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(六)来源:本站原创 2009-06-29 17:12:14

[标签:六年级 英语]小学精华资讯 免费订阅摘要: 六年级英语毕业练习

(六)Name 连词成句: 1.the, cleaning, Ann, are, I,classroom, and 2.clock, the, behind, colour, the, pens, are,(?)3.is, it,read, his, turn, book, a, to 4.to, it, time,小升初真题训练

重点中学考什么我们就教什么。乐加乐连续五年蝉联北京小升初英语第一 2010年800多学„„[详细]一套教材应对四种考试轻松赢战小升初

小升初面试口语自我介绍 | 小升初零基础语法资料

小升初择校英语需到什么程度 | 重点中学各区排名

说说英语写作中的“套话 | 怎样有效背诵英文课文




1.the, cleaning, Ann, are, I, classroom, and

2.clock, the, behind, colour, the, pens, are,(?)

3.is, it, read, his, turn, book, a, to4.to, it, time, is, computer, play, and, game, a, go5.photos, me, show, your, colour, Li Hong6.down, please, Mike, sit, Jim, and

7.and, listen, the, to, teacher, boys, please, girls, now

8.your, please, touch, face, nice, Ann

9.is, English, grade, teacher, Mrs Wang, of, an, six

10.me, excuse, your, is, little, this, bird(?)

11.Jim, please, Kate, look, an, after, man, old, and

12.is, whose, watch, on, the, desk, the,(?)

13.cat, a, looks, this, hat, like

14.please, sit, the, desk, on, don't

15.look, your, like, Lucy, you, father

16.his, cat, white, the, car, in, is

17.think, in, they, I, are, six, row

18.school, colour, what, and, boys, girls, are, clothes, your(?)

19.house, her, a, there, near, is, river

20.can, you, do, what, children

21.are, these, small, clothes, /on, I, them, can't, put

22.a, what, beautiful, girl, is, she,(!)

23.is, how, girl, the, beautiful(!)

24.friend, mum, good, my, this, Jim, is

25.twins, same, the, look, the,26.it, put, desk, in, Tom's, please

27.what, name, dog, is, Kate's, of, the,(?)28.can, to, get, park, I, how, the29.do, time, up, get, what, you,(?)30.the, clean, room, TV, us, let

31.it, is, to, to, go, time, class(?)

32.in, the, the, big, are, balls, box

33.like, would, you, these, toys, nice(?)

34.kite, yellow, the, I, nice, like

35.isn't, who, today, school, at(?)

36.think, mine, I, is, it

37.we, are, students, grade, six, of

38.it, put, on, please

39.book, Mr Read, give, to, this, please

40.that, whose, is, watch, new(?)

41.about, o'clock, I, six, is, it, think

42.must, home, go, we

43.can, I, do, you, what, for(?)

44.my, find, can, I, not, ruler

45.the, over, who, man, is, there(?)

46.you, sing, can, dance, or(?)

47.is, a, teacher, doctor, a, or, he,(?)48.book, you, not, a, have, Japanese, do49.have, we, every, classes, six, day,50.are, what, those, English, in(?)

51.at, old, this, look, wall, the, on, clock, please

52.Wuxi, is, map, of, a, that

53.live, in, these, children, English, China, now

54.pears, can, how, see, many, boy, this(?)

55.them, put, please, on

56.me, show, hands, your, please

57.theirs, English, the, are, books(?)

58.go, teacher, us, see, the, let, old, and

59.like, I, on, flowers, desk, the, the

60.you, a, watch, have, do(?)

61.the, morning, I, at, seven, breakfast, have, about, in











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(九)Name 2009-06-29


(十)Name 2009-06-29

小学六年级英语毕业模拟试卷 2009-06-15

小学六年级毕业英语试题 节选 2009-06-15

小学六年级毕业英语试题 2009-06-15

您可能关注的栏目乐加乐英语新手必读小升初英语考什么我们就教什么 2010学而思乐加乐小升初英语喜报 小升初考试中,英语都考些什么?


小升初英语课程长期班提高班大纲报名尖子班大纲报名目标班大纲报名单项班背诵班报名入学测试 作业答案 讲义

小升初英语动态 小升初英语真题 考试指导 家长在家教娃学新概念英语 三个月考上了实验班




避免小升初英语“瘸腿” 两则方法提高听力能力


小升初英语语法专项练习:反义疑问句小升初英语语法专项练习:祈使句备战2012:小升初英语书面表达专项训练及范文(备战2012:小升初英语书面表达专项训练及范文(备战2012:小升初英语书面表达专项训练及范文(备战2012:小升初英语书面表达专项训练及范文(名师谈英语学习:差生是差老师和差家长联手缔造新学期指点迷津:如何顺利过渡小升初名师心经:小初成功衔接 只需四大妙招利用不同“读”的方式

让孩子更爱英语小初衔接英语学习遇到的障碍及对策三一口语四级自选话题范文 Animated Cartoons





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六年级英语 毕业练习四


()1 A white B where C whatD who

()2 A x clerk B dinnerC runner D sweater()3 A sweaterB breakfastC great D deal()4 A dollar B star C are D sharpener()5 A in B bike C nice D kind

二、按照所提醒的信息将句子增补完整。There are three ___________ in the library(woman)2 In winter , the weather is ___________here x(snow)3 Can you __________this English song?(sing)4 The ___________day, we went to the palace museum(one)5 Peter ___________chess with his father yesterday(play)6 Mary always ___________her bedroom on Saturdays(clean)7-----What is Jenny ___________?(do)-----She is playing the piano.8 Let's go ____________x(shop)9 He is _____ _____ ______football tomorrow.(play)10 she like______(watch)TV.11 Bob always_______(do)homework in the evening.12 I like to_________(swim).But now I am_______(run)13 What __________(be)your father __________(do)?14 Can you teach me how__________(skate)?15 __________(be)everybody here today?



3、go(过去式)____ 4 funny(比较级)___________can not(缩写)_____________ 6 twenty(序数词)____________ 7 we(物主代词)____________ 8 they(宾语)_____________read(过去式)___________ 10 no(同音词)_____________



1、-----_______is the weather like today?-----It's rainy.A What B How C When D Why()2 Jenny _________homework now.A do B does C is doing D did()3 He is very old ,_______he works like a young man xA so B or C but D and()4-----Is this ruler __________?-----Yes, it's _________.A yours;my B your;my C your;mine D yours;mine()5 It's raining outside.Please give me ___umbrella.A aB anC twoDboth

()6--Is there ______tea in the cup?--Yes, there is _______x()7 When did you ______to school yesterday?

A go B want C went D going

()8x Last Saturday ________went to the park.A Danny and my B Danny and I C I and Danny Dmy and Danny()9 It's time ___________

A play ping pongB to go to bedC for have lunch D flying kites()10 some birds ___________the tree.A is in B are on C is on D are in()11 There is _____in the room.A some women B some womansC some women D some womens

()12 What did you do yesterday? I ______to the zoo

A go B going C am going D went

()13Tomorrow Wang Hong and I _________fly kites in the park.A going to B are going to C am going to D is going to

()14 I go to bed ____ ten_____ Saturday evenings.A at, in B at, on C on, in D in, on

()15 I am ________.You are _________than my sister.A tall , taller B taller ,tall


1、did, what, lunch, you, for, have(?)_________________________________ 2 brother, his, my, homework, does, school, at(.)

___________________________________ 3 on, where, did, go, you, holiday, your(?)_______________________________________4 Wu Yifan, his, friends, with, played, football(.)______________________________________


1、Mona likes her bag.(变否定句)______________________________

2、They went to the gym yesterday.(变一般疑问句)_______________________________________

3、It's eleven o'clock.(就划线部分提问)______________________________________

4、They are English girls(变单数句)____________________________________

七、阅读漫笔,回应需要别人解答的题目。I am Sandy.Tomorrow is Saturday.I am going to the Long Mountains with my good friends.We are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning.The mountains are far from our home.We are going by bike.We are going to have a picnic there.Amy is my little sister, she likes flowers.So I'm going to pick some beautiful flowers for her.The mountainsare very beautiful.I take my camera, I'm going to take some pictures.That will be fun!Oh, it's10:30.I must go to bed.See you tomorrow!1 What is Sandy going to do on Saturday? _____________________________________.2 When is Sandy going to meet with his friends ?

_________________________________________3 Are the mountains near Donny's house?

_____________________________________________4 Who is Amy? What does she like?

______________________________________________.5 What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?






()1.Here is your watch, Mike.A.I know where your pen is.()2.I can’t find my pen.B.You must look after your clothes.()3.It’s twelve o’clock..C.Put on your coat and shoes.()4.You must go to school now.D.Thanks very much.()5.Here is your shirt, Jim.E.I must go now, bye-bye.()1.May I come in?A.You’re welcome.()2.Do you know his telephone number? B.He’s a doctor.()3.How much is it?C.Come in, please.()4.I’d like to write a letter.D.Fine, thank you.()5.Which bus?E.Yes, you can.()6.Are they Mr.King’s students?F.Seventy-one yuan.()7.Dad, can I have an apple?G.Me, too.()8.How are you this morning?H.No.6.()9.What’s the man in white?I.Yes, it’s 3854673,()10.Thank you very much.J.No, they aren’t.()1.Look at the flowers, Lucy.A.I’m in Class 4, Grade 6.()2.It’s three twenty.B.Sure, it’s 273849.()3.Whose keys are these?C.It’s time to go to the playground.()4.What class are you in?D.No, we’re in different rows.()5.Are you in the same row?E.He’s Helen’s father.()6.Where’s Yucai School?F.How beautiful.()7.Do you know her telephone number? G.It’s next to the cinema.()8.Who’s the man in the photo?H.Are they Lin Tao’s?

()1.Who is the boy in brown?A.It’s Mr.Brown’s, I think.()2.Whose jacket is this?B.He’s Ann’s brother Tom.()3.What colour is your bike?C.It’s about six.()4.What’s the time, please?D.It’s black.()5.Can I have an egg?E.Twenty.()6.How many cars can you see?F.Yes, please.()7.It’s time to go to school.G.Thank you.()8.You have a nice skirt, Kate.H.Yes, let’s go.()1.What colour are her eyes?A.Sorry, I can’t.()2.Is it a map of Jiangsu?B.He’s from America, I think.()3.Can I sit here?C.Yes, I am.()4.Are there English books on the desk?.D.Thank you.()5.Which is your bag?E.OK, let’s.()6.Where’s Sandy from?F.They’re black.()7.Let’s play games.G.Yes, it’s a map of Jiangsu.()8.This present is for you.H.The green old one.()9.Can you speak Japanese?I.Yes, there are.()10.Are you a new student in this class?J.Sure, please.()1.Where’s the toilet, please?A.No, it’s time to play.()2.Welcome back to school.B.Sorry, I don’t know.()3.Can you see a bank next to the park? C.They’re ours.()4.Shall we give him some apples?D.Yes, they’re ours.()5.Whose keys are these?E.You can take a bus.()6.What do you want?F.Thank you.()7.How much are they?G.An apple, please.()8.How can I get there?H.No, I can’t.()9.Are they yours?I.Yes, let’s.()10.Is it time to go to class?J.Twelve yuan.()1.Who’s the girl on the chair?A.All right.()2.Read these numbers, please.B.Some kites.()3.Where are the shoes?C.On the floor.()4.How many kites can you see on the floor.D.Some cakes.()5.Whose key is that?E.Yes, let’s.()6.Is it my turn to dance?F.Wang Ying’s.()7.What can you see on the floor?G.Four.()8.Shall we go to the classroom?H.No, he’s ill.()9.Is Tom at school today?I.Wang Ying’s sister.()10.What can I have?J.Yes, please.


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(五)Name回答问题:’s that in your hand? 5.Who’s your English teacher? 6.Who’s your Chinese teacher?’s in your hand? 11.What’s four plus eight? 12.What’s the time? 13.W 14.What is your father’s job?15.W16.D17.W18.W19.I20.W21.I22.W23.C24.H25.H26.H27.C28.H

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29.H 30.A 31.I 32.D 33.Do you know the twins’ names? 34.W 35.C 36.C 37.H 38.W 39.D 40.W 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.H 45.H 46.A 47.H 48.H 49.M 50.W 51.C 52.What’s this in English? 53.M 54.C


六年级英语毕业总复习练习二试题更多相关文章 相关课件



1.after wash()2.yearhear()3.fifthfive()


二 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。

1.We are _______(have)a birthday party.2.There _______(be)a big cake.3.He is giving Ben some ________(cartoon).4.There are lots of children at _______(Ben)birthday party.5.It is the _______(twelve)of October.6.Would you like _______(go)home together with me?

7.Listen, the children __________(sing)“Happy Birthday to you.”

8.He usually_________(have)a birthday party.9.Helen’s birthday is on ________(one)of January.10.Look!Tom ________(have)a birthday party at home now.11.He ________(have)a birthday party every year.12.I hear Chinese New Year ________(get)near.13.I ________(get)up at 6:30 every morning.14.Li Mei ________(live)near my home.15.Would you like ________(come)to Ben’s birthday party?

16.You shouldn’t ________(climb)the tree.三 按要求改写下列句子。

1.It’s time for breakfast.(同义句)

2.It is the fourth of February.(对划线部分提问)

3.I’d like some chocolate as my birthday present.(对划线部分提问)

4.His birthday is on the sixth of June.(对划线部分提问)

5.She would like to come to my birthday party.(改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

6.Tom usually goes to school with Ben.(改成一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)

7.There are some cakes on the table.(改成一般疑问句)

四 翻译




3.Ben 正在举行一个生日聚会。




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