I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am whe n I am with you.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is f alling in love with your smile.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be th e world.Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.Every man is a poet when he is in love.(Plato ancient Creek philos opher)To love and to loved is the greatest happiness of existence.-----Sydn ey Smith All love is sweet, given or returned.Common as light is loved, a nd its familiar voice wearies not ever.------Shelley It's difficult to know at what moment love begins;it is less dif ficult to know that it has begun.---H.W.Longfellow If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved.----Ovid Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readi ly to those who seem least to demand it.------Bertrand Russell Sweetest joy ,the wildest woe is love.------philip bailey Man's love is of man's life a thing apart,'Tis woman's whole exis tence.------byron It is hard for the human soul not to love something ,and our mind must of necessity be drawn to some kind of affection.-----Jerome An immature person may achieve great success in a carreer but n ever in a marriage.-----Benjamin Spock When success comes in the door, it seems, love often goes out t he window.-----Joyce Brothers Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but whos e branches extend into heaven.---Bertrand Russell Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when un adorned, adorned the most.---James Thompson
One cannot be strong without love.For love is not an irrelevant emotion;it is the blood of life, the power of reunion of the separat ed.-----Paul Tillich Our hours in love have wings;in absence crutches.-----Colley Ci bber True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven.----Sir Walter Scott And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drow sy with the harmony.----Shakespeare Love is an endless mystery, fot it has nothing else to explain it.-----Tagore Among those whom I like, i can find no common denominator, but am ong those whom i love, i can: all of them make me laugh.----W.H.Aude n There's noting half so sweet in life as love's young dream.----Thomas Moore Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazemen t of the gods;desired by those who have no part in him , and preciou s to those who have the better part in him.---Plato There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and inno cence.---Rousseau The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.----Bertrand Russell The best proof of love is trust.----Joyce Brothers Love is an active power in man, a power which breaks through the walls which separate man from his fellow men which unites him with ot hers;love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it ermits to be himself, to retain his i
ntegrity.----Erich From m Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a commo n hatred for something.---chekhov
1.另外一个词和skin deep类似的组合就是razor thin,意思就是“刀片那么薄”,很多企业形容自己的利润率薄如刀片就用这个词,如:The profit margin of many Chinese small companies is razor thin.2.Beauty is only skin deep,字面意思是“美丽只有皮肤那么深”,其内涵是“外表美丽只是很肤浅的东西”,skin deep由此引申出“肤浅”的意思。如:I only have a skin-deep knowledge about this issue.3.beat about/around the bush,也很常见,意为“说话拐弯抹角”。如:Don't beat around the bush.Just tell me you want to borrow money.4.时代的变化通常会带来新生词汇,glocalization是globalization和localization的组合,表示“全球化过程中的本地化”。对应的形容词和动词就是glocal 和glocalize 5.有些材料上,一些注意点前通常会放置红旗(red flag),表示提醒人注意。red flag除了表示注意点这个意思外,还有危险信号的意思。6.pass the buck是个英语中非常常见的成语,表示“推脱责任”的意思。The buck stops here或The buck stops with me,则表示“责任我来承担”,“我不会再向别人推卸责任”意思。
7.中国的医院分为三级(3-tier system),一级是primary,二级是secondary,三级是tertiary,三甲医院就是tertiary A hospital,二乙医院secondary B hospital。注意笔译这样信息的时候要备注说明中国医院是如何分级的。
8.中国的四大监管委员会(regulatory commission):银监会、证监会、保监会、和电监会,前三个都以C开头,代表China,其缩写为CBRC,CSRC和CIRC,唯有电监会例外,S开头,代表State,其缩写为SERC。9.如果到国外了,到餐厅吃晚饭想打包了,可以直接用bag sth。如:Could you please bag this burger so I can take it away? 10.“灵丹妙药”,可以用panacea或elixir来表达,引申为“解决所有问题/困难的措施/方法”。如:ERP is not a panacea for inventory management。ERP并非是库存管理的万金油
11.预警机制:early warning system/mechanism;采取预防性措施:take preventive actions/measures/steps或者是take precautions 12.感觉自己很多中国文化词汇不知道如何表达的,建议去wikipedia上读一下China的介绍,阅读的时候顺便整理一下词汇,读完了就会发现成效很显著。
13.trade union和labor union是一个意思:工会。另外“行业协会”除了可以说industry association,也可以说trade association。trade show不是贸易展览,而是行业展会。14.企业文化(corporate culture)经常包括愿景(vision),使命(mission),经营理念(business philosophy),有的还有企业价值(corporate values)。顺便说一下,宗旨这个词一般翻译为purpose 15.孔子:Confucius;孟子Mencius;老子Laozi;儒家:Confucianism;道家Taoism;法家Legalism 16.经常看到有人把“能力建设”里的建设处理为construction,不对的。老外有个很好的表达,capacity building/development.建设这个词在很多情况下可以处理为develop/development 17.学习型组织,学习型团队等词流行颇有一段时间了,这个表达就是a learning organization/team。
18.划时代的事件:an epoch-making event;另外一个表达也非常好:a game-changing event,表示一件事改变了整个游戏规则,如:iPhone is a game-changing product that redefines mobile phone 19.这里的病人流通量就是patient turnover 20.避税(tax avoidance/avoid tax)和逃税/偷税(tax evasion/evade tax)是两个不同的概念,前者在中国可以视为合法行为,后者则是非法行为。注意两个概念不能混淆,词也不能用错。
21.无奈之下的“最后一招”,“最后一个方法”: last resort。We will use nuclear bombs as a last resort if we go to war against them.22.很多人在开会的时候请自己平级部门和上级部门配合支持的时候,用ask,这是不合适的,最好用request显得礼貌些。你对下属可以用ask,除此以外request比较妥当
23.汉语中经常说“几何级增长”,英文就是exponential growth,表示可以翻译为“飞速增长”。如:China's economy grew exponentially in the past 20 years 24.fold 有折叠的意思,这个词还可以用来表示倍数。比如:北京人均工资过去十年增加了16倍 The per-capita average salary in Beijing grew sixteen folds in the past decade 25.Hercule是希腊神话中的大力士,这个词有个形容词Herculean,如果你说一件事非常难,要耗费很多力气和功夫,就可以说a Herculean task 26.汉译英的时候,有时名称形容词化也不失为好的处理方法,比如:该产品集中体现了飞利浦的创新精神This product is the embodiment of an innovative Philips 27.有网友问跨越式发展英文用什么,可以用leap-frog development。great-leap-forward不是不可以,而是联想意义不好,文革时期的“大跃进”就是这么表达的。不过说sth is a great leap forward还是可以的
28.“转嫁成本”也是个常见表达,英文是pass on the cost of sth to sb。如The cost of everything is finally passed on to the end customers所有东西的成本最终都转嫁到了终端消费者身上
29.名词动词化是汉译英常用的一个技巧,如:他们的装备比我们精良 They are better equipped than we are;这间房子的装修很精致This room is exquisitely furnished 30.production line是生产线,product line是产品线,product portfolio是产品组合,产品型号是product model,产品规格product specifications(specs),技术参数technical parameters 31.如果给产品定位,这里的定位就是position。如:how do you position your product in such a robustly competitive market? 在竞争如此激烈的市场,你们如何定位自己的产品?
32.表格里通常有方框,用于打勾(tick)打叉(cross)的,这样的方框就是tick box。box-ticking或tick-box用作形容词就表示“程序性的”,表示没有实质意义,如:Election in China is a tick-box exercise 33.fruit-heavy vegetarian diet 这里heavy的用法很不错,表示“水果在素食里占了很大比重”。
34.a con man,是a confidence man 的缩写,意思是“(利用别人的信任的)骗子”。有时候a con man可能是名人celebrity,有时可能很有魅力charismatic 35.“国进民退”,指国民经济中国有成分扩张,私营成分萎缩,看到老外的表达是advance of state-owned enterprises and retreat of private enterprises 36.evolution也是汉英翻译中经常可以用的词,表示“变化/发展/演变/进化历程”。如:People's living standards are raised in China's evolution from a planned to a market economy 37.evolve进化,演变;China has evolved into a market economiy since reform was initiated in 1978。自1978年改革以来,中国已经发展成为市场经济国家
38.sketch名词是“草图”的意思,用作动词可以表示“简要介绍/大致介绍”的意思,比如:The following paragraphs sketch China's economic transition 下面几段简要介绍了中国的经济转型 39.A is hit hard by B: A 收到B的沉重打击/影响。如Exports were hit hard by the global economic slowdown.hard-hit/hardest-hit可以做形容词使用,表示受到“沉重打击的”“打击最为严重的”
40.public sector 公共部门,比如政府、事业单位和国企都属于公共部门; private sector 私营部门,主要以私营企业为代表。sector在大多数情况下可以翻译为“部门”,有时可以翻译为“行业、领域”,根据上下文具体处理。如the banking sector 41.monetary policy 货币政策;fiscal policy 财政政策;financial policy 金融政策。policy bank 政策银行 commercial bank 商业银行 central bank央行
42.精益制造/生产(lean production/manufacturing):以丰田生产方式(Toyota Production System/Toyota Way)为代表,追求零缺陷zero defect,零库存just in time(JIT)43.“得道”attain englightenment,the state of englightenment得道的状态。来自于enlighten这个动词
44.人做事过头/过分,可以用go too far。You have gone too far by putting all the burden on her。形容事情“过分、过头”可以用far out.Having sex in public is kind of far out 45.“可持续发展”是sustainable development,有些情况下可直接用sustainability,如“以企业的可持续发展推动社会的可持续发展”promote social sustainability through corporate sustainability 46.汉语中经常出现“整改”这个词,我看过老外用correct和rectify,采取整改措施take corrective/rectification actions/measures 47.捐赠有捐赠现金cash donation,物资捐赠in-kind donation。用动词表达“捐赠现金和物资”是:donate in cash and kind。看完这个表达以后,如果表达“捐赠物资”不要用donate materials 或material donation了 48.break even就是指企业的收入正好能抵消其支出,所以如果你说a company is breaking even,就说它不赔不赚。a break-even point就是盈亏平衡点。这个表达一定要记住,否则想表达这个意思的时候可能都不知道到哪查去
49.盈利企业(a profit-making/profitable company),不赔不赚(a break-even company),赔钱(a loss-making company)。对应动词:making a loss/break even/making a profit 50.consideration是考虑的名词,还有“考虑因素”的意思,如:Wealth has become an important consideration in people's choice of prospective spouse 财富已经成为人们择偶的一个重要考虑因素 51.arrest warrant是逮捕令的意思,warrant作为动词有个很好的用法,表示“值得...”或“需要...”。This business model warrants close attention from big companies 这个商业模式值得大公司密切关注
52.表达“既有活力、又有弹性的经济”的时候,可以用dynamic and resilient economy,还可以根据具体情况处理为dynamically resilient economy。即要学会用“副词+形容词”来表达“形容词+形容词”
53.认识到...的重要性:appreciate the importance of sth;没有充分认识到...的重要性:the importance of sth is underappreciated/underrated 54.汉语经常有“A是B的集中体现”这个说法,这里的集中体现用essence处理,如:The Chinese food culture is the essence of the Chinese culture中国的饮食文化是中国文化的集中体现
55.“鼓励”,除了encourage,还有inspire和spur。如:It is job security and social status that spur university students to attend the civil service examination 56.最近社会上经常谈论“就业能力”这个词,对应的英文便是employability,来自employ的形容词employable。比如:There are always good job opportunities for the employable 57.在表示“背景”的时候,老外很喜欢用context这个词,比如in the current political/economic context,在当前的政治/经济背景下
58.一个产品按照不同级别定价,可称之为“分级定价”,这里的分级可以用graduated,分级定价体系graduated pricing system。中国采取分级税制,就可以说graduated tax system 59.一个企业退出市场(exit)可以用两种途径,一是破产(bankruptcy)和清算(liquidation)。exit的意思就是彻底撤出市场,从此不做了 60.一个问题被另外一个问题弄得更为复杂或导致情况恶化,可以用compound。如:This economic slowdown is compounded by political deadlock 政治僵局使得经济下滑问题雪上加霜
61.be traced to/be attributed to是两个很有用的短语,表示“因为...”。如:His business success is attributed in part to his family connections 62.instrumental和detrimental是一对反义词,前者表示helpful,后者表示harmful。如:Foreign-invested companies are instrumental in developing China's export industries 63.几乎所有的零售价格都由市场决定,nearly all the retail prices are market determined(注意此处不是determined by market,当然这个也没错)64.看过两个老外表达户口制度的说法,household registration system;population registry system。维基百科上直接用Hukou system。65.-based也是个不错的后缀,可以用来表达很多中国特色词汇,比如resource-based city资源型城市,export-based economy外向型经济,knowledge-based economy 知识型经济
66.优先干什么,除了可以用give priority to,prioritize来表达,还可以用give preference to 和preferential来表达。Preferential development of individual sectors优先发展个别部门
67.concurrent,形容词,同时进行/发生的意思,也是个不错的词,比如经济改革和政治改革需要同步进行:Economic reform and political reform needs to be concurrent 68.“加强...的作用”,可以处理为enhance the role/effectiveness of sth,如:China needs to enhance the effectiveness of markets in boosting its economic growth 69.-wide是个很有用的后缀,表示“在...整个范围”的意思,比如a company-wide policy,适用于整个公司的制度;a country-wide campaign,覆盖全国的运动
70.汉语中有时候“部门”可以表示行业的意思,这个词对应的英文便是sector,比如the financial sector 金融部门。有些人会把section和sector混淆,今后留意了
71.take stock of 也是一个常见的成语,曾经有一年北外考研的基础英语考过这个短语的意思。表示“考虑”的意思,相当于take account of 72.“对牛弹琴”有个对应的英语成语cast pearls before swines,swine是猪的意思,猪流感就是swine flu。you are casting pearls before swines to lecture them on aesthetics 73.形容一个蠢,有个成语:bird-brain(鸟脑),或者是形容词bird-brained。How did I know he could be so bird-brained, you dickhead? 74.白费口舌,或者是做无用功,可以用beating a dead horse表达。比如:you are beating a dead horse if you as a start-up want to beat Taobao 75.股市熊市叫bear market,牛市叫bull market,由此产生bearish和bullish两个形容词,分别表示悲观和乐观。I am not so bullish about depth and breadth of China's political reform 76.汉语形容慢常用蜗牛来比喻,英语也是如此:at a snail's pace。比如He always drags his feet, doing things at a snail's pace.顺便复习一下drag one's feet/heels on sth表示做...拖拉 77.“光打雷,不下雨”,或者是“嘴上凶,行动熊”的人,可以用all bark and no bite来形容,就像狗只叫不咬人。He is a chicken.He is all bark and no bite。
78.少年老成:have an old head on young shoulders.79.“胆小鬼”可以用chicken表示,比如he is such a chicken that he never challenges anybody。chicken也可以作为形容词使用表示“胆小如鼠”,如he is too chicken 80.outlet这个词可以用来表示“释放(情感、精力)”的意思,比如he found an outlet by getting drunk他释放情感的方式就是喝醉;he needs an outlet for his talent他需要一个释放才能的途径
81.He had an easier time making eye contact with a computer than with a girl。跟电脑接触比跟女孩子接触让他轻松。这里有个用法:have an easy time doing sth 82.给某人灌输...可以用imbue sb with:Chinese students are imbued with collectivism rather than individualism since their primary school 83.access这个词一定要学会用,汉译英中可以解决很多问题,比如“有效缓解看病难、看病贵的现状”在特定情况下就可以处理为have easy and affordable access to healthcare 84.access这个词一定要学会用,汉译英中可以解决很多问题,比如“有效缓解看病难、看病贵的现状”在特定情况下就可以处理为have easy and affordable access to healthcare 85.稍纵即逝的机会 a fleeting opportunity 百年不遇的机会 once-in-a-lifetime opportunity 86.Even if 3 percent of China’s population opts for private care(选择私人看护), that still adds up in a country of 1.3 billion 注意这里add up的用法,很好
87.“白日梦、空想、癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”等意思的表达有时候可以用a pipe dream。It is really a pipe dream if you as a diaosi want to marry that rising star 88.常见的表达高中低端有high-end, middle-end, low-end;还有另外一组表达也可以高中低端,即upscale, midscale, downscale。
89.看到几个表达养老院的说法,如下:retirement home, nursing home, old-age home, senior home 90.拖延/拖拉:drag one's feet/drag one's heels.比如:They dragged their feet for months on announcing how to deal with this guy。注意在一件事上拖拉用的介词是on 91.unscathed 就是汉语中“毫发无伤”的意思,经常可以跟survive(sth)/escape unscathed: He assumed he could survive the scandal unscathed 92.perch本来是指鸟栖息的地方,因为鸟总是在高处,所以一个人身居高位的“高位”就可以用perch。Bullshit Lie was removed from his perch on the Politburo.93.给某人最大的惩罚throw the book at sb;与多位女性保持不正当性关系 keep improper sexual relationships with many females;用人失察失误fail as a supervisor 94.回答一个问题:“学霸”如果是指一个心无旁骛整天学习的人,可以用studyholic(来自工作狂workholic),我在查询studyholic的时候,看到另外一个词,madushan,也是指把所有时间都花在学习上的人,语气稍微弱一点的,可以用study addict 95.floor是口译中常用的表达,now i give the floor to sb 就是请/让某人开始发言,now the floor is yours 就是轮到你发言的时候了,the floor is open for questions 就是提问时间到了
96.车间是shop,所以老外在表达“一线工人”的时候,会用shop floor workers,就是在现场工作的工人,他们有时候还用shop指代制造部门。还有组装线,是assembly line,但是老外有时候也叫assembly bay 97.我们中国人口语中在和老外表达“联系×人”的时候,喜欢用contact,但是我发现老外很喜欢用get hold of sb,比如Could you please get hold of QA to get the report? 你能联系一下质保部门把报告拿来吗? 98.想起来一个谚语,相当于“江山易改,本性难移”或者是“狗改不了吃屎”,就是A leopard cannot change its spots(字面意思是豹子改变不了自己身上的斑纹)
99.分享一句话吧,你迟早会用到:It is human nature to justify and beatify one's actions 辩护和美化自己的行为是人类天性
100.retreat也是个不错的词,表示一个“偏远安静的地方”。Now too many people want to find a country retreat to relax their body and mind现在很多人想在乡下找个放松身心的僻静所在
101.respite作为名词,表示“短暂的休息”,比如:We need to give our sould a respite from the urban hustle and bustle我们需要让我们的灵魂休息一下,摆脱城市的喧嚣 102.在企业里,你会看到有人的名片上写Key Account Manager,可不要理解为关键账户经理,真实的意思是“大客户经理”,account有“客户”的意思。今后到企业里工作的人一定会遇到,当然你以后翻译“客户经理”,就可以写成account manager 103.再发个很有用的表达吧,中国人经常说“站着说话不腰疼”,可以用这句英文表达:It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.104.英文中有个谚语,很类似“事后诸葛亮”It is easier to be wise after the event。或It is easier to be smart after the fact。我前段时间做口译就遇到了,当时那个中国人很好奇我是如何把这句话翻得让老外听懂了 105.Great minds discuss ideas.Average minds discuss events.Small minds discuss people.伟大的人谈论思想;一般的人谈论事情;浅薄的人谈论人。学会这里mind代表人的用法,用于观察人也是不错的句子 106.再分享一个句子:It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude 决定你人生高度的是态度,而不是能力
107.很多地方推介自己的时候,经常说起“先发优势”和“后发优势”,分别对应的英文为first-mover advantage 和last-mover advantage。这两个表达和区位优势的表达都要记住,迟早会用到
An Analysis of Jane Eyre
The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor.It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of “manners” in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe.What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central characterthus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE(looking back).CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is “in the middle” of them, as a child or young woman.The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device.We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely.This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is “right” and “wrong” in the dramatic relationships which are part of JE's life.Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a “romance” where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering.The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies.The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved;the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one;all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present.The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre;the “family” aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one;and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes.Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.There is also a strong element of realism in the novel, which, married to the romantic aspect, enhances the novel's strength.The sense of place is very strong;we are able to experience both exterior and interior settings with
startling clarity throughout the story, in a series of vivid deive passages.The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.Even the unlikely is made plausible, with a unique blend of high drama and perceptive low comedy(the attack on Mason, for instance)
The more fantastic romantic aspects;the coincidences;the secrets;the
supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.The Gothic influence cannot be ignored, although CB has refined the technique considerably from the “authentic” Gothic of the 1790's.In the original genre, the heroine would typically be abducted and threatened with seduction, or worse!.There would be a loverwho would endeavor to rescue the heroine and would succeed after many trial.the seducer would be a brigand “Know that I adore Corsairs!” and he would lock the girl up in a remote castle.There was little freedom for middle class women during the period of the
Gothic novel, and this was still the case in the time of CB.Marriage especially was often a bargain, whereby fortunes were secured by using the female as a pawn.A woman's value largely depended therefore on her sexual purity and she was guarded and secured as a result.Men, on the contrary, were potent and free;lovers and mistresses were common.Ironically the women who provided their services were social outcasts as a result.In Jane Eyre we see elements of the Gothic romance, in that Thornfield Hall and Rochester are described very much in the brigand/castle style BUT Jane Eyre is not abducted by R.On the contrary she chooses to go there of her own free will.AND she is clear in her determination to have Rochester as a
husband.Neither is there a gentleman rescuer;St John Rivers may look like a Greek God, but he is neither kind nor benevolent;driving Jane back to Ferndean, not rescuing her from it.The trials which the hero is supposed to undergo in a Gothic romance are in fact undergone by the heroine in Jane Eyre.The bandit Rochester is only skin-deep.Underneath the brooding exterior is a sensitive soul, which a
WOMAN frees.In this way we see that CB created rather a daring departure from conventional fiction, although there are still many aspects of the novel which remain true to Victorian convention.!
【世界上最帅的英文歌曲】1.《Lonely》2.《end of May》3.《don't know why》4.《seven years》
5.《gotta have you》6.《i remember》7.《Never Grow Old》8.《Summer Days In Bloom》9.《Let's start from here》10.《Tommai mai rub sak tee》
【推荐5首英文歌曲、听过就忘不了的旋律。】《Because Of You》1KellyClarkson;《Hot N Cold》2
Katy Perry;3《Lucky Star》Joana Zimmer;4《Last Friday Night》DJ YiXiu;5《Can't Fall Down》Joana Zimmer
single bed 单人床;folding bed 折叠床;double bed 双人床;bunk bed 双层床;folding guest bed 折叠床;sofa bed 沙发床;pillow 枕头;sheet 床单;quilt 被子;bedspread 床罩;bedside table 床头柜;mattress 床垫
怎样表达“快乐的”情绪:happy 快乐的;pleased 高兴的;glad 快乐的;jolly 高兴的;joyful 快乐的;chirrupy 快乐的;mirthful 愉快的,高兴的;joyous 快乐的;delectable 令人愉快的;merry 快乐的;delighted 高兴的;cheerful 愉快的~~轻松记单词
【天气词汇】blizzard大风雪,showers/rain shower,thunderstorms,thundershowers 雷阵雨,storm 风暴,lightning 闪电,meteorology 气象学,frost 霜,hail 冰雹,lightning,闪电mist,雾fog,浓雾cloud,云haze,霾dew ~
【音乐风格】Pop 流行;Folk 民谣;Blues 蓝调;Jazz 爵士;Rock 摇滚;Punk 朋克;Heavy Metal 重金属;Raggae 雷鬼;RB 节奏布鲁斯;Country 乡村;Trance 迷幻舞曲;Rap 说唱;Hip-Hop 嘻哈;Britpop 英式摇滚;Latin 拉丁;Bassa Nova 巴西音乐;Electro 电子乐
【“time”相关短语】against time 分秒必争;all the time 一直;at a time 每次;at times 有时;in no time 立即;in good time 及时地;many a time 屡次;keep time 合拍子;big time 愉快的时光,巨大的成功,closing time 下班时间~~
【网络热词】circusee 围观;indoorsman 宅男;campus belle 校花;non-prepared test-taking 裸考;group purchase 团购;the rich second generation 富二代;gelivable 给力;cosplay 动漫扮演;chillax 淡定;seckill 秒杀~~
【我爱背单词】人物性格:gentle 温和;frank 坦率;diligent 勤奋;friendly 友善;enthusiastic/warmhearted 热心;brave 勇敢;smart 聪明;humorous 幽默;timid 腼腆;lazy 懒惰;childish 幼稚;selfish 自私;cruel 冷酷;greedy 贪婪;sentimental 多愁善感~
【这些词不能望文生义!】1.black tea 红茶(不是黑茶)2.break a leg.祝你好运。(不是打断一条腿)3.You can say that again!说得好!(不是你可以再说一遍)4.Look out!当心!(不是向外看)5.You don't say!是吗!(不是你别说)6.I don't buy it.我才不信。(不是我不买)
【Constellations星座的英文表达】1.Aries 白羊;2.Taurus 金牛;3.Gemini 双子;4.Cancer 巨蟹;5.Leo 狮子;6.Virgo 处女;7.Libra 天秤;8.Scorpio 天蝎;9.Sagittarius 射手;10.Capricorn 摩羯;11.Aquarius 水瓶;12.Pisces 双鱼.What’s your constellation?
【电影制作人员的相关词汇】director 导演;film crew 影片摄制组;production company 制作公司;screenwriter/scriptwriter 编剧;production director 监制;film producer/producer 制片人;camera 摄像;gaffer 灯光师;film editor 电影剪辑师;props master 道具师
【营销中的4P.4C】4P:Product ['pr?d?kt] 产品.Price [pra?s] 价格.Place [ple?s] 地方.Promotion
[pr?'m???n] 促销;4C:Consumer [k?n'sju:m?] 消费者.Cost [k?st] 成本.Convenience [k?n'vi:nj?ns] 便利.Communication [k?,mju:ni'kei??n] 沟通
【雅思情绪词汇】1.confident 自信的;2.hysterical 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的;3.mischievous 搞怪的;恶作剧的;淘气的;有害的;4.smug 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的;5.surprised 惊讶的;6.bored 无聊的;烦人的;无趣的;7.shy 羞涩的,害羞的;8.ashamed 羞愧的~~轻松记单词
【各种“花”】:rose 玫瑰花;tulip 郁金香;balsam 凤仙花;canna 美人蕉;lily 百合花;jasmine 茉莉;sunflower 向日葵;morning-glory 牵牛花;cosmos 大波斯菊;gladiolus 剑兰;orchid 兰花
【“女友”的各种说法】1.Soul mate 红颜知己,情人;2.Miss right 如意夫人、理想的女朋友;
3.woman of your dreams 梦中情人;4.Fiancée 未婚妻;5.Life partner 终身伴侣;6.mistress 情人、情妇;7.a mistress / the other woman 小三~~轻松记单词
【如何表达“赞同”】1.How true!千真万确!2.Well said.说得好。3.You got it.你算说对了。
4.You bet.没错。5.That's for sure.那是当然。6.That's true.正是如此。7.You're right.你说得对。
8.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。<转>轻松学英语,【“树”的各部分】treetop 树梢;branch 树枝;twig 小树枝;bough 大树枝;leaf 树叶;sapling 树苗;tree root 树根;bark 树皮;pith 木髓;annual ring 年轮;stump 树桩;trunk 树干;taproot 主根;sprout 新芽
【各种鬼的表达】1.demon 魔鬼;2.lazybones 懒鬼;3.alcoholic 酒鬼;4.drunkard 醉鬼;
5.chain smoker 烟鬼;6.naughty child 调皮鬼;7.troublemaker 捣蛋鬼;8.vampire 吸血鬼;
9.coward 胆小鬼;10.gambling addict 赌鬼;11.lecher 色鬼;12.foreign devil 洋鬼子~轻松记单词
【“潮”词汇】 宅男、宅女otaku(girl),homebody,home boy/girl,indoorsy boy/girl(出自生活大爆炸); 微博Microblog(统称),twitter(微博的鼻祖),weibo(中国制造); 人肉搜索 flesh search; 小白脸 toy boy; 拜金女 gold digger; 愤青 young cynic
【美剧口头禅】1.Bazinga逗你玩儿 2.Whatever/up to you.随便 3.This is sick./gross/disgusting.太恶心了。4.It's a deal.一言为定 5.I screwed it up.我搞砸了 6.Let me handle it.让我来摆平。
7.What's the big deal?有什么大不了的? 8.Damn it.TMD<转>轻松学英语
【与“potato”相关的短语】 couch potato 电视迷; mouse potato 电脑迷; small potato 小人物; big potato 大人物; hot potato 烫手山芋,棘手的问题; mashed potato 土豆泥; baked potato 烤马铃薯; potato chip 炸土豆片; potato starch 马铃薯淀粉; potato bean 菜豆。
【Weather常见的用法】1.under the weather 有些不舒服 2.I don't like cold weather.我不喜欢寒冷的天气。3.fine weather 好天气 4.windy weather 有风的天气 5.run into rough weather陷入困境 6.broken weather变化无常的天气 7.in all weathers不论天气如何;不论晴雨 8.falling weather坏天气
1、beat the traffic躲开高峰期;
2、morning/evening shift早班/晚班;
3、Early bird/morning person:习惯早起的人;
4、night owl/night person:习惯晚睡(晚起)的人;
5、rush hour(上下班)高峰期;
6、I hear you.我明白你的意思。
【鼓励打气】It's just a setback.这就是个小挫折。| Don't let it get you down.别让这件事打垮你。| Things are never as bad as they seem.事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。| Take heart.We'll find a way out.振作起来,我们会有办法的。| Tomorrow is another day.有明天就有希望
【各种恋爱关系】 hit it off 相处得好;pop the question 求婚;tie the knot 结婚;fall head over heels in love 爱到死心塌地 settle down(结婚)安家;long-distance relationship 异地恋;whirlwind romance 闪电恋爱;puppy love 早恋;on the rocks 恋情出现危机
【新生入学】Have you finished registering? 你的注册办好了吗?| Where is the campus cafeteria? 校园的食堂在哪?| I'm a freshman.我是大一新生。| Do you live on or off campus?你住在校内还是校外?| How many hours are you taking this semester? 这学期你选了多少学时的课?
【实用口语】1.Eyes straight.眼睛向前看.2.Wake up and smell the coffee!面对现实吧!3.Let's go Dutch!各付各的/分摊吧!4.What a rip-off!真是敲竹杠啊!5.Not a chance!门都没有!6.Make it up!不记前嫌!7.That's not the point.这不是重点.8.It's not gonna work.行不通的!9.What a mess!乱七八糟
【各种亲属关系】cousin 堂兄弟姊妹;nephew 侄子/外甥;niece 侄女/外甥女;son-in-law 女婿;daughter-in-law 媳妇;elder brother 哥哥;great-grandson 曾孙/外曾孙;great-granddaughter 曾孙女/外曾孙女;father-in-law 岳父/公公;mother-in-law 岳母/婆婆
【这样记单词不科学但是我想说两句】beast 凶残的人——鄙视他 adult 成年人——爱叨特 cease 终止——息事 chaos 混乱——吵死 conceive 设想——肯思悟 alcohol 酒精——爱个喝 durance 监禁——丢人事 nickle 5美分 ——你抠 daft 傻的——打发他~~
【英文谚语集锦】1.Deeds, no words.不要光说不练。2.Do as you would be done by.推己及人。3.Destruction pursues the great.树大招风。4.Devil must be driven out with devils.以毒攻毒。5.Despair gives courage to a coward.人急造反,狗急跳墙。
【英语说味道】taste 味道;tasty 美味的;delicious 味道好的;sweet 甜的;sour 酸的;bitter 苦的;hot 辣的;salty 咸的;spiced 加香料的;fragrant 香的;seasoned 加作料的;tasteless 无味的;flat 淡而无味的;greasy 油腻的;bland, light 清淡的。
【各种走】1.I gotta go我得走了 2.Let's get out of here 我们走吧 3.You wanna ditch? 你想走吗? 4.Let's blow.我们撤吧 5.I'm out of here 我走了 6.Let's hit the road 我们走吧 7.I gotta take off 我得走了 8.I am heading out 我走了 9.Let's split 我们撤吧
【各种餐具的说法】1)fork叉子;2)knife 餐刀;3)paper towel纸巾/napkin 餐巾 4)table cloth桌布 5)tea-pot茶壶 / tea set 茶具/ tea tray 茶盘 6)dish 碟 7)plate盘 8)saucer小碟子
9)chopsticks筷子 10)soup spoon汤匙 11)toothpick 牙签 12)cup杯子13)bowl碗>>>
【“无所谓”的几种表达】1.be ok(fine)with 不要紧。2.Give a damn 不在乎, 不感兴趣。3.Suit yourself.随你的便。4.It's up to you.听你的,由你决定。5.I don't care.我不在乎。6.Do whatever you want!爱咋咋地。7.As you wish/If you want.随你吧!8.Whatever!管他呢!
【托福“基本重要的”词汇】essential 基本的;必要的;cardinal 主要的,基本的;fundamental 基本的;radical 根本的;彻底的;significant 重大的;有意义的;primary 主要的;基本的;important 重要的;有地位的;key 关键的;crucial 重要的;决定性的;momentous 重要的;vital 至关重要的;
【 ? 精选10首,男女合唱的英文经典歌曲!】1.《9 Crimes》2.《Almost Here》3.《Dilemma》
4.《Don't cry Joni》5.《Say Hello》6.《Sous le vent》7.《I’m your angel》8.《Just one last dance》
9.《love is color blind》10.《Nobody wants to be lonely》。
【out of 在口语中的用法】 1.Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见心不烦 2.out of breath上气不接下气 3.out of balance失去平衡 4.out of stock脱销 5.out of date过时 6.out of line不一致
7.out of patience不耐烦 8.out of control失去控制 9.out of style不时髦的 10.out of the blue 出乎意料的【反义词构成的短语】come and go往来;now yes, now no出尔反尔;from start to finish自始至终;here and there到处;up and down上上下下;in and out进进出出;day and night日日夜夜地;early or late迟早;young and old老老少少
【不走寻常路....】帆布鞋canvas shoes;拖鞋slippers;宫廷鞋court shoes;saddle shoe马鞍
鞋;人字拖flip-flops;凉鞋sandals;厚底鞋platform shoes;木鞋clogs;平底鞋ballet flats;露跟鞋slingbacks;裸跟鞋mules;牛津鞋oxford shoes;平头鞋plain-toe;布洛格鞋brogue shoes;结头鞋cap-toe
【run的搭配】run out of 用完;run down 撞倒;使„变弱;run away 逃跑;失控;run over 辗过;匆匆浏览run through 穿过;run out 用完;耗尽;run after 追赶;追求;run into sb.碰到某人;run for 竞选;匆匆去取;run a risk of = at the risk of 冒着„的危险;run short of 快用完了;缺乏
【各种病与药物】symptom 症状;ointment 药膏;allergy 过敏;drowsiness 嗜睡症;sore throat 喉咙疼;fever 发烧; illness 疾病;malaria 疟疾;epidemic 流行病;pneumonia 肺炎;antibiotic 抗生素;syrup 糖浆;tablet 药片;capsule 胶囊;penicillin 青霉素
【老外常说的10个形容词】 1.great 太棒了;太好了2.amazing: 使人十分惊讶的3.awesome: 极好的;很棒的4.incredible 难以置信的;惊人的5.cool: 好;帅;酷;6.cute: 可爱的;逗人喜爱的7.excellent: 优秀的; 8.wonderful: 极好的,绝妙的 9.fabulous: 极妙的 10.fantastic: 极出色的【fore-开头的词汇】foresee 预见;forehead 前额,额;forebode 预示,预感;forewarn 预先警告;foresight 先见之明,预见;forego 放弃;居先,在„之前;foremost 首先;最重要的;foreground 前景,最显著的位置;forecolor 前景色,字体颜色;forecast 预报,预测;forefather 祖先,前辈
【各种“水”】雨水 rain water;泉水 fountain/spring water;自来水 tap/running water;矿泉水 mineral water;纯净水 purified water;蒸馏水 distilled water;洪水 flood;洗发水 shampoo;香水 perfume;薪水 salary;水货 parallel import
【婚礼上的人物】 bride新娘;groom新郎;groomsman(best man)伴郎;bridesmaids 伴娘;marriage witness证婚人;their parents双方父母;guests来宾;photographer摄影师;flower girl持花少女;ring bearer 捧戒指的男孩。
【记单词】易混淆短语:①pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”);②have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”);③be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”);④black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”);⑤Look out!当心!(不是“向外看” 【暴强谐音,秒杀英语单词】pregnant 怀孕 —— 扑来个男的;ambulance 救护车 —— 俺不能死;ponderous 肥胖的 —— 胖的要死;pest害虫 —— 拍死它;ambition雄心 —— 俺必胜;agony痛苦 —— 爱过你;bale灾祸 —— 背噢;admire羡慕 —— 额的妈呀......【雅思万圣恐怖词汇】Ghost 鬼;Zombie 丧尸;Phantom 幽灵;Vampire 吸血鬼;Monster 怪物;Mummy 木乃伊;Mouse 老鼠;Snake 蛇;Centipede 蜈蚣;Spider 蛛蛛;Cockroach 蟑螂;Worm 蠕虫;Skeleton 骨骼;Werewolf 狼人;Devil 魔鬼;Adder 蝰蛇;Cobra 眼镜蛇;~
【How are you的最in回答!】只说fine,3Q你就out啦!1.I feel terrible.感觉糟透了 2.Fair to middling.还过得去 3.Right as rain.一切顺利 4.I feel like a million bucks!感觉棒极了!5.Better than ever.好得不能再好了 6.So-so.一般般追
【公司里的各种职位用英语肿么说?】CEO/President/General Manager 首席执行官/总经理;Deputy GM 副总经理;Director 总监;Partner 合伙人;Logistic Manager 物流经理;Purchasing Manager 采购经理;Purchasing Supervisor 采购主
【make短语】make of 用„制造;make from 由„制造,以„谋生;make in 加入;干涉;make into 把„制成;make out 理解;辨认出;make up 弥补;化妆;make sence 有意义;理解;make clear 弄清楚;显示;make sure 确信;make over 转让;移交~
【必须知道的天气词汇】晴天 sunny;多云 cloudy;阴天 overcast;小雨 light rain;中雨
moderate rain;阵雨 shower;暴雨 downpour;闪电 lightning;有雪 snowy;霜冻 frosty;有雾 foggy;冰雹 hail;有风 windy;台风 typhoon;飓风 hurricane;微风 breeze
【与“man”有关的短语】1.the man in the street 一般人,普通人;2.man of letters 学者;作家;3.man of few words 沉默寡言的人;4.be one's own man 独立自主,不受他人支配;5.man of the world 阅历丰富的人;饱经世故者;6.man of one's word 信守诺言的人;7.wise man 哲人,魔术师
【与求职有关的词汇】校园招聘 campus recruiting;实习internship;网申 online application;群面 group interview; 应聘者 job candidate;空缺职位 vacant position;证书 certificate;期望薪资 salary expectation;职业目标 career objective
【篮球那些事】常规赛 regular season季后赛playoffs梦之队Dream Team最有价值球员MVP后卫guard前锋forward中锋center内线队员inside man小前锋small forward大前锋power forward第六人six man新秀rookie选秀draft
生活口语【电影 style】1.romance movie 爱情片 2.detective movie 侦探片 3.action movie 动作片 4.musical 音乐片 5.thriller 恐怖片 6.comedy 喜剧片 7.serial movies 系列片 8.science fiction movie 科幻片
【吵架必备】1.Cut it out.省省吧2.You're a jerk废物点心吧你!3.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁4.What's your problem?奇怪耶你!5.Don't bother me.玩勺子把儿去!6.Knock it off.少来这一套7.Leave me alone边儿去!8You piss me off.气煞我也
【标点符号】逗号 comma;句号 period/full stop;分号 semicolon;省略号 ellipsis;冒号 colon;星号 asterisk;双引号 quotation marks;单引号 single quotation marks;破折号 dash;圆括号 parentheses;斜线符号 slash;惊叹号 exclamation mark;问号 question mark;方括号 square brackets
【常用词组】1.by chance 偶然;意外地;2.round the clock 连续一整天,昼夜不停;毫不疲倦地;3.keep one's cool 保持冷静;保持镇静;4.in a tight corner处于困境;处境险恶;
5.keep in the dark 隐瞒;使„在鼓里;对„保密;6.fall on deaf ears 没有被听取;未被理睬;
【#英语短语#】“on”的短语搭配:1.be keen on 喜爱,渴望;2.from now on 从现在起;今后;3.hang on 坚持下去;4.go on a picnic 去野餐,去野炊;5.look down on 俯瞰(某处);看不起;6.play a trick on 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧;7.on occasion 有时;偶尔;8.off and on 不时;断断续续地
【买单的常用表达】1.This is my round.轮到我付钱了。2.It's my treat.我请客3.I'm buying.我来买单 4.Let me get this.我来做东(口语化表达)5.It's on me.我请客/算我账上。6.I'll pick up the check.我来结账。7.Shall we split the check? 我们大家平摊?
【邀约朋友】Are you free this weekend? 这个周末有空吗?How about having dinner with me? 和我一起吃晚饭好吗?Do you have plans for tomorrow? 你明天有计划吗? Are you doing anything this afternoon? 今天下午有安排吗? Shall I come to pick you up? 要我开车去接你吗?
【吵架必备】1.Cut it out.省省吧2.You're a jerk废物点心吧你!3.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁4.What's your problem?奇怪耶你!5.Don't bother me.玩勺子把儿去!6.Knock it off.少来这一套7.Leave me alone边儿去!8You piss me off.气煞我也!
【动物单词】1.bird 鸟;2.fish 鱼;3.panda大熊猫;4.snake蛇;5.cat 猫;6.lion 狮子;7.dog 狗;8.parrot 鹦鹉;9.dragon 龙;10.tiger 老虎;11.monkey 猴子;12.elephant 大象;13.chicken
鸡;14.owl 猫头鹰;15.duck 鸭子;16.pet 宠物;17.pig 猪;18.cow 牛
“The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing.”With the motto “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, Beijing promises to host a “Green Olympics”, a “Hi-tech Olympics” and the “People's Olympics”.Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace.The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world.Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace.The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。
As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade.If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak
English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day.With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can
see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.I know, Rome was not built in a day.I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!
Thank you!