Ok, so this is pretty much what things happened so far.Ross was in love with Rachel since forever,but every times he tried to tell her,something got in the way, like cats,Italian guy.And finally Chandler was like,”forget about her!” When Ross was in China,Chandler let it slip that Ross loved Rachel.She was like “Oh,my god!”So she went to the airport to meet him when he came back.But what she didn’t know was Ross was getting off the plane with another woman.So that’s pretty much everything you need to know.第一幕:机场
(Flight number 475 from Beijing now arriving.)(Ross和Julie下飞机,两个人很亲热的样子,Rachel在一边拿着花很惊讶和惊慌失措)
Rachel: Oh my god,Oh my god!(转头,边惊慌失措边推开等候的人群)Move move move!Excuse me.Emergency please!Excuse me!(踩上一个椅子试图越过去然后不小心摔倒,爬起来继续赶紧往外走)
Ross:Rach!(Rachel 转过身满脸堆笑)Rachel:Oh there you are!(两人相拥)
Rachel:So..so..How was China.YOU!(用花打Ross)
Ross: It was great.(注意到Rachel摔倒流血了)Oh,what happened?You’re bleeding.Rachel: I am?Oh look at that yes I am.Ok enough about me,enough about me,Mr.Back From The Orient.Come on,I wanna hear everthing!EVERTHING!(说完盯着Julie堆笑)
Ross: Well, where shoud I start?Umm..well this is Julie,this is Rachel.Rachel:Hi!(R和J 握手)Umm..(突然注意到手上的花束)oh,these are… are…(Ross刚想一把接过花)aren’t for you!(指的是Ross)And these are for you!(指的是julie)Welcome to our country!
Julie:Thank you!I’m from New York.Rachel:Oh well,not a problem,I just use them to stop the bleeding~Ok baggage claim?
Ross & Julie:OK!(三人一起拉着行李回去)
Monica:(对Chandler)I’m telling you she went to the airport and she’s gonna go for it for Ross.Phoebe: Oh my god!This is huge!This is bigger than huge!This is like…What’s bigger than huge?
Joey: This?
Pheobe: That’s it.(Monica突然注意到两个男生剪了头发)
Monica: Guys, you got new haircut?!
Chandler & Joey: Yes we did.Thanks to Vodal Buffay!
Pheobe: Cuz you know,”if you don’t look good,we don’t look good.”Oh I love that voice~(此时Rachel破门而入气喘吁吁)
四个人 : Oh Rach!
Rachel: Airport.Airport!Ross… not alone…Julie…Arm around her!Ooooh,cramp,cramp cramp!(捂着肚子蹲下,跑的岔气了)
Chandler:I guess she’s trying to tell us something.Quick ,get the verb!(Rachel打了Chandler一巴掌,指着他)
Rachel: YOU!YOU!You said he liked me!YOU!YOU!(Ross和Julie提着行李走进来)
Rachel: You slowpokes!(对Ross)
Ross:that’s alright,we got the bags.Hi!Hello!(和Monica拥抱一个)Julie, this is my sister Monica,this is Chandler,Phoebe,and Joey.Everyone,this is Julie.Rachel:(轻声)Julie!
Julie: Hi!But I’m not here,you haven’t met me.I’ll make a better impression when I don’t have 20 hours of plane on me.Ross:And bus.Julie:Oh my god!With the sreaming guy and the spitting!
Ross: You gotta hear the story.Julie: We’re on the bus that’s 200 years old.Ross:200 at least.Julie:And a…
Rachel:And the chiken poops in her laps!(所有人看着Rachel尴尬,Rachel大笑。捂嘴)
Rachel:I’m so sorry.I just gave away the ending didn’t I?I just heard this story in the cab and it’s all I can think about.Monica:…This is amazing.How..how did this happened?
Julie:well,Ross and I were in grad school together.Ross: But we haven’t seen each other since then.I land in China,guess who’s in charge for the dig?
Rachel:JULIE!Isn’t that great?
Ross: We just wanna come and say a quik hi,then we’re gonna see the baby,then get some sleep.In China,It’s 6:00 tomorrow night,our time.Julie:So see you everybody~
Ross: Bye!(Rachel关门,大家很无奈地面面相觑)
(Rachel ,Joey和Ross正在看电视,这时电话铃响了,Ross去接电话)
Ross:Hey Julie!(然后拿着电话走开了)(Rachel白了他一眼,继续看电视。过了一会儿,Ross回来了,继续听电话并在Rachel旁边坐下)
Ross:Oh,that is so sweet!No,no, you hang up.No..Ok ok,one two three…(对Rachel做“嘘“的动作)You didn’t hang up either!(对Rachel说)She didn’t hang up.(Rachel假笑)No, no,you hang up,YOU,YOU,YO..(Rachel抢过来电话一把按挂掉递还给Ross)
Rachel: Sorry I thought that you talked to me.Ross:Rachel…I just call her back.Oh sweetie we just got disconnected.(Ross走去阳台和Julie继续通话调情.)
Rachel:Ok ok ok,how did this happen to me?A week ago,2 weeks ago,I was fine.Ross was just Ross,just this guy.Now all of a sudden he’s ROSS…a really great guy I can’t have!
Monica: Oh sweetie,I want you to have him too.Rachel: I know you did.I’m just gonna deal with it,I’m just gonna deal with it.(Ross此时走过来那一个苹果走边打电话边和Julie调情)Rachel:I gotta get out of here!
(咖啡馆里Monica,Phoebe,Joey,Chandler,Rachel在聊天,突然Phoebe看到窗外 Ross和julie在亲热)
Phoebe: Oh Rachel,don’t look.Rachel: What?(一笑而过)Come on guys,I don’t care,I have a date tonight.Joey: Oh oh oh,you have a date?!
Rachel: Yeah~Monica’s setting me up.Monica: Yeah~A client of mine.Joey: OK,what about Ross and…Umm..Rachel: You mean my whole insane jealousy thing?Well you know,as much fun as that was I decided to opt for sanity.Chandler: So you really OK about all this?
Rachel: Oh yeah,come on,I’m moving on.They can do whatever they want.I don’t care anymore!
(Rachel约会一直灌闷酒喝得微醺)Waiter: Would you like some dessert?
John: No,no dessert.Just the check please.Rachel: You don’t have fun,do you?
John: No,I do.Just because we have a lot of drinks.Rachel: Oh look at me.I’m on a date with a really great guy,but all I can think about is Ross,and his Julie.I just wanna get over him,why can’t I do that?
John: Look,I’ve been through a divorce,trust me,you’re gonna be fine.You can’t see it because you haven’t had closure…
Rachel: Closure!That’s what it is!That’s what I need!God,you’re brilliant!Why didn’t I think of that?How do I get that?
John: Well there’s no one way.Whatever it takes so that you can finally tell him:I’m over you.Rachel: Over you,that’s what it is.(掏出手机打电话.电话接通)Machine,wait.John: Good.Rachel: Ross,hi,it’s Rachel.I’m just calling you to say that everything is fine.And I’m really happy for you and Julie.So obviously I’m over you.I AM OVER YOU.And that’s what my friend called closure.第六幕:公寓里
Ross:Why are you looking me like that?
Rachel: sorry I don’t know.Did we speak on a phone last night?Did you call me?
Ross: No I stayed at julie’s last night.I haven’t been home yet do you mind if I check my messages?
Rachel: Oh yeah go ahead.Ross: Rach I’ve got a message from you.What do you mean you’re over me?
Rachel: Oh god.Ross: When were you … under me?
Rachel: OK OK.basically lately,I’ve sort of had some feelings for you.Ross: You…you had feelings for me?
Rachel: Yeah what?You had feelings for me first!
Ross: well, but you know,I have Julie.Julie,that’s…oh god!I need to lie down.No I’m gonna stand.I’m gonna walk.I’m walking and standing…So now you’re over me?
Rachel: Are you over me?
Ross: Umm…I don’t know…Oh oh,Julie’s waiting for me!I gotta go.I gotta go.Rachel: OK OK…
Ross: What am I gonna do?It’s like a complete nightmare!
Chandler: I know this is so hard.Two women love you.They are both gorgeous.Joey: Listen Ross,I’ve got two words for you,Threesome.Chandler: OK,let’s get logical about it.We’ll write down a list,”Rachel and Julie,pros and cons.”
Joey: Let’s start with the cons because they are both more fun.Rachel first.Ross: I don’t know.She’s a little spoiled sometimes.I guess she’s a little ditzy sometimes you know.And I’ve see she’s a little too into her looks.And Julie we have a lot in common because we are both paleontologists,but Rachel’s just a waitress.Chandler: Waitress.What else?
Ross: I don’t know…
Chandler: OK,what about Julie?
Ross: Ehhh…She’s not Rachel.(Rachel进来)
Rachel: Hey guys do you have…(看见Ross)Hi you’re here too.(Chandler和Joey发现大事不妙手忙脚乱把清单藏起来)
Rachel: What are you hiding?
C&J: Nothing,Just a resipe.Rachel: well,it seems you guys stick my back, I wanna have a look at it.Now!(C和J很不情愿把单子给Rachel看了)
Rachel: Oh I see.I’m spoiled,ditzy, over into my looks and I’m just a waitress.Ross: Let me complaine this,I’ve loved you for 10 years.And I found I can’t find someone to take place of you in my deep heart even Julie,you know,She’s not you.That’s the only con she has.Rachel: You mean you have a stronger feeling for me than her?
Ross: Yes.I mean,It’s always been you.(Ross和Rachel拥抱。剧终。)
101.The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate(The Pi, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Central Park: 中央公园,坐落于纽约曼哈顿市中心
-Monica: There's nothing to tell!He's just some guy I work with!guy: 男人,家伙
work with: 与„.共事 没什么好说的!他不过是我的同事!
-Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy!There's gotta be something wrong with him!gotta=have got to: 必须
-Chandler: All right Joey, be nice.So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? hump: 驼背
hairpiece: 假发
打住,Joey,嘴下留德。他驼背?既驼背又带假发?-Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk? chalk: 粉笔
(They all stare, bemused.)stare: 盯,凝视 bemuse: 发呆
-Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl-oh!go through: 经历
-Monica: Okay, everybody relax.This is not even a date.It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.relax: 放松 date: 约会 have sex: 发生性行为
各位别急,这不算约会。我们不过是出去吃晚餐,而且没做爱。-Chandler: Sounds like a date to me.sound like: 听起来
[Time Lapse] lapse: 飞逝
-Chandler: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked.alright: 好吧
cafeteria: 食堂
realize: 意识
totally: 完全
naked: 裸体的,无装饰的 记得中学时代的梦,我站在自助餐厅,突然发现自己全身赤裸。-All: Oh, yeah.Had that dream.dream: 梦
-Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone...there.look down: 低头看
我低头一看,看见有一支电话„„在那儿。-Joey: Instead of...? 而不是„„?-Chandler: That's right.没错。
-Joey: Never had that dream.我没做过那样的梦-Phoebe: No.没有。
-Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring.Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me.all of a sudden: 突然
那支电话突然响起,而我不知道怎么办,每个人都开始望着我。-Monica: And they weren't looking at you before?!他们以前不看你吗?!
-Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because-she never calls me!figure: 认为,领会到
turn out: 结果是
weird: 怪异的
[Time Lapse, Ross has entered.] enter: 进来
-Ross:(mortified)Hi.motified: 受辱的,羞愧的 嗨。
-Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.wanna=want to 仅用口语
-Monica: Are you okay, sweetie? sweetie: [口语]心爱者,爱人,恋人,情人;亲爱的人
-Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...reach: 到达,伸出
throat: 喉咙
grab: 抓取,抢去
intestine: 肠
pull out of: 把„„从„„.拉出来
mouth: 嘴
tie: 系
around: 周围
neck: 脖子,颈
我感觉有人把手伸入我的喉咙,抓起我的肠子,从我的口中取出,然后绑在我脖子上„„ 【《大话西游》里面一开始孙猴子发狠就是这样子讲的,不知道是谁抄袭谁,这里Ross用来形容妻子Carol是Lesbian并同他离婚后的心情。】-Chandler: Cookie? 饼干?
-Monica:(explaining to the others)Carol moved her stuff out today.explain: 解释
stuff: 东西 Carol今天把她的东西搬走了。-Joey: Ohh.哦
-Monica:(to Ross)Let me get you some coffee.我帮你泡杯咖啡-Ross: Thanks.谢谢
-Phoebe: Ooh!Oh!(She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)pluck: 摘,拉,拔
-Ross: No, no don't!Stop cleansing my aura!No, just leave my aura alone, okay? cleanse: 使...清洁,净化,使...纯洁
aura: 气味,气息【然后当Ross坐下来之后,旁边的Phoebe想帮Ross除下晦气(Phoebe就是这么的相信神鬼之说),Ross说到“Stop cleansing my aura”。这句话中aura这个词是指的头顶上的光环,就像天使头上顶的那个甜麦圈】 不要„„别清理我的灵气。可是„„别碰我的灵气就是了。
-Phoebe: Fine!Be murky!murky: 晦气的,黑暗的【Murky这个词字典里面是黑暗的、阴暗的意思,这个地方可以理解为晦气、倒霉,这个是句很实用的用法】 好吧,保持晦气!
-Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone.I hope she'll be very happy.我会没事的,真的,我祝她幸福。-Monica: No you don't.不,你不会的。
-Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me!hell: 地狱
-Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...lesbian: 同性恋的女性
-Ross: No!Okay?!Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know? fixate: 使固定【Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 这句话很实用,意思是为什么你们总是提起那件事呢?因为Joey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事儿,Ross非常恼火,于是冒出这样一句,我们平常生活中也可以用一下】 没有!行了吧?!为何大家都围着这个话题打转?连她不知道,我怎会知道。-Chandler: Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian...(They all stare at him.)Did I say that out loud? stare at: 盯着看
loud: 大声的
有时真希望自己也是个女同志。我刚刚大声说出来了吗?-Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well.seem: 好像 take: 接受
pretty: 很,非常 昨晚我告诉我父母,他们好像还挺好。
-Monica: Oh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a woman at sobbing 3:00 A.M., hysterical: 歇斯底里的 sobbing: 呜咽,抽噎 真的吗,凌晨三点我接到一个电话,一个女人歇斯底里地向我哭诉,“I'll never have grandchildren, I'll never have grandchildren.” was what? A wrong number? grandchildren: 孙儿女们
“我不能抱孙子了,我不能抱孙子了。”那是什么?打错了?-Ross: Sorry.对不起
-Joey: Alright Ross, look.You're feeling a lot of pain right now.You're angry.You're hurting.Can I tell you what the answer is? pain: 痛苦
hurt: 受伤
(Ross gestures his consent.)gesture: 手势
consent: 同意
-Joey: Strip joint!C'mon, you're single!Have some hormones!C'mon=come on single: 单身
hormones: 贺尔蒙,性激素【joint的意思是地点,场地,通常用在不怎么高雅的地方。Strip就是脱的意思,而stripper就是指的脱衣舞娘/男,这个意思绝对是字典里面查不到的】
-Ross: I don't want to be single, okay? I just...I just-I just wanna be married again!我不想单身的。我只想再结婚。
(Rachel enters in a wet wedding dress and starts to search the room.)enter: 进
wet: 湿
wedding dress: 结婚礼服
search: 搜索,查找
-Chandler: And I just want a million dollars!(He extends his hand hopefully.)million: 一百万
extend: 伸展
hand: 手
hopefully: 有希望地 我只想要一百万!-Monica: Rachel?!Rachel?-Rachel: Oh God Monica hi!Thank God!天啊,Monica,谢天谢地!
I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are, you are!hammer: 锤,榔头 我到过你的住处,你不在。有个拿着一根大榔头的人说你可能会在这儿,结果你真的在这儿。-Waitress: Can I get you some coffee? 想来杯咖啡吗?
-Monica:(pointing at Rachel)De-caff.(to All)Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor.point: 指向
De-caff: 无咖啡因咖啡
survivor: 幸存者
(to Rachel)This is everybody, this is Chandler, and Phoebe, and Joey, and-you remember my brother Ross? 这位叫Chandler,Phoebe,Joey。还记得我哥Ross吗?-Rachel: Hi, sure!当然,嗨。-Ross: Hi.嗨
(They go to hug but Ross's umbrella opens.He sits back down defeated again.A moment of silence follows as Rachel sits and the others expect her to explain.)hug: 拥抱
umbrella: 雨伞
defeated: 失败
silence: 安静
follow: 跟着
expect: 期待
explain: 解释
-Monica: So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for wet bridesmaids? wanna= want to bridesmaids: 伴娘
-Rachel: Oh God...well, it started about a half hour before the wedding.wedding: 婚礼
I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, presents: 礼物
我在堆放礼物的房间里,and I was looking at this gravy boat.看着船形卤肉盘,This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat.非常漂亮的船形卤肉盘,When all of a sudden 突然间„.(to the waitress that brought her coffee)waitress: 女服务员
-Rachel: Sweet 'n' Low? 低糖吗?
I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry!turn on: 有兴趣
turn off: 没兴趣
我了解船形卤肉盘此Barry更能引起我的“性趣” And then I got really freaked out, freak out: 吓坏了【这个词是在口语中使用频率相当高】 我自己都吓了一跳,and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr.Potato Head.Barry愈看愈像猪头先生。
You know, I mean, I always knew looked familiar, familiar: 熟悉
but...Anyway, I just had to get out of there, anyway: 不管怎样 总之,我必须离开。
and I started wondering 'Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for?'.wonder: 想
我开始想,我为何这么做?我为谁这样做?(to Monica)So anyway I just didn't know where to go, 于是我不知该走往何处,and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, kinda=kind of: 有点
drift: 漂移
apart: 分开的 我知道你我日渐疏远。
but you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.但是你是我在这个城市,认识的唯一一个人。-Monica: Who wasn't invited to the wedding.invite: 邀请
-Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue...issue: 争论 这件事就甭提啦。
[Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying to figure out what is going on.] apartment: 公寓
soap: 肥皂剧
figure out: 弄清楚
-Monica: Now I'm guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it.guess: 猜
pipe organ: 管风琴
我猜他送她一台管风琴,她肯定不喜欢,-Chandler:(imitating the characters)Tuna or egg salad? Decide!imitate: 模仿
character: 人物
decide: 决定 金枪鱼还是鸡蛋沙拉?快决定!
-Ross:(in a deep voice)I'll have whatever Christine is having.deep: 低
voice: 声音
Christine 吃什么我就吃什么。
-Rachel:(on phone)Daddy, I just...I can't marry him!I'm sorry.I just don't love him.Well, it matters to me!matter: 事情
(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair.)hold: 拿着,握着,持有
-Phoebe: If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off.let go of: 释放
fall off: 跌落
-Chandler:(re TV)Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants.wear: 穿 pant: 裤子 她不该穿那条裤子。
-Joey: I say push her down the stairs.我建议把她下楼,-Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey: Push her down the stairs!Push her down the stairs!Push her down the stairs!推她下楼!推她下楼!推她下楼!
(She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers.)cheer: 欢呼
-Rachel: C'mon Daddy, listen to me!爸,你听我说„„
It's like, it's like, all of my life, everyone has always told me, 大家这样评价我这一辈子:
You're a shoe!You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!'.你是一只鞋„„
And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? 今天我倒想看看如果我不再是鞋会怎样。What if I wanna be a-a purse, you know? purse: 皮包
Or a-or a hat!No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying I am a ha-It's a metaphor, Daddy!metaphor: 隐喻,暗喻
-Ross: You can see where he'd have trouble.'d=had/=did/=should/=would 你看他也有些问题。
-Rachel: Look Daddy, it's my life.Well maybe I'll just stay here with Monica.爸,这是我的人生。或许我会和Monica住在这儿。
-Monica: Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica...establish: 建立
-Rachel: Well, maybe that's my decision.Well, maybe I don't need your money.Wait!Wait, I said maybe!或许那是我的决定。或许我不希罕你的钱。等一下,等一下„„我说的是或许!
[Time Lapse, Rachel is breathing into a paper bag.] breath: 呼吸
paper bag: 纸袋
-Monica: Just breathe, breathe.That’s it.Just try to think of nice calm things...calm: 冷静 深呼吸,就这样。试着想着美好的事物„„
-Phoebe:(sings)Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens,(Rachel and Monica turn to look at her.)bluebells and sleighbells and-something with mittens...La la la la...something and noodles with string.These are a few...raindrop: 雨滴
rose: 玫瑰
rabbit: 兔子
kitten: 小猫
bluebell: 风铃草
sleighbell: 雪橇铃
mitten: 连指手套
noodle: 面条
string: 一串
-Rachel: I'm all better now.我现在好多了。
-Phoebe:(grins and walks to the kitchen and says to Chandler and Joey.)I helped!grin: 露齿而笑
kitchen: 厨房 我的功劳。
-Monica: Okay, look, this is probably for the best, you know? Independence.Taking control of your life.The whole, 'hat' thing.probably: 或许
Independence: 独立
control: 控制 或许这样最好,要自立,决定自己的事情。
-Joey:(comforting her)And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey.Me and Chandler live across the hall.And he's away a lot.comfort: 安慰
across: 穿过
有任何需要找Joey准没错。我和Chandler就住在对面,而且他经常不在家。-Monica: Joey, stop hitting on her!It's her wedding day!hit on: 俚语,泡(女孩子)
Joey,少趁虚而入了,今天是她结婚的日子。-Joey: What, like there's a rule or something? rule: 规则
(The door buzzer sounds and Chandler gets it.)buzzer: 门铃
-Chandler: Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound.horrible: 令人讨厌的 别再这样,声音很刺耳。
-Paul:(over the intercom)It's, uh, it's Paul.intercom: 对讲机
-Monica: Oh God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in!buzz: 通过门铃开门
天啊,6:30了吗?让他进来!-Joey: Who's Paul? Paul是谁?
-Ross: Paul the Wine Guy, Paul? 调酒的那个Paul?-Monica: Maybe.或许吧。
-Joey: Wait.Your 'not a real date' tonight is with Paul the Wine Guy? 等等,你今晚该不是真的要和调酒的那个Paul约会吧?-Ross: He finally asked you out? 他终于开口约你了?-Monica: Yes!是
-Chandler: Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment.Dear Diary moment: 可以载入日记的时刻 终于被你等到了。
-Monica: Rach, wait, I can cancel...cancel: 取消
Rachel,等等,我可以取消。-Rachel: Please, no, go, that'd be fine!不用了,你去吧,我不会有事的。
-Monica:(to Ross)Are, are you okay? I mean, do you want me to stay? Ross,你没事吧。你要我留下来吗?-Ross:(choked voice)That'd be good.Choked: 卡住,阻塞..那样最好„„
-Monica:(horrified)Really? horrified: 恐惧的 真的吗?
-Ross:(normal voice)No, go on!It's Paul the Wine Guy!normal: 正常
voice: 声音 假的,去吧!是Paul,调酒师耶!
-Phoebe: What does that mean? Does he sell it, drink it, or just complain a lot?(Chandler doesn't know.)complain: 抱怨
(There's a knock on the door and it's Paul.)knock: 敲门声
-Monica: Hi, come in!Paul, this is..(They are all lined up next to the door.)...everybody, everybody, this is Paul.line up: 排队
请进!Paul,这位是„„„„各位,各位,他就是Paul。-All: Hey!Paul!Hi!The Wine Guy!Hey!Paul„„调酒大师。
-Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.Paul, was it? 抱歉,我没听清楚你名字。Paul,是吗?-Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...我马上就好,我去,去„„-Ross: A wandering? wandering: 精神错乱;神志恍惚 神魂恍惚啦?
-Monica: Change!Okay, sit down.(Shows Paul in)Two seconds.second: 秒
-Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes.That can't be good.pull out: 拔
eyelash: 睫毛 我刚拔掉四根睫毛,不妙。
(Monica goes to change.)
-Joey: Hey, Paul!嗨,Paul-Paul: Yeah? 嗯
-Joey: Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.tip: 暗示;指点
rub: 摩擦
spot: 点
over and over again: 反反复复
-Monica:(yelling from the bedroom)Shut up, Joey!yell: 大叫
bedroom: 卧室
shut up: 闭嘴 你给我闭嘴!Joey-Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh...what're you up to tonight? Rachel,你打算如何渡过今晚?
-Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!suppose: 本应该
head for: 朝什么地方去
honeymoon: 蜜月 我应该在前往阿鲁巴渡蜜月的途中,因此没了!-Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, 我懂,你没去渡蜜月。
God..No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year..不是这样的,虽然阿鲁巴在此时„„
big lizards...Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, lizard: 蜥蜴
alone: 孤独
tonight: 今晚
有很多„„大蜥蜴,如果你今晚不想独处,Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture.come over: 过来
put together: 合在一起
furniture: 家具 Joey和Chandler要到我那儿帮我组合新家俱,-Chandler: Yes, and we're very excited about it.excited: 兴奋的
对,我们都相当兴奋。-Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight.It's been kinda a long day.a ctually: 实际上
hang out: 闲逛
tonight: 今晚
kinda: 有一点,有几分
谢谢,但我今晚想待在这儿,我折磨了一天。-Ross: Okay, sure.好吧,当然。
-Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help? Pheebs,想帮忙吗?
-Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.我可以去,但我不去。
[Scene: The Subway, Phoebe is singing for change.] Subway: 地铁 sing: 唱歌 change: 零钱
-Phoebe:(singing)Love is sweet as summer showers, love is a wondrous work of art, but your love oh your love, your love...is like a giant pigeon...crapping on my heart.La-la-la-la-la-(some guy gives her some change and to that guy)Thank you.(sings)La-la-la-la...ohhh wondrous:令人惊奇的,非常的 pigeon:鸽子 crap: [粗俗语]拉屎
[Scene: Ross's Apartment, the guys are there assembling furniture.] assemble: 聚集,集合 furniture: 家具
-Ross:(squatting and reading the instructions)I'm supposed to attach a bracket thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys.squat: 蹲
instruction: 说明书
attach: 附上,系上 bracket: 支架 我应该用蜗杆将托架装在侧面,I have no bracket thing, I see no whim guys whatsoever and I cannot feel my legs.a bunch of: 一堆,一束
whim: 绞盘 whatsoever: 任何 但我没看见托架和蜗杆,而且,我的脚好麻。
(Joey and Chandler are finishing assembling the bookcase.)bookcase: 书架,书柜
-Joey: I'm thinking we've got a bookcase here.我想我们做好书架了。
-Chandler: It's a beautiful thing.真漂亮。
-Joey:(picking up a leftover part)What's this? pick up: 捡起
leftover: 留下的part: 零件 这是什么?
-Chandler: I would have to say that is an 'L'-shaped bracket.shape: 形状
bracket: 支架 我只能说这是个“L”型托架。-Joey: Which goes where? 是哪儿的?
-Chandler: I have no idea.我也不知道。
(Joey checks that Ross is not looking and dumps it in a plant.)check: 发现 dump: 扔 plant: 植物
-Joey: Done with the bookcase!done: 完成
-Chandler: All finished!终于做好了!
-Ross:(clutching a beer can and sniffing)This was Carol's favorite beer.She always drank it out of the can, I should have known.clutch: 抓牢
can: 厅
sniff: 嗅
favorite: 喜爱
这是Carol最爱喝的啤酒。她总是不用杯子喝,我早该知道。-Joey: Hey-hey-hey-hey, if you're gonna start with that stuff we're out here.stuff: 东西
嗨„„„„如果你再这样,我们就走了。-Chandler: Yes, please don't spoil all this fun.spoil: 破坏
fun: 乐趣
-Joey: Ross, let me ask you a question.She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV-what did you get? stereo: 立体声
Ross,我问你一个问题。她分得家俱,音响和好电视。你分得什么?-Ross: You guys.你们。
-Chandler: Oh, God.天啊。
-Joey: You got screwed.get screwed: 吃亏,上当 你昏头了吧。-Chandler: Oh my God!嗯,天啊!
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.]
-Monica: Oh my God!嗯,天啊。
-Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot.idiot: 白痴
I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week.catch on:理解,明白;熟悉情况(常与to连用)dentist: 牙医 她每周看四五次牙医时我就该了解,I mean, how clean can teeth get? teeth: 牙齿
-Monica: My brother's going through that right now, he's such a mess.How did you get through it? go through: 经历
mess: 混乱
get through: 结束(做完,通过,到达)我哥正承受着这种痛苦,一副失魂落魄的样子。你是怎么熬过来的?
-Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her-accidentally: 偶然地,意外地
valuable: 贵重的 你可以偶然地,砸烂她贵重的东西,比如她的„„
-Monica:-leg? „„腿?
-Paul:(laughing)That's one way!Me, I-I went for the watch.go for:袭击
-Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow!The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded my boyfriend's favorite bath towel.worst: 最糟糕的shred: 撕成碎片
bath towel: 浴巾
你真的砸烂过她的表?哇!我做过的最坏的事情是,我撕碎了男朋友最喜欢的浴巾。-Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you.steer clear of: 意思是绕开,避开 steer: 驾驶 clear: 聪明
那可惹不得你哦-Monica: That's right.对啊。
[Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is talking on the phone and pacing.pace: 踱步
-Rachel: Barry, I'm sorry...I am so sorry...Barry,真是对不起。
I know you probably think that this is all about what I said the other day about you making love with your socks on, make love: 做爱
with socks on: 穿着袜子
你一定认为此事与我那次说的话有关,关于你做爱时,穿着袜子,but it isn't...it isn't, it's about me, 其实不是,问题出在我身上,我„„ and I ju-(She stops talking and dials the phone.)dial: 拨号
Hi, machine cut me off again...anyway...look, look, 电话又掉线了,不管怎么样„.瞧瞧
I know that some girl is going to be incredibly lucky to become Mrs.Barry Finkel, incredible: 不可思议
我知道某个女孩将异常幸运地成为Finkel Barry太太,but it isn't me, it's not me.但那不是我,不是我。
And not that I have any idea who me is right now, but you just have to give me a chance to...而我现在连我自己是谁都不知道,但你还应该给我一个机会向你„„
(The machine cuts her off again and she redials.)redial: 重播
[Scene: Ross's Apartment;Ross is pacing while Joey and Chandler are working on some more furniture.] pace: 来回踱步
-Ross: I'm divorced!I'm only 26 and I'm divorced!divorce: 离婚
我离婚啦!我才26岁就离婚啦!-Joey: Shut up!闭嘴!
-Chandler: You must stop!(Chandler hits what he is working on with a hammer and it collapses.)hammer: 锤子
collapse: 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解 你还是停下来吧!
-Ross: That only took me an hour.我才花了一小时
-Chandler: Look, Ross, you gotta understand, between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento.gotta=have got to: 必须
relationship: 关系
last: 持续
mento: 曼妥思糖【Chandler说他和Joey与女孩的关系从来没有“长过嚼一颗曼妥思糖的时间(lasted longer than a Mento)以劝慰Ross放开一点。】 看啊,Ross,你应该理解,You however have had the love of a woman for four years.但你和一个女人相爱已经四年了,Four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out, and that is why we don't do it!I don't think that was my point!
closeness: 封闭
share: 共享
rip: 拉开,划开,裂开
-Ross: You know what the scariest part is? scariest: 最可怕的
What if there's only one woman for everybody, you know? 如果每个人只有一个女人适合,知道吗? I mean what if you get one woman-and that's it? 就是说如果你拥有一个女人,就成了,Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman-for her...unfortunately: 不幸的是 不幸的是,她拥有了一个女人„
-Joey: What are you talking about? 'One woman'? 你在说什么啊?“一个女人”?
That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Let me tell you something, Ross.那就好像你只有一种口味的冰激凌,让我告诉你,Ross, There's lots of flavors out there.There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing!Cherry Vanilla.还有很多中口味,有Rocky Road口味,Cookie Dough 口味,然后还有香草口味,You could get them with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream!This is the best thing that ever happened to you!还可以和糖条,果仁,或者奶油一起吃!现在是你一生中最好的事情发生了!You got married, you were, like, what, eight? Welcome back to the world!Grab a spoon!flavor: 味道
Grab: 抓
spoon: 匙
-Ross: I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or horny.honestly: 真诚的,坦白的hungry: 饥饿的horny: 性饥渴
我真的不知道我是饿了还是饥渴了-Chandler: Stay out of my freezer!
freezer: 冰箱
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are still eating.]
-Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh...since: 自从
walk out on:(为表示抗议而)离开,抛弃
-Monica: What?.....What, you wanna spell it out with noodles? spell: 说 noodle: 面条
-Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.revelation: 揭露,泄露
不,不止要和你第五次约会的事情。-Monica: Oh, so there is gonna be a fifth date? 噢,那么会有第五次约会喽。-Paul: Isn't there? 你不想吗?
-Monica: Yeah...yeah, I think there is.-What were you gonna say? 不,我想。你想说什么?-Paul: Well, ever-ev-...ever since she left me, um, I haven't been able to, uh, perform.(Monica takes a sip of her drink.)...Sexually.be able to: 有能力
perform: 表演,做
sip: 啜饮,啜
sexually: 性方面的好吧,自从,自从她离开我之后,我一直不能,不能,过性生活
-Monica:(spitting out her drink in shock)Oh God, oh God, I am sorry...I am so sorry...spit out: 吐出
in shock: 震惊
噢天那,对不起,对不起„-Paul: It's okay...没事
-Monica: I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now.Um...how long? 我知道被人吐口水应该不是你现在需要的,„多久了?-Paul: Two years.两年了
-Monica: Wow!I'm-I'm-I'm glad you smashed her watch!smash: 砸
-Paul: So you still think you, um...might want that fifth date? 那你还希望有第五次约会吗?-Monica:(pause)...Yeah.Yeah, I do.pause: 暂停
[Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is watching Joanne Loves Chaci.]
-Priest on TV: We are gathered here today to join Joanne Louise Cunningham and Charles, Chachi-Chachi-Chachi, Arcola in the bound of holy matrimony.priest: 神父
gather: 聚集
bound: 范围,界限
holy: 神圣
matrimony: 婚礼
我们今天聚在这里参加Joanne Louise Cunningham 和Charles, Chachi-Chachi-Chachi, Arcola 的神圣婚礼
-Rachel: Oh...see...but Joanne loved Chachi!That's the difference!哦,看啊,可是Joanne爱的是Chaci!这就是不同
[Scene: Ross's Apartment, they're all sitting around and talking.]
-Ross:(scornful)Grab a spoon.Do you know how long it's been since I've grabbed a spoon? Do the words 'Billy, don't be a hero' mean anything to you? scornful: 轻蔑的“拿起勺子„..”你知道我多久没拿勺子了吗?难道“比利,别逞英雄”这句话对你没意义?-Joey: Great story!But, I uh, I gotta go, I got a date with Andrea--Angela--Andrea...Oh man,(looks to Chandler)真是个好故事!但是,我得走了,我要和Andrea, 还是Angela, 还是Andrea约会-Chandler: Angela's the screamer, Andrea has cats.screamer: 尖声叫喊的人 Andrea是爱尖叫的那个,Angela有猫
-Joey: Right.Thanks.It's June.I'm out here.(Exits.)好啦。谢啦。是Julie.我走了。-Ross: You know, here's the thing.问题来了„.Even if I could get it together enough to-to ask a woman out,..who am I gonna ask?(He gazes out of the window.)gaze: 凝视,注视
[Cut to Rachel staring out of her window.] stare out: 向外凝视
[Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is making coffee for Joey and Chandler.]
-Rachel: Isn't this amazing? I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life.amazing: 令人惊异的entire life: 一生
是不是很不可思忆?我以前可从来没冲过咖啡。-Chandler: That is amazing.是吧可思议-Joey: Congratulations.恭喜你
-Rachel: You know, I figure if I can make coffee, there isn't anything I can't do.我以为如果我能冲咖啡,我就什么都可以做了。
-Chandler: If can invade Poland, there isn't anything I can't do.invade: 入侵
-Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...on a roll: 手气、运气好 Western omelet: 西式煎蛋卷 你现在正进入角色,有没有想做个蛋卷之类的东西„.(Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.)taste: 品尝
grimace: 痛苦的表情
pour: 倒,倾泻
pot: 罐
-Although actually I'm really not that hungry...不过,我还不太饿
-Monica:(entering, to herself)Oh good, Lenny and Squigy are here.enter: 走进
真不赖,Lenny 和 Squigy 在这里-All: Morning.Good morning.早上好
-Paul:(entering from Monica's room)Morning.早上好-Joey: Morning, Paul.早上好,Paul-Rachel: Hello, Paul.你好,Paul-Chandler: Hi, Paul, is it? 嘿,Paul, 对吗?
(Monica and Paul walk to the door and talk in a low voice so the others can't hear.The others move Monica's table closer to the door so that they can.)
-Paul: Thank you!Thank you so much!谢谢你!太感谢你了!-Monica: Stop!不要这样
-Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.graduation: 毕业
barn: 空荡荡的大建筑
scene: 场景
witness: 目击
不,我要告诉你,昨晚我就好像„.我所有的生日..毕业典礼..外加大厦落成典礼。-Monica: We'll talk later.我们待会再谈
-Paul: Yeah.(They kiss)Thank you.(Exits)好的,谢谢你
-Joey: That wasn't a real date?!What the hell do you do on a real date? 那不是真正的约会?那真正的约会干什么?-Monica: Shut up, and put my table back.闭嘴,把我的桌子搬回去-All: Okayyy!(They do so.)ok-Chandler: All right, kids, I gotta get to work.If I don't input those numbers,...it doesn't make much of a difference...input: 输入
好的,孩子们,我该去工作了。不过我不把那些数字输入„.也不会有什么区别-Rachel: So, like, you guys all have jobs? 你们都有工作吗?
-Monica: Yeah, we all have jobs.See, that's how we buy stuff.对,我们都有„这样我们才有钱买东西。-Joey: Yeah, I'm an actor.对,我是演员
-Rachel: Wow!Would I have seen you in anything? 哇!我有见过你的作品吗?
-Joey: I doubt it.Mostly regional work.doubt: 怀疑 mostly: 大多数
regional: 地区的我不认为,大部分是地方性节目。
-Monica: Oh wait, wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio, at the little theater in the park.happen to: 发生(碰巧,正巧,偶然)
production: 作品 Pinocchio: 木偶奇遇记
theater: 戏院,电影院
等等,除非你在公园小剧场,看过重排的木偶奇遇记。-Joey: Look, it was a job all right? 那还是份工作吧?
-Chandler: 'Look, Gippetto, I'm a real live boy.' ‘瞧,Gippetto, 我是个真正的小男孩’
-Joey: I will not take this abuse.(Walks to the door and opens it to leave.)abuse: 侮辱
-Chandler: You're right, I'm sorry.(Burst into song and dances out of the door.)“Once I was a wooden boy, a little wooden boy...” burst into: 闯入,突然发作
wooden: 木制的
-Joey: You should both know, that he's a dead man.Oh, Chandler?(Starts after Chandler.)你们该知道,他快死了。噢,Chandler?-Monica: So how you doing today? Did you sleep okay? Talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling.smile: 微笑
-Rachel: I can see that.You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.hanger: 挂钩
-Monica: I know, he's just so, so...Do you remember you and Tony DeMarco? 我知道,他只是太„.你还记得你和Tony Demarco吗?-Rachel: Oh, yeah.是的,记得
-Monica: Well, it's like that.With feelings.就好像那样„.的感觉
-Rachel: Oh wow.Are you in trouble.哇,你有麻烦了。-Monica: Big time!big time: 欢乐的时刻 没错
-Rachel: Want a wedding dress? Hardly used.wedding dress: 婚纱
hardly: 几乎不
-Monica: I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here.ahead of: 在„前面
我想我们谈的远了点,Okay.Okay.I am just going to get up, go to work and not think about him all day.好啦,我要站起来,去工作了,而且不整天想着他。Or else I'm just gonna get up and go to work.or else: 否则,要不然 或者只是站起来工作
-Rachel: Oh, look, wish me luck!那么,祝我好运-Monica: What for? 为什么?
-Rachel: I'm gonna go get one of those(Thinks)job things.我要去找那个工作的什么东西
(Monica exits.)
[Scene: Iridium, Monica is working as Frannie enters.]
-Frannie: Hey, Monica!嘿,Monica!-Monica: Hey Frannie, welcome back!How was Florida? 嘿,Frannie, 欢迎回来!佛罗里达怎么样?-Frannie: You had sex, didn't you? 你做爱了,是吗?-Monica: How do you do that? 你怎么知道的?
-Frannie: Oh, I hate you, I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle and you're having sex!So? Who? 我恨你,我在和我的Roz 阿姨穿过鹦鹉丛林,你却在做爱!那么,是和谁?-Monica: You know Paul? 你认识Paul吗?
-Frannie: Paul the Wine Guy? Oh yeah, I know Paul.Paul,调酒那个?是呀,我认识Paul-Monica: You mean you know Paul like I know Paul? 你认识他就好像我认识他一样?
-Frannie: Are you kidding? I take credit for Paul.You know before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years.take credit for: 因...而得到好评
snap: [口语] 劲头,活力
turtle: 海龟
[Scene: Central Perk, everyone but Rachel is there.]
-Joey:(sitting on the arm of the couch)Of course it was a line!
arm: 扶手
couch: 沙发
line: 骗人的话 当然那是个谎言
-Monica: Why?!Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that? 为什么?为什么有人会做这样的事情?
-Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'.assume: 设想
sophisticated: 复杂 我想更复杂的答案是“和你上床”-Monica: I hate men!I hate men!我恨男人,我恨男人
-Phoebe: Oh no, don't hate, you don't want to put that out into the universe.universe: 宇宙
-Monica: Is it me? Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear?
sort of: 有几分地
beacon: 灯塔,信号台
severe: 严重的 emotional: 感情的
是因为我吗?是因为我有某种导向类的东西,只有狗,有感情问题的男人才会发觉?-Phoebe: All right, come here, give me your feet.(She starts massaging them.)massage: 按摩
-Monica: I just thought he was nice, you know? 我只是以为他是个好人
-Joey:(bursts out laughing again)I can't believe you didn't know it was a line!
burst out:: 突然...起来
(Monica pushes him off of the sofa as Rachel enters with a shopping bag.)push off: 推开
sofa: 沙发
-Rachel: Guess what? 猜猜怎么样?-Ross: You got a job? 你得到工作啦
-Rachel: Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing!I was laughed out of twelve interviews today.train: 培训
interview: 面试
开玩笑吗?我一点经验都没有!我今天被十二个招聘的嘲笑-Chandler: And yet you're surprisingly upbeat.surprisingly: 惊人地
upbeat: 乐观 而且你还这么高兴
-Rachel: You would be too if you found John and David boots on sale, fifty percent off!boot: 靴子
on sale: 廉价出售
percent: 百分数
你也会高兴的如果你发现 John和David牌的皮靴打五折-Chandler: Oh, how well you know me...是呀,你多了解我„.-Rachel: They're my new 'I don't need a job, I don't need my parents, I've got great boots' boots!parents: 父母
这就是我的新皮靴,我不需要工作,我不需要父母,我有我的新皮靴-Monica: How'd you pay for them? 你用什么付账的?-Rachel: Uh, credit card.恩,信用卡
-Monica: And who pays for that? 那谁付账单呢?-Rachel: Um...my...father.恩„我„爸爸
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table.Rachel's credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors.] sit around: 坐着没事干
spread out: 铺开
a pair of: 一对
scissors: 剪刀
-Rachel: Oh God, come on you guys, is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charging anytime I want.necessary: 必须
charge: 支付
天呀,各位,这真的必要吗?我随时都可以停止使用的,-Monica: Come on, you can't live off your parents your whole life.live off: 依赖„生活 你不能靠你爸妈过一辈子
-Rachel: I know that.That's why I was getting married.我知道,这就是为什么我要结婚
-Phoebe: Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time.break: 休息
on your own: 独立地(凭自己力量)别逼她,第一次独立生活是很困难的-Rachel: Thank you.谢谢你
-Phoebe: You're welcome.I remember when I first came to this city.I was fourteen.不客气,记得我第一次来这个城市,我才十四岁,My mom had just killed herself and my step-dad was back in prison, and I got here, and I didn't know anybody.prison: 监狱 step-:表示“后,继”之义
And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then I found aromatherapy.end up doing sth: 结果
albino: 白化病
windshield: 挡风玻璃
port authority: 港务局 aromatherapy: 用香料按摩
然后我和一个在港务局,给人擦车窗的白化病人住在一起,最后他也自杀了,然后我找到按摩这份工作,So believe me, I know exactly how you feel.exactly: 精确
-Ross: The word you're looking for is 'Anyway'...你想说的话是..总之„.-Monica: All right, you ready? 好了,准备好了吗-Rachel: No.No, no, I'm not ready!How can I be ready? “Hey, Rach!You ready to jump out the airplane without your parachute?” Come on, I can't do this!parachute: 跳伞
-Monica: You can, I know you can!你行,我知道你行-Rachel: I don't think so.我不怎么想
-Ross: Come on, you made coffee!You can do anything!来嘛,你会泡咖啡!你能做任何事!
(Chandler slowly tries to hide the now dead plant from that morning when he and Joey poured their coffee into it.)hide: 隐藏
pour: 倒
-Ross: Come on, cut.Cut, cut, cut,...来吧,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,-All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut...(She cuts one of them and they cheer.)cheer: 欢呼
剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,-Rachel: You know what? I think we can just leave it at that.It's kinda like a symbolic gesture...symbolic: 代号
gesture: 肢体
知道吗?我想我们可以就把它们放在这里,这就好像某个肢体符号„.-Monica: Rachel!That was a library card!Rachel!那是图书卡
-All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut… 剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,剪掉,-Chandler:(as Rachel is cutting up her cards)You know, if you listen closely, you can hear a thousand retailers scream.cut up:毁坏 closely: 接近地
retailer: 零售商
scream: 尖叫 知道吗?如果你仔细听,你可以听到店主们在尖叫
(She finishes cutting them up and they all cheer.)
-Monica: Welcome to the real world!It sucks.You're gonna love it!it sucks: 很糟糕
欢迎来到真实世界!他很糟糕,但是你会喜欢的[Time Lapse, Rachel and Ross are watching a TV channel finishes it's broadcast day by playing the national anthem.] channel: 频道
broadcast: 广播节目
anthem: 赞美诗
-Monica: Well, that's it(To Ross)You gonna crash on the couch? crash: [俚语]躺下睡觉
couch: 沙发 好啦,够啦,你要在沙发上睡?-Ross: No.No, I gotta go home sometime.不,我要回家-Monica: You be okay? 你还好吗?-Ross: Yeah.是的
-Rachel: Hey Mon, look what I just found on the floor.(Monica smiles.)What? 嘿,Mon.瞧我刚在地板上发现了什么。什么?
-Monica: That's Paul's watch.You just put it back where you found it.Oh boy.Alright.Goodnight, everybody.那是Paul的手表。你就把它放回原处吧。哦,孩子们,好吧,晚安,各位-Ross and Rachel: Goodnight.晚安
(Monica stomps on Paul's watch and goes into her room.)stomp: 跺(脚),重踩,重踏
-Ross: Mmm.(They both reach for the last cookie)Oh, no-reach for: 伸手去拿 嗯
-Rachel: Sorry-对不起
-Ross: No no no, go-不不
-Rachel: No, you have it, really, I don't want it-你吃吧,我不想吃-Ross: Split it? split: 分开 分着吃
-Rachel: Okay.好吧
-Ross: Okay.(They split it.)You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you.have crush on sb: 喜欢过某人
好吧,你可能不知道,在高中,我曾暗恋过你-Rachel: I knew.我知道
-Ross: You did!Oh....I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother.figure: 以为
geeky: 怪
你知道!噢„.我还以为你一直认为,我是Monica的怪哥哥呢-Rachel: I did.我是这么认为的-Ross: Oh.Listen, do you think 听着,你是不是认为„? and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here-intense: 集中
vulnerability: 弱点
factor: 因素
but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe? ask sb out: 与某人约会
但是你认为我可以约你出去吗?有时?有可能?-Rachel: Yeah, maybe...当然,可能
-Ross: Okay...okay, maybe I will...好吧,可能我会„-Rachel: Goodnight.晚安
-Ross: Goodnight.晚安
(Rachel goes into her room and Monica enters the living room as Ross is leaving.)
-Monica: See ya....Wait wait, what's with you? 等等,你怎么啦?
-Ross: I just grabbed a spoon.(Ross exits and Monica has no idea what that means.)grab: 抓住
[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there.]
-Joey: I can't believe what I'm hearing here.我真不敢相信我的耳朵
-Phoebe:(sings)I can't believe what I'm hearing here...我真不敢相信我的耳朵
-Monica: What? I-I said you had a-怎么啦,我说你有个,我说你有个-Phoebe:(sings)What I said you had...重复Mon说的
-Monica:(to Phoebe)Would you stop? 你能不能不那么干?
-Phoebe: Oh, was I doing it again? 噢,我又来了?-All: Yes!没错!
-Monica: I said that you had a nice butt;it's just not a great butt.butt: 屁股 我说过你有个好臀部。但不是个很棒的臀部。
-Joey: Oh, you wouldn't know a great butt if it came up and bit you come up: 走进
-Ross: There's an image.image: 想象
-Rachel:(walks up with a pot of coffee)Would anybody like more coffee? 有人要咖啡吗?
-Chandler: Did you make it, or are you just serving it? serve: 服务
你冲的,还是你端的?-Rachel: I'm just serving it.我端的。
-All: Yeah.Yeah, I'll have a cup of coffee.好吧,我要杯咖啡
-Chandler: Kids, new dream...I'm in Las Vegas.(Rachel sits down to hear Chandler's dream.)孩子们,新的梦„我在拉斯维加斯
-Customer:(To Rachel)Ahh, miss? More coffee? 小姐,能再来点咖啡吗?
-Rachel: Ugh.(To another customer that's leaving.)Excuse me, could you give this to that guy over there?(Hands him the coffee pot.)Go ahead.(He does so.)Thank you.(To the gang.)Sorry.Okay, Las Vegas.customer: 顾客
-Chandler: Okay, so, I'm in Las Vegas...I'm Liza Minelli-好的,我在拉斯维加,我是Liza Minelli
词汇解析:Lansen 校对:Tina
-Notes 看老友记学英语 尽在爱酷英语 www.xiexiebang.com 爱酷英语 let go of: 释放 look down: 低头看 all of a sudden: 突然 turn out: 结果是 pull out of: 把„„从„„.拉出来 stare at: 盯着看 wedding dress: 结婚礼服 turn on: 有兴趣 turn off: 没兴趣 freak out: 吓坏了 figure out: 弄清楚 fall off: 跌落 paper bag: 纸袋 hit on: 俚语,泡(女孩子)Dear Diary moment: 可以载入日记的时刻 line up: 排队 pull out: 拔 over and over again: 反反复复 shut up: 闭嘴 head for: 朝什么地方去 come over: 过来 put together: 合在一起 hang out: 闲逛 a bunch of: 一堆,一束 pick up: 捡起 get screwed: 吃亏,上当 get through: 结束(做完,通过,到达)bath towel: 浴巾 steer clear of: 意思是绕开,避开 make love: 做爱 with socks on: 穿着袜子 walk out on:(为表示抗议而)离开,抛弃 be able to: 有能力 spit out: 吐出 in shock: 震惊 stare out: 向外凝视 entire life: 一生 on a roll: 手气、运气好 Western omelet: 西式煎蛋卷 happen to: 发生(碰巧,正巧,偶然)burst into: 闯入,突然发作 big time: 欢乐的时刻 wedding dress: 婚纱 ahead of: 在„前面 or else: 否则,要不然 take credit for: 因...而得到好评 burst out:: 突然...起来 on sale: 廉价出售 sit around: 坐着没事干 spread out: 铺开 a pair of: 一对 live off: 依赖„生活 on your own: 独立地(凭自己力量)end up doing sth: 结果 port authority: 港务局 cut up: 毁坏 it sucks: 很糟糕 reach for: 伸手去拿 have crush on sb: 喜欢过某人 ask sb out: 与某人约会 come up: 走进
6.The One With the Butt
[Scene: A Theater, the gang is in the audience wating for a play of Joey's to start.] Rachel:(reading the program)Ooh!Look!Look!Look!Look, there's Joey's picture!This is so exciting!Chandler: You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before.Notice, no fear, no sense of impending doom...Phoebe: The exclamation point in the title scares me.(Gesturing)Y'know, it's not just Freud, it's Freud!(The lights dim.)Ross: Oh, shhh, shh.Magic is about to happen.(The lights go up on the stage, Joey, as Freud, is talking to a female patient.)Joey: Vell, Eva, ve've done some excellent vork here, and I vould have to say, your pwoblem is qviiite clear.(He goes into a song and dance number.)All you want is a dingle, What you envy's a schwang, A thing through which you can tinkle, Or play with, or simply let hang...Opening Credits [Scene: The Theater, the play has ended and everyone is applauding.As soon as the cast leaves, the gang all groan and sit down heavily.](直到演员离场,大伙们)Rachel: God.I feel violated.(我感觉被亵渎了)
Monica: Did anybody else feel they just wanted to peel the skin off their body, to have something else to do? Chandler:(staring at a woman across the room)Ross, ten o'clock.Ross: Is it? Feels like two.Chandler: No, ten o'clock.Ross: What? Chandler:(sighs and gestures to explain)There's a beautiful woman at eight, nine, ten o'clock!Ross: Oh.Hel-lo!Chandler: She's amazing!She makes the women that I dream about look like short, fat, bald men!(她使我的梦中情人看起来是个又矮又胖的秃顶男人)
Monica: Well, go over to her!She's not with anyone.Chandler: Oh yeah, and what would my opening line(开场白)be? 'Excuse me.Blarrglarrghh.' Rachel: Oh, c'mon.She's a person, you can do it!Chandler: Oh please, could she be more out of my league?(她还有让我更加配不上的地方吗?)Ross, back me up here.Ross: He could never get a woman like that in a million years.Chandler: Thank you, buddy.Phoebe: Oh, oh, but y'know, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys.Monica: You could do that!Chandler: Y'think? All: Yeah!Chandler: Oh God, I can't believe I'm even considering this...I'm very very aware of my tongue...Ross: C'mon!C'mon!Chandler: Here goes.(He walks over to her but just stands there.)Aurora:...Yes? Chandler: Hi....um...okay, next word...would be...Chandler!Chandler is my name, and, uh...(He clears his throat noisily)...hi.Aurora: Yes, you said that.Chandler: Yes, yes I did, but what I didn't say was what I was about to say, what I wanted to say was, uh...would you like to go out with me sometime, thankyou, goodnight.(He walks back to the others but she calls him back.)Aurora: Chandler?(Joey enters from behind a curtain.The others all talk at once.)All: Hey!You're in a play!I didn't know you could dance!You had a beard!Joey: Whadja think?(Pause)All:...Hey!You're in a play!I didn't know you could dance!You had a beard!Joey: C'mon, you guys, it wasn't that bad.It was better than that thing I did with the trolls, at least you got to see my head.All:(admitting)Saw your head.Saw your head.Chandler:(running back)She said yes!She said yes!(To Joey)Awful play, man.Whoah.(To All)Her name's Aurora, and she's Italian, and she pronounces my name 'Chand-lrr'.'Chand-lrr'.I think I like it better that way.(To Joey)Oh, listen, the usher gave me this to give to you.(He fishes a card out of his pocket.)Rachel: What is it? Joey: The Estelle Leonard Talent Agency.Wow, an agency left me its card!Maybe they wanna sign me!Phoebe: Based on this play?...Based on this play![Scene: Central Perk, everyone else is there as Chandler enters.] Chandler: Hey, kids.All: Hey.Phoebe:(reading Monica's palm)No, 'cause this line is passion, and this is...just a line.Chandler: Well, I can't believe I've been here almost seven seconds and you haven't asked me how my date went.Monica: Oh, right, right.How was your date, 'Chand-lrr'? Chandler: It was unbelievable.I-I've never met anyone like her.She's had the most amazing life!She was in the Israeli army...(A flashback of Aurora and Chandler on their date in Central Perk is denoted by italics.)Aurora:...Luckily none of the bullets hit the engine block.So, we made it to the border, but just barely, and I-...I've been talking about myself all night long, I'm sorry.What about you? Tell me one of your stories.Chandler: Alright.Once I got on the subway, right, and it was at night, and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn...just for the hell of it(只是为了好玩).Chandler: We talked 'til like two.It was this perfect evening...more or less.Aurora:...All of a sudden we realised we were in Yammon.Chandler: Oh, I'm sorry, so 'we' is? Aurora: 'We' would be me and Rick.Joey: Who's Rick? Chandler: Who's Rick? Aurora: My husband.All: Ooooohhh.Chandler: Oh, so you're divorced? Aurora: No.Chandler: Oh, I'm sorry, then you're widowed(寡妇)?...Hopefully? Aurora: No, I'm still married.Chandler: So tell me, how do-how do you think your husband would feel about you sitting here with me?...Sliding your foot so far up my pant leg you can count the change in my pocket? Aurora: Don't worry.I imagine he'd be okay with you because really, he's okay with Ethan.Chandler: Ethan? There's, there's an Ethan? Aurora: Mmmm...Ethan is my...boyfriend.All: What?!Chandler: So explain something to me here, uh, what kind of a relationship do you imagine us having if you already have a husband and a boyfriend? Aurora: I suppose mainly sexual.Chandler:...Hm.Monica: Oh.I'm sorry it didn't work out.Chandler: What 'not work out'? I'm seeing her again on Thursday.Didn't you listen to the story? Monica: Didn't you listen to the story? I mean, this is twisted!How could you get involved with a woman like this? Chandler: Well, y'know, I had some trouble with it at first too, but the way I look at it is, I get all the good stuff: all the fun, all the talking, all the sex;and none of the responsibility.I mean, this is every guy's fantasy!Phoebe: Oh, yeah.That is not true.Ross, is this your fantasy? Ross: No, of course not!(Thinks)...Yeah, yeah, it is.Monica: What? So you guys don't mind going out with someone else who's going out with someone else? Joey: I couldn't do it.Monica: Good for you, Joey.Joey: When I'm with a woman, I need to know that I'm going out with more people than she is.Ross: Well, y'know, monogamy(一夫一妻制)can be a, uh, tricky concept(复杂的概念).I mean, anthropologically(人类学)speaking-(They all pretend to fall asleep.)Ross: Fine.Fine, alright, now you'll never know.Monica: We're kidding.C'mon, tell us!All: Yeah!C'mon!Ross: Alright.There's a theory, put forth by Richard Leakey-(They all fall asleep again.)[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is there as enter except Joey enter.] Rachel: Tah-daaah!Chandler: Are we greeting each other this way now? 'Cause I like that.Rachel: Look!I cleaned!I did the windows, I did the floors...I even used all the attachments on the vacuum(吸尘器), except that little round one with the bristles, I don't know what that's for.Ross: Oh yeah, nobody knows.And we're not supposed to ask.Rachel: Well, whaddya think? All: Very clean!It looks great!Terrific!Monica:...Oh!I-I see you moved the green ottoman(垫脚凳).All: Uh-oh...Monica: How-how did that happen? Rachel: I dunno..I-I thought it looked better there.And I-and also, it's an extra seat around the coffee table.Monica: Yeah, yeah, it's interesting..but y'know what? Just for fun, let's see what it looked like in the old spot.(She moves it.)Alright, just to compare.Let's see.Well, it looks good there too.Let's just leave it there for a while.Phoebe:(to Rachel)I can't believe you tried to move the green ottoman.Chandler: Thank God you didn't try to fan out the magazines.I mean, she'll scratch your eyes right out(把你眼睛挖出来).Monica: You guys, I am not that bad!Phoebe: Yeah, you are, Monica.Remember when I lived with you? You were like, a little, y'know,(psycho)Ree!Ree!Ree!Ree!Monica: That is so unfair!Ross: Oh c'mon!When we were kids, yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy!(我们小时候,只有你的破烂布娃娃是唯一不烂的)
Monica: Okay, so I'm responsible, I'm organised(井井有条).But hey, I can be a kook(邋遢).Ross: Alright, you madcap gal(疯婆子).Try to imagine this.The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away.Monica: Why not? Ross: Because you're a kook!Instead you wait until they send you a notice.Monica: I could do that.Rachel: Okay, uh, you let me go grocery shopping, and I buy laundry detergent, but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout.Monica: Why would someone do that?!...One might wonder.But I would be fine with that-Chandler: Someone's left a glass on the coffee table.There's no coaster(杯垫).It's a cold drink, it's a hot day.Little beads of condensation(凝结的小水珠)are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood..Monica: STOP IT!...Oh my God.It's true!Who am I? Ross: Monica? You're Mom.(Monica gasps.)Phoebe: Ree!Ree!Ree!Ree!Ree!(Joey enters and he's on the phone.)Joey:(on phone)Uh huh..uh huh...oh my God!Okay!Okay, I'll be there!(He hangs up and to all.)That was my agent.(He tosses and catches the phone.)My agent has just gotten me a job...in the new Al Pacino movie!All: Oh my God!Whoah!Monica: Well, what's the part? Joey: Can you believe this? Al Pacino!This guy's the reason I became an actor!“I'm out of order? Pfeeeh.You're out of order!This whole courtroom's out of order!” Phoebe: Seriously, what-what's the part? Joey: “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” Ross: C'mon, seriously, Joey, what's the part? Joey:...I'm his(mumbles)Rachel:..You're, you're 'mah mah mah' what? Joey:...I'm his butt double(臀部替身).'Kay? I play Al Pacino's butt.Alright? He goes into the shower, and then-I'm his butt.Monica:(trying not to laugh)Oh my God.Joey: C'mon, you guys.This is a real movie, and Al Pacino's in it, and that's big!Chandler: Oh no, it's terrific, it's...it's...y'know, you deserve this, after all your years of struggling, you've finally been able to crack your way into show business(演艺圈).Joey: Okay, okay, fine!Make jokes, I don't care!This is a big break for me!(这对我是个重大机遇!)
Ross: You're right, you're right, it is...So you gonna invite us all to the big opening? Commercial Break [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the next morning, Monica is getting the door.] Monica: Alright, alright, alright...(Joey enters with Monica's paper and hands it to her.)Joey: Here.I need to borrow some moisturizer(保湿乳液).Monica: For what? Joey: Whaddya think? Today's the big day!Monica: Oh my God.Okay, go into the bathroom, use whatever you want, just don't ever tell me what you did in there.Joey: Thank you!(He goes into the bathroom.)(Chandler enters with the phone.)Chandler: Where's Joey? His mom's on the phone.Monica: He's in the bathroom.I don't think you wanna go in there!Chandler: C'mon, we're roommates!(He goes into the bathroom, screams, and runs back out.)My eyes!My eyes!Monica: I warned you...(Rachel enters from her room.)Rachel: Who is being loud? Chandler: Oh, that would be Monica.Hey, listen, I wanna borrow a coupla things, Aurora spent the night, I really wanna make her breakfast.Monica: Oh, you got the whole night, huh? Chandler: Yeah, well, I only have twenty minutes until Ethan, so, y'know..(He starts to raid the fridge.)Rachel: Ooh, do I sense a little bit of resentment?(我怎么感觉到一点酸溜溜的?)
Chandler: No, no resentment, believe me, it's worth it.'Kay? Y'know in a relationship you have these key moments that you know you'll remember for the rest of your life? Well, every-single-second is like that with Aurora..and I've just wasted about thirty-five of them talking to you people, so, uh..Monica, can you help me with the door?(He has armloads of stuff.)Monica: Sure.Oh, um, Chandler? Y'know, the-the old Monica would-would remind you to scrub that Teflon pan with a plastic brush...But I'm not gonna do that.(She opens the door and he leaves.)[Scene: A Film Set, Joey is entering for his scene.]-Joey: Excuse me? Can they warm it up ?(他们热身的怎么样了?)I am concerned about goose bumps.(我冷的鸡皮疙瘩都起来了)Director:(on phone)...Dammit, hire the girl!(He hangs up the phone.)Okay, everybody ready? Joey: Uh, listen, I just wanna thank you for this great opportunity.Director: Lose the robe.(脱浴袍)Joey: Me? Director: That would work.Joey: Right.Okay.Losing the robe.(He takes off the robe.)And the robe is lost.Director: Okay, everybody, we'd like to get this in one take, please.Let's roll it..water's working(The shower starts)..and...action.(Joey starts to the shower with a grim, determined look on his face.)Director: And cut.Hey, Butt Guy, what the hell are you doing? Joey: Well, I'm-I'm showering.Director: No, that was clenching(挤屁股).Joey: Oh.Well, the way I see it, the guy's upset here, y'know? I mean, his wife's dead, his brother's missing...I think his butt would be angry here.Director: I think his butt would like to get this shot before lunch.Once again, rolling...water working...and action....and cut.What was that? Joey: I was going for quiet desperation.(我在表达沉默中绝望的感觉)But if you have to ask...[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Aurora and Chandler are in bed in Chandler's room.] Chandler: God, I love these fingers...Aurora: Thank you.Chandler: No, actually I meant my fingers.Look at 'em, look at how happy they are.Aurora:(moves Chandler's arm and look at his watch.)Oh my God, I'm late.(She starts to get up.)Chandler: Oh no nonononononnononono, don't go..(He kisses her and pulls her back down.)Aurora: Okay.Chandler: Don't go.Aurora: Okay.Oh no, I have to.Chandler:(to himself)Too bad, she's leaving.Aurora:(getting up and dressing)I'm sorry.He'll be waiting for me.Chandler: Well, I thought-I thought you talked to Rick.Aurora: It's not Rick.Chandler: What, Ethan? He got to spend the whole day with you!Aurora: No, it's-it's Andrew.Chandler: I know there'll be many moments in the years to come when I'll regret asking the following question, but-And Andrew is? Aurora: He's...new.Chandler: Oh, so what you're saying is you're not completely fulfilled by Rick, Ethan and myself? Aurora: No, that's not exactly what I was..Chandler: Well, y'know, most women would kill for three guys like us.Aurora: So what do you want? Chandler: You.Aurora: You have me!Chandler: Nono, just you.Aurora: Whaddyou mean? Chandler: Lose the other guys.Aurora:...Like,...all of them? Chandler: C'mon, we're great together, why not? Aurora: Why can't we just have what we have now? Why can't we just talk, and laugh, and make love, without feeling obligated to one another...and up until tonight I thought that's what you wanted too.Chandler:...Well, y'know, part of me wants that, but it's like I'm two guys, y'know? I mean, one guy's going 'Shut up!This is great!' But there's this other guy.Actually it's the same guy that wells up every time that Grinch's heart grows three sizes and breaks that measuring device...And he's saying, y'know, 'This is too hard!Get out!Get out!' Aurora: So...which one of the two guys will you listen to? Chandler: I don't know, I-I have to listen to both of them, they don't exactly let each other finish...Aurora: Which one? Chandler:...The second guy.Aurora:(gets up to leave)Well, call me if you change your mind.(She kisses him, he holds her, and kisses her passionately.)Chandler: Sorry, the first guy runs the lips.(She leaves, Chandler sighs, and falls back on his bed.)[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is trying to comfort Chandler.Joey is absent.] Ross: Look at it this way: you dumped her.Right? I mean, this woman was unbelievably sexy, and beautiful, intelligent, unattainable...Tell me why you did this again?(Joey enters.)All: Hey!Monica: Hey, waitwait, aren't you the guy that plays the butt in the new Al Pacino movie? Joey: Nope.Ross: No? What happened, big guy? Chandler:(to Ross)“Big guy?” Ross: It felt like a 'big guy' moment.Joey: I got fired.All: Oh!Joey: Yeah, they said I acted too much with it.I told everybody about this!Now everybody's gonna go to the theatre, expecting to see me, and...Rachel: Oh, Joey, you know what, no-one is gonna be able to tell.(没人能分辨出来的)Joey: My mom will.Chandler: Something so sweet and...disturbing about that.Joey: Y'know, I've done nothing but crappy plays for six years.And I finally get my shot(镜头), and I blow it!(我搞砸了!)Monica: Maybe this wasn't your shot.Ross: Yeah, I mean...I think when it's your shot, y'know, you-you know it's your shot.Did it...feel like your shot..? Joey: Hard to tell, I was naked.Phoebe: No, I don't think this was your shot.I mean, I don't even think you just get one shot.I really believe big things are gonna happen for you, I do!You've gotta just keep thinking about the day that some kid is gonna run up to his friends and go 'I got the part!I got the part!I'm gonna be Joey Tribbiani's ass!'.Joey: Yeah? That's so nice!(They hug.)(Ross and Chandler look at each other and hug as well.)Monica: I'm sorry, Joey.I'm gonna go to bed, guys.All: Night.Rachel: Uh, Mon, you-you gonna leave your shoes out here? Monica:(determined)Uh-huh!Rachel: Really? Just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner?(就这样粗枝大叶随随便便地乱丢?)
Monica: Doesn't matter, I'll get 'em tomorrow.Or not.Whenever.(He goes to her room.)Ross: She is a kook.Closing Credits [Scene: Monica's Bedroom, she's lying in bed wide awake.(睁大眼睛)] Monica:(hums for a while, then gives up, and in her head)If it bothers you that much, just go out and get the shoes.No.Don't do this.This is stupid!I don't have to prove anything, I'm gonna go get them...But then everyone will know.Unless I get them, and then wake up really early and put them back!...I need help!(She buries her head in her pillow.)Phoebe: All you want is a dinkle.(你所需要的是叮咚.)Joey: Not that song.Chandler and Ross: All you envy’s a schwang.Joey: Come on, you guys.All: A thing through which you can tinkle, Or play with, or simply let hang...
The first act(Abruzzi and T-bag coming)Abruzzi: Michael, i didn't see you at class.What wrong with you? Michael: I don't want to study,the college life make me feel confused.There is not care of parents and teachers.After class, the things I can do is only to play computer and sleep.I don't know what kind of person I want to be.Abruzzi: Don't say that, You know your family your friends all hope you can do a successful life.You are only twenty years old, don't you want to realize your dream.Just have a little faith, man.Michael: yeah!you are right.I will try.(Sara is coming)T-bag: Ou, Sara, Why are you wear a face mask.Do you want to rob a rank.Sara: No!I just want to rob you for my dinner.T-bag: It's not a good idea, You know I don't have money pay for a dinner.Sara: Okay!Thanks for gods, I pardon you for this time.Let's go, guys, don't you feel hungry.The second act(Michael and Abruzzi)Abruzzi: Michael, behaving well inside, take care of yourself.Michael: I know I should not do this.I know it's against the law!But I really have no choice.I just want to make a living for my family.(Sara and T-bag are coming)Sara: Are you sure to go there.Michael: What can I do? I'm guilty.If I studied hard that time, the result will be change.So, take care of the family while I'm gone.Thanks.The third act(studying, Michael is coming)Michael: Can I join in your discussion.T-bag: Of course, you can.Sara: What happened? You come there for study.Michael: Nothing, I just figured out about myself.So go on, What are you talking about?
The fourth act
T-bag: Sara and I prepare a play, Are you interested to take a look at them? Abruzzi and Michael: yeah!(Sara and T-bag playing)Sara: Once there is a sincere love putted before my love.曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我面前 T-bag: I don’t care.我没有珍惜 Sara: when I lost it.当我失去她时
T-bag: I regretted, but ir was too late,我才后悔莫及
Sara: If god would give me another chance.如果上天给我一个再来一次的机会 T-bag: I will give that girl three words
我会对她说三个字 All: singing!
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.]
Monica: Oh my God!Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot.I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week.I mean, how clean can teeth get? Monica: My brother's going through that right now, he's such a mess.How did you get through it? Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her-Monica:-leg? Paul:(laughing)That's one way!Me, I-I went for the watch.Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow!The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded by boyfriend's favorite bath towel.讲解
在倾听Paul讲述自己被甩的经历时,Monica不时地发出Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!)的惊叹声。英语口语中类似表示惊叹的句子还有很多。如果某天突然遇到多年没有音信的老友,想必你也会这样惊叹道:For the love of Mike,I didn’t expect to meet you here!(老天爷!我做梦也没想到竞在这儿遇见你!)当然你也可以像Monica那样用Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!),或用I can’t believe it!(真叫人难以置信!)My goodness!(天哪!)Oh,that's incredible!(哦,简直不可思议!)What a surprise!(真出人意料!)Gee!(哎呀!)等等来表达你此时惊讶的心情。
记得前些日子与朋友聊起生活中的奇闻轶事。当听说有人活吞了一只老鼠时,朋友两眼圆睁,脱口而出:What,eat a rat alive?(什么!活吞一只老鼠?)类似的表达方式还有:Oh,no!How dreadful!(哦,不!太可怕了!)Youmust be kidding!(你一定是开玩笑!)Really?(真的吗?)It can't be!(这不可能!)等等。
女友跟别人好上了,自己却浑然不知。Paul说:I'm such an idiot.(我真是个大白痴。)Monica由此想起了哥哥Ross由于跟同性恋的妻子分手而整日魂不守舍,便说:My brother's going through that right now,he's such a mess.(我哥哥正被此事所扰,他真是不可救药的大笨蛋。)mess一词在此并不是指我们通常所理解的脏或乱的状态,而是形容某个人是不可救药的傻瓜或笨蛋。比如说:Honey,I can never follow what you really mean.I'm a mess.意思是说:亲爱的,我总不能领会你的本意,我好混啊!
但就像我们一直所强调的那样,任何事都不能枉下论断。前几日正在陪宝宝玩耍的丈夫跑过来喊道:Come on,there's a mess in our baby's diapers.(快过来呀,宝宝在尿布上拉屎了。)如果此时你把mess理解成傻瓜,在别人眼里你岂不turn into a mess?(成了不可救药的蠢蛋?)关于mess一词的其他用法,请参考本书“5-24每个人都会紧张”这一单元。经典对白及讲解之二:
故事梗概 本集的另一情节围侥Ross展开,由于Ross的妻子Carol是同性恋,两人离了婚.但Ross为此深受打击,无法面对现实,认定自己再婚无望,整日一付失魂落魄的样子.Chandler和Joey竭力宽慰Ross,鼓励他“不要在一棵树上吊死”,要鼓起勇气重新寻找幸福„„
Chandler: Look, Ross, you gotta understand, between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento.You, however have had the love of a woman for four years.Four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out, and that is why we don't do it!I don't think that was my point!Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if
there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman-and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman-for her...Joey: What are you talking about? 'One woman'? That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Lemme tell you something, Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.讲解:
Chandler想规劝Ress放弃婚姻的念头,因为:Four yvars of closeness and sharing at the end ofwhich she ripped your heart out...(四年之中你们亲亲密密,有福同享,有难同当,可到头来她却让你如此心碎„„)英语中我们通常也用break one's heart来表示“令某人心碎”。但相对而言,rip one's heart out所表示的程度更强烈些。
Heart一词非常活用,它能跟其他词构成多种常用的表达方式。如果有人跟你说:You know what?Yesterday 1 witnessed a car accident,and my heart was in my mouth when I saw the bloody scene.(你知道吗?昨天我目睹了一场车祸,那血淋淋的场面把我吓得要命。)这句话千万不能根据字面意思直接翻译过来理解,否则会闹出笑话。如果你想夸赞一个人有一副好心肠,可以说:You've got a heart of gold.反之则为:You've got d heart of stone.(你真是铁石心肠。)相互钟情的男女都会彼此wear their heart on their sleeve(流露爱意);单相思
(lovesickness)的人往往set his heart on love(渴望得到爱情);被恋人.Dump(甩掉)的人则会cry his heart out(痛哭流涕)。和heart相关的词语还有很多,大家可以在学习中多多积累。You get what you put in.(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。)
Ross担心:What if there's only one woman for everybody?(假如一个男人一生中只能有一个女人怎么办?)那离婚后的他岂不永远成为孤家寡人?为打消Ross的顾虑,Joey说:What are you talking about?One woman?That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Lemme tell you something.Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.(你在说什么呢!只有一个女人?你这就等于说你只能吃一种口味的冰激凌。Ross听我说,有千百种口味的冰激凌等着挑选呢。)Joey想通过冰激凌这个比喻来让Ross明白男人不能在一棵树上吊死,女人千千万,关键他得有勇气变换不同的口味,尝试去跟不同的女人交往。
美国最有名的冰激凌是Howard Johnson's公司的二十八种口味(28Flavors)及Baskin Robbins公司的三十一种口味(3l Flavors)冰激凌。冰激凌的容器叫dish,我们常说a dish ofice cream(一盘冰激凌),但是冰激凌店零售外卖时则用a scoop ofice cream(一勺冰激凌),不能说a bowl ofice cream或a glass of ice cream。我们在KFC及冰激凌店常见的圣代英文叫Sundae,是指加有压碎的坚果、水果、果汁、糖浆等的冰激凌。香蕉船的英文名字叫Banana Split,是将一根香蕉劈成两半,平放在玻璃容器内,上面放三种不同口味的圣代,看起来像是一只香蕉船。Baked Alaska有人翻译成火烧冰激凌,这是一种冰激凌及果冻的组合物,上面覆以海绵蛋糕及一层厚厚的蛋白甜糕,食用前先放在烤箱中烤成黄褐色,也可以加上各种新鲜水果作为点缀。想必这些描述已经make your mouth water(让你直流口水了),那就赶紧去stuff your face(吃个痛快)吧!
Rnchel以逃跑的新娘(runaway bnide)形象出现在众人面前。就在自己的婚礼开始之前,Rnchel逃离了婚礼现场,前来投奔她惟一认识的高中校友Monica。此时的Rnchel没有工作,手头拮据。然而,找工作连遭失政的命运似乎并没有影响她购物的欲望。仰仗由父亲买单的信用卡,Rachel花钱依然大手大脚。大家都劝Rachel马上毁掉信用卡以便早日独立„„ 经典对白3:
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table.Rachel's credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors.]
Rachel: Oh God, come on you guys, is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charging anytime I want.Monica: C'mon, you can't live off your parents your whole life.Rachel: I know that.That's why I was getting married.Phoebe: Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time.Rachel: Thank you.一直依赖父母生活的Rachel并不想马上自立,为此Monica鼓励她把信用卡都毁掉以便独立:c'mon,you can’t live off your parents your whole life.(动手吧,你总不能靠父母一辈子呀。)美国人有强烈的独立精神。他们通常不仰仗个人的社会背景或家庭出身去获得成功。如果你靠pull some strings,也就是我们中国人所说的靠“走后门”来出人头地定会遭到多数美国人的鄙夷,因为他们坚信个人的学识(knowledge)、智慧(wisdom)、创造精神(creativity)以及良好的品性(moral character)才是成功必不可少的条件。
因此Monica他们一再鼓励Rachel跟信用卡说bye-bye。C’mon是come on的缩略形式。曾经听一位在美国留学的同学抱怨说在那里说英语似乎总是比听懂英语容易。造成这个问题的主要原因是缩略形式在英语中的广泛运用。毫无准备的听者往往听不懂这些词,加上缩略语使得语速加快,理解英语便成了大难题。相信不懂缩略语的读者很难猜出这句话的意思:dj’ask’cr yet?其实这句话用标准英语表达很简单:Did you ask her yct?再比如:Dushi speak English?相当于:Does she speak English?其他常见缩略形式包括:va=are you,’cause=because,dunno=don't know,gimme=give me,’n=and等等。C’mon,不管是缩略语还是英语中的其他困难,只要你能keep your chin up(不灰心丧气),Everything's gonna bc fine.(一切都会好起来的。)
尽管大家再三给Rachel加油鼓劲,她仍然犹豫不决。这时Phoebe说道:Give her a break,it's hard being on your own for the first time.(别逼她了。你们第一次独立的时候不也费了好大的劲。)
break用作名词时会使很多人联想英语课堂上老师常说的一句话:Time is up.Let's have a break.意思是说:本堂课结束了,课间休息一下吧。break在此的意思为“课间休息”,“间歇,停顿”。比如说现在很多公司都给员工提供tea break(用茶休息时间);电视台靠break for the commercial(插播商业广告的间歇)盈利;如果你work for 10 hours without a break before computers(不间断地在电脑前工作10小时)则对你的健康极为不利。然而如果照此意思来理
解give sb.a break就会大错特错。give sb.a break用于口语,其意思是“给某人一个机会;放某人一马;不难为某人”。作为老师每每考试之后都会听到学生说类似的话:老师帮帮忙让我过了吧,否则我就得重读二年级了。这句话用英文表达就是:Give me d break and pass me,or else I’ll have to bc a sophomore again.但万事都不是绝对的,有时一句Give me a break!或Gimmc a break!则表示不相信别人胡诌乱编,相当于:得了吧!别拿我当傻子!收起你那套噱头!因此对英语语言的理解不能take everything for granted(把一切都想当然),否则会让人笑掉大牙。