英语角主持稿(Come on~)

时间:2019-05-12 06:33:44下载本文作者:会员上传
简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《英语角主持稿(Come on~)》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《英语角主持稿(Come on~)》。

第一篇:英语角主持稿(Come on~)


男:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!It's the show time!表演后

女:Wow!What a wonderful Clapper talk!Thank you for the wonderful performance!Now(Well,Good evening),ladies and gentlemen,welcome to our English Corner organized by XXXX(合)。It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight.My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.男:Thank you,XXX。Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight.This is the first I've ever been a host since we came to Guangzhou Campus.女:Both of us hope all of you have a nice time here.Well,As the poster shows,our topic is something about a movie named “A Story of Lala's Promotion”,it's Chinese name is “杜拉拉升职记”。This movie was very hot some days ago.I'm sure that almost everyone has watched it.男:So,first of all,please allow me to introduce the story.In this story...........(读稿)。That's the summary of Lala's story.Now,ladies and gentlemen I have a question for you.What can we learn from this story?(主持人与观众互动环节)Anyone who wants to share his or her thoughts please just come on the stage.You can talk anything flashing in your mind.Such as “what is the most important thing you have to gain when you are employed ” who wants to have a try?Anyone?Oh,Come on ,don't be shy.May be you can ask yourself a question like"in order to get a better promotion in a company ,what can we do ?That handsome boy ,I see you.That beautiful/lovely/nice girl.Your eyes tell me you have something to talk.Why not?


男:Oh,ladies and gentlemen,here comes a good news.Our foreign friends have just arrived in our school,They're XX and XX.let's welcome XX and XX.(与外教互动)

女:OK ,ladies and gentlemen ,the next part is free talk.Please enjoy yourself.男:Well,ladies and gentlemen, As time is limited,A and B have to say goodbye to us.Let's give them a big hand.Thank you,XX and

XX.Thamk you for sharing the time with us.Thank you and byebye.(See you next time).女:Well,ladies and gentlemen,let's continue our activities.After communicating with so many friends,I'm sure that everyone have learned some knowledge of workplace.Now,let's invite some friends to share his or her flaming thoughts.(观众与主持互动)Again,who wants to have a try?Anyone.Oh,Come on ,don't be shy.It's a good chance to challenge yourself.We come here for what?Of course ,open our mouth and practice our English skills.......辩论(备用)

男:Maybe it's a little difficultfor us to express ideas about workplace.So do you want to play a game?A debate game.As we know,in lala's story ,there isOffice Romance.So, Do you agree to Office Romance?If you agree.please stand on the left side.If you dont't agree ,please stand on the right side.Let's begin our debate.So why do you agree toOffice Romance?Please Give us some reason.So do you agree with them?Go and fight!


女: Oh,ladies and gentlemen,I'm certain that we have got a nice

time here.But as you know ,Time is always fleeting and I'm afraid our English Corner has come to the end.We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.男:Yes,It's our great honoured to share the night with all of you.Ladies and gentlemen.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.Good nightand good luck!See you next time!.88




Part 1A,B在室内。(背景音乐CCTV新闻联播。)(语气:假正经)

A:ladies and gentleman!


A:attention please!

B:please attention!

A,B: English corner ,we , are coming!

音乐响起,室外开场舞。结束。这时 B 和群众在室外。

A(在门口):B(你英文名哈),where are you?

B招手: I’m here,A(英文名)!

A:come on quickly!

B;O~K!hey,boys and girls ,let’s go!(大家都一起进去了)

Part 2 室内(开场白)

A:Good evening, ladies and gentleman!

B;Good evening!

A:I’m tonight’s host ~ and the beautiful girl beside me is ~

B:No,A, let me introduce myself tonight.Good evening, my fellow friends.my name is吴悠,and you can just call me ~ tonight.Hey,A,don’t you think the dance just now is really really wonderful ?

A: yeah , and there will be some more excellent and interesting shows tonight.B: really , why not welcome them here now ,I just cann’t wait to see them!

A;Hold Your Horses(别急),B。you see, we have so many honored guests tonight,.B;yeah,you see, I ‘m just so excited nearly forgot that.let’s warmly welcome their coming.(分别介绍嘉宾,用中文)

B:thanks for your coming and enjoy yourselftonight!

Part 3(演讲与吉他弹唱)

A:ok, now let’s warmly welcome our elder sister ~and she is going to give us a speech(这段介绍可改成中文)演讲可能是我的哈,呵呵,内容呢,谈了一下责任感。所以,演讲后你们就可以根据我讲的稍微小点评一下,点评用中文还是英文,再说哈)再接-外语学院余咪吉他弹唱,主持词待定。(这段是你们俩都上还是上一个,是中文还是英文,先酝酿一下,我们再定夺)

Part 4(毛老师致词)

A;thank you ,thank you for bring us such a beautiful song.(这可以互聊一下关于吉他啥的)。Next,let’s warmly welcome our honored teacher Mr.mao to give us a speech.Welcome!Part5(游戏—猜四六级词汇)

B:thanks for Mr.mao’sattractive speech.and I think all of you can have a deeper knowledge of ourcollege English association now.A;yes,and we believe with the lead of Mr.mao , our college English association will become better and better.thank you!

B;O~K。my fellow friends.here comes our quize show.You perform-

A;and I guess.好的,接下来请允许我简单介绍一下游戏规则。。

Part 6(民族舞)

B:ok,ladies and gentlemen, considering of the time,our game is come to an end.Now ,comes our next show.A really really charming dance.O~kMusic!



刚采访的小盆友继续:now ,let’s welcome our elder sister 肖智娟(会长)to give us a speech.welcome!

Part 8(绕口令)


Part 9(会员发表新生感言)

Part10(大英干部,一起大合唱 mylove)


A:ladies and gentlemen ,B: ladies and gentlemen ,A;the happy time goes by in a flash!

B:our party is coming to the end.A:thank you for your coming.and see you next time.B:see you.终于写完了啊,英文好难打吖。。不好意思哈,稿子现在才给你们(其实早就写好了啦),你们参考参考,修改修改吧。。听说,明天要排练,那我们排练再说哈。。

有问题call 我哈~电话:***(刘玉芳)



男:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!It's the show time!


女:Wow!What a wonderful Clapper talk!Thank you for the wonderful performance!Now(Well,Good evening),ladies and gentlemen,welcome to our English Corner organized by XXXX(合)。It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight.My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.男:Thank you,XXX。Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight.This is the first I've ever been a host since we came to Guangzhou Campus.女:Both of us hope all of you have a nice time here.Well,As the poster shows,our topic is something about a movie named “A Story of Lala's Promotion”,it's Chinese name is “杜拉拉升职记”。This movie was very hot some days ago.I'm sure that almost everyone has watched it.男:So,first of all,please allow me to introduce the story.In this story...........(读稿)。That's the summary of Lala's story.Now,ladies and gentlemen I have a question for you.What can we learn from this story?(主持人与观众互动环节)Anyone who wants to share his or her thoughts please just come on the stage.You can talk anything flashing in your mind.Such as “what is the most important thing you have to gain when you are employed ” who wants to have a try?Anyone?Oh,Come on ,don't be shy.May be you can ask yourself a question like"in order to get a better promotion in a company ,what can we do ?That handsome boy ,I see you.That beautiful/lovely/nice girl.Your eyes tell me you have something to talk.Why not?


男:Oh,ladies and gentlemen,here comes a good news.Our foreign friends have just arrived in our school,They're XX and XX.let's welcome XX and XX.(与外教互动)

女:OK ,ladies and gentlemen ,the next part is free talk.Please enjoy yourself.男:Well,ladies and gentlemen, As time is limited,A and B have to say goodbye to us.Let's give them a big hand.Thank you,XX and XX.Thamk you for sharing the time with us.Thank you and byebye.(See you next time).女:Well,ladies and gentlemen,let's continue our activities.After communicating with so many friends,I'm sure that everyone have learned some knowledge of workplace.Now,let's invite some friends to share his or her flaming thoughts.(观众与主持互动)Again,who wants to have a try?Anyone.Oh,Come on ,don't be shy.It's a good chance to challenge yourself.We come here for what?Of course ,open our mouth and practice our English skills.......辩论(备用)

男:Maybe it's a little difficult for us to express ideas about workplace.So do you want to play a game?A debate game.As we know,in lala's story ,there is Office Romance.So, Do you agree to Office Romance?If you agree.please stand on the left side.If you dont't agree ,please stand on the right side.Let's begin our debate.So why do you agree to Office Romance?Please Give us some reason.So do you agree with them?Go and fight!结束语

女: Oh,ladies and gentlemen,I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.But as you know ,Time is always fleeting and I'm afraid our English Corner has come to the end.We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.男:Yes,It's our great honoured to share the night with all of you.Ladies and gentlemen.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.Good night and good luck!See you next time!.88

2008-10-16 13:28 英语角主持稿(英文版)

A:Good afternoon,everyone.I`m happy to see you again.B:Yeah,thank you for coming here this time.This is our English Garden.A:Today our topic is English learning experience.We invite many experienced students to share their english experience.B:And we also like to hear the problems you have when you study English.A:Hope you will grasp this wonderful opportunaty to learn something.B:Now,let`s get started.A:So,what`s the first thing we should do? B:Let me think.Oh,that`s it.Have you heard about Xia Peng? A:You are talking about the person who won the CCTV 21th century English Speech Contest? B:Yes,indeed.A:I have heard one of his excellent speech,walls and bridges.It is really an inspiring one.B:So everybody,we will show you this fantastic speech,just watch and listen and try to learn something good from him.A:Very fabulous pronunciation,isn`t it? B:Yes,and the content of his speech is very profound.I like it very much.A:So everyone,after hearing such a wonderful speech,you must have a lot to share with each other.So let`s have a free talk.B:Just talk how you feel about the speech and what can you learn from it.A:I know you still have a lot of words to share,but I have to say,time`s up.B:Next,we invite one of our sister schoolmates,Zhen Yue,to share her speech contest experience.A:Ok.Let`s welcome.A:Thank you,we appreciate it very much.Very good experience,right? B:Yes,but what is the next thing we should do? A:Next,I think it is very important to those who come from other department.B:So what? A:We invite one of our sister schoolmates,Li Li,to come here to share us the CET4 and CET6 experience.B:She has got a high score at CET6,so let`s give her a big hand.A:Thank you.I think you`ve learned a lot from her address.B:Yes,and we all know that spoken is also very important,not only to us English major,but also those who are study other majors.A:Of course.It is important because China is becoming an international country,and the English is a language used wildly in different parts of the world.B:Yes,but to speak a good English is not a esay job,and most people find it is head to talk with foreigners.A: So now we`ll invite--to talk something about how to speak English well.B:Let`s give him a big hand.A:Thank you very much.I think now you must know how to speak a good English better.B:But I still have a problem.A:What? B:Vocabulary.Everytime I speak English,I feel that my vocabularies are limited,and it makes me feel hard to express myself freely.A:I also have such kind of problem.B:So,why don`t we ask a student who know how to remember new words well to share the methods with us? A:Who? B: A:Ok,let`s welcome.A:Thanks for your methods.B:Now,after hearing a speech about how to remember words,let`s play a game called English words cross puzzle,Dan Ci Jie Long.A:We will start from the left side in row 1,and the one beside he or she speak another word that must contains the last letter of the fomer one.B:So,everybody,listen carefully,the first word is HOUSE.A:Now,time`s up.B:As you can see,we have talked a lot of problems that you may have when you study English.A:Now,we`ll provide a free talk for you to talk about your own problems.B:So just feel free to talk the people around you.A:Hey,i have a question for you,can you speak tongue twister well? B:You can give me one to let me try.A:Ok,let me think.how about this?A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.B:A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.A:wow,you did a good job.so,everybody,now,we will invite six friends to come here to show how well they can speak tongue twister.B:So,who like to come here?please reise your hand.A:Really amazing,right? B:Yes.Here comes to our final part,Crazy English.A:Let`s welcome Chen Peiyuan,the head of morning reading corner,to lead us shout English.B:Let`s welcome.A:Hey,boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,are you ready? B:Thank you all for coming here tonight for the first activity of English Garden.C:Our topic today is “Food Culture in different countries”,and we will provide you many delicious food.D:And there also are some performances and games for you to enjoy.A:So what you have to do is enjoy yourselves and learn something from this activity.B:First of all,let`s give you a brief introduction of all the professors and teachers.They are A:We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the attendence of them.And now,let`s welcome to address for us.Let`s give him/her a big hand.A:Thank you for that,we appeciate it very much.B:So,hey,what is the first thing we should do? A:Yeah,we will invite our foreign teacher to show us how to do salad.B:OK,let`s welcome 两个主持与外教聊天

A:Let`s give a big hand to again.OK,I believe you have known how to do salad now,right? B:Yeah.Next,let`s play a game for fun.A:So what`s the game? B:It`s Guessing Food.Now,let me tell you how to play this game:We will ask 12 people to play the game,and 3 people will in one group.We prepare four special food and ask a foreign teacher to chose one of them and write it down on the board.Each group can ask the foreign teacher some questions one by one,and the foreign teacher can only answer Yes or No.The group which first find out what the food is will be the big winner,and will get that special food as a gift.A:Sounds like a very exciting game.So,who like to play the game?Raise your hands.A:Hey,the winner seems very clever,right? B:Yes,I agree.And I think you`ve already had a very good time.Now,let us enjoy a song.A:你最喜欢的食物是什么?(建议用日语说)B:What did you say? A:I mean,what is your favourite food? B:Oh,I see.My favourite food is sushi.A:Do you want to know how to make it? B:Yes.A:Now,let`s welcome our Japanese teacher to show us how to make it.B:Welcome A:Everybody,as you can see,we prepare some decicious food for you all to enjoy.B:Now,it`s meal time.So,just help yourselves and have fun.Are you ready? A:Wow,the food is so delicious,isn`t it? B:Yes,I couldn`t agree more.Oh,I want something more.A:Hey,you are so batten.Next time,I will bring you more,but now,why don`t we play a game to let our stomaches relax.B:All right,all right,what`s the game this time? A:It`s.Now,let me tell you how to play this game:We will invite 6 students to play the game.Each student can choose one teacher as their partner.Two people in one group.The first group start with a word we provide to make a sentence,then each group makes a sentence containing the last word of the last sentence,and above all,all the sentences must form a smooth story.So,everybody,who would like to play this game,raise your hand.A:Hey,the story seems have no ending,but now,it is our show time.B:Let`s enjoy a song.A:Very excellent voice,right?After being involved in so many exciting programs,I think you must have a lot to share with each other.B:So,let`s have a free talk,just talk something with your group members in English.A:My fellow students,I know you still have a lot to say,but I have to say,time`s up.B:Hey,have you ever been to abroad? A:No,but I`m dying to go to a foreign country,and to gain some experience.B:But we all know that the chance is very little,and most people find it is very hard to adjust themselves to a foreign country.A:So going abroad is really a serious issue.B:Right.Tonight,we invite two Chinese teachers,Mary and Carrie,to talk about the experience they`ve had when they were living abroad.A:First of all,let`s welcome Mary.A:Thank you,we really appreciate that.Now,let`s welcome Carrie.A: Thank you Marry and thank you Carrie。Well,after what our teacher have told us,what are you feeling now?

B: I’m sure you have a lot to share with us.So now is the time you raise your hand and tell us your true feelings about this English Gardon, about your English learning ,whatever.You want to share with us, just raise your hand and come here to make your voice heard.We are expecting your coming here to share your feelings with us, so please don’t hesitate any more, because it’s the very time for you to say something in front of so many lovely people and show yourself.A:Yes,just raise your hand.A: Hey,how do you feel after listening to their true feelings just now? B: I feel that the acceptance of this English Gardon is both a motivation for us to do better next time and an encouragement for the shortcomings where we can improve next time.A: That’s right.And we are together here today to enjoy the time and improve ourselves in English.So what’s next?

B: It would make you laugh your head off.It’s a drama called Hua Mulan.A: Ok, let’s enjoy it.



Singles Day is coming soon,Zowie,have u been away from single life.泽君,你脱单了吗?No,I haven't thought about it.Singles Day has come to mean something different.It's a day for online shopping.Yeah,Since online shopping makes the purchase more convenient, my mother never bothers to go shopping on a rainy day or feel footsore after a whole day walking.It is certain that online shopping diversifies(多样化)our choices, offers us the best price and saves time in a sense.However, we must admit that most people who shop online are always browsing(随意翻阅)something that is not in their budget(预算)总是看些自己买不起的东西 and wasting hours even money without awareness.In order to benefit from online shopping instead of been ruined by it, I suggest that each one of the online shoppers,self-control and make every minute and every penny count.2.逗笑(Make me smile)

Come on kelly,lets have some fun.each 2 one group and back to back ,u guys need to turn around after 3 numbers and then use everything u have to make him laugh.两人一组(最好是异性),背靠背,在泽君数3个数之后立刻转身逗对方笑,Loser is the one who smiles first.Winner有奖励,Loser will be punished!Yep!Lets begin~(.........)OK,congratulations!恭喜获胜者,奖励会是什么呢~~~ You will know~ Losers!please put u hands up ,(...)good,i need u to praise ur partner with some Gorgeous words(handsome, fascinating,attractive,cute ,incredible and so on)你们要用华丽的话真诚地赞美你的搭档,英文30s,用中文的话要持续1分钟,and the same time ,winners!these are what u got.3.嘉宾表演

NEXT, I have the honor to introduce a great dancer to you....HER NAME is XXX, Come on XXX,show something to us~(...)

What a wondeful performance You’re very professional.Thank u.There is another person, a nice raper and also a great Bboxer.Welcome XXX ,hu ~~~~(...)Wow,such an amazing show.Thank u XXX.4.唠嗑

Next Wednesday is Eleven.eleven,The Singles,especially for the boys,Are u ready to get rid of ur single life?Maybe you should check what music is playing.Why do i say that,a research give the answer.First the researchers found a guy who was rated average looking ——that means he has a normal face.Then that average guy talked about a couple of food products with 87 different women, aged 18 to 20.But before the conversation, half the women heard a romantiTc French love song,The other half heard a normal song.After talking, the guy asked for each girl‘s phone number.Only 28 percent of the women who heard the normal song gave out their info.But 52 percent of the women who listened to the love song said yes.So maybe, guys, you should wait for a romantic music before making your move.首先,研究人员找来一个被一组妇女认定是长相一般的男人。他将与87位年龄在18至20岁之间的女人聊天,谈论几种食品。不过在聊天之前,有一半妇女要先听首浪漫的法国歌曲,而另一半妇女会在谈话前听一首大多数法国人认为是中性的歌曲,和这些妇女聊完天后会向她们索要电话。听过风格一般的歌之后的女人们只有28%会给他电话号码,而听过浪漫情歌的女人们会有52%爽快地答应他。因此,同学们,你或许应该先跟女孩子共听一曲浪漫情歌之后再展开追求。So, boys, is there any girls around who impressed u so much that u want to attract her and get her number.If so, u have only 10 minutes thinking about what to say to her in the free talk.好,经验就传授到这 5.萝卜蹲(super squat)

接下来Game TIME!Kelly please~请给大家介绍下规则吧

Free combination自由组合,we will have 4 groups ,each group should be named as a kind of color.When other group mentioned your name ,all of u must squat.假如你们组是red 当你们组被叫到的时候,你们要喊 red squat,red squat,red squat over ,yellow squat.这时候yellow 就要蹲下了,每组每次选一个人喊出下一个要蹲的color.跟不上节奏的淘汰,最后剩下的那组获得奖品,游戏将在30s后开始,请大家自由组合.(...)

Congratulations,David,please award the prize for the winners.The rest of the people Its ok to lose the game,because there is another game for u.AND in this game,u can also get the prize.6.盖房子

The name of the game is Building a house

the rules are very simple ,each group will get some paper,all you need to do is building a house.at the same time ,make sure that ur house will not be destroyed.尽可能把自己组的房子盖的又高又稳定,同时不让别的组的成员毁掉它,u have 1 minute to discuss,and prepare.OK,321 start!(...)

Alright kelly please check out who is the winner~ Sure,the winner is XXX.David please~ Good job huh~ free talk Finally,free talk is coming.the singles please put u hands up.Just try to have a conversation with the people u like.And i wish u will finally meet the right person and tonight belong to u,u have to compose one group and share ur shoping experience.5 minutes later , 3 of u will be here to share them @@@@@今晚,所以有男女朋友的人组成一组进行freetalk,5分钟后你们之中的三个人要跟大家分享你的购物经验!


Alright now,The singles,did u encounter the right person?If not,thats ok.you will have many chances in the future,but remember to Grasp the opportunity,don’t be shy next time!

刚才大家在浪漫的BGM之中,度过了一段快乐的时光and now i gonna choose 3 people who will share their online shopping experience,how about playing a game ,kelly`(...)Thanks,David please

At the end of the day,we thank u for coming,thank u all,see u next time.i wish u Happy singles day,enjoy ur weekend


ENGLISH CONER K:Attention please!Our party is around the corner ,please set your cellphone in a silent mode.thank you.(START)K:(zhenzi)welcome to our English corner„„

S: Hey kitty!

K: Yeah?

S: Don’t pretend any more.K:Ok.S: Good eve, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our English corner.It’s my great honor to be one of the hostesses tonight.I’m Shara.K: I’m Kitty.S: Kitty, How are you today?

K:I didn’t feel well this morning, but now I am very excited.Because tonight is the time for our English corner.I am looking forward to it.S: Yeah, so do I.At the beginning, Let’s welcome our honored guest’s attending!Welcome claier and our foreign friend Joe!Thanks for your coming!

K: I sincerely hope all of you can enjoy yourself tonight and practice your English!Don’t be shy , just follow us!

S:Oh, Kitty ,do you like Halloween ?

K:yeah, of cource.But I don’t exactly know it.S:Don’t worry ,tonight ,our English corner will compeletely show you the charm of Halloween ,now,ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy a video of Modern Family.(The first free talk)

S:Wow,that boy’s parents are quite funny„„and also frightening.OK, after watching the video ,I think all of you must have various thoughts about Halloween.now ,it’s time for our first free talk!

K:Q1:Do you like Halloween ? why or why not?

S:Q2:would you mind your friends playing tricks on you by the way in the video ,and why?

Now , you can say anything you want ,you can discuss with your partner or discuss in a group.K: we’ll go down and discuss with you too, and then we’ll choose some of you to share your opinions.OK, let’s start it!

K:Excuse me ,time’s up.Now I’ll invite some of you to share your opinions.Any volunteers?

S:Don’t be shy!please be actively ,we will have surprising gifts for you.(„„)

S:OK, thank you for every students sharing, as we know that American people celebrate Halloween in their own way, and I think all of you are curious about it, so now, please welcome JOE ,from Amarica ,to share us his opinions and his experiences.(„„)(Kitty go down)

S:OK,thank you JOE!(THE PHONE RING)S:Hello?

K:Shara!Have you receive the phone call of our school vocal club?

S: Ahh , no.K: They’ve been ready to sing a song!Come on!It ’s call me maybe!Come back quickly, or you will miss it!

S:Oh oh!OK, I’ll be back soon.So call me maybe!(SING)(GO DOWN)


(The second free talk)S:and this is crazy~ but here’s my number~ so call me maybe~~(SING)

K:„„(stare at S)

S:sorry.K:Thanks for the vocal club’s excellent performance,(PAUSE)When we talk about Halloween , I think a traditional words will occur to you, That is “trick or treat”

S:maybe some of you will be curious about what is “trick or treat”,but don’t worry,the following video will give you the answer.(„„)

S:The little angry bird is finally revenged, Oh„„how poor he is!

In fact,trick or treat is a traditional custom in Halloween, children will dress up in costume and go from door to door to ask for candies,ladies and gentlemen ,let’s start the second free talk!

K:Q1:If you can take part in “trick or treat”, when you’re unable to get the candies.How would you trick the host?

S:Q2:At spring festival ,Chinese children will ask the adults for pocket money.So compared with “trick or treat”,which one do you like better?

K:now let’s start the discussion!



K:After talking for long time,I think you might be fed up with it.Why not play a game?

S:oh it’s the game time?

K:yes!Any volunteers? Who is will to play a game ? Come on!We have rich gifts for you!

(„„)S:the game’s rule is : In 2 minutes, participants should blow the balloons, tie them up and write “Halloween” on it, who can finish the most , who is the winner.Every participant’s balloons can’t be much smaller than the model , otherwise it will not be counted.K: 游戏规则:每位参赛者有若干个气球,在两分钟时间内,将气球吹好,扎口并用油性笔在气球上写好Halloween,完成最多者为胜者。会有一个吹好的气球作为模板,参赛者所吹的气球不能比模板小太多,否则作废。


(The third free talk)S:Thank you for your joining!Our staffs will sent you the presents later.(face the audience)Do you still remember the angry bird’s costume in the video?(No~~~~)Well ,it doesn’t matter ,let’s look at the screen ,there are some characters on it, maybe some will scare you ,but with these pictures, here comes our third free talk.K:Our question is : Among the character in Halloween ,which one you will choose to act, and why?


(ENDING)K:Thank you for all of you guys.I think English corner is really a good opportunity to practice our English ,and the ending is approaching.now please allow me to invite Claier to give us an ending speech.S:thanks for Claier.Definitely her speech is a wonderful summary for our part.But„„wait wait wait ,at the end,we will choose a lucky number,and the one who holds the lucky number will have the big big surprise from us!


K:congratulate for the lucky dog!but happy time is fleeting and I’m afraid we have to say goodbye.S:We sincerely hope that you can learn sth about Halloween,and make some new friends tonight.K:ladies and gentlemen, let us thanks for our guests, Claier and JOE’s attending once again.(Aplause)And thanks for your joining

S:ladies and gentlemen, T:See you next time!


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