新视野大学英语第二册Unit 1-Unit 7 作文打印版5篇

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第一篇:新视野大学英语第二册Unit 1-Unit 7 作文打印版

Unit 1

1)身处异国他乡,人们会遇到文化休克现象 2)分析造成这一现象的原因 3)怎样才能入乡随俗

How to Do as the Romans Do in Rome?

When one person suddenly begins to live in a new culture to study abroad, he may feel like a fish out of water.The newcomer is usually uncertain about everything once familiar to him, such as what to talk about with others, how to approach a stranger, and so on and so forth.Then, what causes his confusion and what can be done to help him to get rid of it?

The term used to describe this confusion is “cultural shock”.The reasons for the cultural shock are very complex.Some people feel that it may be attributed to the language used to reflect all the ways of life in a new culture.Others believe that causes lie in the customs.Although the above two causes hold water, these cannot account for all the confusion that he feels when one person lives in a strange culture.Such shock results from losing all his family patterns and symbols of his normal daily social life.How to do as the Romans do in Rome? The right way to avoid cultural shock is to combine consciously the study of its language with that of its culture, in other words, to learn the way the language conveys ideas and acquire more cultural knowledge before going abroad.When he lives in a new culture, he should make his great efforts to adapt himself to the new life.Once he attaches as much value to the unfamiliar as to the familiar, he is sure to feel like a fish that has been put back into water.Unit 2

1)环境恶化带来的危害2)人们采取了许多改善环境的措施 3)改善环境任重道远

Environmental Problems

The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.For example, forest destruction results in decrease of farmland and horrible weather.In addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.A lot of measures have been taken.Planting trees helps to improve and beautify the environment.Besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and have achieved good results.However, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.On the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world.On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting the environment hinders solving the problem.In a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable worl Unit 3


On Marriage Across the Nations

With the development of China’s opening and reform policy, a growing number of Chinese young people get married with foreigners.However, Chinese people take different attitudes towards this phenomenon.Some people are of the opinion that marriage across the nations may cause many problems that are unavoidable and cannot be solved.First, language misunderstanding is an obstacle to a happy marriage when the husband and the wife speak two different languages.Lack of efficient communication can jeopardize their relationship.Second, cultural difference is another barrier.Inconveniences, misunderstandings and even conflicts may arise from different norms, values and lifestyles.In short, it’s hard to imagine that a marriage like this can work out.Other people argue that marriage across the nations can be beneficial to both the couple and their children.For one thing, life can be very exciting when one gets to live with someone who is from a totally different culture.To them, they are getting to know something new everyday.For another, the mixed couple’s children may absorb the essence of the parents’ cultural backgrounds and bring it into full play.In brief, marriage across the nations can do a lot of good to the family.As far as I am concerned, I’m in favor of the former/ latter.The most important reason is that…Therefore, I’d like to / I don’t want to marry a man/ girl from another nation.Unit 4



On Studying Abroad

With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people can go abroad for further study.They insist that there are more modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in some foreign colleges and universities, which lay a perfect foundation for their future development.However, there are still many people who favor studying at home.They argue that, for one thing, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore doesn’t pay off.For another, there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country.Just as the old saying goes, “Every advantage has its disadvantage,” so I believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense.If students have the chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes.On the other hand, if conditions don’t permit, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country.What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.Unit 5


2)造成这一现象的原因以及影响3)我给家长们的建议是…….Stop Spoiling Children

There is a growing tendency for many parents to spoil their children in various ways.Some parents buy their children the most expensive clothes no matter whether they can afford them or not, while other parents give all their love to their children endlessly and blindly.It is indispensable that spoiling children has become a common social problem.Why do parents give their children too much, and even spoil their children? On one hand, parents spoil their children out of a sense of guilt.They attempt to compensate by showering their children with material possessions because they are too busy to accompany their children.On the other hand, many parents don’t want their children to be laughed at.As a result, parents are unable to stand up to their children’s unreasonable demands.It is commonly acknowledged that spoiling children has caused many bad effects.First, to some degree, children may become greedy, selfish, ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others.Secondly, providing too much will, destroy children’s creativity and make them have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money.In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.First, parents should try to determine what makes them submit to feel guilty.Meanwhile, parents should begin to make firm decisions and practice responding to their children’s request in a prompt, definite manner.Don’t forget the key is to be satisfied with gradual improvements, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.In the end, both parents and children will be happy.Unit 6

1)现在不少人取名时求助于取名公司(name-picking firm)2)是否应该这样做,人们看法不同


On Names

Many name-picking firms have sprung up in recent years.Since more and more parents tend to put their best wishes and high expectations on the child into the new-born, they turn to name-picking firms.However, different people have different ideas about name-picking firms.Some people believe it is in vain to turn to name-picking firms.Firstly, they think name is just a symbol to identify people and name has nothing to do with one’s fate.Secondly, it’s great efforts instead of a good name that lead to one’s success.But other people hold an opposite opinion.They believe name can express some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person, often expressing approval or disapproval.A good name will bring good luck, success, and fortune for you.As far as I’m concerned, one’s fate is in his own hand, rather than in name-picking firm’s hand.One famous poet said: “Every man is the architect of his own fate.” It is the great determination and efforts that help us find the key to success.Unit 7



Is Stress a Bad Thing?

With the fast pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure.Some people are afraid of pressure.They think that the stress and strain of work deprive them of joy and happiness.In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally.That is why they prefer something less competitive and strenuous to something more demanding and challenging.Others argue that stress isn’t as bad as it is often supposed to be.Unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation.Without stress, you may slack off and idle away your time.Stress gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless and dull life.People under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and realize their goal.In my opinion, we shouldn’t escape from stress but to face as it is.What we can do is to adapt to the stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.


Unit 1 1.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。

翻译:She wouldn't take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner.2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。

翻译:He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth.3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?

翻译:How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。

翻译:The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。

翻译:Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。

翻译:We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.Unit 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。

翻译:Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。

翻译:Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.3.坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。

翻译: The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4.他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。

翻译: He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.5.经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。

翻译: The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。

翻译: This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.Unit 3 1.你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。

翻译:You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。

翻译:There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there.3.由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。

翻译: Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4.虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。

翻译:Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5.我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。

翻译:I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。翻译:She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.Unit 4 1.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?

翻译:It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2.不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。

翻译:It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3.你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。

翻译: You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.4.请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。

翻译: Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little

interested in it.5.人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。

翻译:Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.6.看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。

翻译:Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.Unit 5


翻译:He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.2.我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。

翻译:My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3.我十分感激你给我的帮助。

翻译: I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4.光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。

翻译:The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult.5.由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。

翻译:Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6.每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。

翻译:They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.Unit 6


翻译:(Just)as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2.在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。

翻译:He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3.令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。

翻译:To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4.真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。

翻译:The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with the advance of new technologies.5.我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。翻译:Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when(they are)required to answer questions.6.当地政府负责运动会的安全。

翻译:The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting.Unit 7


翻译: At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.2.我对大自然了解得越多,就越痴迷于大自然的奥秘。

翻译: The more I learned about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3.医生建议说,有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣、富有挑战性的事情,好让自己的负面情绪有发泄的渠道。

翻译:The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new, interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.4.那个学生的成绩差,但老师给他布置了更多的作业,而不是减少作业量。

翻译: The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5.相比之下,美国的父母更趋向于把孩子的成功归因于天赋。

翻译: By contrast, American parents are more likely to attribute their children's success to natural talent.6.教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。

翻译: One of a teacher's priorities is to stimulate students' interests and their creativity.


Book 2 Unit 4 College sweethearts


1.To talk about romantic love 2.To learn and apply the words and phrases of the text 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 教学难点:

1.apply the phrases and patterns 2.to listen and discuss the importance of humanities

3.To critically think what makes wonder in their crisis-ridden marriage 教学过程: Task 1 Lead-in(Ss work in groups to discuss the following questions)1.What are the modern dating practices? Tips: casual dating, formal dating, speed dating, online dating, double dating, group dating, blind date…

2.Do you think it’s a good idea to date someone at college? Why or why not? Tips: Yes, because:

• it’s an ideal place to find someone who has the same aspirations.•through years of studying together, students get to know each other well.• college has more choices than the workplace.• love starting on campus is romantic and pure.• No, because students need to concentrate on study, not to waste time dating.3.In your opinion, what are the important qualities an ideal date should possess? Tips: responsible, smart, honest, considerate, understanding, diligent, rich, good-looking, funny, having the same interest……

4.Which is more important when it comes to marriage, one’s appearance or character? Why?

Tips: Appearance, because I like to see someone who is good-looking.Character, because appearance will change as time goes by, while one’s character is essential to marriage.Task 2 Text study 1.Ss read the passage and discuss the following questions in groups

a.How do you understand the sentence “In a way, love just happens when you least expect it”? b.Why did the author think that Butch seemed a little weired although very cute? c.Why did fear come over the author whem she started to fall in love? 2.Language focus 1)New words: gaze, dynamic, proceed, coordinate, confess, commence, disapprove, tempt, deserve 2)Phrases

a.Sth.(a feeling)comes over sb.when sb.does sth.用于表达“某人在特定情境下突然受到某种情感的影响”。


A feeling of relief came over me when I learned that he returned to the base safe and sound b.True, …, but sb.does sth./the truth is…



True, life in big urban cities is convenient and enjoyable, but I always miss the childhood spent in the countryside where we could get in touch with nature and had more fun.c.Despite sth., at one’s core, sb./sth.is…



Despite her elegant and gentle manner, at her core, she is strong-willed and resolute.3.Structure of the text The passage can be roughly divided into three parts.Part I(Para.1): This part is the introduction which prepares for the topic of love.The narrator now has two daughters who are at the age of dating.They believe that their parents had a romantic story heading for marriage from the very beginning.However, It’s not completely true.She started dating Butch not for love but for fun because she wanted to get away from her boring college life.Part II(Para.2-10): This is the major part of the narrative.It is interspersed with flashbacks of the narrator’s dating experiences.The story records the long journey of love in a time sequence and describes in detail how she felt about Butch and how they together went through ups and downs for seven years before they finally got married.Part III(Para.11)This part echoes the beginning of the narration to reiterate that their love actually started with a casual attraction only but bloomed into a mature love for life.Having weathered the storm of love, their marriage now has turned out to be a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story, which sums up a 29-year long honeymoon.Task 3 Critical thinking(Activities performed in class)1)What are the messages conveyed in the article?

• Life after marriage is different from that during dating.• When dating, lovers show their best sides and conceal their weaknesses.• Dating is also characteristic of romance and fantasy.• After marriage, strengths and weaknesses of each other’s characters are revealed.• Couples may feel a little bit confused and disappointed.• It requires couples to adjust their attitudes and commit more effort to ensure a happy marriage.2)Would you accept a long distance relationship? And why? • Yes.•

True love can transcend everything.•

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.•

You will cherish each other more.Viewing, listening and speaking

Unit 5 Relax and explore 教学重点:

1.listening to the world: sharing ,listening

2.speaking for communication : Imitation role-play 3.further practice in listening


Role –play 教学过程: Opening-up 1.talk about the activities shown in the pictures 2.Work in pairs and compare your answers.Listening to the word 1.Ask Ss to watch a podcast to get its general idea and discuss their answers in groups.2.Ask Ss to watch a podcast and fill in the blanks.3.Ask Ss to discuss the following questions based on what they have heard.Questions: 1.Which do you prefer to visit, a big city or a small town? Why?? 2.Do you prefer to travel alone or with a group of friends? Why? 3.What kind of holidays do you like best? Why? Role-play Work in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills of making and taking orders in a restaurant.Situation 1: Making orders based on Menu A Situation 2: Making orders based on Menu B Assignment: Work in groups.Choose a town/city in China you think foreign tourists would most like to visit..


第一册 learning report

Gains: 1 学习单词要注意paraphrase,要查词组及例句,要注意派生词 2 学习课文要梳理文章结构,要注意文章的连贯性,常见的有时间结构,现象→定义→解释→解决办法等 还有像think for yourself中的现象→原因→叙事 3 口头作文或其他口语练习时要注意逻辑,一般为总分结构 4 作文中可以引用一些名言

Confusions: 如何更有效的练习听力: 精听还是泛听,使用那些听力材料?

Plan: 重点加强听力和口语,每天早上有10分钟听力练习和10分钟口语练习。

第二册 Unit1Are You a 1960s Type Student?

A 1960s type student is very different from students nowadays.Their main purpose to get into colleges is as far apart as heaven and earth.A 1960s student is committed to freedom and justice.However, college students nowadays are utilitarians, what they truly want to do is to increase their chances on the employment market.As an utilitarian and a college student myself, I can fully understand why they focus on employability prospects.Financial pressure and high employment pressure play a main part.An increasing number of people get higher education, thus a position which needed a B.S.in the past, demands M.S., even though a B.S.can handle it quite well.Then the employment market becomes competitive.And they will spent more

time on their study, and lose interest in the outerworld, in order to be financial secured after they graduate.In this process, their life becomes colorless and tedious.William Zinsser said, “What I wish for all students is some release from the clammy grip of the future.I wish them a chance to savor each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step.”Although we are not aware of political awakening, we are still able to see universities as an end in itself.Instead of freedom and justice, college life mean making new friends, following our muses, indulging in our real interests.

第五篇:新视野大学英语第二册Unit 4 Text

Unit 4 Text A 大学情侣 我微笑着看着我那两个可爱的女儿,她们似乎比她们的父母还是大学情侣那会儿更为成熟。琳达,21岁,在大学一年级交过一个男友,她曾以为会跟那个男孩结婚,但他们已不再来往了。梅丽莎,19岁,还没有一个固定的男友。我的女儿不知何时才能遇到她们的那个“唯一”,她们伟大的爱。她们认为她们的父亲和我有着一段经典的、童话般的浪漫史,从一开始就直奔婚姻的殿堂。也许,她们是正确的,但在那时似乎并不是那么回事。在某种程度上,爱神恰恰在你最没准备时来临。谁曾想到,布奇和我最终会结婚呢? 他之所以成为我男友,只是因为当时我那肤浅的打算:我要找一个可爱的男友!我们通过我的大学室友介绍在大学食堂相识。在那个命中注定的夜晚,我只是好奇,但对他而言,我认为是一见钟情。他凝视着我的脸,说:“你有一双美丽的眼睛。” 他整个晚上一直盯着我。我真的对他没那么感兴趣,其原因有二。首先,他看起来就像是一个野小子,甚至还有些危险。其次,虽然他很可爱,却似乎有点怪异。他骑着自行车经过我的宿舍,装作与我“偶遇”,看到我时还假装惊讶。我喜欢被重视的感觉,但对他的野性和充满活力的个性却小心谨慎。他很会说话,这会迷倒任何女孩。当我开始爱上他时,恐惧向我袭来。他那令人激动的“坏小子形象”简直太诱人了。究竟是什么吸引了我? 我,一直口碑极好。为了获得优异的成绩,我的注意力只专注在自己的学习上。但又怎么样呢? 大学应该是学习的好时间,可也应该有一些乐趣。我已几乎达成了伟大的教育目标,离毕业只有一学期之遥了。但我却还没有享受过任何乐趣,我的生活乏味,没有一点新鲜感!我需要一个男朋友,当然不是任何男朋友。他必须很可爱。于是我那个学期的目标就成为:雄心勃勃,抓住一个我能找到的最可爱的男友。我担心他会怎么看我。不错,我们生活在一个性观念正在发生戏剧性转变的时代,但我是一个传统的女孩,对在校园里似乎常见的新方式还没有心理准备。布奇看上去很出色!我对他的个性毫无免疫力,但我对此很害怕。那天晚上当他向大家宣布我是他女友时,我是同意的。但我随后突然清醒:“噢,我的天哪!我是他女友吗?这是怎么回事?” 紧接着,他在我耳边低声地甜言蜜语:“有一天我要娶你,我会成为一名律师。你会看到这一天的。” 我笑着对自己说:“我绝不会嫁给这个家伙。他是一个没有前途的叛逆者。他是我男朋友,只因为我恨枯燥的学生生活。我只想得到乐趣而已。” 果然,一个月后,我发现他所有的课程都不及格。因而,他将被大学除名。令我厌恶的是,他似乎屈从了自己的命运。我知道还有希望,所以我让他去学院的秘书那儿进行复议。我告诉他:“你要先从宾夕法尼亚大学拿到政治学学士学位,然后进入法律学院。”我以他的名义递交了呈请书,结果被批准了。校方同意复议布奇的情况。我们的男女朋友关系一经确定,他就协调了他的学习和社交生活,结果各门课都通过了。他最终学了法律。尽管布奇的性格有点野,但他在骨子里却是一个完美的绅士,这值得高度赞扬。的确,他有时会在我朋友面前亲吻我的嘴,擅自表达他的爱。我的朋友看到了很惊讶,也很不以为然。但事实上,我们在整整七年的恋爱关系中一直是纯洁和负责的。我们坐在棕榈树下,手牵着手,听着浪漫的歌曲,观赏着日落,编织着和我们自己的孩子在一起的美梦,一直到永远。两年糊里糊涂地过去了。一天,布奇出其不意地手捧着一打红玫瑰跪下向我求婚。我心中充满了深情,也坦诚了对他的爱:“太太太太太浪漫了!” 可我随即从幻想中惊醒。我大喊出来:“天哪。不!我们现在结婚还太早了。我们甚至还没有大学毕业呢!” 我真的很喜欢他,但我对我们感情修成正果的机率却持悲观态度。五年后,我们结了婚。我们忠实的爱和学习之旅带我们走过艰难崎岖的岩石路,走上平坦易行的公路。它是一个永久、浪漫,有时又疯狂的爱情故事。它诠释了一对仍在疯狂地爱着对方的夫妇如何一起度过了29年之久的蜜月。我们的爱从漫不经心的互相吸引开始,但最终却发展出成熟的爱情和富足的生活。

Unit 4 Text B 恋爱预留日 每天我都焦急地等你来上课。我迫不及待地等待我们的互相微笑,互问早安。你在离上课仅几秒前才出现,在那之前,我对任何东西都无动于衷,只会注意你的到来。我不温习功课,却期待着你的脚步声,期待听到你的声音。今天你又来晚了, 但我不介意,因为在想约你出去的冲动被克制了一个月之后,今天我感觉大胆多了。今天,我要采取行动。我知道约会方式近年来有了显著的改变,对许多女性来说,邀请男性出去已不是什么大胆的举动。但是,因为我所受的传统教育,邀请你出去这一简单的概念似乎非同寻常。从小到大,这一信息很明确:男性必须主动出击,联络女性。他们应该打电话,要求约会,并支付约会的费用。然而,在大学这么些年,我了解到的并非如此。我的许多女性朋友通过主动提出与男性交往,让她们的社交生活迸出了火花。我的女性朋友都认为,女性必须更多地参与约会的过程。“我不能无所事事、一味等待,”我的前室友曾说。“虽然这很难,但如果我想约会,我必须邀请男人出去!” 更多的女性在争取主动,在邀请男性出去。许多男性说他们认同这一新现象。他们都松了一口气,约会不再仅仅取决于男性自己的意愿和勇气来踏出第一步。那么,我为什么还这么紧张? 我告诉自己要放松,因为如今的约会要比以往来得轻松。一个大学的约会可以是两个人一起做任何事,从一起学习到一起共度闲暇时间,如看电影。我的同龄人大多喜欢非正式的约会,因为它花费更少,且舒适。学生邀请人打网球要比他们计划一个正式场合的约会更感轻松。非正式约会的额外好处是,它鼓励人们在开始浪漫的关系前,先建立起健康的友谊。这样,年轻人可以更容易放松心情和了解对方。例如,我的室友和她的男友在他们来电之前做了四个月的普通朋友。他们经常与一群共同的朋友出去。他们轮流买单。“他就像任何其他的朋友一样,”我的室友笑着说。另一位朋友认为,非正式约会能改善人们的社会生活,使他们周旋于更广泛的社交圈。当她想要让一个男人知道她对他很感兴趣时,她会说:“嘿,我们去喝一杯酸奶吧”或“来一杯茶如何?” 可谁来买单? 这可不如以前那么容易了,因为求爱的传统规则正在发生重大变化。初步统计的数字也证明了这一点。众多的青年男子说,在约会几次后,女性应该帮着一同买单。几乎相等百分比的女性要求自己买单,哪怕是第一次约会。但巨大的困惑仍然存在,新规则还有待澄清。我自己过去的约会教会了我一些东西。“各付各的” 或是让我的约会对象买单可以说都是绝对的挑战。有一个约会对象在我们第一次约会时,还没等我提出相左的建议,就掏出了钱包。在晚餐后散步时,他告诉我他想跟我谈恋爱。当我解释我对做朋友更感兴趣时,他似乎感到不快。他解释说,因为我接受了他请我吃晚餐,所以他认为我会跟他恋爱。他似乎对请我吃饭一事很生自己的气,而我也很后悔让他这么做。另一个约会对象,在我急忙打开钱包掏出钱,并提出各付各的时,他皱起了眉头。我客气地问道:“我欠你多少钱?” 他说:“嗯,嗯,你真的不欠我什么,但如果你坚持……” 他显得极为尴尬。对他而言,我要付钱的行动已传达了他被拒绝的信息。在试图搞清约会的新规则时,每个人似乎都感到困惑。谁应请谁出去? 谁应付钱?什么时候付? 所以,虽然我认为穿着正式地去一个传统、正式的约会是一种乐趣,但我还是乐意去非正式的约会,因为它给我的社交生活带来了有价值的一面。因为是非正式约会,压力较小,且更平等。我可以送别人玫瑰,别人也可以送我!非正式约会值得去做,因为它管用。所以,我在这里等待着。没有神奇的方案可以确保他会说“好的”。我得放松,做我自己,并用一种没有废话的方式邀请他出去。他终于到了。在悄悄地溜到他的书桌时,他拍拍我的肩膀,说:“嗨,早上好啊!” “早上好,”我谨慎地回答。因为紧张,我的心紧揪着,可是我征服了恐惧,问道:“嘿,这个周五下课后一起吃午餐,怎么样?” “你的意思是期中考试后吗?”他用难以掩饰的热情说:“我很愿意和你一起吃午餐。” 我很激动,笑得很开心,并跟他确认:“那,我们就定了那天啦!” “好,就那样!”他兴高采烈地回答。

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