
时间:2019-05-15 03:54:20下载本文作者:会员上传


文章一:尊敬的先生或女士:我很高兴向你推荐我的学生**,一个我很满意的学生,他正要申请就读贵校计算机专业的硕士课程。他是计算机学院07级计算机科学与技术专业的在读学生。据我所知,他能够认真思考课堂所学,课下积极和导师交流。并能提出一些很有创意的观点。他的想象力和创造力让人惊讶,这得益于他有意识地时常锻炼自己的动手能力。他带领的团队参加了挑战杯程序设计大赛,他有面对挑战的勇气。他在学校的学习成绩也是名列前茅,并且获得过多次奖学金,具有很强的研究素质和独立学习能力。他的专业知识丰富,掌握的也很扎实。对于C,C++,C#,java等语言的编程很熟悉,同时能够熟练应用数据库的相关开发技术,对操作系统的结构和一些细节也有着较深刻的了解,对于应用软件的开发也有一些心得。他担任过院系党支部的宣传委员,成功带领该支部取得了校优秀支部的称号。这是当时唯一的一个07级的校优秀支部。他做事严谨,能够将导师交给他的任务认真完成。同时他为人稳重诚恳,执着肯干,我很满意他对专业的求知欲和以及他获得学业成功的能力、期望与决心。基于以上原因,作为他的班主任,我愿意推荐他到贵校继续深造。文章二: 尊敬的先生或女士:我要向您推荐的是我的一个学生,他叫**。他申请就读于贵校的计算机专业。首先我要肯定的是,他是一个善良诚恳的人。他会用自己的热情去感染别人,从他做学生工作的经历中就可以看出。他曾经做为计算机学院07级学生党支部的宣传委员组织过学生工作。在与他共事的人中得到了一致的好评。同时他也是值得信赖的朋友,能够帮助老师和朋友分担忧虑。其次,他是一个聪明且肯动脑的人,我认为他有很大的教学潜力。他会将把所学到的知识进行自己的理解,很多时候都能提出很有新意的观点。得益于他这样的性格,他的成绩在院系也是名列前茅的。他有这样一种求知欲,希望能够通过动手实践,将所学到的知识变成对现实生活有帮助的东西。他就曾经和他的团队开发过一种依托于工作流的医院系统,虽然不够完善,但是他面对挑战的勇气值得肯定。他有着迫切的留学愿望,希望接触到更新的知识。因此,我作为他的院长,希望借我的推荐,能够完成他在贵校攻读硕士的愿望。文章三: 个人陈述 我给自己的总结有以下几点: l首先我性格开朗随和,与朋友相处融洽。其次,我是一个乐观开朗而且进取心很强的人,不会因为挫折而放弃我的追求。第三,我是一个理性、客观的人,遇事能够冷静分析,而且我做事认真,对于交给我的工作我会全力以赴。l我有着丰富地待人处事经验。我在高中就已加入中国共产党,从大学入学开始就担任计算机与软件学院07级党支部宣传委员,所在支部在七一评优时获得了校优秀支部称号,我个人也曾多次获得三好学生、优秀党员称号,现担任0704104班党支部书记。l我有很强的求知欲望,尤其对我所学计算机专业领域的知识感兴趣。因此我在大学期间的学习成绩很优秀,平均成绩在院系名列前茅,曾获多次人民奖学金。同时动手能力强,曾带领团队参加过挑战杯程序设计部分的比赛,获得优秀奖。l我有丰富的业余爱好。喜欢音乐,对中外音乐都有所涉猎,在所有的音乐形式中比较喜欢爵士乐和蓝调音乐,尤其是巴萨努瓦。因此我也很喜欢唱歌,我认为我有一副好嗓子。热衷于读书,读过很多中外名著以增长见闻,同时对于书本里提出的观点我会有自己的看法和见解。去英国留学的原因: l对英国这个国家的喜爱,包括对英国古老建筑,自然风光以及当地风土人情的好奇。l英国有很多世界知名的高等学府,例如牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工大学等等。我希望能在我向往的学校学习,感受其中的学术氛围。l增加人生阅历,开阔眼界。在中国

生活了20多年的我渴望看看中国已外的世界,这对我完整世界观和价值观的形成是有积极作用的。同时留学国外,适应独自的生活对我也是一种锻炼和激励。l了解更多知识,真正掌握专业领域技能,以更好的姿态面对今后的就业形势,同时为今后追求更高的目标奠定基础。l关于一些个人经历,由于我热衷读书,经常在图书馆中查阅书籍。我发现很多有关专业性很强的领域的书籍全都是翻译的外文书,而在我国本土出版的相关书籍则很少,而且阐释也不够深刻,而且如今科技发展的现状是很多欧美等国家的科技研究引领全球的科技发展。所以我希望通过出国留学更超前地接受新的技术发展方向。对于出国留学的打算: l我所学习的专业是计算机,我所申请的是计算机专业方面的授课型硕士。因此我希望能够在我求学的这一年中深入对我专业领域的探索,同时培养能力将所学的知识迅速低地转换成生产力,可以应用于实际。l我希望在读完硕士之后继续攻读博士,因为我认为计算机是一个技术性极强的专业,也是更新换代很快的专业,所以更加广泛而深入地对现有的知识进行了解和学习有助于我今后的发展,同时博士生导师们丰富的经验也是一笔宝贵的财富。我打算在留学期间在国外企业从事一段时间与我所学专业相关的工作,以增加阅历。由于我攻读的是授课型的硕士,要求我能够更好地掌握和应用知识,因此在当地企业的实习工作是一个提高实用能力的很好的契机。Respect of sir or madam: I am pleased to recommend to you my students, a * * * I am satisfied with the student, he was about to apply for admission to your computer specialized courses.He is a computer college 07 level of computer science and technology university student.As far as I know, he can seriously thinking of the classroom, the positive and tutor exchange.And put forward some very creative ideas.His imagination and creativity surprising, thanks to his consciously often exercise their practice ability.He leads a team to challenge the program design contest, he has the courage to face challenges.In his school grades are ranked, and won many scholarship, strong study quality and independent learning ability.He is rich, master of professional knowledge and very solid.In C + +, Java, C #, the programming language proficiency, familiar with the application of database can be related to development of technology, the operating system structure and some detail also has a profound understanding of, for application software development also have some experiences.He served as a faculty member, party propaganda success led the branch made the title of excellent branch school).This was the only one of the outstanding branch school grade 07.He can be conscientious teacher gave his task seriously.While he is sedate, sincere, I'm satisfied with his wheels for professional and his desire and ability to academic success, expected and determination.Based on the above reasons, as his teacher, I would like to recommend him to continue their study at this university.Article 2: Respect of sir or madam: I will recommend you is one of my students, he call * * *.He applied for studying in your computer.First, I will certainly, he is a good sincere man.He will use his enthusiasm to infect others, from his student experience can be seen.He had a computer college students' party branch grade 7 students work

organization committee propaganda.In working with him who received consistent high praise.He is trustworthy friend can help teachers and friends share anxiety.Secondly, he is a smart and willing to move the brain, I think he has great potential in the teaching.He will take the knowledge you have learned in his own understanding, a lot of time to put forward new ideas.Thanks to his personality, he scores in college is ranked.He is such a kind of desire, the hope can through practice and knowledge to real life has become the help.He and his team have developed a system based on workflow hospital, although not perfect, but his courage to face the challenges.He has the desire to study abroad, hope urgently to update knowledge.Contact Therefore, I hope the President as he borrowed my recommendation, can finish his desire to study for a master's in your university.Article 3: Personal statement I give myself summary have the following: L personality easygoing, first I get along well with friends.Secondly, I am a very optimistic, cheerful and enterprising, won't abandon me because of setbacks and pursuit.Third, I is a rational and objective, it can calm analysis, and I work conscientiously, for I will give my best work.L I have rich experience to others.In high school, I had joined the communist party of China, from the university entrance began as a computer and software college level party branch committee propaganda, 2007 in July when decide where branch school won excellent branch, I have won many titles miyoshi students, outstanding communist party member, 0704104 class party branch secretary.L I have strong desire for knowledge, especially my computer specialized knowledge learned interest.Therefore I learn in college grades are excellent, the average scores in college, and won many top people's scholarship.And practical ability, to lead the team in the challenge of part programming, obtain excellent.L I had a lot of hobbies.Like music, music and all parts in the form of music, all in jazz and blues music like Barcelona mondereported, especially.Therefore I also like singing, I think I have a good voice.Keen to read, read many Chinese classics to increase knowledge, and put forward the ideas to the books I have their own ideas and opinions.To study in UK: In Britain the country l, including Britain, natural scenery and ancient architecture of the local customs.There are many world famous l UK institutions, such as the Oxford and Cambridge university, imperial college, etc.I hope I can study in the school, the yearning feeling of academic atmosphere.L add life experience, widen your horizon.Living in China for more than 20 years, I desire to see the world, China has to complete my world outlook and values of the form is a positive role.While studying abroad, adapt to the life I alone is a kind of exercise and motivation.L learn more knowledge and skills, professional master with better posture face future employment situation, while pursuing higher goals for the future.L about some personal experience, because I really like reading in the library, often consult books.I found a lot of relevant

professional strong field of books are all the percentage of foreign books, translated and published in China's domestic relevant books are rarely, but have not deep, the present situation of the development of science and technology nowadays many European countries is the world's leading scientific research and technological development.So I hope to study abroad to accept the new technology more advanced development direction.To study abroad to: L I learned my major is computer, I have applied for the computer professional teaching model.So I hope I can study in the years of my deep field exploration, and cultivating ability of knowledge quickly, can convert low productivity in practical application.L I want to read in the Ph.D.Degree, because I think that the computer is one of professional technical, professional and update quickly, so more extensive and thorough understanding of the existing knowledge and learning helps my future development, at the same time, the tutor of rich experience is a treasure.I intend to study abroad in during a period of time and the enterprises engaged in my major, and to increase the relevant work experience.The study is due to my master, teaching model can ask me better, and application of knowledge in local enterprises to improve the work is a very good chance of practical ability.


Explore Nanjing, host of 2014

Youth Olympics

The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing are only a few days away.As the world tunes in to the international event, the host city has a chance to highlight its unique charm and fascinating history.Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province, does not see the flow of international travelers that Beijing and Shanghai do.With a blend of the modern and traditional, Nanjing has a proud history of being “the ancient capital of six dynasties”.Royal summer retreats of Chinese emperorsTaking a summer escape away from hot and stuffy air is not a modern idea.At a time when air conditioning and the refrigerator were not even a summer dream, traveling to a place for milder weather and cooler water seemed more important to people, including for the emperors.Like clockwork, many emperors would stay at a summer resort with their concubines and ministers during the hottest months each year.Here we take a look at some of the summer resorts lived by the royal families, which now can be enjoyed by ordinary people.Boeing 787 to serve Xiamen Air A Boeing 787, the first of its kind for Xiamen Air, will land at Xiamen Airport in Fujian province on Aug 31 after completing its first test flight on Aug 12 in Seattle, US.The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the first mid-sized long-range airliner in aircraft history.As Xiamen Air’s first wide-bodied aircraft, the Boeing 787 can fly 14,232 kilometers and enable Xiamen Air to open more non-stop air routes.Xiamen Air has ordered six Boeing 787 planes.The second one will be delivered in October and the other four are scheduled for delivery next year.Xiamen Air is the third airline company in China to introduce the Boeing 787, following China Southern and Hainan airlines.Xiamen Air currently has 106 planes.The new Boeing 787 will initially be used for domestic flights and later serve international routes, as the airline hopes to expand its international service.The new plane will first fly between Fuzhou and Beijing in September, and then fly to North America and Europe after approval.


Theology 2 D 11.17 Yuxuan Li Theology Newsletter for Thanksgiving/Advent

I’d like to spend the next few days focusing on Thanksgiving.That’s right, Thanksgiving.Yes, I know that the official American holiday falls on the fourth Thursday in November, not the third Monday.So, yes, I know that I’m a week early.But I’d like to begin to offer some thoughts on Thanksgiving, even though we won’t be sitting down to a Turkey dinner for another 240 hours or so.Why start a conversation about Thanksgiving now? I do not mean in any way to undermine the specialness of the traditional holiday.I think it’s great that the United States continues to set apart a day a year for giving thanks.And I think it’s doubly great that most of us still believe that Thanksgiving is a day for actually giving thanks to God, not just a time for feeling nebulously thankful while filling our faces with a Turkey dinner and watching football on TV.My hope is that by writing about Thanksgiving a week and a half early, I might actually enhance your celebration of Thanksgiving, not detract from it.Thus, today’s post will be the first of several on giving thanks.There is a danger, I believe, in identifying one day a year as Thanksgiving Day.It’s the danger of implying that thanks is due on this day, but not on others.We face a similar danger, for example, when we designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.Shouldn’t children honor their mothers more than once a year? Similarly, shouldn’t we be thankful more often than once a year on the fourth Thursday of November? As a Christian, I would argue that giving thanks to God is important because it honors God.I would also argue that Scripture calls for consistent gratitude among God’s people.But, there is also case for gratitude that doesn’t depend on biblical theology.In fact, it appeals to common sense and even self interest.To put the matter bluntly: Gratitude will improve your life.Gratitude magnifies our experience of the good things in life, enabling us to enjoy them more thoroughly.Gratitude also helps us to endure the hard things in life with dignity, perhaps even with humor.Gratitude is like savoring a fine meal, enjoy every bite, rather than racing through a meal as if it’s some sort of race.Let me offer a person example of what I’m talking about here.I was able to go to college because I received generous financial aid.My father had been unemployed for several years so our family resources were limited.Harvard expected me to earn a fair amount of money through working, both during the summers and the school years.I was also required to take out a reasonable loan.But the majority of my tuition, room, and board was covered by a grant from the school.This was not a merit-based scholarship, I might add.I’m not bragging here.Harvard’s assistance was based on financial need, of which I had plenty.









Dear Ms.Zhang,I am a graduate student at Minzu University of China.I am majoring in corporate management.I am very interested in your company,and your corporate culture attracts me a lot.(介绍自己来自哪个学校、什么专业,表明对公司强烈兴趣)

Therefore, I have searched for information about your company.I am going to graduate soon and would like to ask if your company has any vacancies.I really hope to work for your company.(询问该公司是否有职位空缺)

My research at university is mainly about the operation and management of small and medium-sized companies.I have participated in many small and medium-sized corporate forums and have competedin a variety of related competitions, and I have received many awards.(介绍自己的成就、经验和获得的奖励)I had a short-term summer internship in your company.During the internship, I accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge.I think I am very suitable for your company and hope you can provideme with an employment opportunity.(介绍实


I am looking forward to your reply and hope to get a job interview.If it is convenient for you, please contact me, my phone number is 2222-1111.(请求给予面试机会并留下自己的联系方式。)

Yours sincerely,Serena Wei



1. 要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。

2. 写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔。

3. 具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。

4. 学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remains to be

elucidated …” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭(plagiarism)。

5. 第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用“Thesaurus”(同义词替换)以避免过多重复。第二稿的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。

6. 第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。记住:学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。



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