
时间:2019-05-15 13:41:09下载本文作者:会员上传



X: Good eveningladies and gentlemen, welcome to the finals of the PPS English Speech Contest.Y:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到PPS大学生英语演讲比赛决赛的现场。

X: Cosponsored by the Youth League Committee and the Students’

Federation of the Shanxi Medical University.This Competition is undertaken by the PPS English Corner


X:I hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English.I hope we can show what we have learned in the competition.I hope we can exchange

experiences of how to learn English better. I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.Y:这是一个英语的舞台,一场英语的盛宴.希望每一位参赛选手可以在这里用英语展现自我,超越自我.希望在场的每位观众在为他们加油喝彩的同时对英语学习有新的感悟.X:这是一个美丽的季节,一次美丽的相聚.希望每一位参赛选手可以在这里用真情诠释自己心中的美丽.也希望在场的美味观众能在聆听中感受到美的真谛,去发现,去感悟,去寻求生活中无处不在的美.Y:

X: Firstly, let’s introduce today's honorable leader and guests.Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:






Y: Welcome


X:.Now please welcome Mr./Msto give us a speech.Y:下面有请赞助商代表先生/女士讲话。

X: Thank you, Mr./Ms.And now, let’s introduce today's honorable judges.Y:担任本次大赛评委的是:




X: Our Question master is



X: There are all together 10 contestants to compete in today’s English

Speaking Competition




X: Now we would like to introduce the rules for the contest.Y:下面向大家介绍比赛程序,本次比赛有定题演讲,即兴演讲和回答问题三个部分


Y:第二部分是分钟即兴演讲,选手抽到演讲题目后,会有准备时间,准备时间不计入总时间.X:第三部分是外交提问.Y: 好,我们的比赛正式开始

X: 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎1号选手,请2号选手准备.…….Y:感谢1号选手的精彩演讲.欢迎2号选手,请3号选手准备













X:感谢各位评委的精彩点评.在工作人员核分期间,请大家欣赏由给我们带来的X: Welcome back.After our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.Y: 荣获本次比赛优秀奖的同学有:,请他们上台领奖


X: 荣获本次比赛三等的同学有:,请他们上台领奖请为他们颁奖




X: Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Y:让我们再次以热烈的掌声向所有获奖选手表示祝贺

X:Beauty is seen, In the sunlight, The trees, the birds, Corn growing and people working or dancing for their harvest

Y:Beauty is heard,In the night, Wind sighing, rain falling, Or a singer chanting anything in earnest.X:Beauty is in yourself.Good deeds, happy thoughts that repeat, happy thoughts in your dreams, in your work, And in your eyes

X: Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming







| 评论


X: Good eveningladies and gentlemen, welcome to the finals of the English Speech Contest.Y:尊敬的各位来宾

赛的现场 亲爱的同学们大家(合)下午好欢迎来到英语演讲比赛决

X: Cosponsored by the Youth League Committee of the guizhou normal

collage.This Competition is undertaken by the student`s union ofForeign

Language School.Y:本次演讲比赛由贵州师范学院团委主办贵师院外国语学院学生会承办.X:I hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English.I hope we can show

what we have learned in the competition.I hope we can exchange experiences of

how to learn English better. I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity to

improve ourselves.Y:这是一个英语的舞台,一场英语的盛宴.希望每一位参赛选手可以在这里用英语展


悟.X: Firstly, let’s introduce today's honorable leader and guests.Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:






Y: Welcome



X:.Now please welcome Mr./Msto give us a speech.Y:下面有请代表先生/女士讲话

X: Thank you, Mr./Ms.And now, let’s introduce today's honorable


X: Y:


X: Our Question master is



X: There are all together 25 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition

Y:角逐今晚比赛的是专业组1 0名以及非专业组15名初赛中脱颖而出的选手

X:赛制介绍:第一轮为定题演讲,每位选手演讲时间为三分钟,题目为China Dream再由评委老师就选手定题内容提问,选手回答时间为每个问题1分钟。评委就选手表现打分,在选手演讲完毕后,选出各组比分靠前的前6名进入第二轮。




X: Welcome back.After our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.X: Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Y:让我们再次以热烈的掌声向所有获奖选手表示祝贺

X:Beauty is seen, In the sunlight, The trees, the birds, Corn growing and people working or dancing for their harvest 感谢25位选手的精彩演讲请评委为他们点评

Y:Beauty is heardanything in earnest.In the night, Wind sighing, rain falling, Or a singer chanting X:Beauty is in yourself.Good deeds, happy thoughts that repeat, happy thoughts in your dreams, in your work, And in your eyes

X: Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming







女:The finals of 2015 JNU English Speaking Contest is about to begin in 5 minutes.Please be seated and keep quiet.We really appreciate your patience and cooperation.{开场} 男:尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们大家晚上好:

女:Good afternoon,distinguished guests, teachers and fellow students: 男:我是主持人###。(活泼 两人互相介绍)

女:I ’m ###, and I’m honored to be your hostess tonight.男:今天我们师生齐聚,在欢声笑语中一同见证2015暨南大学英语演讲大赛。女:I’d like to extend warmly welcome to all the teachers and students present tonight on behalf of College of Foreign Studies!男:在此我仅代表主办方——暨南大学学生处,暨南大学团委、承办方:暨南大学外国语学院向在座的各位领导,嘉宾,老师,和同学们表示最热烈的欢迎,欢迎你们!

女:Hosted by Students’affairs division and Youth League and the students’union 2015 JNU English Speaking Contest is undertaken by College of Foreign Studies.Thank you for coming to the final of 2015 JNU English Speaking Contest.It will be an unforgettable night.{英语演讲大赛介绍} 男:2015暨南大学英语演讲大赛是极具特色的学术类活动。其旨在英语公共演讲,为广大暨南学子创造一个交流观点、拓展思想的平台,使其从中领略外语的无限魅力。

女:Being a distinctive academic activity, JNU English Speaking Contest provides a wonderful opportunity for Students to exchange ideas, broaden their mind, and communicate through public speaking.{嘉宾介绍} 男:下面请允许我介绍出席本次比赛的领导和嘉宾。

女:First of all, with great honor, I'd like to introduce The Distinguished Guests at present: 男:首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎暨南大学党委副书记暨南大学副校长,叶勤教授,欢迎您!

女:Professor.叶勤,Deputy Secretary of party committee of Jinan University,男:暨南大学校团委 成品兴书记,欢迎您!

女:Mr.成品兴 Secretary of Youth League committee

男:暨南大学教务处 张宏处长,欢迎您!

女:Mr.张宏 Chief of the Dean’s office of Jinan University

男:暨南大学学生处 区向丽处长,欢迎您!

女:Ms.区向丽Director of Students’ Affairs Division of Jinan University

男:暨南大学学生处 罗立新副处长,欢迎您!

女:Mr.罗立新,Vice-director of Students’ Affairs Division of Jinan University

男:暨南大学外国语学院 宫齐院长,欢迎您!

女:Professor.宫齐, Dean of College of Foreign Studies,男:暨南大学外国语学院 王琢副院长,欢迎您!

女:Professor.王琢Associate dean of College of Foreign Studies,男:暨南大学外国语学院党委 古伟芳书记,欢迎您!

女:Ms.古伟芳, Secretary of CPC committee, College of Foreign Studies

男:暨南大学外国语学院教科办 陈林主任,欢迎您!女:Mr.陈林 Director of Teach &Scientific Research Office


男:此外我们还有幸邀请到来自各兄弟院系的代表, 他们分别来自xx学院、xx学院、xx学院、欢迎你们!

女:Guests from College of Public Administration, International School, College of Life Science and Technology, are also sincerely welcomed

{评委} 男:接下来,请允许我介绍本次英语演讲大赛决赛的评委老师,男:他们分别是,暨南大学外国语学院副院长:蒲若茜老师 欢迎您!女:Professor 蒲若茜Associate dean of College of Foreign Studies

男:暨南大学国际学院副院长:邓永忠老师 欢迎您!

女:Professor邓永忠Associate Dean of International School

男:暨南大学外国语学院: 詹乔老师 欢迎您!

女:Professor詹乔 Teacher of College of Foreign Studies

男:暨南大学外国语学院 吴琦老师 欢迎您!

女:Professor吴琦 Teacher of College of Foreign Studies

男:暨南大学外国语学院 胡慕辉老师 欢迎您!

女:Professor胡慕辉 Teacher of College of Foreign Studies

男:暨南大学外国语学院外教:Tom Moran 欢迎您!

女:Mr.Tom Moran foreign teacher of College of Foreign Studies


男:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎这些嘉宾和领导的到来!女:Let’s give our guests and judges a warmly welcome!

{邀请领导致辞} 男:接下来有请暨南大学副校长叶勤教授为此次英语演讲比赛致辞,掌声有请。女:Now let’s welcome professor.叶勤, Vice-president of JNU, to give us an opening speech.Let’s welcome!

男:感谢叶勤校长的精彩致辞,同时感谢您对本次英语演讲比赛的大力支持。女:Thank you, Mr.叶勤.男:接下来有请暨南大学外国语学院院长,宫齐教授上台致辞。

女:And then lets welcome professor 宫齐 to give us a speech.Let’s welcome.男:十分感谢宫齐院长的精彩致辞,感谢您!女:Thank you professor 宫齐!


男:女士们,先生们。我宣布 2015暨南大学英语演讲比赛决赛正式开始(合)!

女:Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare the beginning of finals of 2015 JNU English Speaking Contest.选手亮相

男:今天20名在初赛中脱颖而出成功晋级决赛的选手将在这里演讲,阐释他们对于最远的距离这个话题的理解。下面让我们有请这20 位选手集体亮相。女:Today 20 contestants from different colleges who passed their preliminary contest will make their voice heard, expressing their own interpretation of the longest distance.Now let’s welcome them come onto the stage to make their first appearance.男:首先上台的是非专业组的10位选手,他们分别是一号选手xx

非专业组 ○2 ○3 ○4 ○5 ○6 ○7 ○8 ○9 ○10 ○11 ○12 ○姓名

何婷 卢洁莹 黄俊文 王卓蓉 林润 赵乾 钟诗淇 臧小艺 慎开 李似锦 陈例圆 黄焱彬

男:接下来上台的是专业组的10名选手 他们分别是,13号选手

专业组 ○14 ○15 ○16 ○17 ○18 ○19 ○20 ○21 ○22 ○23 ○24 ○ 姓名

杨紫泓 郭雨思 何翼虎 刘春莉 金茸 谭源星 俞彦言 陈昭纯 陈楚敏 朱凯楹 梁艳彩 胡正燚

女:Thank you、may you all good luck today.{介绍流程} 男:下面我将介绍本次英语演讲大赛决赛的比赛规则,大赛将由两轮构成: 第一轮:主题演讲,第二轮:即兴演讲。

女:Now, let’s go over the rules.The Final for today will consist of two sections.The first part: prepared speech The second part: impromptu speech


女:In the first section, contestants of both groups will have 3 minutes to deliver their

prepared speech on the topic The Longest Distance.After the prepared speech our judge Tom will ask one question related to the prepared speech, and our contestant must give a brief speech within 1 minute.When the given time is less than 30 seconds, a staff member will raise a cardboard to remind the contestant of the time.And when the time is less than 5 seconds, there will be a bell ringing.男:第一轮结束后,评委老师会进行打分,两组选手得分各处前四位的选手成功晋级下一轮,且之后我们会进行现场观众投票,产生最佳人气选手。女:The places of the contestants will be arranged according to the scores given by the judges.And the top 4 contestants of each group will advance to the second round.After the first round, there will be a short break during which the audience will have time to ballot to choose the Most Popular Award.男:第二轮中,选手会现场抽取话题,进行限时1分钟的即兴演讲。

女:In the second round, each contestant will draw the topic of their impromptu speech and have 1 minute to deliver it.男:主题演讲和即兴演讲分别占选手最终成绩的70%和30%。比赛后,根据评委老师的评分,我们会评选出专业组、非专业组一等奖各一名,二等奖各两名,三等奖各三名。以及优秀奖和最佳人气奖。

女:The prepared speech will take 70% of the general scores and the impromptu speech will take 30%.And the performance will be the only standards to select winners for the first, second and third prizes and also the Excellent Award and the Most Popular Award.{比赛开始} 比赛1.1 男:下面让我们开始第一轮的比赛:主题演讲 让我们掌声欢迎1号选手### „„„„„„„


Now, let’s get start!Let’s welcome the first contestant XXX!And the contestant NO.2 please get ready.紧接着登台的是2号选手###,有请2号选手 „„„„„„„„„„„„„.感谢2号选手的演讲。

接下来让我们欣赏由3号选手###的演讲、掌声欢迎。„„„„„„„„„„„„.感谢„„„„„„„ 四号选手

五号选手 六号选手 七号选手 八号选手 九号选手 十号选手

表演1 男:再次感谢非专业组选手为我们带来的精彩演讲,下面让我们共同欣赏由#####为我们带来的#####表演,有请###同学!

女:Thanks again for the excellent speech given by the previous contestants.Now let’s have a ten-minute break and please enjoy the singing performance given by #### let’s welcome!

比赛1.2 男:欣赏完####同学的表演,让我们将目光锁定在即将登台的专业组组选手上,有请11号选手为我们带来的主题演讲,请11号选手上台!女:Thanks for the impressive performance!Now let’s enjoy the 11English-major contestants’ wonderful speeches.Let’s welcome contestant No.11XXX.感谢„„„..12号选手 13号选手 14号选手 15号选手 16号选手 17 18 19 20 宣布1 女:Thanks for your speech.Now please allow me to announce the top 4 contestants of non-English-major group entering the second round.男:听了这么多选手的演讲,大家是不是听得热血沸腾呢?让我们先来宣布非专业组选手成绩及晋级第二轮名单,他们分别是 „„

女:Congratulations!Please go to the back stage to cast your topics.比赛1.3 男:下面让我们继续聆听选手带来的演讲,有请19号选手Next, let’s welcome contestant No 19!

20号选手 21号选手 22号选手 23号选手 24号选手


女:Thanks for the wonderful performance from the English-major contestants.表演2 女:The staff members are busy calculating the scores, so let’s enjoy a performance given by XXX!Welcome!男:下面让我们共同欣赏由#####为我们带来的#####表演,有请###同学!

宣布2 女:Thank you, XX!Now, I’m going to announce the top 4 English-major contestants entering the next round.男:再次感谢


女:Congratulations!Please go to the back stage to cast your topics.观众投票


比赛2.0 女:Thanks for your participation.Now, let’s get start of the second round—impromptu speech.男:感谢观众们的投票,下面让我们进入更加激动人心的第二轮比赛,即兴演讲!选手按照号码大小依次顺序。男:下面有请第一位„„

女:Let’s first welcome No.X to deliver her speech---.点评


女:Ok, now the two-round competition has ended.Please wait for the final result patiently.During this time, let’s welcome our foreign teacher Tom to give us some comments!Let’s welcome!

„„„„„„..男:感谢###老师的独特点评。女:Thanks, Tom!

男:下面让我们有请另一位老师###对选手们的表现做出点评。有请###老师。女:Besides, let’s welcome XXX to make some comments.„„„„„.男:感谢###老师的精彩点评。„„„„„„„„„„.女:Thank you for your excellent comments!


男:我们将现场抽取5名幸运观众。第一位: „„



女:Now, ladies and gentlemen, after our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.男:下面公布的是获得本次2015暨南大学英语演讲大赛最佳人气奖的选手,他们是: 非专业组


男:congratulations!恭喜两位选手,有请两位选手上台。女:掌声有请„„(颁奖老师)上台为获奖选手颁奖 男:恭喜获奖选手,感谢颁奖嘉宾。

女:获得2015暨南大学英语演讲大赛决赛优秀奖的选手是: 非专业组




男:接下来公布的是是获得本届英语演讲大赛三等奖的选手名单。他们是 非专业组 女:专业组


女:接下来我宣布,获得获得本届英语演讲大赛二等奖的选手 他们是 非专业组 男:专业组





女:Let's give them a big round of applause.Congratulations!Their fascinating speech haunted us deeply in the inner soul.结束语


女:Accompanied by other teachers and passionate audience, we devote ourselves to these joyful gatherings.Thanks for your participation.It is you that have an irreplaceable implication to the complete success of the competition With extreme excitement, now I declare the end of finals of 2015 JNU English Speaking Contest。


女:Good night, distinguished guests, teachers and fellow students.See you next year.男:最后有请所有的领导,嘉宾,老师们,工作人员们到舞台拍照留念

Mr.巫剑锋Secretary of the First General Branch of Party Committee, College of Foreign Studies Professor 王全智Dean of the Foreign Languages and Literature Department? Ms.段凯歌 Teacher in the Office of Student Affairs, Ms.秦佳曦.Teacher in the Office of Student Affairs, Mr.吕源Teacher in the Office of Student Affairs Mr.Secretary of Youth League and the students‘union Mr.刘孝威Vice-president of the Students’ Union,Representatives from College of Public Administration and representatives from College of Science and Information? 信科院。。



早:Next coming up English speech contest.Good evening.磊:Good evening.早:Dear teachers and fellow students.Welcome to the final of 2011 FLTRP cup English speech contest of YanBian University.We are honored to co-host the competition.I’m XingXinqi.磊:I’m QiaoLei.Thank you for coming this evening, before we know it, we hear again this year we have new stage, new topics, new faces and even new slogan.早:In our final competition there are 10 contestants.They are from different majors and grades.And they’re ready to show themselves.磊:At first, with great honor, we'd like to introduce the guests at present.They're...早:We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today.磊:Next, let me introduce the judges of today's contest.They're...早:Thank you for being a part of the competition.磊:Let me introduce the rules of today's contest.We have two round

competitions tonight.In the first round each contestant is required to deliver the speech of ”A word that changes the world”.According to the performance of every contestant, 5 scores will be given by our 5 judges.The fullmark is 50.In the second round you will choose an uncertain topic and deliver the speech after preparation.Then our judges will ask you several questions.The fullmark is 50.The final score will be added by the two scores above.早:After the competition rules, let's meet our contestants, and welcome all of them to the stage.Put on our hands together to welcome our contestants.OK.All contestants have finished their introductions.磊:(turn to contestants)We all look forward to your wonderful performances, and we wish you the best luck.磊:Now, the final competition of 2011 FLTRP cup English speech contest of YanBian University formally start.Please welcome Contestant No.1...No.2 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.早:Thank you C.N.1

Please welcome Contestant No.2...No.3 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.磊:Thank you C.N.2.C.N.1’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.3...No.4contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.早:Thank you C.N.3.C.N.2’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.4...No.5 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.磊:Thank you C.N.4.C.N.3’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.5...No.6 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.早:Thank you C.N.5.C.N.4’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.6...No.7 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.磊:Thank you C.N.6.C.N.5’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.7...No.8contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.早:Thank you C.N.7.C.N.6’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.8...No.9 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.磊:Thank you C.N.8.C.N.7’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.9...No.10 contestant please get ready.(speech)Judges, please show your scores.早:Thank you C.N.9.C.N.8’s score is______

Please welcome Contestant No.10.(speech)

Thank you C.N.10.C.N.9’s score is______

.And thank you for all your performances.You really did a good job.NOW let’s enter our second round.Please welcome Contestant No.1...No.2 contestant please get ready.(speech)

磊:Thank you C.N.1

Judges, question please.(question)

Judges, please show your scores.(scores)

早:OK.Let's welcome C.N.2...No.3 contestant please get ready.(speech)

Judges, question please.(question)

Please give your scores.(scores)Now let me announce: C.N.10’score of last round is______

C.N.1’score of this round is______

.早:OK.all contestants have finished their speeches.Before we announce the final result, please welcome our foreign teacher______________ to comment on the contest.(comment)

The score of C.N.10 is...早:Now, it's time to award the honor to the contestants.Let me announce the honorable mention winners.They are...Let' welcome...to give the prizes.磊:Let me announce the 3rd place winners.They are...Let' welcome...to give the prizes.早:it's time to announce the 2nd place winners.They are...Let's welcome...to give the prizes.磊:it's time to announce the 1st place winner.Guess who will be the luckiest dog tonight? Right!He/She is C.N.__ _________Let's welcome...to award the top prize.早:Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges.Thank you for coming!


磊:Let's look forward to the next year's competition!

Thanks again!



作品要求:参赛选手根据比赛演讲主题自拟题目完成一篇500字左右的演讲稿,并模拟现场演讲进行录像/录音,音频/视频长度为3-4分钟。选手必须将演讲稿和演讲视/音频文件上传到比赛官方网站。演讲主题:My view on social networking

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today I want to share my view on social networking.A social network is a social structure made up of individuals, which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, , or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige威望.Social Networks are groups of people who share interests and who interact in a variety of ways via software on websites.These include file-sharing, chatting, messaging, exchanging photos/video etc.Social network sites are usually free to join.Include Myspace,Facebook,Bebo,Orkut,LinkedIn and so on.We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.The Importance of Social Networking

Social networking can help a business gain contacts, clients, and increased public awareness.Even enterprisers who run small businesses from their homes can take advantage of this resource to set up a global presence.To make the most of social networking, it's important to fully understand the concept of social networking and how it can be applied in ways that will help you grow your business.Social networking is making its mark in history these days.In fact, it is progressing so fast, it is leaving the news media in the dust.Everyday people are reporting news faster than a whole news team.Social Network Sites

In recent years, social network like Renren and Kaixin have rapidly gained popularity among all kinds of people.Many people spend a lot of time on those sites chatting, making friends and playing games.Those sites have become a part of their life.they provide many opportunities to know other people and to know what’s happening in the world and share feelings and experiences with their friends.Besides, they’re very convenient to access.One can use a computer or cell phone to log on at home, in a restaurant, or even in the

subway.But people are wasting too much time on the sites.Some even get addicted to them and abandon their real life.After all, they don’t live in the virtual world.All in all, the social network sites can be very helpful when we want to keep in touch with friends, but we must remember that the real world is the most important in our life.【参考范文二】

Social Network Sites

Social network websites have rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years.Many people have registered and become members of some social network websites, such as Facebook, Kaixin and Twitter.These websites have become a part of their daily life.However, it is difficult to protect users’ privacy on social network sites.Apart from that, they maintain that users’ chances to gain employment may be reduced as more and more employers take the images which users portray on social network sites into consideration.As far as I’m concerned, social network sites serve as a good

platform for us to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones.Still, we should be aware of the potential dangers involved.It is very necessary

to adjust our privacy settings to control who has access to our personal information.



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