
时间:2019-05-14 21:35:41下载本文作者:会员上传


1(2003 A)Every day we have math class.We always show21interest in it.Some sleep;some daydream;others read something else.22listens to our math teacher.To solve this problem, our clever math teacher found a23out at last.Mr.Black thought24everyone liked candy, the only way to get our attention was to gave us candy.A clever25came upon him.He put a lot of candies inside a big ball that anyone could open.In class he asked us some questions.When anybody answered one question26, Mr.Black would throw the ball to the student and the student could27some of the candy out of the ball.Then, the student would have to throw the ball to the next one with the right answer, and so forth.The idea made us28and pay attention for a while but son all of us went back29.We all ate too much candy.The only person in our math class who30like the idea was a fat boy named Ward.He just kept eating and eating until finally Mr.Black had to say” I’m sorry, Ward, but I just don’t have enough money to buy candy.” 21.A.greatB.muchC.someD.little 22.A.EverybodyB.SomebodyC.NobodyD.Anybody23.A.studentB.ballC.problemD.way24.A.sinceB.whenC.thatD.whether25.A.mindB.ideaC.teacherD.opinion 26.A.quicklyB.aloneC.rightD.clearly27.A.takeB.keepC.receiveD.buy 28.A.give inB.go outC.sit upD.let down 29.A.listenB.sleepC.eatD.study 30.A.neverB.alsoC.evenD.still2(2003 B)It’s never easy to admit you are in the wrong.Being human, we all need to know the art of31.Look back with honesty and think how 32you’ve judged roughly or sais unkind things or something else like this.Then count the times that you expressed clearly and truly that you were33.A bit frightening , isn’t it? Frightening because some deep wisdom inside us knows that when a small34has been done.Some moral(道德的)feelings is disturbed;and it stays out of35until fault admitted and regret expressed.I remember a doctor friend , the late Clarence Lieb, telling me about the man who came to him with a variety of36: headaches , insomnia(失眠)and stomach trouble.No physical cause could be found.Finally Dr Lieb said to the man “ Unless you tell me what’s37you, I can’t help you.”After some hesitation, the man admitted , as executor(执行者)of his father’s will, he had been cheating his brother, who lived abroad , of his inheritance(继承权).Then and there the wise old doctor made the man38to his brother asking forgiveness and put a check on the envelope as the first step in rebuilding their good relationship.He then went with him to the mailbox.As the envelope disappeared, the man burst into tears.“ Thank you.” He said “ I think39.”A heartfelt apology can not only heal a(an)40relationship but also make it stronger.If ou can think of someone who ought to be given an apology from you, someone you have wronged 3233343536

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judged soonsaidfavorbalancecomplains


roughly .....,do

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37.A.puzzlingB.frighteningC.injuringD.worrying38.A.goB.writeC.callD.turn 39.A.curedB.punishedC.comfortedD.excused 40.A.developingB.friendlyC. damagedD.old3.(2004A)I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand with the support of the two sticks.Only in my wheelchair can I “ 21 ”I still remember the first day at school.When I appeared at the door , everyone in the classroom stared at me in22.My face turned red.I couldn’t help

turning back.It was the kindness and sympathy in their eyes that23me doing so.I went shyly towards an empty seat.Being lame , I couldn’t walk in front of my classmates.I was24that I might be looked down upon.In those days I was very sad to25others walking happily.One day a few students came up to me and asked me26.I was really excited.They encouraged me with a friendly smile and pushed me in my wheelchair from place to place.I was27to them for giving a chance to see the sights of our lovely school with my own eyes.After that we often read ,played and talked together.My friends are always28to help me.It made me29I am handicapped(残疾)Once they asked me, “ What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation I said “ It is the30”21.A.sitB.walkC.standD.talk22.A.loveB.thoughtC.surpriseD.excitement 23.A.preventedB.keptC.warnedD.made 24.A.pleasedB.afraidC.angryD.disappointed 25.A.makeB.hearC.seeD.think26.A.eat outB.stay inC.give upD.go outside27.A.kindB.thankfulC.helpfulD.friendly28.A.busyB.sorryC.welcomeD.ready29.A.forgetB.rememberC.realizeD.think30.A.supportB.kindnessC.friendshipD.sympathy4(2004 B)People spend their whole lives searching for love.I was no different.Until one day I decided to31the local pound(动物收容站).And there was love32for me.The old dog was considered to be33.He had been found running along the road on three legs,34some serious wounds in his back and a damaged ear.The people at the pond35him because he was friendly and they thought if someone had36money having his leg operated on, maybe the person would be looking for him.But on one came.That day , I happened to walk by and see him.My37went out to him.But I really could not take another dog home;I had four already.There had to be a limit , I thought.I can’t save them all.Driving away from the pond , I knew the dog would die38I didn’t take him.As I passed a church , a sign announcing this week’s sermon(布道)caught my39.It was right before Christmas.It read:” Is there any room at the hotel?” I knew at that moment there was40room for one more, especially one that needed my love.31.A.buyB.sellC.visitD.build32.A.waitingB.lookingC.payingD.hoping33.A.prettyB.homelessC.lonelyD.friendly34.A.withB.forC.onD.in35.A.foundB.wantedC.caughtD.kept

36.A.borrowedB.paidC.spentD.earned37.A.headB.heartC.mindD.brain38.A.whenB.becauseC.ifD.though 39.A.mindB.driveC.earD.eye 40.A.alwaysB.seldomC.sometimesD.usually5(2005 A)Like so many teenagers, I struggled to escape from anything that didn’t agree with my picture of the world.One night , after a particularly21day.I stormed into my room, shut the door and got into bed.My hands22something under my pillow.I23out an envelope on which it said,” To read when you are alone.” Since I was alone , no one would24whether I read it or not.So I opened it.It said,” Mike I know life is25right now.I know you feel26and I know we don’t do everything27I am here for you if you ever need to28and if you don’t , that’s okay.I love you forever.Mom.” That was the first of29“ To read when you are alone” letters.I will never forget the relief I felt30I got a letter in my teen years.21.A.excitingB.differentC.shockingD.difficult 22.A.heldB.tookC.feltD.reached23.A.pulledB.foundC.handedD.picked 24.A.decideB.considerC.realizeD.know 25.A.busyB.hardC.uneasyD.important 26.A.proudB.ashamedC.annoyedD.unusual 27.A.fastB.fightC.togetherD.alone 28.A.talkB.thinkC.workD.say 29.A.familiarB.fewC.severalD.personal 30.A.ever sinceB.every timeC.as soon asD.the first time6(2005B)Steve Lesko tells of a Halloween when he brought his wife home from the hospital to live out her remaining days.31that children would come by for trick or treat and realizing he was not32with any candy, he quickly33whatever he could find in the house.The first arrival were three girls in their early teens.Mr.Lesko apologized for his34treats explaining he was not able to go and get any because of his wife’s35.They thanked him and went off.A few minutes36they returned and each girl gave him a handful of candy from their bags.Through his tears he tried to return the candy but37young ladies rushed off excitedly saying, “ We hope she gets38” Looking back on those 39 ,Mr.Lesko says: “ I do not know these beautiful women , but I’d like them to know their simple act of40brought joy and hope to me when there was none.31.A.ExpectingB.RememberingC.GuessingD.Promising 32.A.troubledB.satisfiedC.suppliedD.prepared 33.A.gatheredB.saveC.seizedD.selected 34.A.easyB.poorC.tinyD.carless 35.A.illnessB.problemC.reasonD.absence 36.A.overB.pastC.laterD.only 37.A.honestB.seriousC.nervousD.wonderful38.A.upB.excitedC.wellD.surprised 39.A.momentsB.eventsC.daysD.stories 40.A.happinessB.politenessC.faithfulnessD.kindness7(2006 A)Buying a Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Americans.One21found that almost eighty percent of American22had a Christmas tree last year.Many people23that Christmas trees come from forests.24, most trees are carefully grown on farms.Farmers plant and harvest Christmas trees as a crop,25fruits or vegetables.There are About 15,000 Christmas tree26in North America.The industry employs more than 100.000 people.Farmers27evergreen trees for Christmas trees.They remove seeds from the trees and plant them.Farmers care for the young trees28they are about three to five years old.Then farmers replant them in fields ,cut the tops of the trees to29how fast they grow, and cut the other parts of the trees while they are growing.This gives the trees the30that people will like.21.A.bookB.articleC.holidayD.study22.A.farmersB.homesC.statesD.stores 23.A.believeB.seeC.point outD.work out24.A.Before longB.In the endC.In factD.Now and then25.A.the same asB.similar toC.close toD.different from26.A.marketsB.forestsC.farmsD.factories 27.A.collectB.cutC.removeD.grow28.A.forB.afterC.asD.until 29.A.controlB.knowC.seeD.study 30.A.colorB.leavesC.shapeD.size8(2006B)The United Nations says more than 1,000 million people in the world do not havesafe, clean water to31.This is about one-sixth of the world’s32.About 6,000 people died each day from33directly caused by unclean water.Most of them are children.The UN has started an international movement to help34deaths caused by unclean water.One 35of the movement is to teach school children about36cleanliness.The UN will help the people in 25 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia.Governments and organizations there need to help people37water problems.A person in a38country usually uses about 10 liters of water a day.Yet, a person in an industrial country ,39Britain, usually uses about 135 liters of water a day.UN officials say this must change40the next 25 years.They hope all people will have safe, clean water.31.A.eatB.drinkC.findD.make 32.A.countriesB.problemsC.populationD.water 33.A.diseasesB.weaknessC.disadvantagesD.difficulties 34.A.escapeB.fightC.killD.prevent 35.A.measuresB.meansC.goalD.period 36.A.historicalB.internationalC.personalD.technical 37.A.answerB.deal withC.face toD.experience 38.A.advancedB.developingC.foreignD.small

39.A.as inB.as well asC.for exampleD.such as 40.A.ForB.OverC.WithinD.Throughout9(2007A)A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law.“ I love my21and now I welcome you into the22.” said the man.” To show how much we care23you, I making you a 50-50 partner in my business.All you have to do is go to the24 every day and learn the operations.The son-in-law25, “ I hate falconries.I can’t stand the noise.” “ I se,” replied the26“ Well, then you will work in the office and take27of some of the operations.” “ I hate office work,” said the son-in-law.I can’t stand being stuck28a desk all day.” “ Wait a minute,” said the father-in-law.I just make you half owner of a money-making organization ,29you don’t like factories and you won’t work in the office.30am going to do with you?” “Easy,” said the young man “ Buy me out.”21.A.motherB.wifeC.daughterD.sister 22.A.familyB.businessC.companyD.house 23.A.withB.forC.ofD.on 24.A.hospitalB.factoryC.shopD.school 25.A.interruptedB.askedC.stoppedD.laughed 26.A.mother-in-lawB.son-in-lawC.daughter-in-law D.father-in-law 27.A.notesB.partC.chargeD.hold 28.A.underB.behindC.onD.in29.A.ifB.untilC.whileD.but 30.A.WhereB.HowC.WhyD.What10(2007B)There are many times in a year when gifts are given and received, but do not forget those31days that celebrate personal milestones.Birthdays and holidays are special days , but they are not the32 times when giving a gift brightens the day.Celebrating a long33 or a shared happiness can strengthen relationships34friends and family.Foe most Americans, it is35to say thank you than I am sorry.36a research, nearly two-thirds of people37believe that saying I’m sorry is easy.About the same38of Americans can remember a time where they were not properly thanked for a favor or act of39.In the 21th century, without even using words , you can ask a flower company to express your feeling together with a note card40everything that is too hard to say in person.31.A.officialB.interestingC.differentD.special 32.A.onlyB.importantC.actualD.correct 33.A.holidayB.partyC.friendshipD.discussion 34.A.ofB.withC.toD.for 35.A.more honestB.harderC.happierD.more often 36.A.As a result ofB.Instead ofC.According toD.Because of 37.A.arrangedB.mentionedC.requestedD.questioned 38.A.countryB.familyC.expressionD.number 39.A.kindnessB.courageC.deedD.carefulness






1.Mr Green is ____ football fan.His favorite is Ronaldo, one of ____ most famous football players in the world.A.the;/B./;theC.a;theD.the;a

2.—Is this black pen yours?--No.Tom was here.Maybe it’s ____.A.herB.hersC.himD.his

3.Now I can speak ____ English than I did last year.A.manyB.muchC.moreD.most

4.--____ is your father today?--He’s feeling much better.Thank you.A.HowB.WhatC.WhereD.Why

5.One of the night of July13, 2001, ___ People went to Tian’an Men Square to cheer for winning the bid to host the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.A.millionB.millionsC.million ofD.millions of

6.– Is there ___ good in today’s newspaper?--Sorry, no good news.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything.7.I don’t like talking on __ phone;I prefer writing ____ letters.A.a;theB.the;/C.the;theD.a;/

8.—Do you want tea or coffee?--.I really do not mind.A.BothB.NoneC.EitherD.Neither

9.____ is good manners to say hello to each other when people meet.A.ThatB.ThisC.ThereD.It

10.No matter where they are, my parents go to ___ every Sunday morning.A.churchB.the churchC.a churchD.churches

11.An ____ is a group of words with a particular meaning.A.explanationB.instructionC.expressionD.advice

12.–What does the person look like?--A tall young lady, wearing a black dress made of silky____.A.colorB.clothesC.materialD.model

13.I managed to make myself understood with ____ help of___ phrase book.A./;aB.a;theC.the;aD./;/

14.We can’t afford to let the situation get worse.We must taketo put it right.A.directionsB.stepsC.sidesD.decisions

15.We have every reason to believe that ______ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be ______ success.A./ … aB.the … /C.the … aD.a … a

16.There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow ?-No, I’d rather buyin the bookstore.A.it;oneB.one;oneC.one;itD.it;it

17.These football players had no strict until they joined Our club.


18.Silo went to the bookstore and bought.(2006北京卷)

A.dozen booksB.dozens booksC.dozen of booksD.dozens of books

19.The newly-built railway station is only aride from the city center.A.thirty minutesB.thirty-minuteC.thirty minute' sD.thirty minutes'

20.The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it hasall over the country.A.companiesB.branchesC.organizationsD.businesses

Ⅱ 完型填空阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至40各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Every day we have math class.We always show interest in it.Some sleep;some daydream;others read something else.listens to our math teacher.To solve this problem, our clever math teacher found aout at last.Mr.Black thought everyone liked candy, the only way to get our attention was to gave us candy.A clever came upon him.He put a lot of candies inside a big ball that anyone could open.In class he asked us some questions.When anybody answered one question, Mr.Black would throw the ball to the student and the student couldsome of the candy out of the ball.Then, the student would have to throw the ball to the next one with the right answer, and so forth.The idea made usand pay attention for a while but son all of us went back.We all ate too much candy.The only person in our math class wholike the idea was a fat boy named Ward.He just kept eating and eating until finally Mr.Black had to say‖ I’m sorry, Ward, but I just don’t have enough money to buy candy.‖

21.A.great B.much C.some D.little

22.A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Nobody D.Anybody

23.A.student B.ball C.problem D.way

24.A.since B.when C.that D.whether

25.A.mind B.idea C.teacher D.opinion

26.A.quickly B.alone C.right D.clearly

27.A.take B.keep C.receive D.buy

28.A.give in B.go out C.sit up D.let down

29.A.listen B.sleep C.eat D.study

30.A.never B.also C.even D.still


My sister and I grew up in a little village in England.Our father was a struggling , but I always knew he was.He never criticized us, but used to bring out our best.He’d say, ―If you pour water on flowers, they flourish.If you don’t give them water, they die.‖ I remember as a child I said something about somebody, and my father said, ―Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.‖ He explained that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best in return.From then on I’ve always tried tothe principle in my life and later in running my company.Dad’s also always been very.At 15, I started a magazine.It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, as any good father would.When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, ―Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law.And I’ve regretted it.I wanted to be a biologist, but I didn’t pursue my dream.You know what you want.Go fulfill(实现)it.‖ As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a nationalfor young people in the U.K.My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad _me.31.A.biologist B.manager C.lawyer D.gardener

32.A.strict B.honest C.special D.learned

33.A.praise B.courage C.power D.warmth

34.A.unnecessary B.unkind C.unimportant D.unusual

35.A.revise B.set C.review D.follow

36.A.understanding B.experienced C.serious D.demanding

37.A.suggestion B.decision C.notice D.choice

38.A.always B.never C.seldom D.almost

39.A.newspaper B.magazine C.program D.project

40.A.controlled B.comforted C.reminded D.raised

Ⅲ 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题



George Banks was a clever journalist.He worked for a good newspaper, and he liked arguing with anybody, and about anything.Sometimes the people whom he argued with were as clever as he was, but often they were not.He did not mind arguing with stupid people at all: he knew that he could never persuade them to agree, because they could never really understand what he was saying, and the stupider they were, the surer they were that they were right, but he often found that stupid people said very amusing things.At the end of one argument which George had with one of these less clever people, the man said something which George has always remembered and which has always amused him.It was, ―Well, sir, you should never forget this: there are always three answers to every question, your answer, my answer, and the correct answer.‖

41.George liked arguing.A.neither with anybody nor about anythingB.either with anybody or anything

C.not with anybody but about anythingD.not only with anybody but also about anything

42.The people whom George often argued with were.A.those who were cleverer than himB.those who were stupider than him

C.both such clever people as he and those who were notD.only the clever people

43.George thought the stupider they were, the surer they were that they were right because.A.the stupider they were, the less knowledge they hadB.they were not worth arguing

C.stupid people often said very amusing thingsD.clever people were always right

44.According to one of these less clever people's words, ―there are always three answers to every question, …‖ meant.A.George's answer was rightB.the man's answer was right

C.George's and the man's answers were not rightD.there was not a right answer


In reading science, a heading often gives a clue(线索)to a problem that is going to be discussed.Getting the problem clearly in your mind is the first step to take in studying such material.You are advised to do the following in reading science articles.Read the title and think about it.Read all of the headings.You should get a clear idea of what the problems are without reading anything but the headings.Next, read the article all the way through carefully.Each time you come to a heading that names a problem, read the paragraphs under that heading to find out:

1)more information about the problem;

2)how the problem may be met.45.This passage offers advice on _______.A.how to read titles and headingsB.how to find headings in an article

C.what problems to be discussed in science articleD.how to read science material

46.It is advisable for you _________.A.to read the heading which you think is the title

B.to read the heading that names a problem

C.to read one heading and the paragraph under it each time

D.to read the heading only

47.Read the whole article after _______.A.you have got all the information about the problemB.you understand the title

C.you have read one paragraph after anotherD.you are clear about what to be discussed

48.You read the whole article carefully_________.A.to get all the headingsB.to see how the problem is discussed

C.to name problemsD.to think about the title


The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market.You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket.But in either case, you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market.If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market.You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas station and restaurants.Still you are buying from the market.When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.The market may be something abstract(抽象的).But for each person or business who is making and selling something, it is very concrete.If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won’t be long before you get the message.The market is telling you something.It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn’t want you to do.49.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Selling and Buying.B.Everything you do is producing for the market.C.What is the market?D.What the market can do for you.50.All of the following acts are producing for the market except.A.working in a bankB.attending a night school

C.printing a bookD.growing beans for sale

51.You are buying from the market when you

A.borrow a book from the libraryB.drive to the seaside for a holiday

C.look after your childrenD.dine at restaurant

52.The word ―concrete‖ in the last paragraph may most probably mean.A.seriousB.importantC.necessaryD.real

53.In what way is the market very concrete for each person or business who is making and selling something?

A.It tells you what to produceB.It provides you with everything you need

C.It tells you how to grow tomatoesD.It helps you save money


Shanghai—Shanghai officials are welcoming a new national-water law that they say will help them protect the upper reaches of the Huangpu River and other water ways in Shanghai.The new law, which came into effect yesterday, updates a law enacted(颁布)in 1988 that focused on supplying water to needy areas, but didn’t pay a great deal of attention to environmental protection.The previous law, for example, gave local authorities power over waterways in these areas, but didn’t pay attention to the sources of those rivers and lakes.So, Shanghai was responsible for cleaning and protecting the lower reaches of the Chang Jiang River but had no say in how the river’s upper reaches, which feed into Shanghai, are maintained.The new law will make it easier to control the amount of waste that ends up in local rivers and reduce inefficient use of waterways, said Zhang Jia-yi, director of the Shanghai Water Affairs Bureau, on the bureau’s website commenting on law yesterday.Zhang said the new law focuses on the efficient(高效的)use of water sources and emphasizes the harmonious(和谐)development of China’s population, its economy and environment.Zhang also emphasizes the city will crack down on companies and individuals that pollute the city’s water sources.The bureau sets up a special force to investigate(调查)water pollution in March.So far this year, the bureau has published more than 3 million in fines on various polluters, Zhang said.54.The best title for the news report should be ______.A.A new Law Is BornB.A New Water Law to Protect Rivers

C.Is it Necessary to Protect the RiversD.Make Full Use of Water Sources

55.The underlined phrase ―crack down on‖ means _____.A.bring up carefullyB.speak highly ofC.deal with seriouslyD.destroy completely

56.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The law in 1988 is suitable for the new requirements.B.The new law will stop waste being poured into the Chang Jiang River.C.A lot of polluting units have been fined this year.D.The new law and the old one are the same in protecting the environment.57.We can infer from the passage that _____.A.the problem of protecting the water sources wasn’t paid much attention to

B.no laws were carried out to manage the water sources in Shanghai.C.the new law mainly emphasizes how to make use of the water sources.D.companies or individuals that polluted the water sources didn’t get fined.E

How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups, and, old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do.It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.What’s more, life is always giving new things to the child——things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do;he is repeatedly being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has wrongly done.When a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry.And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.58.According to Paragraph 2, the writer thinks that.A.life for a child is fairly easyB.a child is always loved whatever he does

C.if much is given to a child, he must do something in return

D.only children are interested in life

59.The main idea of the passage is that.A.life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains

B.young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard

C.childhood is the most enjoyable time in one’s life

D.one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life

60.The paragraph following this passage will most probably discuss.A.examples of successful young menB.how to build up one’s position in society

C.joys and pains of old peopleD.what to do when one has problems in life

第二卷(三大题,共50分)Ⅳ 单词拼写根据下列句子及所给的汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一个单词)

61.We’ve been having some ____(技术)problems with the new computer.62.John threw the ball, and the dog ______(接住)in its mouth.63.I _____(借)my bike to Dave and I haven’t got it back.64.If you need more _____ ,(信息)call the number 8425436.65Jane waited _____(焦急)by the phone all day yesterday.66._____(二月)is the second moth of a year.67.Put on your coat, _____(否则)you’ll catch cold.68.I haven’t seen it _____ ,(自己)but it’s supposed to be a good film.69.He’s not asleep—he just __________(假装).70.Wang Li lives in America, but she has Chinese ____________(国籍).Ⅴ完成句子根据中文意思完成下列各句。每空一词(缩写算一词)


The film was not _____good _____ I had expected.72. 医生建议这位胖太太戒除吃甜食的习惯。

The doctor advised the fat lady _____ _____ having sweets.73. 这箱子太重,我搬不动。

The case is ____ heavy for me __ carry.74. 我们将尽力按时完成这项工作。

We’ll ____ our ____ to finish the work on time.75. 昨天他直到做完作业才去睡觉。

He __ go to bed _____ he finished his homework.Ⅵ 书面表达假定你是李明,去年假期你曾赴美国加州帕萨迪那市的一所中学进行短期参观访向,住在Peter家。今年寒假Peter要来北京,将住在你家。请根据下列信息给Peter发个电邮件。内容到京到机场接机,举办欢迎家宴活动参观长城等名胜古迹到场欣赏中国民乐新年音乐会游览繁华市区、购物希望如行程允许,在北京过春节



3.开头与结尾已为你写好。January 26th , 2007 Hi!It’s Li Ming here.Glad to learn you’re coming to Beijing , China.I believe we will have much fun together.WELL , SEE YA SOON.BYE!L Li Ming 内容要点:1.接机、家宴;2.游览长城、市区及购物;3.欣赏新年音乐会;4.希望共渡春节

1~5 CDCAD6~10 BBCDA11~15 BCCBA16~20 ADDBB

21~25 DCDCB26~30 CAADA31~35 CCCBD36~40 ADABD

41~44 DCCC45~48 DBBB49~53 CBDDA54~57 BCDC58~60 ADB

technological, got, lent, information, anxiously, February, or, myself, pretends, nationality


gave up






语文试题 详解

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共36分)








【解析】A(jǐ)养——①所需物质和食物、饲料、燃料等的储备。②供给军队人员的主食、副食、燃料和军用牲畜的饲料等的统称。揆情度理kuí qíng duï lǐ——揆:估量揣测;度:猜想。按照情和理估量,推测。C、呱呱坠地gū gū zhuì dì——形容婴儿出生或事物问世。D、角(jué)色。殒身不恤yǔn shēn bú xù——殒:牺牲;恤:顾惜。牺牲生命也不顾惜。[出自]鲁迅《记念刘和珍君》


A、松驰 回溯 卫戍皇天后土B、辨认 影牒 荣膺残羹冷炙

C、豆蔻 聘礼 修葺金壁辉煌D、城阙 编纂 恻隐亭亭玉立



































C、在金陵十二钗正册中,王熙凤的判词是:“凡鸟偏从末世来, 都知爱慕此生才。一从二令三人木, 哭向金陵事更哀。”(《红楼梦》)





























第一条 普通高等学校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业招生考试是普通高等学校招生工作的一部分。为做好2018年运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业招生工作,选拔符合培养要求的考生,依照教育部普通高等学校招生工作的有关文件精神,制定本办法。

第二条 符合国家体育总局等六部委《关于进一步做好退役运动员就业安置工作的意见》免试条件的运动员申请进入普通高等学校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业学习的,必须按照国家体育总局有关文件要求履行优秀运动员免试进入高等学校学习的相关手续。


第三条 按照本办法招生的普通高等学校统称为招生院校。举办运动训练专业的招生院校有:北京体育大学、上海体育学院、武汉体育学院、西安体育学院、成都体育学院、沈阳体育学院、首都体育学院、天津体育学院、河北体育学院、吉林体育学院、哈尔滨体育学院、南京体育学院、山东体育学院、广州体育学院、北京师范大学、河北师范大学、山西大学、中北大学、山西师范大学、内蒙古师范大学、内蒙古民族大学、辽宁师范大学、沈阳师范大学、大连大学、大连理工大学、渤海大学、辽宁工程技术大学、吉林大学、东北师范大学、吉林师范大学、延边大学、北华大学、长春师范大学、哈尔滨师范大学、华东师范大学、苏州大学、中国矿业大学、江苏师范大学、浙江大学、宁波大学、绍兴文理学院、安徽师范大学、合肥师范学院、福建师范大学、集美大学、华东交通大学、南昌大学、江西师范大学、井冈山大学、赣南师范大学、宜春学院、中国海洋大学、山东理工大学、烟台大学、聊城大学、曲阜师范大学、河南大学、郑州大学、河南师范大学、洛阳师范学院、南阳师范学院、黄河科技学院、华中师范大学、江汉大学、中南大学、湖南师范大学、湖南工业大学、衡阳师范学院、华南理工大学、华南师范大学、深圳大学、嘉应学院、广西师范大学、海南师范大学、西南大学、重庆师范大学、西华师范大学、贵州师范大学、云南师范大学、陕西师范大学、陕西理工学院、西北师范大学、天水师范学院、青海师范大学、青海民族大学、宁夏大学、新疆师范大学、石河子大学、张家口学院、内蒙古大学、湖南人文科技学院、广西大学等92所。

举办武术与民族传统体育专业的招生院校有:北京体育大学、上海体育学院、武汉体育学院、西安体育学院、成都体育学院、沈阳体育学院、首都体育学院、天津体育学院、河北体育学院、吉林体育学院、哈尔滨体育学院、南京体育学院、山东体育学院、广州体育学院、天津师范大学、河北师范大学、山西师范大学、晋中学院、内蒙古民族大学、沈阳师范大学、东北师范大学、哈尔滨师范大学、苏州大学、扬州大学、江苏师范大学、浙江大学、杭州师范大学、阜阳师范学院、集美大学、江西师范大学、山东师范大学、鲁东大学、菏泽学院、河南大学、郑州大学、河南理工大学、洛阳师范学院、商丘师范学院、黄河科技学院、湖南师范大学、吉首大学、广西师范大学、海南师范大学、西南民族大学、贵州师范大学、云南师范大学、云南民族大学、西北师范大学、宁夏大学、青海师范大学、青海民族大学等51所。第四条 运动训练专业所设项目为:


其他项目:射击、射箭、场地自行车、公路自行车、山地自行车、BMX小轮车、击剑、现代五项、铁人三项、马术、帆船、赛艇、皮划艇静水、皮划艇激流回旋、蹼泳、滑水、摩托艇、举重、柔道、摔跤、拳击、跆拳道、田径、游泳、公开水域游泳、跳水、水球、花样游泳、体操、艺术体操、蹦床、技巧、手球、曲棍球、棒球、垒球、足球、篮球、排球、沙滩排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、橄榄球、高尔夫球、围棋、象棋、国际象棋、登山。武术与民族传统体育专业所设项目为: 武术套路、武术散打、中国式摔跤。


第五条 符合以下条件的考生可按本办法报考运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业:



第六条 考生必须参加生源所在地省级招生考试机构组织的高考报名。

第七条 招生院校应当根据教育部有关规定和本办法,制订本校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业的招生简章,并于考生填报志愿前公布。招生简章内容主要包括:高等学校全称、校址、层次、专业方向、办学类型、学习形式、招生计划总数及具体报考条件、考生身体健康状况要求、录取规则、学费标准、颁发学历证书的学校名称及证书种类,以及报名方式、专业考试时间、专业考试确认时间、地点、联系电话和其它有关事宜。

第八条 招生院校的招生简章须报学校上级教育行政主管部门进行审核,审核批准后抄报省级招生主管部门备案。招生院校必须认真履行招生简章中所公布的录取规则和有关承诺。


冬季项目报名时间2018年1月1日至1月15日;其他项目报名时间2018年3月1日至3月15日。第十条 2018年考生报名时运动技术等级证书截止审批日期为冬季项目为2017年12月31日,其他项目为2018年2月28日,以 “中国运动文化教育网”及“体教联盟APP”公示的数据信息为准。

第十一条 考生依据公布的专业考试时间,合理选择不超过2所招生院校进行报名,并确定好志愿顺序。


第十二条 运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业招生实行文化考试和体育专项考试相结合的办法。


教育部考试中心组织命题和印制试卷;省级招生考试机构负责试卷接收和文化考试组织实施,并通过机要方式将考后试卷发送指定的教育考试机构统一评阅。所有考生必须参加高考报名所在地省级招生考试机构组织的文化考试。第十四条 2018年招生院校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业招生文化考试时间: 时间 上 午 下 午 9:00-10:30 14:00-15:30 4月21日 语 文 数 学 4月22日 政 治 英 语

第十五条 体育专项考试满分100分,考试分项目采用全国统考和分区统考方式,由国家体育总局委托院校负责组织实施,执行国家体育总局制定的《普通高等学校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业体育专项考试方法与评分标准》。第十六条 2018年招生院校运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业招生体育专项考试时间: 冬季项目考试时间2018年2月16日至3月5日;其他项目考试时间2018年4月1日至5月10日。第十七条 考生依据所获得的运动等级证书的项目进行体育专项考试,本办法第四条所列项目之间不得跨项考试。



专业成绩录取控制线:在不低于40分的基础上,由各招生院校根据本校实际情况综合确定本校专业成绩录取控制线。第十九条 招生院校对具备一级运动员等级的考生,可在院校文化成绩最低录取控制线下降低30分录取;对具备运动健将技术等级的考生,可在院校文化成绩最低录取控制线下降低50分录取。

第二十条 在达到院校最低录取控制线的基础上,各招生院校根据考生的文化成绩和体育专项成绩3:7的比例进行综合评价,计算考生录取综合分。具体公式:综合分=*30%+体育专项成绩*70%。

第二十一条 原则上招生院校依据本校录取率确定分项目招生计划数,可根据生源情况和专业需求,适当进行调整。院校依据上线考生填报的志愿梯次顺序,按照综合分由高到低,优先录取一志愿;未完成招生计划的院校,再录取二志愿。第二十二条 按本办法招收运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业考试数据,由招生院校上传至体育单招考试管理系统。各省级招生考试机构依据系统数据完成体育单招考生备案并协助招生院校办理相关录取手续。

第二十三条 办理录取手续前,招生院校必须将《2018年运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业录取新生名册》、招生计划批复文件和正式印发的招生简章等有关材料按时报国家体育总局科教司核查备案。

第二十四条 招生院校须于5月25日前确定拟录取名单,并配合省级招生考试机构于5月31日前完成办理录取手续。考生若已被运动训练、武术与民族传统体育专业录取,不得放弃录取资格,同时不再参加普通高考及高校高水平运动队的录取。


第二十五条 国家体育总局、招生院校及有关省级招生考试机构按照《教育部关于进一步推进高校招生信息公开工作的通知》要求,做好招生信息公开工作。招生院校要及时向社会公开招生简章、录取原则和录取结果。有关信息可在中国运动文化教育网、招生院校网站公示5个工作日。第二十六条 招生院校要公布考生咨询和申诉渠道,及时受理考生来电、来信和来访,切实维护考生正当权益。

六、其他 第二十七条 各省级招生考试机构按照所在省普通高等学校招生考试收费标准收取考生文化考试费用;各体育专业考试组考院校,建议按照每位考生每次考试350元收取考生体育专业考试费用。

第二十八条 招生院校有下列情形之一的,将停止其下一按本办法招生资格:





第三十四条本办法由国家体育总局科教司和教育部高校学生司负责解释。小编精心为您推荐: 体育高考信息汇总 高水平运动员信息汇总 高考一本分数线 高考二本分数线 高考三本分数线 高考文科分数线 高考理科分数线 专科录取分数线





第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping.He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone.He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organised again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.Late in the evening, the phone rang.It was a stranger.He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions.Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.My husbnad rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents.Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly forengn addresses on most of the documents.At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.That family not onlythe important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people.We still remenber their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.1.What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A.Go shopping.B.Find a house.C.Join his family.D.Take a vacation.2.The girl’s parents got Rashid’s phone number from ___.A.a friend of his family B.a Sydney policemanC.a letter in his papers D.a sranger in Sydney

3.What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?A.Showed.B.Sent out.C.Delivered.D.Gave back.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.From India to Australia.B.Living in a New Country.C.Turning Trash to Treasure.D.In Search of New Friends.(B)

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment.“We didn’t know at that time that there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.But what began as nothing important in public affair has grown into a social movement.Business people, political leaders, university professors, and sepecially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement.“The undersatnding has increased many, many times,” says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first Earth Day.According to US government reports, emissions(排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 million tons.The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9.Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place.A kind of “green thinking” has become part of practices.Great improvement has been achieved.In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs, today in 1995 there are about 6,600.Advanced lights, motors, and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.Twenty-five years ago, there were hardly any education programs for environment.Today, it’s hard to find a public school, university, or law school that does not have such a kind of program.“Until we do that, nothing else will change!” says Bruce Anderson.5.According to Anderson, before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___.A.the social movement B.recycling techniquesC.environmental problems D.the importance of Earth Day

6.Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?A.The grass-roots level.B.The business circle.C.Government officials.D.University professors.7.What have Americans achieved in environmental protection?A.They have cut car emissions to the lowest.B.They have settled their environmental problems.C.They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.D.They have reduced pollution through effective measures.8.What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph?

A.Education.B.Planning.C.Green living.D.CO reduction.(C)

One of the latest trends(趋势)in American childcare is Chinese au pairs.Au Pair in Stamford, Conn., for example, has got increasing numbers of requests for Chinese au pairs from zero to around 4,000 since 2004.And that’s true all across the country.“I thought it wouls be very useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age,” Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a company, says of his 2-year-old son.“I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the futurre.” After only six months of being cared for by a 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says.Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China: She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots.“Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to(接触)the language and culture,” she says.“Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom,” says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children.“But parents must understand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders.Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.”

The popularity of au pairs from china has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children who want their children to learn Chinese.It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years.9.What does that term “au pair” in the text mean?A.A mother raising her children on her own.B.A child learning a foreign language at home.C.A professor in language education of children.D.A young foreign woman taking care of children.10.Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them ___.A.to live in China some day B.to speak the language at homeC.to catch up with other children D.to learn about the Chinese culture 11.What can we infer from the text?

A.Learning Chinese is becoming popular In America.B.Educated woman do better in looking after children.C.Chinese au pairs need to improve their English Skills.D.Children can learn a foreign language well in six months.(D)

Metro Pocket Guide


Earth passenger needs a farecard to enter and go out.Up to two children under age five may travel free with a paying customer.Farecard machines are in every station.Bring small bills because there are no change machines in the stations and farecard machines only provide up to $5 in change.Get one day of unlimited Metrorail rides with a One Day Pass.Buy it from a farecard machine in Metro stations.Use it after 9:30 a.m.until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.Open: 5 a.m.Mon.—Fri.7 a.m.Sat.—Sun.Close: midnight Sun.—Thurs.3 a.m.Fri.—Sat.Nights

Last train times vary.To avoid missing the last train, please check the last train times posted stations.When paying with exact change, the fare is $1.35.When paying with a SmarTrip® card, the fare is $1.25.Senior citizens 65 and older and disabled customers may ride for half the regular fare.On Metrorail and Metrobus, sue a senior/disabled farecard or SmarTrip® card.For more information about buying senior/disabled farecards, SmarTrip® cards and passes, please visit MetroOPensDoors.com or call 202-637-7000 and 202-637-8000.Senior citizens and disabled customers can get free guide on how to use proper Metrobus and Metrirail service by calling 202-962-1100.(提示)

• Avoid riding during weekday rush periods — before 9:30 a.m.and between 4

and 6 p.m.• If you lose something on a bus or train or in a station, please call Lost & Found at 202-962-1195.12.What should you know about farecard machines?A.They start selling tickets at 9:30 a.m.B.They are connected to change nachines.C.They offer special service to the elderly.D.They make change for no more than $5.13.At what time does Metrolrail stop service on Saturday?A.At midnight.B.At 3 a.m.C.At 5 a.m.D.At 7 p.m.14.What is good about a SmarTrip® card?

A.It is convenient for old people.B.It saves money for its usersC.It can be bought at ant time.D.It is sold on the Internet.15.Which number should you call if you lose something on the Metro?A.202-962-1195.B.202-962-1100.C.202-637-7000.D.202-637-8000.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Tips for Cooking on a Tight Schedule

From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability, money, and time.16.___ Money is a topic I’ll save for another day.So today i want to gove you some wisedom about how to make the most of time you spend in the kitchen.Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:

⒈ Think ahead.The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I’m already hungry and there’s nothing ready to eat.So think ahead of the coming week.When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already? 17.___

⒉ Make your time worth it.When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on.Are you making one loaf of bread? 18.___ It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something.So save yourself the effort for a future meal.⒊ 19.___ This may surise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation.It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule.The more you learn and the more you try the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.Hopefully that gives you a good start.20.___ And don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A.Try new things.B.Ability is easily improved.C.Make three or four instead.D.Understand your food better.E.Cooking is a burden for many people.F.Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.G.A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of back conditions were very fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳).As they down, the weather got worse.Then another occurred.They couldn’t see or hear each other and, precipice(峭壁for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joe’s large crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He couldn’t walk, but he , but he didn’t want to leave heard Joe’s voice.He couldn’t alive.21.A.hurriedly B.carefully C.successfully D.early 22.A.difficult B.similar C.special D.normal 23.A.climbed B.worked C.rested D.continued 24.A.unwillingly B.safely C.slowly D.regretfully 25.A.fortune B.time C.health D.life 26.A.lay B.settled C.went D.looked 27.A.damage B.storm C.change D.trouble 28.A.by mistake B.by chance C.by choice D.by luck 29.A.unnecessary B.practical C.important D.impossible 30.A.height B.weight C.strength D.equipment 31.A.Finally B.Patiently C.Surely D.Quickly 32.A.stand back B.take a rest C.make a decision D.hold on 33.A.jumped B.fell C.escaped D.backed 34.A.managed B.planed C.waited D.hoped 35.A.run B.skate C.move D.march 36.A.around B.away C.above D.along 37.A.headed for B.traveled to C.left for D.returned to 38.A.dead B.hurt C.weak D.late 39.A.secretly B.tiredly C.immediately D.anxiously 40.A.Find B.Believe C.make D.accept


第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about 41.________(be)late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop, 42.________ some of them looked very anxious and 43.________(disappoint).When the bus finally

came, we all hurried on board.I got a place next 44.________ the window, so I had

a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 45.________(catch)my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused 46.________(stop)until we reached the next stop.Still, the boy kept 47.________(ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked, “48.________ anyone lode a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear!It’s 49.________(I).” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers 50.________(sudden)became friendly to one another.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:⒈ 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

⒉ 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m.and ends at 3:30 p.m.They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We didn’t need to do so many homework.Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities.For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.My dream school look like a big garden.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music.The teachers here are kind and helpfully.They are not only our teachers but also our friends.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


⒈ 家庭;⒉ 工作;⒊ 业余生活。

注意:① 词数100左右:② 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;③ 开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。



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