Contents Halloween............................................................................................................................................................................3 Christmas in America........................................................................................................................................................7 坐飞机...................................................................................................................................................................................11 Flying Business Class.......................................................................................................................................................18 Fear of Flying.....................................................................................................................................................................21 Typhoon Delays................................................................................................................................................................24 Jet Lag.................................................................................................................................................................................28 Airport Hassles..................................................................................................................................................................31 Traveling with the Senior Executive............................................................................................................................34 Souvenir Shopping..........................................................................................................................................................36 Bargaining..........................................................................................................................................................................39 Applying for a Visa..........................................................................................................................................................42 出行.......................................................................................................................................................................................45 Bullet Trains.......................................................................................................................................................................51 Vacation..............................................................................................................................................................................54 远足旅行...............................................................................................................................................................................57 医药.......................................................................................................................................................................................63 医疗保险...............................................................................................................................................................................69 体育运动...............................................................................................................................................................................72 American Football............................................................................................................................................................78 Food(1)...............................................................................................................................................................................80 Food(2)...............................................................................................................................................................................82 Tipping................................................................................................................................................................................88 电视节目...............................................................................................................................................................................91 电影.......................................................................................................................................................................................97 音乐.....................................................................................................................................................................................103 宠物.....................................................................................................................................................................................109 你是哪里人.........................................................................................................................................................................115 社会文化.............................................................................................................................................................................121 移民入籍.............................................................................................................................................................................127 Halloween Lenny下班等公车遇到同事Susan ,问Susan明天要装扮成什么,问得Susan一头雾水。Lenny: Hey Susan, what are you coming as this year? Susan: Coming as? L: Yeah...for Halloween!We have a big office party tomorrow evening.There's a prize for best costume!S: Um...I have to confess, I haven't given it much thought.I'm from China and Halloween really isn't celebrated there.原来是公司明天晚上要开万圣节派对,万圣节是Halloween 又称鬼节,是美国最热闹的节日之一。Susan 说,I have to confess.confess是主动交代的意思,Susan 说自己没怎么好好想。I haven't given it much thought.to give some thought to something 指对某事认真考虑,Susan说,中国不过万圣节,这里用的 celebrate 是庆祝的意思,可以说 Halloween is not celebrated in China;也可以说 We don't celebrate Halloween in China.主动,被动都可以。
L: Really!You don't have some kind of Chinese ghost festival? S: Oh...Sure.We have an entire month!In traditional Chinese culture, “Ghost Month” is a period when the door between this world and beyond opens up and ghosts come back to earth for a visit.L: Cool!A whole month!What do you do during that month? S: Well, people sometimes set off firecrackers, some people burn paper money as an offering and many people go to a temple to burn incense.Mainly though, you need to feed the ghosts because they're hungry.Susan说,中国虽然不过万圣节,但是农历里却有整整一个月来祭奠阴间来访的鬼,称为鬼月。祭奠的方式包括放鞭炮 set off firecrackers,烧纸钱burn paper money,到寺庙里去烧香等,但是最重要的是要把饿鬼喂饱。L: Feed them? S: Yeah...we set up tables with food, fruit and drinks and offer that to the hungry ghosts.L: And then later everyone eats the food? S: Yes!How did you guess that? L: It makes sense, right? Who else is going to eat it? S: Good Point!L: But no dressing up like ghosts, right? S: No!(chuckle)So...is Halloween essentially the same thing as “ghost month?” Susan说,鬼月的时候,大家会在桌子上摆放食物,水果,饮料等等,进奉给饿鬼。不过,在中国过鬼月,不用装扮成鬼的样子,people don't dress up like ghosts.dress up 可以指穿成某种样子,也可以指穿得很正式,比如, I dressed up for a job interview today.意思是我今天有个工作面试,所以穿正装。那中国的鬼月跟西方的鬼节一样吗?我们下次继续听。
下班等公车遇到同事Susan , 问Susan明天公司开万圣节派对准备穿什么,Susan说中国不过万圣节,只有鬼月,不知道二者是不是差不多。Lenny 回答说,Susan: So...is Halloween essentially the same thing as “ghost month?” Lenny: Kind of.It actually has its origins in the ancient Celtic New Year.Celtic people believed that the door between the world of the living and the world of the dead became easier to pass through on October 31st.Over the centuries, many traditions merged to become the modern Halloween festival.S: Wow!That's really similar to the Chinese ghost month...except that it only lasts a day---not a month!Lenny说,万圣节最早起源于凯尔特人的新年,the ancient Celtic New Year.凯尔特人相信,10月31号这一天,分隔阳世和阴间的大门很容易穿过。Susan说,这样听上去,中国的鬼月和西方万圣节的起源有异曲同工之妙,唯一的区别在于,万圣节是一天,而鬼月是整整一个月。
L: I love Halloween, but I wouldn't want it to last a whole month!S: Why do you love Halloween? L: Um...I think it's because Halloween lets me act like a kid again.I can dress up and play around...Halloween is really all about having fun!S: So Christmas and Thanksgiving and other American holidays are more formal than Halloween? L: That's right.Christmas and Thanksgiving are more family-oriented.Halloween is a chance to get crazy!Lenny说,他之所以喜欢万圣节是因为这一天可以像孩子一样肆无忌惮地寻开心。跟万圣节相比,圣诞节和感恩节更 family-oriented 意思是更注重家庭团聚。oriented is spelled o-r-i-e-n-t-e-d, oriented, 意思是以什么为导向的,比如 career-oriented 更注重事业的,detail-oriented 重视细节的。S: So if I come to the party, I have to wear a costume? L: You don't have to....but it's strongly encouraged.Come on!It'll be fun!S: I'm really quite reserved.The idea of putting on a costume is completely out of character for me.L: That's why it's fun!On Halloween you can forget about everything and just let loose!S: So what's the deal? I have to be a vampire or a demon or something? Susan说自己非常 reserved, reserved is spelled r-e-s-e-r-v-e-d, reserved.reserved是拘谨,放不开的意思。Susan还说,让自己装扮成妖魔鬼怪 is completely out of character.完全不符合我的性格。Susan会同意参加万圣节派对吗?我们下次继续听。
Lenny说服同事Susan去参加万圣节派对,Susan不知道该穿什么,Lenny说,L: Back when I was a kid, everyone came dressed as a ghost or a mummy or a vampire.These days there are lots of costumes available and people try their best to come up with original ideas.Susan:(sarcastic)Great!You just added to my pressure!I have no idea what kind of costume to wear.L: What's your favorite horror movie? S: I actually like Japanese ghost stories.Western horror movies don't scare me;they just make me sick to my stomach.Japanese ghost stories terrify me, though.Lenny告诉Susan说,他小时候那会儿,大家无非是穿成吸血鬼和僵尸什么的,但如今,各式各样万圣节的装扮和道具商店里应有尽有,people try their best to come with original ideas.to come up with 是想出,original 是新颖的,独到的,这句话意思是大家都想方设法与众不同。Lenny 给Susan 出主意,问她最喜欢看的鬼电影是什么。Susan 说自己不爱看西方恐怖片 horror movie,因为 they just make me sick to my stomach.看了只会让我恶心。sick to one's stomach 是恶心的意思。相反的,日本的恐怖片却能把她吓个半死。
L: Then come as a Japanese ghost!You can wear a white sheet and get a long wig!Push your hair in front of your face and you'd make a great ghost!S: How about a witch? I'm a woman...and remember...women like to look nice.I want to be scary...but I want to look good, too!L: Sure...you'd make a very attractive witch!Lenny建议Susan索性装扮成一个日本恐怖片里走出来的鬼,身上披个白床单,戴个长长的假发,假发是 wig, 然后把假发全都盖在脸上,活脱脱就是一个讨债的恶鬼。Susan 嫌丑不愿意,说自己更愿意扮成一个漂亮的女巫。S: How about you? What are you coming as? L: I'm coming as a serial killer!I've got fake blood and a huge fake knife!It's going to be cool!S: Sounds like fun...OK...I'm in.L: Wonderful!See you at the party!S: Thanks for talking me into it!L: You're welcome!Susan 问 Lenny 要装扮成什么。Lenny 说自己要穿成一个 serial killer 连环杀手,serial is spelled s-e-r-i-a-l, serial, serial 是连续的意思。Susan 最后说,sounds like fun...OK...I'm in.意思是听起来真好玩,我加入,她还感谢 Lenny 说服自己参加,to talk someone into something 意思是说服某人做某事。Christmas in America 来自中国的雇员Dana跟同事Charlie聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞节。Dana: Hey Charlie, you're from Boston right? C: Yeah, I'm from Newton.It's a suburb of Boston.D: I'm going to be visiting your hometown for Christmas.C: Really? Boston is beautiful at Christmas time.Maybe you'll get to experience a real white Christmas!Are you going there for business? D: Actually, I was invited by an old friend of mine.He was an exchange student in Beijing in the 1980s.We've known each other for over 20 years now.Dana要到Charlie的hometown家乡,Boston去过圣诞节。波士顿是美国东北部的大城市,冬天经常下大雪,所以Charlie说,Maybe you'll get to experience a real white Christmas.没准你能体验一下真正的白色圣诞节呢!Dana说,自己不是去波士顿出差,not for business, 而是去看一个认识很久的老朋友。C: I see.So you're going to hang out with your friend for the holidays? D: Yes, but I'm a little nervous.C: Why would you be nervous? D: Because I'm going to be staying with his family.I've never experienced an American Christmas.What if I say or do the wrong thing? C: Oh...there's nothing to worry about.Christmas is a time of goodwill.People are supposed to forget about any differences and be nice to each other.Usually everyone is in a really good mood.跟老朋友hang out一块儿过节,为什么还会紧张呢?原来,Dana担心自己不了解过圣诞节的风俗,会说错话,或是做错事。
Charlie安慰她说,没什么可担心的,因为Christmas is a time of goodwill.圣诞节是展现友好的时候。大家一般心情都很愉快、平和。Everyone is usually in a really good mood.D: So give me a basic rundown.What are the Christmas traditions? C: Each family is different, but basically you just go with the flow.If your friend's family is religious they might go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.D: I've never attended a church service before...that sounds interesting.C: The singing and music can be quite beautiful, but many American families just hang around at home on Christmasbad!Every time I get on a plane my heart starts beating faster, I sweat and every creak and squeak from the airplane makes me sure we are going to crash.It's so exhausting that I arrive at my destination completely unnerved.M: Wow!That doesn't sound like fun.I assume this condition is quite commonin fact, your chances of being in a fatal accident is something like one in 5 million!Those are pretty good odds!S: Yeah, I've read those stats....but I guess when I'm driving at least I feel in control.I feel completely helpless when I'm on an airplane.Mimi 说,要说坐飞机超自然的话,那开车也是超自然的行为,而且每年死于车祸的人要比坐飞机掉下来的人多得多。有统计数字显示,致命事件发生在我们身上的机会只有500万分之一。Those are pretty good odds.机率还是满不错的。Odds 是机率的意思。比如,Your odds of being struck by lightning is greater than winning the lottery.一个人被雷电击中的机率都要高过中彩票。Sean 说,这些数据他也看过,stats is spelled s-t-a-t-s, 是 statistics 数据的简写,但是他总觉得,开车的时候,方向盘在自己手里,可是坐飞机,命运就完全不在自己的掌握之中了。
Sean 有飞行恐惧症,可他偏偏又是国际销售代表,需要经常旅行。同事 Mimi 开玩笑说,他可真是选错了职业。Mimi 说,M: You certainly picked the wrong profession!You are an international sales representativebut it's been 10 years now and I'm still afraid of flying.M: You know, the idea that you are more in control behind the wheel of a car than you are in an airplane might not be valid.Think about it: how much control do you have over road conditions or other drivers on the road? Very little, right? S: That's true.Mimi 觉得,Sean certainly picked the wrong profession.选错了职业。Sean 说,他原来以为,坐飞机坐得多了,飞行恐惧症会慢慢好起来,谁知道,十年过去了,丝毫不见减弱。Mimi 说,Sean以为开车we've got it.J: To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.But I need gifts for my wife, kids and I should bring something back for the senior partners of my firm as well.G: Hum...I'd recommend silk for your wife.Maybe a bathrobe or perhaps a shawl.Silk dresses and shirts are good, too.36 J: Yeah...that sounds good.But my wife is picky so I'll need your help to choose the right one.It should be classy and not too flashy.G: I think I know just the store to visit.Leave it to me.除了观光,Jason还想购物,给太太、孩子和公司合伙人买礼物。Gina建议Jason给太太买丝绸制品。Jason说太太很 picky,picky is spelled p-i-c-k-y, picky,picky,是挑剔的意思,衣服要典雅classy, 不能过于招摇,flashy.Gina说,leave it to me,包在我身上。
Jason: Hey!You know what might be good gifts for my business associates? Chinese antiques!G: Well, we certainly have lots of antique art, statues and carvings, but in most cases it's not legal to take genuine antiques out of China.J: Oh, I see.That makes sense.You have to preserve your heritage.G: But there are many reproductions of antiques for sale.J: you mean fakes? G: A fake is when the dealer lies and says the piece is ancient.A reproduction is legal and they can be quite beautiful.You could take home some classical Chinese statutes as decorations for their offices.Jason想给同事买中国古董antiques做礼物,但是Gina告诉他,古董不能带出中国,建议Jason考虑买reproduction,复制品。Jason以为Gina是指fake假货,Gina解释说,fake,假货是商人故意欺骗顾客,以假乱真,而复制品则是合法生产和出售的。
J: Yeah!That would look cool.Maybe some scrolls or traditional paintings.G: Good idea.Scrolls with Chinese cursive calligraphy look great on an office wall.And...they might even bring you luck!J: You can't beat that!But what about the kids? G: Humm...that's a bit trickier.There are of course, lots of counterfeit goods available like software or music, but buying them isn't recommended.J: No, I don't buy counterfeits.Besides...my sons have loads of computer games and CDs.Gina建议Jason买中国国画或是书法作品,挂在办公室墙上很气派,但是给孩子买什么礼物呢,Gina说, that's a bit trickier.这可有些麻烦。Jason说,他不愿意给儿子买盗版软件或音乐,counterfeit is spelled c-o-u-n-t-e-r-f-e-i-t, counterfeit, counterfeit, 是盗版的意思。
G: Hey!I know.You could have old-style Chinese suits custom-made for them!They can go around looking like little Chinese emperors!I know a great tailor!
J;Ha!Perfect!They'd like that for sure.Wow Gina..You're full of great ideas.I should tell your boss to give you a raise.G: But you are my boss!J:(Chuckle)Right!Then I'll make a note to myself!Really though...I can't thank you enough for all your help.G: Not at all.Just demonstrating some traditional Chinese hospitality.Gina突然来了灵感,说可以找裁缝给孩子量身定做中国的传统衣服,custom-made,是定做的意思,把他们打扮成中国小皇帝的样子。Jason对Gina的建议非常满意,说要告诉Gina的老板,给她涨工资,give someone a raise,是给某人涨工资的意思。Gina笑着提醒Jason说,你就是我的老板啊,我不过是表现一下中国人的传统好客罢了。
Bargaining Gina带美国老板Jason去购物。
Gina: Good morning, Jason.How did you sleep? Jason: Pretty well, thanks.Still feeling the effects of jet lag a bit, but last night I got at lease six hours of rest.G: Great!So, are you ready for a full day of shopping? J: Yep.Let's do it.I'm pretty excited!G: I know a place that should be perfect.It's called the “China Friendship Shopping Center” and it's pretty much like an American mallthat way, if they quote an outrageous price, you can just laugh.Jason想知道购物中心商品标价一般要比合理价格高出多少,mark up是把抬高价格的意思,相反的,mark down 则是减价销售。Gina说,有时价格会故意标高70%,甚至100%。这也就是为什么要了解当地的价格行情,have an in-depth working knowledge of something,是深度了解的意思,in-depth is spelled i-n in, and d-e-p-t-h, depth, in-depth,这样如果别人quote an outrageous price,抬出宰人的高价,outrageous is spelled o-u-t-r-a-g-e-o-u-s, outrageous, 意思是超乎寻常的,另外需要注意的,要价动词用的是 quote, q-u-o-t-e, quote.J: In America we generally can't get away with bargaining in many shops.The prices are listed on the price tag and that's that.Sometimes you can get a discount, but it's usually never more than ten percent or so.G: In China, pretty much all prices are negotiable.Some vendors tell me they actually respect buyers who can drive a hard bargain.J: That's interesting.Jason说,在美国,商店都是明码标价,The prices are listed on the price tag.Price tag,是价格标签的意思,有时也能享受优惠discount, discount,是减价、打折的意思,但是一般很少超过百分之十。Gina说,在中国,几乎所有价格都可以砍,negotiable is spelled n-e-g-o-t-i-a-b-l-e, negotiable,是可以商量的意思。有些卖主甚至更瞧得起会砍价的买主,drive a hard bargain,是固定用法,意思是会砍价。
G: Yes...but of course the seller will always try to win the bargaining battle...that's the nature of the game.J: Yeah, it is like a game, isn't it? Both people are bluffing, just like in poker.G: That's right.But you have to get a sense of where the bottom line is.After a while you learn to recognize a look in the seller's eyes that says: I'm really not going to go any lower.确实,砍价就象打牌,讨价还价的双方都要虚张声势,bluff is spelled b-l-u-f-f, bluff, bluff,是虚张声势的意思。Gina 说,没错,关键是要识别卖主的底线,bottom line,要能从卖主的眼神里看出,他真的不会再降价了。Jason: What about walking away? Some friends back home told me if I don't like the price, just walk away and the vendor will run out and give me their best price.G:(Chuckle)Oh...the vendors know that tactic as well!The shopkeeper will only chase you if they are 99.9 percent sure you'll buy something.They have a knack of knowing who is serious and who isn't.40 J: So, what's our first purchase of the day going to be? Jason问,如果觉得卖主是在宰自己,转身就走这招管不管用。Gina说,这种策略卖主早就知道,tactic is spelled t-a-c-t-i-c, tactic, 是策略的意思,卖主只有在觉得你99.9%会在他那买东西的情况下才会追出来,而且他们一眼就能看出谁是真心要买,knack is spelled k-n-a-c-k, knack, have a knack of doing something, 是十分擅长做某事的意思。他们今天先要去买什么呢?
G: I think we should start with some silk items.First, I'll make sure it's the genuine article and not a fake.Then we'll start bargaining.J: Can I pay with a credit card? G: In an established store, sure.But when we go into the area with lots of little stalls, they generally only take cash.Also when they see cash in your hand...prices do come down a bit more.Gina建议去买丝绸制品,她要先确认产品是真货,不是fake,假货,然后开始砍价。Gina还说,在established store正规的大商店里,Jason,可以用信用卡付费,pay with a credit card, 但在小店里,就要用现金了,而且卖方看到你手里拿着现金,the prices do come down a bit more,价格能降得更低些。J: We have an expression in English: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.G: Oh...I think I get it.That means it's better to have something tangible, even if it's not as exciting as other possibilities.J: That's right.You know something, Gina? I think I like China's way of doing business.It's a little wild, but it's a challenge and much more interesting than shopping back home.G: Ah...there's the store.Now let's get down to business.英语里有种说法叫a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林,意思是现在已经有的,要比追求更多而失去一切强。
Jason说,他觉得中国人讨价还价的购物方式比明码标价更有意思,更具挑战性。正说着,商店到了,Gina说,let's get down to business.开始了,意思是咱们开始杀价吧。
Applying for a Visa 王小姐到美国使馆签证,签证官Bob Jones受理她的申请。B: Hello miss.Can I see your ticket number? W: Sure, here you are.And here are my application forms as well.B: Thank you miss...Wang.I'm Bob Jones and I'll be handling your application.W: Nice to meet you Mr.Jones.B: The first step is to determine your eligibility for a U.S.visa.Let's see here...you're applying for a special business visa.Why is that? W: Well, my first order of business will be attending a conference in Seattle, but after that I intend to spend two weeks visiting my friends.I assumed a business visa would be required.签证官Bob说,首先要决定,王小姐是否符合申请美国签证的标准,eligibility is spelled e-l-i-g-i-b-i-l-i-t-y, eligibility,是符合标准的意思。签证官问王小姐为什么要申请一种特殊商务签证,a special business visa.。王小姐解释说,她是先到西雅图开会,first order of business 意思是第一件要处理的事情,然后还准备去看朋友。B: I think a regular visitor's visa should suffice.With this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days.W: So I can attend conferences and do business on that visa? B: Yes.You are free to do temporary business with this visa.If you were planning on setting up a new business in the U.S.you might need to apply for a long-term visa.W: Oh, I see.I think 90 days is more than enough time.签证官觉得,王小姐申请一般的旅游签证a regular visitor's visa,就可以了,suffice is spelled s-u-f-f-i-c-e, suffice 是足够的意思,她凭旅游签证能在美国停留90天,而且也可以做生意。王小姐说,90天的时间已经足够了。B: You said you plan to attend a conference.May I see your official invitation letter? W: Of course...I've also attached two reference letters from my senior management who can confirm my itinerary.B: I see.Your passport has quite a few international stamps in it.You do a lot of business traveling? W: I'm out of the country almost half a year.I'm a Chinese antiquities consultant and advisor.Our company has an office in Zurich.王小姐把会议方的邀请函,the official invitation letter,交给签证官,还附加了两份公司主管的信,证明她的行程,itinerary.她说自己 I'm out of the country almost half a year,每年几乎有半年的时间不在国内,签证官说王
小姐护照上有quite a few international stamps, 这里所说的 international stamps,是指入出境时在护照上盖的章。原来,王小姐是中国古迹专家,她所在的公司在苏黎世有办公处。
王小姐到美国使馆签证,签证官Bob Jones受理她的申请,Bob得知王小姐是研究古迹的专家后,觉得这个行业很有意思。
B: Wow, that sounds like an interesting line of work.I see here you are a citizen of People's Republic of China.W: That's correct.B: According to United States law, I'm required to ask you some reasonably personal questions.Please understand that these are formalities and are required of everyone.W: No problem.Ask away.B: Do you have proof of your financial stability? I'll need to see a bank statement.W: Yes.I remembered to bring my bankbook.Here you are.签证官Bob说,王小姐从事的行业似乎很有意思,line of work,指的是工作,行业。签证官Bob说,他要问王小姐一些个人问题,these are formalities.Formalities,意思是必要的形式。首先,签证申请人要证明自己的 financial stability,经济实力。
B: Have you ever been involved with terrorism or groups that support terrorism? W: Absolutely not.B: Do you have a criminal record in China? W: No.Not even a parking ticket.B: Ok...now I'm going to ask you sign a statement that affirms everything you just told me.If you sign this document, it's legally considered the same as swearing an oath in court.Do you affirm that everything you just told me is the truth? W: I do.签证官问王小姐是否参与过恐怖活动,be involved with,意思是参与,涉及。签证官又问,do you have a criminal record in China? 在中国有没有犯罪记录。王小姐回答说,她连违章停车的罚单都没吃过。违章停车的罚单在英语里叫parking ticket.签证官最后让王小姐在一份文件上签字,保证自己所说的一切属实。
B: Then please sign here.Thank you.Now I must inform you that anyone applying for a visa to the United States is required to have their fingerprints taken.W: That's not a problem.So...how long before I'll know if my visa is approved.B: The processing time is usually about 5 days.If there is some problem, you'll get a call or an email.43 W: Excellent.Thank you for your assistance Mr.Jones, you've been a great help.B: Not at all...just doing my job.Enjoy your trip to the United States.W: I certainly will!王小姐签好字,还要做指纹取样,按签证官说的,anyone applying for a visa to the United States is required to have fingerprints taken.凡是申请入境美国签证的人,都要提取指纹。
王小姐问签证申请几天才会有结果,签证官回答说,The processing time is about 5 days,办理签证大约要五天的时间,如果有问题,会电话或是电邮通知申请人,签证官最后还预祝王小姐去美国旅程顺利。
[A] Craig被纽约一家大公司录用,今天第一天上班。他刚搬来纽约不久,对公司周围的路不太熟,为了保险起见,他决定打车去公司--take a taxi。
Professor: Yes, Winnie.But if there is lots of traffic, taking a taxi might be slower than the subway.的确,如果路上有lots of traffic地铁,的确比打车更快。让我们一起听Craig打车是否顺利。
Driver: Good morning.Where are you headed? Craig: I'm going to number 250, East 97th Street.Driver: Which way do you want to go? Craig: I'm not from New York, so I don't know the way.You decide.Professor Bowman, 司机问Craig “where he is headed”, 这是什么意思?
Professor: Asking someone where he is headed is a common and casual way to ask him where he is going.我明白了,那么Craig在回答的时候,也可以说I'm headed to East 97th Street.Professor: That's correct.不过,我还真有点儿替Craig担心。他居然老实地告诉出租车司机,说自己新来乍道,不认识路。这种乘客很可能被司机rip off,宰上一刀!
Professor: Well, let's see if your worries are necessary.Driver: Oh, you don't know where you're going? Well, I know a special shortcut to that address.Craig: I'm not sure we need a special shortcut.The address isn't very far away.Driver: Well, it's rush hour right now.If we don't take my shortcut you might be late.Craig: Hmm....alright.I guess you know where to go.Professor: Winnie.Why did the taxi driver say he needs to take the shortcut? 他说,现在是rush hour超近道,Craig就可能会迟到。Professor: That's right, Winnie.If traffic is really bad, you can say there is a “traffic jam.”
But I think the driver sounds quite sketchy.没错!我倒要看看这条shortcut能不能省时间!
Craig: Are we there yet? We've been driving for 30 minutes, and it feels like we've been going in circles.Driver: Don't worry, we'll be there soon.Craig: But the meter says the fare is already $25 dollars!I'm only going a few blocks.It shouldn't cost so much money.Driver: Hey, you have to trust me.I'm a professional driver, remember? Craig虽然不熟悉纽约,但也知道公司其实并不远。可是,出租车司机开了半个小时还在绕圈子,而且,the meter车钱,已经25块了!Professor: That's right, Winnie.And remember, in this case the word “fare” is spelled F-A-R-E, not F-A-I-R.我记住了。Professor Bowman, 看来我们猜对了,司机是想黑Craig的钱。
Craig: Alright, just pull over here and I'll get out.This is the last time I hail a cab.Driver: What? Why? We're almost there.Craig: You've been saying that for the past 30 minutes.I'm going to walk.Driver: Well, at least you got to see a lot of the city.Will you give me a good tip for that? Craig: A tip? I'm not even paying the fare!好样的,Craig!他明智地让司机停车,决定自己走到公司去。对了,Professor,什么叫hail a cab?
Professor: “Hail a cab” is when you stand on the side of the road and raise your hand to tell the taxis to stop and pick you up.哦,就是站在路旁招手叫出租车。Craig说,他以后再也不打车了!对了,Professor,是不是在美国打车时都得给司机 a tip--小费呢?
Professor: Usually you give a tip, but not if he cheats you.难怪Craig说,别说小费,他连车钱都不想付!唉,希望他能顺利地走到公司!Professor: Listen next time to find out![B]
Professor: That's right, Winnie.In this first part, Craig stops to ask a policeman for help.Craig: Excuse me, I'm looking for number 250 on East 97th Street.Can you tell me how to get there? Policeman: Ninety-seventh street? Wow, that's pretty far away.I hope you're not in a hurry.Craig: Actually, I'm late for my first day of work.What's the fastest way to get there? Policeman: Do you have a car or are you taking public transportation? Craig: I'm on foot.第一天上班就可能迟到,Craig肯定急死了,可警察告诉他,到公司还有很远的路呢!
Professor: That's why the policeman hoped Craig was not “in a hurry”.If you're late for something, you can also say that you're “in a rush”.It means the same thing.哦,in a hurry和in a rush都是“来不及”、“赶着做什么事”的意思。Professor, “public transportation”是指公车、地铁这样的公交系统么? Professor: That's right.可是Craig既没有开车、也不坐公车、地铁,而是on foot-走着去。我真担心他会迟到!
Policeman: Well if you're walking, the fastest way to get there is to go through Central Park.Craig: Central Park? How do I get there? Policeman: Follow this road straight for three blocks until you see 97st street.Then take a left.Craig: OK, I'll go straight on this street and take the third left.Then what? Policeman: Follow 97th street until you get to the other side of Central Park.Number 250 will be four blocks ahead on your left.Craig: Great!Thanks for your help.Professor: So Winnie, what does the policeman tell Craig to do? Winnie: 警察说,沿着这条街走三个街区,看到97街后左转。Professor: Exactly.And then what does he have to do? Winnie: 然后,他要一直沿着97街走,直到穿过整个中央公园为止。然后,再走四个街区,公司就在路的左边。
Professor: Exactly.In this next section, one hour has passed and Craig has come back to talk to the policeman again.Winnie: 啊?一个小时之后Craig又回来向这个警察问路,那一定是迷路了!
Craig: Officer, I followed the directions you gave me, but I didn't find the address!I think you gave me the wrong directions.Officer: What? That's impossible.I told you the right way to get to 250 West 97th street.Craig: West 97th street? No, I told you East 97th street!You mean I walked all the way there for nothing? Officer: You're going to East 97th Street? Oh no, I must have told you how to get to West 97th street!East 97th street is just around the corner.You can get there in five minutes.原来是这么回事!Craig要去东97街,可是警察听成了西97街,难怪Craig走了大半天,还是找不到公司!Professor: Yes, Craig is having some bad luck this morning.But at least his destination is only five minutes away now.对,好在警察说,东97街is just around the corner,就在附近,一拐弯就到。
Craig: Alright officer, can you please tell me how to get to 250 EAST 97th street? Policeman: Of course.Just go back to 97th street, and instead of turning left, turn right.The building will be on your left-hand side.Craig: Ok.Is that the fastest route? I'm really late now.Policeman: There is a short cut, but since you don't know the city well, it's probably best to take the easiest route so you don't get lost.原来,问题就出在左拐还是右拐上。如果到了97街后右转,马上就能到公司!Craig为了赶时间,问警察有没有shortcut--近路,可警察怕他走丢,让他还是走最好走的路线。
Professor: That's right, Winnie.Do you think Craig's new boss will be mad at him for being late? 我们下次节目就知道啦![C] Professor: Today is Craig's first day at his new job, but he got lost on his way to the office so he's really late.In this first section he is talking to his co-worker, Tina, about the best way to get to work.Craig: Wow, I had a miserable commute this morning.Tina: Really, what happened?
Craig: Well first I took a cab, but the cab driver tried to rip me off so I got out.Then I tried walking, but I got bad directions and got lost.How do you usually get to work? Tina: I drive most days, and some days I take the bus.Craig: You drive? But the parking around here is so expensive.Tina: That's not a problem.I carpool with some of the other employees here so we save on gas and parking fees.Professor: So Winnie, did you hear how Tina gets to work? 她说,她大部分时间开车上班,有时也搭公车。不过,Professor, Tina提到的carpool是什么意思?
Professor: Carpooling is when a group of people all go somewhere in the same car.For example, if you live right near some co-workers, you might start a carpool with them to share driving duties.哦,carpool, C-A-R-P-O-O-L 就是拼车。Tina跟同事carpool,大家分摊汽油费和停车费,好主意!Craig: Oh, a carpool? That's a great idea.Do you think I could share a ride too? Tina: Unfortunately, we don't have any more space in the car.But I can certainly recommend some ways for you to get to work.Craig: Yeah, that would be great.I'm new to New York and so I don't know my way around.Tina: No problem, I know the city like the back of my hand.I can give you some good advice.可惜Tina的carpool满员了,Craig没法加入。不过Tina很热心,愿意告诉Craig一些好走的上班路线。Professor, Tina说,she knows the city like the back of her hand,是什么意思?
Professor: “To know something like the back of your hand” means you are very familiar with something.For example, “Todd is one of the best lawyers I have ever seen.He knows the law like the back of his hand.” 哦,就是“了如指掌”!
Tina: So Craig, the best way to get to work is probably on the subway.It's a bit more expensive than the bus, but it's totally worth it.Craig: Really? Why? Tina: Traffic in New York can be a nightmare during rush hour.It's bumper-to-bumper everywhere in the city.Craig: Doesn't the subway service get really backed up too? I've heard there are lots of delays.Tina: Yeah, the subway can run late sometimes too, but it's still more dependable than the bus.49 Tina建议Craig坐地铁,地铁虽然比公车贵,但时间上更有保障,因为上下班高峰期,纽约的路况特别糟糕。哎,什么叫 traffic is bumper-to-bumper? Professor: That means that the traffic is so bad and moving so slowly that it's almost as if the bumpers of the cars are touching.哦,bumper是汽车的保险杠,所以,如果路上车特别多,就可以说bumper to bumper,也就是说,车子的车头接着车尾,一辆紧接着一辆。
Craig: Yeah, the subway is probably a good idea, but I hate being squeezed into those smelly cars with all those other people.Tina: Well as long as you're on the mass transit system, you have to get used to it.The bus is crowded too.Craig:(Sigh)....I just wish there were some way for me to get to work without leaving my house.I wonder if in the future there will be a magical machine that can do that.Tina: Actually, we already have one: it's called a computer.Maybe you should try telecommuting!Craig说,他不愿意挤在脏兮兮的地铁里,我深有同感!Tina说的telecommuting太棒了,只要通过电脑和网络,在家里就能远距离工作!
Professor: Exactly.Today some people prefer to telecommute to work to save time and gas.Employers like it too, because they don't have to pay for an office.是啊,telecommute又省钱又省时。Professor Bowman, 不如我们也紧跟潮流,让我在家里通过telecommute上课吧!Professor: Sure!I'll just give extra homework to make up for the time you'll save.啊?就当我什么都没说吧!
怎样自己动手做一个可爱的布娃娃,怎样给妈妈织一条温暖的毛巾让她感动得热泪盈眶,怎样和伙伴们玩花式跳绳,怎样制作出令人陶醉的玫瑰香水,怎样用茶叶来为别人占卜爱情,还有怎样和男孩子融洽地相处•••••• 如果你还沉溺于互联网、电视和电脑游戏,如果你觉得女孩子的生活仅仅包括上学、打扮和聊天,那么,为什么不试着翻开《和女孩子聊天话题》呢?到户外自由自在地尽情玩耍吧!在户外你有可能玩得累了,弄得浑身是泥,而且饿得饥肠辘辘,甚至还会擦伤、碰伤自己,但是,永远不会有厌烦的感觉。编辑本段作者简介
★ 出版5个月就重印6次的《男孩的冒险书》姊妹篇,必将掀起第二波畅销热潮!
★ 版权行销全球25个国家,欧美畅销1 200 000册!《中国图书商报》《出版人》《每日邮报》等各大媒体强烈推荐!
★ 国际出版巨头企鹅出版集团倾力打造,中文简体版唯一授权广西科技出版社
★ 如果你觉得女孩子的生活就是打扮和聊天,那就大错特错!一切男孩子可以做的事情,女孩子们可以做得更好!
★ 全球25个国家的父母以此书作为礼物送给孩子,你又怎么能错过?
★ 涵盖了女孩子必须知道的所有事情。无论是偷传纸条的技巧、科学小游戏,还是花式跳绳、跳皮筋以及完美的侧身筋斗,甚至有关男孩子在想些什么这个永恒的话题,这本书统统都有介绍。
★ 谁说只有男孩子们才喜欢奇怪的事物、刺激的户外冒险以及玩耍的欢乐 呢?„„这本书来得太是时候了,女孩子们真的需要阅读这本书。——《出版人》
★《和女孩子聊天话题》引人入胜,意趣盎然,充满智慧。不知不觉中,它把你带回快乐的童年„„ 这本书是作者精心雕琢之作,它独具匠心而非矫揉造作。它令人爱不释手,是馈赠女孩的绝佳礼品。
★ 让《和女孩子聊天话题》伴着女儿度过她们的幸福童年吧!这里有举行聚会的各种各样的巧妙构思,有制作美味操作简单的烹饪食谱,有滑稽好玩的室内游戏,有家庭娱乐的魔术表演。让这本书帮助孩子把童年中最美好的、最天真无邪的记忆积淀在心灵中,这会让孩子培养起一种贵族气质——举手投足、言谈举止无不透露着良好的教养。
可爱的宠物和小马 参加愉快的聚会
最喜爱的书和电影 在家好好泡SPA
手工艺品、礼品制作大比拼 圣诞节快乐
算算你的运气怎么样 打发无聊时间的小游戏 急救知识大讲堂
热43已有 529 次阅读2010-10-08 14:42标签:英语聊天
2.I’m doing great.(我过得很好。)
3. What’s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)
4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。)
5. Hi.Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。)
6. So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。)
7. Things couldn’t be better.(一切顺利。)
8. How about yourself?(你自己呢?)
9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。)
10. Are you making progress?(有进展吗?)
11. May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)
12. I’ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。)
13. I hope you’re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。)
14. Let’s get together again.(改天再聚聚。)
15. That’s a great idea!(好主意!)
16. Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。)
17. I’m glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。)
18. Don’t forget us.(别忘了我们。)
19. Keep in touch.(保持联系。)
20. I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。)
21. Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。)22. Same to you.(彼此彼此。)23. Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。)24. Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。)25. Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。)26. Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。)27. I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。)28. You’re always welcome.(别客气/不用谢)29. Forget it.(算了吧)30. It was my pleasure.(不用谢。)31. I made a mistake.(我弄错了。)32. I’m terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。)33. I must apologize!(我必须道歉!)34. I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。)35. It’s not your fault.(那不是你的错。)36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。)37. What do you do?(你做什么工作?)38. How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?)39. I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。)40. I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。)41. What’s wrong?(怎么回事?)42. What happened?(发生什么事了?)
43. I hope nothing is wrong.(我希望一切顺利。)44. I know how you feel.(我知道你的感受。)45. Sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我很难受。)46. Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。)47. Use your head.(动动脑筋。)48. You did a great job.(你赶得很好。)49. That’s very nice of you.(你真好。)50. I’m very proud of you.(我为你感到自豪。)51. I like your style.(我喜欢你的风格。)52. I love you guys.(我爱你们。)53. How do I look?(我看起来怎么样?)54. You look great!(你看上去棒极了!)55. That’s fantastic!(那真是棒极了!)56. That’s really something.(那真是了不起!)57. It’s a pleasure working with you.(与您合作很愉快。)58. Congratulations on you success.(祝贺你的成功。)59. I’d like to propose a toast.(我提议干杯!)60. Are you married or single?(你结婚了吗?)61. I’ve been dying to see you.(我非常想见到你。)62. I’m crazy about you.(我为你疯狂/痴迷/神魂颠倒。)63. I love you with all my heart.(我全心全意爱你!)64. You’re everything to me.(你是我的一切!)
65. You’re in love!(你恋爱了!)66. I’m tired of working all day.(整日工作使我厌烦。)67. You work too much.(你做得太多了。)68. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。)69. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?)70. Have you got it?(明白了吗?)71. I’ve got it.(我懂了。)72. I can’t afford that.(我承担/买不起。)73. I did it, I’m so happy now.(我做到了,现在我很满意。)74. I don’t care.(不关我的事/我不管。)75. I don’t think so.(我不这么想/我看不会/不行/不用。)76. I guess so.(我想是吧。)77. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。)78. I will do my best!(我会尽力的!)79. I mean it.(我是认真的。)80. I’m so scared.(我怕极了。)81. It’s hard to say.(难说。)82. It’s a long story.(说来话长/一言难尽。)83. It’s a small world.(世界真小。)84. It’s against the law!(那是违法的!)85. It’s a good opportunity!(好机会!)86. It’s dangerous!(危险!)
87. May I help you?(我能帮忙吗?)
88. No doubt about it.(毫无疑问。)
89. That’s bullshit!(废话!)
90. Think it over.(仔细考虑一下。)
91. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。)
92. What a surprise!(太令人惊讶了!)
93. Whatever you say!(随便你!)
94. You are the boss!(听你的!你说了算!)
95. You have my word!(我保证!)
96. Tough job, tough day, tough world.Life is not always sweet.That’s life!
97. I need some sleep.(我需要睡眠。)
98. Take it easy.(别紧张。)
99. Just relax.(放松一下。)
100. Zip your fly!(闭嘴!)