
时间:2019-05-15 05:51:28下载本文作者:会员上传




★My teacher of English(我的英语老师)/ My Teacher in High School(我的高中老师)My 最喜欢的老师)/

My English teacher is Miss Wang.我的英语老师是王老师。She is a beautiful lady.她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes.她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.她总是在微笑着。

Miss Wang is a good teacher.王老师是一位好老师。She works very hard.她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave.每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well.她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells us what are the right things to do.而且她还告诉我们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher.她是慈母般的老师。She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us.她把我们当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾我们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher.这就是王老师,我最喜爱的老师。I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher.我为有她这样的老师而感到幸运。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。

★My Best Friend(我最好的朋友)/ My Close Friend(我的好朋友)/ My best schoolmate(我的同学)/ My Classmates(我的同学)/ My best workmate(我最好的同事)

Li Xia is my best friend.李霞是我最好的朋友。She is an English teacher.她是位英语老师。She is a beautiful lady.她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes.她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.她总是在微笑着。

Li Xia is a good teacher.李霞是一位好老师。She works very hard.她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave.每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well.她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells her students what are the right things to do.而且她还告诉她的学生们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher.她是慈母般的老师。She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them.她把学生当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾他们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is Li Xia, my best friend.这就是李霞,我最好的朋友。I feel lucky to have her as my best friend.我为有她这样的好朋友而感到幸运。I hope that we will be best friends forever.我希望我们永远都是最好的朋友。

★My mother(我的母亲)/ The one I love most(我最爱的人)/ My Family(我的家庭)/ The(我的祖父母)

My mother is an English teacher.我的母亲是位英语老师。She is a beautiful lady.她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes.她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.她总是在微笑着。

My mother is a good teacher.我的母亲是一位好老师。She works very hard.她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave.每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well.她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells her students what are the right things to do.而且她还告诉她的学生们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher.她是慈母般的老师。She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them.她把学生当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾他们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is my mother.这就是我的母亲。I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her.我为有她这样的母亲而感到幸运,我也很爱她。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。

二类:计划类,如国庆计划安排,新年安排,假期安排等。只想要记忆范文并稍作改动,范文如下: ★My Plan for the National Day Holiday(我的国庆假期计划)

The National Day Holiday is coming.国庆假期要到了。It is a very important festival in China.这是中国一个非常重要的节日。Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday.每个人对于国庆节都有自己的计划。I have a plan, too.我也有一个计划。My plan is as follows: 我的计划如下.First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work.首先,我要好好休息一下,因为我平时工作很忙。Second, I want to stay with my parents.I’m not usually together with them.第二,我想陪陪父母。我并不是经常与他们在一起。Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often.第三,我想见见一些亲戚朋友,因为我们现在不怎么有机会见面。Fourth, I want to give my room a good cleaning.第四,我想好好打扫下房间。Finally, I will study English for the coming examination.最后,我想为即将到来的考试学习下英语。

This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday.这就是我对即将到来的国庆假期的计


可套用题目为:The Chinese New Year(中国新年),My Plan for the Spring Festival(我的春节计划), My plan for summer vacation(我的暑假计划)/ My travel plan(我的旅行计划)


★Why I study English?(我为什么学习英语?)/ 或者:Why do students like learning English?English is an international language.英语是一门国际性的语言。It is very useful.它非常有用。I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语。And this is how I study English.我就是这样学习英语的。

First, I remember 30 English words every day.首先,我每天背30个英文单词。Second, I go over the grammar points regularly.第二,我定期复习语法要点。Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English.第三,我阅读英文报纸的文章以及简单的英文小说。Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs.第四,我听英语的广播节目,看英语的电视节目。Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies.最后,我听英文音乐,看英文电影。

This is how I study English.我就是这样来学习英语的。As a result, I’m more and more interested in English and my English has improved greatly.结果,我现在对英语更感兴趣了,英语也有了很大的进步。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better.如果我继续不断练习的话,我的英语将会变得越来越棒。购正版,有保障 企鹅号:二八六三八三五四

可套用题目为:Self-study(自学)/How to achieve success of distance learning(如何在远

程学习中获得成功,(My)School life(我的学校生活)(同my first year in college大学生活的第一年)/ My Study Plan(学习计划),How to learn English well?(如何学好英语?)/My english study(我的英语学习),How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies(如何克服英语学习中的困难),Never Give Up(永远不要放弃),My Study Plan我的学习计划,My Dream 我的理想,My Hobbies我的爱好,Why I Like Learning English 为何我喜欢英语

四类:优点和缺点,灵活运用到各类商品中 ★Television/About Television(电视)

TV plays the vital role in ours life.电视在我们生活中扮演重要角色。TV can be seen everywhere in our daily life.电视在我们生活中随处可见。Almost each family has one TV set.每个家庭都有电视。However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything, and TV is no exception.然而每件事都有他的两面性,电视也不例外。

TV has its advantages.电视有它的优点。TV is very important to help me to get information and knowledge.电视能帮我获取信息 Various TV programs make me get to know the world and help me with my studies.丰富的电视节目让我不断的了解世界帮助我学习。

However, TV also has its disadvantages.然而电视也有缺点。Watching too much TV program can waste a lot of time.看太多电视浪费时间Some programs are boring and useless, and they can bring us bad information.有些节目无聊没用,并且会给我们带来坏的信息。koukou:28638354 weiyizhengban

So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.总之,一个硬币有它的两面,我们要选择好的那面。

可套用题目为:The Computer电脑/The Digital Products(数码产品),About Internet(论因特网),My Favorite TV program最爱的电视节目,On money(关于金钱)/ Money is not everything(金钱不是万能的)/Can Money Buy Happiness?(钱能带来快乐吗),Private Cars in China 中国私家车/ Buy a car or not?(买不买车?)/ On private cars(关于私家车),Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone(手机的利与弊)/My Opinion on Cell Phones(我对于手机的想法),On TV Ads(论电视广告)/My view on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements(广告的负面影响)


★Do physical execise(锻炼身体)/About physical exercise(体育锻炼)/ The sports activities I Everyone hopes to live happily in the world.每个人都想在这个世界上获得快乐。There is famous saying: ‘life lies on exercise’.俗话说生命在于运动 So exercise can help you live longer and more healthily.运动可以让你的生命延续活的更快乐。

First, exercise is good for us to build our bodies.首先,运动能够迁建身体。It makes the heart beat faster and make us stronger.让心脏跳动加快促使我们强壮。Sports can also make us eat more than usual which contributes to our bodies.运动能让我们比平时吃的更多让身体强壮。

Second, exercise can make us happy.第二,运动能让我们快乐。Some sport like basketball is interesting.有些运动比如篮球很有意思 So playing basketball can bring us into happiness.所以打篮球能带给我们快乐。

Third, exercise can help us get rid of our bad habits.第三,运动可以帮我们改掉坏习惯。We will not be lazy after a period of exercise.一段时间的运动之后我们就不再懒惰。

In a word, exercise is important, helpful and absolutely necessary.总之,运动很重要,很有用也绝对必要。

可套用题目为:Health and Wealth健康与财富,My Favorite Sport(我最喜爱的运动)//My favorite form of entertainment(我最喜欢的娱乐形式)/ 或者:My Favorite Hobby(我喜欢的爱好),Ways to keep fit(保持健康的方法)/How to keep healthy(如何保持健康)/ Health and eating habits(健康及饮食习惯),My Hobbies(我的爱好)/ My Interests(我的兴趣爱好)/ How I spend my spare time(我如何度过闲暇时光)/My Favorite Hobby(我最喜欢的爱好/ My hobby(我的爱好)/ My activities in leisure time(我的休闲生活)/Sports(运动),My Favorite Food(我最喜欢的食物),My Favorite TV program最爱的电视节目,My Ideal Job(我理想的工作)/ The Job I Like(我喜欢的工作),My Favorite Book(我最喜爱的书)/ The Book I Like Best(我最爱的一本书),My favorite means of getting information(我最喜爱的获取信息的手段),The Sports Activities I Like Best(我最爱的体育运动)

六类:远程教育学习类。★My expectation of the long-distance education(对远程教育的期望)

Now, I am a student in Shanghai TV university, in other words, I am a distance learner.现在我在上海电大学英语。换言之,我是一名远程学习者。I have a lot of expectations on my distance education.对远程教育,我有许多期待。Firstly, I hope to improve my spoken English.第一,我希望可以提高我的英语口语。I work in a foreign invested company, My boss is a foreigner, I need to talk with him in English every day, So I would like to improve my spoken English very much.我在外企上班,老板是外国人,每天我都需要和他用英语交谈,所以我非常想要提高英语口语。Secondly, I hope to improve my English writing ability.第二,我希望提高英语写作能力。I need to receive and answer emails in English every day, but I don’t know many English words.每天我都需要收发英语邮件,我词汇量不大。

These above are my expectations of the long-distance education.以上这些是我对远程教育的期望。

可套用题目为:How to achieve success of distance learning(如何在远程学习中获得成功),The course I hate most of the long-distance education(我最讨厌的远程教育课程)/ Difficulty in Studying English英语学习的困难,My Favorite course(我最喜欢的课程)/ The course I like best of the long-distance education(我最喜欢的远程教育课程)


书信类范文 A letter to friend

May 1st, 2010


Dear Tom, 亲爱的汤姆.Haven’t heard from you for some time!很久没收到你的来信了。How are you doing? 你还好么?Everything is fine with me except that the final examination is getting nearer and nearer and I’m busy preparing for it.我一切都挺好,只是期末考试越来越近了,我现在忙着准备复习迎考。

I’ve got some problems in my English study, especially in grammar.我英语学习有些问题,尤其是语法方面。My teacher recommended me a grammar book.我的老师向我推荐了一本语

法书。The book is called Advanced English Grammar.这本书叫做《高级英语语法》。But it is not sold here in my town.但我这里没有卖的。Since you are in Beijing, could I you buy one for me? 既然你在北京,不知我能不能麻烦你帮我购买一本呢?I’d be very grateful if you could help me.如果你能帮我这个忙的话,我将不胜感激。

We haven’t seen each other since last time we met.自从上次相逢,我们再也未曾相见。I hope that you will visit my hometown again sometime if possible.希望你如果有可能的话找个时间再来我家乡看看。So much has changed that you could barely recognize it!它的变化很大,你几乎都认不出来了!And it would be great to be together with you once again.而且,如果能与你再次相聚,真是太好了。

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.盼复。

Best wishes!祝好!




(1).选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容.1.说明你想旅游的地点; 2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。

(2).假如你是李明,遗失了一本书。你应包括下列内容.1.书在哪里遗失的; 2.这本书对你很重要; 3.拾到者应该如何和你联系。

(3).你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容.1.接到朋友的来信; 2.你对旅游的安排计划及理由; 3.表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。







★范文My Favorite Book我最喜爱的一本书

My favorite book is My Childhood.我最喜欢的书是《童年》。The reasons are as follows.原因如下。

Firstly, it brings me happiness.首先,它给我带来快乐。It always cheers me up when I am in a bad mood.在我忧郁时,它总能让我舒展笑颜。

Secondly, I learn a lot from it.第二,我从中学到了很多知识。It contains a lot of information about life and the world.它包含很多人生和世事的哲理。It teaches me many new things.教会了我很多新知识。

Thirdly, it makes me stronger.第三,它让我更强大。It helps me find confidence in myself.它让我找到了自信。With confidence I overcome all the difficulties I meet.拥有了自信,我克服了种种艰难困阻。

Fourthly, it helps me realize my self worth.第四,它让我实现自我价值。It enables be to find my place in life.它帮我找到了人生的位置。I learn how to set a goal, work continuously towards the goal and embrace the future.我学会了如何制定目标,不断努力,拥抱未来。

To sum up, I like My Childhood best.总而言之,我最喜欢《童年》。

可套用题目有:My Favorite Food(我最喜欢的食物)/My Favorite Means of Transportation最喜爱的交通方式/My Favorite Season我最喜爱的季节/My Favorite TV Show最喜爱的电视节目/My Favorite Way to Get Information我最喜爱的获得信息的方式/My Favorite Job我最喜爱的工作 /My Favorite Long-distance Education Course我最喜爱的远程教育课程 /My Favorite Sport我最喜欢的体育运动


Plant more trees(种更多的树)

April is the best time for green.Everything turns back to life in the warm weather and is enjoying the energy of a new life.Trees are more and more important to the earth.Planting trees is the basic thing to provide a green and healthy environment.Trees, as they are green in color, can make a city or place look more beautiful.It is also valuable in avoiding noises, sandstorms and deserts.It can bring us back a beautiful earth.So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.四月是万物葱葱的最好时节。在温暖的气候里万物重回生机,开始获得重生的能量。首先,树木对地球越来越重要。植树是一种最基本的提供绿色健康生活环境的办法。其次,因为他们的颜色是绿色的,能让城市或者环境看起来更漂亮。同时, 树林在避免噪音,沙尘,沙漠方面也大有益处。总之,这些都能带给我们一个美丽的地球。因此,如果大家都想让环境变得清新,请尽最大的努力来保护环境,种更多的树。













































































Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball.It’s part of my life.I began to play basketball in my childhood.I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school.Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport-playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life.When I got tired from office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed.If there were worries and cares from daily life.I went to the sports ground.There everything went away except basketball.It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.Water and Life

1.随着工业化(industrialization)的推进,地球上的淡水(fresh water)越来越少。



Water and Life

While we are enjoying the rich fruits of modern industrialization, we are losing something precious on this planet.Fresh water, among others, is dwindling down day by day, owing to the large-scale industrialization everywhere in the world.Just as sunshine is a necessity to life, so is fresh water.Without fresh water, our human society would come to a stop.As fresh water is such an important resource to the human society, we need to treasure it as we treasure our life, but how?

First, our government should have a good plan for the use of fresh water and develop industries that consume less water.Second, waste water must be recycled.Finally,everyone of us should do his bit to save water.A Get-together on May Day Holiday




A Get-together on May Day Holiday

April 15, 2009

Dear Wang Hong:

How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year since we graduated from university.I miss you very much.What have you been doing all these days?

I have been a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation.Teaching always keeps me busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know.So everything is fine here.There will be a former classmates’ getting together during this May Day holiday at my school.You are my best friend.I never forget those happy days we spent together.I hope you will be free then and can come to my school attending the party.I am looking forward to your reply.Help Me to Buy A Spoken English Book




Oct.16 2007 Dear Li Hua,It’s long time we haven’t seen each other.I miss you very much.How’s everything going on with you? I am busy preparing for PETS 4.I would appreciate if you could help me buy PETS4 English oral textbook which was issued by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together when we were at University.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.Yours truly,Wang Lei

Bad Manners in Public



Bad Manners in Public

Although we consider ourselves as highly advanced being living in a civilized society, bad

manners can still be found here and there.For example, some cyclists run the red traffic lights,many passengers litter waste papers and plastic bags in public places, and some tourists scrabble

in tourists’ attractions, let alone spit on the street.In the cinema, some audiences talk loudly on

cell phones in front of others.I’m strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behavior shows no respect at all to

others;what’s worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.My Opinion on Cell Phones




My Opinion on Cell Phones

Cell phones do play an important role in people’s daily life, but every coin has its two sides.To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, it’s convenient for the user at any time to contact

others.Secondly, it’s helpful companion.With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily

surf the net, downloading what he needs.However, the cell phone has many disadvantages.For one thing, the machine itself is very

expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global service.For another, the

radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to the user’s heath.In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply after China’s entry into the WTO, its

development will have a brighter future.Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its

disadvantages.My Favorite TV Program



My Favorite TV Program

The News Broadcast is my favorite TV program.This has become a part of my life because

almost everyday I turn on the TV at 7 pm, watching CCTV 9 news program.Watching the daily news brings me the following benefits.Firstly, it develops my good

language skills, proper pronunciation and greater knowledge and understanding of news around

the world.Secondly, watching TV news as a family opens a stage for discussion between family

members on a wide variety of topics.What is more, sharing the news helps kids better understand

the world they live in, helps them learn more on difference views and on how to act or respond to

tough situations if they face it.All in all, watching the news program is informative,communicative and instructive.Can Money Buy Happiness?

1. 不同的人对金钱能买来幸福持有不同观点。

2. 我的观点

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness?The answer varies among people.Some believe that money is

the source of happiness, because money provides food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, and

clothes for the needy.While others hold that money is the root of evils, because it is the devil of

money that drives a person to lie, cheat, steal and worst of all, to murder.In my opinion, money is essential to being well-off, but not necessarily to well-being.Happiness is a state of mind, not something that can be bought.The Digital products


2.数字化产品的使用对人们生活所带来的影响。My best wishes.The Digital products

Nowadays, digital products are enjoying growing popularity among people.Take me for

example, the first thing I do after waking up is to switch on my cell phone to check my text

messages and read the latest news.Then listen to music on my IPod on my way to school.At

the end of the day, I enjoy watching TV programs, or surfing the net.Why are we so fond of those digital products? The answer is simple.They are doing us

good----making our lives comfortable and convenient.These two key factors represent the

trend of new inventions of modern age that brings in the wide use of digital products.内容提示假如你叫张琳你昨天4月7日在放学回家的路上发生了交通事故在放学回家的路上

发生了交通事故你从自行车上摔了下来,被好心人及时送到了,医生叫你卧床休息三天生,特此请假ask for a sick leave要求请根据以上内容,向班主任张老师写一张请假条; 2以第一人称写,不能逐字翻译



Dear Mr.Zhang,I'm awfully sorry that I cannot come to the class during the following three days, for I

have caught in a traffic accident on the way to my home after school yesterday.Inclosed please

find a certificate from my doctor, who says I'd better stay in bed for three days.So I have to ask

for a sick leave.I hope that my absense will not cause you any serious inconvenience.Sincerely yours,your name








Fellow students,tomorrow is friday.we are going to visit the science museum tomorrow.now ,let

me tell you something about tonorrow's visit.please pay attention to me carefully.we are going to

meet at the school gate at 8:00am.please arrive on time.we are going thereon foot.we all must

hand in a report about our visit to the museum next monday.so we should listen carefully when we

are visiting around the museum,and write down something interesting in your notebook.remember

not to talk loudly in the museum,it is not polite,and we are also not allowed to take photos

there.last,please remember to take your notebook and pens.i hope that we can all learn a lot during

the visit.Thank you!monitor


1.A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.[答案:在动物中,狗素以其聪明与和善而著称。] 2.A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.[答案:我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。] 3.A good memory is a great help in learning a language.[答案:好的记忆有助于语言的学习。]

4.A lot of natural resources in the mountain area will be exploited and used.[答案:那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。] 5.A teacher should have patience in his work.[答案:当老师应当有耐心。] 6.All that glitters is not gold.[答案:闪光的未必都是金子。] 7.Apples here like water and sunshine.[答案:这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。] 8.Are you fond of music?[答案:你喜欢音乐吗? ]

9.As is known to all, China is a developing country.[答案:众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。] 10.As long as there is water, plants won't die quickly.[答案:只要有水,植物就不会很快死亡。]

11.Because there was heavy traffic, we were ten minutes late.[答案:由于交通拥挤,我们晚了十分钟。]

12.Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder.[答案:北京奥林匹克运动会使得中国人民更加努力工作。] 13.Bill hit his car into a wall last night.[答案:昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。] 14.Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.[答案:安妮和玛丽都适合干这项工作。]

15.But competitive swimming is just over one hundred years old.[答案:但游泳比赛不过只有一百余年的历史。] 16.But it looks like something I would never buy.[答案:但它看起来就像是我绝不会买的东西。] 17.Can you express yourself clearly in English?[答案:你能用英语清楚地表达自己的意思吗?] 18.China is the largest developing country in the world.[答案:中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。] 19.China will build up a space station in ten years.[答案:在十年内,中国将建一个太空站。] 20.Christmas is the most important festival in the west.[答案:圣诞节是西方最重要的节日。] 21.Could you tell me where the post office is?[答案:请问邮局在哪里? ] 22.Could you tell me where the post office is?[答案:请问邮局在哪里?]

23.Do you often do your washing in the evening?[答案:你经常晚上洗衣服吗?]

24.Do you think students should do a part-time job?[答案:你认为学生应该业余打工吗? ] 25.Do you think you can do it by yourself? [答案:你认为你自己可以单独干完这件事吗? ] 26.Does the computer have instructions on it?[答案:电脑上面有使用说明吗?] 27.Don't you mind my opening the window?[答案:你不介意我打开窗户吧?]

28.Don't you think smoking is harmful to your health?[答案:你不认为抽烟对你的身体有害吗?] 29.Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.[答案:历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。] 30.Everyone was in bed except me.[答案:除了我,所有人都上床睡觉了。]

31.Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to the cinema?[答案:请问去电影院怎么走?]

32.Excuse me.Where's the nearest police station?[答案:劳驾,离这儿最近的派出所在哪里?] 33.Few of them believe you.[答案:我们当中几乎没人相信你。]

34.Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes.[答案:火所造成的损失可能比地震还严重。]

35.Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class.[答案:弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,所以不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。] 36.Give us a few more minutes to decide.[答案:再给我们几分钟时间做决定。]

37.Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.[答案:顺着这条街走,一直走到第二个交通灯处。] 38.Have you seen Tom recently?[答案:最近你看见汤姆了吗? ]

39.He didn't need to attend the meeting.[答案:他没必要参加那个会议。] 40.He doesn't know what life means to him.[答案:他不知道人生的意义。] 41.He had a traffic accident last week.[答案:他上星期出了一起交通事故。] 42.He had to leave early yesterday.[答案:昨天他不得不早些离开。]

43.He has a foreign friend who lives in America.[答案:他有一个住在美国的外国朋友。] 44.He has been learning English for years.[答案:多年来,他一直在学英语。] 45.He has sympathy for all poor people.[答案:他对所有穷苦人都富有同情心。]

46.He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city.[答案:他自从移居到这座城市以来就一直在这所大学教英语。] 47.He has the habit of making notes while reading.[答案:他有阅读时记笔记的习惯] 48.He is a worldwide famous scientist.[答案:他是一位世界著名的科学家。] 49.He is always making excuses for being late.[答案:他总是为他的迟到找借口。]

50.He is always very active in student activities.[答案:他在学生活动中一直非常积极。] 51.He is sweating all over.[答案:他出了一身汗。]

52.He is thinking about moving to a new place.[答案:他正在考虑搬到一个新的的地方] 53.He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.[答案:他老是照镜子。]

54.He lives in a small room with only one small window.[答案:他住在一间只有一个小窗户的小房间里。] 55.He offered to help us with our work.[答案:他主动帮助我们工作。] 56.He prefers coffee to tea.[答案:与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡。] 57.He stopped smoking.[答案:他已经戒烟了。]

58.He stopped to smoke.[答案:他停下来,开始吸烟。] 59.He was pleased with the fine weather.[答案:他因天气好而感到快乐。]

60.He was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day.[答案:他对自己的新车感到很满意,第二天就开着去上班了。]

61.He was too tired to go on reading.[答案:他太累了,无法再阅读了。] 62.He was very happy to hear from his old friend.[答案:他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信。] 63.Hi.What can I get for your dinner, sir?[答案:你好,先生。你晚餐要吃什么?] 64.How are you doing these days?[答案:这些日子你怎么样? ] 65.How do you spell your last name?[答案:你的姓是如何拼写的?] 66.How long have you collected your stamps?[答案:你集邮有多久了?] 67.How long will it take us to get there?[答案:我们到那儿要用多长时间?] 68.I am very familiar with his name.[答案:我很熟悉他的名字。] 69.I came back because of the rain.[答案:因为下雨我就回来了。]

70.I came here at least once a month.[答案:我一个月至少来这里一次。]

71.I can't go with you today because I'm too busy.[答案:我今天不能和你一块儿去,因为我太忙了。] 72.I do want to know what really happened.[答案:我确实想知道到底发生了什么事。] 73.I don't know who broke the window.[答案:我不知道谁打破了窗户。]

74.I don't think he can operate the new type of computer.[答案:我认为他不会操作这种计算机。] 75.I don't want to spend five dollars on a cup of water.[答案:我不想花五美元买一瓶水。] 76.I enjoyed this meal thoroughly.[答案:我非常喜欢这顿饭。]

77.I expect she will have changed her mind by tomorrow.[答案:我预料到明天为止她会改变观点。] 78.I feel lonely without you.[答案:没有你我感到孤独。] 79.I feel satisfied with my life.[答案:我对生活感到满意。] 80.I got married ten years ago.[答案:十年前,我结了婚。] 81.I had no choice.[答案:我别无选择。]

82.I have a pain in my back.[答案:我的背疼。]

83.I have no interest in what they say about me.[答案:我对别人怎么说我不感兴趣。] 84.I hope we can have some snow this winter.[答案:我希望今年冬天会下点雪。] 85.I hurried to my office.[答案:我匆忙赶到了办公室。]

86.I look forward to hearing from you.[答案:我期待着收到您的回信。]

87.I looked for the book on the desk but it was nowhere.[答案:我在桌上找了那本书,但是那本书不在那儿。] 88.I need to buy some-cent stamps.[答案:我需要买一些美分的邮票。]

89.I need you to fill out the top portion of the form first.[答案:我需要你先填写表格的上半部。] 90.I prefer tea to coffee.[答案:我宁可要茶,不要咖啡。]

91.I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening.[答案:每晚我怀着极大的兴趣读当地报纸。] 92.I slept soundly all night.[答案:我整夜睡得很熟。]

93.I think our dream will become true.[答案:我认为我们的梦想将成为现实。] 94.I think she will change her mind tomorrow.[答案:我想明天她就会改变主意。]

95.I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life.[答案:我想这幅图是告诉我们水果对生活是不可缺的。] 96.I think the picture shows us how fruits is necessary to life.[答案:我想这幅图是告诉我们水果是生活中不可缺的。] 97.I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang.[答案:我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。] 98.I was too excited to say a word in front of him.[答案:我当时太兴奋了,以至于在他面前什么也说不出来了。]

99.If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to devote all your efforts to it.[答案:如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全力以赴。] 100.I'll call you as soon as I arrive.[答案:我一到就给你打电话。]

101.I'll have to try using the search engines.[答案:我得试着用这个搜索引擎。]

102.I'll try not to take up too much of your time.[答案:我尽量不占用你太多的时间。] 103.I'll write to you as soon as I get there.[答案:我一到那儿就给你写信。]

104.I'm certain he'll go to see the film, because he's bought a ticket.[答案:我肯定他会去看电影的,因为他把票都买好了。] 105.I'm finishing my second year of studies.[答案:我即将完成第二年的学习。] 106.I'm going to buy a monthly ticket tomorrow.[答案:我想明天买张月票。]

107.I'm going to run for the bus as soon as the bell rings.[答案:铃声一响,我就要去赶公共汽车。] 108.I'm going to visit a friend of mine this Sunday.[答案:本星期天,我要去拜访一位朋友。] 109.I'm having a headache now.[答案:我现在有点头疼。]

110.I'm not an English major student.[答案:我不是英语专业的学生。]

111.I'm now a distance education student.[答案:我现在是一名远程教育学员。] 112.I'm thinking about a visit to Paris.[答案:我在考虑去巴黎旅游。] 113.I'm thinking about a visit to Paris.[答案:我在考虑去巴黎旅游。]

114.I'm very much eager to improve my oral English.[答案:我非常渴望改进我的英语口语。] 115.I'm wondering who broke the window.[答案:我纳闷谁打破了窗户。]

116.In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.[答案:在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。] 117.In Foreign Languages Department,a checking machine is used to correct the students' test papers.[答案:在外语系,用阅卷机给学生阅卷。] 118.In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one.[答案:像这样的植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家都找不到。] 119.In the United States a lot of college students do not live at home.[答案:在美国,许多大学生不在家住。] 120.In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport.[答案:足球是一项风靡全世界的体育运动。] 121.It is certain that we shall produce this kind of engine.[答案:我们将生产这种发动机,这是肯定无疑的。] 122.It is known to all that exercises are good for health.[答案:众所周知,锻炼有益于健康。] 123.It is necessary to take medicine on time.[答案:按时吃药是必要的。] 124.It is not necessary to do this work.[答案:没有必要做这项工作。]

125.It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language.[答案:学习一门外语需要很多时间。] 126.It was a hard job, but he did not mind.[答案:这项工作很艰苦,但他并不在乎。] 127.It's always a pleasure to see many friends here in London.[答案:很高兴在伦敦见到许多朋友。] 128.It's easy to say, but difficult to do.[答案:说起来容易,但做起来难。] 129.It's never too late to learn.[答案:活到老,学到老。]

130.It's not much different from that heavy metal music you like so much.[答案:那跟你很喜欢的重金属音乐并没有什么不同。] 131.It's still raining today![答案:今天还在下雨。]

132.It's their duty to look after these young trees.[答案:他们的责任是照看这些小树。]

133.I've been so busy lately,I haven't had time to call anybody.[答案:我最近一直很忙,所以没时间打电话给任何人。] 134.I've lost interest in my work.[答案:我对这份工作已经失去了兴趣。]

135.I've never heard such good music in a computer game.[答案:我在电脑游戏里从没有听过这么好的音乐。] 136.Jack works much harder than before.[答案:杰克学习比以前努力多了。]

137.Jane has told me a lot about her trip in South Africa.[答案:简告诉我许多有关她到南非旅游的事。] 138.Jane moved to New York at the end of last month.[答案:简在上月底就移居纽约了。] 139.Jenny is fond of reading and often borrows books from the city library.[答案:珍妮喜爱读书,经常从市图书馆借回许多书。] 140.John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.[答案:尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。] 141.Just because you like, it doesn't mean I will.[答案:你喜欢它,并不意味我也会喜欢。]

142.Let me type in your address and then open the account.[答案:我先输入你的住址,然后开户。] 143.Let's sit over here until it's time for you to board.[答案:我们就在这里坐到你上飞机的时间。] 144.Let's try something different.[答案:让我们尝尝其它不同的口味。]

145.Li Bai is one of the greatest poets that have ever lived in China.[答案:李白是中国有史以来最伟大的诗人之一。] 146.Life is meaningless without a purpose.[答案: 没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。]

147.Lincoln was the US president who set the slaves free.[答案:林肯是解放黑奴的那位美国总统。] 148.MR.Lin assigned too much homework today.[答案:今天林先生(老师)留的家庭作业太多了。] 149.My classmate is more clever than I.[答案:我的同学比我聪明。] 150.My grandpa is used to getting up early.[答案:我爷爷习惯早起。]

151.My problem is that I don't have much time to do the work.[答案:我的问题在于我没有多少时间干这工作。] 152.No matter what happens, I'll be your best friend.[答案:无论发生什么,我都是你最好的朋友。] 153.Not all Americans are interested in sports, of course.[答案:当然,并非所有美国人都对运动赶兴趣。] 154.Not all the machines here are produced by our factory.[答案:这里的机器并不全是我厂生产的。] 155.Nothing in the world moves faster than light.[答案:世界上没有什么东西比光走得更快。] 156.Okay, and I need a pen to fill out the address.[答案:好,我还得借一支笔来填写地址。]

157.Once all the information is completed, you sign here.[答案:所有内容都填完之后,你就在这儿签名。]

158.One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.[答案:一个人如果对自己没有足够的信心就不可能成功。] 159.Open the window and let the fresh air in.[答案:打开窗户让新鲜空气进来。] 160.Our library is as big as theirs.[答案:我们的图书馆和他们的一样大。]

161.Our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely.[答案:我们的老师总是鼓励我们大胆讲英语。] 162.Our textbooks are very different from theirs.[答案:我们的教材和他们的教材很不一样。] 163.Our textbooks are very different from theirs.[答案:我们的教材与他们的教材很不一样。]

164.People all over the world are trying to help the people in Sichuan.[答案:全世界人民都在尽力帮助四川人民。] 165.People use science knowledge to understand and change nature.[答案:人们利用科学知识去了解自然,改造自然。] 166.Please call me back when you are free.[答案:你有时间给我回个电话。]

167.Please give this book to whoever comes first.[答案:请把这本书给最先来的人。] 168.Please move your chair to the window.[答案:请把你的椅子移到窗口。] 169.Please ring me up tomorrow morning.[答案:请明天上午给我打电话。] 170.Promise me never to be late again.[答案:答应我以后再也不要迟到了。] 171.Riding bicycles can save energy.[答案:骑自行车能够节约能源。]

172.She always laughs at a good joke.[答案:她听到了好的笑话,总是要笑的。] 173.She begins cooking as soon as she gets home.[答案:她每天一到家就开始做饭。] 174.She is used to living in the countryside.[答案:她习惯住在乡下。]

175.She likes Mike a lot, but she doesn't want to get married so early.[答案:她喜欢迈克,但她不想那么早就结婚。] 176.She likes to help any one who is in difficulty.[答案:她乐意帮助任何一个有困难的人。] 177.She looks lovely when she is happy.[答案:她高兴的时候看起来很可爱。]

178.She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five.[答案:她是家里唯一的女儿,也是五个孩子中年龄最小的。] 179.Some football teams will have games there.[答案:有几支足球队要在那里进行比赛。] 180.Stay here before I get back.[答案:在我回来之前别离开。]

181.Students can study by themselves through school network.[答案:学生可以自己通过校园网络学习。] 182.Take this empty box away and bring me a full one.[答案:把这只空盒子拿走,给我拿一个满的来。]

183.Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years.[答案:泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。] 184.The cause of the fire was carelessness.[答案:起火的原因是不谨慎。]

185.The doctor is very patient with his patients.[答案:医生对他的病人很耐心。]

186.The doctor said there was nothing wrong with his eyes.[答案:医生说他的眼睛没有毛病。] 187.The doctor told me to have more water.[答案:医生让我多喝些水。] 188.The doctor told me to have more water.[答案:医生让我多喝些水。]

189.The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball.[答案:我们居住的地球,形状像一个大球。]

190.The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.[答案:这位朋友看到了一切,却一言不发。] 191.The girls are busy making preparations for the weekend party.[答案:姑娘们忙着准备周末的晚会。] 192.The little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake.[答案:这个小男孩想用他的玩具小汽车换我的蛋糕。] 193.The moon looks much bigger than any other stars in the sky.[答案:月亮看起来比天空中任何其他星星都要大的多。] 194.The more I study, the less I seem to learn.[答案:我读的书越多,好象学到的东西越少。] 195.The more money I make, the happier I will be.[答案:赚的钱越多,我就会越快乐。]

196.The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience.[答案:我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验的快乐就越多。] 197.The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc.[答案:大气中的气体、水和岩石等都是无机物中最普通的实例。] 198.The old man is in his late sixties.[答案:老人近七十岁。]

199.The plane took off very smoothly.[答案:飞机很平稳地起飞了。]

200.The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.[答案:污染的空气变得有毒,对人的健康有害。] 201.The price of gasoline will come down in Chinese market.[答案:中国市场上的汽油价将会下降。] 202.The school management must be improved.[答案:必须改进学校管理。]

203.The shop is open till ten at night every day.[答案:商店每天营业到晚上十点。]

204.The students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher.[答案:老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写。] 205.The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and a luck.[答案:整个过程需要很大的努力,需要高度的技巧,还需要运气。]

206.There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction(摩擦).[答案:由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。] 207.There is something urgent for you to do right now.[答案:有件急事要你立即去做。] 208.There's a party at my house this Friday.[答案:这星期五在我们家有个宴会。]

209.These five boys failed in their English exam last term.[答案:这五个男同学上学期的英语考试没过。] 210.They are ordinary people, but did a great job.[答案:他们是普通人,却干了一件大事。]

211.They have been working together for three months and have come to know each other better.[答案:他们一起工作了三个月,相互之间也更了解了。] 212.They sold the old house yesterday.[答案:昨天他们把那旧房子卖了。]

213.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.[答案:他们认为电视机一定出了毛病了。] 214.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.[答案:他们认为电视机一定出了毛病了。] 215.Think it over before you speak.[答案:先考虑一下再说。]

216.This box can hold more books than that one.[答案:这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。] 217.This custom has a long tradition.[答案:这一风俗历史悠久。]

218.This is the most wonderful day of my life, because I'm here with you now.[答案:今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。]

219.This is the worst hospital I have ever seen.[答案:这是我见过的最差的医院。] 220.This one's pretty, but it costs too much.[答案:这个很漂亮,但是很贵。] 221.This pair of shoes cost me yuan.[答案:这双鞋花了我元钱。]

222.This place has plentiful material resources.[答案:这个地方的物质资源是丰富的。] 223.This street will be widened.[答案:这条大街将要加宽。]

224.This TV channel has too many commercials.[答案:这个电视台频道广告太多了。]

225.Though it was late, they kept on working.[答案:尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。] 226.Tom likes playing basket-ball but he can't play well.[答案:汤姆喜欢打篮球,但他打得不好。]

227.Tom's father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.[答案:汤姆的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。] 228.Transistors are small in size and light in weight.[答案:晶体管的体积小、重量轻。] 229.Travel broadens the mind.[答案:旅行可以开阔眼界。] 230.Trees need water to grow.[答案:树木有水才能生长。]

231.Try hard or you'll fail the test.[答案:努力地,否则你考试及不了格。]

232.Various substances differ widely in their magnetic(磁性的)characteristics.[答案:各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。] 233.We all like her because she's very helpful.[答案:我们都喜欢她,因为她乐于助人。] 234.We are from mainland China.[答案:我们来自中国大陆。]

235.We are getting ready for our English examination.[答案:我们正在为英语考试做准备。] 236.We are short of time and money.[答案:我资金和时间都缺。]

237.We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party.[答案:在那次晚会上我们玩得很愉快。] 238.We have made little progress.[答案:我们没有取得什么进展。] 239.We must take some measures to control the pollution.[答案:我们必须采取措施来控制污染。]

240.We should encourage him to have confidence in himself.[答案:我们应当鼓励他对自己要有信心。] 241.We should make best use of time.[答案:我们要充分利用时间。]

242.We used to live near a big park.[答案:我们曾经住在一个大公园附近。]

243.We're running behind schedule by about minutes.[答案:我们大约误点十五分钟。] 244.What kind of life do most people enjoy?[答案:多数人喜欢什么样的生活? ] 245.What time do you go swimming every day?[答案:你每天何时去游泳? ]

246.What would you like to drink, mineral water or tea? [答案:你喜欢喝点什么,矿泉水还是茶水?] 247.What's your nationality, sir?[答案:先生,您是哪国人? ]

248.When are you going to get your hair cut?[答案:你打算什么时候去理发?]

249.When I was young, I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs.[答案:当我还是个小孩的时候,我常听收音机,等待我最喜欢的歌。]

250.When she left school, she went first to Britain.[答案:在她离开学校后,她一开始去的是英国。] 251.When were the Olympic Games founded?[答案:奥运会是何时创办的?] 252.Who can help me clean the room?[答案:谁能帮我打扫房间? ] 253.Who's going to answer the door?[答案:谁去开门? ]

254.Who's going to answer the telephone?[答案:谁去接电话? ]

255.Why, do you want me to change the channel?[答案:怎么了,你要我换个频道吗?] 256.Without water, there is no life on the earth.[答案:没有水,地球上就没有生命。] 257.Would you like some mineral water?[答案:你想要矿泉水吗? ]

258.Would you mind closing the window for me?[答案:能帮我关一下窗户吗? ] 259.Would you mind turning down the radio?[答案:你不介意把广播声调小一点吧?]

260.Would you please help me with this heavy box?[答案:你能帮我抬一下这个沉箱子吗?] 261.Yeah, but they play the same songs over and over again.[答案:没错,但他们总重复播放同一首歌。]

262.Yeah, I'm anxious to hear all the songs from her new album.[答案:是的,我也很急着听她新唱片里所有的歌。] 263.You and your team can discover the answers to problems together.[答案:你和你的团队可一起找到问题的答案。] 264.You are clever enough to pass the exam.[答案:你很聪明,能通过考试。] 265.You can buy water inside.[答案:你可以在里面买水喝。]

266.You must always remember not to cheat in exams.[答案:你们必须记住永远都不要在考试时作弊。] 267.You needn't go there anymore.He already knows about it.[答案:你不必去了,他已经知道那件事了。] 268.You ought not to smoke so much.[答案:你不应该抽这么多的烟。] 269.You'd better do that again.[答案:你最好再做一遍。]

270.You'd better go quickly before I change my mind.[答案:趁着我还没有改变主意,你赶快走吧。]

271.You'll find in English some words can be remembered more easily than the others.[答案:你会发现英语里有些词比别的词容易记忆。]


1、你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?你喜欢它的理由?作出结论 网考直通车9

CCTV today offers a great variety of programmes to meet different needs and

the news.There are several points that are worth mentioning.For one thing, it covers news about important events both at home and abroad.Besides, the news it provides is timely and reliable.Finally, it broadcasts in the evening during the so-called “golden time”.It saves me much time reading through news-papers for current affairs.In short, watching the news on CCTV has become part of my daily life.2、哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式?阐述你的理由,作出结论。网考直通车7

In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi,bus and so on.But my favorite means of transportation is by bike.First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy.I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise.Secondly, it is money-saving.Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing.Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “great” form of transportation.Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.3、事件发生的时间和地点、人物、经过。网考直通车3

One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house.As son as shetastes.For example, the weather forecast, serials, films, sports and so on.My favorite TV programme, however, is

was inside, two men opened the car door, started the engine and drove away in just one minute.When the girl

recovered from the shock, she called 110.Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby.So the girl in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped.Twenty minutes later, they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green.Needless to say, the car thieves were caught red-handed.4、自主学习与远程教育,自主学习与合作学习,你自己的学习情况。网考4

Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education.It is an

essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time.They do not meet their tutors or classmates very often.However, distance learners can learn a lot from each other.So autonomous learning and collaborative learning go hand in hand.I am a distance learner.I have to do most learning tasks by myself.Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences.I have found both forms of learning very helpful.5、你理想的工作是什么?你的理由?如何实现你的理想。网考10

Everybody has his dream for his career in the future.He or she might want to be a

came into being when I was a child.With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities in business.I like

reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc.I believe I will be a man like them some day.Now, I am majoring in Computering.I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.6、保持身体健康的重要性,保持身体健康的方法,重申保持身体健康的意义。网考6

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on.To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business.The idea

Without a healthy body, we can do nothing.For me, there are tree main ways to keep healthy.First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.It is better for us to have

more fruit and vegetables every day.Secondly, it is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.7、Sports(1、你喜欢什么运动,2、你如何喜欢上这种运动,3、运动对你有什么益处。)课本148、202

Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball.It’s part of my life.I began to play basketball in my childhood.I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school.Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport-playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life.When I got tired from office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed.If there were worries and cares from daily life, I went to the sports ground.There everything went away except basketball.It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.8、A Get-together on May 1st(1、了解对方近日的情况,2、你的近况并通知他,五一长假有一个同学聚

会,3、邀请对方参加)课本168、Dear Wang Hong:

How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year since we graduated from university.I miss you very much.What have you been doing all these days?

I have been a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation.Teaching always keeps me busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know.So everything is fine here.There will be a former classmates’ getting together during this May Day holiday at my school.You are my best friend.I never forget those happy days we spent together.I hope you can come to my school when the time is due and you are free.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Li Hua9、Help Me to Buy A Spoken English Book(1、介绍你的近况,2、请他帮你买英语口语书,3、欢迎他方


Dear Li Hua:

It’s long time we haven’t seen each other.I miss you very much.How’s everything going on with you? I am busy preparing for PETS 4.I would appreciate if you could help me buy PETS 4 English oral textbook which was issued by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together when we were at University.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.My best wishes.Yours truly,Wang Lei10、My Opinion on Cell Phones(1、使用手机的好处,2、使用手机的弊端,3、我的看法)课本198

Cell phones do play an important role in people’s daily life, but every coin has its

two sides.To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, it’s convenient for the user at any time to contact others.Secondly, it’s a helpful companion.With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs.However, the cell phone has many disadvantages, For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is every costly, not to mention its global service.For another, the radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to the user’s health.In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply after China’s entry into the WTO, its development will have a brighter future.Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.11、My Family(我的家庭)

I live in a happy family.My father is an engineer.My mother is a teacher.They

are the closest people to me.I can still remember clearly the day when I had my first exam.I didn’t pass it.When my parents looked at my test paper, they said: “My child, you’ve finished half of it.We’re very glad.You can do better next time.We hope you can make progress gradually.” From then on, I concentrated more on my studies.Now I’m a university student.I’m always full of confidence in my studies because I know my parents are always behind me.I love my family.12、Friendship(友谊)四月考

I think that friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world.It’s something as clear as crystal.It’s not a skill but a true feeling.When something troubles you, your best friend will say something to encourage you.When you feel cowardly, your friend will stay with you forever.Though sometimes you may quarrel, soon there will be nothing serious.If you have a good friend, you’ll feel the colourful life and I must say: “What a lucky dog you are!”

13、My Teacher(我的老师)(也可通用My best friend;My classmate)去年十月考

My English teacher Ms.Lee is very kind.She helps me a lot and takes good care

of us.She often helps me with my English.When I’m in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and gives me good advice.When I failed in English exam, she always helps me and tells me some good ways to improve my English.With her help, I’ve made great progress in English, so I’m very thankful for all that she has done for me.14、How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies.(怎么克服英语学习中的困难及解决方法)

I find English very interesting but quite difficult.How hard I have been trying to

memorize and spell every word correctly, to speak the little English I know and to write something in my work.Two year’s study has taught me how to overcome these difficulties.First, I must put these individual English

words into the sentences, and put the sentences into the article.When I come across the new words, I usually guess the meaning of them from the context or look them up in my dictionary.Second, when speaking English, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, and try my best to express myself in English as much as possible.Third, I’m

determined to keep a diary in English every day.In a word, I must listen, speak, read and write English more, both in and out of class.15、On the Internet

The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.On the

Internet, we can learn news and all kinds of other information both at home and abroad.We can also send

messages by E-mails.Make phone calls, go to net school, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves.Besides we can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play chess or cards.On the Internet, we can even do shopping.Have a chat with others and make friends with them.In a word, the Internet has made our life more colourful.In the future, we will never drive away the Internet.16、On the computer

As we all know, the computer was one of the greatest and most advanced

computer and I like it very much.Every day I use my computer to search for information that is useful for my study.I can find information about all subjects and it is also of great help to my English study.Besides, from the computer I can get the latest news and enjoy popular songs.In my spare time I use it to send E-mails to my friends who are far away.It makes me feel that they are close to me.In a word, the computer can offer me great help in my life and my study.It is my best friend.17、Weekends

Weekends to people mean that people can have two day’s test.They can go out or

get together at home.Everybody spends weekends in his own way.Some people relax themselves by listening to music, reading in libraries or doing sports outdoors.In a word, different people have different relaxations.I often spend weekends with my family.Sometimes my parents take me to visit our relatives.Sometimes we go swimming or go dancing and sometimes I go to read some instructive books.I often enjoy myself at weekends.29.My Travel Plan

选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容: 1.说明你想旅游的地点; 2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。

Dear Amy,I plan to make a journey to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan province.It’s a beautiful place with fresh air, beautiful natural scenery like waterfall, lake and high mountains.Because many films and TV series have been made there, it is very famous.What’s more, I am very busy and exhausted this year, so I want to go for a relaxation.I plan to stay there for a week and travel with a tour group.I believe I will enjoy myself there.Regards

Yours ever



1.告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请; 2.对对方的邀请表示感谢; 3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。

Dear Lisa:inventions of the 20th century.It has been widely used in almost every field.It has come into our life, I have a

Congratulations on your coming birthday.Thanks for your invitation, but I am sorry that I am afraid I am not able to attend your birthday party.You know, our company will hold an important meeting in our Paris branch to talk about the recent trouble appearing in business.I am the one who needs to make a presentation.I am terribly sorry for that.Anyway, I hope everything goes well in your birthday party.Remember to show me the pictures taken in the party when I come back from business trip.Best regards!

Yours ever




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    电大计算机统考单选 第二篇

    第二篇 Windows及其网络应用 001. 在Windows 中,表示选择该命令将弹出一个对话框,以期待用户输入必要的信息或作进一步的选择,其菜单命令旁带的符号是______。答案:BB. „ 5......


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