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使用教材:《国际商务函电》;出版社:对外经贸大学出版社;作者:陆墨珠; 出版日期:2005年3月。本大纲供《国际商务函电》课程国际贸易专业使用。课程内容与考核目标


FORM AND STRUCTURE OF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE 商务函电的格式和结构PrinciplesofGoodCommunication--Consideration


























































I.Spell the full name of the initials.(5*2′=10′)

1.FCL…5.II、Translate the Chinese into English(5*2′=10′)

1.不可撤销即期信用证 … 5.III.Choose the most likely answer to for eachof the following question(20 * 1’ = 20’)

1.For the time being, we cannot commit ______ to any fresh orders.A.usB.ourC.oneselfD.ourselves

20.IV.Complete the following 2 letters with the words and phrases given(10*2’=20’)

Letter 1

Dear Mr.Wang,_____1____your Order No.5755 and our S/C No.CN-5916, we wish to point out that the shipment is stipulated before July15.The goods under our S/C have been ready for quite some time.But we still haven’t received your ___2____.…the amount of $40600 ____5____ , with which we can effect shipment according to the original schedule.Yours faithfully

A.For our accountB.relevant L/CC.draw your attention

D.With reference toE.open by faxF.in our favorG.In reply to …Letter2

V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(5*2’=10’)

1.Our products are fine in quality and complete in specifications.5.VI.Translate the following sentences into English:(5*3’=15’)








Your firm has been recommended to us by Oriental Trading Co.Ltd.We understand that you have been supplying “Qingdao” brand bottled beer of the best quality to a lot of countries and regions for over 30 years.We the largest food trading corporation in this country and have offices or representatives in almost all major cities and towns.We are sure that there is a large demand for various foreign beers in our country.Therefore,we shall appreciate very much if you will advise us whether you have a mind to establish business relations with us.We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market.We assure you of our close cooperation at all times and look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully



1.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and to exchange what on has with what one needs.承蒙中国外贸组织的介绍,我们得知贵公司有意在本地市场做生意

2.Through the courtesy of Chinese External Trade Organization, we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us in this market.我们是世界上最大的丝绸进口商之一。我们过去一直是从日本进口的,现在我们想到中国市场订购

6.Please be informed that we are one of the largest importers of silk in the world.We have been importing this item from Japan and now intend to extend our business to import the same from China.为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随函寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅

8.In order to give you a general idea of our various textiles available for export, we are enclosing herewith sample books and a copy of price list for your information.※我们收到你方6月4日对我们电子玩具的询价,现高兴地向你方报盘如下,供你参考

5.We have received your inquiry of June 4 for our electronic toys and now take pleasure in making you the following offer for your consideration 考虑到贵方将开出大量的订单,对于我们最近的报价将允许一定的折扣

10.We will allow certain discount on our recent quotation considering your large order.为了开展双方间具体的业务,我们很高兴向你方报特盘,以我方最后确认的为有效报价

11.In order to start the concrete business between us, we are glad to make you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation.按照你们的要求,我们报50公吨大豆的实盘如下,以自本日起一周之内向你方复到为准

15.At the request of you, we offer you firm, subject to your reply reaching here within one week, 50m/t soybeans as follows.※现附上我方第101号合同正本两份,请会签并早日寄回一份

2.Enclosed please find Contract No.101 in two originals.Please counter sign and return one copy at earliest.你公司2005年9月20日来函内附1000台缝纫机订单一纸已收到。兹附寄第346号销售确认书一式两份,请会签一份以便存档

5.We have received your letter of 20th September 2005 enclosed an order of 1000 sets of sewing machines.We hereby enclose the sales contract No.346 in duplicate.Please countersign and return one copy to us for our file.你方8月14日的来函及随附的订单已受到。兹附寄第235号销售确认书一式两份,请会签一份以便存档

7.Your letter of August 14 and the enclosed order have been received.We are enclosing our Sales Confirmation No.235 in duplicate, one of which please sign and return for our file.请注意,信用证条款与合同条款必须严格相符,以免日后修改

8.Please note that the terms and conditions of / in the L/C must strictly comply with those of / in the contract so as to avoid future amendments.※如能收到贵方订单,我们将非常感谢

1)We shall be pleased to receive your kind orders.应你方要求,我方破例接受即期付款交单方式,但下不为例

5)In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.我方将以托收方式开出向你方支取的即期跟单汇票

6)We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.我们只接受在签约后3天内以电汇预付发票总金额的20%,余下的80%以即期信用证方式付清,要求该信用证必须在装运前15-30天内送达我方

7)We can only accept 20% T/T in advance within 3 days upon signature of the S/C, and the other 80% of the total invoice value shall be made by L/C at sight to reach us 15-30 days before the delivery.※装运期将近,如果能尽快开立以我方为受益人的信用证将不胜感激

1.The date of shipment is approaching, we should be grateful if you will open an L/C in our favor as soon as possible.经详阅,我们对第276号信用证按贵方要求进行了必要的修改 4.On perusal we made necessary amendments to the L/C.按照你方4月10日来信要求,我方已通知银行将信用证展证至10月31日

6.As requested in your letter of 10 April, we have advised the bank to extend the L/C to 31 October.由于我方订不到舱位,我方要求将信用证交货期和有效期分别展期到4月10日和4月25日

7.As we cannot obtain the shipping space, we would like to have the delivery date and validity of L/C extended to 10 April and 25th April respectively.※请确保此包装牢固,足以承受粗鲁的搬运

4.Please be assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.我们通常把每件男衬衫装入一个盒子里,半打装一箱,10打装一个木箱

5.We usually pack each piece of men’s shirt in a box, half dozen to a carton and 10 dozen to a wooden case.请把每台电视机装一纸板箱,每4台装一适合于出口的木箱

6.Please pack one TV set to a cardboard box, 4 sets to a wooden case suitable for export.我们要求内包装小巧而精美以有助于销售,外包装轻便而坚固以易于搬运

8.We require the inner packing to be small and exquisite to help sales and the outer packing to be light and strong to be easy to carry.※本函随寄了有关包装和货物价值的一些材料。如果贵方能报从港口到港口一切险的保险费率,本公司不胜感激 4.Details with regards to packing and values are attached, and we would be grateful if you could quote a rate covering all risks from port to port.我们已向中国人民保险公司将100公吨羊毛按发票金额的110%投保一切险,保险费用为3% 6.We’ve covered insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China on the 100 metric tons of wools for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks at the rate of 3%。


7.Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value, and any extra premium for additional coverage, if required, shall be borne by the buyers.很遗憾,我们不能接受这一索赔,因为你们的保险没有包括破碎险

17.Much to our regret, we cannot accept this claim as you have not covered the risk of breakage.※我们没法取得舱位,所以要求转运

1.We cannot obtain the shipping space, so we ask for transshipment.另一种方法就是我们将货物分批装运

2.An alternative is to make partial shipment.开往你地的轮船非常少,我们很难在直达轮上订到舱位

3.As the steamer to your port is few and far between, it is difficult for us to book shipping space on a direct line.第E493号合同和第2864号信用证项下3000台彩电到目前为止仍未收到任何装船消息,这给我们带来很大麻烦 4.We haven’t received any news about shipment of 3,000 sets color TV under contract No.E493 and No.2864, which involve us in big trouble.※经检查发现近30%的包装破烂,显示由于包装不妥所致

2.The inspection found that nearly 30% of the packaging broken, due to packaging is wrong.很遗憾贵方到货的质量与双方商定的不符。由于该货不能出售,对我方也无用,我方向贵方索赔金额xx 3.Unfortunately the inconsistent quality of your arrival to that agreed upon by both parties.Since the goods can not be sold and also useless to us, we place our claims for xx.经目的港复检,维多利亚号运来的羊毛的质量与第3215号合同所规定的完全不符

4.The re-examination of the port of destination shows the quality of the wool shipped in S/S “Victoria” is completely incompatible to that stipulated under No.3215 contract.我方对东风轮装运的1000吨小麦水分过多提出索赔

6.We make claims due to moisture content of 1000 tons of wheat shipped by S/S “Dongfeng” more than the required level.※我们愿意担任你们现行出口商品的代理,因为我们拥有一个广阔的国内市场。

1)We would like to act as your agent for ruling export goods, as we own a wide domestic market./We would like to represent you under agency for your ruling exports, for we retain a great share of our domestic market.代理问题尚在考虑中,希望在现阶段继续努力推销我们的产品

3)The issue of agency is under consideration and we hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products at present stage.对你们想担任独家代理的请求,我们正在仔细考虑。同时,我们很想了解你方推销我们产品的计划

7)We are taking your request of acting as our sole agent into account and at the same time we are keen to know your plan for promoting our products./While taking your request of working as our sole agent under careful examination, we need to learn in detail about your plan to push our products.在产品的广告方面我们尽了很大努力,营业额仍不能令人满意

8)We have done much efforts in advertising the products but the volume of trade is not satisfactory./Though much efforts have been taken in advertising the product, we still feel dissatisfied about out turnover.


平信 ordinary mail

航空信 VIA / by airmail挂号信 Registered / Reg./ R

特快传递Express mail service/ EMS 印刷品 printed matter 机密 Confidential 密件 secret 绝密 immediate 要件 top secret 急件 Urgent 亲启 personal

内有照片 photo inside 一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May六月 June七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December

附件说明 the Enclosure notation 复写纸抄本 CC carbon copy 电子复印件 X.C.Xerox copy 暗抄(密送)B.C.blind copy 目录 a catalogue 报价 a quotation

存货 stock / availability

现行销售条款 current sales terms 专门经营 specialize in 简介,概况 profile

藤木家具 rattan and wood furniture 草柳制品 wicker and willow craft 实木家具 solid wood furniture 良好的销路 a good market for… 展览,展出 expose 商品 item / article 展销会 Fair

带有插图的商品目录 illustrated catalogue

锆石 cubic zirconium 降价 reduce the price 红茶black tea

汽车生产商 car manufacturers 电子词典 electronic dictionary 支付条件 terms of payment 大使馆 Embassy 纱 yarn

多种的 a variety of

纺织机械 textile machine 针织机 knitting machine 纺织品 fabric

感激 appreciate one’s doing … 贸易代表团 trade delegation 稳定的需求 steady demand for… 出口商行名录 export directory 当前发展 current development 亚太地区 Asia-Pacific region 亚洲社团 Asia Society 齐头并进 keep pace with

为…树立名声 build a reputation of 享有…的名声 enjoy a reputation of 致力于 dedicate to sth./ doing sth.企业家 executive 会员制 membership

有权随时变更标价offer subject to alteration

有权随时变更发盘而不另行通知 offer subject to change without notice 有权随市场情况变更报价 offer subject to market fluctuation

发盘在未售前有效 offer subject to beingunsold

有权先售的报价 offer subject to prior sale

卖方确认后有效的报价 offer subject to seller’s confirmation 主动发盘 voluntary offer 卖家发盘 selling offer 买家发盘 buying offer 实盘 firm offer

虚盘 non-firm / conditional offer 确认做…confirm doing sth.使某人确信某物 assure sb.of sth.convince sb.of sth.现报价如下 we are making you the following offer

看不出原材料 A is made from B 看出原材料 A is made of B 满足需求 meet the requirements 各占一半 50 / 50

涤纶/棉的混合 polyester/cotton mixture

标号 Label No.不同种类的 assorted 个别的 individually 塑料 plastic 装箱 box

出口板条箱 export crate

不可撤销信用证 irrevocable letter of credit

以…为受益人 In one’s favor 商业银行 commercial bank 中国银行 BC

中国工商银行 ICBC 中国交通银行 BCM中国建设银行CCB 中国邮政储蓄 PSBC 招商银行 CMBC

中国民生银行 CMBC / CMSB 汇丰银行 HSBC

有效地,不变的 firm ,binding 生产力,生产量 capacity 通知 notification 发送 dispatch

被你方同意/通过 meet with your approval

We will dispatch the product within 3 months after receipt of L/C.We have enclosed the latest quotation for the product.电子计算器 electronic calculator 电熨斗 electric iron 电暖气 electric heater 包裹 parcel post

合理的价格 reasonable price 成本价 cost price 实际价格 actual price平均价格 average price

最低价格 floor/ bottom price 最高价格 ceiling price 竞争价格 competitive price 折扣价格 discount price 优惠价格 favorable price 法定价格 legal price 零售价格 retail price 批发价格 wholesale price 单价 unit price 净价 net price

现行/当前价格 prevailing price 市价 current/market/ruling price 售价 selling price 特价 special price 值,划算 value

sth.Is really good value.倘若 Provided

以..价格 at the price

__%的特别折扣 special discount for__%

的需求量 annual requirement 对于数量是_的订单,我们给予_%的特别折扣 on order for _or more we allow a special discount for_% 数量折扣 quantity discount 现金折扣 cash discount

季节性折扣 seasonal discount 大量的 a large quantity of 地毯(小的)rug 地毯(大的)carpet 羊毛毯 woolen carpet 式样 pattern 购买 purchase

老主顾,常客 regular customer

在A 和B之间浮动变化 ranging from A to B

平方英尺 square foot

特殊的,例外的 exceptional 有现货 sth.be in stock 无现货 sth.be out of stock

充分利用,占…便宜 take full advantage of it

代表,代表处 Representative 番茄酱 ketchup 待售 for sale

非卖品 not for sale

总部,总公司 headquarters /head office/parent company 分公司 branch 子公司 subsidiary 贴布告,发帖 post

无菌的 aseptic [æ'septik] 散装 in bulk

有意购买者 serious buyer

业务从…转向… shift our business from… to …

修改样品以买方确认为准 modify the sample subject to buyer’s final confirmation

无利可图 leave us almost no profit 试订单 trail order 续订单 repeat order

固定/日常订单 regular order 延期交货(订单)back order To place an(a trail)order with sb.for sth.服装 garment

对…达成协议 agree on(upon)sth.与某人达成协议 agree with sb.最终目的地 final destination 按照规定的 as state

英国币制 Sterling ['stə:liŋ] 经纪人 broker

即期装运 prompt shipment 货物 consignment

符合 conform、comply with 满意… find sth.satisfactory 立刻 without delay 床单 bed sheet

枕头套 pillow cases 床垫 mattress

符合,与…一致 in accordance with 决定试订购100吨大豆 place a trial order with you for 100 tons soil beans.罢工 Dockers’ strike白木耳 white fungus

处理execute/ fulfill/ work on/process 告知某人某事 inform sb.of sth.让某人一直了解某事 keep sb.informed of sth.…收到了,谢谢 received with thanks

原料 raw materials 原油 crude oil

原产地 place of origin

有订单任务 be committed to orders 我们订货任务繁重/我们接受的订单过多 we are heavily committed to other orders.Commitment

Due to our heavy commitment, we are unable to accept your order.预先 in advance

推迟某方面 ask for delay in sth.加速 speed up卸货 unload

成交确认书 Sales confirmation S.O

订购单P.O.purchase order 形式发票 Proforma Invoice 会签 countersign 偏离 deviations 变化variation

如果…发生 in the event of 为…负责 be responsible for… 对…应负有责任 be liable for… 不可抗力 Force Majeure

不测事件,意外事故 contingency 取消 cancellation 更改 modification 起于 arise from 磋商 consultation

与…有关,连同 be connection with 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration

中国国际贸易促进委员会 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

暂行议事条例 Provisional Rules 仲裁裁决 arbitral award

交货条款 conditions of delivery 出发日期 date of departure 交货期限 time frames 账号 account No.盖公章 Seal 余额 balance

收支平衡表 balance sheet

出口许可证号 export license No.银行国际代码 SWIFT CODE 散装货 bulk cargo(不可数)裸装货 nude cargo(可数)包装货 packed cargo 外包装 outer packing

运输包装 shipping packing 桶 barrel 捆 bundle

集装箱 container

整装货 FCL/ Full container load 拼箱LCL/ Less than container load 整装整交 FCL/ FCL 整装散交 FCL/LCL 散装整交 LCL/ FCL 散装散交 LCL/ LCL 内包装 inner packing

销售/消费/零售包装 consumer packing 喷雾 spray 商标 trademark 品牌 brand

根据,符合 in compliance with

防震,抗震 shake-proof

瓦楞纸板,波状纸板 corrugated paper board ['kɔruɡeitid] 硬纸盒 carton 内衬 lined with免费 free of charge 运输中 in transit 木箱 wooden case 柳条筐 wicker basket

符合,依照 be in line with

市场优先/偏好 market preference 增强,加固 reinforce 如果 on condition that 运输标志 shipping mark 指示性标志 Indicative mark 易碎品 Fragile 防湿 Keep dry

向上,由下向上 Upward 此端向上 this side up

小心轻放 handle with care 勿倒置 keep upright

警告性标志 warning mark 易燃固体 Inflammable solid 易燃液体 Inflammable liquid 易燃气体 Inflammable gas 有毒物 poison 爆炸品 explosive

自燃物品spontaneously combustible 有机氧化物Organic peroxide

氧化剂 Oxidizing agent ['ɔksidaiziŋ]

放射性物品 Radioactive

腐蚀性物品 corrosive [kə'rəusiv] 批号,批数 batch number 运单号 waybill 注意 see to it that

海洋运输保险Ocean Marine Insurance

陆上运输保险 Land Transit Insurance

航空运输保险 Air transportation Insurance

邮包运输保险 Parcel Post Insurance 保险代理人 insurance agent 保险金额 insurance amount 保险契约/合同 insurance clause 保险范围 insurance coverage

保险单(完整,大保单)insurance policy 保险证明书(小保单)insurance certificate

保险费 insurance premium 中国人民保险公司 P.I.C.C.太平洋保险公司 C.P.I.C.保险公司 insurer /insurance company/ underwriter

保险受益人,被保险人 the insured 险别 risks

基本险 basic risks

平安险FPA free from particular average

水渍险 WPA with particular average 一切险 All Risks

附加险 extraneous/ additional risks 偷窃、提货不到险 TPND /theft pilferage and non-delivery risk

淡水雨淋险 FWRD / RFWD /fresh water rain damage risk

特殊附加险 special additional risks 战争险 War Risk

罢工、暴工、民变险 SRCC/ strikes, riots and civil commotions

黄曲霉素险 Aflatoxin [,æflə'tɔksin] 交货不到险 Failure to Delivery 投保…险 insure / cover against… 投保金额是… insure for(+money)保险率是… insure the goods at the rate of _%

跟…投保 insure with… 为…(货物)投保 cover an insurance on/ for …

代表 on one’s behalf 随…而变化 vary with 范围 extent

额外保险费 extra premium 完成 through with

预约保险单 open policy 正式手续 formality仓库 warehouse

记到某人的账户 charge… to one’s account = charge… to the account of sb.(经核准的)保险证书副本 certified copy

(事实)既然如此 such being the case

要求 call for 修改 amend 电冰箱、冷藏库 refrigerator 卸货 discharge/ unloading

(一笔)金额为… in the sum of

预定做某事,计划做某事 be scheduled to do / be due to do sth.委托人 consignor 承运人 carrier

收件人,受托人 consignee 租船 charter a ship

班轮运输 liner transport

固定船期 fixed sailing schedule 固定航线 fixed sea route 固定港口 fixed ports

固定运费率 fixed freight rate 租船运输 tramp

程租船 voyage charter

单程租船 single voyage charter 往返程租 return voyage charter 定期租船 time charter

租舱位 charter the shipping space 租船合同/契约 charter party 提单 Bill of Loading B/L

货物备妥通知 notification of readiness / notice of cargo readiness 发货通知 shipping advice 重型起重机 heavy lifts

40天前发出确切/肯定通知 give 40 days definite notice/advice 买卖的特权(…的特权)option on sth./ the right to do sth.升降机(载运重件船)lifter 达成交易,签合同 conclude 暂时地,临时地 provisionally 随函 herewith

订舱单 booking note 查阅 refer to租船方 Merchant

具有执行全球贸易的有效证件 with valid certificates for worldwide 以…为条件 subject to 背面 reverse side 空舱费 deadfreight 滞期费 demurrage 取代,代替 supersede 担任 act as

吊机(架)leg section 照顾 attend to

漂浮着,浮泊 afloat 尺寸,体积 dimension

运费率 freight rate

定于…时做某事 be expected to do sth.委派某人做某事 appoint sb.to do sth.指派,派船 nominate vessel 预期可到达时间 ETA 预期可出发时间 ETD 码头 dock

(船)开往 sail for

应到的,预期的 due to

某物用某船运输 sth.has been shipped by m.v.__ 一式一份 in one copy 一式两份in duplicate 一式三份 in triplicate

一式四、五、六份 in four/ five/ six copies

正本,原本 original






 方便迅速

电传打印机可安装在办公室内,因而毋须到电报局去发电报,而且在给国外交易伙伴发电传时,可以即时得到对方的回和答,就像进行电话交谈一样方便。 手续简便。


 自动收发。


 高效经济。








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