考试的时候要是你真的没听清考官的问题,你可以让考官重复一下。例如你可以说I beg your pardon。或者说sorry,I didn’t catch that.Could you please speak again?。注意询问考官的时候要礼貌用语,千万不要表现得不知所措。
我自己的经验是每天早睡早起,起床之后,趁着大脑还处于空白状态的时候,赶紧进行信息的输 入,练听力,这个时候听进去的东西记得牢,不容易遗忘。为了不让刚刚苏醒的大脑再次进入睡眠状态,一定要增加外部的刺激—跑步,不仅益于健康,全天都会精 神饱满,而且使得学习更有效率。
关于听力的材料,有点建议给大家,现在网上的听说材料比比皆是,但针对口语学习的材料,推荐 给大家Friends,So you think you can dance„..听惯了VOA或BBC的同学在和外国友人交流的时候肯定会有体会,两者之间的音调明显不同,相比之下前者更接近外国人日常生活当中对话,而用VOA和BBC的语调与外国人对话就和一个学中文的外国人与我们交谈像在播放新闻联播是一样的效果,一个词 weird。
除了听力外,不要忘了,我们天生还有一项更加不可以浪费掉的功能---视觉。用在英语学习中也就是阅读。读东西是必要的,而且是口语学习中不可缺少的部分,不管是简单的 26个字母,还是复杂的单词句型,我们都是一点一滴通过读和看,慢慢地输入我们的记忆并最终深深地在大脑打上烙印。所谓“巧妇难为无米之炊”,这些是我们 开口说英语的资本,没有它们,即使再有语言天赋的人,最后所能拥有的都永远只能是天赋而已。
关于读和看,也有几点跟大家分享。我们并不需要每天搬着两本牛津大词典或者莎士比亚的经典作 品悬梁刺股。那样可能引起学习疲倦感,不妨轻轻松松地拿一本时尚英语杂志或者欧美科幻小说,看看自己感兴趣的春夏时尚着装或是2050年的星际大战。甚至 是偶然间看到路边麦当劳快餐店的英文宣传广告,或者是你回家路上玩的PSP极品飞车中的英文游戏说明和字幕„„一切一切,通过这些incidental learning,有用的东西就已经进入了你的记忆字典。
在我们外教口语俱乐部中没有设置单独的阅读板块,但我们泛读的意义很大程度上在于扩大知识层 面,开拓眼界,从而更深层次了解英美文化。口语俱乐部的外教会在课程中穿插英美文化的介绍,让你在应用中切身体会,而不是空洞洞地讲一些概念,从而使你的 英语使用范围不局限于谈论“How’s the weather like today”和”Do you like China Do you like Chinese food”上。
乍一想,写东西好像并不怎么关系到英语口语的学习,这样想你就错了。其实在日常的口语应用当中,尤其是雅思口语考试当中,因为雅思口语考试的评分是通过 fluency,vocabulary,Grammar,Pronunciation来评判的,其中Vocabulary和Grammar相当程度上是通 过大量的写作来加强的,因为写是一个缓慢的输出过程,通过这种方式我们可以有足够的时间来思考使用的词汇和改正语法方面的错误,大量重复的练习可以增强你 对词汇和语法使用的熟练度,因为口语考察的不是你会不会的问题,而是你表现出来的用英语交流的水平,也就是你使用语言熟练的程度。
除此以外,因为雅思口语考试中面对的是人而不是机器,这样除了英语本身之外,你用英语与人交 流沟通的能力更是考察的重点。我们在说英语的时候,经常遇到的情况就是说话没有逻辑性,有的时候甚至自己都不知道讲到哪里去了,弄得雅思考官一头雾水,难 怪会有一些考完试以后感觉自我良好,成绩出来以后感觉不可思议的现象发生。平时大量的写作练习在这方面就可以真正发挥作用了,写东西的时候我们更有时间去 预先构思自己想要表达的东西,相对来说表达的意思和思路就比较清晰,有逻辑性。长时间的写作练习有助于培养出清晰的思维习惯,从而在英语口语考试当中发挥 出效应
写作也不是我们外加口语http://ielts.533.com俱乐部的专攻方向,但要说 到外教课的全能,我觉得一点也不夸张。这和老师的上课的方式有关系,外教课有学员的讨论环节,外教经过讲解相关词汇和句型以后,除了让学员开口联系,还会 通过出话题讨论的环节进行训练,在每个人发言以前,大家都有几分钟准备时间,而这准备时间并不是让你冥思苦想,而是需要你将自己的发言构思,现将语言写在 纸上,写在纸上的东西,因为有更多的时间思考,每个人都会将自己的功底发挥极致,这样,有什么问题也都暴露无疑,剩下的就是让我们外教帮你解决的问题了!
道理不用多讲,口语再怎么学习,没有开口说这个环节,肯定不会成功。而且对于雅思口语的评分 标准来说,Fluency 和 Pronunciation 这两项是一定要通过大量的口头练习才能提高的。Fluency 提高可以从大声朗读开始,还是那句话:一定要坚持。读的时候用你的Mp3录下来,对照材料的原版录音揪发音,看发音有什么不对的地方,模仿原版发音改正过 来,每天都反复练,你会看到效果。
雅思口语考试有一些范围相对固定的话题。如果你考试在即,没有太多时间一点一滴从基础开始的 话,建议拿来一本教材,先从书上的话题开始。在这里给大家推荐两本非常好的雅思考试的备考教材《雅思考试口语突破》第五代和《就是要你过雅思口语 6.5》。拿到教材先看里面的话题,尽量不要去看书上的答案,把自己想的答案写出来,然后和书上的答案进行对比,如果有觉得书上答案好的地方可以摘下来融 入自己的答案里面,一定不要一字不落地死背教材上的答案。这样,每天练习3、4个话题,长期坚持下来会对你应对雅思口语考试有很大的帮助。
1, What do you like about your studies?
Studying is an arduous but rewarding process.I love my studies.What I like most about studies is the sense of fulfillment and the feeling of self-improvement.I am motivated to enlarge my vision through studies.Each time I obtain interesting knowledge I feel satisfied.2, What is your major? Do you like it?
My major is international economy and trade.Yes, I love it!I learn to use lateral thinking and pay more attention to current affairs and international economic issues.My major offers comprehensive coverage of finance, mathematics, economics and trade, I have covered a lot of ground through my major in the past college year.It really helps to form the basis of my future career.That’s why I love my major.3, Is there anything you don’t like about it?
Well, yes.As we know, international economy and trade is a major which first started in western countries.Most of the classical theories are provided in English.As I see it, however, some Chinese versions cannot convey those precious information and ideas exactly.Besides, my English level is limited.It would be hard for me to understand those 名著 wholly.So this is the thing I don’t like about my major.It would be great if Chinese people could provide original ideas and knowledge on my major.4, What do you do on your first day in this school/university?
Hmm, I was excited(换个高级点的词汇)on my first day in the university.I had an orientation tour of the campus led by(高年级的学长), later I attended a welcome meeting on which I met the principle and other faculty and staff.The ambience there was pretty inviting.It was great.5, Do you have any hobbies?
Yes, basketball is my biggest passion in life.I love to play basketball especially in the summer time.It is a game I really enjoy, so I play it whenever I can get willing partners.Playing basketball is a strenuous sport that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise.I am hoping basketball will help me build up my stamina.The main reason I like the game is that playing basketball fosters team spirit and corporation.Each time I play basketball I get to know new people and my relationship with my friends gets better.We can forget all the unhappiness and feel refreshed again.I love basketball.6, What do you usually do at weekends?
Well, there is no exaggeration that I expect weekend everyday.Because I can always do things I want to.Sometimes I am tired of the daily grind and want to get away from it all.Usually, I play basketball on a weekly basis to let off steam.I.Normally, I sleep in on Sundays.Later I will go to the(图书馆)to get prepared for the coming week days’ studies.7, What do people usually do to relax in your country?/ what kinds of
leisure activities are popular in china?
Well, in truth I would have to say that really depends.For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games.Take the famous online game Wow as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20milion users in china.Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah jiong(麻将), because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members ot neighbors in China.
第二部分只需要准备一下几个黑体的topic就可以了,其他的可以转化成相似的话题,只需要准备20个话题,第二部分就都解决了 A.PEOPLE & ANIMAL An elder family member = An interesting elder person = A person who took care of you when you were young A friend = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A person who helped you = A neighbor = A teenager = An elder family member = An important conversation you had = A letter you got = A piece of advice = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life A person you know who speaks a different language = A teacher = An unforgettable course or lecture = An unforgettable experience A child = A public service advertisement = A story you watched on TV = A film you love = A magazine = A newspaper = A TV programme = A website = A book you read before = A childhood song you love = A fairytale character = A fairytale you love = A fairytale you were told in your childhood A famous person = A successful person = A leader = An idol = A person you want to become one day = A historical figure = A person who is good at his/ her job = A speech or a lecture you love = An unforgettable course you had = An organization / company you love = A business you want to run
An animal = An environmental problem = A public service advertisement = A film = A piece of news you watched on TV = A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took B.OBJECTS A handicraft = A thing you DIY = A painting = A piece of art = A thing you did successfully = An important decision you made A piece of electronic equipment(not a computer)= A gift you got = A thing you save money to buy = An unforgettable family event = A photo(camera)= A letter(txt)or an email = A thing you lost = A piece of electronic equipment which helps you to study English A toy in your childhood = A gift you received = An unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = An elder family member = A person who took care of you when you were little = A childhood song you love(the Birthday Song)An accessory = A piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion = A gift you received = A festival you love = n unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = A moving family event = A thing you lost = A thing you save money to buy A photo = A postcard = A painting = A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = A thing you DIY A piece of furniture = A piece of art = A gift you received = A flat or a house = A thing you save money to buy A vehicle = A thing you save money to buy = A thing you want to own in the future A statue or a sculpture = A piece of art = A painting = A photo = A person you want to become in the future = An idol = A successful person = A famous person = A leader = A museum = An educational visit you had C.EVENTS A game that children love playing = A game you played in your childhood = A childhood song you love = An unforgettable stage in your life A performance or a show you love = A fashion show you love
= A public event you attended = A piece of interesting news = A stadium = An unforgettable experience you had A wedding you attended = A happy family event = An unforgettable family event = A traditional event you attended(traditional Chinese Wedding)= A public event you attended(A group wedding)= A piece of interesting news(about a group wedding)= A piece of good news you got from a phone call(from a friend)A festival = A favourite meal = A happy experience = An accessory = A gift you received = A happy event = An unforgettable experience A piece of advice you got = A letter you got = A conversation you made = The help you got = A person who helped you once = A close friend = A neighbor = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life = A visit you had A business you want to run = An ideal job = An organization = A change you want to make in the future An occasion you were late for = A traffic jam you experienced = A friend = An unforgettable experience you got = A trip that didn’t go as planned One favourite meal = A happy party you had = An important decision you made = A project you did with others = Two family members = A family(except yours)= A good cook = A thing you did successfully = A photo D.PLACES A special street = A place that features water = A relaxation place = A tourist attraction = A historical place = Your favorite place in your hometown = A season = A park = A place you love to listen to music A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = An outdoor activity = A physical activity(go for a stroll or a walk in parks)= A healthy life = A natural beauty place = A tourist attraction = A picnic you had at a park A modern building = A swimming pool = An unforgettable experience(A visit you had in the Water Cube)= A theater = A landmark in your hometown = Your favorite place in your hometown A historical place = A tourist attraction = A museum = An educational visit you had A library = A modern building = A shopping mall = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A place you study at = A place you love in your hometown = A shop or a store = A place you love you listen to music A place you love to listen to music = Your favorite place in your hometown = A flat or a house A hotel = A modern building = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A flat/apartment or a house = A thing you save money to buy = A place you love to listen to music A place that features water = A natural beauty place = A journey you made = A trip you took/ had = A holiday you had / An unforgettable holiday = An important city = A city you have been to = A tourist attraction = A historical place = A book you read before = A photo A polluted city = An environmental problem = A law in China = A fashion show = A performance or show you love = A piece of interesting news E.MEDIA A website = A TV programme you love = A radio programme you love = A book you read before = A newspaper you love = A magazine you love = An article you love A book you read before = A film you love = A drama you love = A performance or show you love = A drama you saw in a theater = A TV programme = A radio programme = A magazine = A newspaper A piece of news = A piece of interesting news = An unforgettable story = A newspaper = A website = A story you watched on TV = A piece of news you got from a phone call An environmental problem = An animal = A law in China = An advertisement(A commercial or a PSA)= A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took(biology/ chemistry)An advertisement = A song you love = A piece of music you fancy = A website A story/legend/fairytale you were told in your childhood = A historical story = A historical place = A tourist attraction = A book you read before = A piece of art = A statue or a sculpture A language you want to learn = A skill you want to master = Something you are good at = A change you want to make in the future = A thing you want to do but you can’t do it now
练习发音最好的方法就是跟读。任何native speaker发音的语音材料都可以作为跟读材料。刚开始只要跟读一句话,模仿达到的程度要和录音一模一样,之后再慢慢加量。每天跟读半小时,坚持半个月就有奇效!
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
这个部分要根据题库里的一些话题准备好相应的单词和表达。比如问你喜欢什么类型的电影,至少你要用英语会说一些电影类型的单词(如喜剧片)。我认为Part 1是非常重要的,考官阅人无数,基本上你一张嘴,大体的分数范围就定了。如果前两句话你能在流利、词汇、语法、语音这四个方面里的1-2个方面有突出表现,印象分至少会增加1分。尤其是口音方面,如果你有很强的Chinese accent,印象分就会打折扣。
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
这个部分考察你能不能用英语较长时间谈论一个事情。备考的方法就是按照雅思口语题卡去准备,一道一道的过。注意其实很多问题都可以回答相似的答案,例 如“谈论一个让你放松的地方”,“谈论一次特殊的旅行”,“谈论一个色彩丰富的地方”,“谈论一次有教育意义的旅行”“谈论一个让你印象深刻的公园”“谈 论一个你喜欢的靠近水的地方”,这些题目都可以一起准备,只是回答的侧重点不同而已。
在Part3,考官往往会以Part 2为背景问一些学术性的或者抽象的问题,有些问题听起来会有点无厘头。例如“和中国把18岁定为法定成年年龄相比,其它国家是不是也应该把18岁作为进入 成人的年龄?”,还有的同学被问到“一个人在快乐的时候为什么会笑?”问这些问题的目的只有一个,就是把你问蒙圈,因为一个人在不知所措的情况下最容易 “原形毕露”,平时注意的口音语法问题可能全都顾不上了。所以提前要做好心理准备,回答的时候要淡定,记住问题的答案没有对错,考官只是想看看你在有压力 的情况下能说出什么。有问即答,只要沾边的就可以说,不要慌!
最后,还有一个小tips:如果在考场没听懂考官的问题,不要直接说pardon。用一些提问的方式,比如“Do you mean…..”或者“Do you want me to talk about…”去check一下问题,考官一般都会再重复一遍或给你解释一下问题,这样回答既体现了你理解了部分问题,又展示了口语能力,比生硬的pardon要好多了。
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/