
时间:2019-05-15 05:41:23下载本文作者:会员上传



Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “youth”.I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.First I want to ask you some questions:

1、Do you know what is youth?

2、How do you master your youth?


Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.Thank you!


I had known about him in my childhood but knew him from last year.It was an anxious and stressed time that Everything went wrong.Just one day I made up my mind to leave everything behind and just read some books.Then I got him—my Mr.Linlinqingxuan.It was him who lead me to experience the world of impermanence, the well-being of hunman, and the ease state of mind.Well let me solemnly ['sɔləm] introduce my Mr.Lin to all of you.I’ll talk about him in 3 aspects,*,*,* Frist , his prose can inspire us to feel things that we have not noticed.Like the beautiful memory that we use our whole time to watch for rainbows and falling stars in our childhood.The tears we cried, the jokes we laughed at, the things we missed and lost.And as he told us:”sleep when you are sleeping, eat when you are eating.Not too particular about things, then you will get the joy”

Now that we know his prose is so inspiring, let’s talk about his writing style.His writing style is compassiv and rejoicing.There comes a story: when he is a child, Mr.Lin often write things on the only desk of this family which is for use of paying respects to ancestors.His mother worried that he might write something disrespectful.So she asked him,“ Are the things you write bitter or interesting?” “both.” he responded.Mother said: “ People read your article with the hope to be inspired, to get wisdom , if they jump off the window after reading your sadness, that’s really a pity.” So from then on , the world he show us is always a clean, pure and full of compassion one.If one can show us such a beauty world absolutely his life attitude will be optimistic and open and clear.Lin Qingxuan’s prose touched many people, making a lot of grils come here especially to see him.But they all get very disappointed, cause he looks really ugly.Hearing this , Lin Qingxuan laughed and said: 本想长成陈晓东,不料罗汉错投生.We can see the wisedom from his humours, But he also experienced a time of confusion.In his 30’s, though achieved high success in career, he is unhappy.One day he read this words “A man in his 30’s should use his whole time to think.” so he resigned and Look for the zen.He found it until he understand “If your heart did not get reformed, even you wear a cassock, you are still a ordinary people.”

Not handsome, not tall, and bald.this is linqingxuan.Inner peace, pure, optimistic this is linqingxuan.I am afraid I can’t tell you all about linqingxuan, so I will introduce some books and links to help you to know more about him.


parents are the builders of my life what’s more,my parents influence my life strongly.they shaped my own characters.i understand why we should care about others’ feelings.they teach me good manners and behavior through their actions as much as words.my father,as a businessman,he got some valuable experiences through the business work.he always told me if i want to make a big deal with others,i must remember that china has an old saying that,disadvantage is a blessing,do not have too much gas.now i think it is a kind of wisdom of life.my mother always by my side no matter what i am so proud of my parents they are the best gift in the world.i would always keep my parents in my heart.so,my point is parents are the best builder of my life.thanks for listening.篇二:感恩父母英语演讲稿 in recent years, because of different reasons, chinese traditional goodness has been forgotten.for example, in many students’ minds, the idea of filial duty to their parents has been discounted and even lost.as far as i am concerned, the main reasons is that they lack the sense of thanksgiving to their parents.besides, they often consider themselves to be number ones, forgetting thanks.they always take their parents’ cultivation, teachers’ teaching and social offering for granted.it is related to the education of our society, family, and school, and traditional goodness is being forgotten and even lost.therefore, we should develop an activity, whose theme is “building harmonious school yard needs thanksgiving education”.it will be very meaningful in building a harmonious society and developing chinese traditional goodness.dear mum , dear dad, i love you 近些年来,由于各种原因,中国的传统美德被淡忘了。比如在很多学生的头脑里,对父母的孝心是大打折扣的,甚至是完全被忽视了。




公司及产品讲稿 各位亲爱的家人(朋友或伙伴们):大家上午(下午)好!我是大漠紫光 非常荣幸今天由我来介绍一下我们公司及产品(打招呼表示感谢)


各位亲爱的伙伴们在进入主题之前我可不可以和大家先做一下友好的互动(可以),请问大家我们每个人都特别渴望让自己变得更年轻长寿对不对(对),我们每个人都渴望让自己远离疾病与痛苦是不是(是的),我们每个人都特别想吃到营养全面最健康的食品对吗(对的)!但是我想讲的是现代科技尽管如此发达,人们的生活水平得到了显著提高,但是现代人的死亡率却在逐渐呈现年轻化,普遍化的趋势。我们来看以下的一组数据:几乎99%的人都存在亚健康,50%以上的人患有前列腺疾病,30%以上的人视力有问题,死亡年轻化的具体表现就再于死神不只垂青于年老的,而正将魔爪伸向成功的年轻人,死亡的名单中即有没钱、贫穷的、也有有钱的、有名的,有权的成功人士,我们来共同的思考一下,为什么有这样的悲剧发生?为什么死亡会呈现越来越年轻化的趋势,而不是老年化呢?按理说,那些富有和成功的人,本来更应该有资格多享受人生。比一般人可以活的更长寿,更健康,因为他们可以消费的起高档化妆品,保养品,买得起高级滋补保健品,那么一个人为什么会生病呢?有钱人为什么寿命会越短,下面我们来听听营养保健专家们的看法:针对这个问题,专家们做出了以下良好的建议:他们说一个人要想活的健康,远离疾病,就要做到,少抽烟,少饮酒,不吃或者少吃油腻、膨化、烧烤、油炸类食品,要注意营养均衡,保持多运动,心怀积极心态,多吃新鲜蔬菜水果,生活保持有规律,工作有目标,保持少睡早起。大家说专家们总结的经验,对我们有没有帮助,好不好?(很好,太好了)。答案当然是好了,简直太好了!但是我们都知道,这个世界上,没有人是万能的,任何人都有他不能办到的事,专家也一样,大家说对吗?(对的)所以,单纯从理论上讲,专家们的观点理论,确实够权威专业,但是真正到我们每个人,开始实施它的时候,却又很难办得到,具体表现在以下的客观原因:我们无法掌控,专家也没法掌控,那就是现代社会,因为过度开发导致了人类生活的大环境,受到了严重破坏,到处是摩天大楼,从而对地心造成了极大的压力,所以火山海啸,泥石流在全球频繁出没,地下因为长年过度开采煤矿,将地心挖空,导致地球失去平衡力,森林遭到了过度的砍伐,从而导致生态被破坏,过度建筑从而造成灰尘污染,汽车尾气排放,工业烟囱向天空排放化学气体,导致天空空气造成污染、水污染、环境污染 导致田地中的果蔬污染,食品为了延长保质期,为了好卖,从而人为的添加了化学剂,人工色素,防腐剂,甜蜜素,导致饮料营养流失减少,人们的居住环境,因为装修工,人为的以次充好,将有毒的油漆及涂料涂在室内的墙上,从而造成我们赖以生存的环境空气污染,现代人,因为久居温室里,远离阳光,缺少晒太阳,从而导致身体虚弱,抵抗力下降,免疫力下降,常吹空调,长期在空调下生活工作,就会得空调病,食品污染的案例,真是太多了,在此举几个具代表性的例子供大家反省:像火锅底料,商家为了盈利,在火锅底料中加了化学剂,牛奶中加了三聚氰胺,主食馒头中加了漂白剂,大米中掺了增白剂,玉米中加了糖精,火腿肠中掺了致癌物,肉中加了瘦肉精,注了水,莲藕表面摸了漂白粉,豆腐中掺了米粉、石灰粉,扎啤中掺了化学剂,鱼吃了避孕药,鸡、鸭、鹅、猪、牛在大型圈养场,服用了大量生长激素。衣服以次充好,用高价买了假名牌,长期穿在身上,皮肤也会导致疾病产生,新鲜蔬菜水果在加工的过程中,丧失了过多的活性及养份,食物在烹调的高温作用下,也让本来营养全面的新鲜的果蔬,变得不营养,不新鲜。卖鞋的为了赚钱将皮革当真皮去卖。某些化妆品商,为了谋利,以次充好,将原本成几毛钱的产品卖得几百上千元,同时我们还吃了太多转基因的食品,以上这一切都导致专家的理论不能实行下去的真正原因,因为每个人离不开吃穿住行,当人们的吃穿住行都被污染时,当我们共同生活的大环境遭受破坏时,我们每个生活在其中的人的健康就无法得到保证,所有,现在人之所以会生病,不健康,最主要原因,就在于我们吃了太多不健康的食品,我们吃不到活性营养全面真正绿色环保的健康食品,我们每天都在吃被污染的产品,化学品,所以,要想让我们远离疾病,拥有健康,唯一的方法那就是快速补充,真正有营养健康的食品,大家说对不对(对)大家真的想吃的这样的食品吗?(想)假如在今天,我就能满足大家吃到这样的好产品,请问大家有没有强烈的兴趣了解一下?(想)好,请为我们的言行一致,掌声奖励一下自己(掌声)下面我来介绍一下这款产品,到底好在哪里?为什么好?我们公司到底是做什么的,首先我来介绍一下我们公司,我们公司的全名是:“甘肃大漠紫光生物科技有限公司”。在介绍我们公司产品之前,我们不能不去提一个人—那就是一大人民的大师,著名科学家钱学森钱老,虽然以99岁高龄离开了我们,但他倡导沙产业理论的伟大构想眷恋着祖国,照耀着我们:用科学技术帮助农民致富,得到了实践的验证,钱老的一生是顶天立地、科技报国的一生,他志在强国,为“两弹一星”、“载人航天”事业做出了特殊贡献,让《东方红》乐曲响彻太空,他“心在富民”,用知识密集型的沙产业理论,变沙漠为沃土生产有机食品,变劣势为优势为人民谋福祉,让中国西部冉冉升起“绿色的蘑菇云”却如同有一面烈烈迎风的旗帜在祖国的西部迎风飘扬。那么钱老与我们公司是什么关系呢,钱老是“少用水,多采光,新技术,高效应”的伟大沙产业理论的开创者,我们公司是钱老伟大沙产业理论的践行者,我们公司成立于1994年,在董事长柴在军的卓越领导下,高举钱老伟大沙产业的旗帜,通过十八年的奋斗,终于在北纬38°今甘肃高台县南缘巴丹吉林沙嘴墩的风产口这块过去枯草盐碱地,荒凉野兔愁的地方,建立起了3.2万亩的沙漠绿洲,我们公司经历了十八年发展与成长,现已形成了集种苗培育种植、研发生产、销售为一体的综合企业,下面我来介绍一下我们公司的基本布局:我们公司的种植基地,在甘肃高台县,宿南县,生产研发基地在甘肃兰州,全国营销销售总部在北京,我们公司是全球第一个,专注于黑色食品营养与生命科学研究的专业化品牌,是中国首家在沙漠上开创绿色基地,种植黑色有机食品的生物科技企业,公司于国际国内一流科研机构战略联盟,导入国际领先的生物科技技术,开发出一系列黑色营养功能食品,发展沙漠产业经济,专注黑色营养科技是我们的使命,优化生命质量,是企业的最终发展宗旨,打造民族百年品牌,将中国的黑色营养传播到全世界,弘扬黑色养生文化,是企业的长远奋斗目标。


下面我来介绍一下特色果品,黑番茄的成分及功能功效:vc、ve、叶酸、烟酸,钠、钙、胡萝卜素、花青素,氨基酸及多种微量元素,均居果蔬之首,其中花青素的含量含89.7mg/kg,生命科学研究发现,一个人寿命的长短,直接取决于抗氧化、抗自由基能力的强弱,而花青素是一种强有力的抗氧化剂,美国时代周刊讲,一个人常吃花青素可以活到125岁,因此21世纪被称为是花青素、抗氧化的时代,人类不缺花青素,并保持合理的膳食和营养,有利于保持持久旺盛的生命力,它具有且有高钙低钠、低糖等特征、集中了人体所需的众多营养,是不可多得的营养珍品,长期服用,对前列腺具有独特的养护保健作用,在欧美被誉为“植物神哥”功能水果,并被广泛用于美容院,它包括了红番茄所有营养,其中番茄红素的含量是红番茄的7.2倍,鲜果售价是红番茄的4-10倍,其制品是红番茄的10倍以上,市场供不应求,它的主要功能功效有,对前列腺有独特的保健作用,对前列腺、直肠、口腔、肺癌有辅助预防作用,有预防感冒、美容养颜抗癌防癌的作用。黑加仑成分功能功效:成分有氨基酸(人体从植物中摄取的十八种氨基酸),矿物质(磷、镁、钾、钙、花青素、酚类物质),维生素家族的a、b、c、d、e、f、p族其中钙的含量为水果之冠,特别适合老人和小孩食用,维c的含量是苹果、桃、葡萄的几倍到几百倍,主要功能功效:防止酸性体质滋生各种疾病,并协调了人体组织的ph值的正常,维持了血液和其他体液的碱性特殊特征。具有最多保健功效,对痛风贫血、水肿、关节炎、风湿病、口腔 咽喉疾病、咳嗽有预防作用。黑桑葚功能功效:成分包括活性蛋白、维生素、氨基酸、胡萝卜素、矿物质、乌发素、脂肪酸等。黑桑葚2000年前已经成为中国皇帝御用的补品,因黑桑葚特殊的沙漠生长环境,使桑果具有天然生长、无任何污染的特点,所以黑桑葚又被称为“民间圣果”被医学界誉为21世纪最佳保健品,其营养价值是苹果的5-6倍,是葡萄的4倍,有美容养颜,延缓衰老提高免疫力,促进新陈代谢,缓解眼部疲劳,润肠通便,乌发润肤,分解脂肪,分解血脂防止血管硬化,对糖尿病贫血,高血压、高血脂、冠心病、神经衰弱、便秘、消肿等具有辅助功效。


如何成为说服力演说家? 谢谢大家热烈的掌声,如果掌声更热烈的话,今天会讲得更好。今天的训练比较特殊,因为今天训练的内容之前从来没有这么完整地公开过,所以你们是全世界第一个听我分享这个内容的人,你们要不要给我热烈掌声鼓励一下?今天培训的关键呢在于如何提升自己演讲的能力。或者说演讲的功力。演讲分为两种,第一种叫做产品介绍者。所以演讲分为两种,第一种是什么?大家回复我一下。产品介绍者,就是他讲的内容就是产品介绍,介绍完了呢,顾客觉得他介绍得不错,就给他一些掌声,但是有没有买他的产品呢?没有。也就是说他的介绍不足以吸引顾客怎么样?去购买,ok?我们要不要当这样的演说家?(不要。)所以另外一种演说家叫说服者,说服者。说服者,所以第一种演说家叫什么?介绍者。第二种演说家叫什么?说服者。所以有说服力的演说家是什么样的演说家,刚刚介绍完产品之后顾客怎么样?(购买)是什么时候购买?(立刻购买)立刻购买,而且顾客买得怎么样?(多)买得多买得开心买得高兴,感谢你今天卖了我这个产品救了我一命,是不是很优秀?(是)回去之后还很兴奋,嘴巴还告诉什么?告诉周围所有的朋友,说你一定要去购买它。感觉好不好?我们今天训练的内容就是要大家达到这种境界,你们说好不好?(好)给你自己热烈









下一个,我在今天的演讲过程当中,我希望顾客多少个wow的故事?wow的故事,wow是什么意思啊?震撼!震撼!从来没有听过,实在是太棒了,太伟大了,不可思义,怎么篇三:英文演讲 产品促销 well, as you all know by now, were going to launch a new perfume early this fall.our market share is very healthy at the moment we can see that our it almost cover everywhere around the global.—12% of the market here in north america.so now is a good time to push further into this existing market and see if we can improve our market share.from the picture, although the package seems not dazzling, but we can easily got a conception of it-simplicity, you know it’s a trend that successful people all go for the just as i mentioned before, the theme of ice is the christmas day, and there will be a flavor of the consumer rush at that time.and the price will be under 50 dollars per 100 ml.morning everyone, ifeel excited to have the chance to give you a short speach here.let’s see a phenomenon,we can’t live for a minite without it,cellphone.just as a fish can’t live without water.but why is cell phone so attractive? iguess that it is software applications that makes it.nwhether you acknowledge or not,smart phone has changed our lives in the past ten years.sincerely speaking,softwaer applications make our lives more and more colorful.they cover almost every aspects of our lives,such as clothing,eating,travelling,payingand entertaining.these kinds of software applications makes us approach to everything.we can order take out even in dormotory.they give us a moving map when we are travelling.what’s more.,they provide us with quantities of games,which occupys almost all our free time.it’s a tendency that everything is to develop into mobile one,which truly makes room for software applications.people rae accustomed to paying on phone.and other people have the desire to do everything by their smart phone.since the software applications are used so frequently,safty and pravicy truly catch our attention.so what’s the tendency of requirement of market today?or what’s the development of software applications in the future? maybe the inventors are supposed to focus on the tendency of the development of the world,pay attention to the requirement of users.what’s more,what’s the most important is safty.only follow the tendency can they develop well.that’s all my speech.thank you for listening.1篇五:产品演讲稿

去年6月,我们推出了全球最薄的智能手机finder,它以极致超薄的工业设计惊艳了整个手机行业。11月,我们发布了全球首款搭载500万前置摄像头的ulike2,引领了自拍美颜的革命。12月,我们再度推出旗舰产品find5,智能手机从此真正进入了1080p高清时代。oppo n1再次引领了业内的新风潮,n1的配置:oppo n1采用了5.9英寸1080p高清屏幕,搭载高通四核处理器,富士通专业的影像芯片,配备16g或32g的内存,还有3610mah电池,支持两小时快速充电。辅以1300万像素的索尼堆栈式摄像头,系统搭载自家研发的color os。

以开放式创新的思路进行了一系列创新设计,线条一直都是oppo钟爱的设计语言,我们可以看到现在市面上有很多大屏手机都有一点呆板,一点僵硬。oppo ni 采用了线体主义设计理念,让手机极致纤薄中散发灵动之美。n1线体的制造工艺经历了14道工序的打磨,使n1外观呈现淡雅的光泽,触感细腻丝滑,又不会留下指纹。同时,n1的背部设计成微弧形,使整体的握持感更舒适和自然。此外,n1底部usb插孔、耳机插孔和扬声器的紧凑设计,让外观简洁精致,又与整体浑然天成。二:为了更好带来创新性拍照体验,n1创造性地把前置和后置摄像头合二为一,设计了“206度自由旋转摄像头”,摄像头为1300万像素的索尼堆栈式摄像头.方便用户进行多角度拍摄和取景,可以在各种有效视角内,始终从屏幕预览取景内容,以屏幕不变、镜头万变的方式来获得最优的取景。n1实现了0.6秒极速开启相机功能,这是迄今为止启动速度最快的相机。ni还有独一无二的摄像头唤醒方式,因为有旋转摄像头,当旋转超过120°时,就可以自动进入相机模式,让你轻松捕捉美好瞬间。n1首次在手机上实现了8s慢速快门,让用户在n1手机上也可轻松享受单反级的拍摄体验,支持“光涂鸦”等各种创意光影拍摄方式,让自由奔放的创意随时随地得以实现。

三:当可穿戴式技术日益成为it科技未来发展主流,oppo n1研发的o-click?“小叮当”小巧便携,采用低功耗蓝牙,不仅耗电量小,不影响手机的蓝牙使用,更可实现遥控拍照、双向寻找、防盗及电子围栏等众多实用功能。同时,作为可穿戴式设备,“小叮当”外观设计精美,可以作为项链坠、手链等女性配饰,也可直接悬挂在车钥匙或钥匙链上。利用精巧的“小叮当”遥控器遥控拍照功能,用户可以轻松进行遥控拍摄全身照、合照、低角度长腿照等。双向寻找功能,可将“小叮当”与容易忘记的钥匙等日常用品挂在一起,在20米无障碍范围内通过手机找寻“小叮当”或通过“小叮当”寻找手机均可实现。“小叮当”特别增加了防盗功能。在手机上开启防盗功能后,当手机与“小叮当”的距离超过5米后,手机和遥控器会发出警报,第一时间提醒用户找回手机。“小叮当”的电子围栏功能将非常实用。用户可以将“小叮当”放在孩子的口袋里或佩戴在宠物项圈上,这样在户外,当孩子或宠物携带“小叮当”超过25米的范围,手机将及时预警,预防可能的意外发生。大屏手机给我们带来非常多美妙的体验,但是当智能手机进入5.9寸甚至更大的大屏时代,单手操控逐渐变成了不可能的任务。为此,oppo n1在这里带来了全新的解决方案o-touch,特别在背部设计了一块3cm*4cm的触控区,实现了背部四向触控功能。这样,就可以用最灵活的食指进行单手操控,方便快捷的完成多种操作,轻松解决大屏手机操作不便的烦恼。nfc支付 是首款真正支持移动支付的手机,在全国超过200万部有“闪付”标志的pos机上,只需嘀一声就可以完成支付。oppo还和天府通合作,使n1成为真正支持城市一卡 1 通的手机。在大成都地区无论你是坐出租车,公交车还是地铁,还有交水电煤气费,以及在一些商圈超市消费,你都可以使用轻松的进行移动支付。oppo还和校园一卡通进行合作,在未来同学们就可以用你的n1在学校的超市,食堂各个地方进行移动支付。软件系统方面,n1采用了oppo独有的coloros系统。coloros的界面设计从生活出发,崇尚一种精致、优雅的格调,通过对质感和细节的刻画,体现出coloros的至美气质。o+桌面的功能设计充分融入了人文情怀,如通话天气的设计,让用户和朋友打电话时,通话界面实时显示对方所在地的天气,可以适时的送上一句问候和关怀,切实拉近人与人之间的距离。此外,还有诸如访客模式、假日模式、纯净后台等很多精心设计的功能,彰显人性化关怀。今天的介绍就到此结束了。如果大家对这款手机还有什么疑问,就请登录oppo的官网做更加全面的了解,谢谢大家。


my presentation actually one actor did perform as several characters.you can see they are women,but later they’re not;maybe you see he is hero now,but later he just appears in a photo.however,you can’t understand this movie just from what i said,so i got a video about this movie.ps:maybe there’s something a little naked and gay for you guys,but i think you guys can handle it.that’s all.thanks篇二:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节)hello, everyone.today, my topic is beijing international film festival.on the evening of april 16, the opening ceremony of beijing international film festival had been held in the temple of heaven.the director of the opening ceremony integrate chinese long history since beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi.next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival.the best film is back to 1942.now you can watch the trailer.back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang.zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film.it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war.at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive.this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles.they are government, international reporter, priest and drought victims.the government should have taken measures to save the victims.but they do nothing, because they don’t have enough time, money and resources.japan has put heavy pressure on them.international reporter and priest try to save the victims on their own way.however, the strength of a person is always small.maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people.as for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life.however, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again.next winner is cate shortland.she got best director with the film lore.cate shortland was born in australia in 1968.since directing the film called bad cop, bad cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including somersault in 2004 and the silence in 2006.in addition, best actor is terence stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film song for marion.chinese actress yan bingyan gets best actress with the film wanjianchuanxin.sorry i don’t know how to translate.that is all i want to say.thanks for listening.篇三:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿

(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilization good morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? don’t be afraid.this is a hypothesis.in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outline ⅰ.introduction the film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared,(停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then?(停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid.(停顿)this is a hypothesis.(过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main points a.let’s look at the side of politics.b.let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.(眼神交流)what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.c.i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流)in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points topic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to inform specific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.central idea: the film has already made a huge contribution to human beings.and it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇四:英语演讲 电影

today, i bring you the movie named “three idiots”,in my opinion, this is the most wonderful film i have ever seen.the next thing i want to share with you is a story ,i guess you will like it.法兰(马德哈万 r madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔

希 sharman joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 aamir khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”(波曼·伊拉尼 boman irani 饰),质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅(卡琳娜·卡普 kareena kapoor 饰)离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”(奥米·维 嘉 omi vaidya 饰)的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认输了。rancho, raju and farhan are students in the royal college of engineering.in the same room, three people make friends.in the school, where is famous for its strict, rancho is a very different student, he is not learning by rote, and even openly against the principal called virus, and questions his teaching method.not only did he courage farhan and raju to catch their dreams bravely, but also persuades the principals 该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味的死记硬背,而更多的是能与我们的日常生活相联系,将所学知识应用到我们的生活中,提高生活质量,总而言之,我们应该学以致用,知识是为了生活能变得更好而存在的。



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