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/index.html 一个包含people,science,english study等等很多资料的好网站,会找到很多对写作和口语有用的素材!

/home.php 这个网站会叫你大吃一惊!有上万篇各种题材的“作文”在那里免费等你down呢!不过,一定要先注册才能看到文章的全部内容~而注册的条件之一是你要奉献自己的一篇大作!总之,随你们能想到的题目(当然也包括ielts涉及的topic)那里应有尽有!

.cn 我忘了这个网站是从哪里搜到的~~好像是……英国使馆文化处?不知道。呵呵~不过,里面一样有很多好东东!同样能让你找到很多写作素材!


第二篇:IELTS 写作的常用和句型

IELTS 写作考试的常用模板和句型




1)In contemporary society, the human race is advancing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas.在当今社会,人类正以前所未有的速度在很多领域向前发展。

2)Today we have embarked upon the …era.今天,我们已经进入了…的时代。We have embarked upon the information era.3)Since the advent/arrival of the…era… 随着…时代的到来…例句:Since the advent of the information era, our efficiency at work has been greatly enhanced.随着信息时代的 到来,我们的工作效率得到了很大的提高。例句2 With the advent of the information era, school education has undergone profound changes at an accelerated rate.倒退类

4)But A is attended/accompanied by B 但是伴随着…(某种好现象)的到来,某种坏现 象也出现了。例句:But the proliferation of English is accompanied by the extinction of many lesser-known languages.但是随着英语的广泛传播的是大量小语种的消亡。

5)Accompanying all the boons brought about by the profound social changes have com some sufferings;and …is very prominent among them.随着深刻的社会变革带来的种 种好处,出现了很多问题,…是其中很显著的一个。

6)With the incidence(发生率)of …hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.…的发生率居高不下,这引起了很多人的困扰和警觉。例句:With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.7)In this day and age, it is standard practice for … to do something.今天,某些人做某事

是很普遍的。例句:In this day and age, it is standard practice for parents to rush around all day busying themselves with their work.8)Such a grave situation merits our careful attention.这样一个严重的情况值得我们关注。

9)The issue of … has been thrown into sharp relief/focus.…引起了人们的强烈关注。例 句:Soaring car ownership has thrown the issue of car accidents into sharp relief.10)However, there is no consensus on …yet.或者 people hold divergent

/contrasting/conflicting view on… 或者 people are divided over… 不同的人关于某个 问题持不同的看法。例句:People hold contrasting views on animal experiments.人们 对动物试验持不同的看法。

11)Something has been growing at an alarming/ staggering rate.某事物正在以令人 震惊的速度增长。例句:With the car ownership soaring in China, traffic accidents have been growing at an alarming/staggering rate.12)Whether…has triggered/sparked/aroused/given rise to spirited debate.是否应 该…引起了激烈的辩论,同样的意思还可以用以下三个常用句型表达 …Whether…is a highly debatable issue.或者Whether… is an issue open to debate 或者 Whether…is

a controversial issue.例句: Whether student should appraise their teachers’

performance is an issue open to debate.是否学生应该评价老师的教学是一个没有定论 的问题。

13)Some(people)assert/contend/argue/hold/maintain/claim/think/believe that… 有 一些人认为…例句:Some people assert that relocating large companies to the

countryside is the best way to resolve the traffic and housing problems in cities.一些 人认为把大公司搬到乡村是解决城市交通和住房的最好方法。

14)…is largely fuelled by...某现象主要是被…所推动。例句:The proliferation of plastic bag is largely fuelled by the pursuit for lower costs.IELTS 议论文主体段写作加分37 句型

前进类profit from

People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight.A is an integral /indispensable part of B

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.something plays a pivotal /key role in …

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success.4enable /allow somebody to do something

Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully.5get accustomed to do something/adjust to /adapt to

New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed.6Someone can get access to something 或者 can access something 或者can utilize something

In this day and age, many individuals can access the Internet via computer or mobile phone.倒退类

1…is attended by /…is accompanied by

The staggering advancement of technology is attended by server pollution of the ecosystem.2The more…the more…

The more vehicles on the road, the more traffic congestions to occur.3A can be attributed to B 或者B stems from A

The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough.4be afflicted with/be plagued with

In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty.5deprive someone of something

Modern cities deprive city-dweller of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.6something prompt/impels somebody to do…

Peer pressure often impels youngster to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accessories.7A has rendered B + adj./noun 形容词或名词

We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technology.其中 We must ensure that..意思是我们必须确保…


The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another.快节奏的生活让很多人彼此疏远。

8A recent study conducted by the(Chinese academy of Social Science)reveal that… 如果是教育问题用UNESCO 如果是犯罪问题可以用the Ministry of Justice 交通问题可以 用the Ministry of Transportation 建筑问题可以用the Ministry of Construction 环境问题可 以HSUS and Greenpeace

A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals in lab cages today.be addicted to /preoccupied with something

In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to /preoccupied with various forms of gambling.something is the chief culprit in 或者something is the root cause of …

The population explosion is the chief culprit in/ the root cause of water scarity.11be confronted with something

In contemporary society, we are confronted with a plethora of violent and pornographic TV shows.present/pose a threat to…

In contemporary society, the proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a grave threat to humanity.be awash with/be inundated with something

The media are be awash with/be inundated with detailed crime coverage.if…something will ensue

If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue.15With the incidence of … hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.16something is unwarranted /unjustifiable

Experimenting upon lab animals without trying to alleviate their pain is unwarranted/ unjustifiable.中间类

1…on the grounds that…

Some others oppose to animal experimentation on the grounds that it is inhumane.2 exert beneficial/ baneful/ profound influence on something

In this day and age, globalization is exerting profound impact on the way we work, live, play and learn.A prevail over / outweigh/ outbalance B

The advantages of imposing stiffer punishment on driving offender prevail over the disadvantages.A bring about/ generate/ breed/ engender/ spawn /induce B.Technological innovations have brought about profound changes to the political, economical and cultural arenas.A is a key determinant of B

In an individual’s career, tenacity is a key determinant of success.It is manifest that …或者It is universally acknowledge that…

It is manifest that globalization can also engender a host of banes to the lives of people in the third-world countries.解决类give priority to something

The government should give priority to the optimization of its financial resources.2 dedicated A to B

The government should dedicate more money to the alleviation of chronic poverty.3 be likely to fall prey to / be vulnerable to

Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent or

pornographic content on TV shows.something should be condemned rather than condoned(押尾韵)

Indiscriminate copying of traditional architectural style today should be condemned rather than condoned.it is imperative/ crucial/ key/ essential that… 或者 something is of paramount/ overriding importance.To the newly-arrived immigrants, it is imperative that they adapt to the local culture immediately.abide by/ comply with

It is essential that government pass more stringent laws to compel drivers to abide by/ comply with the law.something requires/ necessitates /call for…

The grave ecological problem requires/ necessitates/ call for joint effort of all the nations on the globe.distinguish between A and B

Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong.must ensure that

Parents must ensure that they dedicate enough time and energy to their offspring.结尾段常用模板

1)based on the above discussion, I am convinced that…(用于一边倒文章的结尾段)基 于以上的讨论,我确信…

2)In the final analysis, I concede that… However, ….On balance…(用于折衷式文章结尾 段)作为最后总结,我承认…但是…综合起来看…

3)The upside of something, outweighs its downside 或者the strengths of something, prevail over its weaknesses 或者the pros of something outbalance its cons.某事利大





亚瑟王 毕业生 谈情说爱



四个婚礼一个葬礼 西雅图不眠夜



普通人 我最好朋友的婚礼(新娘不是我)



第四篇:ielts 写作好词好句

多用such替换the ,a.例:Admittedly, such issue ,to some extent,has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions.(模板的第3段开头)2 开头句型:(放在文章中间也很好的句子)

As a result of constant media attention , A(A指题目话题), once largely ignored,has come to be seen as especially valuable/significant.2(The right of the media to do this)is rarely disputed, but(the way in which it does this)often comes under withering critism.(括号里可以换)

As our lives are saturated with the flood of(advertisements),no one can avoid being influenced by ads.(ads 错的,不能用简写哦~)

4(Bad traffic and increasing pollution)are thorny issues challenging every major city in the globe.(in the globe全世界)

The issue of A is a complex and sensitive one.What lies behind …..?(问原因类)

After years in the wilderness , the term “ A ” seems posied to make a comeback.(和第一句意思比较像)好处句型!Nothing can be compared with sb/sth ~~(新3的哦,推荐)2 A exert a positive impact on ….A can an effective way to(help)……(简单但好用)Few things can be more(impressive)than ….that…(新3的哦,推荐)5 play a pivotal role in … benefit from../ profit from…一般 7 promote the development of..8 A is the cornerstone of … 9 remove the barrier for..raise one’s awareness of …常用 11 enable sb to do … sb is the ultimate beneficiary(sb是。的最终受益者,社会问题类说人们应该自己也承担责任用)consolidates its status as the..14 get a clear perspective of..15 give a boost to..A is an indispensable part of B 17 A is irreplaceable tp B The significant of A to B can never be ingored 19 A is the key ingredient to B~~ 20 A made it possible for sb to… A exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.(新3的哦,推荐)

find it impossible to resist the temptation to do ….Needless to say / Indeed ,……(可以放在任一句开头,很好用哦~)23 develop an unshakable faith in … 24 have a reputation of..Nothing can catch them for … make a contribution to(也可作写坏处的句子 the city make its own contribution to noise)27 build bridges between 28 特别的

Improve one’s physical and psychological wellbeing /soundness 身体心理健康

optimise people’s living standards 提高人们生活水平

eradicate poverty 消除贫困

It’s not A that are important ,but B

Satisfy basic(human)needs 满足要求

Ease the tension and conflicts between alleviate the problem of 消除冲突和紧张

Be fully aware of the consequences

The impact of(sporting activities)goes far beyond the bounds of(leisure and recreation.)3 坏处的句型 drive up the crime rate..2 widen the gap between A 3 pose a(direct)threat to … 4 stifle creativity diminish individual’s leisure time… 6 spin out of control cause(creat)tension and conflicts between… exert(have)detrimental/negative/adverse influence(impact)upon/on 9 is markly incompatible with…与。不协调 10 be afflicted with … 11 deprive one of sth sth is the root cause of … 13 be saturated with sth 14 at the expense of ….15 be confronted with sth 16 run contrary to … erode the national identity 18 pose a dilemma for 19 is an vicious circle hamper(scientific)progress 21 there is a yawning gap between 22 pose a devastating problem 23 the reputation is ruined 24 A is a complete failure Things can go wrong on a big scale

26sth is always faced with a difficult task /problem 27 It is impossible to have(little)difficulties in doing 29pay the price for(fame)(pollution)is the price we pay for(overpopulated ,over industrialized planet)31 people seem to fail to take into account the fact that ….好句!32 lead to some unfavorable results 33 sacrifice ….for … 34 There is a major concern over t he world about ….35 give rise to a bunch of familiar questions 36This is compounded by the fact that …

the problem of(information overloaded)exacerbated by(the growth …)

The problem , however , is complicated by the existence of dozens of..and by the fact that…..4 解决问题类


1Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on ….,saying clearly(that..).2Other policies(such as。)can be taken to back up the policy.3 One helpful step is to … ,Another possibility is to improve …., so that ….4 It should be an addtion to the policy work ,not a substitute.The more effort put in and wider(the whole school)involvement ,the substantial the results are likely to be.give priority to sth 2 shoulder the responsibility to 3 comply with impose restrictions on..take …into account /consideration should be increasingly focus on…rather than … what will make the most difference is …..The new study makes this point even more starkly 8 There are ways of dealing with the topic through …, ….and …..Three factors are involved in this change.新概念3+剑桥好句: Apparently,there is a good deal of truth in this idea./There is an element of truth in both agreements

2More importantly/significantly,there is still good evidence that …

3This is compounded by the fact that …由于。的事实,使。变得更糟 4Women,it is obvious, are freer than in the past.插入语 5 has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions.6 It’s not A that are important ,but B Providing more parking area, in the long run ,has proved to be a practical way out in many large cities in the world.插入语 Not only had the poor man been arrested ,but he had been sent to prison ,as well 9 It has been estimated that …据估计 Considering the amount she paid ,he was dear in more ways than one.非谓语

Fearing that she would never see Ratus again use fewer materia resources and ,therefore,be much compatible with protecting the environment avoid squandering money on 避免浪费钱在。上 shoulder important responsibilities on major global issues

14These regions are fragile not just in terms of their ecology,but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants.Climate change ,whatever its causes,is a direct threat to their way of life.插入语 26 Cinema might, for example , have become pimarily a documentay form.for example放中间,好!But what happened was that it became ,overwhelmingly, a medium for tekking stories.插入语

28Unfortunately, they are the ones the organisation can least afford to lose.There is an abundance of evidence to support the motivational benefits that result from carefully matching people to jobs.an abundance of 大量的,好!Managers, must be sure ,therefore, that employees feel confident that their efforts can lead to performance goals.插入语

31To varying degree, we all have secrets which……

Instead of becoming a doctor , however ,he became a successful writer of detective stories.33 It seemed certain that

34广告Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste,we are no longer free to choose the things we want ,for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.35 In time ,it became an accepted fact that …


下面要写出来的基本都是Robert Lewis的总结,希望以后不会遇到什么麻烦,因为完全不为了利益的目的。根据的是他的视频课程

IELTS Writing Essay 1 TO START WITH…

首先我们要清楚的是两个问题:What is an Essay and How can we write or answer a simple essay question?

The purpose to write an essay is to persuade readers to believe or appreciate writer’s opinion or point of view for a given subject.In the essay we need to complete THREE stages:

Present opinion or position,Support the position with series of arguments, and

Restate the position

The important thing we should realize is in an essay, there is no right or wrong(black or white).不要因为考试所给的标题而去考虑应该是写赞成或是反对。写作考试的目的是要assess你的英文能力,无论你给出的是什么观点,只要提供有逻辑的论点论据,那么这篇文章就一定是有说服力的,是一篇好文章。COMMON MISTAKES

a.No clear position statement or even conflicting statement这一点是最要命的 这也是很多中国考生在十多年语文考试中养成的习惯,觉得有利有一定有弊,两方面都写道才是一篇完美的文章。我的建议是 除非考题清清楚楚告诉你agree and disagree都要写,不然完全放弃这种想法,老老实实站在一边,把省出来的那几分钟去想论点好了 remember to CLEARLY express your position AT THE BEGINNING.b.Punctuation/ no paragraphing

Always ensure telling readers when the statement complete, using conjunctions as separation between paragraphs.说白了就是要分段 还要学会流利的运用连词 最基本的就是1st, 2nd and 3rd,这个就不用再讲了吧。但是忌讳的是每一个论点都不完全独立 彼此之间藕断丝连 让考官感觉从头到尾都在讲套话

c.Vocabulary/Spelling and Grammar

扩充词汇量 从基本工作起吧 不要以为重复的写同样一个词凑够250字就可以拿个基本分

d.Using spoken English

不要用非正式的语言或者口语中的词汇,记得我们写的是academic essay,用的是scientific language or technical language,还要避免经常使用第一人称和第二人称

3Three types of essays(part a and part b/ 4)

The essay questions are usually not simple, indeed some essay questions contain a number of sub-questions.So it is important to read the question carefully and make sure you understand clearly the instructions and what you must do(read them twice, underline the key words).所以题目可以相似或完全一样,但是问法不同,写的方式就完全不同,如果argue写成discuss,就等于跑题了。

Three main types of essays : ARGUE, EXPLAIN and DISCUSS


Some typical argumentative essays/sample questions: a.b.c.d.smoking is bad for your health.Give your opinion

should young children be allowed to watch as much TV as they like? Argue one point of view to what extent should children be responsible for their general health?

Popular music is boring.Doyou agree? Support your opinion with reasons and examples.Position statement Arguments-sequence of … 1.2.'' Restatement


Explanatory essays/sample questions a.b.c.d.Topic statement A, B, C A.B.C.Restatement

DISCUSS(not common but still important)Two sides of the issue, pros and cons, …

Discussion essays/sample questions a.b.c.d.discuss the reasons for and against letting children play computer games what are the advantages and disagvantages of mobile phones? Explain the costs and benefits of travel abroad

Health care should be free.Discuss the arguments for and against this proposition, before fiving your opinion.Issue statement Arguments-FOR Arguments-AGAINST Restatement

explain the causes of poor health, and give some possible solutions

what are the factors that contribute to failure in university exams? How can students better prepare? Why do young people follow fashions? Give some reasons thy this is or is not a ne3gative phenomenon.Discuss the causes and effects of illiteracy.What are some possible solutions? 4Developing vocabulary

Step 1---identify unfamiliar topics(十大原则的题目)

Step 2---find texts on these topics(common words & uncommon/technical)Step 3---use the new vocabulary in writing or in oral English to consolidate Step 4---know the different forms of new words


Eight categories: addition, reinforcing(and, in addition)contrast, cause and effect, concession/condition, listing, summarizing, giving alternatives and exemplifying.Typical errors when using conjunctions: a.b.c.d.e.8Persuasive stragegy---sound authoritative using technical nouns

Nominalisation = changing words into nouns

a.Verb + ING > NOUN

Eg: swim + ing =swimming

b.Adj or Verb + AFFIX > NOUN

eg: govern +ment = government inform +ation = information

Why change words into nouns? a.b.暂时就加这么多 因为真的很费时间 有什么问题的话以后再补充

again,wish you good luck and all the best. to make an action/process the focus of a sentence to sound more authoritative don’t use AND to start with a sentence don’t use BUT to start Such as within the sentence Besides Moreover Persuasive strategy – Being Logical using conjunctions(missing on the website)Persuasive strategy – how to reason Developing word maps make a word map

read the text and highlight content words and expressions add new vocabulary to the word map

consolidate new vocabulary, write on the topic using new expressions Using WHs and HOW

Listing conjunctions for sequencing arguments, LOGICALLY



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