其次,国内编制测验时所采用的测量理论和数据统计方法相对落后。20 世纪初产生的心理测量学,发展至今,主要经历了三个阶段:20 年代发展起来的经典测量理论(CTT),六七十年代发展起来的项目反应理论(IRT),以及从80 年代开始,在认知心理学和人工智能研究迅速发展背景下,出现的认知诊断理论。在众多认知诊断理论模型中,最受关注的要数规则空间模型(RSM)。
目前,美国已将第三代测量学技术 RSM应用于数学、医学、建筑和语言等等学科,如将 RSM应用于 SAT(ScholasticAptitude Test)。而国内还处于对 RSM进行初步的内容介绍阶段,实际应用研究很少,而且大多都是小规模的实验应用。所获国内的阅读障碍诊断测验也都是以 CTT为基础进行编制的,参考 RSM编制的标准化的阅读障碍诊断测验仍未出现。
第十条 夫妻一方婚前签订不动产买卖合同,以个人财产支付首付款并在银行贷款,婚后用夫妻共同财产还贷,不动产登记于首付款支付方名下的,离婚时该不动产由双方协议处理。依前款规定不能达成协议的,人民法院可以判决该不动产归产权登记一方,尚未归还的贷款为产权登记一方的个人债务。双方婚后共同还贷支付的款项及其相对应财产增值部分,离婚时应根据婚姻法第三十九条第一款规定的原则,由产权登记一方对另一方进行补偿。
作者:北京市博颢律师事务所 徐勇律师
第三篇:婚姻法 解释三 附英文
(三)》已于2011年7月4日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1525次会议通过,现予公布,自2011年8月13日起施行。二○一一年八月九日 法释〔2011〕18号 最高人民法院关于适用
为正确审理婚姻家庭纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国婚姻法》、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等相关法律规定,对人民法院适用婚姻法的有关问题作出如下解释: 第一条 当事人以婚姻法第十条规定以外的情形申请宣告婚姻无效的,人民法院应当判决驳回当事人的申请。
第二条 夫妻一方向人民法院起诉请求确认亲子关系不存在,并已提供必要证据予以证明,另一方没有相反证据又拒绝做亲子鉴定的,人民法院可以推定请求确认亲子关系不存在一方的主张成立。
当事人一方起诉请求确认亲子关系,并提供必要证据予以证明,另一方没有相反证据又拒绝做亲子鉴定的,人民法院可以推定请求确认亲子关系一方的主张成立。第三条 婚姻关系存续期间,父母双方或者一方拒不履行抚养子女义务,未成年或者不能独立生活的子女请求支付抚养费的,人民法院应予支持。
第四条 婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方请求分割共同财产的,人民法院不予支持,但有下列重大理由且不损害债权人利益的除外:
第五条 夫妻一方个人财产在婚后产生的收益,除孳息和自然增值外,应认定为夫妻共同财产。
第六条 婚前或者婚姻关系存续期间,当事人约定将一方所有的房产赠与另一方,赠与方在赠与房产变更登记之前撤销赠与,另一方请求判令继续履行的,人民法院可以按照合同法第一百八十六条的规定处理。
第七条 婚后由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产,产权登记在出资人子女名下的,可按照婚姻法第十八条第(三)项的规定,视为只对自己子女一方的赠与,该不动产应认定为夫妻一方的个人财产。由双方父母出资购买的不动产,产权登记在一方子女名下的,该不动产可认定为双方按照各自父母的出资份额按份共有,但当事人另有约定的除外。
第八条 无民事行为能力人的配偶有虐待、遗弃等严重损害无民事行为能力一方的人身权利或者财产权益行为,其他有监护资格的人可以依照特别程序要求变更监护关系;变更后的监护人代理无民事行为能力一方提起离婚诉讼的,人民法院应予受理。第九条 夫以妻擅自中止妊娠侵犯其生育权为由请求损害赔偿的,人民法院不予支持;夫妻双方因是否生育发生纠纷,致使感情确已破裂,一方请求离婚的,人民法院经调解无效,应依照婚姻法第三十二条第三款第(五)项的规定处理。
第十条 夫妻一方婚前签订不动产买卖合同,以个人财产支付首付款并在银行贷款,婚后用夫妻共同财产还贷,不动产登记于首付款支付方名下的,离婚时该不动产由双方协议处理。
依前款规定不能达成协议的,人民法院可以判决该不动产归产权登记一方,尚未归还的贷款为产权登记一方的个人债务。双方婚后共同还贷支付的款项及其相对应财产增值部分,离婚时应根据婚姻法第三十九条第一款规定的原则,由产权登记一方对另一方进行补偿。第十一条 一方未经另一方同意出售夫妻共同共有的房屋,第三人善意购买、支付合理对价并办理产权登记手续,另一方主张追回该房屋的,人民法院不予支持。
第十二条 婚姻关系存续期间,双方用夫妻共同财产出资购买以一方父母名义参加房改的房屋,产权登记在一方父母名下,离婚时另一方主张按照夫妻共同财产对该房屋进行分割的,人民法院不予支持。购买该房屋时的出资,可以作为债权处理。
第十三条 离婚时夫妻一方尚未退休、不符合领取养老保险金条件,另一方请求按照夫妻共同财产分割养老保险金的,人民法院不予支持;婚后以夫妻共同财产缴付养老保险费,离婚时一方主张将养老金账户中婚姻关系存续期间个人实际缴付部分作为夫妻共同财产分割的,人民法院应予支持。
第十四条 当事人达成的以登记离婚或者到人民法院协议离婚为条件的财产分割协议,如果双方协议离婚未成,一方在离婚诉讼中反悔的,人民法院应当认定该财产分割协议没有生效,并根据实际情况依法对夫妻共同财产进行分割。
第十五条 婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方作为继承人依法可以继承的遗产,在继承人之间尚未实际分割,起诉离婚时另一方请求分割的,人民法院应当告知当事人在继承人之间实际分割遗产后另行起诉。
第十六条 夫妻之间订立借款协议,以夫妻共同财产出借给一方从事个人经营活动或用于其他个人事务的,应视为双方约定处分夫妻共同财产的行为,离婚时可按照借款协议的约定处理。
第十七条 夫妻双方均有婚姻法第四十六条规定的过错情形,一方或者双方向对方提出离婚损害赔偿请求的,人民法院不予支持。第十八条 离婚后,一方以尚有夫妻共同财产未处理为由向人民法院起诉请求分割的,经审查该财产确属离婚时未涉及的夫妻共同财产,人民法院应当依法予以分割。第十九条 本解释施行后,最高人民法院此前作出的相关司法解释与本解释相抵触的,以本解释为准。
Interpretations of the Supreme People’s Court about Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China(III)
(Adopted at the1525th meeting, on July 4, 2011 by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court)
With a view to correctly hearing the cases of disputes over marriage and families, interpretations of relevant problems on the application of Marriage Law by people’s court of law are made as follow, according to Marriage Law of the PRC, Civil Procedure Law of the PRC and other relevant laws and regulations: Article 1 The court shall dismiss the application by a party concerned for the declaration of annulment of marriage according to the situations other than the one specified in the Article 10 of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China,.In case a party concerned brings a civil action to claim revocation of marriage registration on the ground that the marriage registration process was flawed, they shall be informed that they may apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit.Article 2 Where one party of the couple plead with the court to confirm the inexistence of parent-child relationship and has provided necessary evidences to prove it, while the other party does not have the opposite evidence but refuses to do the paternity test, the court may presume that the claim held by such party who pleads confirmation of inexistence of parent-child relationship is upheld..If one party pleads with the court to confirm parent-child relationship, and provides the necessary evidence to prove it, while the other party has no evidence to the contrary but refuses to do the paternity test, the court may presume that the claim held by such party who pleads confirmation of existence of parent-child relationship is upheld.Article 3 The court shall support the pleading for maintenance claimed by minor children or those children who can not live independently if both parents or one parent refuses to assume the obligation to support children during the existence of the matrimonial relationship.Article 4 The court shall not support the pleading to divide the community property made by a party of the couple during the existence of the matrimonial relationship, except for the following major reasons and without prejudice to the rights and interests of creditors:
a)Where one party has the acts, including, without limitation, hiding, transferring, selling off, destructing, squandering property jointly owned or forging joint debts, which seriously damages the rights and interests in and to properties jointly owned by the couple.b)Where the people for whom one party concerned has statutory support obligations suffers from serious diseases and needs medical treatment, the other party does not agree to pay the medical expenses.Article 5 The revenue generated by one party’s personal property after marriage, except for Fructus and unearned increment , should be recognized as property jointly owned by the two parities in marriage.Article 6 Where the parties concerned have agreed that one party gives away his or her real property to the other party before or during the existence of the marriage, and then revokes the contract of gift before the registration of the gift real property has been changed, the other party pleads an order of specific performance, the people’s court may deal with the case in accordance with the provisions in Article 186 of the Contact Law.Article 7 Where the title of real estate bought by the parents of one party after marriage is registered in the name of the son or daughter of such parents, it is deemed to be donation to their son or daughter and thus to be the personal property of their son or daughter in accordance with the Article 18(3)of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China.Where the purchase of real estate is financed by parents of both parties, and the title of the real property is registered in the name of one party, the property is deemed be property by jointly owned in accordance with their parents’ respective share of contribution unless otherwise agreed by the parties.Article 8 In case the spouse of the person without capacity for civil conduct has any act, including, without limitation, abuse and abandonment, which jeopardizes the personal or property rights of the party without capacity for civil conduct, others with custody eligibility may plead a change in guardianship in compliance with special procedures;where the substituted guardian takes a divorce proceedings for the party without capacity for civil conduct, the court should accept it.Article 9 The court shall not support the pleading made by the husband for damages on the ground of unauthorized termination of pregnancy by his wife and infringement on his reproductive rights;where both husband and wife dispute over childbearing, resulting in actual rupture of emotion, if a party pleads a divorce, the people’s court shall deal with it in accordance with the provisions in Article 32(3)of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China after mediation fails.Article 10 Where one party in the marriage has signed a real estate purchase contract before marriage, pays the down payment with his/her personal property, takes a loan from the bank, repays the bank mortgage with the community property of both parties after marriage and registers the real estate under the name of the payer of down payment, both parties shall dispose of the real estate by mutual agreement at the time of divorce.Where both parties fail to reach an agreement based on the preceding paragraph, the people’s court may rule that such real estate vests in the party under whose name the real estate is registered and the loan outstanding thereof shall be the personal debt of such party.In respect of the loan repayment jointly paid by both parties after marriage and the corresponding property increment of the real estate, the party under whose name the real estate is registered shall make compensation to the other party at the time of divorce in accordance with the principle specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 39 of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China.Article 11 Where one party in the marriage sells a house under co-ownership without the consent of the other party, the third person makes the purchase and payment in good faith with reasonable consideration and completes the property ownership registration formalities, the people’s court shall not uphold the claim made by the other party of the couple for the recovery of the house.(Where one party in the marriage disposes of the real estate under co-ownership without the consent of the other party, thereby resulting in the loss of the other party of the couple, and the other party claims for compensation of the loss, the people’s count shall uphold such claim.)Article 12 During the existence of the marriage, Where both parties in the marriage make capital contribution to purchase a house under the housing reform scheme in the name of one party’s parent(s), the property ownership is registered under the name of such party’s parent, the people’s court shall not uphold the claim made by the other party for division of the house as their community property at the time of divorce.Such contribution for the purchase of a house may be treated as creditor’s rights.Article 13 Where one party in the marriage, at the time of divorce, has not retired and fails to meet the requirements for receiving endowment insurance benefits, the people’s court shall not uphold the claim of the other party for division of the endowment insurance benefits as their community property;where the endowment insurance premium is paid with the community property of both parties after marriage and one party makes a claim, at the time of divorce, for division of the portion in the pension account actually paid by him/her during the marriage as the community property of both parties, the people’s court shall uphold such claim.Article 14 Where the parties concerned have reached the property division agreement for the purpose of registered divorce or uncontest divorce filed with the court, but the two parties have failed to reach the divorce agreement and one party goes back on his or her words in the divorce proceedings, the court shall conclude that the agreement for the property division has not gone into effect, and divide the community property according to the actual situation.Article 15 Where in the duration of marriage, the estate that one party can inherit as one of heirs has not been distributed between heirs, and when suing for divorce, the other party requests for distribution the court shall inform the party that he or she should file another suit after the estate will be distributed between heirs.Article 16 lf a borrowing agreement has been concluded between husband and wife to have community property lend to a party for personal business activities, or for other personal matters, the agreement shall be deemed to be an act of disposal of community property as agreed upon.When filing a lawsuit for divorce, the dispute can be handled in accordance with provisions in the borrowing agreement.Article 17 Where both parties have the faults specified in Article 46 of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, the people’s court shall not support the claim made by either or both parties for damages for divorce against the other party.Article 18 After the divorce, if one party files to the court requesting splitting the undivided community property, and after verification that the property proves indeed to be the community property which has not been divided in divorce, the court shall divide it in accordance with the law.Article 19 After the implementation of these interpretations, if there are any discrepancies between these interpretations and previous relevant judicial interpretations made by the Supreme People’s Court and these interpretations shall prevail.
第四条 婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方请求分割共同财产的,人民法院不予支持,但有下列重大理由且不损害债权人利益的除外:
第五条 夫妻一方个人财产在婚后产生的收益,除孳息和自然增值外,应认定为夫妻共同财产。
第六条 婚前或者婚姻关系存续期间,当事人约定将一方所有的房产赠与另一方,赠与方在赠与房产变更登记之前撤销赠与,另一方请求判令继续履行的,人民法院可以按照合同法第一百八十六条的规定处理。
第七条 婚后由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产,产权登记在出资人子女名下的,可按照婚姻法第十八条第(三)项的规定,视为只对自己子女一方的赠与,该不动产应认定为夫妻一方的个人财产。
第十条 夫妻一方婚前签订不动产买卖合同,以个人财产支付首付款并在银行贷款,婚后用夫妻共同财产还贷,不动产登记于首付款支付方名下的,离婚时该不动产由双方协议处理。
第十六条 夫妻之间订立借款协议,以夫妻共同财产出借给一方从事个人经营活动或用于其他个人事务的,应视为双方约定处分夫妻共同财产的行为,离婚时可按照借款协议的约定处理。