
时间:2019-05-15 13:42:34下载本文作者:会员上传




Good afternoon,our dear teachers and fellow students.A: Now you are watching the finals of the 3rd English speech contest of Heizhiguo middle junior school VS 2013 teenagers`“Hong·en”Cup English contest of Yunnan Province.We are honored to co-host the competition.Thank you for coming to this afternoon`s competition.B:女士们,先生们,大家下午好,欢迎您来到2013年云南省青少年“洪恩杯”暨黑支果初级中学第三届英语演讲比赛决赛的现场!很荣幸为大家主持本场比赛!谢谢各位光临。

B: In today's show, there are 30 contestants.They are coming from different ages and different grades.They are ready to show themselves.A:在今天的决赛当中共有30名选手入围,这三十名选手可谓是我们学校里的精英啊,他们通过初赛选拔来到了今天的决赛现场!让我们拭目以待!

A: Today’s competition gives all the contestants two aspects of speech, such as Prepared speech and Talent Show.The judges will judge you by the substance、delivery、intonation and performance of your speech..B:今天的总决赛中,每位选手都要完成定题演讲和才艺展示这两个部分,评委将从选手的演讲内容、流畅程度、语音语调、和表现力几个方面综合评定。

B: In Prepared speech, if your speech is more than 3 minutes and 15 seconds or less than 2 minutes and 45 seconds, the score of yours will be deducted 0.5-1 points;the talent show will be in one minute, or the score of yours will deduct 0.5-1 points.And you must not bring your drafts.A:这里要特别提醒一下各位参赛选手:命题演讲时间超过3分15秒,或不足2分45秒,适当扣0.5—1分;才艺展示控制在一分钟之内,否则适当扣0.5—1分。并且要求脱稿演讲。

A: Ok, now, I think it`s the good time for us to introduce our excellent judges.B:好了,现在该是我们浓重介绍各位优秀评委的时候了!

They are:



A: Also, now let our excellent school leader, Mr.Chen, give us a wonderful beginning talk.Welcome!



A : OK, time for show,welcome all of you to join us!

let's warmly welcome contestant No.1***,No.2***,please get ready.B: 很高兴是各位选手开始演讲的时间了。欢迎各位同学认真聆听和学习!





A: Wonderful!These ** contestants gave us a wonderful show.B: Definitely!This competition is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for hundreds s of students in our school,helping them speak perfect English, get rid of dumb English and rebuild themselves.主持最后加入(点评时间)(期间评委给出获奖名单):

A: Wow, cool!And more importantly, we will learn something from the contestants and the whole processes.As a host, I personally benefit a lot and I believe so.B: I can't agree with you more!Ok, now we will invite our special star *** to make comment on the competition.A: Warmly welcome „„


B: Thank you, thank you very much.One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.Rome wasn’t built in a day!The road to success is never smooth or easy!But we truly believe that our dreams will come true alive!

A: 罗马不是一天建成的,台上一分钟台下十年功,通往成功的道路绝不是一帆风顺的,我们相信有付出就会有收获。相信我们今天所有的选手都在这一刻体验了一番!

公布成绩并颁奖:Now we can not wait to announce the contestants` scores our winners.1、First, I would like to announce the third winners:(三等奖)XXXXXXXXXXXX.(Let`s welcome the third prizewinners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our judges to give awards to our winners and take photos.)

2、And then, the second winners:(二等奖)XXXXXXXXXXXX..Clabs???

3、Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:(一等奖)XXXXXXXXXXXX(let`s welcome the first prize winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our judges to give awards to our winners and take photos.)

Warmly encourage again.结束语: well,how exciting today the contest is!

So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Competition is over.Thank you!Thank you very much!

Honored judges.Thanks!Thanks for your excellent speeches!Thank you for coming!




(调手机)M;my dear friends ,the competition is coming soon ,please make sure your phone is dead, or ,at least toneless..ok? Thank you.M: Hello, everyone.Is everything going their own way.yeah , great.Wow!This room is so crowded ,so many people here today.Is it hot? You feel that? Huh? Then take your coats off you.I am telling you this competition is going to be very heated.Fierce.Well.I’m today’s host Mao Yajun.Know me ? hahah ,ok.ok You think I’m alone ? Of course not..Now ,Let me introduce my Partner today.Boys and girls(手势~),of course, judges.Let’s warmly welcome Zhao Ran.Z: Afternoon, everyone.I’m so glad to see you all again._it’s really really hot ,(wow)I can feel your passion.(情绪,吐气)Finally, here.(注意语气,声音大)

M: What’s up?

Z: You know, this is not a long distance here ,but it still tired me up.Last year, I was down there being a contestant,.at that time, I was so shy that I almost forgot what to say or what to do.But today, see, so many young faces.full of passion, vigorons, ambitious, and courageous.so much better than me, I feel I’m a little old..M:(苦笑)No_you got be kiding me.if so, look at me.I am older than you.Z: Ok, OK.back to the road.Today We are just the host , not the heroes.(毛插嘴说or heorees)On this special day.We get together to be here, in this room to witness the top twelve contestants of the English speech competition to fight for the champion.M:Yeah, that’s right.I’ve noticed that.The contestants down there can’t wait any longer.(they are so excited)but just calm down, before we get started ,I have the great privilage of presenting today’s judges for this speech contest.ladies and gentlmen,(介绍评委)田海蓉,from the dept.office of engineering.Z:李志,from English department M:葛亚军,also from the English department.Z: and ,林瑞,again,from the English department.M: once again ,let’s give the distinguished judges a big round of applause.Thank you.Ok ,about the competition.this competition is divided into two parts., the prepared speech and the impromptu [im'prɔmptju:] speech.every contestant make sure your speech is within the limited time.if you don’t ,I am afraid I will taking some actions.(and look at the screen ,some detailed info).all clear?? well ,now ,it’s the time.let’s rock and roll.Z :now ,the first one , 罗颖迪,the stage is all yours.Welcome.(声音大)。

M: oh ,thank you ,I’m sure your campus life will be colourful and interesting.and hope you realize your dream.typical..lady always first.how about boys ? contestant no.2赵宇飞。Welcome.Z;wow ,great job.thank you again.hope you fly higher.well ,coming next is another girl , welcome 王冰洁 M: ho ho ,thank you.thank you.do you like her.guess what ? I do.but don’t take it wrong.ok ,ok.新海波,are you here.it’s your turn.Z;what a charming boy.i think your smile is the most powerful weapon.you know ,I am one of the victims.well ,the first 4 contestants ,come to the front.(话筒给评委),please.Thanks for your perfect judgement.thank you.Let’s move on.the next ,who got the similar name with 李嘉诚,warmly welcome 李科成

M:I am sure you will be rich just like李嘉诚.don’t forget me ,buddy.just joking.let me see ,who is next.ooo.牛亚飞,please.Z:wow,wow ,I can’t imagine that he is a boy.how sweet his voice is.I pray to god to give me that voice.well , the next ,苏海珊,she is a 100%girl.Welcome.M: 100% girl ,I can’t agree more.All I have to say is bravo.And thanks again.who is next ?王开周。come on ,it is your showtime.(Hold on),contestants no.5to no.8 ,please come to the front.(拿话筒给评委)。please.I am sure you all have learn your own advantages and disadvantages.Please go back to your seat.Before we move on , I’ve got something you might be interested in.the scores of the first group.(报分数,一个人两个)。congratulations.Z: let’s continue.make your hands ready.程卓,welcome.M: thank you.wow ,so beautiful the sentences are ,you are so good at writing.i am on you.well , another talent people ,let’s warmly welcome 张盼 M: you’ve done a incredible job.Absolutely good.ok.the last one ,吴志强,your time , just show it.well ,the last three ,please line up here.(话筒给评委).thank you.again ,listen up ,please.The scores of the second group.(报分数,一个人两个).well ,I need a break I think.and you? It is time for game.()

M: I say you all are ready for the next round.the impromptu

[im'prɔmptju:] speech.Before that ,the last three contestants’s score(报分数,一个人两个)。

So the next round let’s go.first.罗颖迪 come up here.Z: what a smart girl.next , 赵宇飞.M: then , 王冰洁 ,your turn.Z: 新海波 M: 李科成 Z: 牛亚飞 M: 苏海珊 Z: 王开周 M:程卓 Z:张盼 M:吴志强

Till now, the curtain is half down.but ,my respected audiences.we have a gambling for you.(抽奖)

The final score has come up.(报分数)

Wow ,the big time is coming.are you excited.Your fate Is in my hand.Cool down.ladies and gentlemen(honorable mention优秀奖。。guess who is the most popular,,,, then the third price ,,,, the runner-up ,,,, well well well the champion ,,,congratulations to you all.)


M:.now ,this curtain is completely down.you know,this is fantastic competiton whatevet the result is,I am sure you have find your own fortune and proved yourselve..now ,big round of applause for contestants ,you all have done great.Z: yep.and thanks again to all the judges who make the competition possible.boys and girls ,big hands for our distinguished judges.M;at last ,if it is not your support and attention ,all these are never gonna happen.so ,applaud for yourself.Honorable audience.ZM:so see you next year..



Ladies and gentlemen attention please, our competition will be held in 15min, please keep quiet.and switch off your cell phones or turn to silent, to ensure our competition running smoothly.Thanks for your cooperation.开场:

Good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students.I‟m your host Miaowejie.Now you are viewing the “FLTRP Cup” English Public Speaking Contest.Thank you for coming to today‟s qualifying competition.介绍评委

Now, let‟s meet our honorable judges.自动化专业教师 李俊芳老师

自动化学院办公室老师 林音老师

自动化学院团委书记 张涛老师

Let‟s warmly welcome them.Thank you for being a part of the competition.介绍性质

Now, please allow me to introduce our rules of the competition.The topic today is “when Socrates meets Confucius”.Each of the contestants has 3min to finish your speech.After speech, there will be a question for you raised by our judges.Each of you has 1min to answer it.During the speech, our staff member will raise a paper as a signal that there are only ten seconds left.Then, a bell will ring to let the speaker know that time has run out.Score will be announced after every 5 contestants have finished their performing.宣布比赛开始

This is a platform for the participants to display their talents in both language and public speaking.We also hope that you, our audience, will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what we hear today.So please make good use of this opportunity.

Now, theEnglish Public Speaking Contest formally start.Let‟s warmly welcome contestant NO.1.Contestant NO.2 please gets ready.Thank you for your excellent speech!

You really impressed us a lot.What a wonderful speech.Your pronunciation is really good.Thank you!


Let‟s waiting for your question form the judges.Please.Now it is the question for Fiona.Now it is the questions and answers section for Fiona

计时开始:timing begins

时间到I agree with you 100% but the time don‟t

Now it‟s time for No.X.Contestant No.X, please get ready.The next contestant is NO.X.Contestant No.X, please get ready.(倒数第一位)Thank you,Contestant No.X, please get ready.now let‟s welcome the last but one contestant NO.X..(最后一位)Thank you,now let’s welcome the last contestant X.宣读成绩:

I have got the first five contestants’ scores.Are you nervous now?

OK, the score of contestant NO.X is X, and NO.X is X.„„ I will announce the scores of contestants NO.X to NO.X.„„

Now, all of our contestants have finish their own speech.let‟s have a short breath and wait for the final results.For this period, let‟s welcome Mr.张to give us a comment on this competition.Thank you for your summary of today‟s competition


I have got the last five contestants’ scores.NO.X is X, and NO.X is X.Now time to give awards.The most exciting moments is coming.Let me announce all the contestants who can enter into the next competition.They are***,**.Congratulations.You are really excellent.We will look forward to your future battles.感谢其他参赛选手

And also thanks to all the 24 contestants‟ hard working.Let's give them a big round of applause.Thank you.感谢评委

And our distinguished judges , they deserve a big round of applause, too.thank you.结束语

Now,„FLTRP Cup‟ English Public Speaking Contest of the Automation College is coming to an end.Once again , Thanks for your attending.see you next time.



English Speech Contest

A: Ladies and gentlemen, dear teachers, dear friends ,schoolmates and fellow students.Good afternoon.A very warm welcome to all of you.S: Welcome to the Final English Speech Contest in our school.I’m Miss Shang.Today it’s my great honor to host this year's speech contest.First, let me introduce the hosts.The first pretty girl is Gen Jingqing from Class 1 Grade 8.The second handsome boy is from…His name is …And the third beautiful girl is ….She is also from Class 1 Grade 8.standing here beside me is Miss Pan.., an excellent girl from Class 3 Grade 8.Let’s give them big hands.Thank you.G:I’m honored today to co-host this Speech Contest.The English Speech Contest has become the traditional event in our school.T: Since it started, it has drawn the attention of hundreds of students and has become popular in our school.L: It aims to improve English learning.: This is the 3rd time that our school has organized this contest.P: We hope it will be a good chance for the contestants to display their talents in language and public speaking and to exchange ideas in our daily lives.S: There will be 3 groups today.Group A is from Grade 7 and Group B is from Grade 8.Grade 9 is Group C.and there are all together 33 contestants competing in today's contest.S: Ladies and gentlemen.For the contestants can express themselves very well, there are some rules we must obey.PPT(1.Please keep your cell phone in silence.2.Please keep quiet during the speech contest.3.Don’t talk with each other or walk around.4.If you have some important thing to do, please don’t do it during the speech time.)


G :Boys and girls, For this English speech contest all the speakers have made careful preparations.T: So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent speeches and benefit from what we hear.G :I do hope that everyone can do his or her best!...T: now, let’s introduce honorable judges for Group A and B who are English teachers from Grade 8 and 9………

G : We’d like to introduce another two excellent teachers who ask

questions after each speech.They are Lucy and Miss Li Yuling.Welcome all of them!

G&W :Before the contest, let’s go over the rules and judging criteria.在比赛之前,我们来熟悉一下比赛的规则和评分标准。Each of the contestants has about 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.After that, she or he must answer one or two questions from Lucy in one minute.每位选手有大约3分钟的时间演讲,然后在一分钟之内回答老师的问题。The full mark will be 10.And each contestant is judged according to the following 5 aspects:比赛满分为十分,评委将根据以下五个方面来为选手评分:Giving a speech without paper and standard

pronunciation(30%),演讲能脱稿,发音准确:3分influence(20%)演讲流利流畅:2分pronunciation and intonation(20%),语音语调规范:2分feeling expression(20%)感情表达:2分inter-action questions(10%)互动回答:1分

We all look forward to your wonderful performances and wish you

lucky, and now let’s give a big hand to Contestant NO.1 No.2 Please get ready/prepare.。Thanks for Contestant NO.1,/ Contestant No.1 did really a good job now let’s(warmly)welcome Contestant NO.2.Thanks for Contestant NO.2.Now, let’s welcome contestant No.3 to give us a speech.Here, I would like to announce the scores of the first 3 Contestants NO.1 Remove a highest score 9.88 and a lowest score 9,No 1 is 9.765 finally/at last.Congratulations!Now let`s welcome Contestant NO.4And now let’s have a short break and wait for the final results.For this period, let`s welcome Miss Wang to give us a comment on this speech contest.Welcome!

B: Boys and girls, now comes the most exciting moment.I’ve got the results.I would like to announce the winners: The excellent prize winners are… G: The third place winners are…B: The second place winners are… L: Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s coming to the most exciting moment!Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:B&G: Congratulations to them!

Congratulations to all the contestants and thanks for all judges and the students.Thank you for your coming!







男:我宣布颂十八大赞歌 抒十八大豪情 演讲比赛












男:下面进入第二环节——主题演讲。本环节 根据选手事先准备好的演讲稿进行现场演讲。本环节要求,紧扣主题,立意明确,文字清新优美。表述清楚,语言流畅。声音洪亮,普通话标准流利。服装整洁,仪表端庄。时间为3—5分钟。共计20分。



















男:我宣布,颂十八大赞歌 抒十八大豪情 演讲比赛



夏梓榆十八的党,十八的青春。季春天颂十八大赞歌 抒十八岁豪情。包蕊,青春与十八大同行。赵齐,新的时代新的纪元新的号召。孙千惠,放歌十八大。徐畅,青春为您绽放。



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