
时间:2019-05-15 11:47:06下载本文作者:会员上传


写好英语作文的关键是套用句型,背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构!背诵这篇英语作文道歉信-A Letter of Apology,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!

1.A Letter of Apology


You have made an appointment with your teacher, but failed to keep it.Write a letter to your teacher to

1)apologize for your failure to keep the appointment,2)explain your reason to your teacher, and

3)express your wish to make another appointment.Dear Prof.Wang,I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our appointment.I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you much trouble.I do reckon that at present any explanation is pale and futile.However I do not want you to misunderstand me.On my way to your office, an old lady suddenly fainted due to heart attack on the bus.I stopped a taxi and sent her into a nearby hospital.I stayed there until her son came, which spoiled our appointment.I am aware that our appointment is of importance.I do hope that you would be kind enough to spare your valuable to meet me.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely Yours

2.A Letter of Complaint投诉信


You have bought a brand-new computer in a store.But much to your disappointment, it could not be properly operated when you got it back.Write a letter to the manager:

1)giving complaints,2)describing the problems,3)and asking for some compensations.Dear manager,I write this letter to you to make some complaints about the computer I bought in your store yesterday afternoon.There' s something wrong with it.That makes me extremely unhappy.The computer cannot be properly shut down when I got it back to the office.When I click the shutdown button, it seems that the machine gives no response.And I'm so annoyed with it.It's obvious that you didn' t carefully examine the machine before you sold it.I think your store should take full responsibility for selling me the defective machine.I insist that you give me a satisfactory reply.I do want you to give back my money as soon as possible.Sincerely yours, 3.A Letter of Appeal 呼吁信


Over the past years, we have witnessed destructions of various kinds caused by human actions.As a university student, write a letter to our society to

1)enumerate present severe condition,2)state the necessity of social concern, and

3)suggest the counter-measures.To everyone on our planet,Over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings.Several days ago, tsunami(海啸)has swept the Southeast Asia, which has caused enormous damage.All these have sounded an alarm to human beings.The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people’s concern all over the world.If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home.What’s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.Counter-measures must be taken to curb the destruction caused by human beings.Most importantly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in destructive conducts.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming



1.I'm terribly sorry.我非常抱歉。

2.Sorry.It was all my fault.对不起,都是我的错。

3.Please don't be mad at me.求你了,别生我的气。

4.Please forgive me.请原谅我吧!

5.I'm sorry.I didn't mean to offend you.对不起,我不是故意要冒犯你。

6.How can I make it up to you?


7.It's my fault.I really feel bad about it.是我错了。我真的很抱歉。

8.I just don't know what to say.我真不知道该说什么好。

9.I shouldn’t have done that.我真不该那么做。



1.1 通知腾讯



权利人的姓名(名称)、联系方式、地址及营业执照(单位)、身份证(个人)、相关授权证明等证明权利人主体资格的材料; 权利人如委托他人代理投诉的,还需提供授权委托书,以及代理人姓名(名称)、联系方式、地址及营业执照(单位)、身份证(个人)、相关代理人职务身份证明(公司授权书、介绍信等证明代理人职务身份及公司授权代理人代表公司办理相关投诉事务)等证明代理人主体资格的材料。(2)权利人要求

权利人投诉侵权的微信公众帐号信息,以及相关投诉事项说明。(3)构成侵权的初步证明材料 该初步证明材料应包括:




通知书及相关证明材料准备时需注意的事项以及投寄地址详见下文注意事项中的说明。1.2 腾讯反馈





I.将前述全部的纸质版本材料扫描后通过电子邮件发送至腾讯指定电子邮箱: notice-mp@qq.com


地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区科技园科技中一路腾讯大厦 法务部 邮编:518057(4)本指引中权利人的书面通知书,均应包括通知书本身及相关的主体资格材料、权属证明、侵权证明等材料。





Dear...I am delighted to learn that.....Unfortunately, I have some imperative reasons obliging me not able to......I am writing this letter to send my sincere apology to you.开宗明义,先写你很开心的事情,比如收到对方的邀请,比如得知你被对方公司录取,再一转,说你不能赴约或来工作之类,希注意表达,灵活处理。

I planned to....when......However, I.......ten days ago.主体段落,写表明你原来(PLANNED)是想要去的,结果十天前得知一个什么东西导致你不得不去,内容自己发挥了,希望写些不让人反感的东西,不要写有更好的选择,最好写家里不同意,学校保研之类,并写下你的争取和曲折过程。

I hope you can kindly understand my reasons and apologize for the troubles I have made again.If there is a chance, would you please allow me to make some amends?

Your considerate understanding is greatly appreciated.Best regards!


My fellow students:

I am honored to have the opportunity standing here to call for a significant event.First of all, please allow me to introduce myself to you all.My name is @@@, the president of the student`s union.As we all know......把呼吁的事情陈述出来,进来有曲折感,用对比法,说以前好,现在的问题。可能是帮助同学,也可能是环境问题,捐助之类。

I hope all of you can be generous to......Let us make painstaking efforts to........and I firmly believe that....第一个省略号写需要大家出什么力,比如捐款,比如宣传;第二个说来解决这个问题,第三个写你的期望,比如会变更好,会迅速解决。

Your kindness is appreciated and will be surely rewarding.Best regards!



Only if we.......can our society/campus become a more...for you, for me, for everybody to live/study in!

第一个省略号写我们应该做的事情,比如说一起努力,比如说更加关注什么问题,如:Only if we make unwavering(坚定不移的)and constant efforts


Only if we pay more attention to environmental protection/....第二个省略号写我们这样了我们的社会或者校园或者大自然会变成一个更怎么的什么东西,如

can our society become a more harmonious heaven(我们的社会变成更和谐的天堂)or

can our mother nature become a more beautiful wonderland(我们的大自然母亲变成一片更美丽的热土)


第五篇:2013高三英语作文 呼吁社会爱心捐助








Dear editor,I’m a student of Senior Three.Not long ago, I learned that a ten-year-old boy of Guizhou was

taking care of his seriously sick mother in hospital alone from CCTV, by which I was deeply

moved.Yours sincerely,Li Hua



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