
时间:2019-05-15 05:40:47下载本文作者:会员上传




1.P__________is the capital of F__________.2.English is the second l__________ of most countries.3.W__________War Two tool place in 1938.4.Please tell me your likes and d__________.5.Jack’s father is talking with our teacher in the teacher’s o__________.6.You can borrow books from the school l__________.7.On New Year’s Eve we ate and played in a very r__________in BeiJing.8.A river has two b__________ and that’s why it’s so rich.9.On the streets in England you can find many p__________ phones.10.Go a__________this avenue and turn left at the traffic lights, you will find the park r__________in front of you.11.BeiJing is the c__________of politics and culture in China.12.There is a famous b__________over the Tames River.It’s called tower bridge.13.The parking area is a__________ from No.One Middle School.14.B _________ the hospital and the bank stands a tall building.You can find the cinama on the firsrt floor in the building.15.Excuse me, is there a post office in the n_________.16.Jusrt go s_________and turn left ,you can fimd the lake in your right.17.The streets in this city are all q_________ noisy ,You can’t find a q_________ one.18.walk t_________the park and you can find a big lake.You can boat in the lake.19.This is the b_________of the garden tour.20.I hope you e_________yourselves during the jounery.21.If you feel h_________.you can eat the food in the fridge.22.Tom will write to you as soon as he a ________in BeiJing.23.The plane had taken off when I got to the a_________.24.T_________is the king of the animal.25.E_________is the biggest animal on land.26.I like pandas because they are very c_________.27.Kate is a very s_________girl ,Our teachers like her a lot.28.The koalas are k_________of cute.29.We should be f_________to the foreign students.30.Where have you been d_________the winner holiday?------I’ve been to some European countries.31.The l_________on the trees turn yellow and fall down in autumn.32.You will feel r_________after you swim.33.Steven wants to be a r_________when he grows up.He is good at writing.34.Her dream is to be a bank c_________and see a lot of money every day.35.Your mother is badly ill.You had better send her to h_________.36.The sudents in our school always wear school u_________.37.Don’t climb the wall.It’s d_________.38.A t_________stole my mobile phone on my way here.39.You can read books, m_________and newspapers in the reading room.40.Mr.Wang t_________us English at school..41.My brother has three c_________,a son and two daughters.42.We also wannt a music teacher to teach g_________,piano and violin.43.She is the c_________of our school volleyball team.44.She is good looking but she’s a little q_________.45.Yao Ming is a p_________basketball player.We like him very much.46.Do you know the h_________of the moutain?---8848 meters.47.We need something to eat, we a_________need something to drink.48.W_________is between Tuesday and Thursday.49.Hangzhou is famous for Longjing t_________.50.What s_________shoes would you like?

51.I like l_________ to the pop music and watching TV.52.I am so t_________, I had a r_________busy weekend.53.For m_________children ,weekends are fun.54.My young brother is very l_________and he never does my housework.55.I forget his phone number.Do you r_________it ?

56.Do you that old lady w_________ funny glassed and long curly hair?

57.We Chinese usually eat n_________on one’s birthday.58.My father visited some friends in Canada and heate dinner with t_________family members.59.There are many people here on vacation.Look!Some are t_________photos.60.He looks sad today because he didn’t p_________the exam.61.N_________isdifficult if you work hard on it.62.Mary and Carol study in the same class.They are c_________.63.My friend Kate always arrives at school on time ,she is n_________late for school.64.He s_________only for 4 hours last night.He is very tired now.65.W_________your hands before meals.It’s good for your health.66.Yesterday she wrote a letter to h_________parents.67.Mary is a n_________, she wears a white uniform and helps doctors,68.We must obey the school r_________.69.My 5-year-old cousin wants to go to the zoo on C_________Day with his parents.70.I’m very h_________and I want to have something to eat.71.If you want to I_________your English, please read more.72.My cousin p_________speaking English every morning.答案详解:


10.along11.center12.bridge13.across14.between15.neighborhood 16.straight17.quite;quiet

18.through 19.beginning20.enjoy21.hungry22.arrives23.airport24.tiger25.elephant 16.cute








根据句意或汉语提示填写单词,已提供第一个字母,每空一词。27.I like traditional p______(画)by Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong and so on.28.I hope that you will e______ yourselves at the party.

1.I can't stand the a______(极坏的)weather.

2.It's r______(下雨)outside.Take an umbrella with you. 3.In winter, people often wear s______.(围巾)

4.The park is very beautiful.We can take some p______.(照片) 5.I went to Cairo during summer v______.(假期)

6.Wang Bin never smiles, so people call him a s______ person. 7.We had a wonderful dinner.The food was d______.8.Yesterday we had a math t______.(测验)I got full marks.9.—How many days are there in a w______?—Seven. 10 The apples in this supermarket were e______.(贵的)

11.Our English teacher is kind to everyone, she is always f______. 12.Do you like the food in this r______?

13.Peter is from America, and he is g______. 14.What is your sister l______?She is not very tall.15.SARS is t______(可怕的).People are all afraid of it.16.She w______ in a hospital.She is a doctor.

17.My brother isn’t tall or short.He is m ______ height. 18.The Chinese boy has short s______ hair.

19.Do you know the woman w______ long blond curly hair?

20.What does Merry l______ like? She is short and a little bit heavy.21.My little brother loves telling jokes and he never stops t______.

22.Her father is really tall and h______ and her uncle is short and thin.23.The rock singer has a new l______.He wears glasses andhas

long hair now.

24.Brown is a member of our basketball team.He is also the c______ of our basketball team.

25.He looks very cool when he w______ his sunglasses. 26.E______ me.Where’s the classic music section?

29.Last Sunday, we went to the b______.Some students swam, others boated.30.I don’t like salad, juice o______ iced tea. 31.What s______ pizza would her brother like? 32.We also have great v______(蔬菜) 33.We have some i______ tea, too. 34.John w______ like a medium pizza.

35.In our House of Dumplings, we have two new s______.

36.Annie would like a mushroom tomato and c______(圆白菜)pizza. 37.I’

of food in this shop.of their fan club.41.The panda is very shy, so please be very q______.

42.A dolphin is veryc______ because it can act as people do. 43.A g______ has a very long neck.It's a beautiful animal. 44.The old lion has an u______face.We are afraid of it.

45.Don't s______ in class.Keep awake and listen to me carefully.46.Wash your hands carefully with the s______.They are too dirty. 47.He will come to see you t______,not tomorrow. 48.I asked them what they t______ of the movie. 49.She loves cats, w______ her sister loves dogs. 50.The reporter asked us lots of ______(问题)



1.打架:fight 2.同意:agree 3.文化:culture

4.没有任何东西:nothing 5.讨论:discuss 6.决定:decide 7.广场:square 8.角落:corner 9.山: mountain 10.粥: porridge

11.游泳(进行时):swimming 12.游泳(过去式):swam 13.跑步(进行时):running 14.跑步(过去式):ran 15.到达:arrive 16.因为:because 17.美丽的:beautiful 18.糟糕的:terrible 19.受欢迎的:popular 20.介意: mind 21.中等的:medium 22.练习:practice 23.提高:improve 24.学习(进行时):studying 25.兴奋的:exciting 26.有趣的:interesting 27.博物馆:museum

28.历史:history 29.网球:tennis 30.澳大利亚:Australia 31.法国:France 32.巴黎:Paris 33.日语:Japanese 34.餐厅:restaurant 35.超市:supermarket 36.桥:bridge 37.喜欢,享受:enjoy 38.动物:animal 39.非洲:Africa 40.聪明的:clever 41.害羞的:shy 42.懒惰的:lazy 43.医院:hospital 44.有时候:sometimes 45.危险的:dangerous 46.杂志:magazine 47.孩子们:children 48.活动(复数):activities 49.相机:camera 50.天气:weather 51.相当:pretty 52.温暖的:warm 53.重的:heavy 54.从不:never

55.记住:remember 56.没人:nobody 57.想要:would 58.特别的:special 59.地理:geography 60.任何事情:anything 61.考试:test/exam 62.美味的:delicious 63.贵重的:expensive 64.主意:idea 65.外面的:outside 66.别的:else 67.宫殿:palace 68.脏的:dirty 69.安静的:quiet 70.花园:garden 71.欢迎:welcome 72.旅游:tour 73.饿的:hungry 74.医院:hospital 75.警察们:policemen 76.多云的,阴天的:cloudy 77.高度:height 78.写(过去式):wrote 79.事实:fact



1.打架: 2.同意: 3.文化:27.博物馆: 28.历史: 29.网球:

54.从不: 55.记住: 56.没人:

4.没有任何东西:30.澳大利亚:57.想要: 5.讨论:6.决定:7.广场:8.角落:9.山: 10.粥: 11.游泳(进行时):

12.游泳(过去式): 13.跑步(进行时): 14.跑步(过去式): 15.到达:16.因为:17.美丽的:18.糟糕的:19.受欢迎的: 20.介意:21.中等的:22.练习:23.提高:24.学习(进行时): 25.兴奋的:26.有趣的:

31.法国: 32.巴黎: 33.日语: 34.餐厅: 35.超市: 36.桥:

37.喜欢,享受: 38.动物:

39.非洲: 40.聪明的: 41.害羞的: 42.懒惰的: 43.医院: 44.有时候: 45.危险的:

46.杂志: 47.孩子们:

48.活动(复数): 49.相机: 50.天气:

51.相当: 52.温暖的: 53.重的:

58.特别的: 59.地理: 60.任何事情: 61.考试: 62.美味的: 63.贵重的:

64.主意: 65.外面的: 66.别的: 67.宫殿: 68.脏的: 69.安静的: 70.花园: 71.欢迎: 72.旅游: 73.饿的: 74.医院:

75.警察们: 76.多云的,阴天的77.高度: 78.写(过去式): 79.事实: 80.同班同学:

第四篇:七年级英语下册Units 1-4a

Units 1~4单元测试答案










7.an international school8.to be9.a teacher;teaches


14.swimming 15.open;closed



4.What does she want to be?5.I am not studying English, either.六、补全对话:

(2)—(6)koalas;very;dolphins;dolphins;kind of


1.want→wants2.wild→the wild3.me→to me4.too→also5.in→to


Are you an English teacher? Do you like English? can speak English fluently? Can you sing English songs ?Do you like working hard ?Do you like kids ?We FOU School needs you.Please call Mr.Liu at ***5.

第五篇:七年级英语上册 Units 1-2

20140721升初二英语——Book IUnit1-2



()1.—What's________ name?— ________ am Alan.A.your;IB.your;myC.her;MyD.his;He

()2.—What's your________ ?—It's 203-4238.A.nameB.ID cardC, telephone numberD.telephone

()3.Her name is Linda Brown.What's her first name?

A, LindaB.BrownC.Linda BrownD.Miss Brown

()4.—What's this?—________ is a pen.A.ItB.HeC.SheD.My

()5.In English the________ name comes first


()6.—Is this your father?—Yes, ________ is.A.itB.heC.thisD.that

()7.Those are ________.A.yours auntsB.his unclesC,.he auntsD.she uncle

(my sister.A.are;isB.are;areC.is;areD.is;is

()9.Is ________uncle Dave?


()10.—Is Li Yan ________cousin?—Yes, ________is.A.her;herB.she;sheC, your;itD.her;she

()11.Jim, ________is Julia.She is my good friend.A, sheB.thisC.heD;that

()12.Here is a photo ________my family.A, andB.forC.toD.of

()13.________your pencil.A.Thanks ofB.Thanks forC.Thank forD.Thank you

()14.—Is she your sister?— ________.A.Yes, she isn'tB.No, it isC.Yes, she isD.No, she is

()15.________my sisters, Li Rong and Li Bing

A.That'sB.Those'sC.Those areD.She's

初一英语上 Unit1-2 Page 1 of 4





4.look at _________________9.talk about_________________

5.what about _________________10.take photos _________________


Kate is an English girl.She is thirteen.She’s in Beijing with her parents.She doesn’t know much(多)Chinese.She can’t speak Chinese well.Sometimes(有时)her friends don’t know her.It’s Sunday morning.Kate wants to go to the zoo(动物园)and see animals(动物).But she doesn't know the way to the zoo.She asks two women, but they don’t know her.Then Kate draws(画)pictures of animals and shows to a boy.The boy smiles(微笑)and tells her the way.根据短文,选择正确的一项

()1.Kate is in Beijing with her ____________.A.brotherB.friendsC.sisterD.father and mother

()2.Kate doesn’t know ___________ well.A.ChineseB.EnglishC.BeijingD.her friends

()3.Kate goes to the zoo ____________.A.by bikeB.by busC.on footD.by train

()4.Kate shows ___________ to a boy.A.animalsB.a mapC.a piece of paperD.pictures of animals

()5.The boy __________.A.doesn’t know the way to the zooB.goes to the zoo with Kate

C.tells Kate the wayD.doesn’t know the picture


My name is Jim Green.I am a student.At school I have a good friend.His name is Jack.We are in the same Class Two.But we are not in the same row.Jack is in Row Five.I’m in Row Six.Jack is Number Four and I am Number Three.We go to school at seven o’clock.We go home at five.It’s three fifteen now.We must go and play games(做游戏)。

(.A.teacherB.babiesC.father and sonD.friends



(.A.threeB.tourC.fiveD.three fifteen

(.A.fourB.in Row SixC.Number 3D.in Class Two


1.My name’s Mary.(改为同义句)

_______ ______ Mary.(对画线部分提问)

_______ ______ phone number?

3.This is my brother.(改为一般疑问句)


4.This is her cousin.(改成复数形式)

________ ________ her________ .

5.Those are my grandparents.(改成单数形式)

________ ________ my________ .



_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

初一英语(上)Unit1-2 重点词组

Unit 1My name is Gina.1.what’s=what is什么是

2.where’s=where is 在哪儿是

3.Let’s=Let us 让我们

4.Nice to meet/see you见到你很高兴

5.last name=family name=surname 姓氏

6.first name = given name名字

7.telephone number =phone number电话号码

8.ID card身份证

9.Sit down, please.=Have a seat, please.请坐

10.That’s all right.好;行;不用谢;没关系That’s right.对的、正确的All right.好的,行,好吧

11.Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK.=You’re welcome.=That’s all right.不用谢 Unit 2This is my sister.1.Thanks/ Thank you for...+n./doing sth为…而感谢

2.pen pal笔友

3.in the first/ next picture在第一幅/下一幅图中

5.look at朝…看

6.talk about谈论关于

7.family photo家庭照片

8.family tree家谱

9.what about=how about关于…怎么样

10.draw a picture画画 11 a photo(picture)of…的一张照片 12 take photos(a photo)拍照



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