Great changes have taken place in China since 1949.2.在愚人节这天,人们都盛装打扮,相互开玩笑。
On the Apil’s Day, people dress up and play tricks on each other.(这里不能用play a trick on,第六题同解)
He looked forward to hear from his girlfriend day and night.4.那天我们信守了诺言,早上6点钟就出发了。
We kept our promise that day and set off at 6 o’clock.5.你应该平衡膳食,并向你的医生咨询增肥。
You ought to have a balanced diet and consult your doctor about putting on weight.6.不久之后,Jim就开始依靠说谎来谋生。
Before long, jim began to earn his living by telling lies.7.去年,他负债累累,决定消减开支以及减肥。
He was in debt last year and made up his mind to cut down the cost and lose weight.8.他无意中看见,一个衣衫褴褛的穷人凝视着他。
By accident, he found that a poor man who was in rags stared at him.9.相反,你昨天不该开车的时候冒险。
On the contrary, you ought not take a chance when driving your car yesterday.10.于这个小孩,应该由他的父母来抚养。
As for this child, he should be brought up by his parents.
How to Really Start a Business(or Why You Don’t Need Money to Make Money)创业之道——赚钱无需花钱
Everyone has excuses about why they can’t(actually won’t)earn more money.A common excuse is, ―I need money to make money‖.对于为什么不能(实际上是不去)挣更多钱,每个人都有自己的理由。其中最常见的要数:―想创业挣钱,我得先有足够的钱‖。
You and I know that’s a myth(you do know that’s a myth, right?), but most people take it as a truism.你我都知晓这个理由并不是真的(你不会不知道吧?),但大多数人却把它当作真理。
A lot of people think they need tens of thousands of dollars to get in on a franchise, or put cash down for a rental property, or buy into some silly multilevel marketing scheme.许多人认为他们需要一大笔资金去获得特许经营权,或是支付租金,亦或是引入荒诞的多层级营销方案。
The fact is, there are plenty of ways to make money without the need for a pile of cash — as Chris Guillebeau’s recent book, The $100 Startup, covers.The first step is to realize that there are always multiple solutions to any problem, whether it’s making more money, building your retirement nest egg/strongbox, or bartering for broccoli.但实际上,有很多方法既可以赚钱,又无需大把原始资金,就像克里斯·古里博的新书《100美元起家》所描述的那样。第一步是要意识到凡事总有多种解决之道,无论是赚更多的钱、为日后养老储备资金、还是与人交换西兰花。
Must-have tools for creating a business on the cheap are:
• A bootstrapping mindset: How can you get or do something for free or extremely low cost? Again, creative brainstorming and flexible thinking will help you figure out how to accomplish a task on a shoestring.Check out some more specific bootstrapping principles to get you started.• 步步为营:怎样才能白手起家呢?创造性思维、灵活应变的能力都可以让你以极少的钱完成任务。再多找些具体的步步为营法则看看,让自己顺利起步吧。(注:Bootstrapping来自于20世纪初期美国流传的一句―提着鞋带把自己举起来‖的谚语,其本质就是一种步步为营、循序渐进的思想,指的是创业者在资源有限的条件下,发掘机会,创建新事业并实现价值。)• Small steps and a willingness to experiment: This is the iterative, lean startup approach, where you try something small & fast, learn from it, and improve.What? You haven’t heard of the lean startup approach? Well, start reading up on it.It’ll save you from wasting time and money, and reduce startup frustration and misery.• 脚踏实地,勇于尝试:这一环节,创业者所要做的就是重复的精益创业。在此期间,创业者可以做各种小而快的尝试,从中获取经验和教训,提升自己的实力。什么?你竟然没听说过―精益创业‖?好吧,那么先好好钻研一番吧。你的时间和金钱将不再被浪费,起步的挫折与痛苦将会减轻。(注:lean startup以一个远景假设为出发点,通过快速、低成本的验证方式,验证产品与市场的契合度,不断迭代并及时调整方向。)
• Market validation: Again, from the lean startup/customer development paradigm, make sure that you’re offering something that people want and will pay for.What what? You haven’t heard of customer development either? Not a problem.There’s great info out there to get you started.• 市场调研:同样地,从精益创业/发展客户范式入手,确保你所提供的产品是有需求的,客户是愿意付钱买的。什么什么?你也没听说过发展客户?关于这方面的信息可是有很多呢,你可以了解后再开始创业。
With all that said, you’ll also need to recognize your barriers to actually starting down the road of entrepreneurship.Here’s a list of the top 4 excuses people give for not making more money:
No time一无时间No money二无资金No expertise三无专业技能No ideas四无想法
When you reflect on why you haven’t started exploring how to earn more money, probably every one of your barriers(excuses!)falls into one of the above categories.You might say to yourself: 当你沉思自己为何还没开始探索挣钱的方法时,没准你的理由(借口!)就是上述四种里的一种。你也许会自言自语道:
• ―Starting a business is too complicated.‖ Nope.That’s the ―no expertise‖ excuse.• ―创业太复杂了。‖ 其实不然。说实话,这个理由真是太不专业了。
• ―But I work insane hours, have eleventeen kids, and a 4-hour commute.‖ Granted, you might have limitations on your time, but you’ll always make time for the things that are most important.And 20-30 minutes a day is something you can carve out–especially if it’ll change your life.• ―我每天要疯狂地工作,上下班就要花四个小时,还有群十几岁的孩子要看管。‖ 的确,时间或许很有限,但你总能为最重要的那些事留出时间。我想,一天20-30分钟你还是可以抽出来的,尤其是当它可能改变你的生活之时。
• ―But I don’t have $10 grand to fund a business.‖ OK, go back to the top of the article and re-read it.Done? OK.Repeat after me: ―I can start a business for under $100.‖ Say it again.And again.Know that there are many ways to do any task.Sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is some high-falutin’, expensive way.Dig deeper.Focus on exactly what the outcome is, and brainstorm all the crazy ways you could get to it.I guarantee you’ll find ways to get it done on the cheap.• ―可我连10美元都没有,如何创业?‖好吧,如果是这个问题,那么请你回到文章的开头,重新阅读一遍吧。看完了?好的,跟我念,―100美元之内,我照样可以创业‖,多说几遍。要知道,条条大路通罗马,虽然有时候脑子里总是会先想到一些不切实际又昂贵的方法。继续钻研下去,将焦点集中于产出,头脑风暴一下你所能想到的各种疯狂办法。我向你保证,你一定会找到白手起家的妙招的。
• ―But I don’t have any ideas for a business.‖ Try this: train yourself to look for problems.That’s right — look for problems throughout the day, every day.Jot them down in a notebook.Remember that every problem is an opportunity.Successful, sustainable businesses solve problems.Don’t want to cook dinner? Go to a restaurant.Problem solved.Hate to iron your clothes? Take them to a dry cleaner.Problem solved.Want to find & stay in touch with friends? Join Facebook.Problem solved.(You get the idea.)
• ―但是我还缺少创业的想法‖。不妨多练习练习发现问题——每天的每时每刻,试着去发现问题,然后记录下来。你一定要认识到,任何一个问题都有可能变成机会。那些成功且持久的事业都是为人解决问题的。不想做饭?那去餐馆,问题解决了;不想熨衣服?送去干洗店,问题解决了;想和朋友保持联系?注册脸谱网,问题解决了。(你明白了吧?)
It’ll take hard work, but the payoff is worth it
Starting and building a successful business takes hard work.But since you’re reading this, you and I both know you have an urge for something better.You daydream at work about quitting your job.You curse your commute and wish you could ditch your day job.You feel stuck at a job you hate.成功的事业在开始建立的过程中,不下苦功夫是肯定不行的。但是鉴于你都已经阅读到此,你那份憧憬着更美好事物的急切心情也已经显而易见。也许你在工作时会想象自己离职的画面,你咒骂着每天往返耗时之久,渴望有朝一日能摆脱这种生活。这份讨厌的工作让你不知所措。
While starting a business may not solve all your problems, it can give you a completely new worldview that’s empowering and full of possibilities.It took me a long time to get past my mental barriers and excuses before I started my own business, but when I began taking action, I started seeing things change.A few years down the road, I earn much more, have more financial security, more flexibility, and have no reason to complain about work.It’s been an amazing turnaround.也许创业并不能解决你所有的问题,但是它会带给你全新的世界观,使你更有主见,也带给你无限可能。就我而言,在创业之前,光破除心理的藩篱就耗费了我大量时间。但是当我决定付诸行动之时,我惊觉很多事情在发生改变。数年之后,我赚了不少钱,经济上有了更多的保障,处事也更加灵活多变,对工作的抱怨自然也就烟消云散了。难道说这个转变还不能称得上神奇吗?
And while I’ve learned a thing or two about how to do things on the cheap since I started my business, I was still able to start my business inexpensively–and so can you.Now though, you have the advantage of tons more free and low-cost tools for starting your business.The most important things in your toolbox are a bootstrapping mindset, a focus on experimentation, and providing value.创业之时,我还学会了一些白手起家的小窍门。即便是现在,让我白手起家闯出一番天地,也未尝不可,那么你也一样。虽然现在出现了更多免费或廉价的工具,让你握有优势,但对于创业来说,最重要的还是步步为营的理念、对反复试验的注重、以及提供有价值之物。Simple Ways to Break Your Bad Mood
Some days it seems like everything is going wrong.On these days the world looks gray, bleak and barren.Other days, maybe everything is going right.But you’re still miserable.You don’t always have to understand why you’re in a bad mood in order to change it.These seven strategies can help.1.Get outside.Being in nature can help to lift your mood and even lull your nervous system.For instance, this 2010 studyfound that ―forest environments promote lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, greater parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity than do city environments.‖
So when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, try visiting a park or body of water, suggests Darlene Mininni, Ph.D, MPH, author ofThe Emotional Toolkit.Or bring nature indoors by surrounding yourself with plants and flowers, getting a water fountain for your desk or getting a
fish tank.2.Listen to music.―Get out your absolute favorite grouchy, wallowy music and relish in tunes that match your mood for as long as it feels good, ‖ suggestsAshley Eder, LPC, a psychotherapist in Boulder, CO.Then when you start feeling better, adjust your music to fit your brighter feelings, she said.The opposite can also help.According to Mininni, if you’re upset, try listening to uplifting music.If you’re anxious or worried about something, try listening to soothing music, she said.This study found that listening to classical music for just 10 minutes minimized participants’ negative moods.Other research found that listening to music lowered blood pressure, heart rate and levels of the stress hormone cortisol.(This study found these effects in 54 nurses who listened to soothing music for 30 minutes.)
Combining calming tunes with slow breathing also might help.Thisresearch found that participants with high blood pressure who listened to 30 minutes of classic, Celtic or Indian music while performing breathing exercises had significantly lower blood pressure than those who didn’t.3.Embody your bad mood.―Ask your bad mood how it wants to move and honor its impulses in safe — but sometimes messy — ways like smashing eggs, breaking old dishes, ripping up paper, or punching pillows, ‖ Eder said.4.Tune into your murky mood.―Try getting quiet and asking the cranky part of yourself what it’s upset about, ‖ said Eder.In other words, instead of fighting with your feelings, figure out what you need.Let your mood be your messenger, she said.―Sometimes just honoring the impulse to have some alone-time, get more sleep, ask for help with something, or take space in a relationship is what you need to feel more at peace, ‖ Eder said.5.Assume control.People who feel like they have some control over their lives are happier than people who feel powerless, Mininni said.If there’s a particular situation that’s bothering you, identify the elements youcan control, she said.For instance, if your partner is sick, learn more about their condition, she said.But even the smallest things count.Sometimes the only thing you might be able to control is your wakeup time, and that’s important, too, she said.6.Engage in activities that honor your natural temperament.If you’re an introvert, Eder suggested carving out alone time.If you’re an extrovert, she suggested talking to a friend or being anywhere with people like a coffee shop.A bit of both? ―Schedule a time-limited activity with a person who consistently feels nourishing, followed by uninterrupted downtime, ‖ she said.7.Ride out your bad mood.Some days no matter the tactics you try, you still feel bad.If that’s the case, ―Acknowledge it, befriend it, and wait, ‖ Eder said.―Give yourself permission to make yourself comfortable, whether that means watching old episodes of Gossip Girl, playing Angry Birds, or by taking a nap, ‖ she said.Remember that ―It’s OK to have a bad day, and it’ll pass, ‖ Eder said.
今天的我不再是昨天的我!明天的我更不是今天的我!从现在起,我要精力充沛;从今天起,我要雷厉行动!决不give up 要 believe in myself!
Hello, everyone!I’m so glad and so lucky to have the opportunity to know you.I feel like being one of you.My surname is---,and---is my english name.I’m from---,china.I have been in Danzhai for half a year.I enjoy staying here very much.I love the beauty here , the food , the weather.The people are friendly.My hometown is---, as you know ,---is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers in heaven.its becoming more and more beautiful.Many people in world have a dream that one day they would come to Danzhai.Welcome to Danzhai.Facing so many people , I’m too shy to speak.I’m so proud of being chinese.I love you , all of you here.I have lots of hobbies.I love listening to soft music, it’s enjoyable to listen to in the still deep night, and my hobbies include reading , basketball , volleyball and so on.If you also like this ,let me know.Ill be your good friends.Thank you very much.The Only Way to Learn English Well
Great!So I have a chance to show , thank you for giving me the opportunity.Standing here makes me really happy and excited.I can speak good english.Thanks to my Matta.You know , he is English teacher , he is a great guy.After learning English.I have a lot of confidence in my life , I have a strong desire to speak English to everyone every chance I get.To be honest , I really cann’t stand my poor english , I want to improve my situation , I want to change my life.I want to speak perfect English.Matta encourages us quite often.he says speaking English is a piece of cake.Don’t shy to speak , quit worrying about making mistakes.The more mistakes you make , the more progress you make.However , he asks us to practise as loudly as possible ,as quickly as possible , as clearly as possible.Most importantly ,as he says,practice , practice , practice and more practice is the only way to learn English.In my opinion , don’t hesitate to learn English.If you put your heart and soul into it , it will be an easy thing for you , you will be a winner.
【红色】vermillion 朱红;crimson 绯红;scarlet 猩红;cardinal 深红;fuchsia 紫红;pink 粉红;magenta 品红;garnet 石榴红;rose 玫瑰红;cerise 樱桃红;peach 桃红;carmine 胭脂红;wine 酒红;ruby 宝石红;coral 珊瑚红。
【书的词汇】bestseller 畅销书;abridged edition 节选版,删节版;adaption 改编版;advance copy 样书;all rights reserved 版权所有,不得翻印;afterword 后记;allusion 典故,引文;annotation 注释;appendix 附录;bargain book 特价图书;book fair 书展,书市 The broader than the sea, is the heart;the most beautiful is not the future, today.最宽广的不是大海,是人心;最美好的不是未来,是今天。
【春运购票词汇】卧铺:(of train)sleeping berth/ sleeper硬卧:(of train)hard sleeping berth/hard sleeper软卧:(of train)soft sleeping berth/soft sleeper一等座:business class(First class)二等座:economy class……哦,还有票贩子(黄牛党):ticket scalper Smile and let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday。用微笑告诉世人,今天的你比昨天更加强大。【不同茶的英文表达】绿茶-Green tea,白茶-White tea,黄茶-Yellow tea,黑茶-Dark tea,红茶-Black tea。青茶-Oolong tea,普洱茶Pu'er tea,酥油茶 butter tea,抹茶matcha tea,奶茶 milk tea。
【各种护肤用品】洗面奶 facial cleanser;保湿霜 moisturizers;护手霜 hand lotion;日霜 day cream;晚霜 night cream;面膜 facial mask;磨砂膏 facial scrub;沐浴露 body wash;防晒霜 sun screen;眼部啫喱 eye gel。
【喝酒的英语口语】hit a bar 去酒吧;grab a beer or two 喝两杯;get a refill 把杯子满上;bottoms up 干杯;take a sip 小喝一口;buzzed 有点醉;hangover 宿醉;alcoholic 酒鬼;don't get wasted/drunk 不要喝醉。
【口语短句】She has definitely crossed the line.她太过分了。Sorry, you've got the wrong number.你打错号码了。Who wears the pants in your family? 你家谁说了算?You're nothing but a cry baby.你就会抱怨。It has been a standing joke.那可是经典笑料。
One kind word can warm three winter months;an acute word cuts deep than a sharp weapon.良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人胜利刃.Let's keep it between us.这事就我俩知道。Your explanation doesn't hold water.你的解释站不住脚。I'll take a pass.我不去了。Don't judge a book by its cover.别以貌取人。He's got a memory like a sieve.他记性很差。You never know.谁知道呢。口语小资料,大家一定要记录好哟,时常看看,读读,运用好好,呵呵
【2013年最好看的美剧】ScreenCrush网站评选:1.权力的游戏 Game of Thrones 2.福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 Elementary 3.绿箭侠 4.混乱之子 Sons of Anarchy 5.公园与游憩 6.副总统 Veep 7.大西洋帝国 Boardwalk Empire 8.汉尼拔 9.广告狂人10.绝命毒师Breaking Bad Man can not have dignity without loving the dignity of his fellow.不尊重别人的尊严,就不会有自己的尊严.ardent 热情的;devoted 热心的;content满足的;relieved放心的;crazy狂热的;dismal沮丧的;concerned焦虑的;intense紧张的;abashed羞愧的;indifferent冷漠的;begrudge羡慕的;desperate绝望的;contrite悔悟的;profane亵渎的;jealous嫉妒的。
In the world the most eternal happiness is ordinary, in the life most long-time has is to cherish.世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最长久的拥有就是珍惜。
【谢耳朵损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;You just don't appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard!狗屎运;Don't play innocent!别装蒜;That's rubbish!胡扯。
Be yourself and stay unique.Your imperfections make you beautiful , lovable and valuable.做最特别的自己,正因为你的不完美,你才如此的美丽、可爱、珍贵!
不可以貌取人 Never judge a book by its cover,英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike,事出有因 Every why has its wherefore,有备无患 Good watch prevents misfortune.知足常乐 Content is happiness,否极泰来 Adversity leads to prosperity。【春运购票词汇】卧铺:(of train)sleeping berth/ sleeper硬卧:(of train)hard sleeping berth/hard sleeper软卧:(of train)soft sleeping berth/soft sleeper一等座:business class(First class)二等座:economy class……哦,还有票贩子(黄牛党):ticket scalper The usual excuse of those who cause others trouble is that they wish them well.给别人造成麻烦的人通常的借口是出于好意.Smile and let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday。用微笑告诉世人,今天的你比昨天更加强大。Forget yesterday;cherish today;fight for tomorrow.Stick to the right things and stop chasing the wrong things.昨天,略去。今天,珍惜。明天,争取。对的,坚持。错的,放弃。
英语四级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第353期:清明
请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 清明
清明是我国二十四节气(the twenty-four solar terms)之一,一般是在每年的4月4日至6日前后。人们庆祝清明节大约始于东周时代,距今已有两千五百多年的历史。清明过后,气温逐渐上升,雨水也增多,表明了这是农民开始安排农耕活动的关键时期。同时,清明也是郊游的大好时节,人们去户外踏青,并开展一系列消遣和体育活动。更重要的是,清明时节也是一个纪念祖先和已故亲人的日子。翻译及详解 参考翻译: Qingming Qingming is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China, typically falling on April 4-6 each year.The celebration for the Qingming Festival can be traced back to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, with a history of over 2,500 years.After Qingming time, the temperature begins to rise up and rainfall increases, indicating that it is the crucial time for the farmers to arrange their farming activities accordingly.Meanwhile, it is the high time for spring outing, when people go out for fresh air, kinds of recreations and sports activities.More importantly, Qingming is also a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members.翻译讲解
1.始于:可译为trace back to,表示“始于,可追溯到”。
2.表明了这是农民开始安排农耕活动的关键时期:该句较长,其译文可采用现在分词作伴随状语的结构,即indicating that it is the crucial time for the farmers to arrange their farming activities accordingly。accordingly 用 作副词,通常置于句尾,意为“照着做;相应地”。根据对上下文的理解,可在此句的翻译中加入accordingly,用于解释某件事发生的原因和结果。我们在翻译时要注意句式的变化,以避免英语译文的单调乏味。