
时间:2019-05-14 22:54:15下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 2:

1)原文:I was shocked when she asked me this at that time.I always thought thus was a game between her and me.She saw the confusion on my face and told me, “This question is very important.It shows that you have really lived in our life.For every body part you gave me in the past, I have said that you were wrong and I have encouraged your quest further.But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson.”



1、That just means that most of the people you’re going to meet are in the same boat that you are in.翻译:这也意味着你将遇到的多数人都和你际遇相同。

2、You’ll be much eager to interact with other, even if you’re the shy type.翻译:你便会极为渴望与他们交往,即便你是一个非常害羞的人。

3、The very best way to meet new friends is to get involved.翻译:结交新朋友最好的方式就是参与其中。

4、Getting to know someone and building a new friendship takes time.翻译:因为了解一个人,建立新的友谊需要时间来培养。

Unit 4

1)原文:All this also shows me how easy it would be just to live somewhere else-anywhere else really.Staying in each place for an extended time taught me how I could make friend, find work, and find a flat all rather easily.So, in many ways, for all intents and purposes it’s as if I were living there already.翻译:所有这些还告诉我,生活在另一个地方——实际上随便什么地方也是一样的轻松愉快。只要在一个地方一段时间我就知道如何轻松地交到朋友,怎样不费力的找到工作和栖身之地。所以,在很多方面,无论怎么看,我好像本来就生活在这里。


1、the most difficult it will be to get there, the most interesting and different your experience will be.翻译:到那里的路越是艰辛你就越会体会到它的与众不同。

2、One thing you can always do is to find a world map or globe and choose a random point without looking at it.翻译:屡试不爽的办法就是找来一副世界地图或者一个地球仪,然后不假思索的随便指一个地方。

3、A totally unique way to travel and see new places is to go on a voluntary group camp.翻译:一种与众不同的把旅游和参观新景点结合起来的方法就是参加志愿者宿营。

4、This is usually not as original and unique as the other methods, but it can give you some nice destinations you have never seen before.翻译:虽然这不如其他方式新颖独特,但它还是会带你去曾去过的风景优美的地方。

Unit 5

1)原文:The financial burden is the obvious reason for this.Commonly, students take low skilled part-time work in the retail and service industry with the purpose of making some money.A research report carried out by a university found that of working students surveyed, 34% were sales assistant, 31% were in food service jobs and 5% in telesales.翻译:经济负担是做兼职的显而易见的原因所在。一般情况下,学生们为了挣点钱,会选择在零售业和服务业从事技术含量低的工作。某大学的一项调查报告发现,在所调查的兼职学生中,有34%的学生做过销售代表,31%从事过食品服务行业,还有5%从事过电话销售。


1、More college student than ever are entering the workforce while still

attending classes, usually only for part-time work.翻译:越来越多的大学生在校期间就参加到劳动大军里,通常是一边读


2、Part-time work for college students does have some unique


3、Hours are flexible and generally the student can work as much or as

little as they want.翻译:一般来说,学生可以自己决定多干或者少干。

4、This type of job is a great way to get a foot in the door with industry leaders.翻译:这项工作非常有利于向结识企业家迈向第一步。



Revision for Sentence Patterns


1.正是这场沙尘暴(dust storm)的后果才使人们充分认识到植树的重要性。(It……)

2.直到加世纪后期,中国运动员才以他们在奥运会上的杰出表现让世界对他们刮目相看。(begin to surprise the world)




7.学生只有通过一起学习和玩耍,才能学会具有团队精神(team spirit)。(Only……)

























30.应当鼓励学生提出不同观点和用多种方法解决同一个问题。(put forward)















44.很难想象这么小的光盘包含了那么多的信息(compact disk)

45.在西方国家里把五岁的孩子一个人留在家里是违法的。(against the law)







C.There be„









60.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance)






D.accessible and available



























90.与过去相比,现在学校更加重视(lay emphases)对学生能力的培养,不是仅仅关心考试成绩。(more than)


92.笑话没有代代相传的成语渊源留长。(not as…as)


























119.据我所知,派谁去那里帮助他们仍没有决定。(as far as)


121.每次我见到这张照片就使我想起我们在国外度过的日子。(every time)122.一旦下定决心,无论遇到什么困难也不要放弃。(once)


124.这是一次对她的傲慢如此痛苦的教训(a lesson to…)她永远也不会忘记。(such…that)

125.任何犯错误的人,只要他不讳疾忌医,我们都要帮助他。(so long as)126.哪儿有人类的苦难,那儿就会有红十字会的成员。(where)




129.中国再也不是过去的中国了。中国从来没有今天这样强大。(no longer)130.很多人花时间去想的是他们可从别人那里得到什么,而不是自己能给予什么。(what)

131.一些专家认为中国加入世贸组织(China WTO entry)意味着机遇和挑战并存。(consider)


133.我认为一本书除非值得反复读,否则不值得买。(don’t think)






140.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力就越活跃。(the more…the more)141.相对而言,污染带来的威胁比疾病更加严重。(more than)



145.一个人的出身和相貌并不重要,重要的是他长大后将成为什么样的人。(not as…as)

146.众所周知,亚洲位于世界的东方,其面积是欧洲的四倍。(the size of)147.为了解决饮水问题,村民们集资挖了口深达60米的井。(as…as…)148.调查表明男人戒烟比女人更容易些。(show)













高三英语翻译复习(一)Revision for Sentence Patterns Ⅰ.强调

1.正是这场沙尘暴(dust storm)的后果才使人们充分认识到植树的重要性。(It……)2.直到加世纪后期,中国运动员才以他们在奥运会上的杰出表现让世界对他们刮目相看。(begin to surprise the world)3.我做梦也没有想到会在这次化学竞赛中获一等奖。(Little…….)4 我们只有从这件事中吸取教训才能避免再犯类似的错误。(Only……)5.从来没有一个国家能在这样短的时间内取得这样大的进步。(Never……)6.一个人不经历失败几乎体会不到成功的喜悦。(Hardly…….)7.学生只有通过一起学习和玩耍,才能学会具有团队精神(team spirit)。(Only……)8.是那些在奥运会上为国争光的运动员为我们树立了学习的榜样。(It….)9.世界上再也没有这样美丽恬静的地方了。(Nowhere……)10.昨天发生的事完全应该责怪我,而不能怪他。(blame)Ⅱ.Be+P.P.+Prep.11.千万别参加赌博,否则你迟早会陷入困境。(involve)12.我们的图书馆有20多万图书。(stock)13.我认为就能万而言,他完全有资格做这项工作。(qualify)14.一切行动均以判断为基础。(base)15.没有一个良好的管理.一家工厂即使装备了最先进的机器也不能赢利。(equip)16.这次访问的目的是发展两国的关系。(aim)17.那家新造的宾馆位于河边。(locate)18.市长非常关心市民不遵守交通规则的问题。(concern)19.据说一个人晚上所做的梦与他白天想的和做的有关。(connect)20.普遍认为街头暴力的增加和电视恐怖片有密切的关系。(relate)21.从那以后,他一直在从事探索英语学习的新方法。(engage)22.全世界都对中国近年来取得的巨大成就极为惊讶,(amaze)23.邓小平同志被公认为世界上杰出的领导之一。(regard)24.一位教师的收入无法与一个商人的咬入相比,但是这些学生还是愿意毕业后去教书。(compare)25.我的父母非常满意这学期我在各门学科上取得的进步。(please)

Ⅲ.英语和汉语主语不同的句型 A.被动语态

26.必须教育学生关心他人和周围的世界。(educate)27.希望所有的学生掌握一门外语。(expect)28.已采取一系列的行动来拯救濒临灭绝的动物,因为它们受到掠杀的威胁。(start…campaign)29.只有在中国才有大熊猫。(find)30.应当鼓励学生提出不同观点和用多种方法解决同一个问题。(put forward)31.宣布和平后,到处可以看到欢笑的脸。(declare)B.It…

32.控制人口的增长依然是艰巨的任务。(remain)33.确保青少年的健康成长是全世界的职责。(ensure)34.这次会上做出的决定是否可行尚待证明。(remain)35.用不了多久又有一条新的隧道就要建成穿过浦江。(before)36.谈到教学,他是门外汉。(come)37.我觉得她似乎总躲着我。(seem)38.他说什么并没有关系,重要的是他怎样千。(matter)39.我从没有想到我的粗心大意会使自己付出如此大的代价。(occur)40.如果方便的话,请替我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient)41.最好多花点时间读各种类型的书而不是把时间浪费在跳舞上(better)42.对我们来说平衡的膳食和进行充分的锻炼是必要的。43.王教授花了多少时间学这三门外语?(take)44.很难想象这么小的光盘包含了那么多的信息(compact disk)45.在西方国家里把五岁的孩子一个人留在家里是违法的。(against the law)46.过了好多年他才知道谁在他困难时帮助了他。(before)47.非常遗憾他说的和做的不相符合。(agree)48.用电子邮件与国外朋友保持联系对我们来讲既快又方便。(keep)49.红黄蓝是三种主要颜色,这是常识。(commonsense)50.众所周知,李先生是个很难对付的艺术家。(deal)51 懂不懂心理学对一个老师来说是至关重要的。(matter)

C.There be…

52.人类的想象力和创造力永无止境。(limit)53.他有可能通过这次考试。(possibility)54.毫无疑问,心脏病已成为西方世界最大的杀手之一。(doubt)55.在我校有三个篮球场和两个乒乓房供使用。(available)56.我不知是否有任何东西可以取代母爱和关怀。(replace)57.商店里有许多计算机可供选择。(choose)58.周五的演出票子没有了。(available)59.我不再劝说他了,因为跟他争论毫无意义。(Point)60.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance)61.有一条市场规律:当一个物品供大于求时,它的价格就会下降(g0down)62.我们的花园里曾经有过他们种的许多美丽的鲜花。(used)63.关注健康很重要,但是过分害怕疾病也是没有必要的。(need)64.不久的将来人们能够找到治疗艾滋病的方法吗?(possibility)65.似乎没有留下什么问题分析。(appear)D.accessible and available 66.所有的教师都可以得到这份教材。(accessible)67.一般的游客均可以参观人民大会堂。(accessible)68.先生,很抱歉,你要的尺寸没有。(available)69.在这里的人们24小时都能从收音机里听到音乐。(available)70.公众看不到这些档案。(accessible)71.汽车是无法开到位于山边的一些房子去的。(accessible)72.学生可以接到图书馆的任何一本书。(unavailable)73 药品不应该放在孩子们容易拿得到的地方。(accessible)Ⅳ.成语


75.对他们来说,“失败乃成功之母”,他们总是尽其所能在失败中找到机会。76.名言“千里之行始于足下”告诉我们成功取决于每天的努力。77.他们应该从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚。78.世界是你们的也是我们的,但归根到底是属于你们的 79.像“有志者事竟成”这样的谚语一定会代代相传。80.你能领会“知识就是力量”这句名言吗? 81.英语中有-句古话,“勿以貌取人”。

V.V.+0.+OC 82.没有通过期末考试使得他与父母的关系很长一段时间很糟糕。(make)83.智力平平的学生会觉得完成这张卷子很困难。(find)84.他们有一个规矩:每年向希望工程捐一次款。(make)85.电视使我们不断获知世界上发生的事清。(keep)86.是宇宙飞船的问世,使得人类到月球成为可能。(make)87.你觉得有没有必要把高中未毕业的孩子送到国外留学?(think)88 世界上人口的不断增长使得工农业迅速发展变得非常重要。(make)89.我觉得教练把那位表现差的守门员换下来是很明智的。(think)


90.与过去相比,现在学校更加重视(lay emphases)对学生能力的培养,不是仅仅关心考试成绩。(more than)91.知道了这孩子生病,父母马上送他到医院。(send)92.笑话没有代代相传的成语渊源留长。(not as…as)93.考虑到它的实用价值,这本书值得一读(worth)94.在许多证据面前,那人不得不承认那是他第五次在夜里抢劫。(face)95.世界各国领导人在会上就如何反对恐怖主义(terrorism)发表了各自的意见。(fight)96.实现这一目标的最好办法是尽量多团结人。(accomplish)97.我已安排好一辆车去车站接他们。(arrange)98.中国成为加08年奥运会的主办国是当之无愧的。(deserve)99.充分利用时间并不意味这从早到晚不停地看书。(mean)100.她喜欢嘲笑别人,结果发现自己被别人嘲笑。(find)101.与他原来的期待相反,做这个工作需要经常乘飞机出国。(involve)102.勿容置疑,青少年过度玩电子游戏对他们的身心极其有害。(harmful)103.非常感谢你给我提供了这么好的练习口语的机会。(appreciate)104.为了解决一系列的社会问题,他们决定在政府的支持下建立更多的养老院。(setup)105.从观众的掌声判断,他的告别演出非常成功。(judge)

Ⅶ.复合句 A.定语从句



118.无论它花了你多少钱,它都值这个价。(however)119.据我所知,派谁去那里帮助他们仍没有决定。(as far as)120.你最好带把伞以防招「下雨。(incase)121.每次我见到这张照片就使我想起我们在国外度过的日子。(every time)122.一旦下定决心,无论遇到什么困难也不要放弃。(once)123.中国对外开放已30年了。(since)124.这是一次对她的傲慢如此痛苦的教训(a lesson to…)她永远也不会忘记。(such…that)125.任何犯错误的人,只要他不讳疾忌医,我们都要帮助他。(so long as)126.哪儿有人类的苦难,那儿就会有红十字会的成员。(where)127.谁要读这本树就把它借给谁吧。(whoever)128.除非现在就采取有效的措施,否则人类就会发现自己面临灾难。(unless)


129.中国再也不是过去的中国了。中国从来没有今天这样强大。(no longer)130.很多人花时间去想的是他们可从别人那里得到什么,而不是自己能给予什么。(what)131.一些专家认为中国加入世贸组织(China WTO entry)意味着机遇和挑战并存。(consider)132.众所周知,台湾是中国的一个部分。(known)133.我认为一本书除非值得反复读,否则不值得买。(don’t think)134.令人惊讶,我居然在别人认为很难的一次测验中获得全班最高分。(It…)135.“水往低处流”是个不可改变的自然法则。(flow)136.你是否可以给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否相配。(depend)137.开车前禁止喝酒的原因是它会使司机的判断力减弱。(forbid)138.真正重要的不在于别人怎么看待你,而在于你怎么看待你自己。(not…but…)139.给我印象最深的是这一仪器的发明者是一位学生。(impress)


140.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力就越活跃。(the more…the more)141.相对而言,污染带来的威胁比疾病更加严重。(more than)142.欧洲面积虽小,但它对世界历史的影响比任何别的大陆都要大。(impact)143.在中国南方通常比北方下雪少。(less)144.你的知识越宽,你阅读的困难就越少。(range)145.一个人的出身和相貌并不重要,重要的是他长大后将成为什么样的人。(not as…as)146.众所周知,亚洲位于世界的东方,其面积是欧洲的四倍。(the size of)147.为了解决饮水问题,村民们集资挖了口深达60米的井。(as…as…)148.调查表明男人戒烟比女人更容易些。(show)

主动还是被动 149.在农村长大的人往往不习惯在城市里生活。(bring)150.百分之九十的学生考上了大学的消息终于传来了。(admit)151.根据报道,1998年中国很多地区发生了严重水灾。(occur)152.要不是你的及时帮助,他就要困在雪地了。(strand)153.能做的都应当按计划提前完成。(accomplish)154.由于他在志愿者工作中的杰出表现,他得到了金牌。(award)155.过去十年浦东发生了巨大的变化。(take)156.如果你犯法,你就要准备承担后果。(Prepare)157.奥运会开幕式的整个过程将向世界各国进行实况转播。(televise)158.据说在那个国家,周围没人时违反交通规则的人不能在政府中担任任何职务。(hold)159.在外语学习过程中,应特别重视阅读速度的提高。(improve)160.在五十年代,这个村庄遭受多次旱灾。(strike)

Revision for Sentence Patterns(160句)I.强调`

1.正是这场沙尘暴(dust storm)的后果才使人们充分认识到植树的重要性(It…)

It was the result of the dust storm that made people fully realize the importance of planting trees.2.直到20 世纪后期,中国运动员才以他们在奥运会上的杰出表现让世界对他

们刮目相看。(begin to surprise the world)

It was not until the late twentieth century that Chinese athletes began to surprise the world with their excellent performances at the Olympics.3.我做梦也没有想到会在这次化学竞赛中获一等奖。(Little…)Little did I dream of winning the first prize in the chemistry contest this time.4.我们只有从这件事中吸取教训才能避免再犯类似的错误。(Only…)Only by learning from this matter can we avoid making similar mistakes again.5.从来没有一个国家能在这样短的时间内取得这样大的进步(Never…)

Never has any country made such great progress in such a short time.6.一个人不经历失败几乎体会不到成功的喜悦。(Hardly…)Hardly can one feel the happiness of success without experiencing failure.7.学生只有通过一起学习和玩耍,才能学会具有团队精神(team sprit)。(Only…)Only by working and playing together can students learn to have team spirit.8.是那些在奥运会上为国争光的运动员为我们树立了学习的榜样。(It...)It was these athletes who have won honor for our country at the Olympics 9 世界上再也没有这样美丽恬静的地方了。(Nowhere……)Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.10.昨天发生的事完全应责怪我,而不能怪他。(blame)It was not he but I that was to blame for what happened yesterday.Be + P.P.+ Prep.11.千万别参加赌博,否则你迟早会陷入困境。(involve)

Be sure not to get involved in gambling.Otherwise you’ll get into trouble sooner or later.12.我们的图书馆有20多万图书。(stock)Our school is stocked with over 200,000 books.13.我认为就能力而言,他完全有资格做这项工作。(qualify)

In my opinion, as far as ability is concerned, he is qualified for the position.14.一切行动均以判断为基础。(base)All action is based on judgment.15.没有一个良好的管理,一家工厂即使装备了最先进的机器也不能赢利。(equip)

Without good management, a factory can’t make profit even if it is equipped with the most advanced machinery.16.这次访问的目的是发展两国的关系。(aim)

This visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.17.那家新造的宾馆位于河边。(locate)The newly-built hotel is located on the riverside.18.市长非常关心市民不遵守交通规则的问题。(concern)

The mayor is much concerned about the problem of the citizens’ disobeying the traffic regulations.19据说一个人晚上所做的梦与他白天想的和做的有关。(connect)

It’s said that what a person dreams of at night is connected with what he has thought and done in the day.20.普遍认为街头暴力的增加和电视恐怖片有密切的关系。(relate)

It’s generally believed that the growth of the street violence is closely related to horror films on TV.21.从那以后,他一直在从事探索英语学习的新方法。(engage)

Since then he has been engaged in exploring new approaches to English learning.22.全世界都对中国近年来取得的巨大成就极为惊讶。(amaze)

The whole world is amazed at the great achievements that China has made in recent years.23..邓小平同志被公认为世界上杰出的领导之一。(regard)Comrade Deng Xiao Ping was universally regarded as one of the outstanding leaders in the world.24.一位教师的收入无法与一个商人的收入相比,但是这些学生还是愿意毕

去教书。(compare)A teacher’s income cannot be compared with a businessman’s, but these students choose to teach after graduation.25.我的父母非常满意这学期我在各门学科上取得的进步。(please)

My parents are very pleased with the progress I have made in all my subjects this term.III.英语和汉语主语不同的句型

A: 被动语态


The students must be educated to be concerned about others and the world around them.27.希望所有的学生掌握一门外语。(expect)

All the students are expected to have a good command of a foreign language.28.已采取一系列的行动来拯救濒临灭绝的动物,因为他们受到掠杀的威胁.(start….campaign)

A series of campaigns has been started to save the endangered animals because they are threatened with being hunted/being killed.29.只有在中国才有大熊猫(find)Pandas can be found only in China.30.应当鼓励学生提出不同观点和用多种方法解决同一个问题。(put forward)

Students should be encouraged to put forward different opinions and solve the same problem in various ways.31.宣布和平后,到处可以看到欢笑的脸。(declare)Smiling faces could be seen everywhere when peace was declared.B: It ……


It remains a hard job to have the growth of population under control.33.确保青少年的健康成长是全社会的职责。(ensure)

It’s the duty of the whole society to ensure young people’s healthy growth.34.这次会上做出的决定是否可行尚得证明。(remain)

It remains to be proved whether the decision made at the meeting will be practical.35.用不了多久又一条新的遂道就要建成穿过浦江。(before)

It won’t be long before another new tunnel is built across the Huang pu River.36.谈到数学,他是门外汉。(come)

When it comes to maths, he is completely at a loss.37.我觉得她似乎总躲着我。(seem)It seems to me that he always avoids me.38.他说什么并没有关系,重要的是他怎样干。(matter)It doesn’t matter what he says.What matters is how he works.39.我从没有想到我的粗心大意会使自己付出如此巨大的代价。(occur)It never occurred to me that my carelessness would cost me so much.40.如果方便的话,请替我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient)If it is convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office.41.最好多化点时间读各种类型的书而不是把时间浪费在跳舞上。(better)

It’s better to spend more time reading different kinds of books than to waste time dancing.42.对我们来说吃平衡的膳食和进行充分的锻炼是必要的。

It’s necessary for us to eat a balanced diet and have plenty of exercise.43.王教授化了多少时间学这三门外语?(take)

How long did it take Professor Wang to learn three foreign languages? 44.很难想象这么小的光盘了包含了那么多的信息。(compact disk)It’s hard to imagine such a small compact disk contains so much information.45.在西方国家里把五岁的孩子一个人留在家里是违法的。(against the law)

In some western countries it’s against the law to leave a five-year-old child at home alone.46.过了好多年他才知道谁在他困难时帮助了他。(before)It was many years before he knew who had helped him when he was in trouble.47.非常遗憾他做的和他说的不想符合。(agree)。

It was a pity that what he did didn’t agree with what he said.48.用电子邮件与国外朋友保持联系对我们来讲既快有方便。(keep)It’s quick and convenient for us to keep in touch with foreign friends by E-mail.49.红黄蓝是三种主要颜色这是常识。(common sense)

It’s common sense that red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors.50.众所周知,李先生是个很难对付的艺术家。(deal)It is well known that Mr Li is a difficult artist to deal with.51.懂不懂心理学对一个老师来说是至关重要的。(matter)

It matters much/a lot to a teacher whether he or she has a good knowledge of psychology.C: There be…

52.人类的想象力 和创造力有无止境。(limit)There is no limit to human imagination and creativity.53.他有可能通过这次考试。(possibility)There is possibility of his passing the exam.54.毫无疑问,心脏病已成为西方世界最大的杀手之一(doubt)

There is no doubt that heart trouble has become one of the greatest killers in western countries.55.在我校有三个篮球场和两个乒乓房供使用。(available)

In our school there are three baseball courts and two table tennis rooms available(to students).56.我不知是否有任何东西可以取代母爱和关怀。(replace)I wonder if there is anything that can replace a mother’s love and care.57.商店里有许多计算机可供选择。(choose)There are many computers to choose from in the shop.58.周五的演出票子没有了。(available)

There are no tickets available for Friday performance.59.我不再劝说他了,因为跟他争论毫无意义。(point)

I have given up persuading him/I no longer persuade him because there is no point in arguing with him.60.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance)There is little chance that a university graduate without any practical experience can find a job with high salary.61.有一条市场规律:当一个物品供大于求时,它的价格就会下降。(do down)There is a rule of the market that when supply is greater than demand for something, its price will go down.62.我们的花园里曾经有过他们种的许多美丽的花朵。(used)

There used to be many beautiful flowers that they had grown in our garden.63.关注健康很重要,但是过分害怕疾病也是没有必要的。(need)It’s very important to take care of your health, but there is no need to fear too much of diseases.64.不久的将来人们能够找到艾滋病的方法?(possibility)Is there any possibility that people will find a way to cure Aids in the near future? 65.似乎没有留下什么问题分析。(appear)

There appeared to be no problems left to analyze.D.accessible and available 66.所有的教师都可以得到这份教材。(accessible)

The teaching material is accessible/available to all the teachers.67.一般的游客均可以参观人民大会堂。(accessible)The Great Hall of People is accessible to ordinary visitors.68.先生,很抱歉,你要的尺寸没有。(available)I’m sorry, sir.The size you ask for is not available.69.在这里人们24小时都能从收音机里听到音乐。(available)Music is available on the radio twenty-four hours a day here.70.公众看不到这些档案。(accessible)

These documents/files are not available/accessible to the public.71.汽车是无法开到位于山边的一些房子去的。(accessible)Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.72.学生可以借到图书馆里的任何一本书。(unavailable)No book in the library is unavailable to the students.73.药品不应该放在孩子们容易拿得到的地方。(accessible)Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.III.成语

74.俗话说得好“ 读书长见识”.因此我们应活到老学到老。

There is an old saying, “Enlarge one’s view by reading”, for we should never be too old to learn.75.对他们来说“失败乃成功之母”,他们总是尽其所能在失败中找到机会。

To them, “failure is the mother of success”, and they always try their best to find opportunity in failure.76.名言“千里之行始于足下” 告诉我们成功取决于每天的努力。

The famous saying “Every journey begins with the first step” tells us that our success depends on our everyday hard work.77.他们应该从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚。

They should learn a lesson from his incident: he who always plays with fire will surely get hurt.78.世界是你们的也是我们的,但归根到底是属于你们的。

The world belongs to us as well as to you.However it will belong to you in the end.79.像“有志者,事竟成” 这样的谚语一定会代代相传。

Such a proverb as “Where there is a will, there is a way” is certain to be passed on from generation to generation.80.你能领会“知识就是力量”这句名言吗?

Can you realize the real meaning of the famous saying that knowledge is power? 81.英语中有一句古话,”勿以貌取人”

There is an old saying: don’t judge a book by its cover.IV.V.+ O.+ OC


That he failed his final exams made/cause him(to)have a difficult/poor relationship with his parents for a long time.83.智力平平的学生会觉得完成这张卷子很困难。(find)

Students of average intellect will find it difficult to finish/complete the test paper.84.他们有一个规矩: 每年向希望工程捐一次款。(make)

They have made it a rule to donate money to the Hope-Project once a year.85.电视使我们不断获知世界上发生的事情。(keep)TV keeps us informed of what is happening in the world.86.是宇宙飞船的问世,使得人类到月球成为可能。(make)

It’s the invention of the spaceship that makes it possible for man to go to the moon.87.你觉得有没有必要把高中未毕业的孩子送到国外留学?(think)

Do you think it necessary to send the children who have not graduated from senior high schools to study abroad? 88.世界上人口的不断增长使得工农业迅速发展变得非常重要。(make)The increasing population of the world makes it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop fast/rapidly.89.我觉得教练把那位表现差的守门员换下来是很明智的。(think)

I think it wise for the coach to substitute the goalie who performed poorly in the match.V.非谓语动词

90.与过去相比,现在学校更加重视(lay emphases)对学生能力的培养,不是仅仅关心考试成绩。(more than)

Compared with the past, schools are laying more emphases on training students’ abilities than being concerned about the success of exams.91.知道了这孩子生病,父母马上送他到医院。(send)

Knowing that the child was ill, his parents sent him to hospital at once.92.笑话没有代代相传的成语源源留长。(not as …as)

Jokes are as permanent/long-lasting as proverbs passed on from generation to generation.93.考虑到他的实用价值,这本书值得一读。(worth)Considering its practical value, the book is well worth reading.94.在许多证据面前,那人不得不承认那是他第五次在夜里抢劫别人。(face)

Facing/faced with so much evidence the man had to admit that it was the fifth time that he had robbed people at night.95.世界各国领导人在会上就如何反对恐怖主义(terrorism)发表了各自的意见。(fight)

Leaders from different countries expressed different opinions on how to fight terrorism at the meeting.96.实现这一目标的最好办法是尽量多团结人。(accomplish)

The best way to accomplish this goal is to unite as many people as possible.97.我已安排好一辆车去车站接他们。(arrange)

I have arranged for a car to pick them up at the railway station.98.中国成为2008 年奥运会的主办国是当之无愧的。(deserve)China fully deserves to be the host nation of the Olympic Games in 2008.99.充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停的看书。(mean)

Making full use of time doesn’t mean keeping reading book from morning till night 100.他喜欢嘲笑别人,结果发现自己被别人嘲笑。(find)He enjoys laughing at others, only to find himself laughed at.101.与他原来的期待相反,做这个工作需要经常乘飞机出国。(involve)Contrary to what he expected, to undertake the job involves constantly going abroad by car.102勿容置疑,青少年过渡玩电子游戏机对他们的身心极其有害。(harmful)

Undoubtedly/There is no doubt that/ the youngsters’ playing video games too much is extremely harmful to their physical and mental development.103非常感谢你给我提供了这么好的练习口语的机会。(appreciate)

I appreciate it very much that you provide me with such a good opportunity to practice speaking English.(I appreciate your kindness in providing me….104为了解决一系列的社会问题,他们决定在政府的支持下建立更多的养老院。(set up)

With the help of the government they decided to set up more nursing homes for the old in order to solve a series of social problems.105从观众的掌声判断,他的告别演出非常成功。(judge)Judging from the loud applauding from the audience, his farewell performance is very successful.VII.复合句

A: 定语从句


Whoever doesn’t keep his word/promise won’t be trusted.107.在你游览过的城市中那个人口最多?(population)

Which one of the cities you have visited has the largest population? 108.我们应努力争取到高中毕业时掌握一门外语。(strive)

We should strive to master a foreign language by the time when we graduate from the senior high school.109.一个教师们把所有的课堂时间都用在训练学生应试的国家怎能与其它国家在科学技术方面竞争?(compete)

How can a country where teachers devote all their class hours to training students to take exams compete in science and technology with other countries? 110.汤姆计算这道数学题的奇特方法给教授留下深刻的印象。(impress)

The unique way that Tom worked out the maths problem impressed the professor deeply.111.虽他已去过上海三次,但这是他第一次去那儿庆祝春节。(celebrate)

Although he has been to Shanghai three times, this is the first time that he has celebrated the Spring Festival there.112.年龄在25岁到45岁之间的教师都有出国的机会。(range)All the young teachers whose ages range from 25 to 45 have the opportunities to make/have a further study abroad.113.众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(result)

As we all know, success results from hard work;without efforts nothing can be done/achieved.114.十月一日是中华人民共和国成立周年纪念日.(anniversary)

October 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.115.父母有时要他们的孩子做他们不会做的事。(want).Parents sometimes want their children to do what they cannot do themselves.116.一个刚从大学毕业的没有实践经验的人是很难找到一个高薪职位的。(difficulty)It is difficult for a university graduate without any practical experience to find a job with high salary 117.他在每次比赛中的得分都比其他的队员高,说明他是个称职的队长。(which)

He scored more goals than other team members in each game, which shows/ suggests that he is a worthy captain.B: 状语从句

118.无论它化了你多少钱,它都值这个价。(however)However much it costs you, it is worth the price.119.据我所知,派谁去那里帮助他们仍没决定。(as far as)

As far as I know, it has not been decided who will be sent over to help them out.As far as I know who will be sent over to help them out remains undecided.120.你最好带把伞以防下午下雨。(in case)

You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains this afternoon.121.每次我见到这张照片就使我想起我们在国外度过的日子。(every time)Every time I see the photo, it reminds me of the days we spent abroad.122.一旦下定决心, 无论遇到什么困难也不要放弃。(once)

Once you have made up your mind, don’t give up whatever difficulties you meet with.123.中国对外开放已20年了。(since)It’s over twenty years since China opened to the outside world.124.这是一次对他的傲慢如此痛苦的教训(a lesson to…)她永远也不会忘记。(such…that)It was such a bitter lesson to her pride that she could never forget it.125.任何犯错误的人,只要他不讳疾忌医,我们都要帮助他。(so long as)

We shall help anyone who has made a mistake so long as he doesn’t conceal his fault and refuse to be criticized.126.哪儿有人类的苦难,哪儿就有红十字会的成员。(where)Where there is human suffering, there are Red Cross members.127.谁要读这本书就把它借给谁吧。(whoever)You may lend the book to whoever wants to read it.128.除非现在就采取有效的措施, 否则人类就会发现自己面临灾难。(unless)Man will find himself faced with a disaster unless effective measures are taken now.C: 名词性从句

129.中国再也不是过去的中国了。中国从来没有今天这样强大。(no longer)China is no long what it used to be.Never has China been so powerful as it is today.130.很多人化时间去想的是他们可以从别人那里得到什么,而不是自己能给予什么。(what)

Many people spend their time wondering what they can get out of others instead of what they can give to others.131.一些专家认为中国加入世贸组织(China’s WTO entry)意味着机遇和挑战并存。(consider)

Some experts consider/think that China’s entry to WTO/entering WTO means opportunities as well as challenges.132.众所周知,台湾是中国大陆的一个部分。(known)It’s known to us all that Taiwan is a part of the Chinese mainland.133.我认为一本书除非值得反复读,否则不值得买。(don’t think)I don’t think a book is worth buying unless it is worth reading several times.134令人惊讶,我居然在别人认为很难的一次测验中获全班最高分。(It…)

It’s surprising that I should have got the highest scores in what is considered to be a hard test./exam 135.“ 水往低处流”是个不可改变的自然法则。(flow)

It is the inevitable law of nature that water always flows to lower places.136.你是否可以给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否想配。(depend)

Whether you can transfuse your blood to him depends on whether your blood type matches his.137.开车前禁止喝酒的原因是它会使司机的判断力减弱。(forbid)

The reason why drinking is forbidden before driving is that it will decrease the driver’s judgment on road conditions.138.真正重要的不在于别人怎么看待你,而在于你怎么看待你自己。(not…but…).What matters is not how others think of you but how you think of yourself.139.给我印象最深的是这一仪器的发明者是一位中学生。(impress)

What impressed me most was that the device was invented by a high school student.VIII.比较级

140.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力就越活跃。(the more…the more)

It’s generally believed that the more our brains are used, the more active e our intelligence will be.141.相对而言, 污染带来的威胁比疾病更加严重。(more than)

By comparison, the threat caused by pollution is more serious than that of getting sick.142.欧洲面积虽小,但它对世界历史的影响比任何别的大陆都要大。(impact)

Europe has a greater impact on world history than any other continent in spite of its small size.143.在中国南方通常比北方下雪少。(less)

In China it generally snows less in the south than in the north.144.你的知识越宽,你阅读的困难就越少。(range)

The wide range of knowledge you have, the less difficult it will be for you to read.145.一个人的出身和相貌并不重要,重要的是他长大后将成为什么样的人。

(not as……as)

A person’s family background and his appearance are not as important as what he grows to be.146.众所周知,亚洲位于世界的东方,其面积是欧洲的四倍。(the size of).It’s known to us all that Asia, located in the east of the world, is four times the size of Europe.147.为了解决饮水问题,村民们集资挖了口深达60米的井。(as…as…)

The villagers raised some money to dig a well which was as deep as 60 meters so as to solve the problem of drinking water.148.调查表明男人戒烟比女人更容易些。(show)

The survey indicates that it is easier for men to give smoking than women do



Those who are brought up in the countryside are generally not accustomed to living in the city.150.百分之九十的学生考上了大学的消息终于传来了。(admit)

The good news came at last that 90 percent of the students had been admitted into universities.151.根据报道,1998年中国很多地区发生了严重水灾。(occur).It is reported that serious floods occurred in many parts of China.152.要不是你的及时帮助,他就要困在雪地了。(strand)

But for your timely help, he would have been stranded in the snow yesterday.153.能做的都应当按计划提前完成。(accomplish)

What can be done should be accomplished ahead of time as planned.154.由于他在志愿者工作中的杰出表现,他得到了金牌。(award)He was awarded a gold medal for his outstanding service to the volunteer work.155.过去十年浦东发生了巨大的变化。(take)

Great changes have taken place in Pudong in the past ten years.156.如果你犯法,你就要准备承担后果。(prepare)

If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences 157.奥运会的开幕式的整个过程将向世界各国进行实况转播。(televise)

The entire process of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will be televised live to the whole world.158.据说在那个国家,周围没人时违反交通规则的人不能在政府中担任任何职务。(hold)

It is said that in that country anyone who breaks the traffic regulations without being seen by others can’t hold a position in the government office.159.在外语学习过程中,应特别重视阅读速度的提高。(improve)

While learning English students should pay special attention to how to improve the efficiency of/in reading 160.在五十年代,这个村庄遭受多次旱灾(strike)In the 50s, the village was stricken by droughts for many times.




1.翻译者应具备 外语知识, 一定的母语水平, 广泛的知识面.2.翻译的过程包括_理解和表达.3.翻译的方法有 直译,意译,活译.4.长句的翻译的方法有逆序法 及 顺序.5.否定译法有 全部否定,双重否定,含蓄否定,转移否定,部分否定.二、翻译下列术语与名称:


United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)

2.争端解决机构Dispute Settlement Body

3.贸易政策评审机构Trade Policy Review Body

4.合格境外机构投资者Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)

5.纽约证券交易所New York Stock Exchange(NYSE)


1.free-spender 挥金如土者典

2.good--to—excellent care 无微不至的关怀_


4.be—kind—to—animal campaign 保护动物运动

5.put-down 贬低

6.four-striper 海军上校

7.office-bearer 公务员

8.state-of-the-art 最新的9.see—while—you—talk phone可视电话

10.character-building 陶冶情操转自


1.国际货物销售合同 Contract for International Sale of Goods

2.中外合资经营企业合同Contract for Sino-foreign Joint Ventures

3.国际工程承包合同 Contract for International Engineering Projects

4.国际租赁合同Contract for International Leasing Affairs

5.补偿贸易合同Contract for Compensation Trade


1.鉴于条款 Whereas Clauses

2.转让条款 Assignment Clauses

3.担保条款 Warranty Clauses

4.履行担保 Guaranty of Performance

5品质担保Guaranty of Quality

6.权利担保Guaranty of Right

7.违约金 Penalty

8.补救措施Remedial Measures

9.免责条款Escape Clauses

10.赔偿损失Compensation for Damages


1.GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定

2.BOT: build , operate , transfer(或build-operate-transfer)建设,经营,转让

3.IRAs: individual retirement accounts 个人退休帐户

4.TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福

5.SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome “非典”或 严重急性呼吸综合症


1.Trade Policy Review Body贸易政策评审机构

2.Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构

3.United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)联合国国际销售合同公约

4.Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)合格境外机构投资者

5.New York Stock Exchange(NYSE)纽约证券交易所


1.to and from here and there off and onup and down


2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours


3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul


4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end


5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home



1.Many changes took place during the transformation.(主语→宾语)

2.The young man cast impatient glances at the old man.(定语→状语)

3.The American people firmly demanded his release.(定语→宾语)

4.There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction.(定语→谓语)

5.The more sight of it will turn one's mind.(主语→状语)

6.It is surprising that the naughty boy behaved very well in such a big party.(谓语→主语)

7.My admiration for him grew more.(主语→谓语)

8.A cup of hot coffee will make you feel better.(宾语→主语)

9.Wind has the same effect on rocks as rain.(定语→表语)

10.He has a different opinion from others.(主语→定语)


1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.(省介词)

2.I could knit when I was seven.(增名词)

3.The day when he was born remains unknown.(省关系副词)

4.We live and learn.(省人称代词)

5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out.(省人称代词)

6.The crowds melted away.(增副词)

7.The lion is the king of animals.(增数词)

8.The dean had a lot of work to do before the meeting.(增动词)

9.The design is considered practical.(增名词)

10.You don't look very well today.(省系动词)


1.She is an ardent lover of classical music.(名词→动词)

2.The volume of the sun is much larger than that of the earth.(代词→名词)

3.I can't wait to get back home and lock the door.(动词→副词)

4.She is a real beauty.(名词→形词)

5.Let's give our bedroom a thorough clean.(形词→副词)

6.We find difficulty in solving this problem.(名词→副词)

7.They were considered insincere.(形词→名词)

8.It was officially announced that he was invited to the meeting.(副词→名词)

9.At the meeting, some were against the proposal and others for it.(介词→动词)

10.Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.(副词→形词


1.He respected , and was in turn respected by every member of the university.(主谓搭配)

2.This new technique has increased instead of decreased our output.(动宾搭配)

3.This system neither receives energy from, nor gives energy to , any body outside it.(介宾搭配)

4.The author has written many novels and plays on social problems.(名定搭配)

5.He said before the mugging, he went where he wanted , when he wanted , without fear.(动状搭配)

6.It doesn't matter whether we start now or later.(动状搭配)

7.The point is not who will go , but who will stay.(系表搭配)

8.He knows he's too tired to read , and he's just wasting time.(动宾搭配)

9.There is no moment of his life which is not given to his work.(名定搭配)

10.He told us a great many things we didn't know about China.(名定搭配)


1.In practice, we have to take a close look at the wording used by the offeror in order to make a correct judgment, to examine whether the offer satisfies the two requirements which will be further explained in the following paragraphs, and whether it contains such qualifying conditions as “subject to our confirmation ”, which generally is not regarded as an offer, but an “ invitation for offer”.1.非谓语动词的翻译 2.多枝共干结构的翻译 3.定语从句的翻译

4被动语态的翻译 5.顺译(或倒译)

2.The customer can gain goods or services by showing his card to a store, a hotel or a restaurant that has pre-arrangement with the issuing bank to accept credit cards.Having examined the validity of the card, the supplier will give a sales slip, in which the date of each sale, description of the merchandise or services supplied and the credit amount will be filled by hand-written letters at the lower right corner.The following information will then be processed on the slip together with the credit card through an imprinter supplied by the issuing bank:(1)the customer’s account number and name;(2)expiration date of the card;(3)the merchant’s account number and name

1.介词(转动词)的翻译 2.定语从句的翻译3.多枝共干结构的翻译




1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法)The point slipped my attention.2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法)Your work leaves nothing to be desired.3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)We should shut our ears to gossips.4.法律面前人人平等.(用反译法)Law is no respecter of persons.5.他知道他得的是不治之症.(用正译法)He knew he was mortally ill

6.我读过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻.(用正译法)I have read your articles.I expect to meet an older man.7.他们的思想感情不外露.(用正译法)They keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.8.锻炼身体的最好办法是跑步.用反译法)(There is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise.9.真是一篇绝佳的作文.(用反译法)Isn't it a beautiful composition ?

10.他们是在北京打工的外地民工.(用反译法)They are non-local laborers in Beijing.(二)按要求翻译下列句子:


Many people become desperate for work, any work , which will help them to keep alive their families

2.这个病人打过好多针了,但并不好转.The patient had been given many an injection but he felt none the better for it.3.无大人陪伴小孩不得入内.(用双重否定)

No children will be admitted unless accompanied by an adult.4.他再次改变了主意,此后,我再也不愿意和他一起出去了.(用带介词的定语从句)

He changed his mind for the second time, after which I refused ever to go out with him again.5.成品在出厂前必须予以仔细检查.(用被动语态)

The finished products must be carefully inspected before delivery.(三)用意译方法翻译下列句子


She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.2.对牛弹琴。

Cast pearls before swine.3.也许他走绝了路,自己毁了自己。

Maybe he has cut off his own head and destroyed himself.4.砸镜子并不能解决实际问题。

Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate.5.我要去睡会觉。

I want to hit the sack and get some Z’s.十一、请将下面句子译成英语


1.瓦(Shiva)贸易公司是一家小型但却非常有名的家族式企业, 出口产品遍及整个次大陆, 现正寻机进入欧洲市场。

The Shiva Trading Company is a small but well-established family-owned business that has been exporting throughout the sub-continent and is now looking to enter the European market.2.信息化时代的组织结构既能有效管理庞大复杂的层级制组织结构,又可以保持家式新兴公司的快速反应能力.Information age organizations can manage the complexity of the large hierarchical structure

without losing the speed of the entrepreneurial start-ups.3.通常的做法是使用更快捷的通讯手段来送撤回的电文,这样它可以比发盘更早一些到达受盘人.The common practice is to make use of a faster means of communication to send the message of withdrawal so that it can reach the offeree earlier than the offer does.4.为了得到这种保障,投保人定期向保险公司缴费,每次所缴的钱叫保险费.用所有投保人缴的保险费向受损失的人提供付款.For this protection , the policyholder makes regular payments to the insurance company.Each payment is called a premium.The premiums paid by all policyholders are used to pay those who lose.5.商业银行主要有两个功能 : 第一,银行办理活期和定期储蓄存款;第二,银行向企业,商人,业主及其他个人和公司提供贷款.Commercial banks have primary functions.First , banks hold demand deposits and permit checks to be drawn on these deposits.Second , banks lend money to industrialists , merchants , homeowners , and other individuals and firms.(二)将下列带介词的英文句子译成中文

1.We used a plane of which almost every part carried some indication of national identity.我们驾驶的飞机(中的)几乎每一个部件都有某国籍的标志.2.It is a consolation to know that they will surely carry on the cause for which Edgar Snow strove so faithfully all his life.了解到他们一定会把斯诺终身为之奋斗不渝的事业继承下来,这是一件令人快慰的事情.3.The headmaster, with whom the parents had discussed the son’s future, advised the boy to take up engineering.家长和校长曾讨论他们儿子的未来,校长建议这孩子学工程.4.The tool with which he is working is called a wrench.他干活用的那个工具叫做扳手.5.This is the question about which we’ve had so much discussion.这就是我们讨论得那么多的问题.6.They were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines, without which the yield would be halved.他们缺搭葡萄藤架的杆儿,没有它们产量就会减少一半.7.He may have acute appendicitis, in which case he will have to be operated on.他可能得了急性盲肠炎,如果是这样,他就得动手术。

8.He changed his mind for the second time, after which I refused ever to go out with him again.他再次改变了主意.此后, 我再也不愿意和他一起出去了

9.They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese,and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。

10.It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.他站住,转过身来,定眼一看,是个年迈的妇女,她身材很高,仍然一副好模样,虽然受了时间的折磨而有点憔悴。


1.The company’s shares were listed for the first time on the Tokyo stock exchange on September 28.九月二十八日该公司股票首次在东京证券交易所挂牌(交易)

2.Parties who have sold a futures contract are said to have taken a short position.出售期货合约的出售者被认为是处在市场空头。

3.Futures trading takes place only on government-regulated exchanges.期货交易只能在政府管理的交易所内进行。

4.The clearing house informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.清算所将每个交易所清算成员各自的净结算头寸通知他们。

5.If you go short and the futures price goes up, you lose money.如果你卖空而期货价格上升,你就赔钱。

6.Futures is one of the types of financial futures.外汇期货是金融期货的一种。

7.The futures price is not constant until the contract expires.直到其期货合约到期之时,期货价格才稳定。

8.Margin requirements also provide traders with substantial leverage.保证金也给了交易商极大的财务杠杆便利。

9.A long position involves inflows greater than outflows in a currency and a short position involves outflows greater than inflows.多头是一种货币的流入大于流出,而空头指一种货币的流出大于流入。

10.Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.期货市场上的套头交易实际上就是转移风险。


班级_______________ 姓名________________ 学号___________

1.我们必须不断学习,这样才能与时俱进。(so that)

2.意大利足球队非常强调团队精神,这是他们赢得世界杯的关键。(1ay emphasis on)




6.我最后一次看见杰克的时候,他一个人在街上走。(The last time)

7.几乎每一个人都承认犯罪不可能被彻底消灭。(the fact,wipe out)

8.如果公众失去了对这家公司的信任,那么他们的销售会下降得很快。(1ost trust)

9.给我印象最深的是磁悬浮列车的速度是多么的快啊。(impress,magnetic suspension train)





14.那位脸色苍白的妇女站在大楼顶上,这使在场的人都很担心。(at the top of)










24.当你们到达那里时,你们会知道他发生了什么事。(the moment)





29.很显然他与昨天发生的事毫无关系。(it is)’










39.随着电脑的发明,人们可以通过电子邮件来保持联系。(by means 0f)




43.他的勤奋可以弥补他工作经验的不足。(make up)












55.死刑(capital punishment)仍然在包括美国在内的许多国家中使用。(in use)

56.这项工作不仅需要知识还需要工作经历。(as well as)

57.要是我早知道他能帮我解决这个难题就好了。(If only)

58.他不可能去了北京,因为今天上午我刚在学校碰见他。(can’t have done)








66.年轻人可能更喜欢通俗歌曲,而不是经典音乐。(be likely to)

67.是去年他接受的训练使他取得了成功。(1ead to)


69.此外,当时还有一位穿着破夹克的年轻人在现场。(in addition)



72.我想自己解这道难题而不是要他帮助。(rather than)

73.刘星以100岁的高龄去年第一次来到上海。(visit t0)

74.“抓周(zhua zhou),是中国的传统风俗,不同的选择代表孩子不同的将来。(stand for)



77.那些为国家做出了巨大贡献的人值得我们尊敬。(make contributions to)

78.他一直渴望去北京的愿望终于实现了。(look forward to)

79.这场足球赛很乏味?正当我要关电视机时,中国队进球了。(be about to)



82.她对她儿子太宠爱了,经常不能察觉他的过错。(be blind to).


84.会议持续了3个小时,但他们还没有做出决定。(arrive at)





89.我不愿坐在这里无所事事,咱们去打篮球好吗?(feel like)

90.同众人一样,你很快就会得出下个结论:最便宜、最可靠的交通方式就是你的双腿。(come to a conclusion)



93.我本来想解释缺席的原因,但不知如何开口。(at a loss)

94.每次考试时,我都感到特别紧张。(Every time……)


96.正是由于缺乏安全意识才导致了一次又一次的矿难(mine disaster).(It was…that…)


98.要使我们的城市天更蓝、地更绿、水更清,我们还得做大量的工作。(A lot, make)

99.很多出国留学的年轻人并不理会国外给他们提供的优惠条件,毅然回来参加祖国建设。(without hesitation)



1.We should/ must continue to learn more so that we can keep pace/up with the development of times.2.The Italian Football Team laid great emphasis on team spirit, which was the key to winning the World

Cup.3.Her leaving home without saying a word upset her parents.4.The little boy was fascinated by the car on the exhibition.5.To his fan’s excitement, Liu Xiang set a new world record of 12.88 seconds in the men’s 110-metre

hurdles in Lausanne, Switzerland.6.The last time I saw Jack, he was walking down the street alone.7.Almost everyone accepts the fact that crime can never be wiped put entirely.8.If the public lose trust in the company, sales will fall sharply.9.What impressed me most is how fast the speed of a magnetic suspension train is.10.My father isn’t willing to substitute the new cell phone for his worn-out one.11.Despite the cold weather, the students did morning exercises at 6 o’clock sharp.12.Everyone, young or old, must keep in mind that pride goes before a fall.13.Though they are close friends, he is reluctant to help fix the computer.14.At the top of the building stood a woman whose face was pale, which frightened everyone on the scene.15.He is sure to be the most likely student to win the prize in the competition.16.I’m deeply grateful to you for your help, when I was in trouble.17.The school has built up a good reputation in art education.18.She gave up the chance merely because of her lacking enough money.19.The project to be accomplished by the end of 2009 will enable us to reach Hangzhou in 30 minutes.20.The boy was so naughty that his grandmother didn’t know how to deal with him.21.What you said was just what I thought.22.Whether his father agrees or not, he will choose teacher as his career.23.According to the clues given by him, the police soon arrested the escaped criminal.24.The moment you get there, you’ll(surely)know what has happened to him.25.Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.26.Where is it that you found the missing boy last week?

27.Whoever breaks the rules will be punished.28.50 passengers were killed in the air crash in Russia, including 2 Chinese citizens.29.It is obvious that he has nothing to do with the incident that happened yesterday.30.Reading novels is my first choice in order that I can reduce the pressure of the study.31.There is no chance that he will find the friend who hasn’t been kept in touch for ten years in a week.32.He deserved punishment/to be punished/punishing, for it was he who broke the door.33.She isn’t a bit similar to her parents, who are honest and hardworking.34.His study attitude is related to his parents being strict to him.35.My house is within a stone’s throw of Shanghai Grand Theatre.36.Every student present wasn’t satisfied with his attitude.37.We have to try every means to cut down the costs of the construction project.38.Free Shanghai Museum tickets will be sent to whoever phones us first.39.With the invention of the computer, people can keep in touch with each other by means of emails.40.As is known to all, Chinese is a diligent and brave nation.41.Though the book was worth buying, I hesitated for long because of its high price.42.Using e-mail, I found it more convenient to communicate with my friends.43.His diligence can make up for his lack of working experience.44.If I had been more careful at that time, I would not be in trouble now.45.So far, I haven’t found a better way to prevent my sister marring the rich old man.46.He is to blame for the traffic accident because of his carelessness.47.Only when the teacher was present was he an honest boy.48.We admire that he has devoted all his life to the cause of education.49.The rescue team consists of 12 doctors and 30 nurses.50.People always complain that there is too much noise on the construction site at night.51.The population of any other country in the world is not so large as that of China.52.I phoned you yesterday, but no one answered.53.There is no point in discussing who is right or who is wrong.54.He is superior in knowledge to any other student in our class.55.Capital punishment remains in use in many countries including the United States.56.This job requires working experiences as well as knowledge.57.If only I had known that he could help me solve the problem.58.He couldn’t have gone to Beijing, for I saw him at school this morning.59.Retired as he has been for years, he still devotes himself to the education which he loves.60.I will accept the job unless the salary is too low.61.The crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery repaired the Hubble telescope in December.62.Knowing you own psychological needs is important, because they strongly affect our choices.63.Early this month, David was awarded the title “Star of the Year.”

64.Her face lighted up when she heard the news that she was elected monitor.65.The football match, which attracted an audience of 30,000,000 was televised live.66.Young men are more likely to like pop songs than classical music.67.It was the training that he received last year that led to his success.68.He is unwilling to follow whatever his teachers say.69.In addition, there was a young man wearing a worn-out jacket on the scene at that time.70.The idea of kipping lunch so as to lose weight is very popular among the youngsters.71.There are forty-eight students in our class, thirty of whom are girls.72.I want to work out the difficult problem myself rather than ask him for help.73.Liu Xing made his first visit to Shanghai last year at the age of 100.74.“Zhua Zhou” is a traditional Chinese custom, and different choices can stand for various futures.75.If I were Spiderman, I wouldn’t be afraid of going out alone at night.76.To improve your child’s memory, you should encourage him /her to learn some short poems.77.Those who made great contributions to the country deserve our respect.78.His desire to pay a visit to Beijing that he was looking forward to finally came true.79.The football match was boring, but when I was about to turn off the TV.Chinese goaled.80.I wouldn’t go out with you alone in that case.81.His parents are proud of his succeeding in entering Fudan University.82.She spoils her son so much that she is always blind to his mistakes.83.Word came that she would go to Australia in September.84.The meeting lasted for 3 hours, but they still didn’t arrive at a decision.85.She was upset, for her daughter was born blind.86.He complained to the president of CCTV for frequent advertisements in programs.87.If you don’t go to the library tomorrow, neither shall I.88.Nowhere else in the world can be such a quiet, beautiful place.89.I don’t like sitting here doing nothing.Shall we go to play basketball?

90.Like many people, you may come to a conclusion that the most inexpensive(cheapest)and reliable form

of transportation(travel)will be our own legs.91.We wish that free medical service would be available to everyone.92.His plan sounds great, but it is not easy to carry it out.93.I had wanted to explain my absence, but I was at a loss what to say.94.Every time I have an exam, I am always feeling nervous.95.As he has made great contributions to world peace, he should be awarded the Nobel Prize for peace.96.It was lack of the sense of security that led to one mine disaster after another.97.The hotel has a pleasant outlook over the valley of Mount Lu.98.A lot is still to be done to make the sky of our city bluer, the land greener and the water cleaner.99.Many young people who had studied abroad took little notice of the favorable terms offered by some

countries and came back to build the motherland without hesitation.100.It is reported that the newly-built expressway is wide enough for 6 lanes of cars to drive side by side,three in each direction.



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