
时间:2019-05-14 06:24:40下载本文作者:会员上传


be动词有不同的形式,如:现在式有am, are, is三种,过去式有was和were两种,过去分词只有been一种形式。


be动词的现在式有am, are, is三种,具体用哪一种,必须由主语的人称和数决定。如下表所示:


(1)I am a student.我是一名学生。

(2)We are all here.我们大家都在这儿。

(3)You are so beautiful.你是那么漂亮。

(4)He is my English teacher.他是我的英语老师。

(5)Is she nine years old? 她是九岁吗?

(6)My name is Mary.我的名字叫玛丽。

(7)It is sunny today.今天的天气晴朗。

(8)Tom and his friends are in the park.汤姆和他的朋友们都在公园里。


be动词的过去式是:was和were, 这两种形式与现在式用法没有多大区别,作谓语时用哪一种,还是由主语的人称和数决定。如下表:



My father is not a teacher.缩写:My father isn’t a teacher.We are not at home.缩写:We aren’t at home.(3)疑问句:be动词+主语……


Are you a student? 回答:Yes, I am.No, I am not.注意:含be动词的一般疑问句回答用Yes或No.其结构是:

Yes, + 主语 + be动词 / No, + 主语 + be动词 + not.(b)特殊疑问句:

What is your name?

How are you?

Where is my pencil-box?

4.There be句型:

there be句型是含有be动词的一个重要句型。其结构如下:

there + be动词 + 名词 + 地点状语

There is a school there.那里有一个学校。

在这个句型中a school是真正的主语,be动词的形式由它决定。当这个名词是单数时,be动词是is或was, 当这个名词是复数时,be动词用are或were。如:

There are many students in the classroom.在教室里有许多学生

There was an accident in the street last night.昨晚这街上有个车祸。

There were lots of people in the room when I got in.当我进去的时候,屋里有很多人。

there be句型的一般疑问句是将be动词提前,否定句也是将be动词后面加上not, 如:

Is there any water in the bottle? 瓶子里有一些水吗?

There aren’t any students in the room.房间里没有任何学生。



1.I ________(am, are, is)from Australia.2.She _______(am, are, is)a student.3.Jane and Tom _________(am, is, are)my friends.4.My parents _______(am, is, are)very busy every day.5._______(Are, Is, Do, Does)there a Chinese school in New York?

6._______(Be, Are, Were, Was)they excited when he heard the news?

7.There _____(be)some glasses on it.8.If he _____(be)free tomorrow, he will go with us.二.用所be动词的适当形式填空。

1.A: Where _______the post office.------B: It ________ behind the building.2.A: _______ you miss Black?-----B: Yes, I ______.3.It _____ a shirt, it _______(not)a skirt.4.There ________ a big playground in our school.5.There ______ many books in my schoolbag.6.There _________ some fish in the box.7._______ there any chairs in the classroom?

8.You’d better _______ early next time.


()1 John___ come to see us tonight, but he A.can't



D.A.I will

B.I won't


D.I isn't very sure yet.must


—___ I take the newspaper away? A.may


C.has to

D.Must 2 You ___ be late for school again next time.—No, you mustn't.You____read it only here.They ___ do well in the exam.A.mustn't




A.can be able to able to

C.don't have to

D.don't need to C.Need;must


C.can able to

D.are able to 3 —Must I do my homework at once? —No, 1 Excuse me.___ you please pass me that cup? —May I take this book out? —No, you___.you___.A.needn't



A.Do B.Should C.Would D.Must A.can't

B.may not



You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.A.can




—Can you speak Japanese? —No, I____.A.mustn't


C.needn't D.may not 1.– He___ be in the classroom, I think —No, he ___ be in the classroom.I saw him go home a minute ago.A.can;may not B.must;may not


D.may;mustn't —Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad? —Thanks, but you___, I've had enough.A.may not B.must not


D.needn't Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem, so itbe very difficult.A.may



D.need 4 He isn't at school.I think he ___ be ill.A.can



D.has to 5 ___ I take this one?




D.Do 1 The children___ play football on the road.D.may not His arm is all right.He___ go and see the doctor.A.has not to

B.don't have to

C.haven't to

D.doesn't have to

He had to give up the plan, ___ he?




D.doesn't They had to walk here, ___ they?


B.did C.didn't D.hadn't He had better stay here, ___ he?




D.isn't 2 You'd better___late next time.A.not to be B.not be

C.won't be D.don't be

You'd better ___ your hair ___ once a month.A.had;cut



D.have;cutted 4 You___ ask that man over there.Maybe he knows the way.A.had better not to

B.had not better

C.had better

D.had better not 1 —Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday? —________ A.Here you are

B.Sorry, I can't

C.Yes, please

D.Let me try —Why don't you ask Mike to go with us? —Thanks, ___.___ you like to have another try?


B.Will C.Would

D.Do 3 —Would you like to go boating with us? —Yes, ___.A.I'd like

B.I want

C.I'd like to D.I do 1 You___ worry about your son.He will

get well soon.A.needn't



D.have to

The poor man needs our help, ___ he?


B.needn't C.does

D.doesn't —Must we do our homework first? —No, you___.You may have a rest first.A.mustn't B.needn't C.may not D.can't 1.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _______ for her.A.had to write it out B.must have written it out C.should have written it out

D.ought to write it out 2.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It _______ a comfortable journey.A.can’t be

B.shouldn’t be

C.mustn’t have been

D.couldn’t have been 3.It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack _______ be here at any moment.A.must B.NeedC.should

D.can 4.Johnny, you _______ play with the knife, you _______ hurt yourself.A.won’t;can’t



D.can’t;shouldn’t 5.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _______ get out.A.had to



D.was able to

6.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They _______ be ready by 12:00.A.can




7.—I stayed at a hotel while in New York.—Oh, did you? You _______ with Barbara.A.could have stayed

B.could stay

C.would stay

D.must have stayed

8.—Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

—I’m not sure.I _______ go to the concert instead.A.must




9.I was really anxious about you.You _______ home without a word.A.mustn’t leave

B.shouldn’t have left

C.couldn’t have left

D.needn’t leave

10.—Is John coming by train?

—He should, but he _______ not.He likes driving his car.A.must




11.A left-luggage office is a place where bags _____ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.A.should B.can



12.I wonder how he _______ that to the teacher.A.dare to say

B.dare saying

C.not dare say

D.dared say

13.When he was there, he ___ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A.would B.should

C.had better


14.It has been announced that candidates _____ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A.can

B.will C.may


15.How ______ou say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only a part of the article?


B.must C.need

D.may 16.—I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coin._______ I have a look?

—Yes, certainly.A.Do



D.Should 【巧学活用参考答案】

1.1-5 A D A B B

2.1-5 C D B C A

3.1-3 C A A

4.1-3 D B C

5.1-4 C B C C

6.1-3 B A B

7.1-3 C C C

8.1-3 A D B 情态动词练习参考答案

1.C。―ought to / should have+过去分词‖表示后悔当初该做但却没做某事。―…也许我本该把详细地址写给她的。‖

2.D。―couldn’t have+过去分词‖表示对过去情况的推测。既然小汽车上―已有五人‖,且是―设法‖才把你带去的,如此拥挤,旅途当然―不可能‖舒服。

3.C。nearly 暗示―时间不早了‖,Jack―按理应当(should)随时(at any moment)‖都有可能到达这里。must 语气过强;can 一般不用于肯定推测;

need 意义不通,也不用于肯定句。

4.B。mustn’t(不许、千万不)表示禁止。may 表示可能性。句意为―你千万不要玩刀子,可能会弄伤自己的‖。

5.D。表示过去具体某次―能够‖做成某事只能用 was / were able to 而不用could。

6.B。should 表示按理应当,大概。can 一般不用于肯定推测;用 might 语气太不肯定,顾客可能走掉。

7.A。could have done 表示本可以做但却没有做的事。句意为―你本来可以住在 Barbara 那儿的‖;而 must have done 只表示有把握的肯定推测,这与前面具有疑问语气的 Oh, did you?不符。




10.D。由―他自己喜欢开车‖这一习惯推断,―他可能不会(may not)坐火车来‖。can not―不可能‖,语气太肯定。

11.B。can 表示―可以‖。should(应该), must(必须), will(愿意)均不符合语境。

12.D。dare 作行为动词时,一般接 to do,但疑问式或否定式中 to 可以省略,此句有疑问口气。

13.A。would 表示过去的习惯。


15.A。can 在疑问句中,表示疑惑、怀疑,根据情况可译作―能、可以‖等。

16.B。may 表示请求对方允许,即:―我可以做…吗?‖

第三篇:be 动词练习题


姓名:时间 :家长签字:

谨记:I am;You are;He is;She is;It is;We are;You are;They are.一、在横线上填上合适的be动词。(am,is,are)

1、Helen____ a student2、This _____my book.5、Your mother_____ swimming.6、Your sister______in the study.7、Those jackets_______my sister’s8、That______her dog.9、The cat_______on the desk.10、The books_______under the table.二.用括号中适当的词填空。

1.I ________(be)from China.2.She _______(be)a student.3.Jane and Tom _________(be)my friends.4.My parents _______(am, is, are)very busy(忙)every day.5.They_______(be)good students.6.These_______(be)my parents, Alan and Mary.7.Here _____(be)two photos of my family.8.He _____(be)nine tomorrow.三.用所be动词的适当形式填空。

1.A: Who _______she?B: She ________my sister.2.A: _______ you Miss Black?B: Yes, I ______.3.It _____(be)a shirt, it _______(not)a skirt.四、用 am, is, are 填空

1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy?

2、The girl______ Jack's sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4、The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.4.______ your brother in the classroom?

6、Where _____ your mother?

7.How _______ your father?

8、Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this?10.Whose socks ______ they?

11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?

13.The jeans ______ on the desk.14.Here ______ a scarf for you.15.Here ______ some sweaters for you.16.The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.17.This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.18.The two cups of milk _____ for me.19.Some tea ______ in the glass.20.Gao shan's shirt _______ over there.21.My sister's name ______Nancy.22.I _____ a student.23.You ____ a doctor.24.____she from Jinan?

25._____you American?26.He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.27.It_____ a car.28.They ____ cars.29.____ your mother in China?30._____your friends in New York?

31.What ____her name?32.These _____ buses.33.Those _____oranges.34.Where _____ her mother?

35.How old _____your teacher?36.What class _____ you in?

51.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.53.That ______ my red skirt.55.______ David and Helen from

57.56.There ______ a girl in the room.58._______ there any kites in the classroom?

There ______ some apples on the tree.59._______ there any apple juice in the bottle?1




I ______ a girl.My name _______ Mary.I ______ in Class 2, Grade 7.I ______ 12 years old.Here ______ my family photo.Look!These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents.This boy ______ my brother.He ________ 15 years old now.That ______ my cat, Mimi.It ______ very lovely.二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。(注意Be动词的时态)1.I ________from Australia.2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________my friends.4.My parents _______very busy every day.5._______ there a Chinese school in New York? 6.There _____ some glasses on it.7.There ________many monkeys in the mountain.8.There_________ a beautiful garden in our school.9.I _______ at school just now.10.He ________ at the school last week.11.We ________ students two years ago.12.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.13.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.14.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.15.There ________ some milk in the fridge on last Sunday.16.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.17.There _________some water in the glass.18.There __________ some bread on the table.19.Where ________ your friends yesterday? 20.How old __________ you last year? 21.Which dog ________ yours? 22.Ten and two ________ twelve.、be动词用法歌:


Be 动词的过去式的三种形式:is am—was,are--were 解析: I am;You are;He is;She is;It is;We are;You are;They are.练习:

一、用am, is, are 填空 1)I _____ a student.2)You ____ a doctor.3)____she from Jinan?

4)_____you American?

5)He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.6)It_____ a car.7)They ____ cars

.8)____ your mother in China? 9)_____your friends in New York? 10)What ____her name?

11)These _____ buses.12)Those _____oranges.13)Where _____ her mother? 14)How old _____your teacher? 15)What class _____ you in? 1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.2.The girl______ Jack’s sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4.The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.5.______ your brother in the classroom?

6.Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.7.How _______ your father?

8.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this? 10.Whose socks ______ they? 11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?

13.The jeans ______ on the desk.14.Here ______ a scarf for you.15.Here ______ some sweaters for you.16.The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.17.This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling....一般疑问句练习题


1.It is a lovely dog.________________________________________ 2.She is lovely girl.________________________________________ 3.He is my father._________________________________________ 4.They are Lily’s cousins.___________________________________ 5.We are classmates.______________________________________ 6.I am a doctor.________________________________________ 7.There is a bird in the tree.________________________________ 8.There are many stars in the sky.____________________________ 9.They are good friends.____________________________________ 10.I love my parents._______________________________________ 11.I play computer games every night._________________________ 12.There are many books on the shelf.__________________________

13.There is a bird in the zoo._______________________________ 14.We have a happy home.__________________________________ 15.We like to climb the mountain.______________________________ 16.They go to school on Monday.______________________________ 17.They walk to school every morning.__________________________ 18.It is a beautiful park.______________________________ 19.It is a big map.______________________________ 20.You are a singer.______________________________

二、用do does be 填空

1、_____ she know all the answers ? Yes , she ____.No, she _____.2、_____ the twins often fight ?

Yes ,_____ do.No, _____ don’t.3、_____ your dad like listening to music?

Yes ,____ does.No, _____ doesn’t.4、_____ uncle Tom wash his car everyday? Yes , ____ does.No, ____ doesn’t.5、_____ you have a new teacher?

Yes , I ______.No, I ______.6、_____ she a teacher?

Yes, she _____.No, she _____.7、______ you playing ball now? Yes, I ______.No, I ______.8、______ the pig like to sleep? Yes, it ______.No, it _____.9、______ five birds flying in the sky?

Yes, they _____.No, ____ aren’t.10、_____ your father smoking in the living room?

Yes, ____ is.No, he _____.



一、用am is are 填空。1.She _is__ our English teacher.2.Tom and Nike _are__ my classmates.3.There _is__ a pen in my pencilbox.4.Where__is_ Jack? 5.I _'m__ a students.6.You _are__ a lovely girl.7.There _are__ so many stars in the sky.8.He _is__ a clever boy.9.They _are__ my parents.10._Are__ you a beautiful teacher?

11.There ________(be)many monkeys in the mountain.12.There_________(be)a beautiful garden in our school.13.There _________(be)some water in the glass.14.There __________(be)some bread on the table.15._______(be)Tom ___________(read)a book now? 16.Where ________(be)your friends yesterday?

17.When _________(do)your father usually _________(go)to work?

18.How old __________(be0 you last year? 19.Which dog ________(be)yours? 20.Ten and two ________(be)twelve.21.She _________(be)a pretty girl 22.I __________(be)driving a car.23.We _________(be)teachers.24.Mike __________(be)a baby long long ago.25.The dog _______(be)eating a bone.26.They __________(be)farmers two years ago.二、用正确的be动词填空

1.Ann ____________ in Class Three.She ______________ good at English.2.A: _____________ you Tom? B: I ______________ Jojn.3.Where _____________ Tony from? I know his parents ___________ workers.4.We ____________ not from America, but we can speak English.5.How many apples _____________ there in the basket? 6.There ____________ some bread in the fridge.7.There ____________ many people in the park.8.What ____________ your favourite food?


1.There_____ two girls here.2.There_____ a bunch of banana on the table.3.There _____an elephant in the zoo.4.There______many roses in the flower bed.5.There______two cups of tea in the kitchen.6.There_____ one girl in the picture.7.There_____ some pencils in the pencil box.8.There_____ an island in the sea.9.There____ a moon in the sky.



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