各位贵宾,有句这样的广告词,来跟个位分享一下,是这样的说的:去夏威夷太远不如去中国第一滩!亲爱的朋友们,你可千万别惊讶哦!我们敬爱的江泽民主席在1993年9月25日视察中国第一滩时,被这美丽的海滨风光所吸引,高兴的说:这里的旅游资源很丰富,建好了可以和夏威夷媲美!有这样的比拟并不是凭空而谈的,从地图上我们就可以看到,夏威夷跟咱们茂名是同处一个纬度,北回归线以南的低纬地带,属亚热带海洋性季风气候。大致上可以这样说,处在这纬度的地方的风光都是十分秀丽的,海滨风光资源都是非常丰富多彩的,而今天我们要去游览的中国第一滩就是以:林绿,滩长,水清这三大自然景观而著称!要不原中共委员李德生老先生视察这里时也就不会被这里的风光所感动,欣然题下了:中国第一滩的滩名。除了刚才有提到的俩位国家领导人之外,还有朱容基,谢非等国家领导人亦曾到这里视察过。这些都能证明第一滩具有独特的自然景观和得天独厚的旅游资源。因此第一滩也被称为 “南海明珠”,“南方的北戴河”,“中国的夏威夷”。这也是茂名人民的骄傲。南海明珠--------中国第一滩旅游度假区位于茂名市茂港区,与1993年8月动工兴建,是水东弯省级旅游度假区的主体部分。总体规划由中国国内旅游协会规划中心制定,全区分为海滨浴场区,海上运动区,海滨度假区和中心广场区和中心广场区四个功能区。这里也是茂名人民周末度假最理想的地方,特别是在盛大的节日或是特别有意义的日子里,人民都会到这游海水,吃海鲜,放烟花,游园等活动。特别在1996年茂名荔枝节期间这里举行的飞机跳伞表演活动,吸引了近十三万游客前来观看;2001年7月成功的举办了世界女子沙滩公开赛,旅游区公接待中外游客达82万人次。成为我省著名的海滨旅游度假区,更被评为“广东休闲度假好去处”之光荣称号。加之茂港区正在筹划准备,用1.6亿打造茂名水东弯的“情侣路”计划。将参照包括珠海情人路在内的全国知名沿海城市防洪工程特色,建一条全长26.6公里的防洪大堤。防洪大堤的堤路结合建设,佩绿化带,不仅具防洪功能,还能美化环境,保护生态。对提高城市品位,丰富地方旅游资源,推动茂名旅游发展具有深刻的意义!听说大堤争取三年内建好,建成成后将成为我市增添一道亮丽迷人的风景1全新的第一滩,全新的茂名将在三年后展现在我们的面前。第一滩到了,请各位贵宾携带好随身物品,带好防晒用品跟随我下车参观游览,并请个位贵宾先跟我走一趟,我讲解完后我会给一个自由活动的时间给你们拍照或游泳的,谢谢各位的配合!各位贵宾,展现在我们眼前的这座恢宏壮美的雕塑有个悦耳的名字。叫:千帆竟发!茂港区在2003年7月1日前叫水东经济开发试验区,而这座雕塑就是它的标志,寓意水东开发区的无比繁荣和广阔前景;在这基座外部前墙正面的是江泽民主席在这里视察这里后所作的题词:把茂名建设成为美丽的,现代化的海滨城市!茂名市委市政府正在努力按照江泽民总书记的最高指示,逐步地朝这个方向迈进;更在不断实现原省委书记李长春的要求:茂名要脱颖而出,成为粤西地区的一颗璀璨明珠而努力奋斗。墙的另三而镂刻在纯白大理石的是,用现代感强烈的反映了茂名沿海渔民,辛勤劳作建设美好家园和纯朴民风的体现。请往前走。
[在观海平台上] 各位。到这是不是有一种豁然开朗的感觉。怨偶一种博大的感受和小小的体会呢?面对无边无际的大海我们只能闭上眼睛去感受他的博爱,让他填满我们的胸怀,任由轻柔而带咸味的海风吹过我们的脸庞。我想,我们只要有一个感受就好了。大自然赋予我们的是无穷无尽,我们应该怎么样对待他呢!
Each visitor:How are you, welcome you to a luxuriant tour, I am your guide DAVID.Luxuriant City is located in province the southwest of Guangdong, geography sits to mark for the east longitude 110 ° 19'-111 ° 41', northern latitudes 21 ° 22'-22 ° 42'.East Pi sun river, the west faces a Zhan river, north connect cloud float with Guangxi strong clan autonomous region, the south faces south china sea.The northeast is 362 kilometers apart from Guangzhou, the southwest is river's 121 kilometers apart from the Zhan.The whole city land total area is 11458 square kilometers, take up 6.4% of whole land area in the provinces around.Luxuriant City establishes(county class)in 1959 and promotes for the ground class City in 1975 and practices the city tube county system in 1983 and govern luxuriant south area and electricity now white area, and administer on behalf of Gao state City, turn state City and believe proper city.The luxuriant rank visits in the Jian river in province the southwest of Guangdong, east Pi sun river, the west faces a Zhan river, north connect cloud float with Guangxi strong clan autonomous region, the south faces south china sea.The whole city land area 11427 the squares are thousand meters, take up 6.4% of whole land area in the provinces around;Area 75 square kilometers in waters.The household register population is 748.90 myriad people(2012).The luxuriant is southern Chinese China region's biggest petrochemical base, important for the south of China of the energy base of petrochemical production export base and Guangdong province.The whole citieses“three Gao agricultures”s booming development, “Ling southern good fruit”s, such as litchi, banana and longan...etc.is famous Chinese and Foreign, a “China's biggest fruits production base”, marine products farming to enjoy high prestige great reputation, is “Chinese Luo non-fish it all”.【The name is since 】The luxuriant City originates personal name, from personal name but go to a county, from county but go to a city.The ship that in honor of Pan of posterity is luxuriant to be named a people to put out a disease to destroy evil and use a stone saves the flood disaster residents' history merit, the mountain once living him is called Pan's mountain and make pill him a location to call Pan fairy ascent, call Pan the fairy ascent area nearby place a luxuriant.It is saied that Ping You from great commander soldier in the south of town arrives at 2 to build city afterwards and takes the name of Pan's Taoist priest and set up Pan state of luxuriant county.Some historical recordses jot down:Sui starts to place a luxuriant a county.In fact the east Jin has already placed a luxuriant county, behind discard, south dynasty the beam reply to place, “Sui Tang because of”.Sung opens a treasure for five years(972 years), discarding Pan the state is Gao Zhou, and the luxuriant changes to belong to Gao Zhou.Clearly pure luxuriant county, still cure for Gao Zhou Fu.China republic period, discard Gao Zhou Fu, the luxuriant county successively belongs to Gao Lei to pacify a director, south the road go an office seventh specialty area cure.After the People's Republic of China establishes, the luxuriant county successively belongs to south road, Gao Lei and Yue west, the Zhan river's specialty area(administrative area)govern.When luxuriant City beginning set up, because of undecided city, but temporary call a luxuriant work mineral area.Established at that time of some belonged to city to raise to set up place of keep belonging to unit, made the luxuriant work mineral area city set up a bureau and luxuriant the work mineral area department of finance etc..This city calls what name, save Wei to want city to raise to set up place to put forward an opinion to report.Someone suggests that call “luxuriant City”.“Luxuriant” is luxuriant the county of the county, feel that seizing a county isn't satisfactory, and“luxuriant” is in remembrance of a luxuriant of legendary fairy Pan, there is feudalism color.And then someone suggest to BE“private home City” but private home and take manor smell.And someone suggests to call “the gold pond City”, and then dislike the characteristics that it can not generalize a few mineral areas.The leadership that finally has puts forward to become a from gold pond, sheep horn, stone drum, low name string of mountain a few mineral areas and takes “gold” from“gold pond” and takes “sheep” from“sheep horn” to take “sun” with sound, BE“the gold sun City”, the meaning shone in glory in the aureate sun under, established a beautiful city.(afterwards had a street call gold sun big way, have of store call gold sun store, reason be from here come of)Luxuriant work mineral area city's raising to set up place all illustrates reason respectively to these fours and recommends to Wei in the province by formal document, is made decision by Wei in the province.Save Wei to consider a luxuriant work mineral area at in the world all, change again to use another name, easily arouse illusion, for the sake of link up sex see, decision call“luxuriant City”, change to luxuriant county Gao Zhou Xuan, report approval in State Department, August 26, 1958 luxuriant work mineral the area formally entitle luxuriant City.【Land resources 】luxuriant the land area is 11459 square kilometers, the mountainous country area is 1300 square kilometers, the elevation more than 1000 meters mountain peak about 100;The geography is one by one in order faced west south for the mountainous country, mound, mesa and plain by the northeast, the soil soil grows up to 8 types of 192 kinds of many, develop space amplitude.【Ocean, forest and products resources 】luxuriant City have the group of islands 12 and have the twists about coast line 220 kilometers and have the sizes, such as water east, Bo He, lotus head and east mountain...etc.26 bays(the harbor of Bo He is to all save the biggest fishing bay),-20 meters wait neritic male of deep line 11,300 hectares of area.The waters has a tropical zone, active, diverse sex and edge characteristics;Have the fish, shrimp, crab and molluscs and marine lives, such as sea urchin, starfish and jellyfish...etc.140 varieties inside the area.The living creature category is many, can provide edible, the medicine is use, appreciate, use the plants of material and industrial raw material to reach to 600 more remaining to grow, the forest stores the quantity reach to 14,177,000 rice of signing a squares and develop a potential huge.Luxuriant the fruits species is diverse:Banana, longan, litchi and mango, tree pineapple and Huang Lan Deng's fruits;There is“national fruits production first city(county)” in Gao state City(county)belonged to, the fruits plant area already 380 many 10000 acres.【Mineral resources 】the luxuriant have already explored a clear mineral to hide about 100 kinds, latent be worth of above 400,000,000,000 dollars.The oil shale and Gao Ling Tu keeps quantity and quality to reside the head of whole country, the jade mineral is one of the three greatest jades minerals in whole country, abound in the only“southern jasper” in the whole country, the silver rock tin mine resides the third in the whole country, the east pit gold mine is the second in Guangdong province, sparse soil, spot rock type the tin mine, and titanium mineral...etc.keep quantity to all reside to all save first.【Water resources 】The luxuriant City river develops, the rivulet spreads densely, the river is numerous, inshore gather rain of area 100 square kilometer the above river contain 39.(the biggest river is Jian river, secondly is Mei flower river, and Luo, river,...etc.)The several years average path flows deeply 960 millimeters of, several year average path discharge 11,000,000,000 ms 3, another have already been in transit water of 800,000,000 ms 3, groundwater 3,870,000,000 ms 3.After 09 years, the luxuriant water conservancy system has already had equal foundation and scale and form with Gao Zhou reservoir for group leader, the big medium-sized marine hydraulic engineering and Xu leads to lift more perfect water resources allocation that water engineering combines together to supply water system.【Port resources 】Luxuriant City is located in the strand of south the china sea and owns the deep water port resources advantage of enriching of with abundant resources.The luxuriant harbor is 1 type in the nation to outward open seaport, including water east, Bo He, north the mountain range is three harbor areas, have already had a 41 wharf berth now, one of the national big harbors, swallow the ability of vomiting 17,590,000 tons.The luxuriant seaport includes water east harbor area, the Bo He harbor area and the north mountain range harbor area.The provincial government approval Bo He harbor becomes two types of seaports in 1980.Approval water in State Department east port shore becomes outward liberal type of seaport and opens to the country round first in 1988, in 1993 State Department approval water east port shore formally and outward the nationality ships open.The luxuriant petrochemical company is finished in the north mountain range in 1995 the whole country found of 250,000 ton class the crude oil connect to unload system.Luxuriant the development of the seaport strengthens and availably promoted I the development of the city foreign trade economy, the whole city foreign trade total amount of import and exports is USD 1,030,000,000, physically make use of foreign capital USD 75,000,000 in 2001.The luxuriant people government seaport office in City is responsible for the management of whole city seaport to harmoniously adjust a work.There is 12 group of islands in luxuriant City, the twists about coast line reaches to 220 kilometers.-10 meters wait deep line sea beach 628 square kilometers of area, only developed 30.3% 09 years ago.The Bo He harbor area, with lotus head peninsula for rely on,-10 meters wait offshore only 700 meterses of deep lines,-15 meters wait offshore only 2.5 kilometerses of deep lines,-20 meters wait offshore only 11 kilometers(Zhan river harbor is 30 kilometers, Hui state harbor is 40 kilometers)s of deep lines, slightly more dredging can immediately reach-22 meters water is deep, the most suitable proper constuct 300,000 ton class large deep water wharf;North mountain range harbor the area is as close together(namely the Bo He in the construction new harbor area, have already set up 850,000 to sign square rice crude oil the database and the first 250,000 in the whole country fasten to park system, the system is 15.3 kilometers apart from the near the bank)as the Bo He harbor area, natural water is deep-24 meters, initial argument, can set up 2 ten thousand-300,000 the ton classes are 89 in the wharf berth.【The administrative area rows 】Bottom in luxuriant City governs 2 magistracies, generation 3 county class City.City magistracy:Is luxuriant south area, electricity white area;County class City:Gao state City, turn state City and believe proper city.【History origin and development 】The place name “ Gao Zhou” is all turned into since then by“Gao Liang Jun”, “high cool”s two words may be “very high cool low hill”, and Gao Zhou is to formally assign name to in the big beam(527-528 A.D.).The Yu Gong Yang Zhou Nan's territory of Gao Zhou Fu, Qin is south china sea a county ground.Man for match the river bank county Gao Liang Xuan's ground.Three Kingdoms Jin Sung is a high cool and happy county ground.The beam is Gao Zhou Di(the beam formally assigns name to Gao Zhou in the big(527-528 years))again cent place an electricity white county, Sui's even Chen Jun discards for tall cool, the Xi is always two, the luxuriant electricity white belong to Gao Liang Jun, good virtuous belong to always Xi of county.Sui uses a luxuriant of Pan first toward founding a nation for 18 years(A.D.589)it assign name to a luxuriant county(is high cool), Tang believes in a Zhen view too much for 18 years(644 A.D.)again south the Dang state assign name to Pan's state by the surname of Pan luxuriant.The whole country establishes a county by with Xing She Zhou of the Taoist priest, only the Pan luxuriant is 1.Tang Chu belongs to Gao Zhou and divides to place Pan's state to cure a luxuriant for Zhen view eight years(634 years), 22 years(648 years)again abrupt place Gao Zhou Shi to cure Gao Liang Yi to cure good virtuous.Treasure beginning(742 years)in the sky changes Gao Zhou Yue, Gao Liang Jun, , Pan state Yue south Pan's county, 5 belongs to a southern man.Sung opens a treasure the Pan state in province go into Gao Zhou for five years(972 years)still Yue Gao Liang Jun, belong to widely southern west road.The view virtuous first year(1004)state discards to belong to Dou state and replies to place for three years(1006).The dollar goes to a dollar to place Gao Zhou Lu to pacify a department for 15 years(1278).Change a manager mansion for 19 years(1280)belong to lake widely go medium the book save.Clear Yue Gao Zhou Fu belongs to a cloth government department to make.This dynasty(is pure)because of belong to Guangdong province to get state one county(turn state)five.(luxuriant and electricity white, believe proper, Wu Chuan, Lian river)China republic period, discard Gao Zhou Fu, the luxuriant county successively belongs to Gao Lei to pacify a director, south the road go an office seventh specialty area cure.After the People's Republic of China establishes, the luxuriant county successively belongs to south road, Gao Lei and Yue west, the Zhan river's specialty area(administrative area)govern.On May 12, 1958, establish luxuriant municipal services to prepare and plan place, change to a luxuriant work mineral area city to prepare and plan place on May 23 at the same year, establish a luxuriant on August 26 at the same year the work mineral area City, hereafter continuously luxuriant county satellite commune all and rocket commune the big department(now gold pond, private home, new ascent, high mountain, prosperous town, Ao head, Mei flower etc.is 7 towns, luxuriant south city suburb economic development experiment area and river east, river west, red flag, new China, strip mine, officer Du, before the station etc.7 street offices)allot a luxuriant the work mineral area City;Rocket commune of small good(is old to make “the Zhao is good”, now luxuriant harbor area small good town)row to the electricity white county, southern prosperous(turn southern prosperous street part in state City now, this is together)etc.of the orchid stone, Long Shou and Gao Zhan and super English commune of rocket commune rows to turn a county;After turning the cent county of state, Wu Chuan in 1961, the orchid stone, Long Shou and Gao Zhan Deng rows to Wu Chuan Xuan, south prosperous row to turn a state county.Belonged to a luxuriant at first the rest region in the county and believed the ancient D, Ma Gui, deep town of proper county as Gao Zhou Xuan at first.On March 22, 1959, State Department decides to establish luxuriant City.Luxuriant City rules over to believe in 1983 proper, Gao Zhou, give or get an electric shock white and turn state four counties.In 1985, establish luxuriant south of luxuriant City area.In 1987, grant according to crowd's request and the superior, the mountain Ge of boundary commune, burn wine, Xia pond, Huang Jie, Lu village and match a benefit, gold pond the Ling and blessing reside to etc.eight big brigades to allot luxuriant City luxuriant south area, establish mountain Ge commune, be luxuriant for luxuriant City now southern area mountain Ge town.(See 1984 《Gao Zhou's historiography 》 Issue 3)Gave or got an electric shock a white county at first in October, 1992 the foundation of town south china sea up, through province people government approval formally established luxuriant water east longitude in City help development experiment area.1993-1995 years and three the middle of the years, Gao Zhou, turn state and believe proper three countieses to successively withdraw a county to set up city, three cities are all county class City, is administered on behalf of by luxuriant City.In 2000, according to for the fifth time national census data:Luxuriant City total population 5238426 people;Luxuriant south area 644301 people and electricity white county 1459219 people, 1219132 people in the state City in height, turn 1007796 people in the state City and believe proper city 907978 people.In January, 2001, with luxuriant water east longitude in City help development experiment area for foundation, from the electricity white the county row a sheep horn, ascent heart, seven directly, sand hospital, small good five townses Be established luxuriant harbor area by approval in State Department.In August, 2002, Be granted by domestic affairs hall in the province, agree luxuriant harbor area repeal south china sea town, establish south china sea, the highland is two street offices.In 2002, luxuriant City governs 2 magistracies, a county and administers on behalf of 3 county class City, 18 streets, 102 towns.On December 31, 2005, luxuriant City governs 2 magistracies, a county and administers on behalf of 3 county class City, 20 streets, 87 towns.In 2014, approval in State Department agrees Guangdong province adjusts parts of administrative areas in luxuriant City to row and dissolve luxuriant harbor area and electricity white the county merger establish an electricity white area, luxuriant City governs luxuriant south now, give or get an electric shock white 2 areas, administer on behalf of Gao Zhou and believe proper, turn state three county class City.Luxuriant weather general situation in City The luxuriant is subtropics located in the south of Tropic of Cancer, belong to a tropical zone monsoon moderate weather.“The calories is abundant, only shine on ample, the volume of rain is abundant, water heat together quarter, summer the long winter is warm, like spring all the year round”.全市年平均气温22.3℃~23℃,月平均最高气温26.5℃~28.7℃(七月),月平均最低气温14℃~16℃(一月),年内≥10℃的积温7857~8413℃,持续天数337~355天,基本无霜;Average year of sunshine 1939.3~2161.4 hour, the sunshine percentage is 47%, the sun radiates the total amount as 106.59~116.99 greatest cards|square Li rice;Raining season is long, the year rainfall is 1500~1800 millimeters, rains a day between 100~170 days.