
时间:2019-05-15 11:31:42下载本文作者:会员上传




1.2.How are you?

3.4.I haven’t seen you for a long time.5.What happened?

6.Where have you been?7.Where did you go?

What did you do there?8.When did you go there?9.What did you talk about? 10.Why did you go there? 11.How did you go there?

12.Whom did you go/travel with? 13.Who went/traveled with you?

14.Who/Whom did he/she go there with? 15.Have you ever been there before? 16.How long have you been there?

17.18.How many times have you been there? 19.How did you feel there? How was your trip?

20.What was it like in the past?

21.How did you spend your holiday?22.Did you have a good time there?

What a wonderful experience!

(二)谈论现在的活动 1.2.3.What are you doing?

Can you tell something about it?

What do you think of it?/ How do you

4.5.like it?

What’s it about? 6.What is it like now? 7.8.How is it now? What else?9.10.Anything else?

11.How long have you been like this? What’s the matter?/what’s wrong? 12.13.What has happened?/What happened? 14.I havenShe/he has gone to Guangzhou.’t seen him/her for a long time.15.16.Has he/she ever been there before? Where’s he/she?

17.Where has he/she gone?

18.19.How long has he/she been like this? How is he/she?

20.I’m sorry to hear that.21.What a pity!That’s too bad.(三)谈论计划打算,特别是约定 1.2.What are you going to do?3.What can we/I do?

4.What will it be like in the future? 5.When and where shall we meet? 6.What should we/I do? 7.What’s next?

8.What do you plan to do? 9.10.Where are you going?

11.Would you like to go there with me?Will you please go there with me? Shall we go there together?

12.13.14.Would you like to go with us/me? How long will you stay there? 15.How long shall we stay there? 16.17.How long will he/she stay there? Have a good trip/holiday/weekend.18.19.When will he/she come back?

20.How soon will she/he be/come back? What are you going to do?21.22.What can we/I do?

What will it be like in the future? 23.What should we/I do? 24.25.What’s next?What do you plan to do?

26.Where are you going?

27.28.Would you like to go there with me? Will you please go there with me?

Shall we go there together?

(四)其他日常用语 1.2.I agree with you.3.You’re right.4.5.So do I.Thanks./Sorry.6.That’s OK.See you.



A:Hi, Linda.76.B:Nice to meet you,too,Jane.A:Let’play tennis.B:77But I don’t have a tennis racket.A:What do you want to do?

B:78.A:Buy a sweater?

B:Yes.There is a sale in Huaxing Clothing Store.The clothes are very cheap.A:Really?79?

B:They have sweaters in all colors at the price of 25 yuan.A:80.?

B:Yes, theyhave T-shirts.Can you go there with me?

A:OK.Let’s go.











(二)1.Tom: Hello, Jim.Jim: Oh, it’s Tom._____ are you? Tom: Fine, thank you.And _____? Jim: I’m fine,_______.Please come in and sit down.Tom:_______ you.Jim: Tom, this is a photo of my _______.Tom: Can I ____ a look ____ it? Jim: OK.Look.Here____ my father and my mother.Tom: They are young(年轻的)._____ that baby? Jim: Guess(猜)!Tom: Is your____,Lisa? Jim: No.Tom:I know, It’s _____.Jim:Yes.2.Li Lei:_______ _____,Tom.Do you

_____ an English dictionary? Tom: ______, I don’t.Li Lei: Do you think David ______ one? Tom: I _____ know.You can go and _____ him.Li Lei: David, do you have an _____ ______?

David :Yes._____ you are.Li Lei:_______ you.3.A: Can I_____ you?

B:Yes, ______.I_____ a shirt.Do you______ blue shirts?


A:Yes.Here_____ the blue one.B:Oh.It’s very nice.__________ is it? A:Thirty yuan.B:I think it is expensive.I_____ a ____ one.A:_________ this red one?

B: Oh, it’s good.I ______ it very much.______ ______ is it? A: Fifteen yuan.B: I’ll______ it.A: ________ are.B: ______ a lot.A:You’re _________.4.A: Hi, This is a picture of my_______.B: Oh!_____ these _____parents? A: _____, they are_____grandparents.These are my______.This is my father._____ name is Mark.And this is my mother.____ name is Lisa.B:Oh, _____ that girl? A:It’s _____ sister,Gina.5.A: Let’s _____computer games!B: That sounds interesting, but I don’t have a _________.A: Well, _____ you have a volleyball?B: Yes.A: Then let’s play volleyball.B: Oh, volleyball ______ so difficult.A: OK, let’s ________ TV.B: That ________ boring.Humm… _______ play soccer!A: That sounds fun..6.A: Hi,Tom._____ you like apples? B: Yes, I_____._____ ______ you? A: I like apples.And my father ______ apples, too.Does your father _____ apples?_____ breakfast.7.A:Let’s ______ soccer.B: I______ have a soccer ball.A:What do you ______? B:I have a_______.A:Well, let’s play volleyball.B:That______ good.8.A:Do you ____ pants for girls?

B:Yes, we have pants in _____ colors: red, white, black, green and blue.What color do you______?

A: I like white and blue.And __________ are these white ______?

B: Eighteen dollars.And those in ______ are fifteen dollars.A: I’ll_____ those blue pants.Fifteen dollars.______ you are.B:OK.Here_____ your pants.A: _____ a lot.B:You’re_________.9.Dave: Hi,Bruce.____ my computer game on the table?

Bruce: No, ____ _____.It’s on the bookcase.Dave: Oh, OK.How about my books? _____ they ______the bookcase, too?

Bruce:No, they aren’t._____ on the chair.Dave: Oh, so, _______ my pencil case?

Bruce: It’s under the sofa.Dave: Oh , OK, And where ______mom’s keys?

Bruce: The ______? They’re on the table.Dave: What_____ do you ____ to join? Bruce: I want to join the _____ club.I want to learn English.How____ you? Dave: Hmm.I want to join the______ club.Can you _____ chess? Bruce: No.I ____ like chess.1011.A: Hi, Li Lei._____ ____ do you want to


B: I want to join the _____ ____.A: Oh,can you______?

B:Yes, I____.I can sing _____.Do you want to ______ the music club?

A:No, I want to join the chess club.I can play it_____.B:I can play it, _____.A: Really? _____ play it.B:OK.112.A: Do you want to _____ to a movie?

B: Yes, that_____ good.A: What_____ of movies do you like? B: Well, I like comedies_____ they are funny.____ ____ you?

A: I _____ documentaries.I______ they are very interesting.B:_____ your favorite star? A:Zhou Xingchi.B:_____ do you like him? A:Because he is funny.B:No,he_____.He likes oranges and bread 9.10.Bruce: Here is a list of all the clubs.


1.? My mother has a headache.Tom and Dick are making models.2.?? Yes.I will put away my toys.Yes.He is going to write letters.?? He is going to go to the park.No.She didn’t shop for clothes.4.They clened the room yesterday.Yes.They were happy.5.There will be wind tonight.I was at my uncle’s house.6.16.? Yes.She wants a watch.She rides a bike every day.7.Yes.It will be rainy in the afternoon.The wind broke all the windows.8.18.How long did it take you to finish yourWe are going to take some photos.homework yesterday?

.9.The window broke.19.What are you going to do this summer holiday?10.I hurt my arm.20..Thank you.21.Excuse me.How can I find the post office?22.What date it is today?

.23.How can you go to Beijing?No.I don't like swimming.25.What’s good for you?26.How long did you watch TV yesterday?

27.What color does he like?28.Why are you upset?

29.Who were you waiting for?30..Yes, I forgot my homework this morning.



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