(每日一读)2014年高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 肯尼亚伊斯兰武装分子发动袭击 48人死亡

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第一篇:(每日一读)2014年高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 肯尼亚伊斯兰武装分子发动袭击 48人死亡

肯尼亚伊斯兰武装分子发动袭击 48人死亡

At least 48 people have died after suspected Islamist militants attacked hotels and a police station in a Kenyan coastal town, officials say.伊斯兰嫌疑武装分子袭击了肯尼亚一座海滨小城内的几家宾馆和警察局,造成至少48人死亡。

Witnesses in Mpeketoni said gun battles went on for several hours and reported seeing buildings set on fire.The town is close to Lamu island, which is a well-known tourist resort.Kenya has suffered a number of militant attacks since 2011 when its forces entered neighbouring Somalia to combat al-Shabab fighters.The BBC's Yusuf Dayo in Nairobi said the attack started at 20:30 local time(17:30 GMT)on Sunday as locals were watching a football World Cup match on television.Local residents told the BBC that the attackers had hijacked a van and used it to attack various locations across the town.Witnesses said gunmen, who had their faces covered, threw explosives into the local police station before entering and stealing weapons.Kenya has been on high alert recently following warnings that al-Shabab was planning more attacks.The US and UK have issued advisories to their nationals to keep away from the Kenyan coast.Sunday's attack comes days after the UK government closed its consulate in the nearby port city of Mombasa, citing heightened security threats.

第二篇:(每日一读)2014年6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀(精选)

五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀 Five Nato soldiers have been killed in an incident in southern Afghanistan, the Nato-led force in the country says.五名北约士兵在阿富汗南部一场事故中被杀。

The International Security Assistance Force(Isaf)says the incident took place on Monday but gave no details.The Isaf force currently has soldiers from 50 contributing nations in Afghanistan.Taliban militants have stepped up attacks ahead of the planned withdrawal of most foreign troops from the country at the end of 2014.Most troops stationed in the south are American, but Nato has not confirmed the nationality of these casualties.Southern Afghanistan is the heartland of the Taliban movement and insurgents frequently attack security forces in the region.There have been more than 30 Nato forces killed this year in Afghanistanwho vowed to disrupt campaigning and voting-attacked the campaign rally of one of the contenders last week.

第三篇:(每日一读)2014年6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 圣保罗交通部门举行罢工 交通几近瘫痪

圣保罗交通部门举行罢工 交通几近瘫痪 A public transport strike has caused traffic chaos in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, a week before it hosts the opening match of the World Cup.巴西最大城市圣保罗的公共交通部门举行大罢工,造成交通混乱。此时距世界杯开幕仅有一周时间。

Half of all underground stations were closed as transport workers walked out, demanding a 10% pay rise.Angry commuters stormed the Itaquera station, nearest the stadium where Brazil will play Croatia on 12 June.Police and other public sector workers say they will also strike in the next few weeks if their demands are not met.This is the latest setback in Brazil's preparations for the World Cup, which have been criticised by the tournament's global organisers.But Fifa President Sepp Blatter has called on the Brazilian people to do all they can to support the World Cup.“We at Fifa, we are confident.It will be a celebration,” Mr Blatter told reporters as he arrived in Sao Paulo amid the traffic chaos.The state-owned underground company has offered a 8.7% pay rise, which was rejected by the unions which declared the strike for an undetermined period.The authorities said they would sack staff if they failed to meet legal requirements and keep at least 70% of public transport services running.“The government will not be complacent,” said Sao Paulo state Transport Secretary Jurandir Fernandes.“If we gave them a 10% rise, all other state workers would demand the same,” Mr Fernandes told Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.

第四篇:(每日一读)2014年6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 尼日利亚某大学发生爆炸案 8人丧生

尼日利亚某大学发生爆炸案 8人丧生

An explosion has struck a public health college in Nigeria's second city of Kano, in the north, killing at least eight people, police say.尼日利亚北方第二大城市卡诺一所公共卫生学院发生一起爆炸案,至少8人丧生。

At least 20 others were wounded in the blast at the Kano School of Hygiene.The city has been targeted in the past by the radical Islamist group Boko Haram, which aims to create an Islamic state in northern Nigeria.Three states to the east of Kano are under a government-imposed emergency after years of militant attacks.Kano State police spokesman Magaji Majiya, who confirmed the attack, said eight people had been killed and many others with horrific injuries had been taken to hospital for treatment.Registration period

The BBC's Mansur Liman, in the capital Abuja, says the blast occurred as students were struggling to meet a deadline to register for the new academic session.He says the area has been cordoned off(隔离)and emergency services are continuing to take the injured to hospital.One person has been arrested, according to the police.A teacher at the college told the AFP news agency that the blast seemed to originate from a car park next to the post-secondary training school.The latest incident comes less than a week after some 21 people were killed in a bomb blast outside a shop in Yobe state where people had gathered to watch a World Cup match.Public screenings of the World Cup in some parts of Nigeria have been banned because of threats by Boko Haram, who want to overthrow the government.

第五篇:(每日一读)2014年5月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 韩国沉船船长过失杀人罪被起诉

韩国沉船船长过失杀人罪被起诉 The captain of the sunken South Korean ferry has been charged with manslaughter, reports say.韩国世越号沉船船长因过失杀人罪被起诉。

Lee Joon-seok, 68, is accused of leaving the ship as it was sinking while telling passengers to stay put, reports Yonhap news agency.He was among the first to be rescued by coast guards at the scene.The Sewol ferry disaster on 16 April killed 281 passengers, most of whom were high school students.Another 23 are still missing.Besides Mr Lee, three crew membersare also being charged with manslaughter.If convicted, they could face life imprisonment.“The [four people charged] escaped before the passengers, leading to grave casualties,” prosecutor Ahn Sang-don told journalists.Prosecutors have indicted another 11 crew members for negligence.Only 172 passengers survived the sinking of the ferry, including 22 of the 29 crew members.Structural fears

The authorities have also arrested several people who were not on the ferry at the time of sinking.These include five officials of the ferry owner, Chonghaejin Marine Company, and an employee of a private safety device inspection company.The latter is suspected of conducting poor inspections of the ferry's safety equipment.South Korea, meanwhile, is looking to reform its safety and emergency response system in the wake of the ferry's sinking.President Park Geun-hye said on Tuesday that the government would soon release details of this move, said Yonhap.She has previously apologised for the way the government handled the incident, amid questions over the initial rescue effort.Following the recent death of a civilian rescue diver, Seoul also plans to provide psychological help for rescue workers “suffering from physical and mental agony”, said local media.It comes amid reports the ship, submerged for nearly a month, has begun to deteriorate, making it even more difficult for divers to search for bodies.Officials said that divers had spotted walls “getting weaker and about to collapse”.Rescue workers are now plotting new routes through the hull.Earlier reports said that some bodies had floated away from the ship, prompting workers to deploy nets around the site.

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