
时间:2019-05-15 08:50:32下载本文作者:会员上传


English Party

女: Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the

English Party of No.8 Primary School.This is a season of crisp autumn.We would like to spend this wonderful time together!


语party,这是一个秋高气爽的季节,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!女:Hello!My name is TaoSiyuan.男:Hello!My name is JingWanlong.合:We are honored to the host of today’s English Party.Thanks!女:我们很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!谢谢大家!

Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for this English Party.They are

Ms.Liu, our headmaster.Ms.Zhang , our secretary.Ms.Liu , our vice president

Ms Hao,our director of teaching.Please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)


F: Now, we would like to invite Ms.Liu introduce the rules for this contest and declare the opening of the English Party, Welcome!

M: 现在,我们邀请刘校长介绍比赛规则并宣布英语party正式开始,大家欢迎!

女: The first program is 《How are you!》.男: 现在,让我们用热烈的掌声请出第一个节目歌曲《How are you!》!女: Thanks for The first program, now let’s welcome next program 《Happy Birthday!》

男: 谢谢一号节目,现在有请下一个节目《Happy Birthday》!

女: Great!One, two, three, four… Let’s listen to a chant 《One Book, Two Books》!


女: Thanks for Theprogram, now let’s welcome next program 《 What’s your name?》


女: Thanks for Theprogram,Do you want to go to the zoo? now let’s watch some animals,welcome《 Two Tigers》《 A Tiger Has Stripes》!男:

女: Thanks for Theprogram, there was a farmer ,he had a dog named Bingo,now let’s welcome next program 《 Bingo》!


女:The farmer has a dog ,some girls have ten dogs,now let’s welcome next program 《Ten Little Dogs》!


女: After the song ,let’s listen to a chant.Now let’s welcome next program 《One Two Three Four》!


女: Exercise is good for our health.Now let’s enjoy a chant and song《 Head Shoulder Knees Toes》!


女: Our world is more beautiful, because of the four seasons ,now let’s welcome next program 《Four Seasons》!


女: Mothers are the people they love us best, now let’s welcome next program 《The little tadpoles look for mother》!


女: Autumn is coming ,let’s go to the farm to watch animals.Now let’s welcome next program 《 Farm 》!


女:One world ,one dream, Now let’s welcome next program 《 You and Me》!


女: Beautiful stars twinkle in the sky,now let’s welcome next program 《Twinkle Star》!


女: Cute and fat pigs make us funny,Now let’s welcome next program 《 Three Little Pigs》!


女: We are Chinese ,we love China, Now let’s welcome next program 《 I Love China》!


女: Mirror, Mirror Who is the most beautiful woman,Now ,let’s have a look, welcome next program 《 Snow White》!


女: Well, now all the programs have finished.Let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.let’s welcome two beautiful girls from Grade Five, they will bring us Chinese Dance!

M: 好了,所有节目都结束了。我们稍微休息一下,等待最后的结果出来。在这段时间,让我们一起来欣赏两位美丽的女孩带来的中国舞!

女: Thank you for giving so many suggestions to our party.I believe everyone here have learned a lot!

男: 谢谢您给选手提出的宝贵建议,我相信在这儿的每一个人都会从中学到很多知识!

女: Now, it’s time to know the final results.We would like to invite Ms.Zhang announcing the final results, Welcome!

男: 现在,宣布最后成绩的时间到了,请张书记宣布比赛结果,大家欢迎!

女: 我们被同学们精彩的节目所感动,谢谢他们精彩的表演,同学们,让我们再给他们以热烈的掌声!同时我们还应该感谢我们亲爱的评委!F: Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you, all audiences deserve a big round of applause, too.M: 最后,我们还应该感谢热情的观众和听众,给他们以热烈的掌声!女: Our English Party ends.Good bye!See you next time!




老师:Good afternoon everyone!

Today we have 11 teams to join the competition。Now , allow me to introduce rules for today's competition, We will give a mark from four sides.The full marks are ten.Including time , clothing, content, language and acting.今天我们共有11个代表队参加本次比赛。

首先,让我介绍一下比赛的规则,这次比赛每个评委将从服装道具,剧情内容,语言表达,角色配合等四方面评分,满分为十分marks for clothing.服装道具占 1 分,要求marks for language

语言表达占 3 分,要求流利清晰,语音语调准确,声音洪亮marks for acting

角色配合占 3 分marks for content

表演内容占 2 分接下来,我们有请主持人上场主持我们的比赛。他们分别是六2班的刘玄晨,六一班的孔雨欣,大家欢迎。

A: Good afternoon.dear teachers and students.B:敬爱的老师亲爱的同学们,大家下午好

in the sunny day,There is a great contest to be held here.That is our second English contestof No.1 primary School.在这个晴朗的日子里,我们一小迎来了第二届少儿英语大赛。

A::I am Liu Xuchen.B: I am Kong yuxin.BG:Thank you for your coming! 鞠躬

B:Maybe some students think that English is difficult and boring,G“也许有的学生觉得,英语很难学,而且很没意思。

B :But,today ,we will make you feel that English is very easy and excting.可是今天,同学的精彩演出会让你们感到英语既简单又很有意思。

Ok ,look at me please, I am atadpole ,I amlooking my mother,who is my mother?

A:1Now, it `s time for No 1。Their play `s nameis << The tadpoles looking for their mother>>









⑵Now let' s welcome Nummber 2!

《A tiger and fox>






⑷A: 每到放学,同学们都会买门口附近的小零食大吃特吃,可是,这些垃圾 食品卫生吗?吃多会不会对我们的健康产生不利影响呢?

B:现在我们一起看看小商贩是怎样制作你们爱吃的小零食的吧,请欣赏六一班和六三班联合表演的小品,糖果。A candy.⑸A:原来门外的许多零食就是这样加工出来的啊,哎呀,同学们,我们还是少吃为妙啊。





⑹ B:主持人:唱{门前大桥下,游过一群鸭,快来快来数一数,二四六七八。。}走上台,下面请欣赏一个非常有意思的短剧《乐于助人的小鸭子》A:请看来自五九班的短剧《Helpful duck》。

7>A: 女:同学们,你们听说过龟兔赛跑吗?是谁到达终点呢,是乌龟。那这个故事告诉了我们什么呢?

男:这个故事告诉我们凡事不要太过于自信,从而导致粗心大意,只有坚持到底,我们才有机会看到成功的曙光!下面请五9班为我们表演英语版短剧《The hare and the tortoisetortoise>>请大家欣赏

⑧A: 同学们,地球是我们美丽的家园,美丽的环境需要我们共同营造,文明的习惯靠我们平时一点一滴地养成。爱护地球、保护环境,从我做起。

B: 我们每个人都希望生活在一个清洁、舒适的环境中,可是,我们周围的人还是有人乱扔垃圾。看那边就有一个易拉罐,它哭得多伤心啊。下面我们一起欣赏五5班给我们带来的课本剧:易拉罐历险记《A beer can>

⑼女::我们都听过三个和尚没水喝的故事,可你们听过三只蝴蝶的故事吗? 三只蝴蝶是三个好朋友,他们在一起同甘共苦不分开,大风大雨见证了他们的深厚的友谊。

下面请欣赏《Three buttfflies>,it is from Class Two ,Grade Six.⑽A:please enjoy the story “little cat learn fishing.”


{⑾A: 拿一小镜 上,对镜子说:魔镜魔镜,告诉我,谁 是世上大帅哥? 我!B:抢小镜,你可拉倒吧,哪是你这样问得?应该像我这样,(咳嗽)mirror ,mirror on the wall ,告诉哀家 who 才是世上最 beatiful的女人呢?



B: 欢迎六5班为我们表演童话剧《snow white>


A:Let's thank our little actors from different classes for their wonderful shows.Best wishes and good luck to you!

B:在此也感谢各班小演员的精彩表现 , 祝愿你们学业有成,一切顺利。!A:Let's give them our warmest claps ,Thank you.B:同学们,用最热烈的掌声感谢他们,谢谢你们!

A:The contest isstop here.B:永城一小第二届英语课本剧比赛到此结束。再见!

齐:Good bye ,everyone.


Dear ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,Good evening.Thank you for coming to our Mid-Autumn Festival Party which was arranged by Menxin Educational centre.We would like to spend this wonderful time together.I hope everyone will enjoy this fantastic party.Now,first, Let’s enjoy the English song which sang by Menxin Educational centre teachers.All of teachers,please, come to here.Boys and girls, if you can sing this song,please sing together.Thanks all the teachers.Thank you for all the boys and girls.Now what we will do next ? It’s our mooncake DIY party time.Please welcome our baker with your warmly applause.At first, we will invite our baker to introduce how to make the mooncake.The first step is knead the dough by your small hands.The second step is filled the dough with bean paste or lotus paste.After that ,the mooncakes you made will be baked in the oven.During the waiting time , we will watch the show which is performed by lan hua tong.Ok, let’s enjoy the show.Now,it’s game time.At first, we need to learn some new words for our game.Please welcome our teacher Jessia to teach you some new words.Be hands for her.Now ,Let’s play a Word Game which called “Looking For Friends”.In order to make everyone know the game rules clearly, I will introduce the rules in Chinese.游戏规则:我们准备了两套卡片,每套卡片都有10张图片,10个英文单词,我们将要把小朋友分成两组,每组领取1套卡片,各组将在10分钟内将图片和单词进行配对,当时间到时,配对正确多的那组将获胜。

Now, the final result is coming,The winner is group , be hands for them , Although the group didn’t win the game ,we also give them a big round of applause.Thank you for your hard work, boys and girls ,you are the best one.Now, it’s time for us to take our mooncakes.Thank you for your participation.I’ll see you next time.



good evening, ladies and gentlemen.good evening, boys and girls.this place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts.judge introduction:

firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate contest.ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome mr.from...rule introduction:

now i would like to introduce the rules for this contest.no.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other majors.no.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up.no.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors.up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very well.and then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.so first, lets welcome group one…


their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.all the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition.i'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters.thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.now it's time for the result.which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very close.and i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.


Someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? The modern Los Angeles, the charming Sydney, or the historic Athens? No, none of them.The real rival is ourselves.It is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.Although the 2008 Olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in Nanchang.This time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in Nanchang.The special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of Nanchang.I suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is.Yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green Nanchang for the 2008 Olympic Games.Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the United States for about two years.I not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the American people's active way of protecting their environment.Now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of California will arise in my mind: white clouds flying across the blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.The positive actions of American people and the effective measures the American government takes in environment protection fully won my respects and deeply affected my consciousness in environment protection.When I was back in China, people often asked me: “ What do you think of America?” I always bolt out:“ Wonderful, especially the beautiful environment.” Frankly speaking, after several years, the faces of my American teachers and friends have gradually faded away from my mind, but the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California often arise in my mind, and became my dream of visiting there again.I remember that at the beginning of my coming to America, I often went to my father's working place, the United States Geological Survey, to have fun.Each time I found a lot of people riding bicycles to their offices.Among the cyclists, an old man with white hair attracted my attention.Curiously, I asked my father,“ Why does the old man ride his bike to work every day? Doesn't he have enough money to buy a car?” Father laughed, “No, not because of money.Actually, he is one of the greatest scientists in the world.He can afford to buy a motorcade if he likes.He is just an environmentalist and usually doesn't drive unless going shopping, or in bad weather.In America, there are a lot of environmentalists, who actively protect their environment.For example, in palo Alto city we are living now, there is even a bicycle-to-work day on May 19th every year to encourage people to decrease air pollution caused by cars”.Later, I also learnt another interesting fact of environment protection there.In some states of America, in order to decrease air pollution, save energy and reduce traffic jams, state governments encourage people to take buses to work or to share a car among several people.They even set special “diamond lanes” in some main streets, which are only for the vehicles with 2 or more people.From now on, if every student who is driven to school can take bus or ride bicycle to school once a week, if every car owner goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a difference.If everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life, the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California will appear in Nanchang.Tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest.Nanchang is often described as a beautiful and aged picture.If every Nanchang citizen adds a trait of green on the picture, the whole Nanchang will become an ocean of green.Let us unite together to win the competition of environment protection in Nanchang, and present the world a big gold medal.That is “Green Nanchang, Great Olympics ”

The 2008 Olympics provide us with the opportunity to publicize and practise environment protection in Nanchang.Is it possible for Nanchang to Is it possible for Nanchang to become as beautiful as California? The answer is “yes”, but the dream needs every Nanchang citizen's full support and active moves to accomplish.



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