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1.旅游英语中常见翻译错误阐发Common Error in Tourism Translation

2.Study on Internet's Influence on Travel Agencies in Xinjiang 网络对新疆旅行社的影响

3.导游讲解技法阐发Analysis on the Guiding Skills of Tour Guides



6.旅游英语翻译中的文化差异Culture Gaps in Tourism English Translation



9.扩大英语词汇量的种种途径(Ways of Enlarging English Vocabulary)


1.语用翻译与文化语境差异Pragmatic Translation and Contextual Difference Between Cultures

2.谈汉语普通话对英语发音的影响The Influence of Chinese Common Speech on English Pronunciation

3.英汉新词语折射的社会文化心态The Projection on Social Cultural Psychology in E-C Neologisms

4.浅析英汉新词语产生的特性A Preliminary Analysis on Special Features in the Development of E-C Neologism



姓名: 李欢学号:2010014567专业:旅游管理1002班Today's china witness a rapid development of the society.The quality of people's life is improved to a large degree we have more spare money for recreation.Meanwhile ,people are busying themselves with endless works ,household chores,studies day by day without having a good rest or spending more time with their family,and it is usual that they gradually feel tired and depressed.So they tend to go traveling with family or friends in order to get rid of the bore and depression caused by busy life.There is no doubt that we can satisfy ourselves with the beautiful nature scenery in the foreign place.nowadays, there is a increasing number of people like traveling.As a result, tourism has became a important part of our country's economy and played an significant role in the increase of GDP..Tourism is vital for many countries ,such as Egypt, Greece, Spain and Thailand, due to the large intake of money for business with their good and services and opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism.Thus ,since from the tourism economic effect stand out ,our country has attaching larger and larger attention to the development of tourism.At the same time ,more and more people are engaged in tourism industry work.As a college student majoring in tourism management,I am just the kind of people who will occupy in tourism industry to serve people in the near future..with regard to my dream ,you may want to know why I chose the tourism management as my major.There are many factors can account for my choice,but the following may be the crucial ones: In the first place ,when I was a child ,I was deeply impressed by the charming scenery ,grand and mystery ancient structure left by our ancestors.But i only can appreciate these by the TV and books ,so i really hope that one day i can come to these

places.Thus ,when I prepared to go college and decided my major, I select the tourism management without hesitate.In the second place,when I was in the senior high school, I was once depressed by the shameful news which reported the tour guides' bad behaviors and manners.To make the matter worse,heated discussion had been aroused whether the tour guides are qualified to serve tourists.Moreover a increasing number of people refused to resort to tour guide during there traveling.When browsed through the Internet,it is a no-uncommon phenomenon that a lot of people complained the low moral character of their tour guide ,even some of them sworn that they would never let the travel agency arrange any travel for them.At the beginning ,with so many people questioned the qualification of today's tour guide ,I was not confident in my pursuit.I fallen into the confusion;whether my dream deserve my efforts? whether I can become a brilliant tour guide with so many passive attitudes toward this profession? But ,at last ,I made my determination to become a sincere tour guide.I would persist in my dream no matter what was happen.The reason why I decide to insist on my goal ,however ,is that one day I can change some people's attitudes and make them feel that resorting to a tour guide still is a sensitive choice.Now ,as a sophomore ,I have learned a lot of professional knowledge.I am more interested in my major.I will do my utmost to improve my profession ethics and expand my horizon.I swear to be a good tour guide to convince people that the evaluation to the tour guide they made is absolutely wrong and set an example to other tour guides.In my opinion ,as a tour ,it is essential for us to improve our moral standard

I think that no one can remained unmoved by the eagerness for having a traveling.A number of reasons give rise to the phenomenon that traveling is more and more prevalent in this decades.It is exciting to visit different places.I think travel benefits us in several ways.First, traveling allows us to see beautiful scenery in different places.It is exciting to see different towns or cities.And it is very interesting to see the places of historic interest described

in books we have read.Second, traveling is a good way to meet and make friends with people of different colors and races.We can taste and buy specialties of different places.In this way, we can get to know the customs, living habits and lifestyles of the local people.Third, traveling is also one of the best means for learning.We can enlarge our knowledge of geography and history.We can get more deep impressions of places of historic interest.Traveling is just like reading a profound book.Finally, traveling is a good way to entertain and relax after a certain period of hard work or study.It can make us comfortable when we depressed and tired with endless work to do.Besides, during a journey ,travelers are usually in high spirits.With all these advantages, travel has become more popular than ever before nationwide as well as worldwide.




小学新课程英语教学中常见的问题及其对策 小学英语教学趣味教学模式的构建 浅谈如何搞好小学毕业班英语总复习小学英语“小组合作学习”模式初探 小学英语教案设计

小学英语课堂教学中的任务设计 浅谈小学英语教学中的“活动教学” 小学英语愉快教学初探


在小学英语教学中培养和发展学生积极的情感态度 小学英语教学中新知呈现的几种方法 小学英语词汇的教学策略及具体的教学手段 小学英语创新教学初探 小学英语复习阶段作业设计

小学英语系列主题作业的设计小学英语游戏教学反思 多元智能理论与小学英语

浅谈讲故事在小学英语教学中的应用 小学低年级英语口语评价研究


小学英语课堂教学改革实验研究 基于电子白板的小学英语课堂的言语交互 小议小学英语教学导入法 运用多媒体优化小学英语教学 小学与初中英语教学的衔接 浅析小学英语课外作业的布置 浅析提高学习英语口语能力 小学英语有效阅读教学 竞争意识在英语教学中的作用 加强课堂管理,提高教学效率 抓住学生的“心” 7.让小学生快乐地学英语



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