My Business Plan综合英语作文(优秀范文五篇)

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第一篇:My Business Plan综合英语作文


My Business Plan

My business plan is to start a KTV, and its name will be called “翔大KTV”, which is located in the student street of Xiang 'an campus of Xiamen University.As is known to all, KTV belongs to entertainment and service industry.My KTV has its own features.Firstly, it is the single one surrounding xiang 'an campus.Secondly, it is given to the positioning to service for the students and staff that its consumption level will be intermediate;Thirdly, the type of KTV will be self-service, and consumer can payment and book the room number and the size of box online.The following four points discuss some of the major reasons why it will successful.First of all, there is a big market thanks to the huge consumer demand by students and teachers;Secondly, the students have enough consumption ability;Thirdly, the operating costs will be lower than others, because the service personnel would be students which work for part-time job.Lastly, thanks to the management and service personnel are all students from campus, they learn more about the demands and features of the consumer.In fact, the current obstacles would be the lack of start-up capital, partner, and the public relations staff.


综合英语二 的难句释义 与 作文

Lesson 1: the 9 things the book referred are: Pick a difficult thing and learn it well.挑一件难事,从中学习Donot be afraid to ask “stupid”question.不耻下问 Listen carefully.仔细聆听 Everybody makes mistakes.人非圣贤,孰能无过? Know your planet.了解你所处的星球 Science and technology.科学与技术 Donot spend your life watching TV.不要终生沉迷在电视上 Culture.文化 Compassion.同情去年十月份综二卷已经考过这课了,故此次可能不会再考有关此课文的问答题。所以要注意此课后面的语法知识。1.主谓一致的三条原则 1)语法一致,即在语法形式上取得一致。2)意义一致,即根据意义来处理一致关系。3)就近原则,即谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。2.集体名词作主语时与动词的一致 1)当主语为furniture,equipment,machinery等词时,谓语动词通常用单数。2)集体名词如people,cattle,police,poultry,等往往作复数用。3)family, government, class, committee, audience , team, public 等词被视做一个整体时,其后的动词作单数;被视做为构成整体的个体时,其后的动词则为复数。3.并列主语与动词的一致 1)当“名词+名词”表示一种事物时,用单数动词。2)当主语是由and,both „.and 连接的并列结构时,如果主语所指的不是一种事物,动词则用复数形式。3)在又or或 nor连接的并列结构中,动词单、复数形式一般与or 或 nor 后边的名词或代词保持一致。4)not only „ but also 连接的结构做主语时,动词的单、复数形式依据but also 后的名词或代词。留下翻译练习: 出席会议 干的不错 体验苦难 自学英语 发现奇迹 忍住咳嗽 掌握技能 获取知识 需要勇气 丰富生活 接受修正 改正错误 不再指望 作出努力 1.新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。2.他工作了一天,午饭都没动。3.经常性的体育运动使学生身体强壮,更好的适应学习,决不是浪费时间。4.在海洋世界公园,海豹和海豚能够表演各种技巧,逗的小观众们乐不可支。5.把快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。6.在某些方面,那部新字典有不少地方需要改进。7.当那辆公共汽车冲进路边翻了车时,许多小朋友被困在里边。8.在开幕式上,市政府将为一千多明来宾提供饮食。9.在中国,城市家庭只允许生一个孩子。10.只要我们能得到点休息,去哪里并不重要。1.那位男孩向警察询问去火车站怎么走。2.学习外语没有任何捷径可走。3.获悉我最喜欢的数学老师仍然在那所学校教书我决定去看他。4.这位老工人教育他的子女做人要诚实。5.他问老板那天他是否可以早点离开办公室。6.艰难困苦使我们对我们现有的一切感到满意。7.毕业时他要求到西藏去工作一年。8.我只不过是想关心别人,也希望受到他人的关心,我的要求并不过分。9.聪明人从自己的错误中吸取教训。10.求援是没有用的,因为已经早过了午夜。11.那位科学家教育他的学生说年轻人要面向未来。12.问及她生活的最大乐趣时,她说“学习”。难句释义 lesson 1 Twelve things i wish they taught at school 1.Sometimes I think how grateful i would be today if I had learned more back then about what really matter.有时候,我想那时要是能学点真正重要的东西,今天我会多么地心存感激。2.the only thing I ever learned in school about Napoleons was that the United States made a Louisianna Purchase from him 关于拿破仑,在学校里我所学到的仅仅是美国从他手里买下路易斯安那。3.That's one of the few things that we do better than the other species on our planet.这是我们人类比这个星球上其它物种做得好些的为数有限的几件事中的一件。4.It's much braver to ask questions even when there's a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you.明知会引起嘲笑而提问要比把问题埋在心里、对周围的一切变得麻木不仁要勇挂得多。5.If such a work is hundreds or thousands of years old and is still admired, there is probably something to it.既然一部作品已存在了几百年或是几千年,今天仍然受到赞赏,那么大概它确实是有些名堂。6.Look at the delight a one-or two-year old takes in learning, and you see how powerful is the human will to learn.如果你看到一个一两岁的孩子学做一件事时的乐趣,你就会明白人类学习的意志有多么坚强了。

lesson 2 Icons 1.But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? 究竟是哪些因素使有些人成为偶像,另一些人仅成了名流呢? 2.With the arrival of television,the faces of the stars became as familiar as those we saw across the breakfast table.电视的出现,使我们对明星的面孔就像像对家里人的面孔那样熟悉。3.This kind of attitude rewards smooth,insincere talk,and makes hesitancy look like stupidity 这种看法结果是鼓励了口若悬河的空话,而把迟疑看成是愚笨。

lesson 3(昨天的)Go-go Americans 1.We are slaves to nothing but the clock.“我们只受时钟的支配,”这是人们的口头禅。2.We want every minute to count.我们想让每一分钟都发挥作用。3.Don't take it personally.但这种表现不是针对个人的。4.Many of us have what might be called“ a short fuse”.我们当中很多人都会很容易“发火”。5.Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars.多数美国人是按照活动日程所制定的时间段来生活的。6.An increasingly high percentage of normal business is being done these days by voice and electronic device.今天通过声音或是电子设施来处理日常公务的比例越来越高。

lesson 4 Take over,Bos'n 1.If i had to shoot at such close quarters, I wouldn't miss.要是我不得不开枪的话,离这么近他们谁也跑不掉。2.As long as we could look forward to getting a drink later, there was something to live for.只要我们一直盼着待会儿还能喝上一口水,我们就有了活下去的目标。3.“Why don't you quit? You can't hold out!” “你干吗不放手?你能坚持到底吗?” 4.Nothing else would have kept Barrett and the rest away from the water.除了枪,别的任何东西也不可能阻止巴雷特和其他人接近那点水。

lesson 5 Are you giving your kids too much? 1.I'm not complaining, only making a point.我并不是抱怨,只是表明一个看法。2.Overindulgence of a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their children's unreasonable demands.父母顶不住孩子们的无理要求也就娇惯了孩子。3.Such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in——but neither response seems satisfactory to them.这类家长举棋不定,对孩子们的无理要求,不知道是该回绝还是该满足,觉得这两者都不理想。4.But overindulging children with material things does little to lessen parental guilty 可是过分满足孩子的物质要求并不能减轻家长的内疚感 5.Also, overindulged children are not as challenged as children with fewer playthings to be more creative in their play.还有,玩具太多的孩子在玩的时候不如玩具少的孩子有创造性。6.Rather, my intent is to help those parents who have already sensed that they might be overindulging their children but don't know how to stop.准确地说,我的意图是给那些已经意识到自己娇宠孩子而又不知怎样纠正的家长出点主意。7.It's the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation that impress upon the child that parents mean what they say.这种和颜悦色和毫不犹豫的态度让孩子感到父母说话是算话的。8.For a while they'll keep on applying the old pressures that used to work so well.在一段时间里,他还会采取过去行之有效的施加压力的老办法。

Lesson 6 Culture shock 1.Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbls of social intercourse.文化震荡是由因失去社交活动中人们熟悉的标志和信号而引起的忧虑所造成的。2.All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, often with our conscious awareness.我们每个人都是不自觉地依赖这些成百上千的信号来维持心境的平和及办事效率。3.The home environment suddenly takes on a tremendous importance.To the foreigner everything becomes irrationly glorified.这时在一个刚到外国的人的心目中,自己国家各方面的情况忽然变得无比重要。对他来说家乡的每一件事都变得不合逻辑地美好了。4.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.只有回国一趟,才能使他们回到现实中来。5.I had the advantage of speaking the same basic language and of sharing a great deal with the English in some broad, cultural aspects.我的优势是与英国人说的是基本相同的语言,在广义的文化渊源方面也与他们有许多共同之处。6.For some people, it may take several days to readjust.depending on the length of time they were away.有些人可能要花上几天的时间来重新适应一切,需要多长时间与他们离开的时间长短有关。translation: 移植器官 接受邀请 拒绝邀请 认真看待 建立关系 坚持原则 更换恋人 兑换货币 社交约会 良好看法 面部表情 职业病 违约(1)医生说病人的病源于孤独和压抑。(2)自从中国实施改革开放政策以来,这个城市的面貌焕然一新。(3)萨拉对18世纪的西班牙音乐并不熟悉。(4)感受文化震荡的外国人常常采取与世隔绝的态度。(5)在头几个月,许多新生难以适应大学生活。(6)芳芳上几个月才到达澳大利亚,已经很快适应了新的环境。(7)在实验中,马丁严格遵守导师定下的规则。(8)只要你努力工作,虚心向别人学习,新上任的压力会逐步消除的。(9)生物学家决定试用那套昂贵的设备。Use concern, notice and take.(1)我注意到她从国外回来以后举止有了很大的改进。(2)第二个问题与孩子们的安全有直接关系,必须立即解决。(3)你注意到林教授的新衣服没有?穿上这套衣服他看起来很帅吧?(4)我想我会接受你的劝告,尽快去看医生。(5)越来越多的中国人关心环保问题。(6)她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。(7)我看见他匆匆地离开了晚会。(8)为了能在早上8点之前到达办公室,他只好乘出租车。(9)你有没有注意小王是什么时候离开的?(10)奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。(11)带上伞,天看起来要下与。(12)修理这台电视机花了他两个小时的时间。Lesson 7 The model millionaire I 1.He was as popular with men as he was with women, and he had every quality except that of making money.他在男士和女士中间人缘都很好。除了赚钱的才能之外,他别的才艺样样都有。2.At last he became nothing, a delightful, uselese young man with a perfect face and no profession.最后他一事无成,落得没有职业,只有一张完美的脸蛋,成了一个可爱的窝囊废。3.Indeed, few people are not nowadays.现在几乎没有什么人不是画家。(注意作者的讽刺口吻:画家满天飞,到处都是。)4.When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man.当休吉走进去时,他看到特里沃在给一幅和真人一样大小的、精彩的乞丐图进行最后的润饰。5.I tell you that there are moments when art almost reaches the importance of manual work.但说真话,有时艺术与体力活一样重要。6.He looked so miserable that Hughie pitied him, and felt in his pocket to see what money he had.他看起来十分痛苦,休吉怜悯他,伸手摸摸衣兜里有多少钱。实现美梦 大发脾气 失去记忆 寻求安慰 来跟香烟 保持安静 怜悯某人 统制世界 证券交易 等身画像 手工劳动 恶意的玩笑 忧伤的表情 褴褛的衣衫 淡淡的笑容 赚钱 股市 股东(1)模范护士海伦工作既讲效率又有耐心,严格却富有爱心,深受小病人们的喜爱。(2)部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。(3)因售后服务好,奇迹牌洗衣机销路很好。(4)由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。(5)杨教授搬家时,把许多书给了学生。(6)乔治喜欢把自己的过失归咎于别人。(7)仅仅过了半年,他就厌倦了公司职员的工作。(8)我的教授不许我在圣诞节期间在实验室工作。(9)我现在不能作出任何承诺,但是我会考虑这件事的。(10)他破产了,只得求助于朋友的资助。(1)在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?(2)平安到达后请给我来个电话。(3)我已经替你找到了一套带有家具的公寓。(4)关于如何改善雇员的工作条件,他们谈了几个小时。(5)你去超市时能帮我买两个柯达胶卷吗?(6)我发现住在乡下是一种很有趣的经历。(7)你得想办法找人把漏水的龙头修好。(8)我到家,发现爷爷在自言自语。(9)老师告诉他他儿子在考试中作弊,他很生气。(10)同事们到达之前,他就把一切都准备好了。(11)医生发现每天喝点酒的人要比那些从不喝酒的人健康。(12)光说没有用,咱们还是开始干吧!

Lesson 8 The model millionaire II(8)当三位世界著名男高音出现在舞台上时,整个音乐厅爆发出掌声。 you think he would care for any of them? 你觉得他愿意要几件? painters are a heartless lot.你们画家真是一帮铁石心肠的人。3.It's a whim of a millionaire.You know these rich men.这当然是百万富翁一时心血来潮的怪念头,你知道这帮阔佬是会做这种事的 4.It never entered my mind that you went about giving money away in that careless manner.我真的没想到你会这样随便乱给别人钱。点燃香烟 装上镜框 一堆旧衣 变成碎片 情绪饱满 自言自语 支付利息 捧腹大笑 真诚道歉 满脸通红 发表演说 搓手 私事(1)愿意和我一起步行上山吗?(2)在地震中,我心爱的瓷瓶从橱柜里掉下来,摔的粉碎。(3)德国人入侵后,我的老师死也不肯再教德文了。(4)在他们父亲的葬礼上,兄弟两个人为死者的钱财争论不休,当众出丑。(5)这份报告第一论点不明确,第二论据也不充分。(6)在他最后的日子里,吉米虽然很虚弱,却依旧情绪饱满。(7)汤姆无意伤害你,他只是实话实说罢了。(8)当三位世界著名男高音出现在舞台上时,整个音乐厅爆发出掌声。(9)在牛津大学当访问学者时,他有幸会见了不少的大科学家。(10)休吉叫了起来:“我绝对没有想到那老模特是个百万富翁。” Use see, tell and show.(1)我看了看四周,但在黑暗里我什么也看不见。(2)他把这些年来所搜集的珍贵邮票拿给朋友们看。(3)我不明白你是什么意思。你为什么不告诉我真相。(4)她教了我好几次怎样使用这台洗衣机,可我总记不住。(5)他告诉我他第二天不能来开会,他要照顾生病的母亲。(6)这家人刚搬到这个镇子来的时候,那位母亲叫孩子们天黑以后不要外出。(7)他坚持把我送到公共汽车总站。(8)下星期天这部电影还要在电视上重播。(9)老师可以看得出吉姆对他的分数不是很高兴。(10)导游把客人们领去看鲁迅出生的那个房间。(11)许多城里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。(12)他摇了摇头,公开表示了他与经理的观点不同。

Lesson 9 Only 3 more days 1.Suddenly,later that morning,the solution became clear.那天上午晚些时候,办法突然明朗了。 could these hard-nosed Nazi detectives help but smell out the diaries beneath my broacasts? 那些精明的纳粹侦探怎么可能嗅不出广播稿下面的日记呢? 3.It would give me prestige in his eyes,or at least make me less suspect,foreigner though I was 尽管我是外国人这也会让他对我刮目相看,至少也能减少他对我的猜疑。4.The feared Gestapo,I knew,was really not very efficient.我知道那些令人畏惧的盖世太保并非真的很能干。5.I had only to hold out this one more day,and the whole nightmare for me would be over,though it would go on and on for millions of others.我只要再把这一天忍过去,噩梦就会过去了,可是对于千千万万的人来说,噩梦还要继续下去。取消航班 得到许可 值得一试 以身冒险 盖上印章 如释重负 送报/牛奶 扣押某物 入境签证 出境签证 交通堵塞 个人物品 冲马桶(1)一场隧道大伙使进城的交通中断了近一个星期。(2)我把地图摊在地上,查找去拉萨的路线。(3)通过仔细研究报纸上的广告,小鲍勃察觉出一个大盗窃阴谋。(4)一座桥的倒塌引起地方官员的警觉,并促使他们决定视察所有正在兴建的桥梁。(5)沿路直至山顶,都可以看到美丽的粉红色杜鹃花在盛开。(6)每个人都在关注那个地区形式,看其如何发展。(7)工人们对工厂的糟糕管理和低效率难以容忍。(8)此楼的装修只准在白天进行。(9)他费力的想弄清楚名首字母N。E指的是什么。(10)我来到游泳池,没想到却同一个粗鲁的年轻人争吵起来。Use put, hold and pick.(1)只要付钱,游客们可以在这个公园里自由采摘水果。(2)那位白人妇女右臂抱着一个婴儿,左手提着一个旅行袋。(3)如果你设身处地为他想想,你就会理解他的选择了。(4)她因为太激动了,无法把自己的思绪用谚语表达出(5)我们要挑选12位高中生参加下一届国际奥林匹克数学竞赛。(6)要求所有考生都把自己的编号而不是姓名写在答案纸上。(7)在这个职位我已经干了5年,我说什么也不会辞职的。(8)昨天咱们买的的那些书你放到哪了?(9)我觉得一条船容纳不下我们这些人,还是租两条吧。(10)这是你的错,你怎么能把责任推到别人身上。(11)这次全国图书展销会将在10个城市举行。Lesson 10 The washwoman 1.But this washwoman, small and thin as she was, possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors.可是这位洗衣妇,尽管个子又瘦又小,却具有从她们世代农民祖先那里继承来的强健体魄。2.But there was in her a certain pride and love of labor with which many Gentiles have been blessed.可是她有许多非犹太人所具有的那种自尊心,那种对劳动的热爱。3.The old woman did not want to become a burden, and so bore her burden.老妇人不愿成为别人的累赘,因此自己承担起养活自己的责任。4.God forbid!What good would such a long life be? 但愿上帝别让我活到那么大的岁数!活那么长有什么用? 5.And now at last her body, which had long been supported only by the force of honesty and duty, had fallen.现在长期以来一直由真诚和责任心支撑着的身躯终于倒下了。扮演角色 积累经验 熨烫衣物 身负重担 卸下重担 作出牺牲 缝补衣物 物归原主 承担任务 坚强的意志 不屈的意志 粗糙的手指 深陷的双眼 寒冷的冬天(1)我祖母少有的善良和慷慨使所有认识她的人都敬爱她。(2)在长达一周的夏季反攻中,士兵们用尽了弹药。(3)恐怕你的要求超越了他的权限。(4)轮船剧烈地左右晃动,许多乘客都晕船。(5)老人在丛林里生活多年,与外界极少来往。(6)她年轻时得过癌症,后来康复了,一直活到高龄。(7)广场中心的雕像表达了人民对将军的敬重和自豪之情。(8)我把消息告诉了玛利之后,她看上去好象要晕到。(9)她不顾父母的强烈反对,决定去上夜校。(10)为帮助爱利丝准备参加网球比赛,她母亲请来了本地最好的教练。Use cover, fall and pass.(1)我从梯子上掉了下来,伤了左胳膊。(2)在大学我们至少需要300元来支付伙食费。(3)唐山遭受地震以来二十多年已经过去了。(4)这个课程涉及到二战以来美国历史的各个方面。(5)雪一直缓缓地下着。(6)这本书挺难,我一小时只读了10页。(7)那个期间他三次经过自己的家都没有进去。(8)这次高考入学考试他没能通过,他决心明年再试一次。(9)那个小男孩问他的父母为什么树在秋天掉叶子。(10)你们看完了这份报纸之后,把它传给三班。

Lesson 11 How I Reserved My Apprenticeship 1.I am sure that I should never have selected a business career if I had been permitted to choose.我相信要是我有选择的余地,我不会选择经商的生涯。(此句包含一个虚拟条件句)2.What I could get to do, not what I desired, was the question.问题是,我能找到什么活干,而不是我想干什么活。3.I resolved that the wolf of poverty should be driven from our door some day.我当时下定决心总有一天我们要解决温饱问题。(也可直译为:我当时下定决心总有一天要把贫困这匹恶狼从我们门口赶走。)4.It was given to me because I had been of some use in the world!这钱给了我是因为我对社会有了点用处 5.It is everyting to feel that you are useful.感到自己是个有用的人那才叫棒。6.something within always told me that this would not, could not, should not last 我的内心有一种力量时时激励我:这种情况不会,也不可能,更不应该持续下去。7.Everything must be bright to them.只能让他们知道好的一面。8.It seems, nowadays, a matter of universal deire that poverty should be abolished.今天人们好像普遍希望消除贫困。养家糊口 吸取教训 赡养家庭 提供材料 驱动机器 缓解痛苦 记录帐目 消除贫穷 教训某人 家庭会议 职业女性 珍贵财富(1)眼见敌人的导弹把村庄炸成一片废墟,村民门都气炸了肺。(2)他注意到了那个中年人给一家电视公司开了一张150英镑的钞票。(3)他从一生经历中体会到,友谊和爱比金钱重要的多。(4)去年夏天,他在一所乡间村舍住了一个月,远离城市的喧闹。(5)为了保护大自然这一共同利益,许多政府联起手来清除化学工业带来的有毒污染。(6)委员会决定明年的会议在西安举行。(7)天亮时,他发现自己躺在一个山谷底处。(8)许多人为“希望工程”捐款,是因为他们深切同情乡村里上不起学的孩子们。(9)高考来临之际,考生家长们都在尽力减轻孩子的精神负担。Use serve, bear and work.(1)他已经为这个广告公司工作6年了。(2)电梯现在不运行,他只好爬上11层楼。(3)看来他的阿谀奉承这次不能奏效了。(4)我80岁的爷爷无法忍受北方的严冬。(5)他父亲在10年前是中国驻英国的大使。(6)在屋子的角落里有一张矮桌子当电视架使用。(7)那家名流聚集的餐馆的饭菜很一般。(8)这部移动电话看起来不时髦,可能满足我的需要。(9)如果出了问题,你就的承担责任。(10)我不人心看到老人受到他们亲生子女的虐待。(11)我们多年的努力现在终于开花结果了。(12)如果这种药没有效果,那么你只好动手术了。

Lesson 12 The friend of the environment 1.He might cut down the forests and dam the steams, but the clouds and rain and the stream of life were God's.人可以砍伐森林,可以在江河上筑坝,但是天上的云彩、天上下的雨以及源远流长的生命都由上帝主宰。2.The book exploded into the public consciousness.此书一夜之间提高了公众的(环保)意识。砍伐森林 筑坝拦河 发出警告 受到表扬 激起热情 激发想象 大学毕业 政府干预 人造卫星 学术报告 强烈反对 热心读者 严酷事实 上。。课 连续10天 新华社 畅销书 环保(1)尽管年纪小,没经验,这位小演员同一起工作的明星却能无拘无束的相处。(2)没过一会儿,巴德先生就发现他的顾客是警察通缉的那个人。(3)在完全了解自己严重的病情下,吉姆在生命最后几个月里作出了许多勇敢的选择。(4)1998年中国的水灾向中国人民发出了严重警告。(5)怎样培养好独生子女在中国引发许多争论。(6)詹姆斯是在牛津时接触到莎士比亚的著作的。(7)当我发现那位著名画家竟然与我家有亲戚关系时,感到十分惊讶。(8)人在剧烈活动时,肌肉中的蛋白质会分解的更快。(9)那个少年使琼斯太太回想起她自己在过去的困难日子里的痛苦经历。(10)这个村子一定遭受了龙卷风的袭击,我们看到到处都是被破坏的房屋和被吹到的树木。(11)尽管有风险,他们还是坚持把实验做完。(12)我知道有这么一位艺术家,但没有见过面。Use break, reach and start.(1)不知道我们的请柬是否已经到达他那里。(2)任何违反交通规则的司机都将被罚款。(3)他到的时候,我们正要出发。(4)她把药放在了儿子够不着的最上面的架子上。(5)在争吵的过程中她将一面镜子摔到了地上,把它摔碎了。(6)足球比赛刚刚进入高潮,突然下起雨来。(7)我们谁也不敢把这坏消息告诉他。(8)去查问一下庆祝活动几点开始。(9)天气预报说今天的最高温度将预计达到摄氏38度。(10)他没发开动割草机,跑去找他父亲帮忙。

Lesson 13 Who shall dwell? 准备晚餐 切断电源 切断供水 发射导弹 发动进攻 交换意见 交流经验 面如死灰 首要问题 核武器 核电站 核能 闩门(1)请今晚注意收听重要新闻。(2)当琼斯太太抓住那个男孩时,他不敢正视她。(3)科布教授讲课的特征是讲的飞快。(4)你不能按审计的要求记帐,就不能算一个好会计。(5)在边远地区,还有大批学龄儿童不能上学。(6)警察向司机明确指出,他必须确切地描述事故发生的过程。(7)已经告戒本地农民,今年有可能发生水灾。(8)法庭认为没有必要传讯更多的证人,打算在近期结案。(9)她既耐心又坚定地作出努力,要拆除挡在她儿子和其他孩子之间的那堵墙。(10)怀特一家人担心要是他们不付房租,房东就会把他们轰出来。Use leave, send and turn.(1)当我给他打电话时,他已经离开办公室了。(2)空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家跑区。(3)为了帮父母养家他15岁的时候就辍学了。(4)现在许多人不再邮寄圣诞卡,而是通过电子邮件向朋友们表示问候。(5)在我的挎包里找不到钥匙,一定是忘在办公室里了。(6)她转过身来,看见儿子眼里充满了泪水。(7)今年春节你打算给你的笔友寄点什么?(8)你最好让窗户开一会儿,让新鲜空气进来。(9)他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。(10)奥塞罗的头发一夜之间全变白了。

Lesson 14 Cipher in the snow 1.I blurted out the news somehow.我没有拐弯抹角而是直截了当地把事情说了出来。2.How do you go about making a boy into a zero? 怎么能把一个孩子弄成这样一事无成? 3.Even shy, timid, sweet children have resilience.It takes time to break them.即使是胆小、害羞、温顺的孩子也是有韧性的,他们不是一天就能够击垮的。(注意作者的讽刺、愤怒的口气:那些老师也是下了不少的工夫,花了不少时间才把一个智商本来不低的孩子弄成这个样子的。)改变主意 参加葬礼 喃喃自语 自言自语 认养孩子 发起进攻 刺骨寒风 倒毙在地 砰然关门 干瘦的身躯 褪色的牛仔裤 智商与情商(1)音乐突然停止,播音员几乎是叫了起来:“警报!注意隐蔽!”(2)火车突然刹车,杯子和盘子都滚落到地上。(3)身为主任,他的任务是组织实验室的工作,他很少亲自做实验。(4)许多年以后,他仍能回想起飞机失事时的惨景。(5)我当小学徒时,压力大,工作很辛苦,但我从来不把这些告诉父母。(6)搬进新办公楼哪天,我们搞了一次庆祝活动。(7)晚饭后克里夫把书本摊在面前开始复习功课。(8)就我所知,彼得的父亲在医嘱中给彼得留下了至少25万英镑。(9)鲍勃发现几则广告很奇怪,他就在报纸档案堆进行调查。(10)医生指出,此种药物对婴儿有害。Use drive, forget and drop.(1)我忘了带我的字典了。我能用一下你的吗?(2)电话突然响了,他吓了一跳,书也掉到地上。(3)不要老是想你和班上其他同学的肤色不一样,就记住你和他们一样的聪明。(4)对金钱和权利的欲望使相当一些人走上犯罪的道路。(5)一再的失败使他几乎丧失了理智。(6)我永远不会忘记我们在大学度过的那些愉快的日子。(7)这个国家的人口出生率已经降至0。3%。(8)如果他不开车送我去车站的话,我昨晚就赶不上火车。(9)很抱歉,我忘了这些学生是穆斯林。(10)他们听到有人走过来,就压低了嗓子。

其实我个人感觉,把课文意思弄通了,再加上基本语法练习,过关是没有问题的了。下册: lesson 1

Courtesy:Key to a happier world 难句释义:

1.Courtesy,politeness,good-manners——call it what you will,the supply never seems to equal the demand: 礼貌也好,客气,或文明举止也好,无论你称它什么,其供应似乎总是小于需求。(意思是人们维护和谐的关系所需要的礼貌从来都低于他们实际表现出的水平。)2.What impelled the boy to take so much trouble to spare the feelings of a stranger?Courtesy,compassionate courtesy.是什么促使这个年轻人不厌其烦地这么做?是礼貌,基于同情心的礼貌。(为了不让一个陌生人感到自己无用而难堪。)3.Even when you have doubts about some people,act as if they are worthy of your best manners.即使对有些人你不太有把握(他们是否值得你礼遇),也要以礼相待,就像他们值得你这样对待他们一样。4.All skills require constant repetition to become second nature;good manners are no exception.一切技能都需要经常重复而后才能成为第二天性,礼貌也是如此。5.Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.理性的礼貌在婚姻中比在其他任何方面都更加重要。(此句是倒装句,表强调。正常语序:Thinking courtesy is more important in marriage than anywhere else.)6.But some of the most precious gifts in life come with no strings attached.可是生活中的有些最宝贵的赠品却是不带有任何附加条件的。(意思是别人对你的善举、好意、礼貌也是生活给你的赠品——无须回报就能得到的东西,不要认为人家是别有用心的。)7.The only constant,daily,effective solution is politeness——which is the golded rule in action.唯一能经常、每天使用的有效的解决方法就是以礼待人这个行为准则。Lesson 2 & 3 The man who could work miracles(I & II)1.It’s something contrary to the course of nature done by power of will.奇迹是通过意志的力量产生违反自然规律的事物。2.The fears of his first discovery were now mixed with pride and ideas of advantage.刚发现自己超凡能力时的恐惧心情这时已经掺入了自豪感和优越感。3.As the day passed,his state of mind passed from wonder to dilight.就在这一天之内,他的思想状况由惊讶变成了喜悦。4.Mr.Fotheringay performed no more miracles that night,nor did he trouble to see what had become of his flowering stick.那天夜里,佛泽林盖先生没有再制造奇迹,也没有费神去看看他那根开花的拐仗到底怎么样了。5.Except for the loss of his miraculous powers,everything was back as it had been.And among other things,of course,he did not believe in miracles.除了失去他那不可思议的能力之外,一切都回到了以往的状况,其中当然也包括他不相信有奇迹这一情况。

Lesson 4 Zero hour:43 seconds over Hiroshima紧急时刻:广岛上空的43秒钟 1.But she felt well enough to be up and about.不过,她感觉起床活动是没有问题的。2.she had sunk into unconsciousness.她失去了知觉。3.The very air seemed hostile,so thick with dust and ash that she could barely see.连空气也好像是在作对,充满了尘土和灰烟,使她什么也看不见。4.That life had been a comfortable one,wanting in nothing——not,at least,until the war.那本来是很舒适的生活,什么也不缺,至少直到战争爆发之前是如此。5.But he could not shut the war out of the sheltered world he had built for himself and his family.但是这场战争也必然波及到他极力保护的家庭。(直译:他不可能把这场战争排斥在他为自己和家人营造的小天地之外。)6.The street were filled with the dead and the barely living.街上到处是死人和只剩下一口气的人。7.The illness had not really left her;it had gone into hiding.病魔并没有真正离开她,只不过是隐藏起来了。

Lesson 5 First principles 首要原则 1.What we ought to do is give to people we love——give memorable things according to our ability.我们应该做的是为我们所爱的人奉献,也就是说根据我们的能力送给他们有纪念意义的东西。2.It was Laura’s ovvious pleasure that had brightened everything.正是因为劳拉喜形于色,给全家增添了节日气氛。3.They made her think of the ballerina dress,and of all the pure,proud,filmy beauty of the world that belonged,by right,to Laura.那朵朵鲜花使她想到那件芭蕾舞衣,使她想到世上一切纯真的、值得自豪的、朦胧的美,都理所当然地属于劳拉。(意思是说:劳拉这样好的女孩子应该享受世上一切美好的东西。)

Lesson 6 The beauty of Britain 1.The beauty of our country——or at least all of its south of North Scotland——is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.我们国家的美,至少北苏格兰以南所有的地方之美欣赏容易,描绘难。(直择:欣赏起来容易,说明白难。)个人觉得,这课出题的可能性不是很大。但我学会了一个翻译:《综合英语》: A Comprehensive English Course Lesson 7 Some meanings of Authentic Love 1.If I love you,I’m responsive to most of your major needs as a person.如果我爱你,我就回对你作为人的大多数的主要需求有反映。2.This commitment does not entail surrendering our total selves to each other;nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent.这种承诺并不需要我们相互放弃自身的特性,也不表示我们的这种关系一定是永久的关系。3.In other words,love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.换句话说,爱来到这个不完美的世界,使它可以适合人们居住。(即:因为有了爱,人们才能在这个问题很多的世界上生活下去。)4.Love means having a want for the person I love without having a need for that person in order to be complete.爱意味着对于我所爱的人,我需要有他,而不是缺了他就不行。

Lesson 8 How I designed an A-Bomb in my junior year at Princeton 1.I develop a terrible case of bloodshot eyes.Sleep comes rarely.我的双眼布满了血丝,我很少感到困。2.Seven days before the design is due,I’m still deadlocked.离规定交设计的日子还有七天的时候,最后两个问题还是毫无进展。3.But I can’t be sure until I know the exact nature of the explosives I will use.可是,我要是不了解我要使用的炸药的性能,我是不敢肯定我设计的原子弹是不是真的有那么大的威力。4.”The question has been raised by the department whether your paper should be classified by the U.S.government.” “系里有人已经提出你的论文是否应该由美国政府列为保密项目的问题。” 5.Here I have put on paper the plan for a device capable of killing thousands of people,and all I was worrying about was flunking out.我把一个能够杀死成千人的装置设计出来了,而我一直担心的是再考不及格让我退学。

Lesson 9 Forty years on 1.The comparisons were,without exception,to my disadvantage.比较的结果总是我不如他。2.To me it seemed sinister that Mother always passed on any small achievement of mine.妈妈总是把我每一点小小的成绩传递过去,我觉得这样做好像是不吉利。3.What a boomerang that proved!By return of post came the news that John had won a scholarship.真是适得其反!她收到的回信带来了约翰获得奖学金的消息。4.I did have,however,one horribly narrow escape.不过,有一次我是幸免于难。(narrow escape夸张的手法,取得幽默的效果。)5.In addition to my physical woes I had mental agonies;I prayed that something might occur to prevent this meeting.肉体的痛苦不说,我还受精神压力的折磨;我祈求发生什么意外的事情把这次会面化为泡影。6.So they played the game both ways,did they? 这么说他们两关玩的是同样的把戏,是不是?

Lesson 10 On friendship 1.For a Frenchman,a German or an Englishman friendship is usually more special and carries a heavier burden of commitment.对于法国人、德国人或是英国人来说,友谊一般包含更为特殊的内容,承担更多的义务。2.Related to this is the sense each friend gives the other of being a special individual,on whatever grounds this recognition is based.与此相关的是,朋友之间彼此使对方感到与众不同,无论这种感觉的依据是什么.3.And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give and take.此外,朋友之间必然要有来有往,互让互谅.Lesson 11 Selling the post(I)1.The flaw in my character which she had already spotted was lack of “gumption”.在我的性格中,她已经发现的弱点是缺少“进取心”.2.We were only sixty-five years from Lincoln.Many a grandfather who walked among us could remember Lincoln's time.我们离林肯也只有65年的时间,生活在我们中间的许多爷爷辈的人还记得林肯时代.many a: a large number of(正式)很多 3.Those young men would not go far in this world.那些年轻人在这个世界里没有多在的前程.4.He presented it with reverence fit for a religious object.他毕恭毕敬地把那帆布包递给我,似乎那包是件圣物.Lesson 12 Selling the post(II)1.Put me down as a regular customer.把我算成一个长期买主吧.2.I bowed to superior will and entered journalism with a heavy heart.我只好屈服于我母亲至高无上的意志,心事重重地进入了新闻行业.3.So far as I could make out,what writers did couldn't even be classified as work.按我当时的理解,作家干的事甚至不能算作是工作.4.I did not dare tell anybody for fear of being laughed at in the schoolyard,but secretly I decided that what i'd like to be when i grew up was a writer.这事我不敢跟任何人说,怕在校园里让人笑话,不过我私下认定长大之后要当作家.Lesson 13 How to grow old 1.I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health,though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.尽管我喜欢做的事情大多数是有益于健康的,但我从不因某事有益于健康而特意去做那件事。2.Psychologically there are 2 dangers to be guarded against in old age.One of these is too great an absorption in the past.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to young in the hope of finding strength in its vitality.从心理角度来说,老年时期要提防两种危险。一是沉溺于过去。另一件要避免的事,就是依恋子女,希望从他们身上的活力中获取生命的力量。3.Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life;the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.三个牵挂,简单但又极为深重,支配了我的一生:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难的无限的同情。4.This has been my life.I have found it worth living,and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.我就是这样生活的。我认为这样活着值得,如果上天赐我良机,我愿意这样再活一次。

Lesson 14 The listener 1.And he sat there,gentle and reflective,his great workman hands resting on outspread thighs.于是他坐在那里,和蔼、深沉,一双劳动者的大手搭在伸开的大腿上。2.For some time he continued to sit in silence.Then he looked up,lifted those hands calmly,judiciously,and nodded his head.他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。

Lesson 15 Edison: Inventor of invention 1.In my youth the lonely inventor who could not obtain a hearing was still the stock figure of the imagination.我年轻的时候,人们对发明家的印象仍然是那种不为人理睬、孤立无援这种固定模式的人物。2.In strict truth an invention is almost never the sole product of any one mind.严格地说,一项发明创造几乎不可能只是任何一个个人的思想结晶。3.It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unchanging.也许,随着时间的推移,我们会慢慢习惯于变革,就像在此以前,我们的思想状态使我们习惯于停滞不变一样。

those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most diffcult adjustments in both business and daily life.来自时间观大相径庭的国家的人,可能会发现无论在公务方面还是日常生活中,(在美国)节奏是最难以适应的方面之一。

those coming是主语 from lands...differently作定语修饰those coming may find助动词+V,作谓语

BOOK Ⅰ L1 P14 Why does the author tell s not to be afraid to ask stupid questions? The author thinks that many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the sn is round, or why we need 55,000 unclear weapons in the world--are really deep questions.He says when you try to get the answers, you will gain deep understanding of the things.Its also important to know, as well as you can, what it is that you dont know, and asking questions is the way.He also tell us to ask stupid questions requires courage on the part of the asker and knowledge and patience on the part of the answers.And dont confine your learning to schoolwork.Discuss ideas in depth with friends.Its much brave to ask questions even when theres a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you.L2 Icons P30 What are the factors to shift the hero-worship to the celebrity-worship? The new forms of media--photography, moving pictures, radio and television are the main factors.The reproduction of photos in newspapers turned famous people into celebrities whose dress, appearance, and personal habits were widely commented upon.Slowly, the focus of public attention began to shift away from knowing what such people did to knowing what looked like.The shift was accelerated by the arrival of moving pictures.Between 1901 and 1914, 74 percent of the magazine articles about famous people were about political leaders,inventors, inventors, professionals, and businessmen.After 1922, however, most articles were about movie stars.With the arrival of television, the faces of the stars became as familiar as those we saw across the breakfast table.We came to know more about the lives of the celebrities than we did about most of the people we know personally.Less than seventy years after the appearance of the first movimg pictures, the shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship was complete.L3 GO-GO AMERICAN P46 What is the Americans attitude towards time?Give necessary examples.In the United States, many people keenly feel the shortness of each lifetime.They are aware that once a day in their life is gone, it will never come back.And Americans believe no one stands still.If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.So they value time and want every minte to count.This attitde towards time is shown in the fast pace of life in the country.Whatever they do they always seem to be in a rush.You find people hurrying to get where they are going.They hurry to eating places for a mea and finish it as quickly as possible.Also Americans do what they can to save time.They produce a lot of labour-saving devices such as clothes-and dish-washers;they rapidly communicate through phone calls, telex and e-mail and cut down on personal contacts.L4 Take Over,Bosn!P62 Can you imagine what did Barret think of when he heard Snyders whisper Take over,bosn? Becase of thirst,Barret was almost out of mind.He rose several times and was a constant threat.But when he heard Snyder said“Take over, bosn, he had a strange feeling suddenly.He came to realize he would and must take over the task and be responsible for the rest.As long as he stopped others from the little water, they would always have hopes and wouldnt die soon.So he picked Snyders gun up and decided to hold off the other from the water until night when a ship saved them.L5 Are You Giving Your Kids Too Much? P78 Why parents overindulge their children? There are several reasons to explain why parents overindulge their children.One fairly common reason is that parents overindulge their chidren out of a sense of guilt.Parents who both hold down full-time jops may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions.Other parents overindulge because they want their children to have everything they had while growing up, along with those things the parents yearned for but didnt get.Still others are afraid to say no to their childrens denless requests for toys for fear that their children will feel unloved or will be ridiculed if thy dont have the same playthings their friends have.L6 Culture Shock P94 What are four stages that people go through when they experience situations that are very different from those to which they are accustomed? Stage one is a honeymoon phase, during which the new experience is perceived to be interesting, picturesque, entertaining, and charming.You may notice several superficial differences such as music, food, and clothing, and the fresh apeal of the new experience keeps you feeling interested and positive.When you stay in a new envirnment for a while, you move to stage two-the crisis stage-in which the shine wears off and day-to-day realities sink in.In relationship, you notie annoying habits;in a new country, you find barriers to establishing connections or to learning the language beyond a few polite phrases.If you stick with the experience and try to deal with it realistically, you will probably move to the third phase:recovery.In recovery, you learn the systems, procedures, language or nonverbal behaviors of the new environment so that you can cope with it on the basis of some mastery, competence, and comfort.Finally,when you feel that you function well and almost automatically in the new culture, you will move to the fourth phase:adjustment.L7 The Model Millionaire(I)P108 Suppose you are the millionaire.Explain how you get to know Hughie Erskine and what you do in return for the pound he gave you when you first met.I am Baron Hausberg.I have enough money to buy the whole of London.One day, on a whim I asked my artist friend Alan Trevor to pain me as a beggar.Alan had almost finished the picture when a very charming young man walked into his studio.I suppose he must have been very sympathetic with me, for when Alan was away a minute, the young man quickly put a pound into my hat.I was startled for a moment, but I was pleased when I realized that he took me for a real begger.Later I learned from Alan all about this young man:he was poor, and could not marry the girl he loved because her father wouldnt let them unless he had 10,000 pounds.Touched by the young mans spirit of kindness, I decided to help him.The next day I had a cheque for 10,000 pounds delivered to him as a wedding gift.L8 The Model Millionaire(II)P123 Retell the story The Model Millionaire in about 150 words, concluding your retelling with a one-sentence comment.Hughie Erskine was a charming young man who was in love with a nice girl called Laura Merton.Lauras father made it clear to Hughie that he would not marry his daughter to him until Hughie had ten thousand pounds.One day,Hughie went to see his artist friend Alan Trevor in his studio.There he found his friend painting a beggar, who was an old man in rags.Hughie felt so sorry for the poor model that he gave him the only pound he had.The old model was actually a millionaire.When he heard all about Hughie and Laura, and their problem, he had a cheque for ten thousand pounds delivered to him the very next day.The couple were happily married,and the beggar attended their wedding.The story shows that a genuine millionaire is not one who has, but who give.L9 Only Three More Days P139 The author got a solution finally.What was the solution? Was it risky? He laid out the diaries in two big steel suitcases.Over them he palced a number of his broadcast scripts, each page of which had been stamped by the military and civilian censors as passed for broadcast.On top he put a few General Staff maps he had picked up from friends.Then he phoned the Gestapo Headquarters to say he had a couple of suicases full of his dispatches, broadcasts and notes that he wanted to take out of the country.As he was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo official at the airfield to go over the contents.Could they take a look now,if he brought them over;and if they approved, put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so he wouldnt be held up at the airport? Yes,it was risky.He thought life in the Third Reich had always been risky.It was worth a try.L10 The Washwoman P155 Describe the situation that“I”saw the old washwoman for last time.One evening, while Mother was sitting near the oil lamp mending a shirt, the door opened and a small puff of steam, followed by a gigantic bag, entered the room.I ran toward the old woman and helped her unload her bag.She was even thinner now, more bent.Her head shook from side to side as though she were saying no.She could not utter a clear word, but mumbled something with her sunken mouth and pale lips.After the old woman had recovered somewhat, she told us that she had been ill badly.But as soon as she was able to stand on her feet once more, she began her washing.She said “I could not rest easy in my bed because of the wash.The wash would not let me die.……I dont want to be a burden on anyone!”

L11 How I Served My Apprenticeship 170 Why was Andrew Carnegie so pround of the one dollor and twenty cents--the first pay he brought home? Carnegie was very pround of the one dollar and twenty cents he earned for the first time in his life when he was only twelve.The money, though small in amount, meant a great deal.First, when he got his first pay he felt that he had grown up.He was no longer a boy who had to depend on his parents;he had become a man who was able to help support the family, a contributing member.This was important because at that time life was hard for the family and it was difficult for his parents to manage alone.Also he though the money was the direct reward of honest manual labor.It represented a week of very hard work.This money gave him the greatest satisfaction of being rewarded for what he had done.L12 A Friend of the Environment P185 Why did Rachel Carson write the Silent Spring? Whats the content of it? Because she felt that the wonders of Nature are precious and permanent, and much of Nature was forever beyond the destruction of man.But then she discovered she was wrong.She learned with sadness that little in Nature is truly beyond the tampering reach of man.Then, She wrote the book Silent Spring to sound a startling warming to mankind and the book showed quite clearly that man was endangering himself and everything else on this planet by his indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides.As her title suggests, Miss Carson was saying that there might come a springtime that would indeed be silent because the birds, as well as other creatures, and plants would have been destroyed by the man-made poisons used to kill crop-threateding insects.L13 Who Shall Dwell? P201 In the story Who shall Dwell?, how did the fatners attitude towards the neighbours change? What brought about the change? When the bomb alert came, the father was clear that he had built the shelter for his own family, and that he would not let anybody else in.So when his neighbours came and asked to share the shelter he rejected them flatly.When a monther begged him to take her little girl in , he did not know what to do.At that monent his wife dashed outside and pushed the girl in.her act set him thinking hard.Just a moment before the first bomb struck he made a big decision.After giving his elder son a few instructions, he stepped out and shoved two children into the shelter.He stood beside his wife, ready to spend the last minute with her.His change seemed sudden, but was actually quite natural.He loved his children, so he was greatly affected by the monthers plea and gave the chance of surival to the two children.Also his love for his wife led him to follow her example.L14 Cipher in the Snow P218 Describe Cliff Evans life before his sudden death.Cliff Evans lived with his mother, stepfather and five younger half brothers and sisters.His stepfather had never legally adopted him, nor did he show any affection for him.At home Cliff didnt talk much and had never told his family about his problems.When he began school, he was timid but eager to learn.And his IQ was pretty good.Then in the third grade a teacher wrote in the school record that he was uncooperative and slow.Since then he had never got any encouragement from his teachers.Gradually, the child had no more confidence left.He never smiled nor talked much.He had no friends;he had never belonged to a club, never played on a team and never held an office.He came to school by himself and left by himself.In class, he would sit back in the last seat.Finally he became silent and lonely.He became nothing.L15 Bribery--An Inevitable Evil? P232 What are the major forms of bribery? Bribery can be classified into three broad categories.The first category consisits of large amounts of money paid for political purposes or to secre major contracts.For example, a certain American company offered big sums of money to support a U.S.presidential candidate when it was nder investigation.Also in order to get big contracts, such payments are often made to ruling families or their close advisers.The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project.In such cases, the money is often paid to key goverment officials concerned.The third category involves payments made in certain countries to make a business deal easy to get approved.For instance, a foreign company may pay to get permission to import equipment.A common type of this category is the facilitating payment to clear cargoes.These are smaller sums of money paid to customs officials.L16 A Social Event P250 What do you know about Randy and Carle in A Social Even? Why are they anxious to get invited to Scottys funeral? Randy and Carole are a young Hollywood couple.They have been married only a short time.Both have achieved a certain degree of success in pictures, but their careers in the show business are still in the promising stage.Scotty Woodrow, a world-famous movie star has just died, and Randy and Carole are anxious to go to his funeral, which will be a gathering of celebrities and is regarded as a big social event.It is said that flowers have come from the U.S.President and the British Queen.Randy and Carole think it is extremely important for their career to be seen there with a lot of big shots.But they havet got an invitation while some of their Hollywood friends, also young actors and actresses like themselves, have been invited.Thats why they are worried and are trying hard to find ways of getting themselves invited in the last minute book II L1 Illustrate with manners Dr.Peale mentions in his article Courtesy.Dr.Peale lists three things as the basic ingredients of good manners: a stong sense of justice,the abilit to share another persons inner feelings and the capacity to treat all people alike.Once a mam was driving along a long, narrow and dusty road ahead of another car.Suddenly he stopped off the road and told the driver of the car behind to get ahead of him.He did not want the other person to put up with his dust all the way.This is a man with a strong sense of justice.A courteous person can also understand the pain or unhapiness of others.He/She offers help without hurting the feelings of the other person because he/she shares their emotions as if they were his/her own.Finally, a person with good manners treats all people alike,whether they are lain citizens or big shots.He /She never asks whether the other person deserves their good manners.L2 How did Mr.Fotheringay discover his unusual powers and how did he take advantage of them? It was while he was trying to prove the impossibility of miracles that Mr.Fotheringay discovered his extraordinary powers.He was having a drink in a bar.A person called Toddy opposed everything he said.This made him very angry.He wanted to show oddy that the lamp there couldnt burn upside down without breaking no matter how he wished it to do so.But as soon as he said,Turn upside down without breaking,the lamp did as Fotheringay had just said.Back at home he experimented with his magical powers and came to see that he could with things.The next day he began to take advantage of this unusual power.By his will he first got a fresh goose-egg for breakfast.In the same way he got the whole days work done in 10 minutes.He also created a number of useful things and increased his personal property.L3 P47 How did Mr.Fotheringays attitude towards miracles changes? Mr.Fotheringay didnt believe in miracles until he was thirty years old.It was while he was asserting the impossibility of miracles that he discovered his extraordery powers.One day,when he was having a drink in a bar,Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said,so he decided to make an unusual effort.He tried to illustrate what was a miracle by giving a special example,that is ,to make a lamp upside down and go on burning steadily without falling.To his great surprise,what he said came true.Everyone was astonished as it.They all didnt believe it.After going back home,he tried his will power.He scceeded in getting a match and lighting the candle with his will power.He wondered at his will power.Then he tried to get himself a nightsirt,lay and cook a goose-egg,do one days work in ten minutes,make walking stick blossom,and sent the policeman to Hades,then to San Francisco by using his will power.In the end he felt delighted even though he understood that the gift reqired cation and watchfulness.L4 P61 What did Kaz see on that day? When she saw a B-29 bomber approaching,it didnt frighten her,because she thought Hiroshima was the only peaceful city dring the war.Bt,then,Kaz saw the bomb falling awa from the plane and drifting down towards her.The jorney took 43 seconds.A loud explosion reverberated in the air.A mshroon could rose over the remains of the city.Kaz was thrown to the ground s violently that her two front teech broke of.She lost conscousness.When she came to herself,she found ther was a dead silence around,broken only by the cries of the dying.Their house crashed dowm.Her father had the front of his body brnt.When her brother came back ,she could barely recognize him through his wounds.As night fell,she and her brother made for the mountains to look for a friend of Kazs who offered to take them in.There Kaz looked backand saw the city on fire.She left her brother behind and ran down the hillside towards the flames for her parents.The streets were filled with the dead and the barely living.L5 P77 How did the Wades celebrate the Christmas? Several days before Chritmas,theyd gone down to their own little farm.They had cut a tree in their own woods.They had eaten and slept,and read by the light of oil lamps.The children had been more than satisfied with their presents;there had been balls,erector sets, a number of story books,and a lot of jnk from the five-and-ten for the boys,and for Laura,a picture Emily had found cheap in a second-art shop and samll brooch that had belong to Henrys was Lauras obvios pleasure that had brightened everything.Whether she was chopping wood,or roming with her brothers,or basting the turkey,or talking politics very sensibly with her father,shed seemed to radiate hapiness.On New Years Eve,they had given her a weak highball,the first shed ever had,and she had gone to sleep sitting on the floor with her rosy cheek against Henrys knee.The family all had a very wonderful time!

L6 P94 What is the characteristic of Britains landscape that goes with variety? With variety goes surprise.Ours is the country of happy surprises.You have never to travel long without being pleasantly astonished.It would not be difficult to compile a list of such surprises that would fill the next fifty pages,but I will content myself with suggesting the first few that occur to me.If you go down into the West Contry,among rounded hills and soft pastures,you suddenly arrive at the bleak tablelands as if the North had left a piece of itself down there.But before you have reached them you have already been surprised by the queer bit of marshland,as if a former inhabitant had been sent to Cambridge and had brought his favourite marshland walk back from college with him into the West.L7 P110 In the authors opinion,what does love mean? Love means that I know the person I love.Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.Love means growth for both myself and the person I love.Love can tolerate imperfection.Love is freeing.Love is expansive.Love means having want for the person I love without having a need for that person in order to be means identifying within the person we love.L8 P126 How did philips design an atomic bomb in his junior year at Princeton? Philips read over the book on nuclear-reactor technology,general nclear physics,and current atomic theory.Besides,he listened to Dysons explanations of the basic principles of nuclear physics.That wasnt enough.In order to find more useful information,Phillips went to Washington.D.C.,to search for records of the Los Alamos Project that were declassified between 1954 and 1964.He discovered a copy of the literature which carefully outlined all the details of atomic fissioning known to the worlds most advanced scientists in the early 1940s.The biggest problem involved in the explosion of an atomic bomb was how to arrange the explosives around the plutonium.Another problem he was faced with was which explosive he should use to create a very high density.After finding errors,Philips ran through a series of new calculations,carefully figuring the arrangement of the explosives around the plutnium.If his equations were correct,his atomic bomb would expode effectively as expected.But he should know the exact nature of the explosives he would use.Fortunately,he got the very information about these explosives from Du pont Company.Now,so to speak,he already succeeded in designing an atomic bomb on paper.L9 P143 What do you think are the advantages and goading? I think goading is a good way to prod the children to behave well.In a way ,goading is positive.As human beings,we all have the sense of self--respect and will be proud of our little achievement.If there are occasious prods in the rear,we will in time be conscious of our inefficiency ,and then press ourselves to achieve higher aims.Just as it affected John and his cousin,goading from time to time can prevent children from being proun of their little achievement.It can make them more modest and prudent.The modest receive benifit,while the conceited reap failure.However,we could not say it is without any harm.Sometimes it might be may disappoint children and cause them to lose heart.Perhaps they will collapse after one setback.Therefore,only goading itself is not enough;it must be combined with the proper method to carry it out.L10 P158 What is your idea about a true friend? In my view,a true friend should be honest,loyal and willing to help.Honesty in friendship means that we should be sincere anf frank.We should not hsitate to point out our friends shortcomings and should never try to cover uo their errors.What we should do is to encourage and help them to improve.Loyalty is impaortant if we want the relationship to last.We have confidence in one another in fine wether and in rainy days.We dont desert our friends when they run into trouble.Not do we cling to them in their sccess.We share with our friends both joy and sorrow.True friends are the people we can turn to in all circumstances,as the saying goes,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”They are always ready to lend a helping hand to pull us out of tight corner.I believe in true friendship though truefriends are not easy to find.L11 P174 Was there difference between Baker and Doris?What were their mothers expections of them? Doris was quite different from Baker in character.Take the example of gumption,Baker lacked it but Doris had enough of it for a dozen people.What Baker liked to do most was lying in front of the radio rereading his favourite Big Little Book,Dick Tracy Meets Stooge Viller.In contrast,Doris liked activity.When she was olny seven,she could carry a piece of short-weighted cheese back to the A&P,threaten the manager with legal action and come back triumphantly with the full quarter pound theyd paid for and a new extra thrown in for forgiveness.Mrs.Baker expected her son to make something of himself.She did not expect Doris to do the same only because Doris was a girl.The best a capable girl could hope for was to become a nurse or school teacher.L12 P191 Describe the Bakers family background and their life then.Then Great Depression,the worst time before the World War Two,broke out, which lasted from 1929-1933.The year 1932 was the bleakest time in the Great Depression.The Great Depression began in America and spread all over the Eropean countries quickly.Also ,it was the Great Depressin that led to the Second World War.Millions of people were out of work.Many factories and landlords went bankrupt.The year 1932 was the climax of the Depression.The athors father had died two years before,leaving them with a few pieces of Sears, Roebuck furniture and not much else.His family was poor so that his mother had to take his sister, Doris, and him to live with one of her younger brothers, uncle Allen,who had made something of himself by 1932 as a salesman for a soft-drink bottle and had an income of $30 a week.L13 What are the two dangers to be guarded against in old age? One of these is too great an absorption in the past.One should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.Ones thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.This is not always easy;ones own past is a gradually increasing weight.It is easy to think to oneself that ones emotions used to be more vivid that they are, and ones imnd more keen.If this is true, it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of finding strength in its vitality.When your children are grown uos they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually insensible.L14 P223 What kind of person was the lighthouse keeper? I think the lighthouse keeper was a person that deserves our respect and admiration.Life in the lighthouse seemed very simple and dull, but he had no desire for anything that he did not need or anything that was beyond his power to obtain.For this reason he declined the tobacco Rudolf offered.Though his world was limited, his mind was as spacious as the ocean he lived closed to.He was kind and generous to Rudolf, a stranger who had come to the lighthouse to seek shelter from the storm.He did not know what a violin was and had never heard msic before, but he could understand Beethovens work Rudolf played for him.He was a man of few words, and did not show much warmth towards Rudolf, but deep down he was greatly attached to his guest.To him the violin was part of the man he wanted to know more about, not something he was interested in because he had never seen it before.L15 P238 Why the author mentions that it is impossible to measure the importance of Edison by adding up the specific inventions with which his name is associated? Because he thinks that although many inventions of Edison have been in their effect upon modern civilization, the total effect of Edisons career surpasses the sum of all of them.He did not merely make the lamp and the phonograph and innmerable other devices practicable for general use;it was given to him to demonstrate the power of applied science so concretely, so understandably, so convincingly that he altered the mentality of mankind.In his lifetime,largely because of his successes, there came into widest acceptance the revolutionary conception that man could by the use of his intelligence invent a new mode of living on this planet;the human spirit, which in all previous ages had regarded the confidently,and perhaps somewhat naively, adopted the conviction that anything could be changed and everything could be controlled.L16Why so many parents indulge their children with too many material things? In recent years,our life standard is become better and better.Someone usually said that the children now were more lucky than the children in the past because now their requirements can be well satisfied, especially for material things.Some parents think that they should give their children everything they want because they love htem.And also because some parents have ahd difficult was young, they are glad to fulfil

语法 Grammar & Usage Subject-Verb Agreement(I)1.主谓一致的三条原则 1)语法一致,即在语法形式上取得一致。Human beings enjoy learning.Everybody’s understanding is incomplete.2)意义一致,即根据意义来处理一致关系。The people there are fighting for the independence of their country.The dollars was a lot of money at that time.3)就近原则,即谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。There is a pen, two pencils and an eraser in the pencil box.Neither the boy nor his teachers know the answer.2.集体名词作主语时与动词的一致 1)当主语为furniture,equipment,machinery等词时,谓语动词通常用单数。The furniture in that shop is all made in China.Office equipment is very expensive nowadays.A lot of new machinery has been installed.2)集体名词如people,cattle,police,poultry,等往往作复数用。Some people drive madly in this country.Many cattle have died because of the fold.The police have been sent there but they have not made any arrests yet.Poultry are plentiful in that mountain region.3)family, government, class, committee, audience , team, public 等词被视做一个整体时,其后的动词作单数;被视做为构成整体的个体时,其后的动词则为复数。His family is a happy one.His family are all interested in stamp-collecting.The Democratic Government is in power now.The government is/are considering further tax cuts.The audience was very quite when he was giving his speech.The audience were shouting and laughing when he came into the hall.Our class is the top class in the grade.The class are busy taking notes.3.并列主语与动词的一致 1)当“名词+名词”表示一种事物时,用单数动词。Bacon and eggs is a very popular British breakfast.Toast and marmalade(果酱面包)is my favorite breakfast.Fish and chips(炸鱼与土豆片)is served every day.2)当主语是由and,both ….and 连接的并列结构时,如果主语所指的不是一种事物,动词则用复数形式。Jack and Mary are in love with each other.Both Tom and John are absent today.War, famine and drought have claimed thousands of lives in that country.3)在又or或 nor连接的并列结构中,动词单、复数形式一般与or 或 nor 后边的名词或代词保持一致。He or his brothers are to blame for this.Either you or your friend has to pay the bill.Either his father or his mother comes to see him every day.When couples quarrel,(either)the wife or the husband has to give in.Neither she nor you are mistaken.Neither the manager nor the clerks are college graduates.4)not only … but also 连接的结构做主语时,动词的单、复数形式依据but also 后的名词或代词。Not only Fred but also his parents love this small pet dog.Not only the boys but also their mother is very ell.LESSON 2 Subject-Verb Agreement(II)1.带确定数量词的名词词组做主语时的主谓一致 1)当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如果该名词所表示的数量看作一个整体,其后的动词用单数。Ten seconds of silence appears very awkward on television.A thousand dollars a month is more than I can afford.Four years I too long for me to wait.Sixty miles is a short run in a car.2)当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如该名词所表示的数量看作单个个体,其后的动词用复数。The past three weeks were the hardest time in his life.Hundreds of buildings were put up in the city last year.Five kilos of apples are placed into the basket.3)当主语为“分数或百分数+of+名词”时,其后的动词形式依照of后名词的单复数形式来定。Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.Three-fourths of the people do not agree with the president.One-fourth of the region is underdeveloped.Thirty percent of the oil in that country is imported.Ten percent of the eggs have gone bad.Fifty percent of the land in that region has been used to build factories.4)当主语为sheep,fish,deer,aircraft,means,steelworks 等单数与复数同形的词时,动词的形式以名词单、复数意义为准。An American aircraft was brought down by the anti-aircraft fire.Three aircraft are reported missing.Various means have been tried to solve the problem.Two steelworks were built ten years ago.Ten fish have been caught today.One sheep was killed by a wolf.2.all的主谓一致 1)代词all表示可数的人或物时,其后的动词用复数形式。All were hungry and desperate for food.All who have seen the film love it.All of them enjoyed themselves at the party.2)代词all表示不可数的名词时,其后的动词用单数.All is going well.All is quite in the middle of the night.All you have to do now is wait.All that glitters is not gold.All of his money is gone.3)形容词 all+可数名词时,其后的动词用复数形式。All roads lead to Rome.All the people taking part in the race were over 60 years old.All things are difficult when we begin to do them.4)形容词all+不可数名词时,其后的动词用单数形式。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Not all food is good to eat.


MySpringFestival Last year's Spring Festival is special.My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai.My

family were very happy to spend the Spring Festival with them.And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.On New Year's Eve,my father and my uncle talked about their work together.My mum did some cooking with my aunt.Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes.At about six o’clock,we had a special family dinner.We all thought the dumplings were delicious.On the first day of the New Year,we visited our relatives.In the afternoon,we went shopping in Jiefang Road.My uncle bought some Jay's CDs.He likes Jay’s music very much.There were so many people on the road.It was more alive than any other time of a year.On the second and the third days,we spent a wonderful weekend in the country.There were much bigger trees than in the city.And the animals were more beautiful than in the city.We all enjoyed ourselves.I had an interesting Spring Festival.How about you?

Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people.In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food.They could only eat these during the Spring festival.So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon.Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday.People still like the festival.Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family.In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.I like the Spring Festival very much.How wonderful the Spring Festival is!

My dream

I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.May let the human change the health.At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully.Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.My HobbyDifferent people have different hobbies.For example, someone likes reading, someone likes swimming

and someone likes collecting and so on.I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can't go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of

interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people, places and history.It's very interesting.What is your

hobby? Let's share each other!

I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book

reading.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have

different hobbies, but we are good friends.I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling.How to keep healthy

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive.But if our health was

taken away, we would surely die.That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies.I also eat little

meat.I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body.Regular exercise is an important part of keeping

me healthy.What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health.Many studies show that people with a

wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't.I always feel better when I am with

friends than when I am alone.When I am with my friends, I always laugh.Laughing is also an important

part of health.I like to laugh with my friends.By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy.By

spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.these things sound easy to

do, but not many people can manage them.I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.Saving the Earth

Saving the Earth How to protect the environment becomes one of the biggest problems in

the world.We can find the rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harms people’s

health.So we should not throw rubbish onto the ground.Some factories are pouring waste

water into rivers, the lakes and the fields.It can pollute plants, sometimes it can kill lots of

fish.We must keep our environment clean and tidy.We have only one earth.We must try our

best to protect her, and make our home more beautiful.


My family


Hello, everyone!My name is Zao Sichen.I’m ten.I’m a girl.I’m from China.Look!This is my family photo.This is my father.He is weak, but my mother.She is pretty.And she like her, too.That is my brother.He with

1B-上汪楚静 四年级

She is nine.She has two small eyes and ears.Her mouth is very lovely, but she is thin.And she is nice.She likes dogs and oranges.And she likes pear, too.She likes reading books very much.So she and I often go to library.This is my best friend!Have you got a best friend, too?

On Sundays

新概念1B-上 司晨瑜 五年级

On Sundays, I have many things to do.twelve ten.Then I have a I can help my mother.o’clock.My friend

新概念1A-下杨林千昀 三年级

I have a friend.Her name is Linda.She is twelve.She has long hair, big eyes and a small mouth.She is tall and thin.She likes reading.We often go to the library.And she likes playing football, too.Look!She is playing football!oranges and I like oranges, friend?

2A糟思晨 四年级

people My father, mother, brother and me.And cooks for us at home.She is good at cooking.She likes noodles and some vegetables, but she doesn’t like rice.My father is good at cooking, too.But he’s worse than my mum.He likes rice and beef very much.My brother is very thin, because he kikes eating chips,hamburgers, dessert….They’re not healthy.One day, he has got lots of sweets, he eats these.So he’s got a toothache.My favorite food is noodles and bread.Vegetables and fruit are very healthy.I love them.But I don’t like.For breakfast, we’ve got some bread, a cup some eggs.We have fish, rice, meat, noodles for our lunch.For dinner, we’ve and a cup of milk.I love my family!

My computer


love it very much.I usually surf the Internet on it.It’s very useful.People can look up many things on it, like news, books, movies and music.Thought it can do many things for people, we can’t play computer for long time.Playing computer for long time will makes me tired.And

it’s bad for my eyes.So, when I use the computer for long time, I will do eye exercises.I have no time to play computer.I usually play with friends on weekends.That must be a lot more fun than playing computer games.


My Good Friend

Unit Six

I make many friends in school.But I have only one best friend.Her name is Jenny.She is my high school classmate, too.Jenny is a beautiful and lovely girl.She is taller than me.We often stay together.People say we like sisters.Actually, I regard her as my sister.We have many in common, so that we have many things to talk.For example, we both like cartoon very much.We always watch cartoon program together.Besides, She works very hard on her study.We often study together and help each other.Her favorite subject is math.She thinks math is interesting and challengeable.She is good at math and our math teacher likes her very much.And she is popular in my class, because she is outgoing and attractive.I am very proud to have a friend like her.I hope we can be friend for each other forever.我在学校有很多朋友,但最好的朋友只有一个,她的名字叫苏珊。她也是我的同班同学。苏珊是一个漂亮又可爱的女孩子,她比我要高一些。我们经常待在一起,有人说我们亲如姐妹。实际上,我真的把她当作自己的亲姐妹。她学习很努力,我们经常在一起做功课,互相帮助。她最喜欢数学,因为她觉得做算术题很有趣也很有挑战性。她的数学学得很好,我们的数学老师非常喜欢她。此外,她在我们班上也很受欢迎,因为她很活泼,很吸引人。

My mother

I have a great mother.She cares much about me in my life and study.In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me.When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag.And she always checks my homework.When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes.She is very careful and helps me a lot.Besides, my mother is a teacher and she taught me from my Grade 1 to Grade 3 in primary school.She is a good teacher with great patience.She is so kind to all students in her class that she is badly popular among her students.Except for knowledge, my mother teaches me how to be a good person and she regards it as the most important lesson to a person.In my opinion, she gets 100 points as a teacher as well as a mother.I love her so much.Unit One

My childhood

My childhood was unforgettable.When I was five years old, I went to the kindergarten every day.I had a lot of good time with my little friends.My parents took good care of me.I didn’t need to care about food and clothes and any other things.I was very happy in those days.But one day, my mother told me that she wouldn't pick me up after school.I was afraid of going home alone, so I started to cry and I was angry with my mother.Although I insisted that she and my father should protect me safely, they still disagreed with me.They thought it was good for me to learn to be independent.The next day after class, I had to take a bus to go back home.I forgot to see the bus route when I got on.Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from my home, I felt anxious.Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus back home.When I told my parents my story, they never thought it is a mistake, on the contrary, they thought it is a useful experience.From then on, I don't let them took me home after school any more.我的童年是难忘的。五岁的时候,我每天都要去幼儿园。我和小朋友们度过了许多美好的时光。我父母把握照顾得很好,我不需要担心吃穿和其他事。那些日子我过得很开心。但是,有一天我妈妈告诉我放学后她不会再去接我了。我很害怕一个人回家,所以我开始哭,对妈妈很生气。尽管我坚持认为她和爸爸应该保护我的安全,但是他们仍然不同意我的观点。他们认为让我学会独立对我有好处。第二天放学后,我不得不坐公车回家。我上车的时候忘了看路线,所以当车离我家越来越远的时候,我很着急。最后,我到了终点站,然后坐同一路车回家。当我告诉父母我的故事,他们不认为这是个错误,相反,他们认为这是一次有用的经历。从那时候起,我就不再让他们放学后去接我了。

AWonderful Classmates Reunion

It has been long time since I left my hometown to study in university.And I really miss my high school classmates and teacher.So, I and my high school classmates decided to have a Classmates Reunion.Yesterday was Saturday and some of my classmates in high school had a reunion at our high teacher’s home.Our teacher taught us for three years and she treated us as her own children.We loved her very much.In the afternoon, we just talked and shared our lives in college.Luckily, most of us have a colorful and happy life.Our teacher told us some interesting stories of her new students.After that, we made a big dinner together.Our teacher is a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods.We all ate much.After dinner, we watched TV for a while and then we went home.Nice time usually past quickly,but we all will remember our friendship.Unit Five

An unforgettable experience

That experience is so unforgettable.When I was five years old, I went to the kindergarten every day.One day, my mother told me that she wouldn't pick me up after school.I was afraid of going home alone, so I started to cry and I was angry with my mother.Although I insisted that she and my father should protect me safely, they still disagreed with me.They thought it was good for me to learn to be independent.The next day after class, I had to take a bus to go back home.I forgot to see the bus route when I got on.Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from my home, I felt anxious.Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus back home.When I told my parents my story, they never thought it is a mistake, on the contrary, they thought it is a useful experience.From then on, I don't let them took me home after school any more.Unit Two

My bedroom

My bedroom is not big but bright, because the sunshine will come in

everyday.And it is very simple but warm.My bedroom’s color is white.At first, I think it is too drab, but now think it is comfortable for not too much color.There is a small bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in the room.It is very simple, right? But there are a lot of lovely dolls on my bed.There are teddy bear, Mickey Mouse, dolls and so on.I love the most is the bookshelf.On the shelf, there are different kinds of books.All of them are my favorite.Seeing the lovely dolls and wonderful books, I can have good dreams every night.And every morning, the sunshine comes in, I feel warm in my heart just seems that I see my promising future.I love my room.Unit Four

My musical box

My musical box, given to me by a one of my closet friends is my favorite present.The black box is made of metal material and it is comfortable to touch.Much more joy comes the moment I open it.A clown pops out and smiles at me.Its eyes shine with joy.Then like magic, he begins to shake his head with sticking out his tongue.As I touch his head, he blinks to me and begins to sing.The funny action and soft sound not only please my eyes and ears, but also have a magic effect on my mind.Sometimes, when I feel like taking a break from study, I will reach out to open the box.Following the relaxing rhythm, my tiredness goes away and I am refreshed.That’s my favorite music box;it cheers me up and replaces the tired lines on my face with a smile.我的家乡My Hometown

My hometown is Xiamen.I was born there twenty years ago.But now I live in Chongqing for my college life.So I always miss my beautiful hometown.Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there.The whole city is clean and tidy.You can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere.People in there are enjoying a comfortable life.I lived in Xiamen’s downtown.It’s near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people through there to go to the Gulangyu.Gulanyu is a small island.There are many distinctive buildings and paths there.You may get lost in these paths, but you don’t have to worry.And every path has its own beautiful scenery.I love my beautiful hometown and all the people there.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我的家乡是厦门,十二年前我出生在那里。我现在住在福建省的首府福州市。厦门是一个很漂亮的城市,每年都有很多游客到这里旅游。整个城市都很干净整洁。过去,我就住在厦门市里,离码头很近。码头是最繁忙的地方,因为每天都有成千上万的人从那里去鼓浪屿。鼓浪屿是一个小岛,岛上有许多特色建筑和小道。行走其中,你可能会迷路,但是不必担心,每一条小道都有独特的美丽景色。我爱我美丽的家乡。

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