20世纪,美国工程师泰勒提出“科学管理理论”,1911 年泰勒出版了专 《科学管理原理》,创立了“泰勒制度”,强调科学分工,故产品检验由以往的自产、自检改为产、检分离,出现了专职的检验员和独立的检验部门。结果,产品质量得到提高。这是质量管理事后检验阶段的开始。
2、过程控制 世纪20年代,著名科研基地美国贝尔电话实验室开始研究质量问题。当时美国休哈特博士作为过程控制项目的首席科学家应用统计学于1924年提出过程控制(现今统称之为SPC——统计过程控制)理论以及监控过程的工具控制图——不合格品率(p)控制图,将事后检验转变为事先预防。同时,同一实验室的道奇博士作为产品控制项目的首席科学家与数学家罗米格一起也于1929年应用统计学提出产品控制理论,即抽样检验理论.(挑选型抽样检查方案)及其用表。由于休哈特与道奇的研究成果影响深远,其后有关质量的论文虽然数以千计,但都未脱其巢臼。1931 年休哈特将其理论与实践经验总结出版了代表性专著《加工产品质量的经济控制》.在1931 年后,质量管理由事后检验阶段进入统计质量控制阶段。
20世纪60 年代,美国费根堡姆与朱兰等人考虑到产品质量不仅需要注重其性能(即符合性质量),而且增加了可靠性、安全性、经济性、质量保证、环境等多种要求,即质量开始走向“大质量”的概念,从而提出全面质量管理(TQM)。我国数学大师华罗庚早在60 年代也指出:全面质量管理是质量的系统工程。质量管理由统计质量控制阶段进入全面质量管理阶段,早期曾称之为TQC,C即Control(控制),后感不确切,旋改为现名(TQM)。全面质量管理是为了能够在最经济的水平上并考虑充分满足用户要求的条件下进行市场研究、设计、生产和服务, 把企业各部门的研制质量、维持质量和提高质量的活动构成一体的 有效体系。”(注:费根堡姆《全面质量管理》1961)20世纪60年代以后全面质量管理的观点得到广泛的传播,各国都结合本国的实践进行了创新。例如,日本结合日本本国国情提出了全公司质理管理CWQC,全面质量管理的概念已逐步为世界各国所接受。
随着全球经济的一体化,国际产品质量保证和产品责任问题突出,故国际标准化组织ISO从1982年起开始陆续提出ISO9000 族标准,经1994 年与2000年两次修订,现已为许多国家采用。
20世纪70 年代曾参加美国马丁导弹计划的克劳斯比(1926-2002),在工作的需求下提出“零缺陷(ZD)”的概念,他的名言是:“第一次就把事情做对(即差错不一定必须发生)”,“质量是免费的(即提高质量之效益可以大于其花费)”等。如果质量仅仅被当作是一个控制系统,那么它永远不会得到实质性的改进,质量不仅是一个控制系统,它更是一个管理功能。(克劳斯比《质量无泪》1984)。克劳斯比的质量改进过程是以下列4项质量管理原理为基础的:(1)质量应定义成符合要求,而不是好或优秀;(2)质量保证体系的原则是预防不合格,而不是对不合格进行评估;(3)工作标准应该是零缺陷,而不是差不多就行;(4)以不合格付出的代价来衡量质量,而不是用不合格的百分比来衡量质量。
六西格玛(6σ)是一种用于测量每百万次操作中所犯差错的计量单位。差错次数越少,质量越高。σ表示68%的产品合格;2σ表示95.4%合格;3σ表示99.7%合格;6σ表示99.999997%合格,即在百万次机会中仅发生3.4次不合格!。1987 年摩托罗拉公司首倡六西格玛管理,通过这一行动,将其产品的差错率由4σ减少到5.5σ 的水平,并由此节约了2.2亿美元,取得了显著的效益。六西格玛管理是将事后检验转变为事先预防的思想的进一步发展。
(一)对质量管理的理论的评价 1.事后检验
IS9000是以TQC作为标准, 系统性、规范性很强, 可少走弯路, 易见成效。但ISO9000系列质量保证和质量管理认证则容易产生一堆文档体系,但是缺乏系统的工具和方法,难以真正提高企业产品和服务质量。
6、零缺陷 零缺陷管理认为从来就没有什么质量问题,所谓的质量问题是由于人们缺乏知识和缺少注意,没有第一次把事件作对而造成的缺陷和失误。零缺陷质量,要求企业的产品质量和工作质量标准都是零缺陷,围绕实现这一管理目标建立以“零缺陷”为标准的核心预防系统,坚持质量改进过程,在每一环节上追求第一次作对,消除不增值的活动,避免失误及返工产生的浪费。
作者认为在新世纪质量管理的主要特征之一是系统化和信息化。系统化是指新世纪经济的发展对资源的优化配置提出了更高的要求,要求每个组织的质量管理能综合、兼容其它所有管理,从产品开发到市场营销,从成本价格到用户服务,形成一种以质量管理为主线的系统化的全面管理。以信息是科学技术传播和转移的重要载体,质量管理若要为组织的全部经营活动服务,就必须以“信息驱动”充分收集、利用组织外部的各种信息,为组织的生存和发展提供质量决策和质量改进、创新的科学依据。质量管理是全员性的管理, 只有调动一切积极因素, 动员社会力量和企业全体人员都积极参加管理, 才能确保商品质量。随着管理科学的发展, 人在管理中的作用大大加强了, 对人的素质要求也大大提高了。重视人的作用, 不断提高全员的素质, 已经成为质量管理的重要内容。参考文献:
2、[美]W.爱德华兹.戴明著:《 戴明论质量管理》,海南出版社。
7、[日] 赤尾洋二《灵活应用质量展开的实践》机械工业出版社 2000年出版
9杨志远《企业质量管理现状研究》期刊-核心期《企业活力》2004年第11期 10傅丞操《质量管理——软件企业提高企业竞争力的关键》 期刊《科技咨询导报》2007年 第02期
11吴玉军《我国企业质量管理的现状及对策思考》 期刊 《甘肃科技纵横》 2004年 第04期
12现代质量管理发展的趋势 经济纵横 贾建锡
13陈伟 《质量管理发展的三大阶段 》《电子质量 》2003年第3期 14吴文伶,刘卫东,叶碧琼
《质量管理的发展及趋势》第23 卷第12 期2001年12月
15.张公绪《百年质量管理历程与当前的质量管理形势》 《质量论坛》2004年第3期
16.《质量管理成熟度研究》 赵敏
世界标准化与质量管理 2008
全面质量管理阶段的特点是针对不同企业的生产条件、工作环境及工作状态 等多方面因素的变化,把组织管理、数理统计方法以及现代科学技术、社会心理 学、行为科学等综合运用,建立适用和完善的质量工作体系,对每个生产环节加 以管理,做到全面运行和控制。
五、参 考 文 献
[1] 沈任军.建筑工程质量管理的现状和对策.大众科技,2008年
[2] 魏琼升.浅谈工程项目管理质量控制.广东科技,2007年
[3] 肖家棋.工程项目质量管理浅见.中国高新技术企业,2008年
[4] 姚斌.浅谈工程项目质量控制与管理.中国高新技术企业,2008年
[5] 刘德强.浅议工程项目质量管理.黑龙江科技信息,2009.12
[6] 杨庆.如何加强工程项目质量管理的思考.中国新技术新产品2009年
[7] 娄涛.在项目管理中如何有效地控制进度和质量[J].山西建筑,2009年
[8] 王春生.对我国建筑工程质量管理现状及发展趋势的思考.沈阳建筑工程学院
曹国华在《论质量管理与管理质量》中写到调查表明,世界上成功的企业, 90%以上是由于管理精湛世界上失败的企业,则90%是由于管理不善。显而易见,管理之重要,小至一个企业,大 至一个国家,无一例外。一句话,由于管理质量问题导致企业破产、被兼并的实例屡见不鲜。由此不难看出,管理质量问题对于保证国民经济的健康发展,保证企业的战略发展,致关重要。
宣守蓉在《加强原辅料质量管理提高产品质量》得出结论:随着市场经济的不断发展与深人,企业的质量 管理工作也显得越来越重要,企业的质量管理工作应不断地适应市场经济的需要。
曹国华 《论质量管理与管理质量》
孟国利、勾庆涛 《抓好质量管理是企业的永恒主题》
王国方 《甲天下纸品公司全面开展质量管理体系培训》
杨辉 《新形势下化工企业的质量管理战略》(河南信阳市质量技术监督局,河南 信阳,464000)
蔡显明 《质量为中心,计量为手段,技术标准化为依据—上海石化现代质量管理的思路》
宣守蓉 《加强原辅料质量管理提高产品质量》 《梅山科技》2000年第4 期 《重质量赢用户,严管理出效益—记江苏丹阳汇丰纸业有限公司》 《福建纸业信息》1204年第0 9 期
刘瑱 《怎样提高质量管理体系运行的有效性》
刘芳 《质量管理与企业文化建设》 新疆昌吉热电有限责任公司(昌吉83110)
近年来,随着对供应链的重视,供应商管理正逐渐成为企业和学术界的关注对象,IS09000族标准以及QS 9000标准都对供应商的管理提出了相应的要求,与供应商管理有关的研究成果正逐渐增多,一些软件巨头也推出了供应商关系管理的软件,但是在这些研究成果和应用软件中,涉及到的供应商质量控制的内容只是一些最基本的要求,而供应商质量控制恰恰是供应商管理的最基本、最重要的内容。另一方而,质量管理界对质量控制的研究取得了大量的成果,遗憾的是这些成果大多依然局限于企业的内部控制,仅仅研究从企业内部各环节如何改善产品的质量,而基于供应链的角度来研究质量控制的成果尚不多见。因此,系统地研究经济全球化形势下供应商质量控制的理论与方法,将有助于推动我国企业产品质量的快速提高和供应链竞争优势的形成与巩固。
ISO 9000族标准自1987年诞生以来受到了世界各国的一致追捧,全球约50多万家企业通过ISO 9001质量管理体系认证足以说明这套管理标准在引领国际管理潮流方面的巨大成功。在备受企业欢迎的新版标准ISO 9000:2000中,互利的供应商关系被作为八项质量管理原则之一,充分体现了供应商关系管理在企业经营实践中的作用和价值。企业要贯彻这一原则,就必须从思l 想上认识到供应商的重要性,重视与供应商良好关系的培育,并采取有力措施与之建立一种互利共赢的合作性关系。
使用、提出和制定规格的部门必须合理地描述出拟采购的产品是什么,以便使供应商得到准确的理解,使采购人员能够准确地采购所需的产品。根据ISO 9001:2000标准的要求和企业的实际情况,这些技术标准一般是由设计、采购、管理、生产等部门制定,但在采购的实施时,采购部门要使用这些标准,因此.采购部门从一开始就应该介入这些标准的策划、起草和修订,否则,一旦这此标准止式发布实施,可能会使采购部门处于被动的地位,给采购工作带来麻烦。
契约可引用或借鉴既定的法律、法规或规章制度、标准等。如可规定进厂检验抽样标准执行GB2828 抽样标准;电器产品安全性能必须符合GB4706等。如发现有与相关法律、法规、标准、制度不一致之处,发现方应及时提出修改。如在执行过程中发现不一致,发现方应及时通知不知情方,并按符合法律、法规、标准、制度的方式执行。
l 契约应是经过双方充分协商达成的共识,不应只是一方对另一方的宣言或要求,内容要经过双方认可和确认。另外,契约内容应涵盖从产品开发、试制、检验、包装运送到不合格品处理、售后服务的全过程,所以契约可包含多个层次,如供货合同、质量保证协议、技术协议、售后服务协议等。
l Mutually beneficial supplier quality control Preface In recent years, with the emphasis on the supply chain, vendor management is becoming a business and academia about the object, IS09000 standards QS 9000 family of standards and vendor management are all put forward the corresponding requirements, and supplier management-related Research is gradually increased, the software giant also introduced a number of supplier relationship management software, but in these research results and application software, related to the quality control of the content provider is only the most basic requirements, and supplier quality control Supplier management is precisely the most fundamental and important content.The other party, quality management, quality control sector made a lot of research results, unfortunately, most of these results is still limited to the company's internal controls, only the link from the internal study how to improve product quality, and based on supply chain Point of view of the results of quality control is still rare.Therefore, the systematic study of the economic globalization supplier quality control theories and methods, will help promote China's rapid increase in product quality and supply chain formation and consolidation of competitive advantage.1、Quality and corporate co-existence Quality has been a change with the times changing the concept of people's understanding of quality is often due to concerns vary.For example, as early as 1908, GM engineers at the Royal Automobile Club members in front of dismantling the three Cadillac cars, and these components mixed together, and then choose the parts re-assembled into a car, then driving Pull away.This makes the presence of members of a very shocked that the high quality Cadillac amazing.Obviously at the time, with interchangeable parts is a great quality features, this is Ford's Model N Model T achieved brilliant success and an important reason.Today, even if the farm also has a very high tricycle parts interchangeability, standardization and interchangeability of parts is already a matter of course, is no longer an important quality characteristics to attract customers.Visible quality content is constantly changing.So what is the quality?(1)Market competition among enterprises is the “customer ” of the competition, in the increasingly fierce “customers” in the battle, quality, price, delivery(delivery dates, means and methods)and the service is commonly used in the four magic, where quality is Simply leave the quality of the other three will become meaningless, it can be said the quality has become the focus of market competition.It reflects whether a product can reflect the customer needs, can meet customer needs, from the surface determines the future of products in the market.In view of this, quality has become a global movement, all the world's best companies are all the quality as a key element of corporate strategy, from a strategic perspective to planning quality.(2)For business operators, it recognizes the importance of quality on business enterprises is the first step, it is important how to use scientific methods to ensure l product and service quality, customer satisfaction, to ensure the quality of the process and work to Be mutually beneficial and win-win supplier quality control with good results.As we all know, corporate management is the development of social productive forces to a certain degree of historical product, quality management as an integral part of business management, is also the objective requirement of social development, especially in today's dominant customer, make customer satisfaction, there must be strong Product quality and service quality, which requires enterprises to actively implement the advanced quality management theories and methods of continuous quality management innovation.2、Quality control of enterprises and suppliers With the continuous development of socialization of production, the production activities of the division of labor is getting smaller, growing degree of specialization, prompting increasing the level of production technology, product quality has been greatly improved.Typically, a product can not be from a business started from the initial processing of raw materials until the formation of the product end-use customers, often through multiple corporate division of labor to complete.In addition, the extensive application of advanced production methods, such as JIT, agile manufacturing, zero inventory, so that the relationship between enterprises and suppliers increasingly close relationship between companies and suppliers are from a simple buyer-seller relationship to the mutual cooperation between the end of a total evolution of.ISO 9000 family of standards since its inception in 1987 has been the consistent pursuit of the world, more than 50 million businesses around the world through the ISO 9001 quality management system certification standards sufficient to explain this management trend in the leading international management's great success.Welcome to the new business in much the standard ISO 9000:2000, the mutually beneficial supplier relationships is one of eight quality management principles as a fully embodied the supplier relationship management practice in the business role and value.Enterprises to implement this principle, we must recognize the ideological importance of supplier and attach importance to good relations with suppliers cultivation, and to take effective measures with the establishment of a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative relations.3、Vendor Selection Choose the right supplier is a supplier of the most effective means of quality control, supplier selection if improper, no matter how advanced the follow-up control, controls how strict, can only play a less effective results.So to the quality control of suppliers must first be scientific and rational choice of suppliers.(1)Enterprises in the production process, raw materials and parts needed for production can not be provided by their own to decide which of them should be suppliers of buying a not a simple issue because it involves business processes, even involving Between enterprises and suppliers to the business process reengineering, strategic-level issues in enterprises.Thus parts of the self-produced and purchased options to be taken into account the business environment, the l actual situation of their own and suppliers in general.1)Analysis of business environment Enterprises are outsourcing parts production for the decision or need to create in the accurate analysis of their operating environment and grasp basis.The overall position of companies and the industry development trend, the national macroeconomic situation, the social needs of enterprise products for predicting the future status and other factors will affect production and sales of enterprise products.Anticipated production and sales of enterprise decision-making enterprise for the mutual benefit of suppliers, such as quality control of the scale of investment, mainly based on device configuration, but also business and outsourcing parts production for an important basis for decision making.In addition, competitors and the outsourcing of parts production for corporate decision-making situation is an important reference.2)Market supply Supply situation in parts of the social enterprise decision is an important basis for self-produced or purchased.Business relationships with its suppliers is the essence of interdependence, as a strong power, large-scale enterprises will attract many suppliers set up plants in their surroundings, like, a complete set of regional suppliers often attract large enterprises and even Multinational companies to invest and set up factories.Some parts of the social supply capacity, price, quality and service levels of the enterprise is largely self-produced and outsourcing decisions.Therefore, enterprises should fully understand the social components of their products, availability, attention from the Internet, exhibitions, suppliers and other channels to collect letters from suppliers of business introduction, product samples, award certificates, power of attorney agents, business license, Products quality level and market conditions and other information.Then, in accordance with the types of suppliers to provide materials, were established to raw materials, components, packaging materials, such as different types of potential suppliers file.(2)Testing equipment supplier which the supplier measurement, analysis and improvement of basic conditions.If the supplier does not have the necessary means of detection, we can not provide true and accurate quality data, quality control of suppliers like castles in the air.Therefore, in the primary suppliers to understand the supplier's testing equipment and advanced levels with the situation is also very necessary.(3)Process capability index and process performance index of the production process is reflected in supplier quality assurance capabilities of the two important parameters.Process capability index reflects the ability of suppliers to meet short-term course of the degree of tolerance requirements.Process performance index reflects the ability of suppliers to meet long-term process requirements of the degree of tolerance.Does the supplier to process capability index and process performance index calculation and analysis, to a certain extent, reflect the production process is conducted in the prevention and control.Process capability index and the change process performance index can reflect the ability of the supplier quality assurance and quality improvement of the size of the potential, l largely reflecting the strength and supplier management.Therefore, the investigation supplier process capability index and process performance index is an important basis for selection of suppliers.4、Supplier Quality Control Quality management is an important principle is the “process approach”, enterprises in order to function effectively, must identify and manage the many interrelated processes, especially the interaction between these processes.Supplier is one of the sources of process management is an important factor in the process input, and thus, the quality of suppliers to provide products for business process quality, system quality and product quality has a pivotal role.(1)Product development and design stage, according to the different requirements of different products, product development, design or product design and development of proposals put forward in the book first pilot project tasks and issues, targeted for the introduction of new principles, new structures, new materials, new processes, The first test, in order to ensure test results and future production needs, an important task at this stage is that of the suppliers under control, to ensure that all stages of new product design and mass production, are to have fit the new Product or service needs of qualified suppliers.(2)Enterprises in the production process, quality control of suppliers include monitoring supplier process capability and process performance index, monitor supplier measurement system, the audit supplier quality management system, purchase quality inspection, and promote supplier Quality improvement, and defective products from suppliers, disposal and quality of problem solving and other activities.1)Production stage, suppliers of products or services directly determine the quality of the business to provide customers with the quality of the product or service features, enterprises in the process of suppliers, vendors should monitor changes in the quality assurance capabilities, in order to Monitoring effective, enterprises should reach agreement on this with the supplier, and follow the agreed standards and procedures.The purpose of monitoring generally have two, one supplier's quality assurance to prevent the decline in capacity, to ensure that the quality of the final product or service to achieve customer satisfaction;the second is working with vendors to find opportunities for improvement, looking for people to improve the cutting Point, at a higher level to create value.Production stage due to high volume supplier of continuous availability, purchase products, quality, price, availability, timeliness and other quality products for enterprises and businesses realize their operating principles, and target has a very important role, in order to more scientific Evaluation and selection of suppliers, supplier evaluation at this stage should be a quantitative analysis.According to the different products and services, quantitative differences in methods of folding points, the following brief analysis of commonly used process capability, measurement system analysis, quality management system assessment, comparing the level of law and good models and other methods.①Supplier process capability analysis l Process capability refers to the ability of the process of processing quality, rather than the number of processing capacity.In the production stage, in order to ensure mass production of products to meet customer needs and expectations, supplier stability of the production process is very important to determine whether the supplier has ability to consistently meet the quality requirements to provide continuous product of many factors, Supplier process capability is a decisive factor.Because when the supplier's process capability is insufficient, to provide qualified products supplier is only a good will, even if efforts to increase testing, can only be effective in the short term, unsustainable.Therefore, lack of process capability, supplier of short-term improvement of hopelessness, should stop cooperation.②Measurement System Analysis provider Company quality control of suppliers, including supplier selection, evaluation and control, are inseparable from the data and analysis of the data, the lack of sufficient data, experience and intuition alone the supplier selection and evaluation of the risk Is self-evident.Supplier evaluation and control of the data used are mostly provided by the measure, if the measurement error of the data distortion or large, will lead to purchases defect or failure.Therefore, in the mass production stage, in order to ensure the quality of procurement, suppliers should monitor the measurement system.2)Communication with suppliers Way of communicating with suppliers are diverse, but the purpose of these approaches is consistent, enterprise customers and suppliers of common concern, the establishment of enterprises and suppliers satisfaction of harmonious cooperation partnership for sustainable products and services Improvements in order to timely and effectively adapt to market changes.Meet customer needs and expectations of enterprises and suppliers of common values and common aspirations and achieve excellence.(3)Determination of nonconforming product, analysis and disposal of Even with these various control measures, but there is still substandard products is a normal phenomenon, in addition to single or a few pieces of products, products with higher security requirements and a few other products, in many cases, the emergence of non-conforming product Is hardly avoidable.This time will be based on the nature of failure, the degree of influence on the final product, the supplier's reputation and other factors necessary for the assessment of nonconforming product, and then take appropriate measures to deal with nonconforming product to prevent unintended non-conforming product When a nonconforming use or delivery of goods after the prisoners failed to analyze the factors have to take corrective and preventive measures.To prevent the failure from happening again.Anomalies occur due to defective products, suppliers to take appropriate measures to eliminate these abnormal factors.1)Consistent technical standards and sampling plan Use, and develop specifications proposed department must reasonably describe what the products to be purchased, to enable vendors to get an accurate understanding of the procurement staff to purchase the required products l accurately.According to ISO 9001:2000 standards and the actual situation, the technical standard is normally provided by the design, procurement, management, production and other departments to develop, but in the implementation of the procurement, the procurement departments should use these standards, so.Procurement from Beginning, these standards should be involved in the planning, drafting and revision, otherwise, if only for publish this implementation of this standard, may make the purchasing department in a passive position, to the procurement of trouble.2)Responsibility for substandard quality of goods When purchasing products in excess of unqualified technical specification limits, companies and suppliers should be identified in consultation with substandard products under the principle of reason, the agreed approach to solve product quality and make improvements accordingly.When the enterprise failed and suppliers found great differences on the two sides can not be resolved through consultation, need to resort to the law, the substandard nature of the responsibility of product quality changes, if necessary, do not rule out the need to pursue a party's legal responsibility.Therefore, the product requirements and other procurement information, enterprises must express clear, complete, accurate, and after review by authorized personnel to communicate with suppliers, in agreement with the supplier under the premise of re-signing of the contract, and retain procurement, Inspection documents and records.3)Control of nonconforming product When nonconforming product, if it is sampling, and the number of unqualified or less qualified to determine the number, this failure is a normal phenomenon, as long as the replacement of defective products into the qualified product, you should determine the approved inspection Qualified enterprises should be based on documents required to accept the batch.The failure of these individual products may be part of the normal fluctuations of the failure, you can not find the cause of the specialized supplier of quality can be improved as the only constant, and gradually improve the process capability and reduce the failure.5、Control of contract suppliers In order to ensure customer satisfaction with products and services, companies must form the whole process of product management and strict control.In order to make the whole supply chain, every link, that is, partners, specifically the quality of their responsibilities and obligations, and to ensure implementation of the contract between the partners must be in the form of the formation of commitment, and commitment to the contents of the measure in accordance with quality and service.Mentioned here refers only to the contract signed by the relevant parties to provide the quality of the supply chain responsibilities between the terms of documentation, including contracts and agreements.Serious and reasonable contract for both sides not only play the role of reliable constraints, and can effectively protect the interests of both.(1)Content and standards to ensure that contracts, regulations, and the unity of enterprise system l Contract may be quoted or learn from the established laws, regulations or rules and regulations, standards.Such as to require incoming inspection standards GB2828 random sample of standard;electrical products must comply with GB4706 and other security features.If found with the relevant laws, regulations, standards, system inconsistencies found shall timely changes.If found inconsistencies in the implementation process, that party shall promptly notify the innocent party, according to compliance with laws, regulations, standards, institutional manner.(2)Content of the contract should be practical and effective Drafting and signing of contract, we must consider the actual process of product formation, considering the operability of contract enforcement.Some protocols may need to consider in the development of many factors that need more detailed provisions, but if too cumbersome, the lack of maneuverability, but would not achieve its proper role.For example, a company should purchase from a supplier of processing a large number of bearing steel.As bearing on the material requirements more stringent, higher precision, quality assurance company, ask for in the agreement for each batch of material chemical composition analysis and physical properties.If the introduction of full set of suppliers of test equipment, is bound to spend a lot of cost, while equipped with the appropriate technical staff.If you do not increase the allocation of resources, so each must be sent to community inspection institutions, to pay for expensive testing costs.Like this contract, if the supplier careful testing, he will consider the profitsrisk analysis, the price increase request.Such an agreement more difficult to perform up there, but also easily lead to unnecessary disputes, is not conducive to the stability and quality of supply chain value chain formation.(3)Contract should be clear rights and responsibilities of both parties, to encourage suppliers to continuous improvement and innovation Contract should be clear rights and responsibilities of both supply and demand, but also should provide the necessary incentive provisions, on the one hand the quality of binding behavior of suppliers, on the other hand encourage suppliers to continuously improve product quality.Incentive of suppliers, including two types.One is the division of responsibility for the quality of the resulting rewards and punishments;the other is based on performance appraisal and reward and punishment generated.In the actual operation, the appropriate reward management may produce unexpected results.A supplier of the product in the hands of customers appeared more serious quality problems, companies immediately notify the supplier of the cause and take corrective measures.Suppliers take notice, sent to the site to actively assist in the investigation and analysis of the problem was quickly resolved.According to the agreement originally provided that the supplier should bear all the responsibility for quality in addition, we must also bear the amount of money in fines.However, taking into account the supplier companies is their key suppliers, have been working very smoothly, stable quality, decided to reward quality supplier of rapid response and a positive attitude, eliminating all of the fine.Year-end evaluation results found that the rate of qualified products suppliers are more substantial than the increase over the previous year.l(4)The contents of the contract should be fair and equitable Contract should be negotiated through the full consensus of both parties, not just one party against another or request a declaration, content to go through both the recognition and confirmation.In addition, the contract terms should cover product development, trial production, testing, packaging, delivery to non-conforming product processing, service the whole process, so the contract can contain multiple levels, such as supply contracts, quality assurance agreements, technology agreements, service Agreement.6、Supplier performance evaluation and dynamic management Suppliers as an important resource for product realization is bound to emphasize its effectiveness.2000 put the ISO9000 standard management system effectiveness to consider as a priority, so the assessment of supplier performance is important, it is the dynamic management, eliminating the basis by choosing inferior.(1)Evaluation Method Accordance with the procurement requirements of key materials, the main material and secondary materials on a regular basis for quality assessment of defect classification.Provisions of sub-critical parameters of the defects recorded as 3 points, 2 points for major defects, minor defects was 1.Some materials, in accordance with the provisions of the sampling method the maximum score is 6 points.Quality Engineer accordingly suppliers rating, give notice to the supplier.This method is simple, save manpower, but the index below normal.(2)Dynamic Management Based on performance records, all suppliers on a regular basis for dynamic classification assessment.All suppliers will be divided into A, B, C, D four, according to the material value, quality, ease of processing, social availability and other factors point to determine the number of the supply agreement.A fixed number of classes is 1 supplier order allocation was 100%;fixed number of Class B-1 supplier order allocation is 100%, but the need to develop new supplier of the material;fixed number of 2 A, B type distribution of order suppliers respectively 60% and 40%;fixed number 3 of the A, B, C category vendors were assigned the order 55%, 30% and 15%;D class of suppliers should be eliminated.The assessment and management of hierarchical order with the supplier to supplier performance, material grade combine to make more scientific and rational allocation of orders.Of course, this method the overall level of enterprise management also made very high demands.l
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〔10〕王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据系统工程的进展〔EB/OL〕. http://www.xiexiebang.com/pub/wm1.txt...8-16/1998-10-0说明:
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