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在这种情况下,即使是用中文也难以写好,更何况要用英文去表达。海天考研辅导专家提醒考生,对此办法就是要善于联想到一些具体的事实,具体的例证以及具体的现象。比如说,要谈论电视节目这一话题,可以联想到新闻联播,并由此想到它让人们开阔视野,了解世界,但人觉得话题太熟悉了,反而一时说不出什么来。其实,作文题一种是永恒的话题,在任何时都可以讨论;或为当代话题,让所有的人都会有话可说。题目是公平的,绝对不会让某一专业的考生有特别的优势。所以,考生一定能联想起具体细小的事情,再形成观点。把看得见摸得着的事物带来的思考变成作文里的分支观点、具体细节内容变成证据。这不失为一种很好的策略。例如,计算机的利与弊这个话题似乎太大,但是可能想到的具体的现象是小孩、学生要在计算机前玩计算机游戏。由此带来的思考是,这些学生整天呆在那里对他们的mind是有害的,harmful to their minds并waste a lot of time。



























2013考研英语真题:难度稍降 分数线预计持平2012年考研英语已经结束,好学网考研辅导专家第一时间为你提供真题解析,以帮助广大考生及时估分查询,希望考生能顺利进入复试,最终考上理想的大学。











1.建议信 例1

Dear editor, 亲爱的编辑,I am delighted to learn that the free use of plastic bags is banned in our country.2 However, in my opinion, people in some regions are still using plastic bags as the used to.3 On the one hand, many local residents think plastic bags are cheap and convenient.4 One the other hand,to attract their regular customers, many businesses are still providing plastic bags.1我很高兴地得知,免费使用塑料袋是禁止在我国。2然而,在我看来,人们在一些地区仍在使用塑料袋的使用。3另一方面,许多当地居民认为塑料袋便宜又方便。4另一方面,吸引他们的客户,许多企业仍然提供塑料袋。As to the low cost and convenience of plastic bags ,I suggest that more possible alternatives, such as paper or cloth bags should be made.6 If the substitute is cheaper and has more advantages, people will stop using plastic bags.7 In addition, the mass media should help to enhance people,s awareness about the negative effect of the “whit pollution” 8 I am sure these suggestions will work.5的低成本和方便的塑料袋,我建议,更可能的替代品,如纸或布袋应作出。6如果替代品更便宜,更具有优越性,人们将停止使用塑料袋。7此外,媒体应该增强人们的意识,负面影响的“白色污染”8我相信这些建议将工作。Please inform me if my suggestions are accepted.10 I am looking forward to hearing your good news.9请告诉我,如果我的建议被接受。10我盼望着听到你的好消息

Sincerely yours,LiMing

2.道歉信 Dear Bob,1.I am excessively sorry to tell you the I forgot to return to your music CD I borrowed form you the other day.2 Now , I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.1。我是过分抱歉告诉你我忘了回你的音乐CD,我借了你的一天。2现在,我写这封信,道歉,表示深深的遗憾。I hope you will understand me and excuse me for forgetting to return the CD to you.4 The reason for my negligence was that I was busy returning hometown.5.I had no time because a successing of things before departure drove me so crazy.6 I sincerely hope my mistake didnt cause too much inconvenience.3我希望你能够理解我,原谅我忘记回报CD给你。4个原因是我的过失,我正忙着返回家乡。5。我没有时间,因为一个成功的东西,出发前让我如此疯狂。6我希望我的错误不会造成太大的不便。For making up, I want to mail it to you via air before it is too late.8 Or else, I will sent you some money to buy a new one.9 Again, I beg your pardon.8 Best regards to you and your wife.7制作了,我想把它通过空气在为时太晚之前。8不然,我会给你一些钱去买个新的。9次,我请求你的原谅。8个诚挚的问候给你和你的妻子。

Sincerely yours,LiMing


Dear Sir or Madam,I am a network engineer in Beiing.2 I want to aid a poor child to continue his/her educating.3.I am writing to seek for your assistance to find a needy child who comes from an elementary school in the less developed areas of Western China.I am going to offer the candidate all necessary fees until he/she completes his/her university educating.我是一个网络工程师在北京。2我想帮助贫穷的孩子继续他/她的教育。3。我写信向你寻求帮助,找到一个贫困的孩子谁来自一所小学在欠发达的中国西部地区。我要提供候选人都必要的费用,直到他/她完成他

/她的大学教育。Here are some reasons why I want to help a needy child.5 For one thing, I think it is everybody,s duty to do something to change the educating situation in the remote areas.6 For another, I was also helped by others when I was in college and now it is my turn to give something back.7 Therefore, I write this letter here to ask for your help.4,这里有一些原因,我想帮助一个需要帮助的孩子。5因为一件事,我认为这是每个人的责任,去做些什么来改变现状的偏远地区的教育。6另一方面,我也被别人帮助我在大学的时候,现在是轮到我给的东西回来。7因此,我写这封信来寻求你的帮助。8 I shall be grateful if you will be so king as to help me.9 Thanks for your consideration.10 I am looking forward to your reply.8我将很感激如果你将国王的帮助我。9,谢谢你的关心。10我期待你的回信

Sincerely yours,LiMing

4.辞职信 Dear Mr.Wang,I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.2 I plant to leave my job here in a month.1我写信告诉你有关我决定辞掉现在的位置。2我厂离开我这里的工作一个月。There are several resons for my resignation.4 First of all, the salary has proved to be much lower than you promised.5 In addition, the office is far from where I live and each day I have to spend hours on the way.6 Most importantly, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to take full advantage of the specialized knowledge gained during my graduate studies.7 Therefore, I would like to resign.3有几个原因,我辞职。4首先,薪酬已被证明是远远低于你的承诺。5此外,该办公室离我住的地方,每一天我都要花上几个小时的路。6最重要的是,我觉

得我的工作任务,在这里就不让我充分利用专业知识获得了在我的研究生。7因此,我要辞职。Please let me take this chance to thank you for the rewarding experience I ve enjoyed during my employment.9 I am sorry for any inconvenience caused to you!10 Best wishes for the company,s btter growth!


Sincerely yours,LiMing

5.求学信 Dear Professor,1 I have read for annual prospectus of your school and found that it has the best graduate program of English literature.2 I hope that I could finish my Master,s degree in your school.1我已阅读招股说明书的学校和发现它的最佳研究生英语文学。2我希望我能完成我的硕士学位,在你的学校。I am working in a college in Beijing.4 I graduated from Shangdong University in 2006.5.At university , I took many fundamental courses in English language as well as English culture.5 And I have been working in a language school teaching English literature ,which deepens my knowledge in this subject.3我在北京一所大学工作。4毕业于山东大学2006。5。在大学,我学了许多基本课程,在英语语言以及英语文化。5我一直在一家语言学校英语教学文学,我的知识在这一主题的深化。The headmaster of the school where I am teaching has written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter.8 I would be very grateful if you could send me information and the forms related to my application.9 Thanks you for your consideration.10 I am looking forward to learning form you


Sincerely yours,LiMing


Dear Sir or Madam,1.I,ve learnt form Talent Journal that your company is recruiting marketing researchers and I would like to apply for the position.2 I have attached a copy of my resume for your consideration.3 I believe my qualification are ideal match of your requirements.1。我,会形成人才杂志,贵公司正在招聘销售人员,我想申请这个职位。2我已附上我的简历供您参考。3我相信我的资格是理想伴侣的要求。I graduated form Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2006,majoring in Economics.5 In addition to the required courses of my major, I have studied Marketing and Punlic Relation as my third major.6 I also have some experience in Market Analysis.7 I believe my education and experience will enable me to perform better than other candidates who lack working experience.4毕业于上海财经大学2006,主修经济学。5除了必修课程的主要,我研究了营销和公开关系作为我的第三专业。6我也有一些市场分析方面的经验。7我相信我的教育和经验将使我能更好的表现比其他候选人谁缺乏工作经验。If there is any additional information you require, please contact me at 223344.9 I would welcome an opportunity to meet you for a personal interview.8 Thank you for your time and consideration.8如果你还需更多的信息,请联系我223344。9我希望有机会见到你面谈。8感谢你的时间和考虑

Sincerely yours,LiMing


Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing with much pleasure to recommend

John Smith, one of my former colleagues to you.2 As his direct leader in A.N.Y.Company.I found him a most reliable and efficient member of the sales team.1我写信非常高兴推荐约翰史密斯,我以前的一个同事给你。2他直接领导,a.n.y.company。我发现他是一个最可靠的和高效的销售团队成员。

3.His performance at work was outstanding.4 Firstly, he was professional and efficient in his approach to work and showed great talents in sales.5 Secondly, he has developed a strong team spirit and never stops one the way of self-improvement.6 In addition, he has a very pleasant personality, and working with him is always pleasing and encouraging.7 Therefore , I can state that he has all the qualities of an excellent salesman.3。他的工作表现突出。4首先,他在他的专业和高效的工作方式和表现出极大的人才,销售。5其次,他拥有了较强的团队精神和永不停止的一个自强路。6此外,他有一个非常愉快的个性,并与他一起工作总是令人高兴和鼓舞。7因此,我可以说他完全具备一个优秀的推销员。I here recommend him to you with all my heart.9 I am sure that his future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence.10 If further information about him is needed, please fell free to contact me.8我在这里向你推荐他与所有我的心。9我确信他将来的行为,不会辜负你的信任。10如果需要关于他的进一步信息,请和我联系

Sincerely yours,LiMing


Dear Sir or Madam,1,This is introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Bob.2 He is our new marketing specialist who is going to attend the conference on product promotion held by your company.1,这是介绍持信人的这封信,鲍勃。2,他是我们的新营销专家谁去参加这个会议由贵公司产品的推广。3 Bob has been working in our company for 3months.4 In his work, he shows great talent and responsibility.5 In addition, he has a very fine reputation amomg the colleagues.6 Bsdides, in terms of personality , I find him honest , easygoing,and cooperative.7 I am sure that you will fing him desrve your confidence

3他已经在公司工作3个月。4在他的作品中,他显示出巨大的人才和责任。5此外,他有一个非常好的声誉的同事。6bsdides,在性格方面,我觉得他诚实,随和,和合作。7我确信你会发现他desrve你的信心 8 We shall appreciate any help you can give to Bob and will always be happy to reciprocate.9 Thanks you for your kindness.10 Wish you a successful conference.8我们应当感激任何帮助,你可以给宝宝,将永远是快乐的回报。9谢谢你的好意。10祝你成功的会议。

Sincerely yours,LiMing


Dear Mr.President,1.I am Li Ming, a junior from the Civil Engineering School.2 I venture to write you a letter to complain about the canteen service om campus.1。我是李明,一个从土木工程学校。2我冒昧给你写信抱怨在校园食堂的服务。

3.The focus of the complaint is the poor quality and high price of the food.4 For one thing, the rice is always overcooked.5 For another, the price of the food is si high that many students consider it a heavy burden to eat on campus.6 Honestly speaking, we feel extremely had about the canteen.3。重点的投诉是低劣的质量和价格高的食物。4首先,饭总是煮。5另外,食物的价格非常高,许多学生认为这是一种沉重的负担,在校园里吃。6说实话,我们觉得非常有食堂。

7.I appreciate it very much if you could urge the canteen to improve the service.8 And I do hope the cooking will be done more carefully and the price of the food will be lowered.9 Thank

you for your time and kind consideration.10 I will be looking forward to your good news.7。我非常感激如果你能促使食堂改善服务。8我希望烹饪将更加仔细和食物的价格将下降。9谢谢你的亲切关怀。10我将期待你的好消息


Dear sales manager,I am the manager of a tailor's shop selling ladies wear.2 I have just seen in a magazine that you are promoting a series of new products and the women's knitted sweaters caught my attention.3 Therefore, I am writing for the information about the sweaters.1我是一家裁缝店卖女装。2我刚才在杂志上看到你所推动的一系列新产品和妇女的针织毛衣引起了我的注意。3因此,我写作的信息的毛衣。The following information is essential for me , 5 Firstly, how many colors does the sweater have? 6 Secondly, what are the sizes of the sweater? 7 Thirdly, could you send me any samples?

4以下的信息是必不可少的我,5,有多少种颜色的毛衣吗?6其次,什么是大小的毛衣吗?7第三,你能给我什么样?I would be grateful if you'll be so kind as to send me the above information as well as the samples.9 Thank you for taking time.10, I am waiting for your prompt reply.8我会很感激如果你能寄给我的上述资料以及样品。9谢谢你抽出时间。10,我等待您的及时答复。

11.祝贺信 Dear Sb,1I have learned with delight that your son has been admitted to the famous Tsinghua University.2 I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulation on his enrollment.3 I feel very happy for you.4 And it is really good news to your family and friends as well as all your students.5You must be very happy with this good news.6 I know this is surely owing to your son's talent and diligence.7 It is also a reward you richly deserve for your years of tireless teaching and guidance.8With his gift and assiduity, I'm sure that he'll make greater achievement in university.9 I hope I can express my sincere congratulation to you and your son in person.10 Again, please accept my sincere congratulation and best wishes for the whole family.12感谢信 Dear SbI am now writing these few lines to express my sincerely gratitude for your last Friday's parcel, with reference books on English writing in it.2 I would like you to know how much your books mean to me.3 Had it not been for these book, I would have failed my English test.4 I shall ever remember your help as the symbol of our friendship.1我现在写的这几行表达我衷心感谢您上星期五的包裹,和参考书的英语写作中。2我想你知道你的书是我的。3如果没有这本书,我会失败的英语考试。4我要永远记住你的帮助,象征着我们的友谊。I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.6 As far as I know , you are a big fan of Jay Chou and I happen to have to tickets of his concerts on this Saturday.7 I will feel much honored and pleased if I can invite you to go with me.8 I am looking forward to seeing you.5我希望有回报的机会。6据我所知,你是周杰伦的粉丝,我碰巧有张他的演唱会在这个星期六。7我将感到非常荣幸和高兴,如果我可以邀请你和我一起去。8我很期待见到你。

13邀请信 Dear Sb,Recently we have the renovation of our newly bought house done, and therefore we would like to hold a house-warning party on Jan.20.2009.2 It would be a great pleasure to invite you to the party and have dinner together.1最近我们改造我新买的房子,所以我们要举行一个聚会jan.20.2009house-warning。2很高兴邀请你参加聚会,一起吃晚饭。

3.I am sure that you will find the party satisfactory.4 First, I remember that both of you are seafood lovers, so I will prepare lobsters and fishes as the main course.5 Second, I also reserved bottles of Italian premium white wine for us enjoy at that moment.6 Enclosed is other arrangements of the party.7 We do hope you can come because the party would not be complete without you!3。我肯定你会找到满意的方。4第一,我记得你们都是海鲜爱好者,所以我会准备龙虾和鱼作为主菜。5次,我也保留瓶意大利优质白葡萄酒我们享受那一刻。6个封闭的其他安排的聚会。7我们希望你能来,因为党将是不完整的没有你!The party will begin at 7:00 pm and we hope you can make it.9 If not, please drop us a line before Jan.20.2009.10 Best wishes for both of you 8党将开始在下午七时,我们希望你能做到。9如果不是,请我们的下降线jan.20.2009之前。10为你祝福.Sincerely yours,LiMing挽拒信

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for offering me the Sales Associate position in your company.2 To be honest, I am very pleased and honored to accept the offer.3 However, the current situation doesn't allow me to do so.1谢谢你给我的销售助理职位。2说实话,我非常高兴和荣幸地接受。3然而,目前的情况不允许我这么做。4 This has been a difficult decision for me ,but I have to do so.5 On the one hand , I have accepted another job opportunity that is more in line with my skills and career goals.6 On the other hand , two hours' commute to your building is really a burden on me.7 On account of all these, I regret to say that I am unable to accept your offer.4这是一个困难的决定对我,但我必须这样做。5另一方面,我已经接受了另一份工作的机会,更符合我的技能和职业目标。6另一方面,两个小时到达你的建筑真的是我的一个负担。7因为这一切,我很遗憾,我不能接受你的提议。I fell sorry for disapointing you.9 Anyway, I do appreciate your kingness to discuss the details of the position with me and I wish that your company would find a more suitable talent as soon as possible..10 Best wishes!


Sincerely yours,LiMing倡议书 Dear Sb,1I am writing this letter to call on all the students and teaching staff in our university to do something for Lucy.2 As some of you may know ,Lucy ,a lovely girl form Class Two, Grade One, is seriously ill.3 In fact, she has been suffering form hepatitis, which is very dangerous.我写这封信是给所有的学生和教学人员在我们的大学为露西做点什么。2你们当中有些人可能知道,露西,一个可爱的女孩,形成二班,一年级,病得很严重。3事实上,她一直患有肝炎,这是非常危险的。

It is necessary for us to show our love and offer our help to her now.5 For one thing, Lucy is in great need of care and money to have her liver transplanted.6 For another, it is beyond the means of Lucy's parents to afford the medical expenses.7 So, it is time that we did something to help Lucy.8 Firstly, we can raise money for hei.8 Secondly, we can encourage her to fight the disease with courage by extending our love and care to her.我们有必要来展示我们的爱和给予我们帮助她。5因为一件事,露西非常需要照顾和金钱有她的肝脏移植。6另一方面,它在对露西的父母负担不起医疗费用。7所以,我们应该做些事情去帮助露西。8首先,我们可以筹集资金,嘿嘿。8其次,我们可以鼓励她战胜疾病的勇气通过扩展我们的爱和关怀她。Join us in the action and I believe the our mutual efforts can conquer all dificulties.10加入我们的行动,我相信我们共同的努力,可以战胜一切困难。Thank you!谢谢!

Sincerely yours,LiMing

16慰问信 Dear Sb,I was sorry to learn that you were in a car accident.2 I am writing at once to express my deep sympathy in your injury.1我很遗憾得知你出了车祸。2我立刻写信表达我深切的同情在你受伤。

3.It is understandable that you may now feel it is unfair for you.4 For one thing ,it was not your fault to have caused the accident.5.For another, the offender has been a hit-and-run driver so far and the police are still looking for the clues.6 However, we should believe the justice has long arms.7 Therefore, I do hope you can cheer up and take good care of yourself.3。这是可以理解的,你现在可以感觉到它对你是不公平的。4因为一件事,这不是你的过错造成的事故。5。另一方面,罪犯已经逃逸司机到目前为止,警方仍在寻找线索。6然而,我们应该相信正义的手臂很长。7所以,我真的希望你能振作起来,好好照顾自己。I shall go to see you as soon as I come back form my bussiness trip.9 Again, sorry for your misfortune, and I am anticipating your speedy recovery.10 With my heartfelt concern and best wishes!


Sincerely yours,LiMing


1.The student's Union will organize a volunteer team to help the poor children in rural areas during the summer holiday.2 In such case, 50 volunteers are needed to give computer and English lesson.1。学生会将组织志愿者服务队,帮助贫困儿童在农村地区在夏季假期。2在这种情况下,50个志愿者需要提供计算机和英语课。

3.The arrangements are as follows.4 The activity is arranged to last 20 days or so and it is planned to begin on July 10.5 Before starting off,the team members will be assigned to different country primary schools.6 And the main task is to teach children how to use a computer and learn English as well.3。安排如下。4活动安排后20天左右,这是计划于七月十日开始。5在出发前,这个团队的成员将被分配到不同的国小学。

6、主要任务是教孩子如何使用计算机和英语学习好。Anyone who is good at English or computer is welcomed warmly.8 Please email us at StudentUnion@163..com.9 We are looking forward to your active participation.7的人谁是良好的英语或计算机的热烈欢迎。8请电邮我们studentunion@163。”。9我们期待你的积极参与。

Student's Union



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    abundantly adv.丰富地 counterpart n.副本,极相似的人或物,配对物 [] v.推断 [] [] regard n.关心,尊重,致意 [] actual adj.实际的,真实的,现行的,目前的 [] adjoining adj.邻接的,......


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