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2.学唱两首英文歌曲或看两篇浅显易懂的英文原版电影(如迪士尼动画片英文原版电影), 两者可选择其一:

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选择看两篇英文原版电影要求: 学会模仿至少20句喜欢的电影台

词, 并要求把在20句的电影台词





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4.温馨提示: 请各英语课代表回校后,收齐单词抄写本和Handwriting本;另外, 每位学生准备好开学初的新概念英语的背诵默写以及英文歌曲或英文电影台词模仿的展示!最后, 祝同学们新年快乐!

Practice makes perfect!

第三篇:高一英语寒假作业 -答案


参考答案: 词汇书: P26-P30 1.apparent









10.apple 11.architecture 12.Approximately

13.area 14.appropriate

15.application 16.Apart/Aside from

17.appealing to

18.an appetite for

19.applied himself to

20.approve of P31-35 P36-P40 1 astonished atmosphere 3 attacked 4 attending attentive 6 attitude attraction

audience authority automatic

autonomous available avoid awesome awkward

To my astonishment 17 attach great importance to made an attempt

attributes his success to became aware of


高 一 英 语 寒 假 作 业

1.Children can get close to_______nature by taking part in______series of outdoor activities.A.the;/B.the;aC./;theD./;a

2.Have you seen Jack recently?I wonder________with his classmates.A.how is he getting alongB.that he is getting along well

C.what he is getting alongD.if he is getting along well

3.Now I’ve got him in my________;I can make him do anything I want.A.powerB.energyC.strengthD.right

4.Emily’s grandma________poor health for several years,so she always takes care of her after school.A.joined inB.has got tired ofC.went throughD.has suffered from

5.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ________you,I suppose.A.agree withB.agree toC.agree onD.agree about

6.Drivers are warned that it is dangerous to talk on the phone while________.A.driveB.drivingC.droveD.to drive

7.—Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden?

—No.It is the first time that I________to China.A.comeB.have comeC.am comingD.came

8.David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature________he chose the course.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.how

9.—Did the boys break the window________?

—No.They did it when they were playing football.A.by accidentB.on purposeC.at duskD.as usual

10.As we all know,parents are concerned________their children’s study,because it is concerned________their future.A.about;withB.about;forC.for;aboutD.with;about

11.I have some trouble________physics.I would be grateful________you if you could give me some advice on it.A.with;forB.in;toC.in;withD.with;to

12.—So you didn’t say “Hi” to your partner when you saw her?

—Well,I stopped and smiled at her,but she________me and walked on with her head high.A.refusedB.failedC.missedD.ignored 13 -I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.

-You ________home half an hour earlier.

A should have left B must have leftC should leaveD must leave

14.I requested that he _______an hour earlier.A.cameB.comesC.will comeD.come

15.Don’t lose heart before difficulties for everything will change ______time.A.throughB.overC.pastD.during

16.They don't know much about ______ English language but they can speak ______ English well.A.the, theB./, theC.the, /D./,/

17.John said he would pay ____second visit to China ___next month.A.the;/B.the;theC.a;theD.a;/

18.Thousands of works of art, ________ the most famous paintings, were_______1

during the war.A.included;missedB.including;missing


19.When Bob woke up, he found himself in hospital, but he didn’t know how that __________.A.came aboutB.came outC.came alongD.came across

20.—Shall we go outing this weekend?

—Oh, with all this work __________,I don’t know if I’ll have time to go out.A.to doB.doingC.doneD.do

21.—What is your plan for the holiday, Paul?

—I’ll go on a trip to Yunnan Province with my family.—_____.A.Have a nice time B.Good luckC.Come back soon D.Congratulations

22.The professor _____ his thoughts before giving his lecture so that he could make himself understood well.A.organizedB.recognizedC.realizedD.advertised

23.That salesman _____ me to buy his MP4, but it doesn’t work well now.A.advisedB.persuadedC.preferredD.expected

24.The American experts went on a long train _____ across China.A.journal B.journey C.voyage D.transport

25.Mr.Black has been teaching English in a middle school _____ he came to China.A.for everB.ever sinceC.ever beforeD.long before

26.A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesn’t _____ students is not a good teacher.A.argue about B.discuss aboutC.dream aboutD.care about

27.Though she was ill that day, she was the first to come to school _____.A.as usualB.on timeC.at timesD.no longer

28.Is the river_____ through that town very large?

A which flowsB flowsC that flowingD whose flows

29.Little Tony insisted that his lessonsimportant and that his mother _____ him to school.A.were , sendB.are , sentC.were , sentD.are, sending

30.I prefer________ at home to ______outside.

A staying,playingB to stay,play C staying,playD to stay,playing

31.Jane, I hear you _____ to China.Have you got everything right?

A.have traveledB.travelC.are travelingD.would travel

32.—If you are free,I’ll invite you to see a film tomorrow.—.It couldn’t be better.A.I’m sorryB.Thank youC.That’s rightD.Don’t mention it

33.Soon after the quakes,one thousand soldiers were sent out tofrom the local coal mine.A.shelterB.rescueC.buryD.injure

34.Two days later,the fighting between the two countries left the areaA.in fearB.in silenceC.in ruinsD.in peace

35.—Congratulationsyoupassing your driving test!

—Thank you.A.to, atB.to, onC.on, fromD./, in

36.This task is _____difficult for us.We need ______people.

A much too; another threeB too much; other three

C much too; more threeD too much; three more

37.The mother’s actionsA.expressedB.saidC.meantD.judged

38.The Sound of Music is the first English filmI have ever seen.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.what

39.They talked about their classmates and thingsthey still remembered in middle school.A.whoB.whomC.thatD.which

40.the teachers who made a visit to our school this year was less than that of last year.A.The number ofB.A number ofC.A great deal ofD.Plenty of

41.—What’s the matter?

—My legwhen I try to move it.A.damagesB.destroysC.hurtsD.injuries

42.He remembers everything of his childhood as if itjust now.A.was happeningB.happensC.happenedD.has happened

43.---I just heard that the tickets for tonight’s show have been sold out.---Oh no!____________.A.I was looking forward to thatB.It doesn’t matter

C.I knew it alreadyD.It’s not at all interesting

44.Which sentence is incorrect?

A He devoted himself to the work of children`s health care.

B He is devoted to his work.

C He devoted all his life to work hard in people`s interests.

D He is determined to make more money for his family

45.When the rescue workers arrived, they were sad to see what _____ of the relics after the big fire..A.was remainedB.remainedC.was madeD.made

46.I have never fancied _____ such a house with such a beautiful garden.A.to haveB.havingC.to belong toD.belonging to

47.You can’t imagine the trouble we had _____ the drowning child.A.to saveB.savingC.savedD.save

48.If you want to be a creative writer, you have to form your own ______ of writing.A.mannersB.styleC.typeD.ability

49.Thank you for _____ me of the meeting which I would otherwise have forgotten.A.rememberingB.tellingC.remindingD.recalling

50.The magazine is ______reading,so he advised me ____it.

A well worth; to buyB very worth; buying

C worthing,buyingD worthy,to buy

51.The foreign guests gave us some jewels like precious stones, gold rings and so on as gifts, but we didn’t know what to give them _____.A.in turnB.in returnC.in rewardD.in honor

52.The student you considered ______hardest failed to pass the important examination.A.to have studiedB.having studiedC.to studyD.studying

53.It is really a wonder that _____ fell down from a ten-storey building to the ground without getting the least damage.A.your furnituresB.that piece of your furniture

C.those pieces of your furnituresD.your that furniture

54.The lazy bone pretended ______ earnestly when his father came into his study to see what he was doing.A.studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to have studied

55.More evidence is needed _____that your maid _____ your money when you were away on business.A.proving;stoleB.to prove;has stolen

C.to be proved;has stolenD.to prove;stole

56.When the sailors went into the old castle with ____ candles on the lonely island, they were surprised to find its walls ____ with beautiful paintings of different times.A.lighted;coveringC.lit;coveredC.lighted;coveredD.lit;covering

57.Mike was our________customer,who used to shop here on Sundays.A.regularB.usualC.normalD.formal

58.People with different personalities have different learning styles.Some learn best by _____ and error;some learn best by listening and seeing.A.doingB.trialC.tryD.testing

59.—I think we should find out the answers on the Internet.—________.I’d rather work these questions out myself.A.I become interested in itB.I can’t agree with you

C.Let’s make a decisionD.I couldn’t agree more

60.Most politicians are not _____ in that country.Which of the following is not OK?

A.well thought ofB.highly thought ofC.thought of wellD.much thought of

61.It’s a problem of such difficulty________nobody can work it out.A.asB.whichC.thatD.where

62.The police questioned William closely and he finally admitted________the car.A.to stealB.having stolenC.to have stolenD.to be stealing

63.—Do you know Ann Watterson very well?

—Yes,she used to be an editor and________the business part of the paper.A.was in charge ofB.is in charge of

C.was in the charge ofD.is in the charge of

64.Anything ____ public interests has to be decided ____ the opinion of the majority.A.which concerns;in C.that concerns about;in C.concerns;in D.concerning;in

65.—Could you tell me your favorite________?—No pains,no gains.A.realityB.expressionC.mottoD.mark

66.The reason________he could not go to that college was________his grades were too low.A.why;becauseB.that;becauseC.why;thatD.what;that

21.—My mother doesn’ t know much about the computer.—________.A.So does my motherB.Nor does my mother

C.So my mother doesD.Neither my mother does

22.If you keep practicing your son in football,he________to make a famous player.A.wantsB.hopesC.promisesD.wishes

23.Her sister________a rich man.They________for twenty years.A.married with;have marriedB.married to;have married

C.married;have been marriedD.has married with;have been married

24.—Who is________the TV show?She seems to be talented.—Mary Green,who used to be a great actress.A.openingB.hostingC.playingD.seeing

25.—There are many________for the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.Can you list some of them?

—Running races,horse riding,sailing and so on.A.basesB.designsC.mattersD.events








5.preparations 6.respect




10.Selected 11.experienced




15.achieve 16.extra


18.struggle 19.attractive



1.is, listened to to 2.have been introduced

3.to protecting

4.donated, are being displayed 5.Not having experienced




9.Having run 10.enjoyable 11.fluency 12.challenging 13.encouragement 14.approval 15.preparation



2.paid;for 3.interested

4.come up with

5.As soon as 6.consists of

7.keeps/prevents, from

8.in charge of;takes charge 9.to be repaired;repairing

10.it easier

11.being studied;to be studied;studying 12.as well as 13.Now that

14.It is known, as, as;As is known

15.on your taking 16.explained to

17.who is a kind-hearted teacher

18.to, supply/provide, provide for 19.kept in touch

20.aren’t allowed to;smoking


1.We finished the work in time as we had expected.2.On arriving there 3.The more he talked, the more excited he became.4.as they are 5.I regret to inform you that you are fired/dismissed by the company.6.staying up late, surfing the Internet 7.This is the most interesting activity that I have ever taken part in.8.At first, a struggle, that/which was taught in English.9.The best way to win respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.10.On average, keep fit 11.to follow/take your advice 12.He forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet café.13.These feelings can be thought of as growing pains.14.Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard.15.He insisted on giving me a birthday present.高一英语寒假作业四参考答案

1—5 DABCA 6—10 BDBAB 11—15 CDCAA 16—20 DCDBA 21—25 BDCBD 26—30 ADCBC 31—35 DABDC 36—39 BDCD 40—42 DCD 1.public 2.Reasons 3.expensive 4.better 5.helpful 6.effects 7.focus 8.teachers 9.compare 10.various 高一英语寒假作业参考答案

第 1 页

共 7 页 Dear sister, Recently I have learned much from a girl who nearly lost her life in order to look good.I am anxious to give you some advice.First of all, you may drink a cup of warm water after you get up, which will help you cleanse your body.Then, you should eat healthy meals, especially your breakfast, which will contribute to your health.Of course, there is no need for you to go on a diet.As to your food, you can add some fruits, vegetables and meat.You may know the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Besides, you should do morning exercises, eye exercises and make full use of your PE lessons to help you keep healthy.Moreover, before going to bed, you can keep your feet in hot water for a while, which is of great help to help you relax.My dear, follow it, please.Nothing is more important than health.Just as it says: Health is “1”, and the others are “0”.Once “1” loses, everything will lose.Please write back soon and tell me what you think about my advice.Best wishes for you!

Liu Ying



1.independence 2.handling



5.behavior 6.punished




10.Annoyed 11.emergency

12.Anyhow/ Anyway

13.mixing, up 14.join 15.defend 16.tolerate;rude 17.mess


19.teenagers 20 insists 动词填空:

1.supposed 2.arguing

3.comparing 4.explanation 5.to enter/from entering 6.repaired 7.(should)be sent 8.frightened;frightening 9.to be punished/punishing/punishment 10.to win

11.could fly

12.harming 13.worried

14.challenging 15.leading;had difficulty;finding



2.for which

3.failed in 4.do harm to/be harmful to

5.How;deal with;which/that


1.asked;satisfactory/satisfying explanation 2.didn’t think 3.left out 4.a cold shoulder 5.are too hard on/are too strict with 6.supposed;set a limit to 7.forbids;to go out/from going out 8.limit

9.I am afraid that you misunderstood what I said.10.With so many problems to settle

11.finding fault with 12.He talks about Egypt as if he had been there before.13.was supposed to have caught 14.Every time/Whenever;spend more time studying 15.Although/Though/While;at present;along with;went though


1—5 BDCBA 6—10 CBABB 11—15 DACAB 16—20 DCADB 21—25 CAADC 26—30 BDCDB 36—38 DAD 39—43 DCBDD

31—35 CABCC 高一英语寒假作业参考答案

第 2 页

共 7 页 1.improve 6.weaknesses 2.share 7.Focus 3.compare 8.appearance 4.appreciate 9.overweight 5.Work 10.daily 高一英语寒假作业七(M1U3)参考答案

二、1.stay 2 weighs 3 ashamed weight, exercise 5 priceless 6.figures 7.exactly 8.embarrassed 9.risked


三、1.be handed 2.being seen 3.to protecting 4.recovering 5.including 6.informed 7.doing 8.damaged



四、1.heard from 2.getting better 3.which/that are;popular 4.Which/that led 5.that;take;care of 6.when finished 7.so has Mary

8.As a matter of fact 9.heard a better

10.two of whom

五、1 a sense of loss 2 as a matter of fact 3 As usual 4 make the most of 5 follow the suggestions/advice 6 live a simple life 7 left in charge of 8The only way to do 9 nothing important than 10 what’s more 11 so concentrate on 12 is considering changing 13 regretted making 14 lose weight at the moment 15 the number of teenagers 16 under pressure 17 don’t think is worth 18 took the risk of 19 agree with;insisted on 20 built up


1—5 CACBD 6—10 ABBBC 11—15 DCACB 16—20 CAADB 21—25 CDAAB 26—30 DBCCB 31—35 DBACD 36—39 BDCC 40—42 BAB 1.aspects


3.grateful 4.lead 5.realized 6.achievement 7.confidence 8.failure

9.crying 10.action Dear readers, Recently I have received a lot of letters which refer to pains and puzzles between parents and children.Generation gap is a common problem, but both parents and children should try their best to solve it in order to live a happy life.As parents, we should often communicate with our children in an equal and friendly way to get them to share what they are doing and they are worried about.Besides, we can do something to help them deal with what they come across during their growth.What’s more, we should show respect for them and their choices, giving them some room to do what they want.In addition, when there are times when we don’t agree, we should share our advice with them instead of giving them orders.As children, we should respect and love our parents, who afford and offer us so much.When we are puzzled or happy, we can turn to them for help or share with them.Moreover, it is a good way to introduce some new subjects to our parents, which will bring both of us happiness.In all, we should start out with love and, of course, we will end up sharing our love.Yours sincerely,Beauty


第 3 页

共 7 页 高一英语寒假作业九(M2U1)参考答案

二、1.unexplained 2.search 3.due

4.witness 5.showed 6.possibility 7.research 8.frightening 9.made 10.disappoited, progress 11.similar

12.evidence, existence 13.average 14.convinced 15.case 16.creatures

17.disappointed 18.According 19.similar 20.scientific

三、1.to be paid 2.missing 3.sung 4.disappointing 5.is being looked 6.puzzling 7.experienced 8.frightened 9.convincing 10.witnessed

四、1.graduating from 2.As soon as 3.like rain 4.developing;interest in 5.Upon returning 6.of improving 7.showed a great interest in 8.made an apology to;for 9.inform;of 10.ahead of time 11.included

12.were raised 13.isn’t allowed/is forbidden 14.for;to have 15.consists of 16.as;as I can 17.The harder;the better 18.earlier than usual 19.of working our 20.helpful

五、完成句子1.is made up of 2.has made great progress 3.full moon hung in

4.doing research on 5.is said to go


1.They both/Both of them played the game according to the rules.2.The police tried to separate the two men who were fighting./ two fighting men.3.The flight was put off because of / due to the thick fog.4.He didn’t show up / turn up /appear until the meeting had finished.5.They are stepping up their training for the coming baseball match.高一英语寒假作业十参考答案

1—5 BDDCB 6—10 BDDBC 11—15 DBCAC 16—20 BACDB 21—25 CDABA 26—30 BCADC 31—35 DBDAC 36—38 BAA 39—42 DABC 1.effect/impact/influence 2.Tips/Suggestions/Advice 3.Associated/connected/linked 4.chances 5.Wear 6.regardless 7.Including/like 8.similar 9.Avoid 10.change



二、1.arranged 2.flight 3.dusty 4.altogether 5.supplied 6.rough 7.protection 8.defence 9.scared


三、1.afterwards 2.shade 3.adventures 4.deserting 5.extraordinary

6.cheeks 7.brilliant 8.wildlife 9.advances 10.photograph

四、1.as early as possible 2.up close 3.scare away 4.took a flight to 5.get burnt 6.Make sure 7.In case 8.can’t wait to 9.in advance 10.got close to

五、1.spend much time improving 2.so that 3.in case 4.whatever 5.can’t wait to 6.even though 7.the size of 8.should take

六、1.While at college 2.whatever jobs he could 3.the first time;had stayed 4.Since his method doesn’t work 5.had hoped to become;but 高一英语寒假作业参考答案

第 4 页

共 7 页 B

一、1.reflects 2.schedule 3.harmony 4.explored 5.forever

6.viewed 7.tourism 8.destination 9.beauty 10.announce

二、1.classic 2.diamonds 3.officially 4.buried 5.steep 6.mild 7.temple 8.kingdom 9.published 10.wander

三、1.in harmony with 2.at a loss 3.reach to 4.is filled with 5.is home to C

一、1.unexplained 2.disappeared 3.construction 4.possibility 5.length

6.strengths 7.uncomfortable 8.beauty 9.officially 10.surounding

二、1.occurred 2.dismiss 3.survived 4.protection 5.schedule

三、1.looked into 2.make up 3.taking charge of 4.show up 5.stepping up 6.belonging to 7.making their way to 8.went missing 9.towers over 10.got close to

四、1.in case 2.is home to 3.in harmony with 4.at a loss 5.is similar to


1—5 BBCAC 6—10 DCBAB 11—15 ADCBA 16—20 BDBAD 21—25 ABDCD 26—30 ABCBC 31—35 CDBAD 36—39 ADCB 40—42 BCB 1.protect 2.types

3.sunlight 4.fixed

5.large 6.buy 7.reducing 8.replace

9.convenient 10.Made Report about means of transportation From the table above, we know that the means of transportation in the city have changed a lot in recent years.From 2010 to 2012, the number of bicycles increased by 25% because riding a bicycle is convenient and a good form of exercise.Over 20,000 new taxis appeared in the past two years.People take taxis because it can save a lot of time and the charge is reasonable.The number of private cars has doubled, since private cars are convenient and comfortable.Last but not least, the number of buses has increased by 1,000, but public transportation is still considered as slow and crowded and its service should be further improved.It can be concluded that people now have many choices when they travel and that traffic will become more and more convenient.高一英语寒假作业十三(M2U3)参考答案


二、1.preserve 2.Entrance 3.riddles 4.Whichever 5.swallowing

6.tombs 7.content 8.punishment 9.within


三、1.actress 2.typist 3.explorers 4.electrician 5.specialist 6.assistant 7.waitress 8.policewoman 9.artists


四、1.has made a fortune 2.come across 3.By coincidence 4.resulted in 5.Whichever 6.make a discovery of 7.is in connection with 8.along with 9.paid off 10.dreamed of

五、1.searched for 2.open up 3.Shortly after 4.died of 5.looked into 6.is curious about 7.through her action 8.set sail for 9.is known as 10.as well as

六、1.listening to 2.It was;that 3.Upon getting 4.only to find 5.If chosen 6.What is certain is that 7.who was 8.At the age of 9.After finishing 10.When he arrived 高一英语寒假作业参考答案

第 5 页

共 7 页 B

一、1.captain 2.outgoing 3.companion 4.various 5.status

6.signal 7.widespread 8.female 9.nationality 10.native

二、1.devotion 2.Organization 3.survive

4.warning 5.rarely

三、1.outgoing;get on with 2.graduated from;is studying 3.has shown great devotion to 4.had a dream;has come true 5.am not afraid of;grow up

四、1.Born in;now he 2.with 3.After graduating 4.Not only is he 5.As is known to us all 6.known 7.It is;since 8.is regarded as 9.What is certain 10.As;it is my duty

五、1.When 2.and 3.so 4.Besides 5.Because 6.not only 7.At the same time 8.If


1—5 CBCCD 6—10 CBBDA 11—15 BABCD 16—20 ABDBC 21—25 CDABC 26—30 BCABD 31—35 CBCDA 36—39 CADB 40—43 AACD 1.Continuing/Keeping 2.role 3.harmful 4.mistakes 5.others 6.worry 7.calm 8.good 9.way(s)10.make


1—5 CBCCB 6—10 DABAA 11—15 ABCBA 16—20 DCABA 21—25 BCCDB 26—30 DCDBC 31—35 ADABC 36—39 CABB 40—43 BCBB 1.Causes



4.get/have 5.without 6.belief



9.Benefits 10.Improving


第 6 页

共 7 页



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