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2013英国留学申请 分享工程类 个人陈述PS范文3

Electronic/Electrical Engineering(EEE)Statement电子电气工程个人陈述From a very young age, physics has always been a subject close to my heart.Back when I was in primary school it was space that captured my imagination, but as I’ve grown up the world of electronics has become the forerunner for my attention.It is largely through electronics that the world has developed into something that would have been unrecognisable less than 100 years ago.It is my belief that electronic circuits are the primary reason that the number of patents filed each year has increased dramatically over time, and so to be a part of their development would be an incredibly rewarding situation.It was at age 7 that I had my first memorable encounter with any form of electronic circuit, when the radio that my Dad had bought me fell from a shelf and broke, exposing the circuitry within.Though I had no idea what any of the components were, they fascinated me.Their discovery led to years of prying the backs off of any devices I could find just so I could stare at the contents, even going so far as to open up a Gameboy I got one birthday before I actually attempted to play any of the games it had come with.In terms of serious experience with electronic systems, the thing that most inspired me to pursue their study through to higher education was a 6-month series of extra lessons in my first year of sixth form.The course was largely self-taught, with a tutor on hand to present problems and provide advice where needed.It resulted in producing a robot working on an IC556 pulse generator circuit that could navigate through long corridors and guide itself away from walls and obstacles, as well as an introduction to programming in Visual BASIC.This project, as well as cementing my position on what to study at university, gave me a huge amount of experience in the kind of work that my course involves, and as such I feel gives me a head-start on getting to grips with the course details.The main outlet for my passion for electronics has come about as a result of playing the guitar.As stocking up on enough components to be able to carry out projects at home would have been overly expensive, I instead turned to things that I already owned.Key amongst these was a guitar pedal I had been neglecting.With the use of little else but a screwdriver I completely dismantled the pedal, and then reassembled it again with a neighbour’s soldering iron.To my continued amazement, it still works even now.Besides these real experiences, I feel that I have a lot of the necessary skills required to succeed in an electronics degree course, most notably logical thinking skills and data management ability.In terms of logical thinking I feel

I have developed my skills in a number of ways, but perhaps the most important was through puzzle-based videogames.Often the problems you are presented seem insurmountable, but by thinking logically about the environment in which it takes place you can usually establish what it is you can do next.This has also enabled me to develop a great deal of patience, and this is something I noticed was essential when I carried out the electronics course at school.It is often

the case that one tiny problem requires a good deal of time spent searching for the solution, and so patience is most definitely a virtue.Data-management is something I worked on by managing a fantasy football league amongst a few friends, and as such I now feel I am completely comfortable arranging data and transferring it between electronic and paper format.Overall, I feel that an electronics course would be the best possible way in which I could further my passion into both higher education and a career beyond.2013英国留学申请,英国大学工程类专业因其高水平的教学质量和良好的就业前景,吸引了越来越多中国学生的申请。而在英国留学申请过程中,英国留学个人陈述的写作非常关键。接下来,我们将给大家提供一组工程类专业英国留学个人陈述PS优秀范文,希望对大家的英国大学工程类专业申请有所帮助。

2013英国留学申请 分享工程专业 个人陈述PS范文8

Electronic Engineering Personal Statement电子电气工程个人陈述

The subjects of maths and physics have always fascinated me and I knew very early on that I wanted to pursue a career that involves science.As I progressed through school I found that I was much more interested in the application of the theory rather than the theory itself, and this is why I would like to study electronic engineering.I enjoy physics particularity as it can be observed in every aspect of life.From apples falling from trees to lightning, physics explains how the world works, and engineers throughout history have used their knowledge of physics to overcome problems that they face.The Romans built aqueducts to supply their cities with water;William Thomson helped lay the transatlantic telegraph cables that made communication between Europe and the Americas viable.I also studied Advanced Higher Music last year at school.I am very interested in the use of electronics in music, and I wrote a project on the physics of the electric guitar.This interest prompted me to spend a week of work experience at Wolfson Microelectronics, a local company that engineer integrated circuits for many high profile audio equipment firms.During my stay I was assigned the task of designing and assembling a circuit to investigate the voltage offset and noise created by an operational amplifier.I was also introduced to a silicon microphone, a development which is sure to be significant in the future of electronics, and introduced to all the main stages in the development of a microchip, from design to failure analysis.My forthcoming Advanced Higher Physics investigation will be concerned with the properties of op-amps, the variables that affect these properties, and their applications.In June, I attended a week-long Headstart course held at the University of Cambridge.We were given a task to assemble and programme a robot to navigate a course, using both dead-reckoning and sensors;I was part of the winning team.The course was thoroughly enjoyable and confirmed that engineering was the subject for me.I have applied to spend my gap year working in the engineering industry, through the Year in Industry scheme.I hope that I will gain invaluable experience of the industry in which I would like to build my career in, and this will no doubt help me understand better how what I learn at university relates to real-world applications.I play the violin, guitar and bagpipes all to a high standard.I am a first violin in the main

school orchestra and the chamber orchestra, lead guitar in the school “Rhythm and Blues” band and a senior member of the pipe band.I hold the rank of Corporal in my school cadet force, and I am a young leader at my Scout troop.Balancing these numerous extra-curricular activities with my academic work has forced me to develop my time management skills.My involvement in both cadets and Scouts has also greatly added to my team working and leadership skills.I was the leader of the team that won the Edinburgh Area Scout camping competition in 2005, and we finished in the top 5 in the country.Currently, I am working towards both my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award and my Queen's Scout award.I also have a keen interest in computers, assembling my first at the age of twelve, and I am currently teaching myself Mandarin Chinese, something that I would like to continue studying throughout university and a skill that I believe will be very useful in the future, especially in the electronics industry.I keep up to date with the latest scientific news in by reading both Physics Review and New Scientist.I believe that studying electronic engineering is the best way for me to apply my accumulated knowledge of maths and physics and I look forward to a career that will constantly present me with new challenges


2013英国留学申请 分享工程专业 个人陈述PS范文13 电子电气工程 EE

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement电子电气工程个人陈述

At a time when technology is advancing at such a rapid rate, to aid this growth and to make a difference no matter how small has always been one of my greatest ambitions.Having been brought up with strong family values, I have been taught that further education would provide many opportunities for me to develop both as a person and as a member of society

Having thoroughly enjoyed Mathematics and Physics throughout the course of my school years, I wished to find a course that combined these subjects and accommodated my specific needs;a course that would require an enquiring mind, the solving problems, the analysing and evaluating of data, manual dexterity and the ability to think logically.Most of all I wanted a course that would engage my mind.In my opinion, Electrical and Electronic engineering fit this requirement

Much of our daily life at home, school or work has been revolutionised over the past generation by the development of electronics.Thinking towards the future, I would value a job where there was a fast changing environment, where I would have to be constantly committed to improving my learning and performance throughout my career.Electrical engineering is a very good example of this type of job.Since there is a continued demand for innovation to achieve greater efficiency, giving the chance to exploit new materials and address new markets

During a work experience placement, I got the chance to visit a graphic design and advertising firm.The main aim of this visit was to provide me with an insight into the world of work and the demands that are made upon a worker on a daily basis.Throughout my time there, I was treated like any other employee and the experience surpassed all my expectations.As we were all reliant on one another, it was necessary to talk to each other and discuss the progress that was made on a day to day basis and the direction in which to follow to achieve mutual goals.These interactions enabled me to enhance my interpersonal skills and realise how valuable the ability to understand the needs of both clients and co-employees is in order for the company to be successful

I have always been a great fan of sport, and have always especially liked netball.I was encouraged to play the sport at the age of six and, since then, it has played an important aspect of my life.Having played for Manchester and Greater Manchester teams for a total of five of these years, I sought the position of Manchester netball coach for a group of U-11 children.I found this experience extremely valuable and this encounter enabled me to develop my communication and leadership skills and, although, I am no longer the coach of this mixed team, I still enjoy watching them play and using the skills that I taught them

Within school, I have participated in various activities, all very diverse.I was part of a Young Enterprise Scheme, completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, have been a member of the school choir and had Speech and Drama lessons for a total of five years.These experiences were all very rewarding and challenging and provided me with many happy memories.For five and half years, I have also helped run the school charity shop.'Pencil Point' caters for the stationery needs of lower school pupils and working here has been one of my most meaningful experiences.I was able to interact with people of all different backgrounds and ages and raise a large amount of money for Francis House Children's hospice, a charity very dear to my heart, at the same time

I do feel that I am capable of accepting the challenge of a demanding university course and that I have the character and strength of personality to make a success of it, should I be fortunate enough to be offered a place.



我出生在商人家庭,受父母经商的影响,我从小便对经济方面的 知识抱有浓厚兴趣。上个世纪 90 年代,中国大陆有了股票交易市场,父母随着汹涌的人潮投资入市,而我也开始认识股市,进而发展到对 金融领域兴趣浓厚。从小学到高中,我利用课余时间去了解、学习金 融的历史和知识,初步的涉猎让我受益匪浅。1997 年亚洲金融风暴,我惊讶于索罗斯财团利用金融市场呼风唤雨的强大力量; 巴菲特的财 富之路,我了解到金融市场让人一夜暴富的神话;美国次贷危机,我 意识到金融市场的利与弊。

通过书籍、报刊和网络,我不断加深对金融领域的认识。金融是 资金的融通,是货币流通和信用活动以及与之相联系的经济活动的总 称。作为现代经济的核心,金融是一个地区、区域乃至国家经济繁荣 能力的重要标志。在经济全球化的今天,金融将会有更加深远的发展,金融衍生品也会更加丰富。我选择学习金融学,不仅仅是自己兴趣所 趋,更是因为看到金融领域未来更好地发展前景,希望积极投身其中,促进自己更好发展。

为了实现自己的目标,我高中三年一直努力学习,认真对待每一 门功课,不断储备知识,夯实基础。我深知数学基础对于学习金融学 专业的重要性,因此在学好各门功课的同时更加注重自己的数学学习,为准备留学也加强了自己英语能力的提升。高中期间,我的成绩 一直处于班上前十名的状态,数学和英语成绩更是数一数二。

学习需要知行合一,高中期间我积极参加各类实践活动:调查收 集过国内上市公司的发展情况,深入了解了金融市场中上市公司的融 资能力;参加学校组织的模拟炒股活动,与股票这一重要的金融衍生 品有了零距离接触; 加入校文学社,在校刊发表多篇文章。学习之余,我还参加学生工作,曾获得“学生会优秀干事”等荣誉,更连续三年 被评为“优秀班干部”。这些特殊的经历,一方面深入了我对金融学 的认识,另一方面培养了我的组织、表达和写作能力,为我今后的发 展打下牢固的基础。

多年的学习生活经历,形成了我内敛、一丝不苟的性格,也提升 了我的适应和自主学习能力,同时培养了我坚定的意志力和自信心; 加上我对金融学的了解,对金融行业的热爱,以及我坚实的知识基础(尤其是数学基础),我认为我申请学习金融学专业是正确选择,也 是符合我自身主观和客观条件的明智选择。

正如我们所知,现代金融学的主要研究方向一般集中在金融市场 的结构的效率、公司金融、投资组合、资产定价、金融衍生、风险投 资和管理以及公司并购;学习的课程包括了计量经济学、统计学和国 际金融学等。这要求我们在学习过程中不仅要学好课内知识,课外更 要广泛阅读金融方面的书籍,更多地关注金融领域信息;深入了解和 思考金融领域的问题和现象,将知识与实践相结合,提高自身的专业 知识和能力。

就留学海外而言,我需要提前了解就读大学的情况,做好相关出 国准备工作,以便更快更好地适应留学生活。出国留学能让我享受更 高质量的教学水平和更宽广的教育资源,同时对我自身能力也是一大 考验和锻炼。我准备在英国学习并取得金融学本科和硕士学历,通过 不断学习深造,提升自身能力,完成学业后能投身银行领域,发展自我。

我崇尚学习,也热爱生活。除了关注金融领域的信息,生活中的 我还有广泛的爱好:写作、旅游、阅读,以及弹奏中国传统民乐—— 古筝(已过 8 级,满级 10 级)。丰富多彩的生活,陶冶了我的情操,完善了我的人格,胜华了我对生命价值的追求。

父母从商及投身股市的背景建立了我对金融知识的兴趣,在这种 兴趣的驱使下,我不断关注学习金融信息和知识,并在学习中打下牢 固的知识基础,在生活中提升自身能力,为大学金融学专业学习做好 准备。我相信我有足够的毅力和实力去完成大学金融学专业的学习,希 望贵校仔细考虑我的申请,为我提供一个学习金融学专业的好机会!谢谢!



个人陈述 我叫余巍,男,湖北武汉人,毕业于华中师范大学第一附属中学竞赛班,现就读于华中师范大学数学与统计学学院数学与经济学实验班(双学位),现为本科大三在读。大学期间在学习上,连续两年获校三好学生,博雅奖学金。2009年获得全国大学生英语竞赛一等奖。英语四级537分,六级531分。在工作上大一任班级宣传委员,大二任年级宣传部部长,大三任院宣传团副团长。在科研方面,我于大三参加全国“康腾杯”案例分析大赛,所得成果《“真功夫”快餐进军武汉市场的调查报告》以第一作者身份发表在北京《中国城市经济》2011年4月下旬刊上,与同学合作的《房价对城镇居民耐用品中汽车消费量影响的协整分析》作为第二作者发表在北京《中国城市经济》4月上旬刊,《我国经济型酒店行业竞争结构分析及发展战略》作为第三作者发表在重庆市省级期刊《知识经济》上,在实践方面我于2010年暑期参加数学模型培训,顺利结业,并参加与2011年5月的华中地区的数模比赛,获得三等奖。在政治思想方面与2011年3月14日成为中共预备党员。






























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