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Venketesh N.Dubey British School of Design, engineering and computers, Bournemouth University, Poole

Jian of S.Dai King's College London, University of London, London 摘要





创意/价值—这项设计是独一无二的,并已被证明可以折叠各种复杂形状的纸盒。关键字:机器人技术 包装 自动化 文章类型:研究论文 简介







在复杂纸盒的折叠操作及工序分析方面,作者开展了大量的研究,并诉诸于图形理论、螺旋理论、矩阵理论且以一种空间结构表示纸盒;及其研究纸盒移动性和分析其结构外形(Dai and Rees Jones,1997a,b,c,1999;Dubey et al.1999a,b,c;Dubey and Dai,2001)。本文介绍从事设计能处理复杂几何形状纸盒的可重构纸盒折叠机的研究。设计和原理的需要

该项目被列在许多化妆品和香水供应商的愿望列表上,如伊丽莎白雅顿和卡尔文·克莱恩,并被Unilever Research UK积极地考虑了数年。他们愿意支持任何一种能够使用一些替代手段从而实现整个花式纸盒包装过程自动化的研究思想。结果,这个项目是由英国和荷兰联合利华财团赞助,以探索开发一种可处理各种形状和尺寸的纸盒的柔性包装机的可行性。这项研究由手工包装流程的研究开始,揭示了当从简单的纸盒的生产转换到一个复杂的纸盒的生产时,要求包装机具有较高的灵活性(Dai, 1996年)。



图3 纸盒包装操作

设计一种建造和折叠这种纸盒的机械系统需要考虑以下几点: ● 多功能。提供各种操作功能,包括拨、折、挤和扭操作。● 灵活。能够以不同的方式达到操作位置。● 控制最小数量的轴。降低系统的复杂性。

● 可重构性。处理各种不同几何形状的可折叠的纸盒。


● 可编程性。同时地、循序地控制多个轴的运动。



图4 包装机模型




该模型提供了机器运行所需的全部运动信息(Dubey and Crowder,2003年)。包装机的参数模型已经被开发出来(Workspace4,1998年),几何外形和尺寸设计的改变可以非常容易地纳入到模型中,包括结构的验证。这也使机器部件的运动参数能在加工之前就得以确定。包装纸盒时,在纸盒上定位各种接触点,通过记录的各种接触点的位移,就可以实现手指的纸箱之间的运动的连通性。纸箱上的接触点可以由折叠次序的几何表示鉴别(Dubey and Dai,2001)。这些接触点用于测量每个手指关节的偏移量。将这些位移数据进行插值运算,生成最优手指路径,尽量减少不必要的手指运动,从而减少包装的周期时间。从模型中获得的插补数据可以下载,用以驱动手指。当前的研究工作是基于纸盒的几何特征及其折叠次序的研究,使整个包装过程可以实现自动化(迪比等,2000),而不是借助于纸盒的仿真。


图5 机械手折叠纸盒

一个复杂纸盒的包装机器人 试验机

利用从模型中获得的三维信息,所开发的包装机采用三个线性电动机;两个用于驱动钳手,一个用于控制旋转平台的垂直运动。十个日本安川电气提供的高扭矩、高性能电动机被用在手指关节处,这些电动机规格为:尺寸,Φ30× 30毫米;重量,70克;转矩,0.7Nm/22.5rpm;传动比,80:1,谐波传动;光学编码器,96脉冲/转。这意味着10cm的手指可以提供7N的压力,足以折叠这些花式礼品纸盒了。该控制器架构采用四个运动控制程序卡片,每个卡片可以控制多达四个轴(Dubey and Crowder,2003年)。这些卡片支持C语言编程的运动控制,它也有一个G代码编程界面,用于快速检验和模拟加工。该统还采用了气动连接,用以连接吸盘,控制器可以通过吸盘控制启停开关。目前采用转动转盘的方式将纸盒从一个位置移到另一个位置并定位(今后还计划用指尖上的V形槽),完成抓取操作。这将有利于处理平整的纸盒板,防止其滑动(Dubey et al., 1999年)。


一个复杂纸盒的包装机器人 讨论和结论


未来需要改进的部分包括优化手指导轨,使用力反馈触觉传感器,以避免纸板上的压力过大,且将在真空装置中进行折叠操作。还建议将仿真模型与实际机器相结合,使其能下载在线数据。X-Y工作台可用电机驱动和控制,实现自动重构。这些先进的技术,将使整个包装过程自动化, 从纸盒的二维图开始,然后确定其运动学特性并生成运动序列到完成产品包装。此外,如果能小型化,还计划将灵活的、可重构的机械手安装在一个机器人手臂上以得到更高灵活性。该系统不仅能进行纸盒折叠,也可以在折叠的同时将产品放入纸盒中。这将减少包装时间,也能够迎接对不断变化的高端私人产品包装需求的高度适应性的挑战。


Dubey, V.N., Dai, J.S.and Stamp, K.J.(2000), “Knowledgebased carton specification system”, Science and Technology Report, Unilever Research, Bedford.Dubey, V.N., Dai, J.S., Stamp, K.J.and Rees Jones, J.(1999b), “Kinematic simulation of a metamorphic mechanism”, paper presented at Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machine and Mechanisms(IFToMM), pp.98-103.Lu, L.and Akella, S.(2000), “Folding cartons with fixtures: a motion planning approach”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol.16 No.4, pp.346-56.Workspace4w(1998), User’s Guide, Robot Simulations Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne.

第二篇:机械 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 一个复杂纸盒的包装机器人



Venketesh N.Dubey 英国设计学院,工程和计算机,伯恩茅斯大学,普尔

Jian S.Dai 伦敦大学国王学院,英国伦敦大学,伦敦





创意/价值—这项设计是独一无二的,并已被证明可以折叠各种复杂形状的纸盒。关键字:机器人技术 包装 自动化 文章类型:研究论文简介





在复杂纸盒的折叠操作及工序分析方面,作者开展了大量的研究,并诉诸于图形理论、螺旋理论、矩阵理论且以一种空间结构表示纸盒;及其研究纸盒移动性和分析其结构外形(Dai and Rees Jones,1997a,b,c,1999;Dubey et al.1999a,b,c;Dubey and Dai,2001)。本文介绍从事设计能处理复杂几何形状纸盒的可重构纸盒折叠机的研究。设计和原理的需要

该项目被列在许多化妆品和香水供应商的愿望列表上,如伊丽莎白雅顿和卡尔文·克莱恩,并被Unilever Research UK积极地考虑了数年。他们愿意支持任何一种能够使用一些替代手段从而实现整个花式纸盒包装过程自动化的研究思想。结果,这个



该模型提供了机器运行所需的全部运动信息(Dubey and Crowder,2003年)。包装机的参数模型已经被开发出来(Workspace4,1998年),几何外形和尺寸设计的改变可以非常容易地纳入到模型中,包括结构的验证。这也使机器部件的运动参数能在加工之前就得以确定。包装纸盒时,在纸盒上定位各种接触点,通过记录的各种接触点的位移,就可以实现手指的纸箱之间的运动的连通性。纸箱上的接触点可以由折叠次序的几何表示鉴别(Dubey and Dai,2001)。这些接触点用于测量每个手指关节的偏移量。将这些位移数据进行插值运算,生成最优手指路径,尽量减少不必要的手指运动,从而减少包装的周期时间。从模型中获得的插补数据可以下载,用以驱动手指。当前的研究工作是基于纸盒的几何特征及其折叠次序的研究,使整个包装过程可以实现自动化(迪比等,2000),而不是借助于纸盒的仿真。


插图2 另一种纸盒的包装机 讨论和结论


未来需要改进的部分包括优化手指导轨,使用力反馈触觉传感器,以避免纸板上的压力过大,且将在真空装置中进行折叠操作。还建议将仿真模型与实际机器相结合,使其能下载在线数据。X-Y工作台可用电机驱动和控制,实现自动重构。这些先进的技术,将使整个包装过程自动化, 从纸盒的二维图开始,然后确定其运动学特性并生成运动序列到完成产品包装。此外,如果能小型化,还计划将灵活的、可重构的机械手安装在一个机器人手臂上以得到更高灵活性。该系统不仅能进行纸盒折叠,也可以在折叠的同时将产品放入纸盒中。这将减少包装时间,也能够迎接对不断变化的高端私人产品包装需求的高度适应性的挑战。参考文献

Dai, J.S.(1996a), “Survey and business case study of the exterous reconfigurable assembly

metamorphic mechanism”, paper presented at Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machine and Mechanisms(IFToMM), pp.98-103.Lu, L.and Akella, S.(2000), “Folding cartons with fixtures: a motion planning approach”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol.16 No.4, pp.346-56.Workspace4w(1998), User’s Guide, Robot Simulations Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne.附件2:外文原文






Robots First, I explain the background robots, robot technology development.It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology.It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development.But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave.So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need.Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories.is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide.Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation.So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small.Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly.Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot.It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement.So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom.We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom.Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc.These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference.It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc.It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming.The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up.This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas.If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited.Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside.a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate.This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery.This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Robot is mankind's right-hand man;friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend.In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend.Robots will create the jobs issue.We believe that there would not be a “robot appointment of workers being laid off” situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.译文资料:













机械手是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技自动化生产设备。工业机械手是工业机器人的一个重要分支。它的特点是可通过编程来完成各种预期的作业任务,在构造和性能上兼有人和机器各自的优点,尤其体现了人的智能和适应性。机械手作业的准确性和各种环境中完成作业的能力,在国民经济各领域有着广阔的发展前景。随着工业自动化的发展, 出现了数控加工中心,它在减轻工人的劳动强度的同时, 大大提高了劳动生产率。但数控加工中常见的上下料工序, 通常仍采用人工操作或传统继电器控制的半自动化装置。前者费时费工、效率低;后者因设计复杂, 需较多继电器,接线繁杂, 易受车体振动干扰,而存在可靠性差、故障多、维修困难等问题。可编程序控制器PLC控制的上下料机械手控制系统动作简便、线路设计合理、具有较强的抗干扰能力, 保证了系统运行的可靠性,降低了维修率, 提高了工作效率。机械手技术涉及到力学、机械学、电气液压技术、自动控制技术、传感器技术和计算机技术等科学领域,是一门跨学科综合技术。






















机械手控制系统的主要作用是控制机械手按一定的程序、方向、位置、速度进行动作,简单的机械手一般不设置专用的控制系统,只采用行程开关、继电器、控制阀及电路便可实现动传动系统的控制,使执行机构按要求进行动作.动作复杂的机械手则要采用可编程控制器、微型计算机进行控制。三﹑ 机械手的分类和特点

机械手一般分为三类:第一类是不需要人工操作的通用机械手。它是一种独立的不附属于某一主机的装置。它可以根据任务的需要编制程序,以完成各项规定的操作。它的特点是具备普通机械的性能之外,还具备通用机械、记忆智能的三元机械。第二类是需要人工才做的,称为操作机。它起源于原子、军事工业,先是通过操作机来完成特定的作业,后来发展到用无线电讯号操作机来进行探测月球等。工业中采用的锻造操作机也属于这一范畴。第三类是用专用机械手,主要附属于自动机床或自动线上,用以解决机床上下料和工件送。这种机械手在国外称为“Mechanical Hand”,它是为主机服务的,由主机驱动;除少数以外,工作程序一般是固定的,因此是专用的。


















Robot developed in recent decades as high-tech automated production equipment.Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots.It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability.The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development.With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved labor productivity.However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device.The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient;the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues.Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency.Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.First, an overview of industrial manipulator Robot is a kind of positioning control can be automated and can be re-programmed to change in multi-functional machine, which has multiple

degrees of freedom can be used to carry an object in order to complete the work in different environments.Low wages in China, plastic products industry, although still a labor-intensive, mechanical hand use has become increasingly popular.Electronics and automotive industries that Europe and the United States multinational companies very early in their factories in China, the introduction of automated production.But now the changes are those found in industrial-intensive South China, East China's coastal areas, local plastic processing plants have also emerged in mechanical watches began to become increasingly interested in, because they have to face a high turnover rate of workers, as well as for the workers to pay work-related injuries fee challenges.With the rapid development of China's industrial production, especially the reform and opening up after the rapid increase in the degree of automation to achieve the workpiece handling, steering, transmission or operation of brazing, spray gun, wrenches and other tools for processing and assembly operations since, which has more and more attracted our attention.Robot is to imitate the manual part of the action, according to a given program, track and requirements for automatic capture, handling or operation of the automatic mechanical devices.In real life, you will find this a problem.In the machine shop, the processing of parts loading time is not annoying, and labor productivity is not high, the cost of production major, and sometimes man-made incidents will occur, resulting in processing were injured.Think about what could replace it with the processing time of a tour as long as there are a few people, and can operate 24 hours saturated human right? The answer is yes, but the robot can come to replace it.Production of mechanical hand can increase the automation level of production and labor productivity;can reduce labor intensity, ensuring

product quality, to achieve safe production;particularly in the high-temperature, high pressure, low temperature, low pressure, dust, explosive, toxic and radioactive gases such as poor environment can replace the normal working people.Here I would like to think of designing a robot to be used in actual production.Why would a robot designed to provide a pneumatic power: pneumatic robot refers to the compressed air as power source-driven robot.With pressure-driven and other energy-driven comparison have the following advantages: 1.Air inexhaustible, used later discharged into the atmosphere, does not require recycling and disposal, do not pollute the environment.(Concept of environmental protection)2.Air stick is small, the pipeline pressure loss is small(typically less than asphalt gas path pressure drop of one-thousandth), to facilitate long-distance transport.3.Compressed air of the working pressure is low(usually 4 to 8 kg / per square centimeter), and therefore moving the material components and manufacturing accuracy requirements can be lowered.4.With the hydraulic transmission, compared to its faster action and reaction, which is one of the advantages pneumatic outstanding.5.The air cleaner media, it will not degenerate, not easy to plug the pipeline.But there are also places where it fly in the ointment: 1.As the compressibility of air, resulting in poor aerodynamic stability of the work, resulting in the implementing agencies as the precision of the velocity and not easily controlled.2.As the use of low atmospheric pressure, the output power can not be too large;in order to increase the output power is bound to the structure of the entire pneumatic system size increased.With pneumatic drive and compare with other energy sources drive has the following advantages: Air inexhaustible, used later discharged into the atmosphere, without recycling and disposal, do not pollute the environment.Accidental or a

small amount of leakage would not be a serious impact on production.Viscosity of air is small, the pipeline pressure loss also is very small, easy long-distance transport.The lower working pressure of compressed air, pneumatic components and therefore the material and manufacturing accuracy requirements can be lowered.In general, reciprocating thrust in 1 to 2 tons pneumatic economy is better.Compared with the hydraulic transmission, and its faster action and reaction, which is one of the outstanding merits of pneumatic.Clean air medium, it will not degenerate, not easy to plug the pipeline.It can be safely used in flammable, explosive and the dust big occasions.Also easy to realize automatic overload protection.Second, the composition, mechanical hand

Robot in the form of a variety of forms, some relatively simple, some more complicated, but the basic form is the same as the composition of the , Usually by the implementing agencies, transmission systems, control systems and auxiliary devices composed.1.Implementing agencies Manipulator executing agency by the hands, wrists, arms, pillars.Hands are crawling institutions, is used to clamp and release the workpiece, and similar to human fingers, to complete the staffing of similar actions.Wrist and fingers and the arm connecting the components can be up and down, left, and rotary movement.A simple mechanical hand can not wrist.Pillars used to support the arm can also be made mobile as needed.2.Transmission The actuator to be achieved by the transmission system.Sub-transmission system commonly used manipulator mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic and electric power transmission and other drive several forms.3.Control System Manipulator control system's main role is to control the robot according to certain procedures, direction, position, speed of action, a simple mechanical hand is generally not set up a dedicated control system, using only trip switches, relays, control valves and circuits can be achieved dynamic drive system control, so that implementing agencies according to the requirements of action.Action will have to use complex programmable robot controller, the micro-computer control.Three, mechanical hand classification and characteristics

Robots are generally divided into three categories: the first is the general machinery does not require manual hand.It is an independent not affiliated with a particular host device.It can be programmed according to the needs of the task to complete the operation of the provisions.It is characterized with ordinary mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence ternary machinery.The second category is the need to manually do it, called the operation of aircraft.It originated in the atom, military industry, first through the operation of machines to complete a particular job, and later developed to operate using radio signals to carry out detecting machines such as the Moon.Used in industrial manipulator also fall into this category.The third category is dedicated manipulator, the main subsidiary of the automatic machines or automatic lines, to solve the machine up and down the workpiece material and delivery.This mechanical hand in foreign countries known as the “Mechanical Hand”, which is the host of services, from the host-driven;exception of a few outside the working procedures are generally fixed, and therefore special.Main features: First, mechanical hand(the upper and lower material robot, assembly robot, handling robot, stacking robot, help robot, vacuum handling machines, vacuum suction crane, labor-saving spreader, pneumatic balancer, etc.).Second, cantilever cranes(cantilever crane, electric chain hoist crane, air balance the hanging, etc.)Third, rail-type transport system(hanging rail, light rail, single girder cranes, double-beam crane)Four, industrial machinery, application of hand Manipulator in the mechanization and automation of the production process developed a new type of device.In recent years, as electronic technology, especially computer extensive use of robot development and production of high-tech fields has become a rapidly developed a new technology, which further promoted the development of robot, allowing robot to better achieved with the combination of mechanization and automation.Although the robot is not as flexible as staff, but it has to the continuous duplication of work and labor, I do not know fatigue, not afraid of danger, the power snatch weight characteristics when compared with manual large, therefore, mechanical hand has been of great importance to many sectors, and increasingly has been applied widely, for example:(1)Machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in the automatic lathe, combination machine tool use is more common.(2)In the assembly operations are widely used in the electronics industry, it can be used to assemble printed circuit boards, in the machinery industry It can be used to assemble parts and components.(3)The working conditions may be poor, monotonous, repetitive easy to sub-fatigue working environment to replace human labor.(4)May be in dangerous situations, such as military goods handling,dangerous goods and hazardous materials removal and so on.(5)Universe and ocean development.(6), military engineering and biomedical research and testing.Help mechanical hands: also known as the balancer, balance suspended, labor-saving spreader, manual Transfer machine is a kind of weightlessness of manual load system, a novel, time-saving technology for material handling operations booster equipment, belonging to kinds of non-standard design of series products.Customer application needs, creating customized cases.Manual operation of a simulation of the automatic machinery, it can be a fixed program draws ﹑ handling objects or perform household tools to accomplish certain specific actions.Application of robot can replace the people engaged in monotonous ﹑ repetitive or heavy manual labor, the mechanization and automation of production, instead of people in hazardous environments manual operation, improving working conditions and ensure personal safety.The late 20th century, 40, the United States atomic energy experiments, the first use of radioactive material handling robot, human robot in a safe room to manipulate various operations and experimentation.50 years later, manipulator and gradually extended to industrial production sector, for the temperatures, polluted areas, and loading and unloading to take place the work piece material, but also as an auxiliary device in automatic machine tools, machine tools, automatic production lines and processing center applications, the completion of the upper and lower material, or From the library take place knife knife and so on according to fixed procedures for the replacement operation.Robot body mainly by the hand and sports institutions.Agencies with the use of hands and operation of objects of different occasions, often there are clamping ﹑ support and adsorption type of care.Movement organs are generally hydraulic pneumatic ﹑ ﹑ electrical device drivers.Manipulator can be achieved independently retractable ﹑ rotation and lifting movements, generally 2 to 3 degrees of freedom.Robots are widely used in metallurgical industry, machinery manufacture, light industry and atomic energy sectors.Can mimic some of the staff and arm motor function, a fixed procedure for the capture, handling objects or operating tools, automatic operation device.It can replace human labor in order to achieve the production of heavy mechanization and automation that can operate in hazardous environments to protect the personal safety, which is widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and nuclear power sectors.Mechanical hand tools or other equipment commonly used for additional devices, such as the automatic machines or automatic production line handling and transmission of the workpiece, the replacement of cutting tools in machining centers, etc.generally do not have a separate control device.Some operating devices require direct manipulation by humans;such as the atomic energy sector performs household hazardous materials used in the master-slave manipulator is also often referred to as mechanical hand.Manipulator mainly by hand and sports institutions.Task of hand is holding the workpiece(or tool)components, according to grasping objects by shape, size, weight, material and operational requirements of a variety of structural forms, such as clamp type, type and adsorption-based care such as holding.Sports organizations, so that the completion of a variety of hand rotation(swing), mobile or compound movements to achieve the required action, to change the location of objects by grasping and posture.Robot is the automated production of a kind used in the process of crawling and moving piece features automatic device, which is mechanized and automated production process developed a new type of device.In recent

years, as electronic technology, especially computer extensive use of robot development and production of high-tech fields has become a rapidly developed a new technology, which further promoted the development of robot, allowing robot to better achieved with the combination of mechanization and automation.Robot can replace humans completed the risk of duplication of boring work, to reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity.Manipulator has been applied more and more widely, in the machinery industry, it can be used for parts assembly, work piece handling, loading and unloading, particularly in the automation of CNC machine tools, modular machine tools more commonly used.At present, the robot has developed into a FMS flexible manufacturing systems and flexible manufacturing cell in an important component of the FMC.The machine tool equipment and machinery in hand together constitute a flexible manufacturing system or a flexible manufacturing cell, it was adapted to small and medium volume production, you can save a huge amount of the work piece conveyor device, compact, and adaptable.When the work piece changes, flexible production system is very easy to change will help enterprises to continuously update the marketable variety, improve product quality, and better adapt to market competition.At present, China's industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and comparable to foreign countries there is a certain distance, application and industrialization of the size of the low level of robot research and development of a direct impact on raising the level of automation in China, from the economy, technical considerations are very necessary.Therefore, the study of mechanical hand design is very meaningful.


Agricultural Land and Regulation in the Transition Economy of Russia Ekaterina Gnedenko1 & Michael Kazmin2 Published online: 7 July 2015 # International Atlantic Economic Society 2015 JEL Classification C10.L33.O57.Q00 This research note explores the link between farmland conversion and existing land regulation in Russia.We conclude that land regulation is lagging the new market trends in the transition economy of Russia.As market forces continue to penetrate the economy, apparent managerial and statutory problems with regard to local land-use planning and regulation preclude more effective use of land.Responding to the need for attracting investment in agriculture, the Russian Ministry of Science and Education provided funds for our research project that involves primary data collection and econometric analysis of the interdependencies between governmental policies and farmland loss.Our unique dataset contains socioeconomic, demographic and spatial geographic 2010 data for 39 municipal districts in the Moscow metropolitan region.The econometric analysis of this data set is used to explore the relationship among farmland quantity, its assessed value, the share of privatized farmland, farmland tax,and land-use zoning in the simultaneous equations framework.While the Russian market for real estate has developed quickly, the market for agricultural land is still thin.Farmland deals are limited, partly because of the lingering uncertainty about farmland property rights.The state-owned farmland is still significant.Our Moscow regional data suggest a strong positive relationship between the fraction of privatized farmland and farmland acreage, although the fraction of individually and collectively privatized farmland is only 57 %.The direct sale of farmland to foreigners is prohibited decreasing potential foreign investment as well.As a result, the area occupied by agricultural lands has been steadily decreasing and deteriorating in quality.During the period 1990 to 2005, tillable lands in Russia have shrunk by 10.5 million hectares(7.9 % of tillable lands).Lacking experience and adequate knowledge, local governments are stuck with the land conservation policies available to the former USSR.In particular, in an attempt to contain the loss of prime farmland, the regulators retain old land-use zoning laws prohibiting the change of land status.However, strong development pressures and widespread corruption often annihilate the desirable effect of zoning.The results of our econometric analysis indicate that the proximity to Moscow city and population growth both have a significant negative effect on the amount of farmland, even in the strictlyzoned-for agriculture districts, suggesting strong urban pressure in the capital region of Moscow.The estimated elasticity of farmland acreage with respect to population growth is −0.3.A corrupt practice of illegal changes in land status is reflected in the fact that the lands still classified as farmland in the Federal Register of Land are turned into residential or industrial areas.This signals a management problem which could be perhaps resolved by the introduction of more flexible zoning and an increase in the range of responsibilities of local governments and their property rights to land.The other economic instrument indispensable in land policy, land assessment, is also based on the former practices of the Communist period following a federally mandated general formula that takes into account soil productivity criteria, topographic features of the landscape, and the presence of irrigation, but still has little in common with the market price of farmland.When the agricultural land tax is calculated as the percentage of the assessed value of farmland, which is often below its real market value, local authorities are not interested in developing local agricultural infrastructure or increasing agricultural land base because they will not be able to reap any significant tax benefits from it.Coupled with the low federally mandated upper limits on tax rates(0.3 % of the assessed value of agricultural and residential lands)this leads to insufficient local tax revenues and overreliance on intergovernmental transfers.According to our data for the Moscow region, although localities tend to impose the maximum allowable tax rate, the average share of land tax revenues in local budgets is a mere 5 %.It is not surprising as the average assessed value of farmland across municipalities is 1000 times less than the ongoing average sales price, according to data we collected.The insignificant local land tax revenues caused by the underestimated land value lead to insufficient local infrastructure investment, which further suppresses the value of farmland and hastens its conversion.The results of the econometric analysis indicate lack of statistical significance between the assessed value of farmland and farmland quantity in the Moscow region, making the farmland tax rate an ineffective instrument in land policy.This missing link between the farmland quantity and existing land policies may render these policies not just ineffective but even wasteful.Innovative approaches such as the retention of development rights by the government might represent a temporary solution.The increasing reliance on local governance in solvinglocal problems would imply improved land-use and public finance planning and,perhaps, a slower farmland conversion trend.俄罗斯经济转型中的农业用地与监管

Ekaterina Gnedenko1 & Michael Kazmin2。在线出版:2015年7月7日。国际大西洋经济学会2015。冻胶分类C10。L33。O57。Q00 本研究报告探讨了俄罗斯农地转换与现有土地规制之间的关系。我们的结论是,土地监管滞后于俄罗斯转型经济的新市场趋势。由于市场力量继续渗透经济,在地方土地利用规划和管理方面显然存在管理和法律问题,妨碍了更有效地利用土地。为了应对吸引农业投资的需要,俄罗斯科学和教育部为我们的研究项目提供了资金,该项目涉及对政府政策和农田损失之间相互依赖关系的主要数据收集和计量分析。我们独特的数据集包含社会经济、人口和空间。2010年莫斯科都市地区39个市辖区的地理数据。通过对该数据集的计量分析,探讨了在联立方程框架下,耕地数量、其评估值、私有化耕地占比、农地税和土地利用区划之间的关系。







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