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英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和基本语法上下苦功夫.同时通过阅读来积累素材.从汉语作文就可知英语作文有多难.也可得到启示该怎么训练.小学到初中在到高中10 多年,有多少学生能够写出象样的汉语作文?

英语作文怎么写?好在知要求根据某个 情景话题写10 多句话,120词左右,同常要看懂提示,认真审题,1).审文体,要求 写成什么文体?如何开头结尾?是书信?是看图作文?还是根据图表写议论文?各种文体 有大致固定的结构.2))审要点,特别是动词用哪个?评分 时,是按要点是否全部涉及,表达是否清楚来定 档次的.要点确定后,重要的是用好 动词,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,最好一步到位,将时态 也带进去,确定全文基本时态 是现在时 还是过去时?直接将该词的形式表出来,省略打 草稿的步骤;

3),将要点扩充成句子,注意前后问的连贯和一致.4),加 必要的连词,是全文连贯和文理通顺,有的句子前后再 调整合并,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段.5).通读全文,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误.写作文 是一个复杂 的思维过程.一篇 号作文需 反复修改,和进行周密的思维活动,没有必要的词汇,素材积累是无从下手的,多读范文,多练习,才有望 提高,正如游泳骑车等技能只有通过不断练习游 和骑 ,而不是纯理论能奏效的.首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。







大家好!小学生英语作文 仅供大家参考,注意作文和段落的不同点在于:作文有标题。标题要居中,第一个单词的首字母要大写。看看范文的格式,语言组织。你们也可以试着练习:介绍你的房子,卧室,客厅;你喜欢的小动物等等!My good friend

My name is ×××.I have a good friend.Her name is Liu Yun.She lives in China.Her mother is a singer(歌手).She likes swimming.Her father is a TV reporter(电视台记者).He likes listening to music(听音乐).Liu Yun likes playing the violin and riding her bike(骑自行车).Every morning(每天早上), she goes to school on foot(步行).Every evening, she reads newspaper at home.Then she goes to bed(上床睡觉)at nine.This is my good friend Liu Yun.My favourite teacher

Hello,my name is Steven.I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li.She is a very good teacher.She is very young, but her English is very good.She teaches(教)us English every day(每天).Her class has so much fun(如此多的乐趣).She sings songs with us, plays games with us.We are so happy.And we learn English well(英语学的很好).Our English are very very good.So(所以)I like her very much.She likes reading books and playing sports.After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us.We are very happy.We all love her very much.This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher.I like my English teacher very much.What about you ?(你呢?)Do you have a good teacher, too?












例如:Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English。














What’S his/her/its name?

Where is he/she/its from?

What does he/she/its look like?

What is he/she/its like?

What is his/her hobby

Whatis he/shegood at?













1.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second…

And then,Finally,In the end,At last

2.表并列补充关系的:What ismore,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,Inaddition

3.表转折对比关系的:However,On the contrary,but

Although+clause(从句),In spite of+n/doing

On the one hand…

On the other hand…

Some…,while others…


So,Thus,Therefore,As a result

5.表换一种方式表达:In other words

6.表进行举例说明:For example,句子;For instance,句子;such as+n/doing

7.表陈述事实:In fact

8.表达自己观点:As far as I know,In my opinion

9.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary


宾语从句举例:I believe Tianjin will be more beautifulandprosperous。

状语从句举例:If everyone does something for the environment, ourhometown will

become clean and beautiful。

动名词做主语举例:Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes。

It’s bad for our eyes to read books in the sun。


1)时间when,not…until,as soon as

2)目的so that+clause;to do(为了)

3)结果so…that+clause,too…to do(太……以至于……)

4)条件if,unless(除非),as long as(只要)

5)让步though,although,even though,even if

no matter what/when/where/who/which/how

6)比较as…as…,not so…as…,than




1.We live more and more comfortable。


2.we can get many informations by reading newspapers。

改正:much information


3.There has many programs in TV。

改正:There are many programs on TV。

(There be句型和介词短语)

4.I think ride a bike can keep our health。

改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy。(动名词作主语)



Genre Writing 2011 FallOP-draft 1-修订稿-郝宇星10151042-GW02 Nov.8 第1页 Pick a Subject.1)A person you care about and a person close to you & willing

to share his/her life experience with you: my nephew.2)Label the person stereotypes:

★ He is a naughty and loving baby.★ He is a troublesome and clever baby.3)Individualize the person

*HE IS A UNIQUE baby.Ask Questions:

--Where was this person born?He was born two years ago.--Where did this person grow up?He grows up in my home.--What does/did this person do for a living?He cannot make a living.--Why is this person famous?He is not famous.--What makes this person special or interesting? He is the first

kid in my life to take care of.What are the adjectives you would most use to describe the


Select the most interesting ones about your subject:

1.He didn’t eat food sometime.2.He disturbs my sleep.3.He didn’t want to dress clothes.Design where on-scene elements and quotes enter:

1.Where: in my home.2.When: from two years ago to now.3.Quotes: he cannot answer a question so I didn’t ask him anything.Write the outline:

1.My nephew is lovely.2.He made many troubles for me.3.it’s very difficult to look after him.4.I got used to the life with my nephew.Draft your OP:

My nephew

My nephew, Xiao ran, was born two years ago when we were celebrating the Spring Festival.Like other babies, he has a small face, small eyes, small nose and a small but smart mouth.His eyelashes are long and his skin is smooth, which makes him very lovely.However, lovely babies can be troublesome.If a baby grows up, it means he will bring us more trouble.Xiao ran learnt to stand up after

six months;then he started to make trouble for us.He walked on his little feet, from the bed to the windowsill, stood on it and hit the windows;if I didn’t taken him off the sill, the windows would have been broken into pieces on the ground.A year later, when he could run and climb the chairs, he ran to the chair, climbed it and sat on my table.What was worse, he picked up my books, my pens, even my most important files and threw them on the floor.Once, he even tore a page of my book off.Frequently, he would open every commode and cupboard and put the stores out on the floor.If I put them into cupboards again, he would just pick them out again.All of this made me nearly crazy.I believe that everyone will find it difficult to look after a baby when he or she had really done it.Xiao ran could eat normal food six months later, but he didn’t abandon his milk as his real food until one year ago.When the dinner was well, Xiao ran’s mum, my sister would embrace him to the chair and feed him.It was not me to do the work because I could not bear it at all, for I am hungry, too.Every time Xiao ran will make the food and saliva everywhere and sometime he just refused to eat anything.For example, one day we cooked dumplings for lunch.Since Xiao ran has never seen such food before, we taught him to clamp the dumpling into his bowl and clamp it into two pieces.Then he started to put them, one by one, into his little bowl until the dish is

empty.Before we could stop him from doing this, he had smashed all the dumplings in his bowl and on the table.Certainly he couldn’t eat them all, even couldn’t eat one dumpling.When my nephew ate up and went to sleep, the food has been too cold to eat.Once, he broken a bowl and received a beat;however, it didn’t change his manners.As the days went by, I had got used to the life with Xiao ran.Usually, I dressed him in the morning, though he often waked up before five o’clock and I got up at about seven.It seems that babies like to be naked because when I put his clothes out he would cry and ran away.When he waked up, my sweet sleep would be ruthlessly disturbed.He claimed over my belly, tried to stand on my belly and tumbled on my belly again.He lied down and tore my face, pulled my nose, pointed my eyes until I could not stand it and got up.He likes going out and to the park or markets, when I had to take him in my arms since he hated to walk.When he saw a new purchase, he would ask what it was.He wanted to buy all the things he saw, and if the food he wanted was really bought, it would just be wasted, which based on my own experiences this two years.His parents had bought him many toys, but most of them were abandoned one or two days late.So, although Xiao ran ate little, he had spent much money of his parents.The elf learned to talk one year ago, and he appeared a great talent of talking from then on.Now he can say many words and

understand most of the sentences we said every day.If he could not find me, he would ask my mum “where’s the uncle?” again and again until I came back to him.When he was seated on the back of the bike, he often says hello to the strange passengers and asked them “where are you going?” again and again until the bike went far away.If I told him “go and bring the book to me.” He would run and bring the right one.He was taught patiently by my sister and my mum, who had made him known the numbers, the letters and some classic poems.It has been decided that Xiao ran will go to kindergarten at the age of three.Then his parents will have more time to make money.However, I will be regretful for I cannot see his little face, hold his little hands, or take his little body in my arms any longer.Although sometime I was fed up with him, I cannot stop loving him when he calls me uncle with lovely smile.



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