
时间:2019-05-15 05:38:10下载本文作者:会员上传



How time flies.Today I am no longer a villain in the piece of paper painted with children's children;today I am no longer a simple calculation and the calculation is still the primary problem;today, I have bid farewell to childhood, to youth.With a vision for the future, I came to the East, into the first form of life.On who started the first feeling fresh.Campus is so clean and tidy, tree-lined;teacher lectures are so vibrant and attractive;students get along is so harmonious, pleasant.All this and all have very different school, so I feel very fresh and interesting.On who started in the second sense is the vision for the future with longing.Opening ceremony, we are excited to read aloud school pledge.Junior high school this year, we will lay a solid foundation for the future, one step forward towards goal.The first form, and then some feel is the tension.Different primary and junior high school learning, there are seven homework

Without a strong determination, amazing endurance, quick thinking is not enough.Into the East, each year, including every student in each class is a good student, all are top student in all schools, the fierce competition of learning, so there will be some downward pressure.Too easy, results will fall behind the ranks, it can not relax, to learn at all times in the state.We must learn to adapt to this climate of tension can be achieved in three years of learning achievements, hard work, create brilliant it!

The first form, and both excited and looking forward to further tension.In any case, had to start from the bit by bit, into a new life.I know middle school is a way of life must to let us Raising the sails of life, and high morale to sail another joy of the other side it!


my thought for those dead brethrens(5.12 Wenchuan earthquake)

I don't know what I should do for them at that time,but I know my heart is beating and crying.I don' t know what words I should speak to them to comfort them,but I know many times I try to open vainly my mouth.I don't know why my tears broke out from my eyes, watching CCTV news,but I know the death and casualties are our brethren.I don't know why the life of the died pupils are very short,but I know they are almost as same ages as my son.I don't know why the natural disaster happened on them,but I know I am with them all live in the sky of China.I don't know in the coming days what natural disaster will happen on us,but I know we will be enable to overcome it and survive as long as we have love's confidences and steady belief.I don't know whethrer the casualties can come back their home or not after earthquake disaster,but I know their homes have become ruin and need to be rebuilt.I don't know how all the chinese people without being injuried help the died and the survival in the Wenchuan magnitude earthquake,but I know we can pray the God for an end to their sufferings.I don't know what I should do for the died, but I know that I can do nothing except praying peace and happy for them in the heaven!Hope all people cherish your life and care people around us!


About Beijing Olympic Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony must take place in the stadium after the end of all the events.The flag bearers of the participating delegations and the name-board-bearers enter the stadium in single file.Behind them march the athletes,without distinction of nationality.The flag bearers then form a semi-circle behind the rostrum.The president of the IOC and the president of the OCOG mount the rostrum.To the sounds of the Greek national anthem,the Greek flag is hoisted on the flagpole that stands to the right of the central flagpole used for the winners' flags.The flag of the host country is then hoisted on the central flagpole,while its anthem is played.Finally,the flag of the host country of the next Olympic Games is hoisted on the lefthand flagpole to the strains of its anthem.The mayor of the host city joins the president of the IOC on the rostrum and returns to him the Olympic flag.The president of the IOC then entrusts it to the mayor of the host city of the followingOlympic Games.This flag must be displayed in the latter city's main municipal building.After an address by the president of the OCOG,the president of the IOC gives the closing speech of the Olympic Games,which he ends with these words:

“I declare the Games of the …… Olympiad closed and,in accordance with tradition,I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now at …… to celebrate with us there the Games of the …… Olympiad”.A fanfare then sounds; the Olympic flame is extinguished,and while the Olympic anthem is being played,the Olympic flag is slowly lowered from the flagpole and,unfurled horizontally,carried out of the arena,followed by the flag bearers.A farewell song resounds.


The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter Abstract Nathaniel Hawthorne’s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature.The finest example is the recreation of The Scarlet Letter.It is a representative one of his ideal and artistic style and is regarded as the first American symbolic fiction and is one of the few books that is remarkable, because it deals with alienation, sin, punishment, and guilt, or the emotions that will continue to be felt by every generation.The scarlet letter “A”, which covers through the whole novel, was given a variety of symbolic meanings.He expressed his feelings, emotions, will and concept through the scarlet letter” A”, some natural scenery, and some of the major characters.The use of symbolism gives romantic thoughts and great subjective ideals to readers.This paper researches the symbolism in the novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter “A”, the colors, prison, the forest, the names of the major characters described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the reader.Key words: The Scarlet Letter, symbolism, sin 摘要 霍桑创作象征主义小说的独特天赋触及人类的道德的最深根源,其代表作是《红字》。它也是最能代表其思想和艺术风格的杰出作品,被视为美国第一部象征主义小说。它是少数卓有建树的作品之一,因为它涉及疏远,罪恶,惩罚及内疚,或是那种使一代一代人们所感受的感情。在《红字》中那个牵动着读者内心的鲜红字母“A”贯穿全篇,并被作家赋予了丰富的象征涵义。霍桑通过鲜红的字母“A”,通过大自然中的一些景象,表达出了自己的某些感觉、情思、意志和观念,使作品充满了丰富的浪漫主义想象和强烈的主观色彩。本文主要从以下几方面研究《红字》中的象征主义: 红色字母A、颜色、监狱、森林的象征意义在文中做出阐述。关键词: 红字 象征意义 罪恶


On the Kai-Fu Lee speechj at Beijing

People's University--success

Hello, everyone,today my title of the talk is the success on the Kai-Fu Lee speech.Success is we all strive for end, long for the other side, and every time when it comes to the word, we always feel this process difficult, different people in different environmental settings with respect to the definition of success is different.Architects built an ideal building is his success,teachers can make their learning be imparted to students in a more comprehensible manner is success, for students, school grades first is also a successful ……

After listening to the Kai-Fu Lee's speech at Renmin University in Beijing--“success” , so I feel quite good, especially for a new definition of success, to its implementation and the required conditions have a greater awareness, and to re-examine its own ideals and aspirations, gave me a great impetus.Kai-Fu Lee always like others call him “Kai-Fu”, and here I refer to him as “Kai-Fu”, this will feel more friendly.In speech, Kai-Fu told us, we should pursuit of success should is diversified of, is not all the fame, but has value of, he mentioned success of six

composition elements formation has a “concentric round”, this sixcomposition elements respectively is: values,attitude,ideal,interest, implementation and interpersonal relationships, they

complement each other, missing any a links or any a links appears problem on is difficult to to last of success.We aspire to success is often our own ideal of final

implementation, with the ideals and aspirations, we have the impetus to the success, so we should first clear what is the ideal, our ideal should not be full of full power, fame, success is not to compete with others, but should compete with ourselves, to challenge our own ideal, should be positive, on our own

comprehensive quality promotion of help, only to clear our own ideal, we can continue to move forward.My ideal is to be in the financial work of breaking their own, to challenge their own limits, reach a peak.Ideal should be established in our interests, we do our favorite things, life will be full of fun, as long as the pursuit of our own

interests, we are one step closer to success.After the University, I always say: my most gratifying is that I have not chosen the wrong profession, I like finance, like the logic, like the way it works, like the occupation.So, I will let my interest in expanding, let me more motivated, in my life on the road to become the most beautiful scenery.Be based on the interest of the ideal, we cannot wait for

windfalls, no action, ideal forever all only would be ideal.Kai-Fu Lee said a word:“ the things we want to distinguish the order of priority, the sequence of events, according to the importance and emergency to classify them, which should be immediately resolved, which can not be so anxious, finally doing, everything should have planned.” I quite agree with this point of view.Occasionally there is a period of time, we will find a lot of things are stacked together, how should we proceed with from what, so that the final act with confusion, many things do not good enough, even didn't finish, be unbearable to contemplate the consequences.So we do things to know how to make plans, to distinguish the order of priority, everything in good order and well arranged to complete each matter.In order to realize the ideal, we should adopt a correct attitude to perform.“ Attitude is everything!” We must always remain active attitude towards everything, others can only give our opinions or suggestions, the final decision is finalized or only by the us to make our own decisions.“ Always the opportunity to leave only those who are prepared.” We want to know how to create opportunities for ourselves, learn to seize the opportunity, brave to tell other people what we succeed, not expecting others to pay attention to

our success, never underestimate yourself.In addition, we want to learn self criticism, with an open mind to accept criticism, and correct in time,“ with the responsibility heart of responsibility of oneself, to stone heart with people”, the success will not be far away from the ideal, will be closer to reality.“ A friend more than a good work”, this saying is simple but rich in philosophy, in such an age of information, good interpersonal relations are getting more and more important, in any kind of situation communication is indispensable, the team also need

everybody to feel for others, establish a like-minded group, just like our Longzhiren members, along with the more and more, we can learn a lot from others life truth and method, the future of our way of life will play a great help.In the final analysis, the road to success will be a long and hard journey, to be consistent from beginning to end of the stick to our original intention is not an easy thing, this is the test of our local, values in the concentric circle 's center, it also illustrates the

importance of it in the road to success.Do anything to be worthy of our own conscience, we want to treat people with sincerity, always keep a empathy, to how others to us, we will do for others.Kai-Fu Lee said:“ perseverance is a virtue, giving up is also a kind of

wisdom.” Success needs perseverance, need to persevere spirit, at

the same time, we should also learn to give up, “Giving up something,we’ll get other things.” it is also for this reason.Previously, I rarely listen to celebrities such as opening speech, always feel they are celebrities, is far away from us, but after

listening to the people's University in Beijing on the “success” of the speech, I regret not as early as when I first went to university to go listen to this report, I also do not like this feeling is not stable, mature enough.In this age of information, the Internet brings us and celebrity distance between, let us sit at their opposite person can learn the truth, I will in the future to listen more and more to learn these speeches, let myself more substantial, more mature!Thank you!


At the beginning of this semester, Mr.Zhang asked us a question, ”How many students want to be a teacher?” To his surprise, nearly half of us didn’t want to be teachers.And I was one of them.But why we still choose the course which was related to teaching? I believe reasons are vary from one person to another.From my point of view, the information that Mr.Zhang brought to us was exactly what I’m really interested in.so I considered it as good way to increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.Since the information were usually new and important.It hai proved that my choice was totally right.The course of English Language Teaching gave me a deep and unforgettable impression.As far as I’m concerned, this course presented a moving panorama for revealing the problems of China’s education.As college students, we should give deep reflection and response to these problems, we need to consider how to accept better education and how to instruct our own children in the future.Besides, this course offered me many teaching methods.No matter as a teacher or parent, they are quite important for you can cultivate your students or children with different ways according to their personality and hobby.First of all, let me talk about some problems of our education that I learned from this course.I think exam-oriented education is a big problem for China’s education.Schools pay more attention to the scores of students rather than the ability of them because of the College Entrance Examination.Exam-oriented education leads schools teaching students same as factories produce products.Students spend a lot of time learn new knowledge and answer questions every day, rest of time they always used to relieve stress.They lack practice, sometimes they even divorced from the reality.As for English education, the roles of students and teachers in English class have not been changed yet.What’s more, we are lack of English environment.As we learn English, we usually just read the English books and do the English papers.In addition, English is a kind of language, and language learning should base on culture.After realizing there problems, we should try to search effective solutions to solve them.If I became a teacher, I will pay attention to make my students the real master in English class, while I just act as the guides, which means at the proper time giving them proper helps.Encouraged to finish the study by themselves, students can get the strong willing to study English, and get interested in it.At present, most of the rural primary school is lacking of English teacher.Because I’m a countryside girl, so I want to talk about this problem deeply.Most of English teacher are unprofessional or part-time teacher, they didn’t accept the professional English language training, and even more some of them learned English by themselves.Some are job-transfer teachers who come from the station of political teaching, art teaching, etc.They can’t understand English totally and often occur in apparent errors in the class.And their methods of teaching English are still traditional.Gradually, it makes students losing interests in English learning or even boring the subject.Another problem is that English teaching equipment and construction is still unable to satisfy the actual needs.There are no multimedia lab, language lab, and software resources in remote school.More terrible is that even if the government provides them the equipment, some teachers can’t operate multi-media device or their

methods are not flexible.As a result, it very easy causes a lot of resources wasted.In addition, compared with the city children, the students in rural areas are more timid.They lack of confidence and fear of criticizing of teachers.Most students don’t want to speak.In my opinion, teachers are practitioners of quality education and raising teachers' qualities is crucial.So first we should set some English teaching teams in the countryside.The rural primary school, many teachers can’t find solutions to the way during the class, they could only think alone.So I think the town school's English teaching team can help the other schools developed steadily.Then, aimed at the problem that the teaching environment is bad in the rural primary school, we shouldtry the best to improve rural schools' teaching conditions.The government and the education department have an obligation to investment in the rural primary and secondary school office facility and modern teaching equipment.Efforts to create good environment,filled the school resources with elaborate design.Because of age and mental characteristics, teach children English is diffident from adults.Primary school at secondary school, don’t like a high school, the teacher is the organizer of the class, we should strive to organize activities such as painting, the use of the competition, and acting, singing, story-telling, fully arouse the inner power of students learning English.And ask students to participate in the class.Second, attach importance to students' individual differences, pay attention to their aptitudes.In the past, the people's attention often paid on collective the teaching.However, as time goes by, the students' individual tendency is becoming increasingly conspicuous.Therefore, individual teaching in the process can bring out best in each other.At last, using all sorts of means, motivate students' desire to learn English.The rural areas, students’ study interest is not high.Induce student learning is the key to master English well.In the school, the teacher should as far as possible encourage students to speak English.Above all, the primary school is the key period for English study.Thus, English learning of English studies very important.However, the rural primary school English has many serious problems.the relevant departments need to distribute more qualified teachers to the rural primary schools and increasing investment for improving the English teaching environment and the social circles should pay more attention to improve the quality in rural primary schools of English, the overall level of English will be improved.After talking about English education, I want to make a reference to the approaches of English Language Teaching.A few weeks ago, we got some materials about teaching method from our teacher.Maybe because we are not interesting in teaching, most of us didn’t want to read it.Later, we were asked to give a presentation.Actually I think it did work.I learned a lot from these materials.After reading them, I tried to find some information from internet because I want to know them in details.There are there main methods: communicate language teaching, content-based teaching and Task-based language teaching.CLT usually pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language.It means using procedures where learners work in pairs or groups employing available language resources in

problem-solving tasks.And content-based teaching can be regarded as a logical development of some of the core principles of communicate language teaching, particularly those that relate to the role of meaning in language learning.However, Task-based language teaching is the method that I am interested in.Because it cultivate our ability to communicate accurately and effectively in the most common English language activities we may be involved in.Task can be classified into two types: the real-world tasks and the pedagogical tasks.I think the real-world tasks are quite useful and meaningful.It is the ultimate goal of TBLT.In the near future, we will enter society and deal with some real problems with English.So it is very necessary to intense our ability to solve some real problems.From my point of view, teaching should base on two points: useful and interesting.Any knowledge should be beneficial for our development.We should inspire students’ interest and put them into a happy world.I’m very pleased that I got the point.I think it offers me a good way to cultivate my own children in the future.Anyway, education is the heart of human development.we should think highly of it and improve ourselves.

第五篇:The Queen电影英文感想

The Queen The Queen is an excellent movie and deserves a look.The film told something that happened in a special time of Britain.There had contradiction between the UK royal family and British.And a new prime minister tried his best to resolve this contradiction.Through the film, I learn more things about Britain.1 Princess Diana is people`s princess.She is very beautiful and outstanding.She loves common people and has no perspective on class.People love her because she is such different in the UK royal family.So I think the UK royal family must take action to close to common people.Also only like this, the royal family would get respected.2 Prime minister-Tony Blair is a good and clever prime.He is familiar with British history and British system.He knows the royal family is an indispensible existence in Britain.He bridges people and the queen, and gives the most important suggestion to the queen.That is why he is a beloved prime.3 I think Prince Charles is a double dealer.He plays politics clumsily.He was like an idiot in government affairs.4 I know why people respect the Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.She is a perfect and great queen.She has given her whole life in serving to her people.She holds that duty-first, self-second.For example, when she knows she wasn`t supported, she is very grieved and has sense of alienation.So she changes herself to obey people`s will.5 The royal families also have annoyance.They have their own feelings, just like common people.To maintain their reputation, they have to lose their feelings.In some way, I think they are very poor.6 I must say that the paparazzi are all over the world.They are disgusting!In the end, I want to copy 2 classic dialogues in the film.I love them.1 That woman has given her whole life in service to her people.Fifth years doing a job SHE never wanted!A job she watched kill her father.She`s executed it with honor dignity, and, as far as I can tell without a single bearish, and now we`re all baying for her blood!All because she`s struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who… who threw everything she offered back in her face.And who, for the last few years, seemed committed to destroying everything she holds most dear!2 Nowadays, people want glamour and tears, the grand performance, I`m not very good at that, I never have been.I prefer to keep my feelings to myself and foolishly, I believed that was what people wanted from their Queen, not to make a fuss, nor wear one`s heart on one`s sleeve.



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