#include< windows.h >
#define NUM 10
void zr();
void search();
static struct compete
int num;
char name[20];
double score[11];
int range;
void main()
double max[NUM],min[NUM],sum[NUM];void input(){
int i,j,temp,a;
double maxscore;double tempscore;
char tempname[20];for(i=0;i { printf(“请输入选手编号:”); scanf(“%d”,&a); getchar(); if(a==0) zr(); compete[i].num=a; printf(“请输入选手选手姓名:”);scanf(“%s”,compete[i].name);compete[i].range=i+1; for(j=0;j<10;j++){ printf(“%d号评委打分:”,j+1);scanf(“%lf”,&compete[i].score[j]);} } getchar(); for(i=0;i max[i]=min[i]=compete[i].score[0]; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { if(compete[i].score[j]>max[i]) max[i]=compete[i].score[j]; if(compete[i].score[j] min[i]=compete[i].score[j]; } } for(i=0;i { sum[i]=0; for(j=0;j<10;j++) sum[i]+=compete[i].score[j]; compete[i].score[10]=(sum[i]-max[i]-min[i])/8.0; } for(i=0;i { maxscore=compete[i].score[10]; for(j=i+1;j if(compete[j].score[10]>compete[i].score[10]) { temp=compete[i].num; compete[i].num=compete[j].num; compete[j].num=temp; strcpy(tempname,compete[i].name); strcpy(compete[i].name,compete[j].name); strcpy(compete[j].name,tempname); tempscore=compete[i].score[10]; compete[i].score[10]=compete[j].score[10]; compete[j].score[10]=tempscore; } } system(“pause”); zr(); } void searchnum() { int i,j,flag=0; printf(“请输入你想查询的选手编号:”); scanf(“%d”,&j); getchar(); for(i=0;i if(compete[i].num==j) { printf(“编号t姓名tt平均分t名次t最高分t最低分n”); printf(“%dt%stt%.2lft%dt%.2ft%.2fn”,compete[i].num,compete[i].name,compete[i].score[10],compete[i].range,max[i],min[i]); flag=1; break; } } if(flag!=1) printf(“没有此项资料n”); system(“pause”); search(); } void searchname() { int i,flag=0; char a[20]; printf(“请输入你想查询的选手名字:”); gets(a); for(i=0;i { if(!strcmp(compete[i].name,a)) { printf(“编号t姓名tt平均分t名次t最高分t最低分n”); printf(“%dt%stt%.2lft%dt%.2ft%.2fn”,compete[i].num,compete[i].name,compete[i].score[10],compete[i].range,max[i],min[i]); flag=1; break; } } if(flag!=1) printf(“没找到n”); system(“pause”); search(); } void search() { char c; system(“cls”); printf(“nnnn”); printf(“tt**********1---按选手编号查询********** n”);printf(“tt**********2---按选手姓名查询********** n”);printf(“tt**********3---返回上级菜单********** n”);printf(“nnt请选择:”); c=getchar(); getchar(); switch(c) { case '1':searchnum();break; case '2':searchname();break; case '3':zr(); default:printf(“输入错误”);system(“pause”); } search(); } void zr() { char c; do { system(“cls”); printf(“nnttt歌唱比赛评分查询nnn”); printf(“tt*****1---输入选手的编号、姓名及所得分数***** nn”);printf(“tt*****2---查询选手的最后得分***** nn”);printf(“tt*****3---退出程序***** nn”);printf(“nntt选择:”); c=getchar(); getchar(); switch(c) { case '1':system(“cls”);input();break; case '2':system(“cls”);search();break; case '3':c='n';exit(0); default:zr(); } }while(0); } 歌唱比赛评分细则11、思想:表演歌曲内涵深刻,内容健康,格调高雅,积极向上;(10分) 2、音色:音色优美,音质纯净,音域宽广;(10分) 3、音准:音调准确,音准好,音高符合曲调;(10分) 4、节奏:演唱节奏准确,乐感好,速度紧跟节拍;(10分) 5、吐字:吐字清晰,表达清楚,所演唱歌曲的语言发音标准;(10分) 6、气息:气息稳定,声音松弛,圆润动听;(10分) 7、情感:能准确掌握歌曲的风格、特点,情感表达恰到好处,具有较强的表现力和感染力; (10分) 8、技巧:演唱准确,歌曲难度大,演唱技巧好,多人合唱配合默契、声音和谐;(10分) 9、形象:服装整洁,舒展自然,仪态大方,形象打扮符合歌曲内容;(10分) 10、台风:台风端庄,精神饱满,演唱姿势优雅,表演流畅自然,富有美感。现场气氛驾驭 能力强,观众反映热烈。(10分) 歌唱比赛评分细则 1、思想内容:表演歌曲内涵深刻,内容健康,格调高雅,积极向上;(10分) 2、音色音准:音色优美,音质纯净,音域宽广,音调准确;(20分) 3、节奏吐字:演唱节奏准确,乐感好,速度紧跟节拍,吐字清晰,表达清楚,语音标准; (20分) 4、情感技巧:准确掌握歌曲的风格、特点,情感表达恰到好处,具有较强的表现力和感染 力,演唱准确,气息稳定,声音松弛,演唱歌曲难度大,演唱技巧好,多人 合唱配合默契、声音和谐;(30分) 5、台风形象:服装整洁,精神饱满,仪态大方,演唱姿势优雅,表演流畅自然,形象打扮 符合歌曲内容,现场气氛驾驭能力强,观众反映热烈;(20分) 卡拉OK歌唱比赛评分规则 一、参赛选手按指定时间和地点提前20分钟签到,比赛正式开始后未签到的则视为自动弃权;参赛选手按抽签号顺序上场演唱; 二、每位参赛选手演唱一首歌曲,唱法不限、风格不限、语言种类不限,不受伴舞和伴唱的限制;鼓励业主家庭全员参与,有参与者在评委打分基础上加2分。 三、参赛选手所参赛的歌曲必须健康向上,并富有时代气息。 四、演唱用话筒由音响师调制好后定位,参赛选手不得提出提高或降低音量的要求。演唱开始后,参赛选手不得要求中途中止演唱,演唱结束后不得要求重新演唱。 五、评委由专家、业主代表和公司领导组成,所有评委当场打分,记分员当场计分,待下一个选手演唱完毕后宣布上一个选手的成绩。 六、比赛成绩由评委根据演唱技巧、曲目内容及难度、现场表演效果和仪表等综合打分,采用十分制记分法。分形象分、基本分、技术分。满分为10分,保留小数点后两位,现场统计核分。 1、形象分(3分) 要求着装整洁大方,得体;演唱姿势优雅,动作自然流畅;表情自然,富有美感。 2、基本分(3分)歌曲总体上连贯、自如、完整。歌曲内容健康向上、积极乐观。 3、技术分(4分) 音高、节奏、旋律准确,咬字、吐字准确、清晰,能正确表达歌曲的思想感情,准确掌握歌曲的风格、特点,有较强的表现力,能做到声情并茂。两人以上的演唱形式,配合要默契、和谐。 七、选手的最后得分采取去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,取平均分的方法。选手的得分取小数点后两位。 八、如遇到选手最后得分相同,以评分规则中演唱技巧得分的平均值确定,还相同,依次以曲目内容及难度、现场表演效果和仪表的平均值确定。如以上平均值都相同,由评委会集体研究决定名次。 九、比赛共设一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖若干名。 美达物业管理有限公司 二〇〇七年八月二十一日 尊敬的评委: 你们好! 我是来自华南赛区的选手陈XX,我的专业是法律,我将于2009年7月毕业。 毕业在即,因为写论文和找工作的缘故,时间显得特别的紧迫;但是,我还是不遗余力的腾出宝贵的时间来参加“飞越重洋”的比赛。参加这样的一个比赛,对我来说有两个目的:第一是证明自己的综合实力,为找工作多一份证明;第二,也是最主要的,是最终胜出,到国外实习。 到国外实习,是我梦寐以求的目标。我学的是法律,我希望自己未来执业的领域是反倾销,因为中国面临反倾销的局势相当严峻,但是国内却缺少反倾销领域的专才。1996年以来,中国一直是世界头号反倾销目标国。与此相对应,从打火机到彩电,从纺织品到家具,从光纤到汽车挡风玻璃……,我国相应的生产企业接二连三的吃了国外反倾销的亏,我们国家也因此而损失了巨额外汇。每次国内企业举起反倾销的大旗,却几乎找不到可以独立承担反倾销工作的律师,这种滞后甚至空白的现状让人感到非常吃惊;与我们的落后相比,英美等发达国家在反倾销领域经验丰富,在与我们反倾销的较量中占有绝对的优势。因此我希望能够借助于中华英才网“飞越重洋”计划,到国外顶尖的反倾销领域的律师事务所实习,“师夷长技以制夷”,为捍卫中国企业利益和国家利益尽绵薄之力。 希望各位评委能够对我予以考虑,我热切盼望你们的回音,谢谢! 此致 敬礼! XXX 2008年10月15日 比赛选手自荐信 比赛选手自荐信1 china’s greatest contribution to global harmony and prosperity over the next 25 years honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to speak here today. i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic china’s greatest contribution to global economy and harmony over the next 25 years. when i saw this topic for the first time, one thing flashed into my mind was a song called “chinese language” which is sung by a famous female band and in this song, there is one sentence in its lyrics, like, “all the world is leaning chinese”. therefore i want to say, the essence of china’s long history, chinese culture will exert a very influential effect to global harmony and prosperity over the next 25 years. i would like to divide chinese culture into three levels, chinese language, chinese educational theory and chinese traditions. firstly, chinese language will contribute enormously to the prosperity of the world’s economy. a few months ago, i went to beijing with my girlfriend to have a sightseeing there. in the airplane flying to beijing, i encountered a foreign student from germany and he studied chinese as a postgraduate student in dalian northeast financial and economic university. we talked a lot, in chinese, related to her life in dalian, her major and even chinese phonetic symbols. when i asked her why did you decide to study chinese in this country, she told me that when she was an undergraduate student, her major was international trade and because china had become a big economy in the world, it would be very important to learn chinese to be a businessperson in the future. therefore, i believe, due to china’s economic status in the world, chinese language would become a very important factor for the world’s economic prosperity. secondly, chinese educational theory is one of the most effective means to create harmonious relationship between human beings. china has a very long history and china’s educational theory has benefited chinese people enormously. i would like to take confucius as an example. confucius emphasized a lot on the harmonious relations between people. he even thought the relationship between teachers and students should be as good as the relationship between father and son. therefore, even many years after he died, his students still compiled “lunyu” the most famous book derived from confucius’ quotations. so i would say if china’s educational theory could be accepted by the world, it will benefited the world’s harmonious relationship between human beings greatly thirdly, chinese tradition will provide an extremely positive effect to form a harmonious character of human beings. i would like to take myself as an example. when i was yang, i did not have a pretty handwriting and i often lost temper to my friends. so, my parent decided to let me study calligraphy. in the first few days, i experienced a lot of failures and committed some mistakes. however, i gradually learnt to be patient and my handwriting also became better. therefore, i would say if chinese tradition could be accepted by the world gradually, it will benefit the world greatly for forming human being’s sound and harmonious character. in conclusion, china’s culture, especially chinese language, chinese educational theory and chinese tradition, will contribute greatly to the world’s prosperity and harmony. thank you for your time. 比赛选手自荐信2 recently, the liberal education project at zhongshan university has attracted great attention. the 35 freshmen taking part in this project will follow a general curriculum providing broad learning in multiple disciplines rather than the usual in depth study of one particular major. they may benefit a great deal by broadening their knowledge, but will they lose out when it comes to job hunting in four years’ time? give your opinion about this liberal education project. honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen! i’m happy to have the chance to speak here. i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic “the liberal education project at zhongshan university.” recently, this liberal education project has attracted great attention all over china. some people believe the project will benefit the students involved greatly. however, others raise their eyebrows because they fear that the students will lose out in the job market. in my opinion, this project should be regarded as a blessing rather than a curse. there are tow arguments i would like to make to support my point of view. firstly, attending the project, the students lay a solid foundation for their further study and research. as the chinese saying goes “there is no separation among liberal arts, history and philosophy.” only when students comprehensively study all three subjects, could they obtain a solid foundation for their future accomplishments in the study of human science. i remember, one of my friends majored in liberal arts and minored in history as an undergraduate student. however, after four year’s study, he found he was especially interested in medieval history, which he specialized in later for his master’s degree. recently, he confided to me that he feels he is at a disadvantage in pursuing his further studies because he has not studied philosophy as an undergraduate student and philosophy, particularly historical materialism is one of the key tools for analyzing past events. therefore i believe, as dose he, that if he had taken part in this project, he would have benefited enormously. secondly, the project provides the students with an edge for competing in the job market. nowadays, to be recruited by a well-known company, university students have to pass many rounds of tests and interviews, which aim at testing students’ all-round abilities. therefore, i firmly believe, the students, who have extensively studied liberal arts, history and philosophy, will stand out in the tests and attract the attention of any employer. in the modern world, companies need their employees to be versatile, to keep pace with the rapid change of business. so, with their interdisciplinary educational background, the graduates from the project will soon become extremely competent employees capable of tackling any issue that may occur in their future career. in conclusion, i would say, taking part in the project will provide the students with a better academic life and career prospects. it is my belief that we should view the project as a beneficial and encouraging educational reform. thank you for your time. 比赛选手自荐信3 尊敬的评委: 你们好! 我是来自华南赛区的选手陈XX,我的专业是法律,我将于20xx年7月毕业。 毕业在即,因为写论文和找工作的缘故,时间显得特别的紧迫;但是,我还是不遗余力的腾出宝贵的时间来参加“飞越重洋”的比赛。参加这样的一个比赛,对我来说有两个目的:第一是证明自己的综合实力,为找工作多一份证明;第二,也是最主要的,是最终胜出,到国外实习。 到国外实习,是我梦寐以求的目标。我学的是法律,我希望自己未来执业的.领域是反倾销,因为中国面临反倾销的局势相当严峻,但是国内却缺少反倾销领域的专才。1996年以来,中国一直是世界头号反倾销目标国。与此相对应,从打火机到彩电,从纺织品到家具,从光纤到汽车挡风玻璃……,我国相应的生产企业接二连三的吃了国外反倾销的亏,我们国家也因此而损失了巨额外汇。每次国内企业举起反倾销的大旗,却几乎找不到可以独立承担反倾销工作的律师,这种滞后甚至空白的现状让人感到非常吃惊;与我们的落后相比,英美等发达国家在反倾销领域经验丰富,在与我们反倾销的较量中占有绝对的优势。因此我希望能够借助于中华英才网“飞越重洋”计划,到国外顶尖的反倾销领域的律师事务所实习,“师夷长技以制夷”,为捍卫中国企业利益和国家利益尽绵薄之力。 希望各位评委能够对我予以考虑,我热切盼望你们的回音,谢谢! 此致 敬礼! XXX 20xx10月15日第二篇:歌唱比赛评分细则(权威版)