
时间:2019-05-15 06:40:51下载本文作者:会员上传


42《极地特快》43《纳尼亚传奇1、2、3》44《老友记》45《绝望主妇》46《阿甘正传》47《电子情书》48《居家男人》49《公主日记》50《逃跑的新娘》51《新岳父大人》52《BJ单身日记 》53《奔腾年代》54《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》55《甜心先生》56《热血强人》57《铁血教练》58《重建人生》59《海上钢琴师》60《单身插班生》61《肖申克的救赎》62《风流奇男子》63《妙手情真》64《完美男人》65《大鱼》 66《六人行》67《生活大爆炸》1《Friends》2.《Everybody Loves Raymond》3.《Joey》4.《Prison Break》5.《Lost》6.《Veronica Mars》

7.《Heroes》8.《The 4400》9.《CSI Las Vegas》10.《CSI: New York》

11.《Greys Anatony》12.《Ugly Betty》13.《Traveler》14.《Painkiller Jane》15.《Kyle XY》16.《24 hours》17.《Desperate Housewives》

18.《The Sopranos》19.《The O.C》20.《One Tree Hill》21.《House》

22.《Criminal Minds》23.《Burn Notice》24.《Kitchen Confidential》

25.《Psych》26.《Hidden Palms》27.《Chuck》28.《Standoff》29.《Shark》30.《Sex And The City》31.《Cashmere Mafia》32.《Dexter》

33.《Gossip Girl》34.《Nip Tuck》35.《Moonlight》36.《Dirty Sexy Money》37.《Private Practice》38.《Bones》39.《Mad Men》40.《Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles》41.《Masters of Science Fiction》《Hustle》














Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.You should say

What it is specific about

Where you see it

Who you go with

And explain why you think it is the most beautiful

考生要马上和interesting trip联系到一起,不要认为是新的话题。你可以谈论青岛、大连或深圳的某些景色。考官可能还会问以下问题:

What measures does your government take to protect natural scenery?Do you think it is effective?What role does tourism play in your country's economy?What should you pay attention to in travel?所以,在平时练习中,就某一话题自己也应尽可能地举一反三,多角度给自己提出问题,练习回答,这样既可应对考试,也能切实提高自己英语口语的反映能力。



Hi.This week, I got the chance to sit down with some impressive students at Lorain County Community College in Ohio.One of them was a woman named Andrea Ashley.Two years ago, Andrea lost her job as an HR analyst.Today, she’s getting certified in the fast-growing field of electronic medical records.Before enrolling at Lorain, Andrea told me she was looking everywhere trying to find a new job.But without a degree, she said that nobody would hire her.Andrea’s story isn’t unique.I’ve met so many Americans who are out there pounding the pavement looking for work only to discover that they need new skills.And I’ve met a lot of employers who are looking for workers, but can’t find ones with the skills they’re looking for.So we should be doing everything we can to put higher education within reach for every American – because at a time when the unemployment rate for Americans with at least a college degree is about half the national average, it’s never been more important.But here’s the thing: it’s also never been more expensive.Students who take out loans to pay for college graduate owing an average of $25,000.For the first time,Americans owe more debt on their student loans than they do on their credit cards.And for many working families, the idea of owing that much money means that higher education is simply out of reach for their children.In America, higher education cannot be a luxury.It’s an economic imperative that every family must be able to afford.That’s why next week I’ll be visiting colleges across the country, talking to students about how we can make higher education more affordable – and what’s at stake right now if Congress doesn’t do something about it.You see, if Congress doesn’t act, on July 1st interest rates on some student loans will double.Nearly seven and half million students will end up owing more on their loan payments.That would be a tremendous blow.And it’s completely preventable.This issue didn’t come out of nowhere.For some time now, I’ve been calling on Congress to take steps to make higher education more affordable – to prevent these interest rates from doubling, to extend the tuition tax credit that has saved middle-class families millions of dollars, and to double the number of work-study jobs over the next five years.Instead, over the past few years, Republicans in Congress have voted against new ways to make college more affordable for middle-class families, and voted for huge new tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires – tax cuts that would have to be paid for by cutting things like education and job-training programs that give students new opportunities to work and succeed.We cannot just cut our way to prosperity.Making it harder for our young people to afford higher education and earn their degrees is nothing more than cutting our own future off at the knees.Congress needs to keep interest rates on student loans from doubling, and they need to do it now.This is a question of values.We cannot let America become a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of people struggle to get by.We’ve got to build an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.That’s how the middle class gets stronger.That’s an economy that’s built to last.And I’m not only going to take that case to college campuses next week – I’m going to take it to every part of the country this year.Thanks, and have a great weekend.


On December 3,2002 ,China won the bid to host the World Expo 2010.It's an exciting piece of news.In my view,the 2010 World Expo provides china with an important opportunity to show her charm in the new century.This is a grand event as well as an important platform for economic,scientific technological,and cultural exchanges. At present,China ranks the world's fourth most popular touristy destination:more and more tourists come to China for its splendid cuture,more and more investors turn to China for its vast market,and more and more foreigeners become friends of China for its honest and warm-hearted people. Shanghai World Expo is the first one that considers “the city”as its theme.Form my point of view:It represents the common wish of humanity society for a better living in the future urban enviorment.Some people think city's life is awful:the traffic,the pollution,crowds of people etc.Many people escape from the city to seek more peaceful life in countryside.They are attracted by pastoral peace.Shanghai would like to take the World Expo as a chang to creat a more harmonious city for people to live in.I think that“Better city,Betty life”will no longer be a mere slogan on posters. Without any doubt,China will present to the world a "most successfull,most splendid ,and most unforgettable exposition.I believe, don't you ?


英语口语学习: 新东方名师谈如何通过英文电影练听力












在词汇学习上,你可以将词汇的用法做详尽的分析,挖掘词语的深层含义,对词汇有一个全方位的认识,而不仅仅停留在“就词论词”上。例如《阿甘正传》中,阿甘在表达自己极爱吃巧克力时说,自己可以吃下“一百五十万块巧克力”,I could eat a bout a million and a half of these.“million”一词在本句中是大量的意思,而并非说阿甘有过人之处,通过对“million”用法的分析,我对美国人的日常用语中用夸张的语气表示数量多的用法,有了一个更直观的了解。



英语口语培训 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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