirmed the date,flight and airseat.35.the differences between the individual tour and group pacakage tour? 1.the itinerary and arrangement of the tour trip 2.the means of paying 3.the price :individual:higher group:discount /lower 4.freedom limit 5.the number of the tourists individual:not more than 9 and group: above 10 people
36.免机场税情况:the foreign guests who transfer at the domestic airport,he doesn`t go out of the checking area.the guests who take the international flights hongkong, macao flights with the diplomatic passports.the children under 12 years old with half-price tickets.the transfer`s guests who take the domestic flights.37.作为地陪在中途站送国内团时,离开饭店前应做那些事情? 1.清点人数count 2.与全陪领队核对行李件数及办好交接手续confirm the number of the luggage and relief of the procedures 3.提醒客人不要遗忘自己的物品也别忘了留下房间钥匙remind guests of not forgetting their personal belongings and remember to leave the roomkey to the front desk.4.把用完的各项证件票证亲自交给领队或旅游者hand all the identifications, tickets overthe leader or tourists.oh,my god.i finished them finally.i was so tired that i could not open my eyes.what could you take to reward me?haha,just a joke!please don`t mind, but above the information is so important and please learn them by heart.although you got the above the materials.please do not take them to everyelse to avoid some unnecessary troubles.the materials are limited,so i suggest that you should find more extra information to serve your tour exam.
As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists.It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers(2.49 miles)from the downtown of the city.Standing in the Da Ci'en Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its si-mp-le but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple.It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction.This attraction can be divided into three parts: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Da Ci'en Temple, and the North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty(618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang.Xuanzang started off from Chang'an(the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism.Enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained Buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several Buddha relics.Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong(628-683), Xuanzang, as the first abbot of Da Ci'en Temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it.With the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation.Based on the journey to India, he also wrote a book entitled 'Pilgrimage to the West' in the Tang Dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.First built to a height of 60 meters(197 feet)with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters(211.6 feet)high with an additional two stories.It was said that after that addition came the saying-'Saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda'.Externally it looks like a square cone, si-mp-le but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction.Built of brick, its structure is very firm.Inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey.On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty.Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a legend.According to ancient stories of Buddhists, there were two branches, for one of which eating meat was not a taboo.One day, they couldn't find meat to buy.Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: 'Today we have no meat.I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some.' At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground.All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious.They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat.Hence it got the name 'Big Wild Goose Pagoda'.Da Ci'en Temple Da Ci'en Temple is the home of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.In 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named 'Ci'en'(Mercy and Kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others.Today, with an area of 32,314 square meters(38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.Before the temple, there stands a statue of hierarch Xuanzang, the meritorious hierarch.Walking on and acroa small bridge, visitors will see the gates of the temple.With guarding lions, the temple seems stately for lions were said to function as talismans.Entering the temple you will see two buildings-Bell Tower in the east and Drum Tower in the west.Inside the Bell Tower hangs an iron bell 15 tons(14.76 grotons)in weight.It was molded in 1548 in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).Along the central axis are arranged the Hall of Mahavira, Sermon Hall, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang.In the Hall of Mahavira are three carved statues of Sakyamuni, and 18 arhats as well as Xuanzang.The Sermon Hall is where Buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon.A bronze statue of Amitabha is dedicated and a Buddha statue is collected by Xuanzang as oblation.The Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang is north of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.In this hall are Xuanzang's relic and a bronze statue of a seated Xuanzang.The inner wall is chiseled with murals depicting this hierarch's story.Renowned as the contemporary Dunhuang Buddhist storehouse praised by UNESCO, it is the biggest memorial of Xuanzang.