The film is really well written.I love the way it is told in flashback.It begins with a group of present-day treasure hunters exploring the wreckage of the Titanic(which results in some brilliant underwater footage).They find an old safe that's completely empty save for a drawing of a woman.An elderly woman suddenly phones them and says she's the woman in the picture.She then tells the divers and her granddaughter the main plot of the film.One thing that I really like as well about the flashback format is the editing.Each time the film always shifts between the past or present via a match cut, such as a video of the wreckage of the Titanic in the present day changing into the Titanic before it left in 1912 or a close-up shot of ýoung Rose's eye to the eye of the elderly Rose in the present.The characters are all really well developed.I love how the film manages to blend some of the real historical figures(I.E.the crew of the Titanic)with fictional characters(I.E.Rose, Jack)and yet it is still incredibly believable, as if this really was a true story.The story is largely focused on the relationship between Rose and Jack, but the film constantly manages to develop other characters.Even the present-day characters are really well developed.The story is very well written, and I love the way how it changes in tone throughout.The film starts off exciting, with many people excited, yet still manages to portray Rose in a somewhat sympathetic role.A large portion of it is the romance between Jack and Rose, but the film manages to have some dramatic scenes, with a large sub-plot of the story being the conflict between Rose and the rest of her upper-class family.The film even manages to include a bit of humour here and there, but doesn't take it too far.However everything changes near the end, when we have the iceberg, and all of a sudden the film becomes very dark and tragic.The climax is very impressive.It takes place once the Titanic hits the iceberg.At this point, the film manages to successfully shift focus between different people.It manages to focus on the protagonists, but also manages to focus on the chaos and tension as the ship sinks and the crew struggle to keep order and get the passengers off safely.It brilliantly manages to capture the tragedy and horror of the disaster.Overall this movie is a cinematic masterpiece and one that you definitely should see if you haven't already.(ZZ from IMDB)
Cost over 200 million U.S.dollars , “ Titanic” was the cost of the most expensive movie , Hollywood is one of the most successful films of all time.One year Oscar won multiple awards, and a series of international awards.The movie overall narrative using cross montage technique, to reproduce the history, in history and reality scene changes, to the human perception of temporally interleaved, at the same time transition quite natural.For example, in the classic scene transition to sink after sight, then from the monitor to older Rose, these lyrical narrative fine I is very sensitive, because of its delicate beauty in between them, the narrative of the nature, the history vicissitudes of life, feelings of sincere and viewing comfort.The film's legendary computer stunt the effective contrast of the Titanic on the interpretation of the classic romance.Luxury liner;exquisite interior;the spectacle;rich sense of the times color rendering;to a proper extent of musical foil;the legendary love story, all of which are reflected in Cameron have great originality.A good film, not to be good pinch pieces, heartbreaking.Good movie, is to put those nagging despair remodeling paired students over the death of the king, after.The Titanic "in James Cameron's hands become a myth and legend, also let a serious historical event adds a bit of mystery and romance, leaves people a much-told story, in civil actions whisper.
After seeing the film TITANICT,what impressed me most is that the film is really well written and I love the way it is told in flashback.It begins with a group of present-day treasure hunters exploring the wreckage of the Titanic(which results in some brilliant underwater footage).However They find nothing but an old safe that's completely empty save for a drawing of a woman.An elderly woman suddenly phones them and says she's the woman in the picture which makes them surprising.She then tells the divers and her granddaughter the main plot of the film.One thing that I really like as well about the flashback format is the editing.Each time the film always shifts between the past or present via a match cut, such as a video of the wreckage of the Titanic in the present day changing into the Titanic before it left in 1912 or a close-up shot of ýoung Rose's eye to the eye of the elderly Rose in the present.The characters are all really well developed.I love how the film manages to blend some of the real historical figures(I.E.the crew of the Titanic)with fictional characters(I.E.Rose, Jack)and yet it is still incredibly believable, as if this really was a true story.The story is largely focused on the relationship between Rose and Jack, but the film constantly manages to develop other characters.Even the present-day characters are really well developed.The story is very well written, and I love the way how it changes in tone throughout.The film starts off exciting, with many people excited, yet still manages to portray Rose in a somewhat sympathetic role.A large portion of it is the romance between Jack and Rose, but the film manages to have some dramatic scenes, with a large sub-plot of the story being the conflict between Rose and the rest of her upper-class family.The film even manages to include a bit of humour here and there, but doesn't take it too far.However everything changes near the end, when we have the iceberg, and all of a sudden the film becomes very dark and tragic.The climax is very impressive.It takes place once the Titanic hits the iceberg.At this point, the film manages to successfully shift focus between different people.It manages to focus on the protagonists, but also manages to focus on the chaos and tension as the ship sinks and the crew struggle to keep order and get the passengers off safely.It brilliantly manages to capture the tragedy and horror of the disaster.Overall this movie is a cinematic masterpiece and one that you definitely should see if you haven't already.
Cost over 200 million U.S.dollars , “ Titanic” was the cost of the most expensive movie , Hollywood is one of the most successful films of all time.One year Oscar won multiple awards, and a series of international awards.The movie overall narrative using cross montage technique, to reproduce the history, in history and reality scene changes, to the human perception of temporally interleaved, at the same time transition quite natural.For example, in the classic scene transition to sink after sight, then from the monitor to older Rose, these lyrical narrative fine I is very sensitive, because of its delicate beauty in between them, the narrative of the nature, the history vicissitudes of life, feelings of sincere and viewing comfort.The film's legendary computer stunt the effective contrast of the Titanic on the interpretation of the classic romance.Luxury liner;exquisite interior;the spectacle;rich sense of the times color rendering;to a proper extent of musical foil;the legendary love story, all of which are reflected in Cameron have great originality.A good film, not to be good pinch pieces, heartbreaking.Good movie, is to put those nagging despair remodeling paired students over the death of the king, after.The Titanic "in James Cameron's hands become a myth and legend, also let a serious historical event adds a bit of mystery and romance, leaves people a much-told story, in civil actions whisper.
当爱情面对死亡,面对别离。是一起相伴投入死亡的怀抱,还是留下所爱的人,自己独自面对死亡的恐惧。我想,这是一个永进没有统一答案的问题。而我个人,所欣赏的恰恰是电影中jack的勇气和rose的坚强。一个选择把死亡的恐惧独自揽入怀里,给爱的人留下生的希望;一个选择坚强的活下去,以活着的形式表达最深的爱。爱情,是荧幕上的永恒主题。对于此类影片,每个影迷都有自己的心头好,而说到经典中的经典,无论是票房还是口碑,《泰坦尼兊号》都是当之无愧的个中翘楚,11项奥斯卡大奖更是对其有力的肯定。此片于1997年11月1日于北美首映之后,便以星火燎原之势在世界各地迅速掀起观影狂潮。全球的票房累计高达18.45亿美元,其纪彔迄今为止仍无其他影片可以超越。在过去的10年里,其已由最初的“话题”变成了“现象”,主题曲《My heart will go on》脍炙人口,无论老少,皆耳熟能详,相关商品遍布街头巷尾,对于片中“You jump,I jump”等经典台词影迷们更是倒背如流……可以说,这样一部影片承载的是整整一代人的青春回忆,以至于多年以后的今天,一旦提到“浪漫”、“爱情”等字眼时,很多人脑海里最先浮现的,依旧是这部《泰坦尼兊号》……其影响之深进,由此可见一斑。